Mary Brydon-Miller

Mary Leanoir Brydon-Miller

Instructor - Adj


Teachers College

638 I

CECH Secondary Education - 0049

Professional Summary

Mary Brydon-Miller, Ph.D. directs the University of Cincinnati’s Action Research Center and is Professor of Educational Studies and Urban Educational Leadership in the College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services. She is a participatory action researcher who engages in both community-based and educational action research. She recently completed work on the SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research along with co-editor Dr. David Coghlan and has co-edited the volumes, Traveling Companions:  Feminism, Teaching, and Action Research (with Patricia Maguire and Alice McIntyre), From Subjects to Subjectivities: A Handbook of Interpretive and Participatory Methods (with Deborah Tolman), and Voices of Change:  Participatory Research in the United States and Canada (with Peter Park, Budd Hall, and Ted Jackson).  Her other publications include work on participatory action research methods, academic writing in the social sciences, refugee resettlement, elder advocacy, and disability rights.  Her current scholarship focuses on ethics and action research and on the transformation of higher education.


Ph.D.: University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA, 1984 (Environmental Psychology, Minor in Statistics)

M.A.: University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA, 1980 (Psychology)

B.A.: University of California Santa Cruz, CA, 1976 (Psychology)

Research and Practice Interests

Educational and Community-based Participatory Action Research, Research Ethics, Qualitative Research Methods, Urban Education, Cross-Cultural Psychology and Educational Practices, Immigration and Refugee Resettlement and Education.

Positions and Work Experience

1984 -1985 Project Development Coordinator, Paulo Freire Summer Conference Series, Participatory Research Project, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

1984 -1986 Accessibility Specialist/Housing Coordinator, Stavros, Independent Living Center, Amherst, MA

1986 -1990 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, New England College, Henniker, NH

1988 -1990 Dean of Graduate Studies, Masters Program in Education and Human Services, New England College, Henniker, NH

1990 -1994 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, New England College, Henniker, NH

1993 -1994 Chair, Department of Psychology, New England College, Henniker, NH

1994 -1997 Professor, Department of Psychology, New England College, Henniker, NH

1995 -1996 Director of International Internships and Community Service, New England College-Arundel,

1997 -2000 Director, Gerontology Program, Springfield College School of Human Services,

1997 -2000 Associate Professor, School of Human Services, Springfield College,

1999 -2000 Faculty Moderator, Springfield College School of Human Services,

2000 -2001 Graduate Program Coordinator, Urban Educational Leadership Doctoral Program, CECH, University of Cincinnati,

2000 -2003 Assistant Professor, CECH, University of Cincinnati,

2002 -2003 Interim Graduate Program Coordinator, Educational Foundations, CECH, University of Cincinnati,

2003 -2006 Graduate Program Coordinator, Urban Educational Leadership Doctoral Program, CECH, University of Cincinnati,

2003 -To Present Associate Professor, CECH, University of Cincinnati,

2005 -To Present Director, Action Research Center, University of Cincinnati,

2008 -To Present Program Coordinator, Educational Studies, CECH, University of Cincinnati,

Research Support

1999 Humanics Council of Springfield College Human Services Education Project

2001 Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Grant for Conference on Feminism and Participatory Action Research, Boston College

2002 Kentucky Foundation for Women Mentoring Arts and Education Project for Refugee Women

2004 University Research Council Summer Faculty Research Fellowship. Developing a Learner-Centered Approach to Family Literacy with Somali Bantu Refugees

2006 Faculty Development Council Interdisciplinay Grant Teaching and Practicing Action Research Faculty Development Workshop Series

