Linda S Baas , PhD, MSN
Nurse Practitioner, Heart Failure and Transplant Program
Professor Emeritus, Adjunct, College of Nursing, Adult Health Department
University of Cincinnati Medical Center
234 Goodman Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267
Phone 513-584-7217
Post MSN Certificate: University of Cincinnati-College of Nursing 1999 (Acute Care NP)
Doctoral Degree: University of Texas 1992 (Nursing/ Adult Health)
Master's Degree: University of Alabama 1980 (MSN Nursing/ Cardiovascular)
Bachelor's Degree: Miami University 1979 (BSN Nursing)
Diploma: Jewish Hospital School of Nursing 1969 (Nursing)
Positions and Work Experience
2009 -To Present Director of Nursing Research, (joint appointment), The Christ Hospital, 2139 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45219
2009 -To Present Associate Director , Center for Collaborative Nursing Practice Research (joint appointment), The University of Cincinnati-College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH 45221
2004 -2009 Professor, The University of Cincinnati-College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH 45221
1997 -2004 Associate Professor,Tenured, The University of Cincinnati-College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH 45221
1992 -1997 Assistant Professor, The University of Cincinnati-College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH 45221
1999 -2009 Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, Heart Failure and Transplant Program-Part time, Flexible position, University Hospital, Cincinnati, OH 45267
1991 -1998 Clinical Nurse I, Coronary Care Unit, PRN Position, University Hospital, Cincinnati, OH 45221
1990 -1992 Visiting Assistant Professor, Miami University- Department of Nursing, Oxford, OH 45056
1989 -1990 Teaching Assistant, University of Texas School of Nursing, Austin, TX 78702
1989 -1990 Staff Nurse, Coronary Care Unit, PRN Position, Brakenridge Hospital, Austin, TX 78702
1982 -1989 Cardiac Clinical Nurse Specialist, University Hospital- Consultation Department, Cincinnati, OH
1986 - Acting Head Nurse, University Hospital, Cincinnati, OH 45267
1980 -1982 Director, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Jewish Hospital, Cincinnati, OH 45227
1980 - Assistant Director, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Jewish Hospital, Cincinnati, OH 45227
1979 -1980 Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Alabama- School of Nursing, Birmingham, AL 35221
1974 -1979 Staff Nurse, MICU/CCU, Veteran's Administration Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH 45227
1974 - Staff Nurse, St. Francis Hospital, Cincinnati, OH 45219
1972 -1974 Staff Nurse, ICU/Recovery Room 1 South, Surgical Unit , Jewish Hospital, Cincinnati, OH 45227
1969 -1972 Assistant Head Nurse/ Staff Nurse, ICU/Recovery Room 1 South, Surgical Unit , Jewish Hospital, Cincinnati, OH 45227
1981 -1982 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Miami University- College of Applied Sciences- Department of Nursing,
Research Support
Investigators:Baas, L., Conway, G. No Funding Sought Self Efficancy and Knowledge of Nurses Caring for Patients with Heart Failure. Completed
Investigators:Baas, L. 2001 -To Present Aetna Exercise in Diastolic Heart Failure. Role:PI-Wagoner, L.
Investigators:Beery, T., Wizer, M., Allen, G. 2003 -To Present University of Cincinnati Dean’s Award Does Body Awareness Improve Outcomes in Heart Failure? Role:PI- Baas, L. $5,000
Investigators:Beery, T., Wizer, M., Allen, G. 2003 University Research Council Award Does Body Awareness Improve Outcomes in Heart Failure? Role:PI- Baas, L. $2,500
Investigators:Beery, T., Ware, S. 06-1998 VQ Corp. Accuracy of a Quick Patch Precordial Lead System in Patients with Heart and Lung Diseases. Role:PI- Baas, L. $44,120
Investigators:Baas, L. 05-1998 University of Cincinnati College of Nursing and Health Rabinowitz Fund Living with an Implanted Left Ventricular Assist Device. Role:PI-Beery, T. $1,500
Investigators:Baas, L. 05-1998 Beta Iota Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau Living with an Implanted Left Ventricular Assist Device. Role:PI-Beery, T. $750
1994 -1995 University of Cincinnati Challenge Grant Award Changes in Quality of Life, Self Care, and Outcomes in Persons with Heart Failure Treated Medically or with Transplant. Role:PI- Linda Baas $32,000
Ohio Affiliate of the American Heart Association Changes in Quality of Life, Self Care, and Outcomes in Persons with Heart Failure Treated Medically or with Transplant. Role:PI- Baas, L. $59,990
1992 -1993 University of Cincinnati College of Nursing and Health- Rabinowitz Foundation Refinement of the Self Care Resource Inventory Role:PI-Baas, L. $1,000
University of Cincinnati Summer Research Fellowship Award Refinement of the Self Care Resource Inventory Role:PI- Baas, L. $2,000
Investigators:Hickey, C., Beery, T. 1992 -1993 Greater Cincinnati Chapter of AACN Pacemaker Electrode Care and Safety Survey Role:PI- Baas, L. $335 Completed
Investigators:Hickey, C., Beery, T. 1992 -1993 Beta Iota Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau Pacemaker Electrode Care and Safety Survey Role:PI- Baas, L. $1,000 Completed
Investigators:Hickey, C., Beery, T. 1992 -1993 Meredith Schreiber Foundation of Bethesda Hospital Pacemaker Electrode Care and Safety Survey Role:PI- Baas, L. $800 Completed
-03-1992 Beta Iota Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau The Relationship of Self Care Resources, Self Care Knowledge, Activity Level and Life Satisfaction in Persons After A Myocardial Infarction. Role:PI- Baas, L. $500 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Baas, L.S. (Phases II and III),Lameier, D.M., and Allard, K.S. Physio-Control Attitudes, Skill Retention and Clinical Application of Automatic Advisory Defibrillators in Non-critical Care Areas Role:PI- Baas, L. (Phase I) $100,000
1983 -1985 Cobe Inc. Nosocomial Infections Related To Four Types of Hemodynamic Monitoring Role:PI- Sommers, L., Co-PI - Baas, L., Beiting, A.
