Ashley Lynn Bauman
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Research Associate, UCCI
Professional Summary
~~Ashley Bauman received her M.S. in Criminal Justice in 2005 and her M.B.A in 2012 from the University of Cincinnati. She currently serves as a Research Associate for the University of Cincinnati Corrections Institute and acts as the Project Manager on the Women's Risk Needs Assessment Project. Ms. Bauman also serves as the lead trainer on the Women's Risk Needs Assessment. Additionally, she trains correctional agencies around the country on a number of other topics including the Level of Service Inventory – Revised, Evidence-Based Practices, Gender-Responsive Principles and Practice, Motivational Interviewing, and Managing Agency Change. In addition to conducting training programs, she has created a number of training curricula for state correctional agencies and assisted with facilitating their internal capacity to train on these topics. She also has experience providing technical assistance to correctional agencies involving strategic planning, program evaluation, and implementation of risk/needs assessments, gender-responsive practices, and other best practices. Her research interests include gender-responsive assessments and programming, gendered pathways to crime, correctional rehabilitation, and organizational and policy issues in criminal justice agencies.