Professional Summary
Dr. Albert M. Bobst is a Professor of Chemistry and Biological Chemistry at the University of Cincinnati. After receiving his PhD at the University of Zurich in 1965, where he synthesized, and characterized Tetrahydropterins by nuclear magnetic resonance, he studied for one year Quantum Biochemistry as a postdoctoral fellow with Professor Pullman at the Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique in Paris, France. Subsequently he was awarded a Swiss National Science Fellowship to study Photosynthesis and Nucleic Acid Chemistry under the guidance of Professors Calvin and Tinoco, at Berkeley, CA. In 1968/69 he worked at Princeton University as a Research Associate before joining the Chemistry faculty as an Assistant Professor at the University of Cincinnati in 1969, where he was promoted to Professor of Chemistry in 1978. In 1975, he was appointed Adjunct Associate Professor of Biological Chemistry at UC’s College of Medicine, and promoted to Adjunct Professor in 1982. He was a visiting scientist at the National Institutes of Health in 1975/76, 1983/84, and at the ISREC in Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1979. In 2007/08 he was a visiting scholar at OSU.
His research interest is focused on the application of electron spin resonance (ESR) to: 1) Study the dynamics of nucleic acids and nucleic acid – protein complexes, and 2) Detect genes by PCR/ESR. In 2006 he was awarded US Patent 7,126,665 for “Detection of Nucleic Acid Target Sequences by ESR.” Presently, he has ongoing collaborations to design Micro – ESR sensors for magnetic resonance – based gene detection in personalized medicine.
PhD: University of Zuerich Switzerland 1965
Research and Practice Interests
A) Application of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy: 1) to study dynamic features of nucleic acids and nucleic acid – protein complexes, and 2) to detect free radical damage in biological systems.
B) Synthesis of spin-labeled nucleic acids as hybridization probes for genome detection by EPR.
C) Development of kits for detecting the presence or absence of genes with a table top EPR instrument.
Positions and Work Experience
2006 -2006 NIH Reviewer, MSFC study section,
2006 -2006 NIH Reviewer, ZRG1 BCMB-F study section,
1998 -2000 Consultant, Procter and Gamble,
2003 -2010 Consultant, Bruker BioSpin Corporation, ESR Division,
1975 -1982 Adjunct Associate Professor of Biological Chemistry, College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati,
1982 -1996 Adjunct Professor of Biological Chemistry, College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati,
Research Support
1966 -1967 Stiftung fuer Stipendien auf dem Gebiete der Chemie
1967 -1968 The Swiss National Science Foundation
1970 Summer Faculty Research Fellowship from University of Cincinnati
1974 -1975 University of Cincinnati Research Council grant; Spin Labeled Nucleic Acid Analogues: Their Potential for Studying Macromolecular Associations $2,950
1975 -1976 Fogarty International Center Visiting Scientist appointment at the National Institute of Health
Grant: #CA 15717; 1976 -1979 NIH Research Grant; Spin Assay for Nucleic Acid Binding Proteins; Role:Principal Investigator $140,342
Grant: #PCM 7801079 1978 -1981 NSF Research Grant; Enzymatic Incorporation of Free Radicals into Nucleic Acids; Role:Principal Investigator $105,000
Grant: #GM 27002 1978 -1981 NIH Research Grant; Spin Assay for Nucleic Acid Binding Proteins; Role:Principal Investigator $69,000
1979 Roche Research Foundation; Visiting Professor appointment at the Swiss National Cancer Institute (ISREC)
Grant: #CA 06569 1980 -1982 NIH training grant for senior postdoctoral fellow Dr. Patricia Warwick; Characteristics of Spin Labeled (s4U,U)n Inhibitors $47,200
Grant: #GM 27002 1981 -1986 NIH Research Grant; Spin Assay for Nucleic Acid Binding Proteins $280,115
1981 -1982 Veterans Administration Research Grant; Pathogenesis of Alcoholic Liver Injury; Role:Co-Investigator $21,900
Grant: #PCM 81-15765 1981 NSF Instrumentation Grant; Pulsed nanosecond fluorimeter system; Role:Co-Investigator $32,000
1982 -1983 University Biomedical Research Fellowship; Nitroxide Labeled Macromolecular Probes for Restriction Endonucleases; $6,000 Type:Fellowship
Grant: #GM31196 1982 -1986 NIH Research Grant; E. coli Mutant DNA Binding Proteins and DNA Metabolism; Role:Co-Investigator $260,000
1983 -1984 Funds from the Fogarty International Center for a Visiting Scientist appointment at the National Institute of Health
1985 , 1988, 1991; Am. Soc. Biol. Chem. Travel Awards Int. Cong. Biochem.
Grant: #GM27002 1986 -1992 NIH Research Grant; Spin Assay for Nucleic Acid Binding Proteins; Role:Principal Investigator $402,000
Grant: #CA 39396 1987 -1991 NIH Research Grant; Binding of Anthracyclines to ESR Active Nucleic Acids; Role:Principal Investigator $128,000
Grant: #PL 480 Project 1987 -1991 NIH Research Grant; Nucleic Acid Membrane Lipid Interactions; Role:Project Officer $21,000,000 Dinars
Grant: #Sl0RR04191-01 1988 -1989 NIH Instrumentation Grant; ESR spectrometer $199,500
Grant: #GM 27002 1992 -1996 NIH Research Grant; Spin Assay for Nucleic Acid Binding Proteins; Role:Principal Investigator $345,000
Grant: #HL23597 1993 -1998 NIH Research Grant; Ischemic Heart Injury: Modification by Drug Therapy; Role:Co-Investigator $1,229,356
1994 NCI Supercomputer Facility, Allocation of 260 CPU Hours; Genes Nucleoprotein Complexes; Molecular Modeling Studies
1995 Ohio Board of Regents Investment Fund for INDY SGI Workstation with software $20,000
Grant: #U764 1998 -1999 Procter and Gamble Grant; Study of the Influence of Biological Matrices on the Stability of Chlorine Dioxide by Electron Spin Resonance (EPR) Spectroscopy; Role:Principal Investigator $30,000
Grant: #U798 1999 -2000 Procter and Gamble Grant; Properties of Chlorine Dioxide in Human Saliva; Role:Principal Investigator $30,000
2004 -2008 Bruker, Germany; loan of table top EPR with free service contract for its evaluation as gene detector ; Role:$69,000
Grant: #OSP00123 Investigators:Bobst, Albert 09-01-1999 -07-31-2000 Procter & Gamble Company Properties of Chlorine Dioxide in Human Saliva Role:PI $30,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
Abbreviated Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications
Viscontini, M.; Bobst, A.M. "Reoxidation of Hydrogenated Pterine". Helvetica Chimica Acta (1964), 47, 2087-2088.
Hester, J D, Varma, M, Bobst, A M, Ware, M W, Lindquist, H D A, & Schaefer, F W (2002). Species-specific detection of three human-pathogenic microsporidial species from the genus Encephalitozoon via fluorogenic 5' nuclease PCR assays. Molecular and Cellular Probes, 16(6), 435-44.
Viscontini, M.; Bobst, A.M. "Mechanism of Oxidation of Tetrahydropterines to the Dihydrolevel at Physiological pH". Helvetica Chimica Acta (1965), 48, 816-821.
Hester, Jeff D, Bobst, Elizabeth V, Kryak, David D, & Bobst, Albert M (2002). Identification of a single genome by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) with nitroxide-labeled oligonucleotide probes. Free Radical Research, 36(5), 491-8.
Viscontini, M.; Bobst, A.M. "Preparation and Stabilization of Hydrogenated Pterines and of the Folic Acid". Helvetica Chimica Acta (1966), 49, 875-884.
Viscontini, M.; Bobst, A.M. "Non-enzymatic Hydroxylation of Phe to Tyr with the Aid of Hydrogenated Pterines". Helvetica Chimica Acta (1966), 49, 884-888.
