Donna Chrobot-Mason
Associate Professor
Edwards Center
A&S Psychology - 0094
Ph D: University of Georgia Athens, GA, 1997 (Applied Psychology)
MS: University of Georgia Athens, GA, 1994 (Applied Psychology)
BA: Miami University Oxford, OH, 1991 (Business Psychology)
Positions and Work Experience
09-2009 - Director, Center for Organizational Leadership, University of Cincinnati,
09-2007 - Associate Professor, Center for Organizational Leadership, University of Cincinnati,
09-2004 -09-2009 Graduate Director, MA Labor & Employment Relations, University of Cincinnati,
09-2004 -09-2007 Assistant Professor, Center for Organizational Leadership, University of Cincinnati,
08-1998 -09-2004 Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Colorado at Denver,
08-1999 -08-2000 Interim Director, University of Colorado at Denver,
06-1997 -07-1998 HR Research Specialist, Xerox Corp,
03-1995 -06-1997 HR Research Intern, Xerox Corp,
01-1993 -12-1994 Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Psychology, University of Georgia,
Research Support
Investigators:Chrobot-Mason, Donna 2010 Interdisciplinary Faculty Development Grant Award 20000 Type:Grant
Investigators:Chrobot-Mason, Donna 2009 Center for Creative Leadership - funds to support book project 5000 Type:Sponsored Research
Abbreviated Publications
Book Chapter
Ruderman, M., & Chrobot-Mason, D. (2010). Triggers of Social Identity Conflict. In K. M. Hannum, B. B. McFeeters, and L. Booysen (Eds)., Leading Across Differences: Cases and Perspectives (pp. 81-86). San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer, 2010.
Ruderman, M., Glover, S., Chrobot-Mason, D., & Ernst, C. (2010). Leadership Practices Across Social Identity Groups.” In K. M. Hannum, B. B. McFeeters, and L. Booysen (Eds)., Leading Across Differences: Cases and Perspectives (pp. 95-114). San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer, 2010.
Chrobot-Mason, D., Ruderman, M., & Nishii, L. (In press). Leadership in a Diverse Workplace. In Q. Roberson’s (Ed)., Oxford Handbook of Diversity, Oxford University Press.
Rothman, J. & Chrobot-Mason, D. (2012). Intrapersonal and interpersonal ARIA process. In J. Rothman’s (Ed.), From Identity-Based Conflict to Identity-Based Cooperation (pp. 35-50). New York: Springer.
Chrobot-Mason, D., Ruderman, M., & Nishii, L. (2012). Leadership in a Diverse Workplace. In Q. Roberson’s (Ed)., Oxford Handbook of Diversity (pp. 315-340). New York: Oxford University Press.
Chrobot-Mason, D, Cullen, K., & Altman, D. (2013). Leveraging networks through boundary spanning leadership. In J. Nickerson and R. Sanders (Eds)., Tackling Wicked Government Problems: A practical guide for developing enterprise leaders (pp.101-115). Washington D.C: Brookings Institution Press.
Palus, C., Cullen, K., and Chrobot-Mason, D. (2013). Boundary-Spanning leadership in an interdependent world. In J. Langan-Fox and C. L. Cooper (Eds)., Boundary-Spanning in Organizations: Network, Influence, and Conflict (pp.206-229). New York: Routledge.
Chrobot-Mason, D., Ruderman, M., & Nishii, L. (2014). Leadership in a Diverse Workplace. In D Day’s (Ed)., Oxford Handbook of Leadership and Organizations (pp. 683-708). New York: Oxford University Press.
Chrobot-Mason, D., Yip, J., & Yu, A. (In press). Leading Beyond We: The Nature and Consequences of a Boundary Spanning Mindset. In L. M. Roberts, L. P. Wooten, & M. N. Davidson’s (Eds)., Positive Organizing in a Global Society: Understanding and Engaging Differences for Capacity-Building and Inclusion. Taylor-Francis
Ernst, C. & Chrobot-Mason, D. (2010). Boundary spanning leadership: Six practices for solving problems, driving innovation, and transforming organizations. McGraw-Hill Professional.
