Linda Chernus

Linda Chernus


Stetson Building
260 Stetson Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
Phone 513-558-7700

Professional Summary

MS. LINDA CHERNUS is a professor of clinical psychiatry. She treats chronically mentally ill patients in Central Clinic, provides clinical teaching and supervision to social work students and psychiatry residents, and is widely published in the fields of self psychology, substance abuse treatment, psychoanalysis and social work, and child abuse. Ms. Chernus received her MSW from Smith College School for Social Work in 1976 and has been a faculty member in the Department of Psychiatry since that time. She is also an editorial board member of three refereed journals as well as the book review editor of Psychoanalytic Social Work.


Master's Degree: Smith College 1976 (Social Work)

Research and Practice Interests

Primary objectives of current research and scholarship are:

1) Development of a self-psychologically-informed approach to the outpatient psychotherapy of the active alchoholic patient,

2) Further understanding and teaching of how the consistent use of the empathic mode of data gathering and interpretation deepens the therapeutic process, enables the patient to more fully utilize the therapist to perform needed self object functions, and promotes the process of transmuting internalization of self object functions leading to psychological structure-building.

She treats chronically mentally ill patients in Central Clinic, provides clinical teaching and supervision to social work students and psychiatry residents, and is widely published in the fields of self psychology, substance abuse treatment, psychoanalysis and social work and child abuse.


Peer Reviewed Publications

Free, N K; Green, B L; Grace, M C; Chernus, L A; Whitman, R M (1985. ) Empathy and outcome in brief focal dynamic therapy. The American journal of psychiatry, , 142 (8 ) ,917-21

Lagutina, T S; Nikitin, A A; Chernus, L A; Troianski?, I V [Changes in the bioelectrical activity of the masseter and temporal muscles in traumatic injuries of the mandibular articular process] .Stomatologiia, , 59 (5 ) ,36-8

Plotnikov, N A; Nikitin, A A; Chernus, L A (1977. ) [Arthro-osteoplasty with lyophilized bone allotransplant in acute injury of the mandibular condyle] .Sovetskaia meditsina, , (9 ) ,14-7

Chernus, L.A. (2009. ) Self pathology: Professional ethics, countertransference, and psychoanalytic morality .Psychoanalytic Social Work, , 16 (1 ) ,

Chernus, L.A. (2008. ) "Separation/Abandonment/Isolation Trauma": An Application of Psychoanalytic Developmental Theory to Understanding its Impact on Both Chimpanzee and Human Children .Journal of Emotional Abuse, , 8 (4 ) ,447

Chernus, L.A. (2008. ) "Separation/Abandonment/Isolation Trauma": What We Can Learn from our Nonhuman Primate Relatives. Journal of Emotional Abuse, , 8 (4 ) ,469

Chernus, L.A. (2007. ) The remarkable explanatory power of neurobiology: A validation and synthesis of psychoanalytic theory, infant observation, and clinical social work practice .Psychoanalytic Social Work, , 14 (1 ) ,77

Chernus, L.A. (2005. ) Psychoanalysis and clinical social work: A contemporary perspective .Psychoanalytic Social Work, , 12 (2 ) ,99

Chernus, L.A. (2005. ) A self psychological approach to collaboration: Psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy with a bipolar client .Psychoanalytic Social Work, , 12 (2 ) ,1

Chernus, L.A. (2005. ) Psychotherapy with alcoholic patients: A self psychological approach .Smith College Studies in Social Work, , 75 (3 ) ,63

Additional Publications

Honors and Awards

Nominated for Inclusion in 2010 Edition. Who's Who in America. September 2008

05-2008 "Hope and Heroes Honoree" Batavia, OH The Partnership for Mental Health, Inc

09-2006 Faculty Merit Bonus Award For excellence in research and clinical practice


Clinical Social Worker,Psychotherapist,Teacher,Adult Psychopathology,Alcoholism,Child Psychopathology,Clinical Research Methods in Psychology and Psychiatry,Depression,Drug Abuse and Addiction,Emotional Obesity,Neuroses,Personality and Behavior Disorders,Psychoses,Self-esteem,Narcissism,Family and Marital Counseling,Adolescence,Identity Formation,Influence of Infantile Experiences on Later Behavior

Contact Information

Academic - Stetson Building
Cincinnati  Ohio, 45219
Phone: 513-558-7700