Hester, J D, Lindquist, H D, Bobst, A M, & Schaefer, F W. (2000). Fluorescent in situ detection of Encephalitozoon hellem spores with a 6-carboxyfluorescein-labeled ribosomal RNA-targeted oligonucleotide probe. The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, 47(3), 299-308.
Viscontini, M.; Bobst, A.M. "Synthesis of Methylated Pterines and Their Tetrahydrogenated Derivatives". Helvetica Chimica Acta (1966), 49, 1815-1821.
Lee, J W, Miyawaki, H, Bobst, E V, Hester, J D, Ashraf, M, & Bobst, A M (1999). Improved functional recovery of ischemic rat hearts due to singlet oxygen scavengers histidine and carnosine. Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, 31(1), 113-21.
Bobst, A.M. "Interpretation of the Chemical Properties of Pterines with the Aid of MO Calculations". Helvetica Chimica Acta (1967), 50, 1480-1491.
Keyes, R S, Bobst, E V, Cao, Y Y, & Bobst, A M (1997). Overall and internal dynamics of DNA as monitored by five-atom-tethered spin labels. Biophysical journal, 72(1), 282-90.
Bobst, A.M. "Trapping of Radicals During the Oxidation of Tetrahydrofolic Acid and Tetrahydropterine". Helvetica Chimica Acta (1967), 50, 2222-2225.
Keyes, R S, Cao, Y Y, Bobst, E V, Rosenberg, J M, & Bobst, A M (1996). Spin-labeled nucleotide mobility in the boundary of the EcoRI endonuclease binding site. Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics, 14(2), 163-72.
Bobst, A.M. "Characterization of the 5,6,7,8-Tetrahydropterine (THP) Radical in Acid Medium". Helvetica Chimica Acta (1968), 51, 607-613.
Bobst, E V, Keyes, R S, Cao, Y Y, & Bobst, A M (1996). Spectroscopic probe for the detection of local DNA bending at an AAA triplet. Biochemistry, 35(29), 9309-13.
Bobst, A.M. "Hydrogenated Pteridine Derivative with High Group Transfer Potential". Nature (1968), 220, 164-165.
Strobel, O K, Keyes, R S, Sinden, R R, & Bobst, A M (1995). Rigidity of a B-Z region incorporated into a plasmid as monitored by electron paramagnetic resonance. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics, 324(2), 357-66.
Cerutti, P.; Rottman, F.; Bobst, A.M. "The Structure of Poly 2'-O-Methyladenylic Acid at Acidic and Neutral pH". Journal of the American Chemical Society (1969), 91, 1246-1248.
Keyes, R S, & Bobst, A M (1995). Detection of internal and overall dynamics of a two-atom-tethered spin-labeled DNA. Biochemistry, 34(28), 9265-76.
Cerutti, P.; Rottman, F.; Bobst, A.M. "Role of the Ribose 2'-Hydroxyl Groups for the Stabilization of the Ordered Structures of Ribonucleic Acid". Journal of the American Chemical Society (1969), 91, 4603-4604.
Keyes, R S, & Bobst, A M (1993). A comparative study of Scatchard-type and linear lattice models for the analysis of EPR competition experiments with spin-labeled nucleic acids and single-strand binding proteins. Biophysical chemistry, 45(3), 281-303.
Cerutti, P.; Rottman, F.; Bobst, A.M. "Effect of the Methylation of the 2'-Hydroxyl Groups in Polyadenylic Acid on its Structure in Weakly Acidic and Neutral Solutions and on its Capacity to Form Ordered Complexes with Polyuridylic Acid". Journal of Molecular Biology (1969), 46, 221-234.
Bobst, E V, Perrino, F W, Meyer, R R, & Bobst, A M (1991). An EPR study to determine the relative nucleic acid binding affinity of single-stranded DNA-binding protein from Escherichia coli. Biochimica et biophysica acta, 1078(2), 199-207.
Bobst, A.M. "Light-Induced Electron-Transfer Reactions between Chlorophyll and Hydrogenated Pteridine Derivatives in Solution". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (1971), 68 (3), 541-543.
Strobel, O K, Kryak, D D, Bobst, E V, & Bobst, A M. Preparation and characterization of spin-labeled oligonucleotides for DNA hybridization. Bioconjugate chemistry, 2(2), 89-95 (1991).
Swinehart, J.; Cerutti, P.; Bobst, A.M. "The Effect of Saturated Pyrimidine Bases on RNA Conformation". FEBS Letters (1972), 21, 56-58.
Strobel, O K, Keyes, R S, & Bobst, A M (1990). Base dynamics of local Z-DNA conformations as detected by electron paramagnetic resonance with spin-labeled deoxycytidine analogues. Biochemistry, 29(37), 8522-8.
Phillips, D.J.; Bobst, A.M. "Circular Dichroism Melting Studies on R17 Phage RNA". Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (1972), 47, 150-156.
Hutchinson, D L, Barnett, B L, & Bobst, A M (1990). Gene 5 protein-DNA complex: modeling binding interactions. Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics, 8(1), 1-9.
Bobst, A.M. "Studies on Spin Labeled Polyriboadenylic Acid". Biopolymers (1972), 11, 1421-1433.
Strobel, O K, Keyes, R S, & Bobst, A M (1990). An electron paramagnetic resonance probe to detect local Z-DNA conformations. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 166(3), 1435-40.
Janik, B.; Sommer, R.G.; Bobst, A.M. "Polarography of Polynucleotides II. Forms of Polyadenylic Acid at Acidic pH". Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (1972), 281, 152.
Strobel, O K, Bobst, E V, & Bobst, A M (1989). Nick translation of lambda phage DNA with a deoxycytidine analog spin labeled in the 5 position. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics, 273(2), 597-601.
Pan, Y. E.; Bobst, A.M. "Melting Studies on Spin Labeled Polyadenylic-Polyuridylic Complexes". Biopolymers (1973), 12, 367.
Perrino, F W, Meyer, R R, Bobst, A M, & Rein, D C (1988). Interaction of a folded chromosome-associated protein with single-stranded DNA-binding protein of Escherichia coli, identified by affinity chromatography. The Journal of biological chemistry, 263(24), 11833-9.
Torrence, P. E; Waters, J. A.; Witkop, B.; Bobst, A.M. "Synthesis and Characterization of Potential Interferon Inducers: Poly(2'-azido-2'-deoxyuridylic) Acid". Biochemistry (1973), 12, 3962.
Bobst, A M, Pauly, G T, Keyes, R S, & Bobst, E V (1988). Enzymatic sequence-specific spin labeling of a DNA fragment containing the recognition sequence of EcoRI endonuclease. FEBS letters, 228(1), 33-6.
Pan, Y-C. E.; Phillips, D. J.; Bobst, A.M. "Comparative Optical Property Studies on Polycistronic R17 Phage RNA and Rabbit Globin mRNA". Biochemistry (1974), 13, 3962.
Pauly, G T, Thomas, I E, & Bobst, A M (1987). Base dynamics of nitroxide-labeled thymidine analogues incorporated into (dA-dT)n by DNA polymerase I from Escherichia coli. Biochemistry, 26(23), 7304-10.
Pan, Y-C. E.; Bobst, A.M. "Spin Labeled Polyuridylic Acid: Formation of an Intermediate Structure". Biopolymers (1974), 13, 1079.
Perrino, F W, Rein, D C, Bobst, A M, & Meyer, R R (1987). The relative rate of synthesis and levels of single-stranded DNA binding protein during induction of SOS repair in Escherichia coli. Molecular & general genetics : MGG, 209(3), 612-4.
Bobst, A.M. "A Spin Label Assay for Detecting Poly (A) Tracts in RNA's". Federation Proceedings (1974), 33, 1486.