Investigators:Allen, G.A., Baas, L.S. 1981 -1982 Two Types of Memory Errors Are Possible When Taking Medications
Published Abstracts
Beery, T.A., Baas, L.S., Matthews, H., Burroughs, J., Henthorn, R. (2004. ) Age, but not gender differences are seen in adjustment to implanted devices. Heart Rhythm, 2 (1S ) ,S105Co-Author
Baas, L.S., Conway, G., Dietrich, D, Rozin J., Bell, B., Giesting, R., Hauntz L, Hoffman, R.O., Hess, K. (2003. ) Self efficacy of nurses caring for patients with heart failure. Journal of Cardiac Failure, 9 (5 Suppl ) ,S95Co-Author
Al-Nsair, N., Baas, L.S., Roll, S., Lynne E. Wagoner (2003. ) Predicting maximum oxygen consumption in older women with diastolic failure .[Abstract]Journal of Cardiac Failure, 9 (5 Suppl ) ,S18Co-Author
Hoffman, R.O., Baas, L.S., Wagoner, L.E., Conway, G.A. (2003. ) The relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI) and changes in left ventricular function with aggressive medical management .[Abstract]Journal of Cardiac Failure, 9 (5 Suppl ) ,S112Co-Author
Hoffman, R.O., Baas, L.S., Wagoner, L.E., Hauntz, E.A., Crawford, J.A., & Conway, G.A. (2003. ) Impact of physiological and functional outcomes of heart failure patients treated and managed by a multi-disciplinary team .[Abstract]Journal of Cardiac Failure, 9 (5 Suppl ) ,S112Co-Author
Beery, T.A., Mathews, H., Church, J., Henthron, R.W., Burroughs, J.M., and Baas, L.S. (2003. ) Psychometric properties of the Implanted Device Adjustment Survey .[Abstract]Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, 26 (4, Part II ) ,992Co-Author
Baas, L.S., Hoffman, R.O., Allen, G.A., Beery, T.A., Wagoner, L.E., & Hertz, J.E. (2002. ) Is autonomy related to quality of life in persons with heart failure? .[Abstract]Journal of Cardiac Failure, 8 (4, Suppl. ) ,S71Co-Author
Baas, L.S., Allen, G.A., Beery, T.A., Fontana, J.A,. Menon S., and Wagoner, L.E. (2001. ) Changes in depression over one year in persons with heart failure. Journal of Cardiac Failure, 7 (3, Suppl 2 ) ,S81Co-Author
Baas, L.S., Fontana, J.A., Beery, T.A., Allen, G.A., Al-Nasair, N & Abraham, W.T. (2000. ) Body awareness is not related to somatization and negative moods in persons with heart failure. .[Abstract]Journal of Cardiac Failure, 6 (3 ) ,77Co-Author
Whiting, J.F., Martin, J., Dewan, N., Baas, L., & Nabel, M.R. (2000. ) Development and multicenter validation of a quality of life instrument for transplant recipients. Transplantation, 67 (7 ) ,S187Co-Author
Baas, L.S., Fontana, J.A., & Beery, T.A. What quality of life measure should be used to assess outcomes of persons with heart failure? .[Abstract]Journal of Cardiac Failure, 5 (3 ) ,77Co-Author
Baas, L.S., Fontana, J., Beery, T., Hess, D., Meintel, L., Wagoner, L., Bhat. G. (1997. ) Is There a Relationship Among Mood, Perceived Sleep, And Well-being in Persons With Heart Failure? .[Abstract] International Journal of Heart Failure., Co-Author
Baas, L.S., Fontana, J., Beery, T., Hess, D., Meintel, L., Wagoner, L., Bhat. G. (1997. ) Predictors of Depression in Heart Failure. .[Abstract]International Journal of Heart Failure., Co-Author
Baas, L.S., Fontana J.A, Hess, D., & Bhat, G. (1996. ) The impact of physical and emotional symptoms on types of activity performed by persons with heart failure. Journal of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, 16 (5 ) ,300Co-Author
Fontana, J. & Baas, L.S. (1996. ) Validity of three measures of vigor in persons with heart failure. Journal of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, 16 (5 ) ,309Co-Author
Fontana, J., Baas, L.S., & Sommers, M.S. (1995. ) The role of planned exercise on perceptions of health and vigor in heart failure. Circulation, 92 (8 ) ,I-248Co-Author
Wagoner, L.E., Baas, L.S., Fontana, J.A., Kemen, R.M., Bhat, G. (1995. ) What is the relationship between quality of life and exercise capacity in congestive heart failure .[Abstract]Circulation, 92 (8 ) ,I-402Co-Author
Wagoner, L.E., Baas, L.S., Kemen, R.M., Fontana, J.A., Bhat, G. Right ventricular ejection fraction predicts exercise capacity beter than left ventricular ejection fraction in congestive heart failure .[Abstract] Journal Investigative Medicine, 43 ,428ACo-Author
Beery, T, Hickey, C., & Baas, L. (1994. ) Infection precautions with temporary pacing leads. American Journal of Critical Care, 3 ,247Co-Author
Baas, L.S. (1992. ) Differences in reasons for activity after a myocardial infarction. Journal of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, 12 ,349Co-Author
Baas, L., Allard, K., & Lameier, D. (1990. ) Expanding nursing responsibilities during a cardiac arrest .[Abstract]Heart & Lung, 19 (3 ) ,302Co-Author
Sommers, M. S., Baas, L. S., & Beiting, A. M. (1985. ) Nosocomial infections related to four methods of hemodynamic monitoring .[Abstract]Heart & Lung, 14 (3 ) ,286-287Co-Author
Beiting, A. M., Baas, L. S., & Sommers, M. S. (1985. ) Nosocomial infections related to disposable transducers. American Journal of Infection Control, 13 (3 ) ,141Co-Author
Allen, G. A., & Baas, L. S. (1983. ) Two types of memory error are possible when taking medications. Co-Author
Peer Reviewed Publications
Beery, T, Baas, LS., Henthorn C. (2007. ) Self reported adjustment to implanted cardiac devices .Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, , 22 (6 ) ,516-524
Fowler, C., Kirschner M., Van Kuiken D., Baas L.S. (2007. ) Promoting self-care through symptom management: A theory-based approach for nurse practitioners .Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, , 19 ,221-227
Fowler, C, Baas, LS. (2006. ) Illness representations in patients with chronic kidney disease on maintenance hemodialysis .33 (2 ) ,174-187
Miller, K, Apold, S, Baas, L, Berner, B., Brill, E. (2005. ) Practice patterns among a selected group of nurse practitioners . The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, , 1 (2 ) ,94-97
Beery, T, Baas, L.S, Mathews, H, Burrough, J., Henthorn, R. (2005. ) Development of the Implanted Devices Adjustment Scale .Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, , 24 (5 ) ,242-248
Miller, K., Apold, S, Baas, L, Berner, B., Brill, E. (2005. ) Job satisfaction among nurse practitioners .The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, , 1 (1 ) ,30-33
Baas, L.S. (2004. ) Self care resources and activity as predictors of quality of life in persons after myocardial infarction .Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, , 23 (3 ) ,131-138
Baas, L.S. Beery, TA, Allen, GA, Wizer M., Wagoner, LE. (2004. ) An exploratory study of body awareness in persons with heart failure or transplant. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, , 19 (1 ) ,32-40
Baas, L.S., Beery, T.A., Allen, G.A., Ware, S., Lambda, S., and Abraham, W.T. (2003. ) Accuracy of the Precordial V-quick Patch in persons with cardiac or pulmonary disease .Journal of Emergency Medicine, , 24 (2 ) ,131-139
Baas, L.S., Bell, B.J., Giesting, R.A., McGuire, N., & Wagoner, L.E. (2003. ) Infections in the heart transplant recipient .Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America, , 15 ,97-108
