Don Bogen

Don H Bogen


Professor Emeritus

Professional Summary

Don Bogen is the author of four books of poetry, including his most recent book An Algebra, University of Chicago Press (2009). His critical book, A Necessary Order: Theodore Roethke and the Writing Process, was published by Ohio University Press in 1991. Along with his poetry, Bogen has been active as a reviewer and translator, and has collaborated with composers from the U.S. and abroad. Awards for his work include U.C.'s Rieveschl Award for Excellence in Scholarly and Creative Work, The Discovery / The Nation Award, the Emily Dickinson Award of the Poetry Society of America, a Fulbright Senior Lectureship in Spain, and fellowships from the Camargo Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts.


Ph.D.: University of California Berkeley, 1976 (English)

M.A.: University of California Berkeley, 1974 (English)

A.B.: University of California Berkeley, 1971 (English)

Foreign study: Georg August University Gottingen, Germany, 1970

Research and Practice Interests

poetry, translation

Positions and Work Experience

2011 -2011 Fulbright Distinguished Scholar in Creative Writing, Seamus Heaney Poetry Centre, Queen's University, Belfast, Ireland

2007 -2007 Visiting Poet, University of California, Irive, CA

2003 -2003 Fulbright Senior Lectureship, University of Santiago de Compostela and University of Vigo, Spain

1997 -To Present Professor, University of Cincinnati, OH

1984 -1985 Associate Member, Darwin College, Cambridge University, UK

1982 -1997 Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati, OH

1976 -1982 Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati, OH

Research Support

2008 Santa Fe Arts Institute Witter Bynner Poetry Translator Residency

2003 Spain Fulbright Senior Lectureship Type:Contract

2002 University of Cincinnati Taft Competitive Faculty Fellowship Type:Fellowship

1999 Ohio Arts Council Individual Artists Fellowship Type:Fellowship

1997 Sewanee Writers' Conference Walter E. Dakin Fellowship Type:Fellowship

1996 Summer Residency at Yaddo Type:Fellowship

1993 Cassis, France Fellowship at the Camargo Foundation Type:Fellowship

1992 University of Cincinnati Taft Academic Leave Grant Type:Grant

1989 National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship Type:Fellowship

1989 Ingram Merrill Foundation Grant Type:Grant

1985 Ohio Arts Council Individual Artists Fellowship Type:Fellowship

1984 University of Cincinnati Taft Academic Leave Grant Type:Grant

1980 University of Cincinnati Summer Faculty Fellowship Type:Fellowship

1979 University of Cincinnati Summer Research Council Grant Type:Grant

1978 University of Cincinnati Summer Taft Grant Type:Grant

1977 University of Cincinnati Summer Research Council Grant Type:Grant

Abbreviated Publications

Creative Translation

"The Eternal Cavalry," "I Only Want to Go Back to the Trenches," "On Nature" and "Victim and Executioner" (from Julio Martínez Mesanza), Stand (U.K.), 2010.

"The Black Streets," "The Condemned" and "Preferences" (from Julio Martinez Mesanza), Parthenon West Review, 2010.

"Russia" and "The Stylite" (from Julio Martínez Mesanza), Pleiades, 2009.

"The Spring Campaigns" (from Julio Martínez Mesanza), Boston Review, 2009.

"Ceremony," "Horses Die in Battle Too" and "Your Eyes, the Ones that I See in the Battle"  Arts & Letters, Fall, 2008.  Featured on Poetry Daily website ( December 23, 2008.

"Against Utopia II" and "The Prisoners" (from Julio Martínez Mesanza), Poetry International, 2008.

"De Amicitia" and "On Nature II" (from Julio Martínez Mesanza), Poetry Northwest, Spring, 2008. Featured on Poetry Daily website ( 2008.

"City of Many Towers," "I Dreamed about Men on Horseback Again," "Towers Are an Image of our Pride," and "The Tower in the Wasteland" (from Julio Martínez Mesanza), LiteraryImagination, Winter, 2007.

