Professional Summary
Boyer has all levels of Orff-Teacher Training Certification and has completed Kodaly Certification from the Danube Bend Summer University in Estrogom, Hungary. She is the past president of the National Association for the Advancement and Performance of African American Music (NASPAMM), an affiliate organization of MENC. At UC, she is the coordinator and director of the Orff-Schulwerk Certification Program. She has been guest clinician for numerous state, national and international conferences, teacher in-services and courses of study and was a presenter in MENC's publication, Bringing Multicultural Music to Children. She was a special guest singer and conductor on the CD Gospel & Spirituals with the Corinthian Choir Millstatt, which was recorded in Austria by Austro-Star. Developed Vocal-Ease - A K-6 Resource for the Classroom Teacher. In Spring 1998 she worked in New South Wales: Department of Education and Training. She is co-author of Music Fundamentals, Methods, and Materials for the Elementary Classroom Teacher published by Addison Wesley-Longman Publishers and Share the Music, K-8 Basil Book Series published by McGraw-Hill. She is contributing writer for Essential Repertoire for the Developing Choir published by Hal Leonard Corporation. She is the author of Expressions of Freedom (Anthology of African American Spirituals, Vol. I, II, III and Complete Edition), Walking in the Light of Freedom (Vol. I, II and III); "United We Stand" a choral octaval and Show Trax for SA, SAB and SATB. She is also co-author of the 2005 publication Spotlight on Music, a K-8 Basil Textbook Series published by Macmillan McGraw-Hill.
BM: Southern Illinois University
MM: Southern Illinois University
EdD: Washington University
Peer Reviewed Publications
Zadernowski,R.; Naczk,M.; Nesterowicz,J. (2005. ) Phenolic acid profiles in some small berries .Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, , 53 (6 ) ,2118 -2124
Ayaz,F.A.; Hayirlioglu-Ayaz,S.; Gruz,J.; Novak,O.; Strnad,M. (2005. ) Separation, characterization, and quantitation of phenolic acids in a little-known blueberry (Vaccinium arctostaphylos L.) fruit by HPLC-MS .Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, , 53 (21 ) ,8116 -8122
Mattila,P.; Hellstrom,J.; Torronen,R. (2006. ) Phenolic acids in berries, fruits, and beverages .Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, , 54 (19 ) ,7193 -7199
Published Books
Music Education, Teaching,
Author, Clinician