Beery, T.A., Baas, L.S., Fowler, C, and Allen, G.A. (2002. ) Spirituality in persons with heart failure. Journal of Holistic Nursing., , 20 (1 ) ,5-26
Baas, L.S., Bell, B.J., Dudicks-Stuebbe, S., Giesting, R.A., & Wagoner, L.E. (2002. ) The challenge of managing the care of older heart transplant recipients. AACN Clinical Issues in Advanced Practice, ,
Fontana, J.A., Colella, C., Baas, L.S., & Ghazi, F. (2000. ) Tai’ Chi’ Chin as an intervention for heart failure . Nursing Clinics of North America, , 35 (4 ) ,1031-1046
Fontana, J., Colella, C., Baas, L., & Wilson, B. (2000. ) Energy expenditure of healthy persons performing three levels of Tai’Chi’Chin . Nursing Research, , 49 ,91-96
Baas, L.S., Beery, T., & Fontana, J. (1999. ) An exploratory study of developmental growth in adults with heart failure .Journal of Holistic Nursing., , 17 (2 ) ,117-138
Baas, L.S., Beery, T., & Hickey, C. (1997. ) Pacemaker care and electrical safety in intensive care and telemetry units . American Journal of Critical Care, , 6 (3 ) ,152-159
Baas, L.S., Fontana, J.A., & Bhat, G. (1997. ) Relationships between self care resources and the quality of life of persons with heart failure .Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing, , 12 (10 ) ,25-38
Beery, T., Baas, L.S., & Hickey, C. (1996. ) Infection precautions with temporary pacing leads: A descriptive study. .Heart & Lung, , 25 (3 ) ,182-189
Beery, T., & Baas, L.S. (1996. ) Medical devices and attachment: Holistic healing in the age of invasive technology .Issues in Mental Health Nursing, , 17 (3 ) ,233-243
Baas, L.S., Deges-Curl, E., Hertz, J., & Robinson, K. (1994. ) Innovative approaches to theory based measurement: Modeling and role modeling research. .Advances in Nursing Science Series: Advances in Methods of Inquiry for Nursing, , 5 ,147-159
Vanderbeek, J., Ulrich, D., Jaworski, R, Werner, L., Hergert, D., Beery, T., & Baas, L. (1994. ) Bringing nursing informatics into the undergraduate classroom. .Computers in Nursing, , 12 ,227-231
Baas, L. S. (1992. ) The influence and legacy of two nursing editors: An analysis of the writings of Janet Geister and Mary Roberts regarding the problems of private duty nursing. Journal of Professional Nursing, , 8 ,176-183
Griffith, H. M., Evans, M., Irvin, B., Thomas, N., Shinavier, B., Acton, G., Baas, L. et al. (1991. ) Nurses' perspectives on a National Health Plan. Nursing Outlook, , 39 (178-182 ) ,
Hickey, C., & Baas, L. S. (1991. ) Temporary pacing .AACN Clinical Issues in Critical Care Nursing, , 2 (1 ) ,107-117
Baas, L. S., & Johangten, M. (1988. ) Nursing grand rounds: Heart transplantation .Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, , 2 (2 ) ,68-72
Sommers, M. S., Baas, L. S., & Beiting, A.M. (1987. ) Nosocomial infection with four methods of hemodynamic monitoring .Heart & Lung, , 16 ,731-744
Baas, L. S., & Schneider, C. L. (1986. ) Temporary epicardial electrodes .Dimensions Of Critical Care Nursing, , 5 (2 ) ,80-92
Baas, L.S., & Allen, G.A. (1985. ) Memory error: Developing a new nursing diagnosis . Nursing Clinics of North America, , 20 ,731-744
Prasun, MA, Casida, J, Howie-Esquivel, J, Pozehl, B, Fahlberg, B, Johnson, C, Mock, J, Quinn, J, Yehle, K, Baas, L. (2012. ) Practice patterns of heart failure nurses .Heart and Lung, , 41 ,218-225
Other Publications
Baas, L.S. (1993. ) Close-up on pericarditis .Nursing 93, 23 (7 ) ,32H -32J
Baas, L.S. (1992. ) Advances in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. .Medical Surgical Nursing Quarterly, 1 (1 ) ,1-24
Kretten, C. & Baas, L. S. (12-1987. ) Valvular heart disease: Surgery and postop care .RN Magazine, 38-44
Baas, L. S. & Kretten, C. (11-1987. ) Valvular heart disease: Its causes, symptoms and consequences .RN Magazine, 30-36
Baas, L. S. (11-1981. ) Cardiac rehabilitation: The road to recovery .Life Support Nursing, 9-18
Baas, L. S. (1979. ) The woman's movement and critical care nursing: A parallel in time and changes .Focus on Critical Care, 6 (4 ) ,27-28
Baas, L. S. (1979. ) Nursing implication of the physiological monitoring of the patient with Prinzmetal's angina . Focus on Critical Care, 6 (1 ) ,20-21
Baas, L. S., & Goodnough, S. K. (1991. ) Cardiopulmonary emergencies . Springhouse Publications
Baas, L.S. (1998. ) Cardiovascular Series II . AACN-Williams and Wilkens Publishers.
Baas, L. S. (1994. ) Myocardial infarction. Cardiovascular Series (3rd ed.), AACN- Medi Sims Inc.
Baas, L. S. (1993. ) Cardiomyopathy .Cardiovascular series (2nd ed.), AACN- Medi Sims Inc.
Baas, L. S. (1992. ) Two cardiac case studies .Human responses to critical illness (2nd ed.), AACN- Medi Sims Inc.
Baas, L. S. (1990. ) Unit I Cardiovascular anatomy and physiology, Unit II Assessment and diagnostic tests, Unit III Acute care of the patient after myocardial infarction .Nursing Care of the Cardiac Patient, Medi-Sims Inc.
Baas, L. S. (1989. ) Myocardial infarction .Cardiovascular Series (2nd ed.), AACN- Medi Sims Inc.
Baas, L. S. (1988. ) Two cardiac case studies .Human responses to critical illness, AACN- Medi Sims Inc.
Baas, L. S. (1986. ) Myocardial infarction .Cardiovascular Series, AACN- Medi Sims Inc.
Published Books
Baas, LS (2011. ) ANCC Cardiovascular Certification Review Book .Silver Springs, MD. , ANCC Publication (Author)
Baas, LS. (2003. ) A century of caring: The Ohio Nurses Association . Columbus, OH , Ohio Nurses Foundation Press (Author)
Baas, LS. (1991. ) Essentials of cardiovascular nursing .Rockville, Md , Aspen (Author)
Book Chapter
Baas, L.S. & Smith, L. (2009 ) Evidence based nursing practice, holistic care and advanced practice nursing Exploring the Interface Between the Philosophy and Discipline of Holistic Nursing: Modeling and Role-Modeling at Work .(pp. 262-282).Cedar Parks, Tx, Unicorns Unlimited (Co-Author)
Baas, L.S. (2008 ) Prolonged bedrest All-in-One Care Planning Resource 2nd ed. (pp. 61-72).St. Louis, Mosby (Author)
Hertz, J.L. & Baas, L.S. (2006 ) Self-care: Knowledge, resources, and action Modeling and Role Modeling: A view from the client’s world . Cedar Parks, TX, Unicorn Books (Co-Author)
Baas, L.S. (2006 ) Caring for the patient on prolonged bedrest Manual of Medical Surgical Nursing 6th Ed. St. Louis, Mosby (Author)
Baas, L. S. (2004 ) Acute infective endocarditis, Acute pericarditis, Hypertensive crisis, Aortic aneurysm/dissection, Cardiogenic shock, Valvular heart disease, and Prolonged immobility Manual of critical care nursing: Nursing interventions and collaborative management (5th ed.) .St. Louis, Mosby (Author)
Baas, L.S. (2004 ) Prolonged bedrest All-in-One Care Planning Resource .(pp. 67-80).St. Louis, Mosby (Author)
Baas, L.S. & Conway, G.A. (2004 ) Psychosocial aspects of heart failure management Caring for the heart failure patient: A textbook for the healthcare professional .(pp. 197-209).London, Martin Dunitz Publishers (Co-Author)
Baas, L.S. (2003 ) Caring for the patient on prolonged bedrest Manual of Medical Surgical Nursing 5th Ed. St. Louis, Mosby (Author)