Clotho:  The Life of Camille Claudel (translation of opera libretto by Dagmar Birke and four poems from Baudelaire), with composers Mara Helmuth and Allen Otte, for soprano, percussion and tape. First performed September 8, 2000.

"Memorial for a Fisherman" and "The Wood House over the Wilia" (from Johannes Bobrowski), Antaeus, Summer-Autumn, 1978.  Reprinted in The Antaeus Anthology, Bantam, 1986.

"Return" (from Johannes Bobrowski), The Chowder Review, Fall-Winter, 1977

Poems in Exile (16 poems by Bertolt Brecht), Hyperion, Summer, 1976

"Convalescence" (from Juan Ramon Jiménez), Berkeley Poetry Review, Fall, 1975


"Stage" from An Algebra in IOU: New Writing on Money, Ron Slate, Ed., Concord Free Press. 2010.

"Flags, Maps, Towers, Icons" (12-poem sequence). Consequences. 2010.

"To the Celto-Ligurians," Boston Review. 2010.

"Mesoamerican Song." Tikkun. 2010.

"In Altadena." Smartish Place. 2010.

"Maker's Song," "Stair Song," and "Six Ghost Songs" (6-poem sequence). Hampden-Sydney Review. 2010.

"Sick Song." The Yale Review. 2009.

"Listen Song" and "Smart Song." Shenandoah. 2009.

"Care Song" and "Moving Song." Margie. 2008.

"Decisions." Electronic Poetry Review (Internet). 2008.

"In the Rain" and "Street, Window." Stand (UK). 2008.

"A Citizen." State of the Union: 50 Political Poems. 2008.

"Thoroughbreds." Cadence of Hooves: A Celebration of Horses. 2008.

"In the Rain." Stand. U.K. 2007.

"Street, Window." Stand. U.K. 2007.

"Pedestrian Song." Parnassus Literary Review. 2007.

"Thoroughbreds." Parnassus Literary Review. 2007.

"Bagatelles." Ploughshares. 2006.

"Blowtorch." The Torch. 2006.

"A Citizen." The Yale Review. 2006.

"House." Slate. 2006.

"Sky." Colorado Review. 2006.

"Who." Colorado Review. 2006.

"June Song." onearth. 2006.

"Vaporizer." Field. 2006.

"Barcarole." Electronic Poetry Review. 2005.

"Edge." Electronic Poetry Review. 2005.

"Have To." Electronic Poetry Review. 2005.

"Slash." Electronic Poetry Review. 2005.

"Elegies." The Paris Review. 2005.

"Promise Song." The Paris Review. 2005.

"Flowers." The New Republic. 2005.

"For the Makers." Agni. 2005.

"The Planets." The Journal. 2005.

"Wanted To." Boulevard. 2005.

"New Father." Family Matters: Poems of Our Families. 2005.

"Good Golly." The Paradelle: An Anthology. 2005.

"An Algebra." The Southeast Review. 2004.

"Engraving: Abraham and Isaac." Washington Square. 2004.

"Hauptstadt." The Blue Writer. 2004.

"A Ghost." Mid-American Review. 2003.

"Immediate Song." The New Republic. 2003.

"A World." Sou'Wester. 2003.

"Learning to Clam." O Taste and See: Food Poems. 2003.

"Air." Colorado Review. 2002.

"Epistle to Dr. Venturo." Literary Imagination. 2002.

"Etudes." Prairie Schooner. 2002.

"L'isle joyeuse." Pleiades. 2002.

"Rilke in Paris." The Journal. 2002.

"The Objects." Colorado Review. 2001.

"Proteus." Ploughshares. 2001.

"Run." The New Republic. 2001.

"All Shook Up." All Shook Up: Twentieth-Century Poets on a Cultural Icon. 2001.

"Chair." Ohio Art. 2000.

"Could Not Speak." Partisan Review. 2000.

"Give It Back." Partisan Review. 2000.

"No Friend." The Yale Review. 2000.

"Coleridge at Midnight." Colorado Review. 1999.

"Olive." Western Humanities Review. 1999.

"One Morning." Shenandoah. 1999.

"Three Variations on Elegiac Themes." Poetry. 1999.

