Robin Selzer

Robin Selzer


University Pavilion


CCPS Multidisciplinary Career Ed - 0115

Professional Summary

Associate Professor and Consultant with 22 years of experience leading to broad and deep knowledge of student engagement, strategic program management, and university operations. Consistently promoted for excellent performance. Recipient of numerous leadership awards and recognized for commitment to diversity, inclusion and social justice.

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PhD: Loyola University Chicago Chicago, Illinois, 2006 (HIgher Education Administration)

Master of Arts: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 1999 (School and Community Counseling)

Bachelor of Arts: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 1996 (Sociology)

Research and Practice Interests

Women's Leadership, Social Justice Education/Anti-Racism/Diverity, Equity, and Inlcusion, Intercultural Development, Pre-Health/Pre-Med Student Advising, and Gallup CliftonStrengths 

Qualitative Research Methods: Authoethnography/Collaborative Authoethnography, Phenomenological Interviewing, Scholarly Personal Narrative

Positions and Work Experience

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