Baas, L. (2001 ) Midrange nursing theories and related non-nursing theories: Modeling and Role Modeling Core concepts in advanced practice nursing .(pp. 426-431).St. Louis, Mosby (Author)
Baas, L.S., Trupp, R., & Abraham, W.T. (2001 ) Supportive resources for the person with heart failure Improving outcomes in heart failure: An interdisciplinary approach .(pp. 201-218).Gaitherburg, MD, Aspen (Co-Author)
Baas, L.S. (2001 ) Acute infective endocarditis, Acute pericarditis, Hypertensive crisis, Aortic aneurysm/dissection, Cardiogenic shock, Valvular heart disease, and Prolonged immobility Manual of critical care nursing: Nursing interventions and collaborative management(4th ed.) .(pp. 74-83 -309-343).St. Louis, Mosby (Author)
Baas, L. S. & Ross, D. (1999 ) Caring for the patient on prolonged bedrest Manual of medical surgical nursing: Nursing interventions and collaborative management (4th ed.) .(pp. 738-747).St. Louis, Mosby (Co-Author)
Baas, L. (1999 ) Pacemakers Managing Major Diseases: Arrhythmias .(pp. 153-173).St. Louis, Mosby (Author)
Baas, L.S. (1999 ) Heart Failure Managing Major Diseases: Heart Problems .(pp. 156-168).St. Louis, Mosby (Author)
Baas, L.S. (1997 ) Aortic Aneurysm, Endocarditis, Hypertensive Crisis, Immobility, Pericarditis, and Shock (cardiogenic) Mosby’s Critical Care Nursing Consultant .(pp. 38-39 -140-141,212-213,238-241,312-313,368-369).St. Louis, Mosby (Author)
Baas, L.S. (1996 ) Care of the cardiac patient Andreoli's Comprehensive cardiac care (8th ed.) .(pp. 276-341).St. Louis, Mosby (Author)
Baas, L.S. & Ross, D. (1996 ) Caring for patients on prolonged bedrest. Mosby's Pocket Guide Series: Medical Surgical Nursing (2nd ed.) .(pp. 413-423).St. Louis, Mosby (Co-Author)
Baas, L.S. (1995 ) Acute infective endocarditis, Acute pericarditis, Hypertensive crisis, Aortic aneurysm/dissection, and Prolonged immobility Manual of critical care nursing: Nursing interventions and collaborative management (3rd ed.) .(pp. 333-362 -78-87).St. Louis, Mosby (Author)
Baas, L. S. & Struble, B.T. (1995 ) Cardiogenic shock Manual of critical care nursing: Nursing interventions and collaborative management (3rd ed.) .(pp. 362-374).St. Louis, Mosby (Co-Author)
Baas, L.S. & Ross, D.G. (1994 ) Caring for patients on prolonged bedrest Manual of medical-surgical nursing care: Nursing interventions and collaborative management (3rd ed.) .(pp. 711-719).St. Louis, C.V. Mosby Inc. (Co-Author)
Baas, L.S. & Shelton, B.K. (1994 ) Assessing patients: Musculoskeletal exam. PhotoLibrary .(pp. 147-162).Springhouse, PA, Springhouse Inc. (Co-Author)
Bixler, S.J., Possanza, C., & Baas, L.S. (1994 ) Providing basic and advanced life support: Learning about pacemakers (7 units related to pacing and electrograms) PhotoLibrary .(pp. 61-94).Springhouse, PA, Springhouse Inc. (Co-Author)
Baas, L. S. & Meissner, J. E. (1994 ) Cardiovascular care. In Illustrated manual of nursing practice (2nd ed.) .(pp. 171-326).Springhouse, PA, Springhouse Inc. (Co-Author)
Baas, L.S. (1993 ) Pericarditis In Teaching patients with acute conditions .Springhouse, PA, Springhouse Inc. (Author)
Baas, L.S. (1993 ) Cardiovascular assessment Health assessment in nursing (2nd ed.) .(pp. 282-333).Springhouse, PA, Springhouse Inc. (Author)
Baas, L.S. (1992 ) Pericarditis In Teaching patients with acute conditions. Springhouse, PA, Springhouse Inc. (Author)
Baas, L.S. (1992 ) Activity intolerance, Activity intolerance: Risk, and Infection: Risk. Nursing diagnosis in clinical practice: guides for care planning .(pp. 33-46 -331-334). Philadelphia, Delmar (Author)
Baas, L.S. (1991 ) Assessing and prescribing activity for the person with cardiac disease Essentials of cardiovascular nursing .(pp. 171-188).Rockville, Md, Aspen (Author)
Baas, L.S. (1991 ) Acute infective endocarditis, Acute pericarditis, Hypertensive crisis, Aortic dissection, Cardiogenic shock, and Caring for the patient on prolonged bedrest. Manual of critical care: Applying nursing diagnoses to adult critical illness (2nd ed.) .(pp. 116-151 -541-546).St. Louis, C.V. Mosby Inc. (Author)
Baas, L. S. & Meissner, J. E. (1991 ) Cardiovascular care. In Illustrated manual of nursing practice .(pp. 171-326).Springhouse, PA, Springhouse Inc. (Co-Author)
Baas, L. S. & Ross, D. (1990 ) Caring for the patient on prolonged bedrest. Manual of nursing therapeutics (2nd ed.) .(pp. 651-659).St. Louis, C.V. Mosby Inc. (Co-Author)
Baas, L.S. (1990 ) Infective Endocarditis, Pericarditis, and Myocarditis. In Patient teaching manual .Springhouse, PA, Springhouse Inc. (Author)
Baas, L.S. (1989 ) Cardiovascular assessment Health assessment in nursing .(pp. 282-333).Springhouse, PA, Springhouse Inc. (Author)
Baas, L.S. (1989 ) Cardiogenic shock Pocket guide to fluid and electrolytes .(pp. 185-189).St. Louis, C.V. Mosby (Author)
Baas, L.S. (1988 ) Acute infective endocarditis, Acute pericarditis, Hypertensive crisis, Aortic dissection, Cardiogenic shock, and Caring for the patient on prolonged bedrest Manual of critical care: Applying nursing diagnoses to critical care .(pp. 108-135 -506-511).St. Louis, C.V. Mosby (Author)
Baas, L. S., Allen, G. A., Sommers, M. S. & Beiting, A. M. (1987 ) Predictability of clinical indicators of infection. The classification of nursing diagnoses: Proceedings of the seventh conference .(pp. 234-238).St. Louis, C.V. Mosby (Co-Author)
Baas, L. S. & Allen, G. A. (1986 ) Memory error: A new nursing diagnosis. Classification of nursing diagnoses: Proceedings of the sixth national conference .(pp. 380-386).St. Louis, C.V. Mosby (Co-Author)
Invited Presentations
(08-24-2009. ) Pharmacodynamics, Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Pharmacology .Mortar and Pestal: A Pharmacology Review for Advanced Practice Nurses, ANCC, Washington, D.C..
(06-27-2009. ) Exercise and Heart Failure .American Association of Heart Failure Nurses, Fifth Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.
(09-23-2008. ) Cardiovascular Nursing Certification Review Seminar .Preconference at the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Indianapolis, IN.
(06-27-2008. ) Basics of Cardiac Assessment . American Association of Heart Failure Nurses, Fourth Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
(09-19-2007. ) Cardiovascular Nursing Certification Review Seminar .Preconference at the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Salt Lake City, UT.
(06-28-2007. ) The Physical Exam: Everything You Need to Know . American Association of Heart Failure Nurses Third Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
(06-2006. ) Evidence Based Practice .American Association of Heart Failure Nurses Second Annual Meeting, Miami, FL.
(06-2005. ) Exercise in Heart Failure .American Association of Heart Failure Nurses National Meeting, San Diego, CA.
(10-2003. ) Basic ECG Analysis .American College of Nurse Practitioners National Clinical Symposium, Cincinnati, OH.
(10-2003. ) Devices of the Heart .American College of Nurse Practitioners National Clinical Symposium, Cincinnati, OH.