"Among Appliances." And What Rough Beast: Poems at the End of the Century. 1999.

"The Pond." 1986-1988 Anthology of Magazine Verse & Yearbook of American Poetry. 1988.

"Cardinals." Grand Street. 1998.

"Meditation on a Line from Whitman." Slate. 1998.

"Notes for an Autobiography." Crab Orchard Review. 1998.

"Pedestrian Song." The Southern California Anthology. 1998.

"A Row of Heads." The Journal. 1998.

"Blowtorch." The Cortland Review. 1998.

"Only Music." The Cortland Review. 1998.

"Stucco." The Cortland Review. 1998.

"Look Out for My Love." Salmagundi. 1997.

"Bouquinistes." Partisan Review. 1996.

"Doors." Southwest Review. 1996.

"In the Middle of Europe." Stand. U.K. 1996.

"The Trains." DoubleTake. 1996.

"Card Catalog." Western Humanities Review. 1995.

"Among Appliances." The Paris Review. 1994.

"Slum Corner." Broken Images. 1994.

"La Clairière." Poetry. 1993.

"Musée." Poetry. 1993.

"The House Destroyed by Fire." The Wesleyan Tradition: Four Decades of American Poetry. 1993.

"The Last Installment." After the Splendid Display in The Wesleyan Tradition: Four Decades of American Poetry. 1993.

"The Nudes." Salmagundi. 1992.

"Snowfall." The Journal. 1992.

"Another Orphan." The Licking River Review. 1991.

"The Case of the Doddering Doctor." The Licking River Review. 1991.

"Lunch on the Grass." The Licking River Review. 1991.

"The Palace at Granada." Western Humanities Review. 1991.

"A Waiting Room in Vienna." Western Humanities Review. 1991.

"Salver." The New Republic. 1991.

"Thoroughbreds." The Paris Review. 1991.

"A Luddite Lullaby." Poetry. 1990.

"A Muse." The Yale Review. 1990.

"Slum Corner." The New Republic. 1990.

"The Machines." The New Republic. 1989.

"Necklace." The New Republic. 1989.

"Nine Reflections." Art / Life. 1989.

"Pools." Art / Life. 1989.

"Three Cradle Songs." Partisan Review. 1989.

"Examination." Cincinnati Poetry Review. 1988.

"The Moon in the Water." Cincinnati Poetry Review. 1988.

"Rain Forest." The Nation. 1988.

"This Far." Stand. U.K. 1988.

"Bullhorn." DoubleTake. 1998.

"The Freedom of the Press." The Missouri Review. 1987.

"The Known World." Shenandoah. 1987.

"Literacy." The Missouri Review. 1987.

"The Pageant." Poetry. 1986.

"The Pond." Poetry. 1986.

"Romanesque." Poetry. 1986.

"Pasadena." The American Poetry Review. 1984.

"Pedlar." The American Poetry Review. 1984.

"Policies." Indiana Review. 1984.

"A Priest of Aphrodisias." Stand. U.K. 1984.

"Winter House." Stand. U.K. 1984.

"Reggae Music." Sidewinder. 1984.

"A Scholar Gazing at a Flight of Birds." Ploughshares. 1984.

"Swan Song." Ploughshares. 1984.

"Bay Window in a Rented House." Correspondances. Switzerland 1983.

"The Last Installment." The Kenyon Review. 1983.

"Net." The Kenyon Review. 1983.

"After the Splendid Display." The American Poetry Review. 1982.

"At the Concert." The Threepenny Review. 1982.

"The All-Night Rumba." Southern Poetry Review. 1981.

"Family Album." The North American Review. 1981.

"The House Destroyed by Fire." The New Republic. 1981.

"Pioneer Square." The Nation. 1980.

"Glass Music." The New Republic. 1979.

"Listening to Election Returns at Midnight." Cincinnati Poetry Review. 1978.

"On the Retirement of a Secretary of State." Kayak. 1978.

"To All the Tired Children." Kayak. 1978.

"A Postcard from St. Petersburg." The Paris Review. 1978.