2008 Interdisciplinary Faculty Research Grant Children's Health Attitudes Project

Grant: #OSP01138 Investigators:Brydon-Miller, Mary 10-01-2000 -09-30-2001 Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Bridging the Gap Between Feminism and Participatory Action Research Role:PI $3,580.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #Contract#11-13 Investigators:Brydon-Miller, Mary 04-26-2011 -04-25-2012 Other Federal Community Assessment Project Role:PI $40,000.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #RCA 110802 Investigators:Brydon-Miller, Mary 07-01-2011 -06-30-2012 Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Cultural Competency Toolkit Role:PI $24,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #HCAN Needs Assessment Investigators:Brydon-Miller, Mary 01-01-2011 -12-31-2015 Health Care Access Now Community Health Needs Assessment Role:PI $81,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit


Peer Reviewed Publications

University of Cincinnati Action Research Team (2008. ) Postcards to Paulo .Journal of Thought, ,

Action Research Team (2008. ) Postcards to Paulo: Enacting Critical Pedagogy in the Action Research Classroom. Journal of Thought, Spring- Summer,11-20 .

Greenwood, D.; Brydon-Miller, M. (2006. ) Intellectual property and action research .Action Research, , 3 (1 ) ,81-95

Brydon-Miller,M.; Greenwood,D.; Eikeland,O. (2006. ) Conclusion: strategies for addressing ethical concerns in action research .Action Research, , 3 (1 ) ,81-95

Brydon-Miller,M.; Greenwood,D. (2006. ) A re-examination of the relationship between action research and human subjects review processes .Action Research, , 4 ,117 -128

Brydon-Miller,M.; Greenwood,D.; Eikeland,O. (2006. ) Editorial introduction to special issue on ethics and action research .Action Research, , 3 ,5 -8

Brydon-Miller, M.; Greenwood, D.; Eikeland, O. (2006. ) Ethics and action research: special issue .Action Research, , 3 (1 ) ,

Allen,D.; Bolden-Haraway, C.; Brydon-Miller,M.; Cook, A.; Eby, B.; Foster, W.; Mack, G.; Obarski, K.; Ostendorf, W. (2004. ) Action research and the challenges of urban education .International Journal of Learning, , 10 ,989 -997

Meyer,H.; Hamilton,B.; Kroeger,S.; Stewart,S.; Brydon-Miller,M. (2004. ) The unexpected journey: renewing our commitment to students through educational action research .Educational Action Research, , 12 ,557 -574

Bastos,F.M.C.; Brydon-Miller,M. (2004. ) Speaking through art. global neo-imperialism and rational resistance: approaches from post-colonial studies .107 -118

Brydon-Miller,M.; Greenwood,D.; Maguire,P. (2003. ) "Why action research?" .Action Research, , 1 ,9 -28

Brydon-Miller,M. (2003. ) The terrifying truth: interrogating systems of power and privilege and choosing to act .Traveling companies, Feminism and participatory action research, ,

Brydon-Miller,M.; Bastos,F. (2003. ) Speaking through art: subalternity and refugee women artists .Conference proceedings of II International conference on Postcolonial studies, ,

Brydon-Miller,M.L. (2001. ) A glimpse of a lighthouse: participatory action research, postcolonial theory, and work with refugee communities .Committee on Refugees and Immigration Selected Papers, , Volume IX ,254 -276

Brydon-Miller, M.; Tolman, D.L. (1997. ) Transforming Psychology: Interpretive and participatory research methods .Journal of Social Issues, , 53 (4 ) ,597-603

Brydon-Miller, M. (1997. ) Participatory action research: Psychology and social change. Transforming Psychology: Interpretive and participatory research methods. Journal of Social Issues, , 53 (4 ) ,657-666

Brydon-Miller, M.; Tolman, D.L. (1997. ) Engaging the process of transformation. Transforming Psychology: Interpretive and participatory research methods. Journal of Social Issues, , 53 (4 ) ,803-810

Brydon-Miller, M.; Bernstein, H. (1997. ) Paulo Freire: "Science, understanding, and action," remembering the professor of professors, teacher of teachers. Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education, , 173-176

Brydon-Miller, M. (1994. ) Metamorphosis: The curriculum of the new American college .Perspectives, , 109-114 ,

Brydon-Miller, M. (1994. ) Students conduct research for campus center design .ACU-I Bulletin, , Bloomington, IN ,15-19

Brydon-Miller, M. (1991. ) Participation: The key to better union design .ACU-I Bulletin, , 15-19

Brydon-Miller, M. (1984. ) Accessibility self-advocacy at an independent living center: A participatory research approach. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst .

Hayward, D.G.; Brydon-Miller, M. (1984. ) Spatial and conceptual aspects of orientation: Visitor experiences at an outdoor history museum .Journal of Environmental Systems, , 13 ,317-332

Brydon-Miller, M.; Macguire, P. (2009. ) Participatory action research: Contributions to the development of practitioner inquiry in education .Educational Action Research, , 17 (1 ) ,79 -93

Griebling, S.;Zayas, V. R.;Brydon-Miller, M.;Gerlach, J.;Norman, C. (2009. ) Exploring the Relationship between Faculty, Students, and the Social and Behavioral Ethics Review Committee through Action Research .Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, , 4 (2 ) ,27 -36

Brydon-Miller, M Review of the book An ethical approach to practitioner inquiry .British Educational Research Journal, ,

Brydon-Miller, M. Addressing the Ethical Challenges of Community-Based Research .Teaching Ethics, ,

Brydon-Miller, M. Addressing the Ethical Challenges of Community-Based Research. .Teaching Ethics., ,

Brydon-Miller, M., Antal, A.B., Friedman, V., & Wicks, P.G. (2011. ) The changing landscape of arts and action research. .Action Research, , 9(1) (3-11. ) ,

Brydon-Miller, M., Antal, A.B., Friedman, V., & Wicks, P.G. (2011. ) Arts and action research: Special issue. Action Research, , 9(1). ,

York, K., Profitt, a., Alawadhi, F., Andreadis, M., Brydon-Miller, M. Getting to know me: The potential of action research to promote ethical relfection. Teaching Ethics. , ,

Brydon-Miller, M. (2008. ) Review of the book An Ethical approach to practitioner inquiry .British Educational Research Journal, , 34 (6 ) ,865 -873

Other Publications

(1994. ) Placed in Rose's capable hands: Twins got extra care from disabled woman .Concord Monitor,

(1988. ) Muddle: Making Your Way in a Confusing World .Update,

(1989. ) Charting Maps of the Mind .Update,

Published Books

Brydon-Miller,M.; Maguire,P.; McIntyre,A. (2004. ) Traveling companions: feminism, teaching, and action research .Westport, CT , Greenwood Press

Brydon-Miller,M. (2004. ) Using participatory action research to address community health issues .Critical Health Psychology. M. Murray. London, Palgrave Publishers

Brydon-Miller,M.; McIntyre,A.; McGuire,P. (2003. ) Feminism and participatory action research .Greenwood Press

Tolman, D.L. & Brydon-Miller, M. (2001. ) From subjects to subjectives: a handbook of interpretive and participatory methods .New York , New York University Press

Williams, B.T. & Brydon-Miller, M. (1997. ) Concept to completion: Writing well in the Social Sciences .Fort Worth, TX , Harcourt-Brace

Park, K.; Brydon-Miller, M.; Hall, B.; Jackson, T. (1993. ) Voices of change: Participatory research in the United States and Canada .Westport, CT , Bergin and Garvey Press

Book Chapter

Brydon-Miller, M. (2008 ) Covenantal ethics and action research: Exploring a Common Foundation for Social Research. In D. Mertens & P. Ginsberg (eds) Handbook of social research ethics .(pp. 243-258).Newbury Park, CA, SAGE Publications

Brydon-Miller, M. (2007 ) Handbook of Action Research (2nd ed.) Ethics and action research: Deepening our commitment to principles of social justices and redefining systems of democratic practice .(pp. 199-210).London, SAGE Publications

Brydon-Miller, M. (2007 ) Handbook of action research (2nd ed.) Ethics and action research: Deepening our .(pp. 199-210).London, SAGE Publications

