Michael Brubaker
Professor, Counseling
Associate Director, School of Human Services
450 C Teachers Dyer Complex
University of Cincinnati
PO Box 210068
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0068
Phone 513-556-9196
Fax 513-556-3898
Email michael.brubaker@uc.edu
Professional Summary
Michael D. Brubaker is Professor of Counseling and Associate Director in the School of Human Services in the College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services at the University of Cincinnati. Licensed to practice chemical dependency counseling in Ohio, he is also a Nationally Certified Counselor. He received his Ph.D. in Mental Health Counseling from the University of Florida, his M.S. in Professional Counseling from Georgia State University, his M.Div. from Emory University, and his B.S. in Business Administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Brubaker’s clinical and research interests have focused on underserved and socially marginalized populations including the homeless, those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer + (LGBTQ+), and ethnic minorities. Taking a combined strengths and social justice perspective, he has sought to address clinical and social barriers to substance abuse and mental health services for these populations.
Since 2003, Dr. Brubaker has presented in various international, national, and regional conferences including those of the American Counseling Association (ACA), the National Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES), the Association for Specialists in Group Work (ASGW), and the North Central Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (NCACES). His work has appeared in Journal of Counseling and Development, Journal of Addictions and Offender Counseling, Journal of Counselor Leadership & Advocacy, Journal of Drug Education, Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, Journal for Specialists in Group Work, Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity, and Addiction Professional. He is also the senior author of the book, Advancing your career: Getting and making the most of your doctorate. Dr. Brubaker has been awarded the Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Teaching for four years by the College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services and was recognized by Cincy Magazine as an Outstanding Educator in 2014. In 2020, he was inducted into the UC Academy of Fellows for Teaching and Learning.
Doctor of Philosophy: University of Florida 2009 (Mental Health Counseling)
Master of Science: Georgia State University 2006 (Professional Counseling)
Master of Divinity: Emory University 1998
Bachelor of Science: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1989 (Business Administration)
Research and Practice Interests
Building on clinical and personal experiences, my research interests have focused on serving socially oppressed populations, specifically 1) women, men, and children who have become homeless; 2) lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals; and 3) ethnic minorities. My multicultural research agenda includes working in the areas of addictions, group work, indigenous healing practices, and spirituality. Theoretically, I have adopted an Emancipatory Communitarianism approach (Prilleltensky, 1997) which supports greater critical consciousness, mutual responsibility, and a strengths-based orientation while serving individuals and whole communities. With this perspective, my research agenda has been to help communities realize their full potential as they address the social injustices that are perpetuated within.
Positions and Work Experience
2006 -2009 Program Evaluation Assistant, Seeking Treatment and Recovery (STAR), Jacksonville, Florida
2006 - Case Manager, Adult Addiction Program, Ridgeview Institute, Smyrna, Georgia
2005 -2006 Case Manager Intern, Adult Inpatient and Adult Outpatient Psychiactric Programs, Ridgeview Institute, Smyrna, Georgia
1999 -2005 Program Director, Atlanta Union Mission, Atlanta, GA
Research Support
Grant: #CHG 2013-Brubaker Investigators:Brubaker, Michael; Richardson, George 03-31-2013 -03-31-2014 National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Addressing Opioid Abuse in Lower Price Hill Role:PI $19,956.00 Completed