Ireland, J C, Pauly, G T, Bobst, E V, & Bobst, A M (1986). Redox-active daunomycin-spin-labeled nucleic acid complexes. Biochemistry, 25(22), 6890-5.
Sinha, T.; Pan, Y-C. E.; Bobst, A.M. "Electron Spin Resonance for Detecting Poly (A) Tracts in RNA's". Science (1975), 188, 153.
Devanesan, P D, & Bobst, A M (1986). Spin probes as mechanistic inhibitors and active site probes of thymidylate synthetase. Journal of medicinal chemistry, 29(7), 1237-42.
Bobst, A.M. "A Spin Probe Approach for Measuring the Nucleic Acid Affinity of Gene 32 Protein". Biochemical and Bio- physical Research Communications (1975), 67, 562.
Kao, S C, Bobst, E V, Pauly, G T, & Bobst, A M (1985). Molecular dynamics in protein-single stranded DNA complexes. Two distinct nucleoside mobilities in poly(deoxythymidylic acid)-gene 5 protein complexes. Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics, 3(2), 261-8.
Chladek, S.; Bobst, A.M. "Spectroscopic Properties of Various 2'(3')-O-Aminoacyldinucleotide Phosphates Analogous to the 3' Terminus of AA-tRNA". Nucleic Acids Research (1976), 3, 63.
Bobst, A M, Kao, S C, Bobst, E V, & Pauly, G T (1985). Molecular dynamics in protein-single stranded DNA complexes. Two distinct nucleoside mobilities, in poly(deoxythymidylic acid)-poly-L-lysine complexes. Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics, 3(2), 249-60.
Bobst, E. V.; Phillips, D. J.; Bobst, A. M. "Correlation of Structural Transitions in Coliphage Rl7 with its Loss of Infectivity". Journal of General Virology (1976), 32, 177.
Kao, S C, & Bobst, A M (1985). Local base dynamics and local structural features in RNA and DNA duplexes. Biochemistry, 24(20), 5465-9.
Torrence, P. E.; Kouidou, S.; Witkop, B.; Bobst, A. M. "Dependence of Interferon Induction on Nucleic Acid Conformation". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (1976), 73, 3788.
Morgan, D D, Mendenhall, C L, Bobst, A M, & Rouster, S D (1985). Incorporation of the spin trap DMPO into cultured fetal mouse liver cells. Photochemistry and photobiology, 42(1), 93-4.
Bobst, A.M. "A Spin Probe Approach for Characterizing Molecular Associations in Biological Systems". Chimia (1977), 31, 141-142.
Bobst, E V, Bobst, A M, Perrino, F W, Meyer, R R, & Rein, D C (1985). Variability in the nucleic acid binding site size and the amount of single-stranded DNA-binding protein in Escherichia coli. FEBS letters, 181(1), 133-7.
Torrence, P. F.; Spencer, J. W.; Descamps, J.; DeClercq, E.; Bobst, A. M. "5-0-Alkylated Derivatives of 5-Hydroxy-2'-deoxyuridine as Potential Anti-viral Agents. Anti-Herpes Activity of 5-Propynyloxy-2'-deoxyuridine". J. Med. Chem. (1978), 21, 228.
Bobst, A M, Ireland, J C, & Bobst, E V (1984). Nucleic acid binding affinity of fd gene 5 protein in the cooperative binding mode. The Journal of biological chemistry, 259(4), 2130-4.
P. F. Torrence; A. M. Bobst. "Incorporation of Spin Probes into Polynucleotides by Enzymatic Polymerization". Polymer (1978), 19, 115.
Bobst, A M, Kao, S C, Toppin, R C, Ireland, J C, & Thomas, I E (1984). Dipsticking the major groove of DNA with enzymatically incorporated spin-labeled deoxyuridines by electron spin resonance spectroscopy. Journal of molecular biology, 173(1), 63-74.
S. Kouidou; T. K. Sinha; B. Janik; A. M. Bobst. "Nucleic Acid Interaction with Vero Cells: A Temperature Barrier in the Interaction Pattern". Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (1978), 520, 210.
Warwick-Koochaki, P E, & Bobst, A M (1984). Affinity of reverse transcriptase for some polynucleotide inhibitors. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics, 228(2), 425-30.
P. E. Warwick; A. Hakam; A. M. Bobst. "Inhibition of AMV Reverse Transcriptase by Spin-Labeled Nucleic Acids". Biophysical Journal (1978), 21, 209a.
Ireland, J C, Willett, J A, & Bobst, A M (1983). A low-cost microcomputer-based data acquisition and analysis system for an electron spin resonance spectrometer: data handling of dilute spin labeled nucleic acids. Journal of biochemical and biophysical methods, 8(1), 49-56.
P. E. Warwick; A. Hakam; A. M. Bobst. "Reverse Transcriptase: A Monitor for Perturbation Effects of Spin Labels Covalently Bound to Nucleic Acids". Nucleic Acids Research (1978), 5, 2525.
Warwick-Koochaki, P E, Hakan, A, & Bobst, A M (1983). Interaction of polymerases with 2'-deoxyuridine-5'-triphosphate spin-labeled at the 5-position. FEBS letters, 152(2), 157-62.
A. Hakam; P. W Langemeier; S. Kouidou; A. M. Bobst. "ESR Melting of Chemically Spin Labeled Nucleic Acids". Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics (1979), 194, 171.
Bobst, A M, Langemeier, P W, Warwick-Koochaki, P E, Bobst, E V, & Ireland, J C (1982). Nucleic binding affinity of bacteriophage T4 gene 32 protein in the cooperative binding mode. The Journal of biological chemistry, 257(11), 6184-93.
T. Sinha; P. W Langemeier; A. M. Bobst. "Computer Analysis of ESR Spectra of Spin Labeled Nucleic Acid Ligand Complexes". Biophysical Journal (1979), 25, 223a.
Warwick-Koochaki, P E, Langemeier, P W, Toppin, C R, & Bobst, A M (1982). Binding of nucleotide spin probes to AMV reverse transcriptase and metal ions. FEBS letters, 139(2), 185-9.
A. J. Ozinskas; A. M. Bobst. "Synthesis and Properties of Some Spin Labeled Uridine and 2'-Deoxyuridine Analogs". Helv. Chim. Acta (1979), 62, 1677.
Ozinskas, A J, Devanesan, P D, Keller, S J, & Bobst, A M (1981). Protein synthesis and competitive ESR binding studies with E. coli ribosomes and spin-labeled polynucleotides. Nucleic acids research, 9(20), 5483-92.
A. Hakam; I. E. Thomas; A. M. Bobst. "Enzymatic Copolymerization of Nitroxide Labeled Uridine Derivatives with Nucleoside Diphosphates". International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (1980), 2, 49.
Bobst, A M, Langemeier, P W, Torrence, P F, & De Clercq, E (1981). Interferon induction by poly(inosinic acid).poly(cytidylic acid) segmented by spin-labels. Biochemistry, 20(16), 4798-803.
T. K. Sinha; P. W Langemeier; A. M. Bobst. "Digital Analysis of ESR Spectra of Spin Labeled Nucleic Acid Systems". Computers and Chemistry (1980), 4, 45.
Bobst, A M, Wang, T V, & Cerutti, P A (1981). Mechanism of reaction of carcinogen N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene with DNA. Experientia, 37(6), 597-8.
P. E. Warwick; A. Hakam; E. V. Bobst; A. M. Bobst. "Reactivity of Reverse Transcriptase Toward Poly (s4U,U) Copolymers and Spin Labeled Nucleic Acid Lattices". Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA (1980), 77, 4574.
Langemeier, P W, & Bobst, A M (1981). Interactions of a 5-nitroxide-labeled poly(uridylic acid) with poly(adenylic acid). Archives of biochemistry and biophysics, 208(1), 205-11.