(05-1992. ) Strategies to Humanize the Critical Care Unit .American Association of Critical Care Nurses National Teaching Institute (AACN NTI), New Orleans, LA.
(05-1991. ) Advances in Resuscitation .American Association of Critical Care Nurses National Teaching Institute (AACN NTI), Boston, MA.
(10-1989. ) Impaired Chronotropic Response & Revising Your Cardiac Rehab Program to Meet Changing Patterns in Reimbursement .Virginia Society of Cardiac Rehabilitation, Williamsburg, Va.
(05-1987. ) Assessing Adherence: Differential Nursing Diagnosis .American Association of Critical Care Nurses National Teaching Institute (AACN NTI), New Orleans, La.
(05-1986. ) Practice Based Research . American Nurses Association Preconvention Workshop Sponsored by the CNS and NP Councils, Anaheim, California.
(05-1986. ) The Nurse's Role in Autotransfusion .AACN NTI, Anaheim, Ca.
(05-1981. ) Cardiac Rehabilitation Skills Lab .AACN NTI, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Cardiovascular Certification Review Course .Sponsored by American Nurses Credentialing Center, at various sites around the country. Workshop. .
(06-01-1996. ) Chronic Cardiac Impairment .sponsored by UC College of Nursing and Health Continuing Education, Cincinnati, OH.
Heart Failure: Current Strategies for Effective Care . sponsored by Health UC and Wilmington Hospital, Wilmington, OH.
12 Lead ECG Interpretation .sponsored by Health UC, Georgetown, OH and Lebanon, OH.
(06-08-1993. ) Current Concepts in Heart Failure .sponsored by the AHEC and the American Heart Association, Georgetown, OH.
(05-08-1993. ) Current Concepts in Heart Failure .sponsored by the AHEC and the American Heart Association, Lebanon, OH.
Interpreting the 12 Lead ECG .sponsored by American Healthcare Institute, presented in 14 cities.
Cardiac Rehabilitation: Maximizing Patient Outcomes .sponsored by American Healthcare Institute, presented in 14 cities.
Coronary Artery Disease: Nursing Implications From Diagnosis Through Rehabilitation .sponsored by North American Seminar Associates, presented in 12 major cities.
Cardiac Rehabilitation: The Road to Recovery .sponsored by Medical Media Associates, presented in 10 cities.
Poster Presentations
Baas, L.S., Beery, T.A., Fontana, J.A. & Allen, G.A. (03-04-2001. ) Relative importance of dimensions of quality of life in persons with heart failure .MNRS,
Al-Nasair, N. & Baas, L.S. (03-04-2001. ) Do self care resources and stages of change predict activity level in persons with heart failure and transplant? .MNRS 25th Annual Research Conference,
Baas, L.S., Beery, T.A., & Fontana, J.A. (03-18-1999. ) A pilot study of body awareness in persons in heart failure. University of Texas at Austin Research Conference,
Baas, L.S., Fontana, J.A., Beery, T.A., and Goldy, D. (04-1999. ) Validity of quality of life and life satisfaction visual analog scales in persons with heart failure. .Midwest Nursing Research Society, Indianapolis, IN. .
Baas, L.S., Beery, T.A., Fontana, J.A. & Wagoner, L. (06-26-1998. ) Developmental growth of adults with heart failure .ANA, San Diego, CA. .
Baas, L.S., Mone, A.J., & Beery, T.A. (04-03-1998. ) Triangulating measures of body weight with the nutritional goals of persons with heart failure. Midwestern Nursing Research Society, Columbus, OH. .
Baas, L.S., Fontana, J.A., Beery, T., Hess, D.J., Meintel, L., Wagoner, L., and Bhat, G. (05-13-1997. ) Predictors of Depression in heart failure. .International Society of Heart Failure Fifth World Congress on Heart Failure, Washington, D.C.. .
Baas, L.S., Schatzman, C., & Sickler, J. (10-03-1996. ) Gender differences in resources needed and available after myocardial infarction .6th Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Modeling and Role-Modeling, Minneapolis, MN. .
Baas, L.S. (06-14-1996. ) Theoretical triangulation to examine self care and quality of life in persons with heart failure. American Nurses Association Council of Nurse Researchers, Scientific Sessions, Washington, D.C.. .
Baas, L.S., Beery, T., & Hickey, C. (04-01-1996. ) A national survey of electrical safety precautions used to protect patients with temporary pacing electrodes. Midwest Nursing Research Society, 20th Annual Conference, Detroit, MI. .
Baas, L.S., Fontana, J.A., Wagoner, L.E., & Bhat, G. (04-02-1996. ) Predictors of quality of life in heart failure. Midwest Nursing Research Society, 20th Annual Conference, Detroit, MI. .
Baas, L.S. (03-30-1993. ) Construct validity of the Self Care Resource Inventory .Midwest Nursing Research Society, Cleveland, OH. .
Baas, L.S. (03-30-1992. ) Psychometric properties of the Self Care Resource Inventory .Midwest Nursing Research Society, Chicago, IL. .
Baas, L.S., Vanderbeek, J., Beery, T., Jaworski, R., and Hergert, D. (05-15-1991. ) Simulating critical care experiences .American Association of Critical Care Nurses National Teaching Institute, Boston, MA. .
Baas, L.S., Allard, K., & Lameier, D. (04-1991. ) Expanding nursing responsibilities during a cardiac arrest .Beta Iota Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau Research Day, Cincinnati, OH. .
Baas, L.S., Allard, K., & Lameier, D. (05-18-1990. ) Expanding critical care nurses responsibilities during a cardiac arrest. American Association of Critical Care Nurses National Teaching Institute, San Francisco, CA. .
Baas, L.S., Allen, G.A., Sommers, M.S. and Beiting, A.M. (04-1986. ) Predictability of Clinical Indicators of Infection. The Seventh Conference on the Classification of Nursing Diagnoses, St. Louis, MO. .
Baas, L.S., Allen, G.A. (04-1984. ) Memory Error: A New Nursing Diagnosis .The Sixth Conference on the Classification of Nursing Diagnoses, St. Louis, MO. .
Allen, G. A., & Baas, L. B. (05-28-1983. ) Two types of memory error are possible when taking medications . The 149th National Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Detroit, MI. .
(05-12-2007. ) Early Nursing Leaders in Ohio .Columbus, OH.
(05-11-2007. ) Getting Started in Research .Ft. Thomas, KY.
(11-2002. ) Cardiac Risk Reduction & Exercise for Heart Health .Southern Ohio College, Brown County Campus, OH.
(04-2002. ) Research for the Critical Care Nurse .Cincinnati, OH.
with Joyce Fontana (01-15-2001. ) An Overview of Cardiac Drugs for Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, Coronary Artery Disease, and Heart Failure .
(10-12-1999. ) Differential Diagnosis of ST-T wave Changes on the 12 Lead ECG .Cincinnati, OH.
(03-11-1999. ) Women and Heart Disease .Columbus, OH.
(07-17-1996. ) The Impact of Patient Education on Cardiovascular Disease .Cincinnati, OH.
(12-28-1995. ) Cardiovascular Assessment .West Palm Beach, FL.
with Lynn Sommers and Dianne McPhillips (11-08-1995. ) Presenting Critical Care Nursing Topics: Strategies for Success .Cincinnati, OH.
(09-12-1995. ) 12 Lead ECG Interpretation for ER Nursing .Cincinnati, OH.
(08-1995. ) Cardiac Diagnostics, CAD, and MI .Cincinnati, OH.
