James Richard Boex , PhD, MBA
Professor Emeritus, College of Medicine
1928 Middleton Rd
Hudson, Ohio 44236
Phone 3303227554
Email james.boex@uc.edu
Professional Summary
Dr. Boex has been active in medical and health professions education, public health and health care management for nearly fifty years. Over this period he has served as an award-winning teacher, a successful researcher and consultant, an innovative manager, and performed successful liaison work at the state and federal government levels.
His experiences have occurred in one of the newest medical schools in the country and one of the oldest, as well as in a variety of public health and health care delivery settings. Over the years he has trained thousands of medical students and residents, attending physicians, practicing public health professionals, and graduate students in public health, health care management, the biomedical sciences, and related fields.
His research interests converged around understanding effects at the intersection of clinical education and clinical care, including a variety of health care professions and across the continuum of care from tertiary care centers to the community at large. These investigations were supported by state and federal agencies and national foundations; resulted in many publications and national & international presentations, and continue to have policy and management impacts to the present. Based on these investigations, a number of major health care organizations sought his advice and counsel on related issues.
He helped build and lead innovative programs in medical education and public health education. He urged early adoption of on-line education and helped lead the development of a pioneering asynchronous on-line program in health care management.
Dr. Boex retired from full-time employment in 2012 and was named an Emeritus Professor of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. He returned to his home in Hudson, Ohio from where he has continued his active involvement with the University and in a number of other areas, including serving as a member of the Summit County Board of Health helping to address the opiate addiction and COVID-19 epidemics.
Bachelor's Degree: SUNY at Buffalo 1970 (Political Science)
Master of Business Administration: Kent State University School of Management 1992
Doctoral Degree: University of Akron 2002 (Health Policy and Program Analysis)
Positions and Work Experience
2006 -2012 Professor of Health Care Administration, University of Cincinnati College of Allied Health Sciences, Cincinnati OH
2006 -2012 Associate Director, MHA Degree Program, University of Cincinnati College of Allied Health Sciences, Cincinnati OH
2009 -2012 Professor of Medical Education , University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati OH
2006 -2009 Founding Director, MPH Program, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati OH
2006 -2009 Professor of Public Health Sciences, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati OH
2002 -2006 Associate Professor, Community Health Sciences, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, Rootstown OH
2004 -2006 Asscociate Chair, Community Health Sciences, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, Rootstown OH
1993 -2006 Director, Office of Health Services Organization & Research, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, Rootstown OH
1983 -1993 Associate Dean & Special Assistant to the President, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, Rootstown OH
1982 -1983 Interim Vice President, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, Rootstown OH
1979 -1983 Assistant Dean for Admissions & Student Affairs, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, Rootstown OH
1976 -1979 Director, Office of Student Affairs & Registrar, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, Rootstown OH
2012 - Professor Emeritus, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati OH
Research Support
Investigators:Caruso, JW 2009 ACGME Systematic Review of the Literature on the Effects of Residents’ Duty Hour Schedules on Their Learning, Well-Being and Patient Care Role:Co-Investigator $48,000 Completed Type:Contract
Investigators:Keck CW & Boex JR 2003 -2006 BHPr/HRSA/US Public Health Service Center for Leadership in Public Health and Community Medicine Role:Co-PI $1,250,000 Completed
Investigators:Keck CW & Boex JR 2003 -2005 AAMC/CDC Cooperative Agreement Regional Public Health/Medical Education Center Role:Co-PI $55,000 Type:Contract
Investigators:Boex JR 2002 -2003 MA Dept of Health/MA Public Health Assoc Planning A Statewide Evaluation of the Impact of Community Health Workers Role:PI $50,000 Completed Type:Contract
Investigators:Boex JR & Hedrick L 1998 -2000 BHPr/HRSA/USPHS Exploring the Value Added by Educational Activities to Clinical Care Role:PI $100,000 Completed Type:Contract
Investigators:Boex JR 1997 -1998 HRSA/USPHS Understanding the Value Added by Training Activities to Clinical Care Role:PI $165,000 Completed Type:Contract
Investigators:Boex JR 1996 -1997 New York State Department of Health Bureau of Health Resources Development Assessing Ambulatory Primary Care Training: Methods, Costs and Quality Role:PI $150,000 Completed Type:Contract
Investigators:Boex JR 1995 -1997 BHPr/HRSA/USPHS Measuring the Costs of Ambulatory Training Role:PI $500,000 Completed Type:Contract
Investigators:Boex JR 1994 -1995 BHPr/HRSA/USPHS Identifying the Costs of Ambulatory Graduate Medical Education Role:PI $150,000 Completed Type:Contract