"The Road from Willets to the Coast." The Chowder Review / Abraxas. 1977.

"First Morning at Boulder Creek." Texas Quarterly. 1977.

"After Reading Ojibwa Poetry." South Dakota Review. 1976.

"Lithia Park." South Dakota Review. 1976.

"Crawling Home." The Paris Review. 1976.

"Learning to Clam." The Paris Review. 1976.


Unititled review of John Taggart, is music: Selected Poems), On the Seawall (, November 30, 2010.

"Literary Detritus" (T.S. Eliot, Inventions of the March Hare:  Poems 1909-1917), American Book Review, May-June, 1999

"Muses of History" (James Fenton, Out of Danger and Carolyn Forché, The Angel of History), The Nation, October 24, 1994.  Reprinted in Contemporary Literary Criticism, 1999; Literature Resource Center, 1999; and CD-ROM DISCovering Authors, 1996; all Gale Research Press.

"Isn't It Romantic?" (Robert Hass, Sun Under Wood), The Kenyon Review, Summer-Fall, 1998

"Heaney's Touch" (Seamus Heaney, The Spirit Level), The Threepenny Review, Winter, 1997

"An Old-Left Adam" (Pablo Neruda, Canto General and Selected Odes), The Nation, January 27, 1992

"Running with the Ball" (Robert Pinsky, The Want Bone), The Nation, December 17, 1990.  Reprinted in CD-ROM DISCovering Authors, Gale Research Press, 1996.

"A Student of Desire" (Robert Hass, Human Wishes), The Nation, December 11, 1989.  Reprinted in Poetry Criticism, Gale Research Press, 1996.

"Art and Disaster" (Czeslaw Milosz, Collected Poems), The Nation, December 19, 1988

"Reverie Unraveled" (Herbert Morris, Dream Palace), The Threepenny Review, Spring, 1987

"The Poem Machine" (C.K. Williams, Flesh and Blood), The Nation, May 30, 1987.  Reprinted in Literature Resource Center, 1999; and Contemporary Literary Criticism, Roger Matuz, ed., 1990; both Gale Research Press.

"Perfection of the Work" (Robert Lowell, Collected Prose), The Nation, April 11, 1987

"The Fundamental Skeptic" (Louise Glück, The Triumph of Achilles), The Nation, January 18, 1986.  Reprinted in Contemporary Literary Criticism, Roger Matuz, ed., Gale Research Press, 1988.

"The Way We Are" (Alfred Corn, Notes from a Child of Paradise), The Nation, July 7-14, 1984

"American Elegies" (Richard Hugo, Collected Poems), The Nation, March 17, 1984. Reprinted in CD-ROM DISCovering Authors, Gale Research Press, 1996.

"Poems of Two Cities" (James McMichael, Four Good Things and C.K. Williams, Tar), Urban Resources, Spring, 1984

"Guilt-Edged Poems" (Frank Bidart, The Sacrifice), The Nation, December 10, 1983

"Energy and Control" (Thom Gunn, The Occasions of Poetry and The Passages of Joy), The Threepenny Review, Fall, 1983

"César Vallejo:  Latin American Modernist" (César Vallejo, The Complete PosthumousPoetry), University Publishing, Winter, 1981

Untitled Review of Seamus Heaney, North and Philip Levine, The Names of the Lost,            Hyperion, Spring, 1978

Book of Poems

An Algebra. University of Chicago Press, 2009.

Luster. Wesleyan University Press, 2003.

The Known World. Wesleyan University Press, 1997.

After the Splendid Display. Wesleyan University Press, 1986.


A Necessary Order: Theodore Roethke and the Writing Process. Ohio University Press, 1991.