Brydon-Miller, M. (2006 ) Introduction Traveling companions: feminism, teaching, and action research .(pp. ix-xix).Westport, CT, Greenwood Press

Brydon-Miller,M. (2006 ) Providing a liberatory theoretical framework to project-based learning in second language education Project-based learning in second language education: Past, present, and future .(pp. 41-53).Greenwich, CT, Information Age

Brydon-Miller,M.; Wadsworth,Y. (2004 ) Conclusion Traveling companions: feminism, teaching, and action research .(pp. 179 -186).Westport, CT, Greenwood Press

Bastos,F.; Brydon-Miller,M. (2004 ) Speaking through art: Subalternity and refugee women artists Global neo-imperialism and national resistance: approaches from postcolonial studies .(pp. 107 -118).Vigo, Spain, Universidade de Vigo

Williams,B.; Brydon-Miller,M. (2004 ) Changing directions: Participatory action research, agency, and representation Ethnography unbound: from theory shock to critical praxis .(pp. 241 -257).Albany, SUNY Press

Brydon-Miller,M.; Maguire,P.; McIntyre,A. (2004 ) The terrifying truth: Interrogating systems of power and privilege and choosing to act Traveling companions: feminism, teaching, and action research .(pp. 3 -19).Westport, CT, Greenwood Press

Maguire,P.; McIntyre,A.; Brydon-Miller,M. (2004 ) Traveling companions: feminism, teaching, and action research Introduction .(pp. ix -xix).Westport, CT, Greenwood Press

Brydon-Miller, M.; Wadsworth, Y.; Satiani, A. (2004 ) A parting of ways - for the time being Traveling companions: Feminism, teaching, and action research .(pp. 179-186).Westport, CT, Greenwood Press

Brydon-Miller, M. (2003 ) Using participatory action research to address community Critical Health Psychology .(pp. 187-202).London, Palgrave Publishers

Williams,B.; Brydon-Miller,M.L.; Dobrin,S. (2002 ) Protean ground: critical ethnography and the postmodern turn Changing Directions: Participatory Action Research, Agency and Representation .Albany, SUNY Press

Brydon-Miller,M.L. (2002 ) Critical health psychology Health research and social change .London, Palgrave Publishers

Tolman, D.L.; Brydon-Miller, M. (2001 ) Interpretive and participatory research methods: Moving toward subjectivities A handbook of interpretive and participatory methods .(pp. 3-11).New York, NY, New York University Press

Brydon-Miller, M. (2001 ) Education, research, and action: Theory and methods of participatory action research A handbook of interpretive and participatory methods .(pp. 76-89).New York, NY, New York University Press

Brydon-Miller, M.; Tolman, D.L. (2001 ) Making room for subjectivities: Remedies for the discipline of Psychology From Subjects to Subjectivities: A Handbook of Interpretive and Participatory Methods .(pp. 319-327).New York, NY, New York University Press

Brydon-Miller,M. (2000 ) Handbook of action research (2nd ed.) Ethics and action research: Deepening our commitment to principles of social justice and redefining systems of democratic practice .London, SAGE Publications

Brydon-Miller, M. (1993 ) Accessibility self-advocacy at an indepedent living center: A participatory research approach Voices of Change: Participatory Research in the United States and Canada .(pp. 125-143).Westport, CT, Bergin and Garvey Press

Brydon-Miller, M. (2009 ) Covenantal ethics and action research: Exploring a Common Foundation for Social Research Handbook of Social Science Research in Ethics .(pp. 243).Thousand Oaks, CA., SAGE Publications

Brydon-Miller, M.; Davids, I.;Jaitli, N.;Lykes, M. B.;Schensul, J.;Williams, S. (2009 ) Popular education and action research: Voices from the field Handbook of Educational Action Research .(pp. 495 -507).London, SAGE Publications

Brydon-Miller, M.; Kral, M.; Maguire, P.; Noffke, S.; Sabhlok, A. Jazz and the Banyan Tree: Participatory Action Research The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research (4th ed.) .Newbury Park, CA, SAGE Publications

Brydon-Miller, M. The Gifts of the Magus: In Rememberance of Paulo Freire Memories of Paulo .Groningen, Netherlands, Sense Publishers

Stoecker, R., & Brydon-Miller, M. Action Research. Publishing qualitative research in the social and behavioral sciences: A guide for reviewers and researchers. .New York, Routledge

Williams, B., & Brydon-Miller, M., Ethics and representation in conducting, writing, and publishing digital research. SAGE handbook of digital dissertations and theses. London, SAGE Publications.