A. J. Ozinskas; A. M. Bobst. "Formation of N-hydroxy-amines of Spin Labeled Nucleosides for 1H-NMR Analysis". Helv. Chim. Acta (1980), 63, 1407.
Warwick, P E, Hakam, A, Bobst, E V, & Bobst, A M (1980). Reactivity of reverse transcriptase toward (s4U, U)n copolymers and spin-labeled nucleic acid lattices. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 77(8), 4574-7.
P. W Langemeier; A. M. Bobst. "Thermodynamic Properties of an Enzymatically Spin Labeled Polynucleotide". Federation Proceedings (1980), 39, 1441.
Bobst, A M, Hakam, A, Langemeier, P W, & Kouidou, S (1979). Electron spin resonance melting of chemically spin-labeled nucleic acids. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics, 194(1), 171-8.
P. W. Langemeier; A. M. Bobst. "Interactions of a 5-Nitroxide Labeled Poly(Uridylic Acid) with Poly(Adenylic Acid)". Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics (1981), 208, 205.
Kouidou, S, Sinha, T K, Janik, B, & Bobst, A M (1978). Nucleic acid interaction with VERO cells. A temperature barrier in the interaction pattern. Biochimica et biophysica acta, 520(1), 210-8.
P. W. Langemeier; P. F. Torrence; E. De Clercq; A. M. Bobst. "Interferon Induction by Poly(Inosinic Acid)?Poly(Cytidylic Acid) Segmented by Spin Labels". Biochemistry (1981), 20, 4798.
Warwick, P E, Hakam, A, & Bobst, A M (1978). Reverse transcriptase: a monitor for perturbation effects of spin labels covalently bound to nucleic acids. Nucleic acids research, 5(7), 2525-34.
P. W. Langemeier; J. C. Ireland; A. M. Bobst. "Detection by ESR of Fast Internal Motions in a B-DNA Helix". Biophysical Journal (1981), 33, 313a.
Torrence, P F, Spencer, J W, & Bobst, A M (1978). 5-O-Alkylated derivatives of 5-hydroxy-2'-deoxyuridine as potential antiviral agents. Anti-herpes activity of 5-propynyloxy-2'-deoxyuridine. Journal of medicinal chemistry, 21(2), 228-31.
P. E. Warwick-Koochaki; P. W. Langemeier; C. R. Toppin; A. M. Bobst. "Binding Properties of Spin Labeled 2'-Deoxyuridine 5'-Mono- and Triphosphate to AMV RNA-Dependent DNA Polymerase". Federation Proceedings (1981), 40, 3876.
Bobst, A M, Torrence, P F, Kouidou, S, & Witkop, B (1976). Dependence of interferon induction on nucleic acid conformation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 73(11), 3788-92.
T. V. Wang; P. A. Cerutti; A. M. Bobst. "Mechanism of Reaction of Carcinogen N-Acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene with DNA". Experientia (1981), 37, 597.
Bobst, A M, Bobst, E V, & Phillips, D J (1976). Correlation of structural transitions in coliphage R17 with its loss of infectivity. The Journal of general virology, 32(2), 177-88.
P. E. Warwick-Koochaki; P. W. Langemeier; C. R. Toppin; A. M. Bobst. "Binding of Nucleotide Spin Probes to AMV Reverse Transcriptase and Metal Ions". FEBS Letters (1982), 139, 185.
Bobst, A M, & Chládek, S (1976). Spectroscopic properties of various 2'(3')-O-aminoacyldinucleoside phosphates analogous to the 3' terminus of AA-tRNA. Nucleic acids research, 3(1), 63-8.
P. W. Langemeier; P. E. Warwick-Koochaki; A. M. Bobst. "Nucleic Acid Binding Affinity of Bacteriophage T4 Gene 32 Protein in the Cooperative Binding Mode". J. Biol. Chem (1982), 257, 6184-6193.
Bobst, A M, & Pan, Y C (1975). A spin probe approach for measuring the nucleic acid affinity of gene 32 protein. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 67(2), 562-70.
A. J. Ozinskas; P. D. Devanesan; S. J. Keller; A. M. Bobst. "Protein Synthesis and Competitive ESR Binding Studies with E. coli Ribosomes and Spin Labeled Polynucleotides". Nucleic Acids Research (1981), 9, 5483.
Bobst, A M, Sinha, T K, & Pan, Y E (1975). Electron spin resonance for detecting polyadenylate tracts in RNA's. Science (New York, N.Y.), 188(4184), 153-5.
A. M. Bobst. "A Low-Cost Microcomputer-Based Data Acquisition and Analysis System for an Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometer: Data Handling of Dilute Spin Labeled Nucleic Acids". J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods (1983), 8, 49-56.
Bobst, A M, Pan, Y C, & Phillips, D J (1974). Comparative optical property studies on polycistronic R17 phage ribonucleic acid and rabbit globin messenger ribonucleic acid. Biochemistry, 13(10), 2129-33.
P. E. Warwick-Koochaki; A. Hakam; A. M. Bobst. "Interaction of Polymerases with 2'-Deoxyuridine-5'-Triphosphate Spin Labeled at the 5-Position". FEBS Letters (1983), 152, 157.
Pan, Y C, & Bobst, A M (1974). Spin-labeled polyuridylic acid. Formation of an intermediate structure. Biopolymers, 13(5), 1079-83.
J. A. Willett; E. V. Bobst; J. C. Ireland; A. M. Bobst. "Spin Labeled Nucleic Acids as Macromolecular Probes to Determine the Binding Affinity of Helix Destabilizing Proteins". Federation Proceedings (1982), 41, 1444.
Torrence, P F, Bobst, A M, Waters, J A, & Witkop, B (1973). Synthesis and characterization of potential interferon inducers. Poly(2'-azido-2'-deoxyuridylic acid). Biochemistry, 12(20), 3962-72.
A. J. Ozinskas; E. De Clercq; A. M. Bobst. "Synthesis and Biological Activities of C(5)-N Spin Labeled Uridines and of Related Derivatives". Helv. Chim. Acta. (1983), 66, 534-541.
Janik, B, Sommer, R G, & Bobst, A M (1972). Polarography of polynucleotides. II. Conformations of poly(adenylic acid) at acidic pH. Biochimica et biophysica acta, 281(2), 152-68.
S. C. Kao; C. F. Polnaszek; C. R. Toppin; A. M. Bobst. "Internal Motions in RNA Duplexes as Determined by ESR with Site Specifically Spin Labeled Uridines". Biochemistry (1983), 22, 5563.
Phillips, D J, & Bobst, A M (1972). Circular dichroism melting studies on R17 phage RNA. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 47(1), 150-6.
C. R. Toppin; I. E. Thomas; A. M. Bobst. "Synthesis of Unique Spin Labeled Nucleic Acids by Combined Enzymatic and Chemical Approaches". Helv. Chim. Acta. (1983), 66, 1966.
Bobst, A M (1972). Studies on spin-labeled polyriboadenylic acid. Biopolymers, 11(7), 1421-33.
P. E. Warwick-Koochaki; A. M. Bobst. "Affinity of Reverse Transcriptase for Some Polynucleotide Inhibitors". Arch. Biochem. Biophys (1984), 228, 425.
Bobst, A M (1971). Light-induced electron-transfer reactions between chlorophyll a and hydrogenated pteridine derivatives in solution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 68(3), 541-3.
C. R. Toppin; I. E. Thomas; E.V. Bobst; A. M. Bobst. "Synthesis of Spin Labeled Deoxynucleotide Analogs and their Incorporation with Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase into DNA". Int. J. Biol. Macromol. (1983), 5, 33-36.
Bobst, A M, Rottman, F, & Cerutti, P A (1969). Effect of the methylation of the 2'-hydroxyl groups in polyadenylic acid on its structure in weakly acidic and neutral solutions and on its capability to form ordered complexes with polyuridylic acid. Journal of molecular biology, 46(2), 221-34.
