Amy C. Beegle
Associate Professor
Associate Professor of Music Education (General Music)
Emery Hall
CCM Music Education - 0003
Professional Summary
Dr. Amy Beegle has taught general music, band and choir in K-12 schools and served on the faculty of National Louis University and Pacific Lutheran University before coming to CCM in 2011. She is the director of the CCM Orff Schuwerlk Teacher Education Summer Program at CCM. Dr. Beegle has worked extensively in ethnomusicology, with her studies focusing on music education and performance in areas including Turkish singing, Philippine kulintang, Afro-Peruvian music and dance, and Zimbabwean mbira. Her performance expertise includes these focuses as well as piano, handbells, percussion and recorder.
Her research also reflects her wide range of interests, focusing on children's musical creativity, the pedagogy of world music traditions, American music education during wartime, and Orff Schulwerk philosophy and history. She has presented internationally on these topics and has published articles in the Journal of Research in Music Education, the Journal of Historical Research in Music Education, Music Educators Journal, General Music Today, the Orff Echo, and the Kodály Envoy. She is co-author of the book, World Music Pedagogy: Volume II: Elementary Music Education, and has contributed chapters to Teaching General Music: Approaches, Issues, and Viewpoints, General Music: Dimensions of Practice, Patriotism and Nationalism in Music Education, and Contextualized practices in arts education: An international dialogue on Singapore.
Dr. Beegle's awards include the UC Award for Faculty Excellence, the Regency Advancement Award, a Demar Irvine Fellowship, the American Orff Schulwerk Association Gunild Keetman Grant and the John Batcheller Award for Excellence.
She has served as chair of the Faculty Committee and the Travel & Special Projects Committee at CCM, as well as the chair of the Alliance for Active Music Making/American Orff-Schulwerk Association partnership committee. She has also served on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion subcommittee of the American Orff-Schulwerk Association, and served as President and Past President of the New Mexico Chapter of the American Orff-Schulwerk Association.
BME: University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM,
MA: University of St. Thomas St. Paul, MN,
PhD: University of Washington Seattle, WA,