Book Chapter

"On Josephine Miles' 'The Cage,'" in Dark Horses:  Poets on Overlooked Poems, Kevin Prufer and Joy Katz, eds., University of Illinois Press, 2006.  Reprinted on Poetry Foundation website:

"'Faithful to the End':  John Haines' Poetry Since 1980," in The Wilderness of Vision:  On the Poetry of John Haines, Kevin Bezner and Kevin Walzer, eds., Story Line Press, 1996

Peer Reviewed Publications

"What's Gained in Translation:  The Question of Poetry," The Writer's Chronicle, March-April, 2005

"Beyond the Workshop:  Suggestions for a Process-Oriented Creative Writing Course," Journal of Advanced Composition, 1984

"'Intuition' and 'Craftsmanship':  Theodore Roethke at Work," Papers on Language and Literature, Winter, 1982

"From Open House to the Greenhouse:  Theodore Roethke's Poetic Breakthrough," ELH, Summer, 1980

"'I' and 'You' in 'Who Learns My Lesson Complete?':  Some Aspects of Whitman's Poetic Evolution," Walt Whitman Review, September, 1979

Other Publication

"Break Into Light" with composer Garth Hangartner, for soprano, oboe, French horn and piano. First performed April 27, 2006 at Randolf-Macon Women's College, Lynchburg, Virginia.

"Remembrance," with composer Marta Ptaszynska, for mezzo soprano and string quartet.  First performed December 10, 1995.  Broadcast on WQXR, New York.

"As an Algebra," with composer Allen Otte, for spoken voice and mbira.  First performed December 6, 1994.  Included on CD Implements of Actuation (Electronic Music Foundation, 2000).

"This Unsought Dominion," with composer Jennifer Stasack, for percussion, double bass and soprano.  First performed March 31, 1988.

"This," with composers Fred Bianchi and Allen Otte, for percussion, spoken voice and tape. First performed March 7, 1987.  Included in 17th Annual Festival of New Music, Ball State University, 1987.


Invited Presentations

(11-17-2010. ) Xavier University .Cincinnati, OH.

(11-12-2010. ) Allegheny College .Meadville, PA.

(11-11-2010. ) Point Park University .Pittsburgh, PA.

(11-10-2010. ) Chatham University .Pittsburgh, PA.

(10-22-2010. ) Moonstone Arts Center .Philadelphia, PA.

(10-20-2010. ) American Literary Translators Association Annual Conference .Philadelphia, PA.

(09-19-2010. ) Festival of the Book .Washington, DC.

(09-10-2010. ) Syracuse "Y" Writer's Center .NY.

(09-08-2010. ) Utica College .NY.

(08-30-2010. ) Sarabande Press Reading Series .Louisville, KY.

(06-09-2010. ) Indiana University Writer's Conference .IN.

(05-05-2010. ) Principia College .St. Louis, MO.

(05-04-2010. ) Left Bank Books .St. Louis, MO.

(04-16-2010. ) Southern Kentucky Book Festival .Bowling Green, KY.

(04-12-2010. ) The Blacksmith House .Cambridge, MA.

(03-29-2010. ) Columbus College of Art and Design .OH.

(09-18-2008. ) Santa Fe Arts Institute .NM.

(09-17-2008. ) Collected Works Bookstore .Santa Fe, NM.

(04-18-2007. ) California State University .Northridge.

(03-28-2007. ) Casa Romantica .San Clemente, CA.

(02-10-2007. ) International Festival of Poetry .Granada, Nicaragua.

(10-29-2006. ) Oberlin College .OH.

(10-26-2006. ) Georgia State University .GA.

(10-18-2006. ) Open Books .Seattle, WA.

(12-02-2005. ) Miami University .Oxford, OH.

(11-09-2005. ) Taylor University .IN.

(05-26-2005. ) Ohio State University .OH.

(04-11-2005. ) Xavier University .OH.

(03-21-2005. ) The Blacksmith House .Cambridge, MA.

(02-22-2005. ) Southern Illinois University .Edwardsville, IL.

(10-14-2004. ) Miami University .Oxford, OH.

(09-23-2004. ) Bridgewater State University .MA.

(09-22-2004. ) Southern Connecticut State University .CT.

(09-21-2004. ) Trinity College .Hartford, CT.

(09-20-2004. ) The College of Staten Island .NY.

(09-16-2004. ) St. Joseph's University .Philadelphia, PA.

(04-03-2004. ) Montevallo Literary Festival featured poet .Montevallo, AL.

(04-01-2004. ) Mississippi State University .MS.