Brydon-Miller, M., Kral, M., Maguire, P., Noffke, S., Sabhlok, A. (2011 ) Jazz and the Banyan Tree: Participatory Action Research The SAGE handbook of qualitative research-4th edition. (pp. 387-400).New Park, CA, SAGE Publications.

Additional Publications


Invited Presentations

Brydon-Miller, M. (02-2007. ) Deepening our Roots, Broadening our Reach, and Looking to the Future: Reflections on Twenty-five Years of Participatory Action Research .Silver Anniversary Celebration of the Society for Participatory Research in Asia, Delhi, India.

Brydon-Miller, M. (04-2006. ) Revealing relationships of power in educational action research .San Francisco, CA.

Brydon-Miller, M. (03-2006. ) Action research summit .Cincinnati, OH.

Brydon-Miller, M. (07-2005. ) Teaching Action Research: Practicing What We Preach and Preaching What We Practice .The Twelfth International Conference on Learning, Granada, Spain.

Brydon-Miller, M (05-2005. ) A Conversation on Ethics, Qualitative and Participatory Action Research, and Activism .First International Conference of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign/Urbana, Illinois.

Brydon-Miller, M. (04-2005. ) Teaching Action Research in University Settings: Reclaiming our Radical Roots .American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.

Brydon-Miller, M. (08-2003. ) Community-based action research: Jazzing it up .American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.

Brydon-Miller, M. (04-2003. ) Action research and the challenges of education .The Learning Conference Institution of Education, London, England.

Brydon-Miller, M. (04-2003. ) Critical race theory and participatory action research .American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.

Brydon-Miller, M. (04-2003. ) Refugee narratives: Issues of representation and identity .Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric Composition, Louisville, KY.

Brydon-Miller, M. (04-2003. ) Refugee narratives: Issues of representation and identity .American Educational Research Association Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Brydon-Miller, Mary (08-2002. ) Understanding refugee natives through postcolonial and critical race theory .American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Brydon-Miller, Mary (04-2002. ) Extending community and enhancing critical reflection: Web-facilitated action research .AERA, New Orleans, LA.

Brydon-Miller, Mary (04-2002. ) Refugee women as artists: Participatory action research and postcolonial theory .AERA, New Orleans, LA.

Brydon-Miller, Mary (04-2002. ) Art-based participatory research with refugee women .Pedagogy and theatre of the oppressed conference, Toledo, OH.

Brydon-Miller, Mary (10-2001. ) Speaking through art: Subalternity and refugee women artists .International Conference on Postcolonial Studies, University of Vigo.

Borders, C.;Griebling, S.;Sokol, A.;Gerlach, J.;Norman, C.;Brydon-Miller, M. (12-2007. ) Using action research to bridge the gap: Examining the relationship between faculty and student researchers and the Institutional Review Board .Human Research Protection Programs, Boston, MA..

Brydon-Miller, M. (03-2008. ) Participatory Action Research: Varieties of Practitioner Inquiry in Education .American Educational Research Association Conference, New York, NY.

Brydon-Miller, M. (04-04-2008. ) Action Research as a Model for Engaged Scholarship .Anne Braden Institute Social Justice and Engaged Scholarship Symposium, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY..

Brydon-Miller, M. (09-28-2007. ) Action Research and Appreciative Inquiry: Developing Strategies for PositiveChange on Your Campus and in Your Community .A Workshop on Participatory Action Research for Faculty and Students of the University of Puerto Rico System, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico.