Under Review
Chrobot-Mason, D., Ruderman, M., & Nishii, L. Leadership in a Diverse Workplace. Chapter in preparation to appear in the Oxford Handbook of Diversity in 2011.
Rothman, J. & Chrobot-Mason, D. Intrapersonal and Interpersonal ARIA Process. Chapter in preparation to appear in the Handbook on Identity-Based Conflict in 2012.
Chrobot-Mason, D., & Ernst, C. Boundary spanning in the battlefield. Article under consideration for Fortune, featuring interviews with the Commanding General and Ambassador of Iraq.
Work in Progress
Chrobot-Mason, D., Ragins, B. R., & Linnehan, F. The second hand smoke effect: Race and awareness of racial harassment in the workplace. Manuscript in progress for submission to Personnel Psychology.
Chrobot-Mason, D., & Aramovich, N. Making the case for diversity: The link between diversity climate, belonging, and engagement. Manuscript in progress for submission to Group and Organization Management.
Chrobot-Mason, D., Ragins, B. R., & Linnehan, F. The second hand smoke effect: Race and awareness of racial harassment in the workplace. Manuscript in preparation for review with the Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Chrobot-Mason, D., & Aramovich, N. Making the case for diversity: The link between diversity climate, belonging, and engagement. Manuscript in progress for submission to Group and Organization Management.
Ragins, B., Parks, K., & Chrobot-Mason, D. Ambient harassment against gays and lesbians in the military. Survey developed and IRB approval received. Data collection to begin winter 2012.
Stockdale, M., Crosby, F., Chrobot-Mason, D., Blake-Beard, S. Study on women’s leadership development to assess psychosocial support for STEM faculty. Pilot data collection in progress.
Chrobot-Mason, D. Antecedents and consequences of boundary spanning leadership. Research proposal in progress.
Other Publication
Ernst, C. & Chrobot-Mason, D. (2011, Spring). Flat world, hard boundaries – How to lead across them. MIT Sloan Management Review, 1-8.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Cullen, K. L., Palus, C. J. Chrobot-Mason, D. & Appaneal, C. (2012). Getting to “We”: Collective leadership development. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 5, 431-436.
Chrobot-Mason, D. (2012). Developing multicultural competence to improve cross-race work relationships. The Psychologist-Manager Journal. 15(4), 199-218.
Chrobot-Mason, D., & Leslie, J. (2012). The Role of Multicultural Competence and Emotional Intelligence in Managing Diversity. The Psychologist-Manager Journal, 15(4), 219-236.
Chrobot-Mason, D., & Aramovich, N. (2013). The Psychological Benefit of Creating an Affirming Climate for Workplace Diversity. Group and Organization Management, 38(6), 659–689.
Chrobot-Mason, D., Ragins, B. R., & Linnehan, F. (2013). Second hand smoke: Ambient racial harassment at work. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 28(5), 470-491.
Cullen, K., Gerbasi, A., & Chrobot-Mason, D. (In press). Thriving despite the demands of workplace communication centrality: The role of political skill. Accepted for publication in the Journal of Management
Chrobot-Mason, D , Gerbasi, A., & Cullen, K. (In press). Predicting Leadership Relationships: The Importance of Collective Identity. Leadership Quarterly
Technical Report
Fleenor, J.W., Chrobot-Mason, D., Ernst, C., Taylor, S., Barts, D., & Shields, J. (2013). Boundary Spanning Leadership 360 technical manual. Greensboro, NC: Center for Creative Leadership.