(12-17-2003. ) Wheaton College .MA.

(12-01-2003. ) University of Vigo .Spain.

(09-18-2003. ) Pine Manor College .MA.

(09-16-2003. ) Boston University .MA.

(04-10-2003. ) Spanish Association of American Studies Biennial Conference .Vitoria, Spain.

(12-01-2002. ) University of Córdoba .Spain.

(04-14-2000. ) Kent State University .OH.

(04-13-2000. ) Ashland University .OH.

(04-17-1999. ) Associated Writing Programs Annual Conference .Albany, NY.

(02-17-1999. ) Ohio State University .OH.

(12-22-1998. ) University of Southern California .CA.

(04-19-1998. ) Morehead State University .KY.

(04-08-1998. ) Central Missouri State University .MO.

(04-07-1998. ) The Writer's Place .Kansas City, MO.

(03-25-1998. ) Bowling Green State University .OH.

(03-12-1998. ) University of Michigan .MI.

(03-04-1998. ) Wright State University .OH.

(02-25-1998. ) Ohio Wesleyan University .OH.

(10-30-1997. ) Marshall University .WV.

(10-23-1997. ) Truman State University .MO.

(10-22-1997. ) Lincoln University .MO.

(10-21-1997. ) Fontbonne College .MO.

(09-15-1997. ) Elon College .NC.

(06-23-1997. ) Sewanee Writers' Conference .TN.

(04-19-1997. ) University of Toledo .OH.

(04-16-1997. ) Illinois State University .IL.

(11-07-1996. ) Leeds University .UK.

(06-16-1996. ) Yaddo .NY.

(05-03-1993. ) The Camargo Foundation .Cassis, France.

(04-11-1989. ) The Poetry Center of the 92nd St. "Y" .NY.

(02-23-1989. ) University of California, Los Angeles .CA.

(02-22-1989. ) University of Southern California .SC.

(03-05-1988. ) University of Kentucky .KY.

(10-08-1987. ) University of Evansville .IN.

(03-25-1987. ) Ohio Arts Council .Columbus, OH.

(08-06-1986. ) The Thurber House .Columbus, OH.

(02-23-1983. ) University of Louisville .KY.

(12-10-1981. ) The Folger Library .Washington, DC.

(05-19-1980. ) The Poetry Center of the 92nd St. "Y" .New York.


(06-10-2010. ) Publishing Poetry .IN.

(12-26-2006. ) Publishing Poetry .Georgia State University.

(12-07-2003. ) "Cult of the Breakthrough": The Poetic Career of Theodore Roethke .University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

(11-30-2003. ) "Cult of the Breakthrough": The Poetic Career of Theodore Roethke .University of Salamanca, Spain.

(12-01-2002. ) "Cult of the Breakthrough": The Poetic Career of Theodore Roethke .University of Córdoba, Spain.

(11-30-2002. ) What's Gained in Translation: The Question of Poetry .University of Jaén, Spain.

(02-25-1998. ) Looking, Singing, Thinking: Theodore Roethke's Writing Methods .Ohio Wesleyan University, OH.

(09-15-1997. ) Looking, Singing, Thinking: Theodore Roethke's Writing Methods .Elon College, NC.

Paper Presentations

(10-21-2010. ) Outer Form and Inner Voice: A Chiasmic Paradigm .Philadelphia, PA.

(11-12-2009. ) Lost from Translation: The Poetry of Johannes Bobrowski .Pasadena, CA.

(02-13-2009. ) Losing a Vocie or How to Avoid Claire's Excellent Poetry Workshop .Chicago.

Co-organizer and Host (02-12-2009. ) The Cincinnati Review Fifth Anniversary Reading .Chicago.

(10-17-2008. ) Poems of Julio Martínez Mesanza (translations) .Minneapolis, MN.

(10-16-2008. ) Translating Poetic Form, organizer and moderator for panel .Minneapolis, MN.

(05-02-2008. ) Playing the Music: What Translation Gives a Poet .University of Cincinnati, OH.