Brydon-Miller, M. (09-26-2007. ) Action Research: Developing Research Strategies to Support Social Change .University of Turabo, Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico.

Brydon-Miller, M. (09-2007. ) The Teacher’s Covenant: Reframing our Notions of Ethics in Educational Action Research .British Educational Research Association Conference, London, U.K..

Brydon-Miller, M. (04-17-2008. ) Expecting the unexpected .Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark.

Brydon-Miller, M. (04-16-2008. ) Feminist ethics in community action research .University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden.

Brydon-Miller, M. (04-10-2008. ) Feminist research ethics and the community covenant: Understanding the ethical challenges of participatory action research .Vaxjo University, Vaxjo Sweden.

Brydon-Miller, M. (06-02-2007. ) Common interests, shared efforts: A workshop on participatory action research tools and skills .Bowling Green State University,

Brydon-Miller, M. (04-26-2007. ) Participatory action research: Developing research strategies to support social change .Ohio State University,

Brydon-Miller, M. (02-28-2007. ) Setting the stage: Action research and social justice .University of Louisville,

Brydon-Miller, M. (10-12-2005. ) Creating change: Finding your place as a scholar/activist .Otterbein College,

Brydon-Miller, M. (05-13-2005. ) Ethics and action research: A critical exploration of practice .Cornell University,

Brydon-Miller, M. (05-05-2005. ) Building an internation action research community .First International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Brydon-Miller, M. (07-14-2011. ) Ethical Principles, Ethical Practice: Community Covenantal Ethics as a Framework for Strengthening Ethical Practice in Action Research. Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.. Level:International

Poster Presentations

Brydon-Miller, M. (05-2006. ) First person action research student poster session .Urbana-Champaign, IL. .

Paper Presentations

Brydon-Miller, M., Kraft, R., Harris Powell, A., & Owen, D. (10-2006. ) Exploring Questions of Truth at the Intersections of Race, Power, and Privilege .Louisville, KY.

Brydon-Miller, M., Noffke, S. & Boser, S. (08-2006. ) Framing a Critical Examination of Ethical Challenges in Action Research: Developing a Doalogic Approach within Organizations .Groningen, The Netherlands.

Brydon-Miller, M. & Miller, J. G. (07-2004. ) The Therapist as Navigator: Charting the Course for change .Honolulu, Hawaii.

Brydon-Miller, M. (04-2004. ) Ethics and action research .San Diego, CA.

Brydon-Miller, M. (09-2007. ) The Community Covenant: Understanding the Ethical Challenges of Participatory Action Research .Oslo, Norway.

Brydon-Miller, M. & Shore, N. (11-17-2008. ) The nuance and complexity of community-based action research: A roadmap for IRBs .Orlando, FL..

Brydon-Miller, M. & Maguire, P. (03-24-2008. ) An international dialogue on varieties of practitioner inquiry on teaching and teacher education: Participatory action reserach .New York, NY.

Brydon-Miller, M. (09-05-2007. ) The teacher's covenant: Reframing our notions of ethics in educational action research .London, U.K..

Brydon-Miller, M. (05-02-2007. ) This I believe: Using first person action research to reflect on integrating values into practice .Urbana, IL.

Brydon-Miller, M. & Noffke, S. (05-02-2007. ) Participatory action research: Third town meeting on action research .Urbana, IL.

Brydon-Miller, M. (04-09-2007. ) New perspectives on Praxis: Reframing the role of theory in action research .Chicago, IL.

Brydon-Miller, M., Mertens, D. & Ginsberg, P. (04-09-2007. ) Beyond the IRB: Case-based research ethics .Chicago, IL.

Brydon-Miller, M. (04-22-2007. ) Ethics and action research: Embedding social responsibility within research practice .Cincinnati, OH.

Brydon-Miller, M., Noffke, S. & Boser, S. (05-04-2006. ) Building an internation action research community .University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Brydon-Miller, M. (04-07-2006. ) Learning to accentuate the positive: Individual and community asset mapping exercises .San Francisco, CA.

