Professional Summary
Professor David W. Barnett received his doctorate in School Psychology from Indiana State University in 1974. He has conducted research and published in the areas of early intervention, measurement and decision making, and service delivery. Dr. Barnett teaches graduate courses in behavioral research, early intervention, and social cognitive theory and intervention, and supervises practicum and internship.
Research Support
Grant: #OSP98122 Investigators:Barnett, David 10-01-1994 -09-30-2001 Ohio Department of Education Designing Interventions for Young Children with Special Needs Role:PI $187,912.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #H325T070001 Investigators:Barnett, David; Bauer, Anne; Hawkins, Renee; Kroeger, Stephen; Musti, Shobana; Troup, Karen 08-01-2007 -07-31-2013 Department of Education Capturing the Future: Cincinnati Model for HQT and Evidence-Based Intervention Services Preparation Role:Collaborator $470,005.00 Active Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Barnett,D.W.; VanDerHeyden,A.M.; Witt,J.C. (2007. ) Achieving science-based practice through response to intervention: what it might look like in preschools .Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, ,
Barnett,D.W.; Ihlo,T.; Nichols,A.; Wolsing,L. (2006. ) Preschool teacher support through class-wide intervention: a description of field initiated training and evaluation .Journal of Applied School Psychology, , 23 ,77 -96
Barnett,D.; Elliott,N.; Wolsing,L. (2006. ) Response to intervention for young children with extremely challenging behaviors: what it might look like .School Psychology Review, , 35 ,568 -582
Barnett,D.W.; Elliott,N.; Graden,J.; Ihlo,T.; Macmann,G.; Nantais,M.; Prasse,D. (2006. ) Technical adequacy for response to intervention practices .Assessment for Effective Intervention, , 32 ,20 -31
Bonner,M.; Barnett,D. (2004. ) Intervention-based school psychology services: training for child-level accountability .Journal of School Psychology, , 42 ,3 -43
Barnett,D.; Daly,E.J. (2004. ) Response to intervention: empirically-based special service decisions from increasing and decreasing intensity single case designs .Journal of Special Education, ,
Bauer,A.M.; Barnett,D.W. (2001. ) Infants at risk: marker variables .Journal of Children and Poverty, , 7(2) ,121 -234
Barnett,D.; Pepiton,A.E.; Bell,S.H.; Gilkey,C.M.; Smith,J.J.; Stone,C.M.; Nelson,K.I.; Maples,K.A.; Helen (1999. ) Evaluating early intervention: accountability methods for service delivery innovations .Journal of Special Education, , 33(3) ,177 -188
Barnett,D.; Bell,S.; Gilkey,C.M.; Lentz,F.E.; Graden,J.; Stone,C.; Smith,J.; Macmann,G.M. (1999. ) The promise of meaningful eligibility determination: functional intervention-based multifactored preschool evaluation .Journal of Special Education, , 33(2) ,112 -124
Barnett,D.W.; Bell,S.H.; Bauer,A.M.; Lentz,F.; Petrelli,S.; Air,A.; Hannum,L.; Ehrhardt,K.E.; Peters,C.A. (1997. ) The early childhood intervention project: building capacity for service .School Psychology Quarterly, , 12 ,292 -315
Macmann,G.M.; Barnett,D.W. (1997. ) Myth of the master detective: reliability of interpretations for Kaufman's "intelligent testing" approach to WISC-III .School Psychology Quarterly, , 12 ,197 -234
Barnett,D.W.; Bell,S.H.; Bauer,A.; Macmann,G.; Stollar,S.; Ehrhardt,K.E. (1997. ) Ecological foundations of early intervention: planned activities and strategic sampling .The Journal of Special Education, , 30(4) ,471 -490
Ehrhardt,K.E.; Barnett,D.W.; Lentz,F.E.; Stollar,S.A.; Reiflin,L.H. (1996. ) Innovative methodology in ecological consultation: use of scripts to promote treatment acceptability and integrity .School Psychology Quarterly, , 11 ,149 -168
Barnett,D.W.; Bauer,A.M.; Ehrnhardt,K.E.; Lentz,F.E.; Stollar,S.A. (1996. ) Keystone strategies for change: planning for wide spread social consequences .School Psychology Quarterly, , 11(2) ,95 -117