(11-08-2007. ) Poems of Julio Martínez Mesanza (translations) .Dallas, TX.

(10-20-2006. ) Poems of Julio Martínez Mesanza (translations) .Bellevue, WA.

(03-10-2006. ) A Clutch of Shards: Etymology and Its Uses .Austin, TX.

(11-04-2005. ) Poems of Julio Martínez Mesanza (translations) .Montreal, Canada.

(04-04-1991. ) Reading like a Writer: Published Texts in the Undergraduate Creative Writing Course .Miami, FL.

(12-27-1982. ) Playing Games in the Writing Class: How Exercises Work .Los Angeles, CA.

(12-29-1981. ) Beyond the Workshop: Some Alternatives for the Undergraduate Creative Writing Class .New York.

(12-28-1979. ) Theodore Roethke: The Teaching Poet, organizer and moderator for panel .San Francisco, CA.

(12-28-1976. ) 'Je Me Trouve': W.B. Yeats at Work .New York.

Honors and Awards

2011 Fulbright Distinguished Scholarship Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland

2010 University Excellence in Doctoral Mentoring Award University of Cincinnati

2009 Fellow of the Graduate School University of Cincinnati

2008 Witter Bynner Poetry Translator Residency Santa Fe Arts Institute

2003 Fulbright Senior Lectureship Spain

2002 Taft Competitive Faculty Fellowship University of Cincinnati

1999 Ohio Arts Council Individual Artists Fellowship

1998 George Rieveschl, Jr. Award for Excellence in Scholarly or Creative Works University of Cincinnati

1997 Walter E. Dakin Fellowship Sewanee Writers' Conference

1997 Poetry Society of America The Writer / Emily Dickinson Award Type:Recognition

1997 University of Southern California Ann Stanford Poetry Competition, Second Prize Type:Recognition

1996 Stand (U.K.) International Poetry Competition, Second Prize Type:Recognition

1996 Summer Residency at Yaddo

1993 Fellowship at the Camargo Foundation Cassis, France

1992 Taft Academic Leave Grant University of Cincinnati

1989 National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship

1989 Ingram Merrill Foundation Grant

1988 Poets House Translation Award, Honorable Mention Type:Recognition

1985 Ohio Arts Council Individual Artists Fellowship

1984 Poetry Society of America / Wesleyan University Press Translation Award, Honorable Mention Type:Recognition

1984 York (U.K.) Poetry Competition, Honorable Mention Type:Recognition

1984 Taft Academic Leave Grant University of Cincinnati

1982 Associated Writing Programs Anniversary Awards, Grand Prize Type:Recognition

1982 Department of English William C. Boyce Teaching Award University of Cincinnati Type:Recognition

1980 Discovery / The Nation Award Type:Recognition

1980 Summer Faculty Fellowship University of Cincinnati

1979 Summer Research Council Grant University of Cincinnati

1978 Summer Taft Grant University of Cincinnati

1977 Summer Research Council Grant University of Cincinnati

1976 Eugene V. Debs Foundation Edwin Markham Award (for the poem "Lamento") Type:Recognition


(Judge for student poetry awards: California State University, Northridge ) 2010

(Judging Committee for College of Arts & Sciences Faculty Awards ) Type:University/College Service 2009

(Judging Committee for University Distinguished Dissertation Completion Fellowship ) 2009

(Taft Planning Committee ) 2008 -To Present

(Promotion reviews for English Departments: University of California, Irvine ) 2007

(Mentor for Yates Fellow ) 2006 -2007

(Taft Student Awards Committee (Chair 2007-2008) ) 2005 -2008

(Promotion reviews for English Departments: Florida State University ) 2005

(Promotion reviews for English Departments: University of Alabama, Birmingham ) 2005

( Judge for student poetry awards: Emerson College ) 2005 -2006

(Judge (2nd level, French) for Translation Award of the American Literary Translators' Association ) 2005