Other Publications
Chrobot-Mason, Donna; Ruderman, M. R.; Weber, T.; Ernst, C. (2009. ) The challenge of leading on unstable ground: Triggers that activate social identity faultlines .62 (11 ) , Human Relations
Dalton, M.; Chrobot-Mason, Donna (2007. ) A theoretical exploration of manager and employee social identity, cultural values, and conflict management .7 (2 ) , The Journal of Cross Cultural Management
Ruderman, M. R.; Chrobot-Mason, Donna; Weber, T. (2007. ) Identity Crisis: Recognizing the Triggers of a Growing Type of Conflict .27 (3 ) , Leadership in Action
Chrobot-Mason, Donna; Ruderman, M. N.; Weber, T. J.; Ohlott, P. J.; Dalton, M. A. (2007. ) Illuminating a cross-cultural leadership challenge: When identity groups collide .18 (11 ) , The International Journal of Human Resource Management
Linnehan, F.; Chrobot-Mason, Donna; Konrad, A. M. (2006. ) Diversity attitudes and norms: The role of ethnic identity and relational demography .27 (4 ) , The Journal of Organizational Behavior
Chrobot-Mason, Donna; Hepworth, W. (2005. ) Examining perceptions of ambiguous and unambiguous threats of racial harrassment and managerial response strategies .35 (11 ) , Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Published Books
Ernst, C.; Chrobot-Mason, Donna (2010. ) Boundary spanning leadership: Six practices for solving problems, driving innovation, and transforming organizations .McGraw-Hill Professional
Book Chapter
Ruderman, M.; Glover, S.; Chrobot-Mason, Donna; Ernst, C. (2010 ) Leadership Practices Across Social Identity Groups San Francisco, CA, USA, Pfeiffer
Ruderman, M.; Chrobot-Mason, Donna (2010 ) Triggers of Social Identity Conflict San Francisco, CA, USA, Pfeiffer
Chrobot-Mason, Donna; Hays-Thomas, R.; Wishik, H. R. (2008 ) Understanding and defusing resistance to diversity training and learning New York, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Chrobot-Mason, Donna (2007 ) Discursive Leadership: In Conversation with Leadership Psychology Thousand Oaks, Sage
Thomas, K. M.; Chrobot-Mason, Donna (2005 ) Group-level explanations of workplace discrimination Mahwah, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Chrobot-Mason, Donna; Konrad, A. M.; Linnehan, F. (2005 ) Measures for Quantitative Diversity Scholarship Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications
Additional Publications
Poster Presentations
Chrobot-Mason, D. (2010. ) Leading Across Differences: A Boundary Spanning Approach .Boston, MA. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Chrobot-Mason, D. & Ernst, C. (2010. ) Workshop on Boundary Spanning Leadership .Boston, MA. Professional Meeting. Level:International
Chrobot-Mason, D. (2010. ) Boundary Setting Tactics: Leadership Strategies to Create Intergroup Safety and Respect .Atlanta, GA. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Hays-Thomas, R., Chrobot-Mason, D., Ferdman, B., & Johnson, B. (2010. ) Panel Discussion - Trials, Tribulations, and Joys: Challenges of Teaching Diversity Management .Atlanta, GA. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Chrobot-Mason, D. Wayne, J., Greenhaus, J., Mallard, A., Lankau, M., and Eastman, L., (2011. ) Is work-life balance reality or myth? Research and lessons learned”. Chicago, IL. Conference. Level:National
Chrobot-Mason, D., Ruderman, M., Nishii, L., and Davidson, M. (2011. ) “Leadership and Diversity: A conversation between practitioners and academics” .Chicago, IL. . Conference. Level:National
Chrobot-Mason, D. (2011. ) “Boundary Spanning Leadership” .Indianapolis, IN.. Conference. Level:National
Chrobot-Mason, D., Fairhurst, G., Boys, S., Dass, T., Furst-Holloway, S., and Hollensbe, E. from the University of Cincinnati. Other presenters included Cohen, M., U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Seaver, G., National Defense University, and Holt, K., Peakinsight LLC, (2011. ) “Leadership Development Challenges and Best Practices: A Scientist-Practitioner Forum” .San Antonio, TX.. Conference. Level:International
Chrobot-Mason, D. (2011. ) “Boundary Spanning Leadership Professional Development Workshop” .San Antonio, TX. . Conference. Level:International
Chrobot-Mason, D., Wadzinski, L., & Lenhardt, C. Symposium: Tackling wicked problems through boundary spanning leadership. Indianapolis, IN (April 26). Conference. Level:National
Chrobot-Mason, D., & Johnson, L.
Chrobot-Mason, D., & Cullen, K.