Grant: #Step Forward Grant Investigators:Brubaker, Michael; Richardson, George 04-04-2013 -02-28-2014 Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati Launching Solutions: Seizing New Opportunities for Health: Step Forward Role:PI $8,995.00 Completed
Grant: #CDFGC FY14 Investigators:Brubaker, Michael; Richardson, George 01-13-2014 -01-12-2015 Coalition for a Drug-Free Greater Cincinnati Building Foundations: An Immersive Prevention Training Experience in Lower Price Hill Role:PI $4,000.00 Completed
Grant: #G02HP30588 Investigators:Brubaker, Michael; La Guardia, Amanda 09-30-2016 -09-29-2017 Health Resources and Services Administration FY16 BHWET Competition: Serving At-risk youth Fellowship Experience for Counselors (SAFE-C) Role:PI $229,167.00 Completed Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #M01HP31352 Investigators:Acquavita, Shauna; Brubaker, Michael; Harley, Dana; La Guardia, Amanda 09-30-2017 -08-31-2021 Health Resources and Services Administration FY 2017 BHWET Competition Role:Co-Investigator $478,168.00 Completed Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #T98HP33422 Investigators:Brubaker, Michael; Acquavita, Shauna; Clark, Angela 09-01-2019 -08-31-2022 Health Resources and Services Administration SAFE T 2019 - Opioid Workforce Expansion Program (OWEP) Role:PI $1,349,807.00 Completed Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #MC142109 Investigators:Harley, Dana; Acquavita, Shauna; Brubaker, Michael; Collins, Tai; La Guardia, Amanda 07-01-2021 -06-30-2025 Health Resources and Services Administration University of Cincinnati Bear-CAT (Children, Adolescents, and Transitional-age Youth) Fellowship Role:Collaborator $1,919,209.96 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #H79SM084704 Investigators:Brubaker, Michael; Acquavita, Shauna; Manchak, Sarah; Oney, Amanda 12-31-2022 -12-30-2026 Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration UC Crisis Awareness Response and de-Escalation Support (UC CARES) Role:PI $494,736.98 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Peer Reviewed Publications
Dew, B.J. & Brubaker, M.D. (2006. ) From the altar to the internet: A study of the sexual behavior of married men who use the internet .Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity, , 13 ,195-207
Brubaker, M.D., Nabors, L.A., Pangallo, J., & Shipley, H. (2012. ) Stigmatization of Adolescents who use alcohol and marijuana: A counseling concern .VISTA Online. , ,
Brubaker, M.D., Haper, A., & Singh, A.A. (2011. ) Implementing Multicultural-Social Justice Leadership Strategies When Advocating for the Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Questioning Persons .Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology., , 3(1) ,44-58.
Brubaker M.D.; La Guardia A.C. (2020. ) Mixed-Design Training Outcomes for Fellows Serving At-Risk Youth Within Integrated Care Settings.Journal of Counseling and Development, , 98 (4 ) ,446-457 More Information
Emir Öksüz E.; Brubaker M.D. (2020. ) Deconstructing disability training in counseling: a critical examination and call to the profession.Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy, , 7 (2 ) ,163-175 More Information
Hearn B.; Brubaker M.; La Guardia A. (2017. ) Inappropriate Comparisons: The LGB Population's Missing Reference Group.Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, , 11 (4 ) ,247-258 More Information
Storlie C.A.; Shannonhouse L.R.; Brubaker M.D.; Zavadil A.D.; King J.H. (2016. ) Exploring Dimensions of Advocacy in Service: A Content Analysis Extending the Framework of Counselor.Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy, , 3 (1 ) ,52-61 More Information
Watson A.L.; Dalila N.; Gomez J.; Mayer G.H.; Patrick S.W.; Brubaker M.D. (2015. ) Counseling in Context: Chemical Dependency and Substance Abuse Programs.Understanding People in Context: The Ecological Perspective in Counseling, , 229-258 More Information
La Guardia, Amanda C; Cramer, Robert J; Brubaker, Michael; Long, Molly M (2019. ) Community Mental Health Provider Responses to a Competency-Based Training in Suicide Risk Assessment and Prevention.Community mental health journal, , 55 (2 ) ,257-266 More Information
Wilson F.; Brubaker M. (2015. ) Planning for group work in Schools.Group Work in Schools: Second Edition, , 93-109 More Information