(02-18-1995. ) Psychosocial Predictors of Positive Outcomes in Cardiac Rehabilitation .Cincinnati, OH.
(09-26-1994. ) SONA and You .Cincinnati, OH.
(08-31-1994. ) Ectopy versus Aberrancy .Cincinnati, OH.
(08-10-1994. ) Hypertension & Valvular Disease .Cincinnati, OH.
(02-18-1994. ) A New Look at Self Care: What We Can Learn From the Client .Cincinnati, OH.
(09-12-1993. ) Twenty years of Critical Care Nursing .Cincinnati, OH.
(03-24-1993. ) The Image of the Nurse - Part II .Cincinnati, OH.
(01-21-1993. ) The Image of the Nurse - Part I .Cincinnati, OH.
(09-1991. ) Getting Started in Research .Cincinnati, OH.
(12-1989. ) Interpreting 12 Lead ECG's .Austin, TX.
(04-1989. ) Update on Cardiovascular Nursing .Georgetown, Ohio.
(03-1989. ) Research: Practical Applications & Impaired Chronotropic Response .Cincinnati, OH.
(10-1988. ) SVO2 Monitoring .Cincinnati, OH.
(05-1988. ) Cardiovascular Review .Cincinnati, OH.
(10-1987. ) Management of Sternal Wound Infections .Cincinnati, OH.
(10-1987. ) Impaired Chronotropic Response .Cincinnati, OH.
(07-1987. ) Cardiac Risk Factors .Oxford, OH.
(05-1987. ) Autotransfusion .Cincinnati, OH.
Research and Networking in Nursing Diagnoses .Columbus, OH.
(02-1987. ) The Nursing Process in Smoking Cessation .Cincinnati, OH.
(01-1987. ) Nursing Care of the Patient With an Acute Myocardial Infarction .Georgetown, OH.
(02-1986. ) Cardiac Trauma .Cincinnati, OH.
(01-1986. ) Cardiac Assessment & Fluid and Electrolyte Assessment .Columbus, OH.
(11-1985. ) Care of the Heart Transplant Patient .Cincinnati, OH.
(10-1985. ) Nursing Diagnosis: Relevance to Practice .Columbus, OH.
(09-1985. ) Hemodynamic Monitoring & Coronary Artery Disease .Covington, Kentucky.
(04-1984. ) Cardiac Auscultation .Ft. Thomas, Kentucky.
(02-1984. ) Cardiac Assessment .Ft. Thomas, Kentucky.
(10-1983. ) Implementing Primary Care for the Cardiac Surgical Patien .Cincinnati, OH.
(09-1983. ) Nursing Care of the Patient with ASHD .Cincinnati, OH.
(07-1983. ) Advances in Cardiac Pacing .Columbus, OH.
(06-1983. ) CCRN Review of Cardiovascular Diseases and Nursing Care .Cincinnati, OH.
(04-1983. ) Pacemaker Advances .Columbus, OH.
(02-1983. ) Advances in Cardiac Diagnostic Testing .Columbus, OH.
(12-1982. ) Cardiac Rehabilitation: The Nurse's Role .Georgetown, OH.
(09-1982. ) Recognition and Immediate Management of the Patient in Cardiac Failure .Columbus, OH.
Cardiac Rehabilitation: Scope of the Problem & Cardiovascular Response to Exercise .
(04-1982. ) Pulmonary Hypertension .Cincinnati, OH.
(05-1982. ) Stress Management for Heart Health .Cincinnati, OH.
(08-1980. ) Basic and Advanced Arrhythmias .Birmingham, Alabama.
(06-1980. ) Nursing Implications in the Care of the Patient with Prinzmetal's Angina .Cincinnati, OH.
Paper Presentations
Baas, L.S. Fowler, C. (07-08-2006. ) Self Care Resources in Persons Undergoing Hemodialysis . Montreal, CA. Conference.
Baas, L.S., Roll, S., Conway, G, & Wagoner, L.E (07-14-2005. ) Self Care Resources in Older Women with Diastolic Dysfunction . Kona, HI. Conference.
Baas, L.S. and Fowler, C. (03-26-2005. ) Predictors of Quality of Life in Persons Undergoing Hemodialysis .Cincinnati, OH. Conference.
Beery, T.A., Matthews, H., Church, J., Haji, A., Baas, L.S. (05-2003. ) Psychometric Properties of the Implanted Device Adjustment Scale (IDAS) .Indianapolis, IN.
Baas, L.S., Berry, T.A., Allen, A. (2003. ) Do Self Care Needs, Resources, and Quality of Life Measures Change Over Time in Persons with Heart Failure Treated Medically of After Transplant? .Minneapolis, MN. Conference.
Berry, T.A., Matthews, H., Church, J., Baas, L.S. (2003. ) Psychometric Properties of the Implanted Device Adjustment Scale (IDAS) .Minneapolis, MN. Conference.
Beery, T.A., Baas, L. (03-04-2002. ) A Tool to Measure Adjustment to an Implanted Medical Device. .Minneapolis, MN. Conference.
Baas, L.S. (03-04-2002. ) Construct Validity of the Revised Self Care Resource Inventory. . Chicago, IL. Conference.
Baas, L.S. (04-06-2002. ) Interpreting the Factor Analysis of the Self Care Resource Inventory: Aims of Intervention or Affiliated Individuation? Building, Applying, and Disseminating Holistic Nursing Knowledge within the Context of Modeling and Role Modeling. Austin, TX.
Baas, L.S., Beery, T.A., & Allen, G.A. (03-05-2001. ) Accuracy of the precordial V-Quick Patch in persons with cardiac or pulmonary disease.
Beery, T.A. Fowler, C., & Baas, L.S. (03-03-2001. ) Spirituality in persons with heart failure.
Baas, L.S., Fontana, J.A., Beery, T.A., & Al-Nsair, N. (04-02-2000. ) Body awareness is not related to somatization and negative moods in persons with heart failure .Dearborn, MI.
Al-Nsair, N. and Baas, L.S. (04-1999. ) Is there a difference in stages of change and diet and exercise behaviors in persons with heart failure? .Indianapolis, IN.
Baas, L.S., Fontana, J.A., Beery. (10-02-1998. ) Developmental growth in persons with severe heart failure .Cincinnati, OH.
Baas, L.S., Fontana, J.A., Beery, T., Hedger, V., Hess, D.J., Wagoner, L., and Bhat, G. (04-02-1998. ) Does quality of life change over time in persons with heart failure? . Columbus, OH.
Baas, L.S. & Fontana, J.A. (10-1997. ) Energy expenditure in planned exercise and energy perceptions after heart transplantation .Dallas, TX.
Baas, L.S. (06-20-1997. ) Self Care Resources .Vancouver, BC.
Baas, L.S., Fontana, J.A., Beery, T., Hess, D.J., Meintel, L., Wagoner, L., and Bhat, G (05-13-1997. ) Is there a relationship among mood, perceived sleep, and well-being in persons with heart failure .Washington, D.C.
Baas, L.S., Fontana, J.A. & Hess, D.J. (04-04-1997. ) Predictors of anger/hostility and quality of life in persons with heart failure. Minneapolis, MN.
Baas, L.S. (10-03-1996. ) The relationship between self care resources needed and available after a cardiac event. Minneapolis, MN. Conference.
Baas, L.S., Fontana J.A, Hess, D., & Bhat, G. (09-20-1996. ) The impact of physical and emotional symptoms on types of activity performed by persons with heart failure. .Baltimore, MD.
Fontana, J. & Baas, L.S. (09-20-1996. ) Validity of three measures of vigor in persons with heart failure. Baltimore, MD.