J. C. Ireland; E. V. Bobst; A. M. Bobst. "Nucleic Acid Binding Affinity of fd Gene 5 Protein in the Cooperative Binding Mode". J. Cellular Biochemistry (1983), Supplement 7B, 102.
Bobst, A M (1968). Hydrogenated pteridine derivatives with high group transfer potential. Nature, 220(5163), 164-5.
S. C. Kao; C. R. Toppin; J. C. Ireland; I. E. Thomas; A. M. Bobst. "Dipsticking the Major Groove of DNA with Enzymatically Incorporated Spin Labeled Deoxyuridines by Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy". J. Mol. Biol. (1984), 173, 63.
J. C. Ireland; E. V. Bobst; A. M. Bobst. "Nucleic Acid Binding Affinity of fd Gene 5 Protein in the Cooperative Binding Mode". J. Biol. Chem. (1984), 259, 2130-2134.
D. D. Morgan; C. L. Mendenhall; S. D. Rouster; A. M. Bobst. "Incorporation of the Spin Trap DMPO into Cultured Fetal Mouse Liver Cells". Photochemistry and Photobiology (1985), 42, 93-94.
E. V. Bobst; F. W. Perrino; R. R. Meyer; D. C. Rein; A. M. Bobst. "Variability in the Nucleic Acid Binding Site Size and the Amount of Single-Stranded DNA-Binding Protein in E. coli". FEBS Letters (1985), 181, 133-137.
S. C. Kao; A. M. Bobst. "Local Base Dynamics and Local Structural Features in RNA and DNA Duplexes". Biochemistry (1985), 24, 5465-5469.
S. C. Kao; E. V. Bobst; A. M. Bobst. "Dynamics and Organization of Nucleosides in Single Stranded Nucleic Acid-Poly-L-lysine Complexes". Biophysical Journal (1985), 47, 179a.
S. C. Kao; E. V. Bobst; G. T. Pauly; A. M. Bobst. "Molecular Dynamics in Protein-Single Stranded DNA Complexes. Two Distinct Nucleoside Mobilities in Poly(deoxythymidylic acid)-poly-L-lysine Complexes". J. Biomol. Str. and Dyn. (1985), 3, 249-260.
S. C. Kao; G. T. Pauly; E. V. Bobst; A. M. Bobst. "Molecular Dynamics in Protein-Single Stranded DNA Complexes. Two Distinct Nucleoside Mobilities in Poly(deoxythymidylic acid)-Gene 5 Protein Complexes". J. Biomol. Str. and Dyn. (1985), 3, 261-268.
C. R. Toppin; G. T. Pauly; P. Devanesan; D. Kryak; A. M. Bobst. "Three Novel Spin Labeled Substrates for Enzymatic Incorporation into Nucleic Acid Lattices". Helv. Chim. Acta. (1986), 69, 345-349.
S.-C. Kao; A. M. Bobst. "Heisenberg Spin Exchange in Some Enzymatically Spin Labeled Single Stranded Nucleic Acids". J. Mag. Res. (1986), 67, 125-128.
J. C. Ireland; E. V. Bobst; G. T. Pauly; A. M. Bobst. "Differential Chemical Reactivity of Daunomycin Toward Spin Labeled Synthetic Polynucleotides". Biophysical Journal (1986), 49, 426a.
F. W. Perrino; D. C. Rein; S. M. Ruben; R. R. Meyer; A. M. Bobst. "Protein-Protein Interactions of E. coli Single-Stranded DNA-Binding Protein Identified by SSB-Affinity Chromatography". J. Cellular Biochemistry (1986), Supplement 10B, 239.
J. C. Ireland; G. T. Pauly; E. V. Bobst; A. M. Bobst. "Redox Active Daunomycin-Spin Labeled Nucleic Acid Complexes". Biochemistry (1986), 25, 6890-6895.
P. D. Devanesan; A. M. Bobst. "Spin Probes as Mechanistic Inhibitors and Active Site Probes of Thymidylate Synthetase". J. Med. Chem. (1986), 29, 1237-1242.
F. W. Perrino; D. C. Rein; R. R. Meyer; A. M. Bobst. "The Relative Rate of Synthesis and Levels of Single-Stranded DNA-Binding Protein During Induction of SOS Repair in E. coli". Mol. Gen. Genet. (1987), 209, 612-614.
G. T. Pauly; I. E. Thomas; A. M. Bobst. "Base Dynamics of Nitroxide Labeled Thymidine Analogues Incorporated into (dA-dT)n by DNA Polymerase I from E. coli". Biochemistry (1987), 26, 7304-7310.
G. T. Pauly; E. V. Bobst; D. Bruckman; A. M. Bobst. "Template Dependent Incorporation of Spin Labeled Thymidine Analogs into Viral DNA". Helv. Chim. Acta. (1989), 72, 110-116.
G. T. Pauly; R. S. Keyes; E. V. Bobst. "Enzymatic Sequence Specific Spin Labeling of a DNA Fragment Containing the Recognition Sequence of EcoRI Endonuclease". FEBS Letters (1988), 228, 33-36.
J. C. Ireland; E. V. Bobst; A. M. Bobst. "(79) Activation of Daunomycin by Enzymatically Nitroxide Labeled Nucleic Acids in the Presence of Molecular Oxygen". J. Cellular Biochemistry (1988), Supplement 12A, 57.
F.W. Perrino; R. R. Meyer; D. C. Rein; A. M. Bobst. "Interaction of a Folded Chromosome Associated Protein with Single-Stranded DNA-binding Protein of E. coli, Identified by Affinity Chromatography". J. Biol. Chem. (1988), 263, 11833-11839.
B. L. Barnett; D. L. Hutchinson; A. M. Bobst. "Gene 5 Protein-Single Stranded DNA Complex: Computer Modeling Studies". Biophysical Journal (1989), 55, 5254a.
O. K. Strobel; E. V. Bobst; A. M. Bobst. "Nick Translation of Lambda Phage DNA with a Deoxycytidine Analog Spin-Labeled in the 5 Position". Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (1989), 273, 597-601.
O. K. Strobel; R. S. Keyes; A. M. Bobst. "An EPR Probe to Detect Local Z-DNA Conformations". Biophysical Journal (1990), 57, 224a.
O. K. Strobel; R. S. Keyes; A. M. Bobst. "An Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Probe to Detect Local Z-DNA Conformations". Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 166, 1440.
O. K. Strobel; R. S. Keyes; A. M. Bobst. "Base Dynamics of Local Z-DNA Conformations as Detected by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance with Spin-Labeled Deoxycytidine Analogues". Biochemistry (1990), 29, 8522-8528.
D. L. Hutchinson; B. L. Barnett; A. M. Bobst. "Gene 5 Protein-DNA Complex: Modeling Binding Interactions". J. Biomol. Str. & Dyns. (1990), 8, 1.
J. M. Rosenberg; E. V. Bobst; A. M. Bobst. "EcoRI Endonuclease Binding to 26-mers Results in a Conformational Change of the Duplex beyond the Binding Site Region". Biophysical Journal (1991), 59, 603a.
V. Noethig-Laslo; A. M. Bobst. "Reinvestigation of the Oxidation Properties of Nitroxides". Croat. Chem. Acta. (1991), 64, 1-8.
D. D. Kryak; A. M. Bobst. "Synthesis of Two 2'-Deoxyuridine Analogs Substituted in Position 5 with 2-Atom Tethered Nitroxide Radicals". Nucleosides and Nucleotides (1990), 9, 1015-1019.
R. A. Persichetti; R. R. Sinden; J.-L. Duh; A. M. Bobst. "A Comparative Study of the Phosphotriester versus the Phosphoramidite Approach to Nitroxide Labeled Oligo dT". Synth. Communications (1991), 21, 1013-1019.
