Research Support
Grant: #F336159621945/P00032 Investigators:Carter, Harold 08-20-1999 -06-10-2002 Department of the Air Force 3D Vertically Interconnected Microwave Integrated Circuit Role:PI $247,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #F336159621945/00034 Investigators:Carter, Harold 09-21-1999 -11-10-2002 Department of the Air Force Information Fusion and Modeling of 3D Microwave Monolithic RF with Microelectromechanical Sensors Role:PI $160,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #S99-001 Investigators:Carter, Harold 04-01-2000 -10-31-2000 Department of the Army Translation of Reduced-Order VHDL-AMS Micro-Electromechanical Systems Models Role:PI $19,969.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #F336159621945/P00032 Investigators:Carter, Harold 06-20-2000 -06-10-2002 Department of the Air Force Distributed Simulation of Mixed-Technology for Joint Battlespace Infosphere Role:PI $50,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #F336159621945/P00032 Investigators:Carter, Harold 06-20-2000 -06-10-2002 Department of the Air Force Collaborative Effort in Robust System-on-Chip Design and Simulation Role:PI $80,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #F336159621945/P00030 Investigators:Carter, Harold 10-18-2000 -03-31-2002 Department of the Air Force Optimized Global Information Compression Methodologies and Implementation of Enhanced C41SR System Integration Role:PI $70,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #F336159621945/P00033 Investigators:Carter, Harold 01-25-2001 -06-10-2002 Department of the Air Force Fast Mixed-Energy Simulation in a Distributed Environment Role:PI $160,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #F336159621945-Master Investigators:Carter, Harold 10-01-1996 -11-10-2002 Department of the Air Force Development, Exploitation and Transition of CAE Tools Role:PI $.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #F336159621945/P00023 Investigators:Carter, Harold 03-24-1998 -09-01-2001 Department of the Air Force Macro Modeling Tool for VHDL-AMS Role:PI $71,202.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #OSP99147/AMO Investigators:Carter, Harold 04-12-1999 -04-30-2000 Department of the Air Force A Scheme and Artifacts for Evaluating the Continuous-Mode and Mixed-Mode Behavior of VHDL-AMS Simulators Role:PI $49,564.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #7-6T1760S Investigators:Carter, Harold 12-01-1998 -08-31-1999 Department of the Air Force VHDL-AMS to Support High Frequency Modeling and Simulation Role:PI $6,416.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #F336159621945/P00010 Investigators:Carter, Harold 01-14-1999 -01-13-2000 Department of the Air Force Robust Mixed-Signal Design Role:PI $67,971.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #F336159621945/P00020 Investigators:Carter, Harold 01-14-1999 -09-01-2001 Department of the Air Force Mixed-Signal Adaptive Filtering in Mobile Communications Role:PI $101,828.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #F336159621945/P00020 Investigators:Carter, Harold 06-22-1999 -09-01-2001 Department of the Air Force Wavelet Transform for Real-Time Video/Audio Communications Role:PI $73,019.00 Closed Level:Federal