Macmann,G.M.; Barnett,D.W.; Allen,S.J.; Bramlett,R.K.; Hall,J.D.; Ehrhardt,K.E. (1996. ) Problem solving and intervention design: guidlines for technical adequacy .School Psychology Quarterly, , 11 ,137 -148
Bramlett,R.K.; Hall,J.D.; Barnett,D.W. (1995. ) Family coping and child educational status in kindergarten as predictors of parentive stress: issues for family intervention .Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, , 13 ,157 -166
Published Books
Barnett,D. (2001. ) Challenging behaviors and concerning development: a manual for early childhood screening, assessment, and intervention planning .Ohio Department of Education, Office of Early Childhood
Barnett,D.; Bell,S.; Carey,K. (1999. ) Early interventions: a practitioner's guide .New York, NY , Guilford
Book Chapter
Barnett,D.W.; Hawkins,R.O.; Prasse,D.; Macmann,G.; Graden,J.L.; Nantais,M.; Pan,W. (2007 ) The handbook of response to intervention: the science and practice of assessment and intervention Decision making validity in response to intervention .New York, NY, Springer Science Inc
Barnett,D.; Macmann,G. (2003 ) Handbook of psychological and educational assessment of children (2nd edition) Personality assessment research: Applying criteria of confidence and helpfulness .(pp. 3 -29).New York, Guilford
Barnett,D.; Macmann,G. (2003 ) Handbook of psychological and educational assessment of children (2nd edition) Personality assessment: Critical issues for research and practice .(pp. 30 -48).New York, Guilford
Barnett,D.W.; Hamler,K.; Conway-Hensley,L.; Maples,K.; Murdoch,A.; Nelson,K.; Sand; Niehaus,J.; Siemoens,S. (2002 ) Interventions for academic and behavior problems II: prevention and remedial approaches Chapter 37: Preparing school psychologists for early intervention settings .(pp. 1021 -1047).Washington, DC, NASP
Barnett,D. (2002 ) Best practices in school psychology IV Early intervention .Washington, DC, NASP
MacMann,G.M.; Barnett,D. (1999 ) The handbook of school psychology Diagnostic decision making in school psychology: Understanding and coping with uncertainty .(pp. 519 -548).New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Macmann,G.; Barnett,D. (1999 ) Handbook of school psychology (3rd edition) Diagnostic decision making in school psychology: Understanding and coping with uncertainty .(pp. 519 -548).New York, NY, Wiley
Ehrhardt,K.E.; Armstrong,K.J.; Barnett,D.W.; Winters,M. (1997 ) Children Firesetting .Washington, DC, National Association of School Psychologists
Barnett,D. (1995 ) Best practices in school psychology-III Designing preschool interventions: Concepts, strategies, and techniques .Washington, DC, NASP
Invited Presentations
Barnett, D. (2007. ) National Association of School Psychologists,
Carr, V. W., Boat, M. B., Barnett, D., Moomaw, S., Nicols, A., Schneegold, J., & Pan, W. (06-2006. ) Child assessments and outcomes: Head start child outcomes research (CORS) consortium .Head Start Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Boat, M. B., Carr, V. W., Barnett, D., DiSanto, J., Moomaw, S., & Nichols, A. (10-2005. ) Curriculum-based measures: Promoting progress for ALL preschool children .International Conference of the Division of Early Childhood/Council for Exceptional Children (DEC), Portland, OR.
Boat, M., Carr, V. W., Barnett, D., Disanto, J., Moomaw, S., & Nichols, A. (10-2005. ) A curriculum-based measurement: Promoting progress for ALL children in preschool .21st International Conference on Young Children with Special Needs and Their Families, Portland, OR.
Graden, J.L., Barnett, D.W., Nantais, M., Stine, K., Scheidler, K (03-2005. ) Response to intervention: Implementation examples and tools .Paper presented at the meeting of National Association of School Psychologists, Atlanta, Georgia.