O. K. Strobel; D. D. Kryak; E. V. Bobst; A. M. Bobst. "Preparation and Characterization of Spin-Labeled Oligonucleotides for DNA Hybridization". Bioconjugate Chemistry (1991), 2, 89-95.
E. V. Bobst; F. W. Perrino; R. R. Meyer; A. M. Bobst. "An EPR Study to Determine the Relative Nucleic Acid Binding Affinity of Single-Stranded DNA-Binding Protein from Escherichia coli". Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (1991), 1078, 199-207.
J. L. Duh; A. M. Bobst. "Sequence-Specific Spin Labeling of Oligothymidylates by Phosphotriester Chemistry". Helv. Chim. Acta (1991), 74, 739-747.
O.K. Strobel; R.R. Sinden; A. M. Bobst. "A Nitroxide-Labeled dCTP Analog Incorporated within a Z-DNA Region of Plasmid DNA". Biophysical Journal (1992), 61, A2222.
R.S. Keyes; A. M. Bobst. "A Comparative Study of Scatchard-Type and Linear Lattice Models for the Analysis of EPR Competition Experiments with Spin-Labeled Nucleic Acids and Single-Strand Binding Proteins". Biophysical Chemistry (1993), 45, 281-303.
R. S. Keyes; A. M. Bobst. "Internal Dynamics of DNA as Monitored by a 2-Atom-Tethered Nitroxide Spin Label". Biophysical Journal (1993), 64, A265.
R. S. Keyes; A. M. Bobst. "A Model-Free Approach for Monitoring the Dynamics of DNA by Nitroxide Spin Labels". Biophysical Journal (1994), 66, A42.
R. S. Keyes; A. M. Bobst. "Detection of Internal and Overall Dynamics of a Two-Atom-Tethered Spin-Labeled DNA". Biochemistry (1995), 34, 9265-9276.
O. K. Strobel; R. S. Keyes; R. R. Sinden; A. M. Bobst. "Rigidity of a B-Z Region Incorporated in a Plasmid as Monitored by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance". Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (1995), 324, 357-366.
K. Kossenjans; Z. Rymaszewski; J. Barankiewicz; M. Ashraf; A. M. Bobst. "Menadione-Induced Oxidative Stress in Bovine Heart Microvascular Endothelial Cells". Microcirculation (1996), 3, 39-47.
R. S. Keyes; O. K. Strobel; A. M. Bobst. "Detection of Dynamic Effects Associated with a Plasmid B-Z Transition and with EcoR1 Binding". Biophysical Journal (1995), 68, A441.
E. V. Bobst; R.S. Keyes; D. Resendez-Perez; W. Gehring; A. M. Bobst. "Detection of DNA Helical Fluctuations Manifested by the Binding of ANTP (C39S) Homeodomain or ANTP Full-Length Protein". Biophysical Journal (1996), 70, A157.
E.V. Bobst; R.S. Keyes; Y.Y. Cao; A.M. Bobst. "A Spectroscopic Probe for the Detection of Local DNA Bending at an AAA Triplet". Biochemistry (1996), 29, 9309-9313.
R.S. Keyes; Y.Y. Cao; E.V. Bobst; J.M. Rosenberg; A.M. Bobst. "Spin-Labeled Nucleotide Mobility in the Boundary of the EcoRI Endonuclease Binding Site". Biomol. Str. & Dyn. (1996), 14, 163-172.
J.W. Lee; H. Miyawaki; M. Ashraf; A.M. Bobst. "Evaluation of the Potency of 1O2 Quenchers, Histidine and Carnosine on Cardiac Functional Recovery". J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. (1997), 29, A208.
R.S. Keyes; E.V. Bobst; A.M. Bobst. "Spin-labeled Nucleic Acids for Studying Conformations Relevant to Cellular Development". Biophysical Journal (1999), 76, A316.
J.W. Lee; H. Miyawaki; E.V. Bobst; J.D. Hester; M. Ashraf; A.M. Bobst. "Improved Functional Recovery of Oxygen Scavengers Histidine and Carnosine". J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. (1999), 31, 113-121.
J.D. Hester; H.D.A. Lindquist; F.W. Schaefer; A.M. Bobst. "Fluorescent in Situ Detection of Encephalitozoon hellem Spores with a 6-Carboxyfluorescin – Labeled Ribosomal RNA – Targeted Oligonucleotide Protein". J. Euk. Microbiol. (2000), 47, 299-308.
R.S. Keyes; Z. Liang; J.H. Freed; A.M. Bobst. "An Electron Spin Resonance Study of DNA Dynamics Using the Slowly Relaxing Local Structure Model". J. Phys. Chem (2000), B104, 5372-5381.
J.W. Lee; E.V. Bobst; Y.-G. Wang; M. Ashraf; A.M. Bobst. "Increased Endogenous Ascorbyl Free Radical Formation with Singlet Oxygen Scavengers in Reperfusion Injury: An EPR and Functional Recovery Study in Rat Hearts". Cell. Mol. Biol. (2000), 46, 1383-1395.
C.L. Bothe Almquist; R.P. Ettireddy; P.G. Smirniotis; A.M. Bobst. "An XPS, XRD and EPR Study of Li/MgO Catalysts: Case of the Oxidative Methylation of Acetonitrile to Acrylonitrile with CH4". J. Catalysis (2000), 192, 174-184.
C.M. Zietlow; G.F. Ross; E.V. Bobst; A.M. Bobst. "Effect of Lipofectin/Poly-L-lysine on DNase II Digestion: An EPR Study with Spin-Labeled Calf-Thymus DNA". Biophysical Journal (2001), 80, 486a.
J.D. Hester; E.V. Bobst; D.D. Kryak; A.M. Bobst. "Identification of a Single Genome by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) with Nitroxide-Labeled Oligonucleotide Probes". Free Radical Research (2002), 36, 491-498.
J.D. Hester; M. Varma; M.W. Ware; H.D.A. Lindquist; F.W. Schaefer III; A.M. Bobst. "Species-specific Detection of Three Human-pathogenic Microsporidial Species from the Genus Encephalitozoon via fluorogenic 5’ nuclease PCR assays". Molecular and Cellular Probes (2002), 16, 435-444.
Review of An Introduction to Biochemical Reaction Mechanisms J. Chem. Educ. 1976, A343.
Review of ESR and NMR of Paramagnetic Species in Biological and Related Systems J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1980, 7829.
Review of Circular Dichroic Spectroscopy-Exciton Coupling in Organic Stereochemistry J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1984, 6121.
Invited Publication
E. Cavalieri; E. Rogan; C. Warner; A.M. Bobst. "Synthesis and Characterization of Benzo[a]Pyrene and 6-Methylbenzo[a]Pyrene Radical Cations". Polynuclear Aromatic Hydroarbons: Mechanism, Methods and Metabolism (1984), Battelle Press, Columbus, Ohio, 227-236.
Lee, J W, Bobst, E V, Wang, Y G, Ashraf, M M, & Bobst, A M (2000). Increased endogenous ascorbyl free radical formation with singlet oxygen scavengers in reperfusion injury: an EPR and functional recovery study in rat hearts. Cellular and molecular biology (Noisy-le-Grand, France), 46(8), 1383-95.
Book Chapter
"Spin Labeling II: Theory and Applications". In Application of Spin Labeling to Nucleic Acids; Academic Press: New York, (1979), pp 291-345.
"Molecular Motion in Polymers by ESR". In Molecular Dynamics of Nucleic Acids as Studied by Spin Labeling; Harwood Academic Publishers: New York, (1980), pp 167-175.
"Free Radicals and Cancer". In Spin Bio-Assays with Nucleic Acids; Marcel Dekker, Ed(s), (1982), pp 159-181.
"Biological Magnetic Resonance". In Spin-Labeled Nucleic Acids; Plenum, (1998), pp 283-338.