(Judge for student poetry awards: Southern Connecticut State University ) 2004

(Rieveschl Award Committee (Chair 2006) ) 2004 -2006

(Taft Planning Committee ) 2004 -2005

(Taft Faculty Executive Board ) 2004 -2008

(Poetry Editor, The Cincinnati Review ) 2004 -To Present

(Taft Chair Search Committee ) 2003

(Promotion reviews for English Departments: Georgia State University ) 2003

(Promotion reviews for English Departments: Ohio State University ) 2001

(Screener for poetry manuscripts, Wick Poetry Prize, Kent State University Press ) 2001

(Judge for Overture Awards Regional Competition in Creative Writing ) 2001 -2002

(Mentor for New Faculty Member in Department of English and Comparative Literature ) 2001 -2002

(Mentor for New Faculty Member in Department of Romance Languages ) 1999 -2000

(Judge for student poetry awards: Ohio State University ) 1999

(Screener for poetry manuscripts, Associated Writing Programs Award Series ) 1998

(Screener for poetry manuscripts, Bead Loaf Writers' Conference Bakeless Awards ) 1998

(Steering Committee ) 1998 -2000

(Graduate Curriculum Committee ) 1998 -1999

(Manuscript reviewer in creative writing, HarperCollins ) 1995

(Camargo Foundation Creative Writing Selection Committee (Chair, 1996-2001) ) 1994 -2001

(Workload Implementation Committee ) 1994 -1995

(Elliston Poet Search Committee (Chair, 1994-2002) ) 1994 -To Present

(Boyce Award Committee Chair ) 1994

(Graduate Admissions and Awards Committee ) 1993 -1994

(Search Committee for Chair of Taft Faculty Executive Board ) 1993 -1994

(M.A. Exam Committee ) 1992

(Undergraduate Awards Committee ) 1991

(Taft Planning Committee ) 1990 -1992

(Undergraduate Curriculum Committee ) 1989 -1990

(Taft Chair Review Committee ) 1988

(Taft Faculty Executive Board ) 1987 -1992

(Steering Committee ) 1986 -1988

(Boyce Award Committee ) 1984

(M.A. Exam Committee ) 1983

(Boyce Award Committee Chair ) 1983

(College Review Committee for Russian Program ) 1983

(University Child Care Committee ) 1982

(Founding Member, U-Kids Day Care Cooperative ) 1982

(English 103 Syllabus Committee ) 1982

(Judge for student poetry awards: Miami University ) 1982

(Taft Committee on Graduate Fellowships (Chair 1987-1992) ) 1981 -1992

(Special Events Committee (Chair 1982-1984, 1985-1987) ) 1976 -To Present


modern literature, creative writing, poetry, translation, review

Courses Taught

Creative Writing: Poetry Level:Undergraduate

Major American Writers Level:Undergraduate

Major British Writers Level:Undergraduate

Shakespeare's Plays Level:Undergraduate

Topics in Literature Level:Undergraduate

World Literature Level:Undergraduate

Freshman Composition Level:Undergraduate

Honors Freshman English Level:Undergraduate

Advanced Creative Writing: Poetry Level:Undergraduate

Contemporary American Novel Level:Undergraduate

Contemporary American Poetry (University of Vigo, Spain) Level:Undergraduate

Contemporary British Poetry Level:Undergraduate

Introduction to Comparative Literature: Modernism Level:Undergraduate

Modern British Poetry Level:Undergraduate

Modern Fiction Level:Undergraduate

Modern Poetry: Comparative Literature Level:Undergraduate

Seminar: D.H. Lawrence Level:Undergraduate

Seminar: Modern Poetry: International Influences Level:Undergraduate

Seminar: The Movement and Beyond Level:Undergraduate

Senior Writing Seminar: Poetry Level:Undergraduate

Contemporary American Poetry (University of Santiago, Spain) Level:Graduate

Contemporary Poetry Level:Graduate

Poetry Workshop Level:Graduate

Literary Translation Level:Graduate

Modern Poetry: Comparative Literature Level:Graduate

Seminar: The American Epic Poem Level:Graduate

Seminar: Confessional Poetry Level:Graduate

Seminar: The Middle Generation Level:Graduate

Seminar: Robert Lowell Level:Graduate

Seminar: Schools of Contemporary Poetry Level:Graduate