Professional Summary
Professor Benedetti received her doctorate in TESL/Literacy from the University of Cincinnati in 1998. She has served as Director of the Center for ESL and Coordinator of Developmental Writing at the University of Cincinnati, where she began teaching in 1987. Prior to coming to UC, Dr. Benedetti taught ESL/EFL in Florida and in South America, where she developed her research interests in immigrant and minority access to higher education, minority rights, and second language literacy. Dr. Benedetti has also lived in the Czech Republic and Spain, where she initiated her current research on Roma and Refugee Education in Europe. She has been the recipient of a Fulbright Award during which she explored teachers' perspectives of their work in Colombia, China, the U.S., and the Czech Republic. She has led many study abroad initiatives for current and former students.
Research Support
Grant: #EFL Prof Devel Investigators:Benedetti, Mary Sovik 07-01-2008 -06-30-2009 Shandong University Summer Professional Development Program For Teachers Of English At Shandong University Role:PI $17,400.00 Closed Level:Foreign Institution of Higher Education
Grant: #R40752 Investigators:Benedetti, Mary Sovik 07-01-2020 -06-30-2021 UC's URC AHSS Faculty Awards Spanish Pre- and In-Service Teachers Attittudes tward, Familiarity with, and Dispositions towards Working with Roma Students Role:PI $9,246.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Peer Reviewed Publications
Benedetti, M., Barajas, L., Nishida, Y., Szabo, A., & Xiao, T. (2017. ) Faculty and student perceptions of international students’ English language needs. .TESOL Journa, ,
Benedetti, M., & Mlýnková, R. (2017. ) Surveying and Assessing Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes to Roma Students: The First Step in Improving Educational Outcomes (Průzkum a zhodnocení postojů studentů učitelských oborů k romským studentům: První krok k zlepšení vzdělávacích výsledků). .
Benedetti, M. (2017. ) Short-term studies abroad and the development of cultural humility. .
Benedetti, M. (2011. ) Facilitating great parent-teacher conferences. .OTESOL Journal, , (3 ) ,13-15
Nam, M., Benedetti, M., & Kim, M. (2008. ) L2 writing socialization of South Korean graduate students in a North American academic context . CATESOL Journal, , 20 ,49
Book Chapter
Benedetti,M.; Wilbershied,L. (2003 ) Hearing every voice Teacher thinking across cultures .TESOL International Publications
Benedetti, M., & Freppon, P. (2006 ) Foreign language education in the elementary schools: A cautionary tale Foreign language acquisition at an early age .Brno, Masaryk University and the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports (Co-Author)
Invited Presentations
Benedetti, M. (03-2006. ) Responding to federal mandates: English language teacher education programs in a time of change (keynote address) .Foreign Language Acquisition at an Early Age International Conference, Brno, Czech Republic.
Benedetti, M. (05-2004. ) The relationship between teachers' belief and teaching practice .Paper presented at the American Association of Applied Linguistics Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
Benedetti, M. (05-2003. ) Re-thinking multi-cultural education .International Reading Association, Orlando, FL.
Benedetti, M. (03-2003. ) Using TPRS for deep language learning .13th European Conference on Reading, West Palm Beach, FL.
Benedetti, M. (03-2003. ) Best practices and innovative strategies for college reading programs .13th European Conference on Reading, Tallin, Estonia.
Wilberschied, L. and Benedetti, M. (03-2003. ) Teacher thinking across cultures .International Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Baltimore, MD.
Benedetti, Mary (04-2002. ) International practice for teacher ed development .TESOL, Salt Lake City, UT.
Benedetti, Mary (11-2001. ) Exploring the common space: Combing foreign language and ESL teacher education .ACTFL, Washington, DC.
Benedetti, Mary (11-2000. ) What's underneath: How values shape culture? .American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages, Boston, MA.
Benedetti, M. (BAD DATE. ) Developing curricula for teaching English in the Czech Republic. .US Fulbright Teachers in the Czech Republic Meeting, Brno, Czech Republic. Level:International
Paper Presentations
Benedetti, M. (03-2012. ) Faculty and student perceptions of international students' English language needs. Philadelphia, PA.
Benedetti, M. (03-2012. ) ESL writers: How long to freshman composition? .Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Benedetti, M. (01-2012. ) Fostering and assessing cultural humility in short-term studies abroad. Tucson, Arizona. Conference.
Benedetti, M. (06-2011. ) "Othering" teachers for critical awareness of diversity. Orangested, Aruba. Conference.