Richardson, George B; Chen, Ching-Chen; Dai, Chia-Liang; Brubaker, Michael D; Nedelec, Joseph L (2017. ) The Psychometrics of the Mini-K.Evolutionary psychology : an international journal of evolutionary approaches to psychology and behavior, , 15 (1 ) ,1474704916682034 More Information
Chaney M.; Brubaker M. (2014. ) The impact of substance abuse and addiction in the lives of gay men, adolescents, and boys .Counseling Gay Men, Adolescents, and Boys: A Strengths-Based Guide for Helping Professionals and Educators, , 109-128
Richardson, George B; Montgomery, LaTrice; Brubaker, Michael D (2016. ) Interpersonal Contact and Attitudes Toward Adolescents Who Abuse Substances.Journal of drug education, , 46 (3-4 ) ,113-130 More Information
Brubaker M.; Amatea E.; Torres-Rivera E.; Miller M.; Nabors L. (2013. ) Barriers and supports to substance abuse service use among homeless adults.Journal of Addictions and Offender Counseling, , 34 (2 ) ,81-98 More Information
Nabors, Laura A; Brubaker, Michael D; Hoffman, Sarah; Shipley, Halley; Pangallo, Jordan; Strong, Amanda (2012. ) Young adults' perceptions of an adolescent's use of marijuana and alcohol.Journal of drug education, , 42 (4 ) ,413-24 More Information
Bruns, K. M., La Guardia, A., Brubaker, M., Farrow, J., Cotton, S., & DelBello, M. (2021. ) Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy – Child (MBCT-C) Effectiveness with children who have a parent diagnosed with bipolar I disorder.Journal of Mental Health Counseling, , 43 (1 ) ,59 -74More Information
Hoffman S.; Brubaker M.; Pangallo J.; Shipley H.; Scherzinger S.; O (2012. ) Stigma and overcoming barriers to treatment for youth with substance abuse problems .Psychology of Attitudes, , 95-109
Chaney M.; Brubaker M. (2012. ) Addiction in LGBTQ Communities: Influences, Treatment, and Prevention.Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, , 6 (4 ) ,234-236 More Information
Clark, Angie; Wagner, Robin; Brubaker, Michael; Acquavita, Shauna; Wilder, Christine (2022. ) Pandemic-Related Disruptions in Nursing Education: Zooming Out for an Innovative Interprofessional Simulation.Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, , 97 (3S ) ,S110-S113 More Information
Brubaker M.D.; Sweeney T.J. (2022. ) Wellness and wellness counseling: History, status, and future.Counselor Education and Supervision, , 61 (1 ) ,25-37 More Information
Brubaker M.D.; Goodman R.D. (2012. ) Client advocacy: In action.Professional Counseling Excellence through Leadership and Advocacy, , 141-161 More Information
Brubaker M.D.; Storlie C.A. (2022. ) Introduction to special issue: Leading in wellness toward social justice.Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy, , 9 (1 ) ,1-2 More Information
Garrett M.; Torres-Rivera E.; Brubaker M.; Portman T.; Brotherton D.; West-Olatunji C.; Conwill W.; Grayshield L. (2011. ) Crying for a vision: The native american sweat lodge ceremony as therapeutic intervention.Journal of Counseling and Development, , 89 (3 ) ,318-325 More Information
Hearn B.G.; Brubaker M.D.; Richardson G. (2022. ) Counselors’ attitudes toward psychedelics and their use in therapy.Journal of Counseling and Development, , More Information
Brubaker M.; Puig A.; Reese R.; Young J. (2010. ) Integrating social justice into counseling theories pedagogy: A case example.Counselor Education and Supervision, , 50 (2 ) ,88-102 More Information
Bruns K.M.; Brubaker M.D. (2022. ) Counselor advocacy against gun violence: A systemic perspective with advocacy and wellness competencies.Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy, , 9 (1 ) ,45-56 More Information
La Guardia, Amanda C; Acquavita, Shauna; Duan, Qing; Brubaker, Michael; Harley, Dana; McCoy, Jordan (2022. ) Professionals ready to integrate care (PRI-Care): A mental health training collaborative.Families, systems & health : the journal of collaborative family healthcare, , 40 (4 ) ,463-471 More Information
Brubaker M.; Garrett M.; Rivera E.; Tate K. (2010. ) Justice making in groups for homeless adults: The emancipatory communitarian way.Journal for Specialists in Group Work, , 35 (2 ) ,124-133 More Information