Brydon-Miller, M. (05-05-2005. ) Ethics and action research: The IRB and beyond .University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Brydon-Miller, M. & Kroeger, S. (04-11-2005. ) Practicing what we preach: Creating the new action research classroom .Montreal, Canada.

Brydon-Miller, M.; Brackenbury, R. (03-2010. ) Using Action Research to Assess and Strengthen Ethical Climate .Cincinnati, OH.

Brydon-Miller, M.; Brabeck, K.; Brabeck, M.; Mertens, D. (09-2009. ) Convenantal Ethics and Participatory Action Research: Acknowledging Relationships of Caring and Commitment in Psychological Research .Toronto, Canada.

Brydon-Miller, M. (03-2010. ) Using Photovoice and First-Person Action Research to Promote Ethical Reflection .Cincinnati, OH.

Brydon-Miller, M. (04-2009. ) Stone Soup: Using Action Research to Create Opportunities for Program Intergration in Teacher Education .San Diego, CA.

Brydon-Miller, M. (04-04-2009. ) Using Appreciative Inquiry to Improve the Quality of Doctoral Student Life .Louisville, KY.

Brydon-Miller, M. (07-06-2011. ) Dewey Goes Digital: Educational Action Research, Digital Learning, and Dewey's Philosophy of Education. Uxbridge, West London, England.. Conference.

Brydon-Miller, M., Killham, J., Chundur, S., & Louis, V. (07-06-2011. ) Teaching Ethics Online and the Ethics of Online Learning. .Uxbridge, West London, England..

Brdyon-Miller, M. with students from Action Research 2010-2011 (05-18-2011. ) Translating Values into Practice through First-Person Action Research. .Urbana, IL.

Honors and Awards

2005 University of Cincinnati African American Cultural and Research Center Award of Appreciation

2005 The Future of Learning: Addressing Issues of Diversity Award

2012 Fullbright Fellowship Awarded for Spring 2013.


Harmony Garden: Growing Healthy Girls Board Member Type:Community Service 2011

United Way of Greater Cincinnati, Poverty Task Force. Type:Community Service

United Way of Greater Cincinati Research Council, Cincinnati. Type:Community Service

Professional Affiliation

2002 -To Present: Graduate Education Committee University of Cincinnati,

2001 -2003: Research and Development Board Convenor University of Cincinnati,

2001 -To Present: Faculty Mentor University of Cincinnati,

2000: Graduate Program Planning Committee Springfield College School of Human Services,

2000 -2001: Urban Initiatives Planning Group University of Cincinnati,

2000 -2001: Graduate Education Committee University of Cincinnati,

2000 -2004: Participatory Action Research Group University of Cincinnati,

1998 -1999: Chair, Search Committee Springfield College School of Human Services,

1997 -1998: Co-chair, Search Committee Springfield College School of Human Services,

Associate Editor Action Research Journal, SAGE Publications

Organizer North American Action Research Alliance,

North American Action Research Alliance Steering Committee

American Educational Action Research Alliance Steering Committee

Society for Community Research and Action: Division of Community Psychology (APA Division 27) American Psychological Association,

Action Learning, Action Research, Process Management (ALARPM) Management Committee,

Editorial Board Action Research,

Editorial Board Action Research International,

Editorial Board Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy (ASAP),

Reviewer Feminism and Psychology,

Reviewer Journal of Health Psychology,

Reviewer Journal of the Community Development,

Reviewer Qualitative Research in Psychology,

Chairperson, English Language and Literacy Advisory Board, Refugee Resettlement Program Catholic Charities of Louisville,

American Psychological Association

Association for Practical and Professional Ethics

2013: Member Current member of the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics Responsible Conduct of Research Executive Committee.

2013: Member Current member of the Swedish Participatory Action Research Consortium (SPARC) International Board.

2011: Associate Editor Action Research.