Investigators:Keck CW & Boex JR 1993 -1997 Health of the Public Program of the Pew Charitable Trusts and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation The Community and Academic Health Center in Partnership for Healthy People 2000 Role:Co-PI $150,000 Completed Type:Contract
Investigators:Garg, MJ & Boex JR 1993 -1994 WK Kellogg Foundation An Analysis of the Funding Sources of the Academic Health Center Role:Co-PI $60,000 Completed Type:Contract
Investigators:Boex JR 1993 WK Kellogg Foundation Analysis of Quality and Costs of Care, and the Effects of Training Programs on the Supply of Primary Care Practitioners Role:PI $50,000 Completed Type:Contract
Grant: #U1EMC076555 Investigators:Boex, James; Diers, Tiffiny; Doarn, Charles; Yi, Michael 09-01-2010 -08-31-2014 Health Resources and Services Administration Building the Medical Home for Sickle Cell: Creating Access, Coordinating Care and Engaging Consumers in the Ohio Valley Role:Collaborator $1,153,550.00 Active Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Warm, Eric J; Schauer, Daniel P; Diers, Tiffiny; Mathis, Bradley R; Neirouz, Yvette; Boex, James R; Rouan, Gregory W (2008. ) The ambulatory long-block: an accreditation council for graduate medical education (ACGME) educational innovations project (EIP).Journal of general internal medicine, , 23 (7 ) ,921-6 More Information
File, Thomas M; Tan, James S; Boex, James R (2006. ) The clinical relevance of penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae: a new perspective.Clinical infectious diseases: an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, , 42 (6 ) ,798-800 More Information
Veloski, Jon; Boex, James R; Grasberger, Margaret J; Evans, Adam; Wolfson, Daniel B (2006. ) Systematic review of the literature on assessment, feedback and physicians' clinical performance: BEME Guide No. 7.Medical teacher, , 28 (2 ) ,117-28 More Information
Boex, James R; Keck, C William; Piatt, Elizabeth; Nunthirapikorn, Thida Nita; Blacklow, Robert S (2006. ) Academic health centers and public health departments: partnership matters.American journal of preventive medicine, , 30 (1 ) ,89-93 More Information
Veloski, J Jon; Fields, Sylvia K; Boex, James R; Blank, Linda L (2005. ) Measuring professionalism: a review of studies with instruments reported in the literature between 1982 and 2002 .Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, , 80 (4 ) ,366-70
Boex, James R; Leahy, Peter J (2003. ) Understanding residents' work: moving beyond counting hours to assessing educational value .Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, , 78 (9 ) ,939-44
Boex, J R; Henry, R C (2001. ) Principles to guide AHC-community partnerships .Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, , 76 (2 ) ,151-2
Hogan, A J; Franzini, L; Boex, J R (2000. ) Estimating the cost of primary care training in ambulatory settings .Health economics, , 9 (8 ) ,715-26
Boex, J R; Boll, A A; Franzini, L; Hogan, A J; Irby, D; Meservey, P M; Rubin, R M; Seifer, S D; Veloski, J J (2000. ) Measuring the costs of primary care education in the ambulatory setting .Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, , 75 (5 ) ,419-25
Ogrinc, G S; Headrick, L A; Boex, J R (1999. ) Understanding the value added to clinical care by educational activities. Value of Education Research Group .Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, , 74 (10 ) ,1080-6
Boex, J R; Cooksey, J; Inui, T (1998. ) Hospital participation in community partnerships to improve health .The Joint Commission journal on quality improvement, , 24 (10 ) ,541-8
Boex, J R; Blacklow, R; Boll, A; Fishman, L; Gamliel, S; Garg, M; Gilchrist, V; Hogan, A; Meservey, P; Pearson, S; Politzer, R; Veloski, J J (1998. ) Understanding the costs of ambulatory care training. Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, , 73 (9 ) ,943-7
Blacklow, R S; Boex, J R; Keck, C W (1995. ) A required clerkship in community medicine .Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, , 70 (5 ) ,449-50
Boex, J R; Kirson, S M; Keyes-Welch, M; Evans, A (1994. ) Financial incentives in residency recruiting for primary care: scope, characteristics, and students' perceptions .Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, , 69 (11 ) ,903-6
Otto, A K; Boex, J R; Feitler, F C (1994. ) Developing a school's physician leadership program .Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, , 69 (2 ) ,127-8
Boex, J R (1992. ) Factors contributing to the variability of direct costs for graduate medical education in teaching hospitals .Academic medicine: journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, , 67 (2 ) ,80-4
Boex, J R (1988. ) Combined B.S.-M.D. programs .Journal of medical education, , 63 (7 ) ,585-6
Warm, Eric J; Schauer, Daniel; Revis, Brian; Boex, James R (2010. ) Multisource feedback in the ambulatory setting.Journal of graduate medical education, , 2 (2 ) ,269-77 More Information
Book Chapter
Blacklow RS, Keck CW, & Boex JR (2003 ) Teaching Health Departments - Linking Medicine and Public Health Practice Meeting Health Care Needs in the 21st Century .Washington DC, Association of Academic Health Centers (Co-Author)
Boex, JR, Buss,T, & Yancer,L (1998 ) OhioCare: The Waiver That Wasn’t Medicaid and the American States: The Politics of Managed Care .Westport, CT, Greenwood (Author)
Encyclopedia Article
Boex JR (2001. ) Encyclopedia of Public Health .New York, Macmillan Reference,
Honors and Awards
2003 -2006 Master Teacher, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine
Courses Taught
Global Health and Health Systems (Director)
Contact Information
Academic - 1928 Middleton Rd
Ohio, 44236
Phone: 3303227554