Fontana, J. & Baas, L.S. (09-14-1996. ) A collaborative model for promoting health in heart failure through home management. .Indianapolis, IN. Conference.
Baas, L.S. (04-01-1996. ) Methodological issues in theoretical triangulation: An example testing two self care theories. .Detroit, MI. Conference.
Fontana, J., Baas, L.S., & Sommers, M.S. (11-18-1995. ) The role of planned exercise on perceptions of health and vigor in heart failure. Anaheim, CA.
Wagoner, L., Baas, L.S., Fontana, J.A., Kemen, R.M., & Bhat, G. (11-18-1995. ) What is the relationship between quality of life and exercise capacity in congestive heart failure. Anaheim, CA.
Wagoner, L., Baas, L.S., Fontana, J.A., Kemen, R., Bhat, G. (10-1995. ) Right ventricular ejection fraction predicts exercise capacity better than left ventricular ejection fraction in congestive heart failure. .Chicago, IL.
Hertz, J., Deges-Curl, E., Baas, L.S., and Robinson, K. (11-1995. ) Symposium: Integrative review of Modeling and Role Modeling research, 1982-1992 . Detroit, MI.
Baas, L.S. (04-04-1995. ) Gender differences in self care resources and types of activity performed three to six months after myocardial infarction. Kansas City, MO. Conference.
Baas, L.S. (06-03-1994. ) Construct validity of the Self Care Resource Inventory. .Arcata, CA.
Hertz, J., Deges-Curl, E., Baas, L.S., and Robinson, K. (06-03-1994. ) Symposium: Integrative review of Modeling and Role Modeling research, 1982-1992. Arcata, CA.
Beery, T., Hickey, C., and Baas, L. (05-08-1994. ) Infection precautions with temporary pacing .Atlanta, GA. Conference.
Baas, L.S. (11-30-1993. ) Relationship among the variables in the Self Care Model. Indianapolis, IN.
Baas, L.S. (11-13-1993. ) Development of the Self Care Resource Inventory .Washington, D.C..
Baas, L.S. (04-16-1993. ) Psychometric properties of the Self Care Resource Inventory .Richmond, Ky.
Baas, L.S. (03-29-1993. ) Predictors of activity and life satisfaction after a myocardial infarction .Cleveland, OH.
Baas, L.S. (10-30-1992. ) Differences in reasons for activity after a myocardial infarction. .Chicago, IL.
Baas, L.S. (10-02-1992. ) Development of the Self Care Resource Inventory . Boston, MA. Conference.
Baas, L.S. (10-1990. ) Nursing responsibilities during resuscitation .New Orleans, LA.
Baas, L.S. (09-1990. ) Analysis of the writings of Janet Geister and Mary Roberts on the problems of private duty nursing. Galveston, TX. Conference.
(10-2005. ) Cardiovascular Pharmacology .Cincinnati, OH.
(10-2003. ) ST-T Wave Changes on the 12 Lead ECG: Differential Diagnosis .Cincinnati, OH.
(03-13-1997. ) Outcomes Research in Cardiac Rehabilitation .Cincinnati, OH.
(03-13-1996. ) Outcome Measurement in Cardiac Rehabilitation .Cincinnati, OH.
(09-18-1993. ) Psychosocial Factors that Enhance Rehabilitation .Ft. Mitchell, KY.
(02-19-1993. ) From CQI and a Database to Developing Research .Cincinnati, OH.
(02-1992. ) Psychosocial Predictors of Activity .Cincinnati, OH.
(02-1991. ) Predictors of Activity & New Cardiovascular Diagnostic Tests .Cincinnati, OH.
(02-1990. ) Assessing Activity Tolerance .Cincinnati, OH.
(09-1988. ) Reperfusion Arrhythmias .Cincinnati, OH.
(02-1988. ) Impaired Chronotropic Response .Cincinnati, OH.
(02-1987. ) Rehabilitation of the Heart Transplant Patient .Cincinnati, OH.
(03-1986. ) Assessing Adherence to a Program .Cincinnati, OH.
(04-1985. ) Memory Error: Developing a New Nursing Diagnosis .Cincinnati, OH.
(03-1984. ) Measuring Program Effectiveness .Cincinnati, OH.
(04-1983. ) Implementing Primary Care for the Cardiac Surgical Patient .Cincinnati, OH.
(03-1983. ) Patient Education .Cincinnati, OH.
(03-1982. ) Compliance in Cardiac Rehabilitation .Cincinnati, OH.
Honors and Awards
2009 Nursing Research Award Sigma Theta Tau-Beta Iota Chapter
2008 American Association of Critical Care Nurses Circle of Excellence
2006 American Heart Association Council of Cardiovascular Nursing Type:Fellowship
2005 Excellence in Education Award American Association of Critical Care Nurses
2005 Ohio Nurses Association Cornelius Leadership Council (Inducted in 2007)
2004 University of Cincinnati College of Nursing Excellence in Teaching Award
1998 University of Cincinnati Summer Program for Advanced Training in the Data Sciences
1997 Distinguished Nurse Researcher, Leadership in Nursing Award Mt. St. Joseph College, Cincinnati, OH
1997 Mary Hamer Greenwood Leadership Award Southwestern Ohio Nurses Association
1996 University of Cincinnati College of Nursing and Health Excellence in Research Award
1993 University of Cincinnati Summer Faculty Research Fellowship Award
1993 Beta Iota Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau Dissertation Research Award
1989 Chapter Member of the Year Greater Cincinnati Chapter of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses
1988 Myrtle and Earl Walker Foundation Scholarship The University of Texas at Austin, School of Nursing
1979 American Association of Critical Care Nurses National Teaching Institute Scholarship Sponsored by 3M Corporation awarded for submission of the manuscript "The Women's Movement and Critical Care Nursing: A Parallel in Time and Changes"
1979 Magna Cum Laude Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
1969 Phillip M. Meyer Award for the Most Outstanding Nurse Voted by peers, Jewish Hospital School of Nursing
1969 Medical Staff Award - Nursing Care of the Medical Patient- Jewish Hospital School of Nursing
2002 -2006
1980 -1989
(Institutional Review Board of The Christ Hospital, Cincinnati, OH ) Board Member
(Action HF Economic and Quality of Life Steering Committee ) Member 2003 -2004
University of Cincinnati Specialized Center for Research in Heart Failure Data Safety and Monitoring Board Committee Chair 2003 -2005
“Web-Based Courses to Prepare Nurses for Employment in Critical Care." Board Member 2001 -2004
“12 Lead-ECG educational CD-ROM for Health Professionals.” Board Member 2002 -2004
American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) (ACNP Certification Blueprint Taskforce ) Level:National 2006
American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) (Educational Advisory Committee ) Level:National 1994 -1995
American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) (Research Review Panel ) Level:National 1994 -1995
American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) (Nominating Committee ) Level:National 1984 -1985
American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) (Self-Assessment Task Force ) Level:National 1979 -1980
American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN)-Greater Cincinnati Chapter AACN (Research Committee ) 1991 -1998
American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN)-Greater Cincinnati Chapter AACN (PR Committee ) Committee Chair 1987
American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN)-Greater Cincinnati Chapter AACN (Newsletter Committee ) 1984 -1985
American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN)-Greater Cincinnati Chapter AACN President 1982 -1983
American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN)-Greater Cincinnati Chapter AACN President-Elect 1981 -1982
American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN)-Greater Cincinnati Chapter AACN (Program Committee ) 1980 -1981
American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN)-Greater Cincinnati Chapter AACN (Program Committee ) 1983 -1984
American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN)-Greater Cincinnati Chapter AACN (Program Committee ) 1985 -1986
American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN)-Greater Cincinnati Chapter AACN (Program Committee ) 2002 -To Present