Work in Progress
White, C., White, J., Bobst, E.V., Bobst, A.M, "Sensitivity study of a micro ESR instrument for the detection of nitroxide radicals in biological systems".
Invited Presentations
2-4 invited seminars per year, until 2008
(1970. ) CD and NMR Studies on the Effect of Blocking the 2'-OH Groups in RNA .Watson Laboratory, New York, New York.
(1971. ) Characterization of 5,6,7,8-Tetrahydropterine Radicals .DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana.
(1972. ) CD and ESR Studies on Ribonucleic Acids .Molecular Biology Department, Miles Laboratory, Inc., Elkhart, Indiana.
(1973. ) Modifications of Mono- and Polynucleotides, Round Table Discussant .Gordon Conference on Nucleic Acids, New Hampton, New Hampshire.
(1973. ) RNA-Protein Interaction in the Spherical Bacteriophage R17 .Miami University, Oxford, Ohio,
(1973. ) Evidence For and Against RNA-Protein Interactions in R17 .National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.
(1974. ) A Spin Label Assay for Monitoring Poly (A) Tracts in RNA's .Department of Biochemistry, University of Florida, Gainesville.
(1975. ) Biological Applications for Spin Labeled Homopolynucleotides .National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.
(1976. ) Potential Use of Spin Labeled Nucleic Acids in Non-Isotopic Bioassays .Molecular Biology Department, Miles Laboratory, Inc., Elkhart, Indiana.
(1976. ) Spin Bio-assays with Nucleic Acids .Roche Institute of Molecular Biology, Nutley, New Jersey.
(1976. ) Enzymatic Spin-Labeling of Nucleic Acids .Frank H. Westheimer Symposium, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
(1976. ) A Spin Probe Approach for Characterizing Molecular Associations in Biological Systems .University of Bern, Switzerland.
(1977. ) Bio-assays with ESR .Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky.
(1977. ) CD and ESR for Analyzing Nucleic Acid Characteristics .Department of Chemistry, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
(1977. ) Bio-assays with ESR .Ohio University, Athens, Ohio.
(1977. ) Bio-assay with ESR in Systems Containing Nucleic Acids .Memphis State University, Memphis, Tennessee.
(1978. ) A Direct Approach for Studying Nucleic Acid Protein Interactions .ISREC, Lausanne.
(1978. ) Spin Labeled Nucleic Acids .Dow Chemical, Midland, Michigan.
Paper Presentations
Molecular Dynamics of 2-and 5-Atom Tethered Nitroxides Attached to B-DNA .Cleveland, OH.
(1971. ) Spin-Labeled Polyriboadenylic Acid .Boston.
(08-1972. ) Circular Dichroism and Conformation of the Ribonucleic Acid of Coliphage R17 .Division of Biological Chemistry, New York.
(1973. ) Circular Dichroism of Coliphage R17: Comparative Study of the Effect of Heating on its Circular Dichroism and its Infectivity .Hamburg.
(1973. ) Modifications of Mono- and Polynucleotides, Round Table Discussant .New Hampton.
(06-1974. ) A Spin Label Assay for Detecting Poly (A) in RNA's .Minneapolis.
(09-1974. ) ESR for Detecting Poly (A) Tracts in RNA's .Kandersteg, Switzerland.
(1975. ) Affinity of Gene 32 Unwinding Protein for Different Nucleic Acids as Determined by a Spin Label Method .Chicago.
(02-1975. ) Monitoring Conformational Properties of Nucleic Acids with Spin Probes .Philadelphia.
(07-1976. ) Circular Dichroism Studies of Base-Modified Polynucleotides: Correlation with Their Interferon-Inducing Ability and Immunoreactivity .Hamburg.
(09-1976. ) Characterization of Some Nucleic Acid-Protein Interactions with Spin Labeled Nucleic Acids .St. Jovite, Quebec, Canada.
(1977. ) Competition Experiments with the Unwinding Protein P32 .New Hampton, New Hampshire.
(1977. ) Nucleic Acid Interaction with Vero Cells: A Temperature Barrier in the Interaction Pattern .Division of Biological Chemistry, Chicago, Illinois.
(03-1978. ) Inhibition of AMV Reverse Transcriptase by Spin-Labeled Nucleic Acids .Washington, D.C..
(08-1978. ) Molecular Dynamics of Nucleic Acids as Studied by Spin Labels .Midland, Michigan.
(1979. ) Computer Analysis of ESR Spectra of Spin-Labeled Nucleic Acid Ligand Complexes .Atlanta, Georgia.
(1979. ) Effect of 4-Thiouridine on the Inhibitory Activity of (U)n Toward Reverse Transcriptase .Division of Biological Chemistry, Washington, DC.
(1980. ) Thermodynamic Properties of an Enzymatically Spin Labeled Polynucleotide .New Orleans.
(1980. ) ESR Profiles of Spin Labeled Nucleic Acids .Holderness School.
(1980. ) Spin Assay for Nucleic Acid Binding Proteins .Tilton.
(08-1980. ) Digitized ESR Spectral Profiles of Spin Labeled Nucleic Acids for Studying the Interaction of Nucleic Acid Binding Proteins .Las Vegas.
(1981. ) Detection by ESR of Fast Internal Motions in a B-DNA Helix .Denver, Colorado.
(1981. ) Binding Properties of Spin Labeled 2'-Deoxyuridine 5'-Mono- and Triphosphate to AMV RNA-Dependent DNA Polymerase .Atlanta.
(1981. ) Binding and Stoichiometric Characteristics of T4 Gene 32 Protein .Mexico City, Mexico.
(1981. ) Interaction of Metal Ions with Spin-Labeled Nucleotides .American Chemical Society, Lexington, Kentucky.
(1982. ) Spin-labeled Nucleic Acids as Macromolecular Probes to Determine Binding Affinity of Helix Destabilizing Proteins .New Orleans.
(1982. ) Mobilities in Nucleic Acids as Determined with Enzymatically Spin Labeled Polynucleotides .Tilton.
(1983. ) Nucleic Acid Binding Affinity of fd Gene 5 Protein in the Cooperative Binding Mode, Mechanisms of DNA Replication and Recombination .Keystone, Colorado.
(1983. ) Dipsticking of a DNA Major Groove with Spin Labels .Oxford, Ohio.
(1984. ) Motions in RNA and DNA Duplexes as Determined by Electron Spin Resonance with Nitroxide Labels of Different Tether Length .Holderness School.
(1984. ) Spin Labeled Nucleic Acids as Probes in Molecular Biology .Satellite Meeting to the IUPAB/Royal Society of London, Oxford, England.
(1984. ) Base Mobility in RNA and DNA Duplexes as Determined by ESR .Lexington.
(1985. ) Dynamics and Organization of Nucleosides in Single Stranded Nucleic Acid-Poly-L-lysine Complexes .Baltimore, Maryland.
(1985. ) Structural and Dynamic Features of Thymidine Bases in a Gene 5 Protein (T)n Complex .Albany, New York.
(1985. ) Molecular Dynamics in Protein-Single Stranded DNA Complexes .Denver, Colorado.
(1985. ) Nucleic Acid Binding Affinity of E. coli Single-Strand Nucleic Acid Binding Protein in the Cooperative Binding Mode .Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
(1986. ) Differential Chemical Reactivity of Daunomycin Toward Spin Labeled Synthetic Polynucleotides .San Francisco, California.
(1987. ) Local Thymidine Dynamics in Lambda Phage DNA .New Orleans, Louisiana.
(1987. ) The Potential Use of Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy for the Detection of Gene Sequences .Denver, Colorado.
(1988. ) Activation of Daunomycin by Enzymatically Nitroxide Labeled Nucleic Acids in the Presence of Molecular Oxygen .Park City, Utah.