Brubaker M.; Garrett M.; Dew B. (2009. ) Examining the relationship between internalized heterosexism and substance abuse among Lesbian, gay,.Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, , 3 (1 ) ,62-89 More Information
Hollar, M., Brubaker, M. D., Richardson, G, & Alvarez. J. (2023. ) Social predictors of marijuana use among African American youth.Journal of Addiction and Offender Counselors, , More Information
Garrett M.; Brubaker M.; Torres-Rivera E.; West-Olatunji C.; Conwill W. (2008. ) The medicine of coming to center: Use of the native american centering technique-ayeli-to promote we.Journal for Specialists in Group Work, , 33 (2 ) ,179-198 More Information
Emir-Öksüz E.; Brubaker M.D.; Aydemir-Döke D. (01-01-2024. ) Disability Training and Programme Conduciveness in Counselor Education: A Preliminary Assessment.International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, , More Information
Hollar M.K.; Brubaker M.D.; Richardson G.; Alvarez J. (10-01-2023. ) Social predictors of marijuana use among African American youth.Journal of Addictions and Offender Counseling, , 44 (2 ) ,98-112 More Information
Nice M.L.; Brubaker M.D.; Gibson D.M.; McMullen J.W.; Asempapa B.; Kennedy S.D.; Fullen M.C.; Moore C.M. (07-01-2023. ) Wellness and well-being in counseling research: A 31-year content analysis.Journal of Counseling and Development, , 101 (3 ) ,251-263 More Information
Brubaker M.D.; Storlie C.A. (01-01-2023. ) 10th Anniversary Celebration of the Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy.Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy, , 10 (1 ) ,1-2 More Information
Brubaker M.D.; Goodman R.D.; Emir-Öksüz E. (01-01-2021. ) Client Advocacy: In Action.Professional Counseling Excellence through Leadership and Advocacy, , 136-154 More Information
Brubaker M.D.; Myers J.E. (01-01-2021. ) Professional Leadership, Leading Well: Characteristics, Principles, and Ethics of Effective Counseli.Professional Counseling Excellence through Leadership and Advocacy, , 42-61 More Information
Brubaker M.D. (01-01-2019. ) Finding Your Professional Niche Getting Involved in Professional Organizations and Honor Societies.Handbook of Counseling and Counselor Education, , 19-35 More Information
Dew B.; Brubaker M.; Hays D. (04-01-2006. ) From the altar to the internet: Married men and their online sexual behavior.Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity, , 13 (2-3 ) ,195-207 More Information
Invited Publications
Chaney, M. & Brubaker, M. (2012. ) Introduction to the special issue: Addiction in LGBTQ communities: Influences, treatment, and prevention .Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 6 ,234 -236
Other Publications
Brubaker, M.D. & Bass, J. (2007. ) The pursuit of recovery: A pathway of addiction treatment services for the homeless .Addiction Professional, (5 ) ,14 -20
Brubaker, M.D. (2006. ) Wrestling with angels .Addiction Professional, (4 ) ,12 -16
Dew, B.J., Sterk, C., Elifson, K., & Brubaker, M. (2006. ) Drug trends in metropolitan Atlanta .Epidemiologic trends in drug abuse, Vol. 2, Proceedings of the Community Epidemiology Working Group, 5 -16 US Department of Health and Human Services: National Institutes of Health
Sweeney, T. J., & Brubaker M. D. (2021. ) The Indivisible Self: An empirically derived model of wellness based on Adlerian theory .The Connection – NASAP’s Newsletter Online,
Published Books
Brubaker, M.D. & Brubaker, D.L. (2011. ) Advancing your career: Getting and Making the most of your doctorate. .Lanham, MD , Rowman & Littlefield.
Book Chapter
Brubaker, M. D., Garrett, M.T., Torres Rivera, E., Tate, K. (2011 ) Justice making in groups for homeless adults: The emancipatory communitarian way Social Justice in Group Work: Practical Interventions for Change .(pp. 34 -43).New York, Routledge
Hoffman, S., Brubaker, M., Pangallo, J., Halley, S., Scherzinger, S., O'Bryan, E.,& Nabors, L. (2012 ) Stigma and Overcoming Barriers to Treatment for Youth with Substance Abuse Problems. Psychology of Attitudes .(pp. 95 -109).Hauppauge, NY, Nova Science Publishers
Watson, A., Gomez, J., Dalila, N., Patrick, S., Hochstetler, G., & Brubaker, Md.D. (2012 ) Chemical Depedecy and Substance Abuse Programs Understandign People in Context: the ecological perspective .(pp. 229 -258).Washington, D.C., American Counseling Association.