American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN)-Greater Cincinnati Chapter AACN (Cardiac Rehab Symposium Planning Committee ) Committee Chair 1982 -1983
American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN)-Greater Cincinnati Chapter AACN (Cardiac Rehab Symposium Planning Committee ) Committee Chair 2002 -2003
American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN)-Greater Cincinnati Chapter AACN (Cardiac and Pulmonary Conference Planning Committee ) Committee Member 1982 -To Present
American Association of Heart Failure Nurses (National Conference Planning Committee ) 2005 -2006
American Association of Heart Failure Nurses (Invited speaker at National Meetings ) 2005 -2009
American Association of Heart Failure Nurses ( Annual Meeting Committee ) Committee Chair 2007 -2008
American Association of Heart Failure Nurses (Education Committee ) Committee Chair 2008 -2009
American Association of Heart Failure Nurses Director 2009 -2011
American Association of Heart Failure Nurses (Certification Task Force ) 2010
American Association for the History of Nursing (Student Research Award Committee ) 1999 -2003
American Association for the History of Nursing (Board of Directors ) 1996 -1998
American College of Nurse Practitioners Reviewer 2002 -2005
American College of Nurse Practitioners (Research Committee ) Committee Member 2004 -To Present
American College of Nurse Practitioners 2004
American Heart Association-Council of Cardiovascular Nursing
American Heart Association-Council of Cardiovascular Nursing
American Heart Association-Council of Cardiovascular Nursing (Research Award Committee ) 2008 -2010
American Heart Association-Ohio Affiliate (Board of Trustees ) 1995 -1997
American Heart Association-Ohio Affiliate (Program Planning Committee ) 1992 -1994
American Heart Association-Ohio Affiliate (Division Organization Committee ) 1987 -1988
American Heart Association-Ohio Affiliate (Division Organization Committee ) 1996 -1998
American Heart Association- Southwestern Ohio Chapter/Division/Metro Area
American Heart Association- Southwestern Ohio Chapter/Division/Metro Area (Nominating Committee ) 1994 -1998
American Heart Association- Southwestern Ohio Chapter/Division/Metro Area Secretary 1988 -1989
American Heart Association- Southwestern Ohio Chapter/Division/Metro Area Secretary 1991 -1994
American Heart Association- Southwestern Ohio Chapter/Division/Metro Area (Board of Directors ) 1986 -2008
American Heart Association- Southwestern Ohio Chapter/Division/Metro Area (Cardiac Rehabilitation Task Force/Program Planning Committee ) 1980 -To Present
American Heart Association- Southwestern Ohio Chapter/Division/Metro Area (Cardiac Rehabilitation Symposium Planning Committee ) Committee Chair 1982 -1983
American Heart Association- Southwestern Ohio Chapter/Division/Metro Area (Cardiac Rehab Symposium Planning Committee ) Committee Chair 2003
American Heart Association- Southwestern Ohio Chapter/Division/Metro Area (Speakers Bureau )
American Heart Association- Southwestern Ohio Chapter/Division/Metro Area (Heart Ball Committee ) 2004 -To Present
American Nurses Association - Ohio Nurses Association (Health Pro-Network Board of Directors ) Level:State 2001 -2005
American Nurses Association - Ohio Nurses Association (Awards Committee ) Level:State 2000 -2002
American Nurses Association - Ohio Nurses Association (Writing Awards Committee Chairperson ) Level:State 1998 -2000
American Nurses Association - Ohio Nurses Association (ANA Alternate Delegate - Education ) Level:State 1998 -2007
American Nurses Association - Ohio Nurses Association (Self Assessment Task Force ) Level:State 1996 -1997
American Nurses Association - Ohio Nurses Association (Heritage Committee ) Level:State 1994 -1996
American Nurses Association - Ohio Nurses Association (Heritage Committee ) Level:State 2000 -To Present
American Nurses Association - Ohio Nurses Association (Nursing Diagnosis Assembly ) Secretary Level:State 1985 -1987
American Nurses Association - Ohio Nurses Association (Board of Directors ) 1991 -1996
American Nurses Association - Ohio Nurses Association (Board of Directors ) 1998 -2002
American Nurses Association - Ohio Nurses Association President 1994 -1995
American Nurses Association - Ohio Nurses Association President-Elect 1993 -1994
American Nurses Association - Ohio Nurses Association (Office Operations ) Committee Chair 1993 -1994
American Nurses Association - Ohio Nurses Association ( Special Projects ) Committee Chair 1993 -1994
American Nurses Association - Ohio Nurses Association (Public Relations Committee ) 1991 -1993
American Nurses Association - Ohio Nurses Association (Public Relations Committee ) Committee Chair 1995 -1996
American Nurses Association - Ohio Nurses Association (Centennial Committee ) 1991 -1993
American Nurses Association - Ohio Nurses Association (Centennial Committee ) Co-Chair 1996 -1998
American Nurses Association - Ohio Nurses Association (Delegate to ONA Convention ) 1993 -2005
American Nurses Association - Ohio Nurses Association (Liaison to the Greater Cincinnati Council of Nursing Organizations ) 1999 -2007
Heart Failure Society of America (Program Committee ) 2004 -2010
Midwest Nursing Research Society (Stress and Coping Section ) 1994 -1996
Midwest Nursing Research Society Reviewer 1996 -1999
Society for the Advancement of Modeling and Role-Modeling ( Chair of Program Committee ) 1998
Society for the Advancement of Modeling and Role-Modeling (Strategic Planning Committee ) 1994 -1996
Society for the Advancement of Modeling and Role-Modeling President-Elect 2006 -2008
Society for the Advancement of Modeling and Role-Modeling President 2008 -2010
Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing Editorial Board Member 2005 -2007
Dimensions in Critical Care Nursing Editorial Board Member 2004 -To Present
American Journal of Nurse Practitioners 2002 -To Present
Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2002 -To Present
Dimensions in Critical Care Nursing 2000 -To Present
Rehabiliation Nursing 2007 -To Present
Heart and Lung 2009 -To Present
Journal of Heart Failure 2009 -To Present
North American Nursing Diagnosis Association 1987
AHA Stroke Council-Nursing care of the ischemic stroke patient Reviewer 2007
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation Reviewer
ANA Scope of Practice for Cardiac Rehabilitation Reviewer 1993
Heart Failure,Symptom Management,Self Care,Alternative Therapies,Quality of Life
Professional Affiliation
2005 -To Present: American Association of Heart Failure Nurses
2003 -To Present: Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association
2002 -To Present: American College of Nurse Practitioners
1999 -To Present: American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
1998 -To Present: Heart Failure Society of America
1998 -To Present: Society of Critical Care Medicine
1995 -To Present: American Association of Holistic Nurses
1991 -2006: Midwest Nursing Research Society
1991 -To Present: Society for the Advancement of Modeling and Role-Modeling
1989 -To Present: American Association for the History of Nursing
1989 -2005: American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
1984 -1998: North American Nursing Diagnosis Association
1982 -To Present: American Nurses Association - Ohio Nurses Association
1980 -To Present: American Heart Association, Council of Cardiovascular Nursing
1973 -To Present: American Association of Critical Care Nurses
Faculty Development Activities
List of Current Continuing Education Programs Attended Available upon request. ,
Contact Information
Academic - University of Cincinnati Medical Center
Ohio, 45267
Phone: 513-584-7217