(1988. ) Spectroscopic Properties of a Sequence Specific Spin Labeled 26-mer Containing the Binding Site of the EcoRI Restriction Enzyme .Prague, Czechoslovakia.
(1989. ) Gene 5 Protein-Single Stranded DNA Complex: Computer Modeling Studies .Cincinnati, Ohio.
(1989. ) A Comparative Sensitivity Study between the Varian and Bruker TM Cavities on a Varian E-104 and Bruker ESP 300 Spectrometer .Denver, Colorado.
(1989. ) Interaction between Daunomycin and a Sequence Specifically Spin Labeled Oligonucleotide .Denver, Colorado.
(1990. ) An EPR Probe to Detect Local Z-DNA Conformations .Baltimore, Maryland.
(1991. ) EcoRI Endonuclease Binding to 26-mers Results in a Conformational Change of the Duplex beyond the Binding Site Region .San Francisco, California.
O.K. Strobel, R.R. Sinden, and A.M. Bobst (1992. ) A Nitroxide-Labeled dCTP Analog Incorporated within a Z-DNA region of plasmid DNA .Houston, TX.
(1992. ) Modeling the Dynamics of Nitroxides Tethered to Oligonucleotides .Tilton.
(1992. ) Spin-Labeled Nucleic Acids: Their Application to Understanding DNA Features and DNA-Protein Complexes .Cincinnati, OH.
(1992. ) Menadione-Induced Oxidative Stress in Microvascular Endothelial Cells .San Diego, CA.
(1993. ) Internal Dynamics of DNA as Monitored by a 2-Atom-Tethered Nitroxide Spin Label .Washington, DC.
(1993. ) Spin-Labeled Nucleic Acids, Symposium on Molecular Aspects of Ligand-DNA Interactions .Nashville, TN.
(1993. ) EPR Analysis of Oligonucleotides Containing Sequence-Specifically Incorporated Nitroxide Radicals .Oklahoma City, OK.
(1994. ) A Model-Free Approach for Monitoring the Dynamics of DNA by Nitroxide Spin Labels .New Orleans, LA.
(1995. ) Detection of Dynamic Effects Associated with a Plasmid B-Z Transition and with EcoRI Binding .San Francisco, CA.
(1996. ) Detection of DNA Helical Fluctuations Manifested by the Binding of ANTP (C39S) Homeodomain or ANTP Full-length Protein .Baltimore, MD.
(1996. ) An EPR Probe for the Detection of DNA Bending .Denver, CO.
(1996. ) Exploring the Conformational Space of a Tethered Nitroxide in the Major Groove of DNA Adjacent to the EcoRI Binding Site by Molecular Dynamics Simulations .Orlando, FL.
(1997. ) Global and Local Motions of DNA as Determined by EPR .Ventura, CA.
(1997. ) Evaluation of the Potency of' 1O2 Quenchers, Histidine and Carnosine on Cardiac Functional Recovery .Vancouver, Canada.
(1998. ) Effect of the Simulation Length of the Dymanics of Nitroxide Labels Bound to DNA .University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
(1999. ) Spin-Labeled Nucleic Acids for Studying Conformations Relevant to Cellular Development .Baltimore, MD.
(1999. ) An X-Band EPR Study on Ascorbyl Free Radicals Generated in Rat Hearts in the Presence of Different Types of ROS Scavengers .Denver, CO.
(1999. ) A Novel Detection Method for Encephalitozoon hellem Spores in Water .Milwaukee, WI.
(2000. ) A Sensitive Magnetic Resonance Assay for the Detection of Specific Gene Sequences .New Orleans, LA.
(2000. ) Vitamin C Radical as a Potential Marker of Singlet Oxygen Scavenging in Reperfusion Injury; Spin-Labeled DNA Dynamics as Determined with the SRLS Model .Covington, KY.
(2001. ) Effect of Lipofectin/Poly-L-lysine on DNase II Digestion: An EPR Study with Spin-Labeled Calf-Thymus DNA .Boston, MA.
(2001. ) Quantitative Detection of Three Human-Pathogenic Species from the Microsporidial Genus Encephalitozoon via a Fluorogenic Probe-Based PCR Assay .Orlando, FL.
(2001. ) Real-Time PCR Detection of Three Human-Pathogenic Species from the Microsporidial Genus Encephalitozoon .Cincinnati, OH.
(2001. ) Identification of a Single Genome by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) with Nitroxide-Labeled Oligonucleotide Probes .Kaiserslautern, Germany.
(2003. ) The Stability of Chlorine Dioxide in the Presence of Biological Matrices: An Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) Analysis .Orlando, FL.
(2004. ) Sequence-Specific Spin-Labeled Nucleic Acids as Molecular Size Sensor: An EPR Study for the Detection of E. hellem Spores .Anaheim, CA.
(2005. ) Potential of Gene Detection by EPR/PCR with the Easy-to-use Bench-top Bruker e-scan .Milwaukee, WI.
Event Organized
Honors and Awards
The Hans H. Jaffe Chemistry Faculty Award for Excellence Department of Chemistry Status:Recipient Level:Department Type:Recognition
National Academy of Inventors Cincinnati Chapter National Academy of Inventors Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition
Cincinnati Chemist of the Year Award Type:Recognition
Fellow of the Graduate School, University of Cincinnati Type:Recognition
Darwin T. Turner Scholars Program (UC Ethnic Programs & Services) faculty recognition Type:Recognition
Future Learning: Addressing Issues of Diversity Project, recognition by Nancy L. Zimpher, President Type:Recognition
Darwin T. Turner Scholars Program (UC Ethnic Programs & Services) faculty recognition Type:Recognition
(Space Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2011 -07-20-2013
(Awards Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2011 -To Present
Post Graduate Training and Education
2007-2008 Visiting Scholar, OSU, , Medical School Columbus OH
2007-2008 Visiting Scholar,
1983-1984 Visiting Scientist , National Institutes of Health, , Bethesda, Maryland
1983-1984 Visiting Scientist, National Institutes of Health, , Bethesda, Maryland
Biological electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. Spin-labeling of nucleic acids. PCR/EPR Gene detection. Micro EPR.
Courses Taught
15-CHEM-102 FIRST YR CHEMISTRY Level:Undergraduate
15-CHEM-205 INTRO BIOCHEM I Level:Undergraduate
15-CHEM-206 INTRO BIOCHEM II Level:Undergraduate
15-CHEM-101 FIRST YR CHEMISTRY Level:Undergraduate
15-CHEM-204 BIO-ORGANIC CHEM Level:Undergraduate
15-CHEM-102 FIRST YR CHEMISTRY Level:Undergraduate
15-CHEM-205 INTRO BIOCHEM I Level:Undergraduate
15-CHEM-206 INTRO BIOCHEM II Level:Undergraduate
15-CHEM-590 BIOPHY CHEM Level:Undergraduate
15-CHEM-101 FIRST YR CHEMISTRY General Chemistry I Level:Undergraduate
15-CHEM-204 BIO-ORGANIC CHEM Survey of Biochemistry I Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-1040 GEN CHEM I General Chemistry I Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-2030 SURVEY BIOCHEM I Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-2031 SURVEY BIOCHEM II Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-4041 BIOCHEMICAL ENERGY Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-2031 SURVEY BIOCHEM II Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-4041 BIOCHEMICAL ENERGY Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-1040 GEN CHEM I Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-2030 SURVEY BIOCHEM I Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-2030 SURVEY BIOCHEM I Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-1040 GEN CHEM I Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-2031 SURVEY BIOCHEM II Level:Undergraduate
-CHEM-4041 BIOCHEMICAL ENERGY Level:Undergraduate
Patents and Inventions
7,125,665 B2 Detection of Nucleic Acid Target Sequences by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Albert Bobst and Jeff Hester, Awarded 10-24-2006 Inventor
5,004,809 Nitroxide Labeled Hybridization Probes Albert Bobst and Gary Pauly, 1991 Inventor