Brubaker, M.D. & Goodman, R.D. (2011 ) Client Advocacy: In Action Professional Counseling Excellence through Leadership and Advocacy. (pp. 141 -161).New York, Routledge
Garrett, M. T., Brubaker, M. D., Torres Rivera, E., Gregory, D. E., & Williams, C. R. (2011 ) Ayeli: A Native American-based group centering technique for college students Group and outreach activity guide for college counselors: Group plans and resources .(pp. 261 -266).Alexandria, VA, American Counseling Association
Chaney, M. P. & Brubaker, M. (2014 ) The impact of substance abuse and addiction in the lives of gay men, adolescents, and boys Counseling gay men, adolescents, and boys .(pp. 109 -128).New York, NY, Routledge
Brubaker, M. D. (2020 ) Finding your professional niche: Getting involved in professional organizations and honor societies Handbook of Counseling and Counselor Education .(pp. 19 -35).New York, NY, Routledge Publishers
Chaney, M. P. & Brubaker, M. D. (2018 ) LGBTQ social justice issues and advocacy strategies Counseling for social justice (3rd ed.) .Alexandria, VA, American Counseling Association
Wilson, F. R. & Brubaker, M. D. (2018 ) Planning for group work Group work: Processes and applications (2nd ed.) .New York, NY, Routledge
Wilson, F. R. & Brubaker, M. D. (2016 ) Planning for group work in the schools Group work in the schools .Upper Saddle River, NJ, Pearson
Chaney, M. P. & Brubaker, M. D. (2018 ) Sexual orientation and heterosexism Developing multicultural counseling competency: A systems approach (3rd Ed.) .Upper Saddle River, NJ, Pearson
Brubaker, M. D., Goodman, R. D., & *Emir-Öksüz, E. (2022 ) Client advocacy: In action Professional counseling excellence through leadership and advocacy (2nd ed.) .New York, Routledge
Brubaker, M. D. & Myers, J. E. (2022 ) Professional leadership, leading well: Characteristic, principles, and ethics of effective counseling leaders Professional counseling excellence through leadership and advocacy (2nd ed.) .New York, Routledge
Brubaker, M. D. (2021 ) Thomas J. Sweeney: Inspiring excellence through servant leadership Leadership & advocacy in counseling: Strengthening the future of our profession .Alexandria, VA, American Counseling Association (Author)
Brubaker, M. D. & Wood, A. (2021 ) Leadership & advocacy in the field Leadership & advocacy in counseling: Strengthening the future of our profession .Alexandria, VA, American Counseling Association (Author)
Chaney, M. P. & Brubaker, M. D. (2022 ) Sexual and affectional orientation and heterosexism Developing multicultural counseling competence: A systems approach .(pp. 189).Pearson
Encyclopedia Article
Chaney, M. & Brubaker, M. D. The SAGE encyclopedia of LGBTQ+ studies .Sage
Poster Presentations
Miller, M. D., Hodgkins, C., Estlund, K. L., & Brubaker, M. D. (2008. ) Perceived barriers to treatment for the chronically homeless .Treatment for Homeless Program, Technical Assistance Workshop, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, Arlington, Virginia. . Workshop. . Level:National
Paper Presentations
Miller, M. D., Brubaker, M. D., Hodgkins, C., & Estlund, K. (2009. ) Best practices: Improving the quality of care for underserved populations through program evaluation .Charlotte, North Carolina. Conference. Level:National
Brubaker, M. D., Miller, M. D., Hodgkins, C., & Estlund, K. (2009. ) Scaling the walls of recovery: Understanding the barriers to treatment for homeless clients with co-occurring disorders .Charlotte, North Carolina. Conference. Level:National
Brubaker, M. D. & Miller, M. D. (2009. ) Treatment barriers for the chronically homeless .Gainesville, Florida. Conference. Level:College
Brubaker, M. D., Puig, A., Young, J., & Reese, R. (2009. ) Actively engaging hearts and minds: how teaching emancipator communitarianism can impact students in a counseling theories course .San Diego, California. Conference. Level:National
Lee, J. & Brubaker, M.D. (2008. ) Effectiveness and impact of contextual training for counseling homeless persons: A mixed method study .Houston, Texas.
Brubaker, M.D. & Lee, J. (2008. ) The world is our classroom: Homeless contextual education .Gainesville, Florida.
Tate, K., Brubaker, M.D., & Torres-Rivera, E. (2008. ) Group therapy for homeless clients: A humanistic, resource-focused approach .St. Pete Beach, Florida.
