Leah Adelson
Asst Professor - Educator
Clifton Court Hall, 5266
Email adelsolh@ucmail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
Dr. Leah Adelson is the Coordinator of Beginning Intensive Spanish (SPAN1001-1002) and teaches Spanish language in the Department of Romance and Arabic Languages and Literatures. Previously, she has worked as a Spanish and Portuguese instructor at Georgetown University where she taught courses in language, linguistics, and language teaching methodology. Her research interests include second/foreign language pedagogy, third language acquisition, teacher training, and online teaching and learning.
Ph.D.: Georgetown University (Spanish Linguistics)
M.S.: Johns Hopkins University (Educational Studies)
B.A.: Hamilton College (Hispanic Studies; Anthropology)
Peer Reviewed Publications
Adelson, L., & Simonnet Keen, G. (2023. ) F2F versus Online: Student perceptions of foreign language learning in the time of COVID-19 .Journal of Educators Online, , 20 (1 ) ,
Invited Presentations
Adelson, L. (04-2021. ) The Influence of Spanish on the Learning of Portuguese as a Third Language .Indiana University.
Ferreira, M. & Adelson, L. (04-2018. ) Teletandem: Virtual Immersion in Foreign Language Practice .Silver Spring Town Center & DC-Brasilia Partners of the Americas.
Paper Presentations
Adelson, L. (11-2022. ) Online Language Learning in a Pandemic: Lessons From Student Perceptions .Boston, MA. Level:National
Adelson, L. (03-2022. ) Crosslinguistic influence from Spanish in L3 Portuguese noun production .Pittsburgh, PA.
Adelson, L. (11-2021. ) The Influence of Spanish on Vocabulary Learning in Portuguese .Virtual.
Adelson, L. & Ferreira, M. (04-2021. ) Foreign Language Learning and Intercultural Exchange Online through Teletandem .Virtual.
Adelson, L. (11-2020. ) Promoting Speaking and Language Creativity with Silent Films .Virtual.
Adelson, L. (10-2019. ) Guest Speakers in the FL Classroom: Increasing Student Motivation & Language Skills .Washington, DC.
Balestra, P. & Adelson, L. (10-2019. ) Playing the Part: Culture & Communication in an end-of-course project .Washington, DC.
Contact Information
Academic - Clifton Court Hall, 5266