Brubaker, M.D., Lee, J., & Garrett, M.T. (2007. ) Are we serious about social justice? It's time for counselors to talk about the homeless .Columbus, Ohio.
Brubaker, M.D. (2007. ) Current trends: Chemical dependency among GLBT persons .Detroit, Michigan.
Brubaker, M.D. (2007. ) The evolving focus on the causes of substance abuse in the the LGBT community .Gainesville, Florida.
Newton, K. & Brubaker, M.D. (2006. ) Missing Voices: Considering the needs of low-income clients in counselor supervision .Orlando, Florida.
Dew, B.J., Band, S., & Brubaker, M.D. (2006. ) Behind the eyes of methamphetamine dependents: Critical perspectives on achieving and maintaining abstinence .Montreal, Canada.
Brubaker, M.D., Sanders, E., & Elision, T.J. (2004. ) Domestic violence and addiction .Dohlenega, Georgia.
Bass, J. & Brubaker, M.D. (2003. ) Domestic violence: What does love have to do with it? .Asheville, North Carolina.
Wrighten, V. & Brubaker, M.D. (2003. ) HIV/AIDS and the addicted client .Atlanta, Georgia.
Brubaker, M.D.; Harper, A.; Singh, A. (2010. ) Implementing multicultural-social justice leadership strategies when advocating for the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons .Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Poth, R.L., Burbaker, M.D., Peterson, D.K. (2011. ) Sustaining and expanding the transformation zone: A model for online program conversion. Orlando, FL. Conference.
Davis, E.S., Brubaker, M.D., Cholewa, B., Shure, L., & Williams, C. (2011. ) Becoming a counselor educator in the new decade: Excelling in the stdudent-to-scholar transition. .Nashville, TN. Conference.
Brubaker, M.D., & Barrio Minton, C.A. (2011. ) Co-curricular activities of CSI chapters addressing CACREP Standards. .Nashville, TN. Conference.
Brubaker, M.D. & Gomez, J (2011. ) Reducing barriers to substance abuse counseling for those experiencing homelessness. Columbus, OH.
Honors and Awards
2008 -2009 Intern and Fellow Chi Sigma Iota International
2008 Dr. Daya and Mrs. Usha K. Sandhu Multicultural Counseling and Diversity Student Research Award Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development
2008 Outstanding Doctoral Level Student Beta Chapter, Chi Sigma Iota
2006 -2009 Fellow College of Education, University of Florida
2005 Manager of the Year Atlanta Union Mission, Atlanta, Georgia
1995 -1998 Candler Grant Recipient Candler School of Theology, Emory University
1995 -1997 Dixon Scholarship Recipient Candler School of Theology, Emory University
Chi Sigma Iota International Honor Society, Beta Chapter, University of Florida President 2006 -2008
American Counseling Association (Awards Committee ) 2006 -2007
University of Florida Graduate Student Council Representative 2006 -2007
Atlanta Meth Task Force Secretary 2005 -2006
Chi Sigma International Honor Society (Wellness Counseling Practice and Research Committee ) Committee Chair 2018 -2025
Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues in Counseling (Trustee ) 2009 -2012
Chi Sigma Iota President 2016 -2017
Chi Sigma Iota Secretary 2012 -2014
Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy Editor of Journal 2020 -2023
Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy Associate Editor 2017 -2020
Professional Affiliation
American Counseling Association,
Association for Counselor Education and Supervision,
Counselors for Social Justice,
International Association of Addictions and Offender Counselors,
Association for Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Issues in Counseling,
2012 -2014: Secretary Nationally elected officer for Chi Sigma Iota International Honor Society.
2010 -2012: Community Engagement Committee Chair Chi Sigma Iota International Honor Society.
2009 -2013: Trustee Nationally Elected Trustee for Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues in Counseling.
2012: Co-Guest Editor Journal of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues in Counseling, Special Edition "Addiction in LGBTQ Communities: Influences, Treatment, and Prevention."
2020 -2023: Editor Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy Chi Sigma Iota,
2017 -2020: Associate Editor Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy Chi Sigma Iota,
2016 -2017: President Chi Sigma Iota,
Contact Information
Academic - 450 C Teachers Dyer Complex
University of Cincinnati
Ohio, 45221-0068
Phone: 513-556-9196
Fax: 513-556-3898