Event Organized
Boundary Spanning Leadership: Challenges, Capabilities, and StrategiesBoundary Spanning Leadership: Challenges, Capabilities, and Strategies Symposium Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Level:National
Informal Networking Roundtable - Leadership Across BoundariesInformal Networking Roundtable - Leadership Across Boundaries Other International Leadership Association Annual Meeting Level:International
“Is work-life balance reality or myth? Research and lessons learned”. Co-chaired and presented the interactive symposium“Is work-life balance reality or myth? Research and lessons learned”. Co-chaired and presented the interactive symposium Symposium 2011 2011 Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL.
“Leadership and Diversity: A conversation between practitioners and academics”. Co-chaired and presented“Leadership and Diversity: A conversation between practitioners and academics”. Co-chaired and presented Symposium 2011 2011 Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL. Level:National
“Leadership Development Challenges and Best Practices: A Scientist-Practitioner Forum”. Presented at the .“Leadership Development Challenges and Best Practices: A Scientist-Practitioner Forum”. Presented at the . Symposium 2011 2011 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, San Antonio, TX Level:International
Conference Co-Facilitator, Nag’s Heart session entitled “Renewal and Replenishment”. A professional woman’s pre-conference to the SIOP Conference (Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology)Conference Co-Facilitator, Nag’s Heart session entitled “Renewal and Replenishment”. A professional woman’s pre-conference to the SIOP Conference (Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology) Conference 2011 2011 Chicago, IL Level:National
Honors and Awards
2009 Adjunct Research Scholar Type:Scholarship/Research
Greater Cincinnati Human Resources Association (Staffing & recruiting oversight committee ) Committee Member Type:Community Service Level:Public 2009
FBI Annual National Conference (Conducted workshops on leading across boundaries to 120 crime lab employees ) Conducted Workshops Type:Community Service Level:Public 2010 -2010
Great American Insurance Developed Training Evaluation Instruments Type:Community Service Level:Public 2006 -2006
Northern Kentucky University 2nd Annual River Cities Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference Guest Speaker Type:Community Service Level:Public 2006 -2006
Cincinnati Museum Center Developed Evaluation Instruments for Programs Type:Community Service Level:Public 2005 -2005
A&S Diversity Research Center Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2010 -2011
Center for Organizational Leadership Director Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2010 -2011
MHR Curriculum Committee Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2010 -2011
ORGL Curriculum Committee Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2010 -2011
Psychology Diversity Committee Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2010 -2011
RPT Committee for Dr. Dass Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2010 -2011
Center for Organizational Leadership Director Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2009 -2010
MHR Curriculum Committee Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2009 -2010
ORGL Curriculum Committee Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2009 -2010
RPT Committee for Dr. Furst Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2009 -2010
MA Human Resources Program Graduate Director Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2008 -2009
Search Committee for Center Director Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2008 -2009
Search Committee for Field Service Instructor Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2008 -2009
Graduate Committee Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2007 -2008
MA Labor and Employment Relations Program Graduate Director Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2007 -2008
Search Committee for Department Head Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2007 -2008
Graduate Committee Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2006 -2007
Graduate Program Review Coordinator Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2006 -2007
MA Labor and Employment Relations Program Graduate Director Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2006 -2007
Mentor to Stacie Furst Faculty Mentor Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2006 -2007
Graduate Committee Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2005 -2006
MA Labor and Employment Relations Program Graduate Director Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2005 -2006
Search Committee for Field Service Instructor Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2005 -2006
Search Committee for Psychology Head Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2005 -2006
Search Committee for Tenure Track Position Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2005 -2006
Graduate Committee Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2004 -2005
MA Labor and Employment Relations Program Graduate Director Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2004 -2005
UC Leadership Development Group Committee Member Type:University Level:University 2004 -2005
The Psychologist-Manager Journal Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2006 -2006
Academy of Management Annual Conference Reviewer, Conference Paper Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2005 -2005
The International Journal of Human Resources Management Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2005 -2005
The Journal of Group and Organizational Management Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2005 -2005
Journal of Business and Psychology Editorial Review Board Member Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2009
Leadership Collaborative for Nag"s Heart (A group dedicated to facilitating conferences that support the development of professional women. ) Member Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2007
Journal of Management Editorial Review Board Member Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2005
Journal of Personnel Psychology Editorial Review Board Member Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2004
Academy of Mangement (Nag"s Heart session entitled "Self-Sustainability: A Balanced Discussion of Deadly Drains and Powerful Renewal." ) Conference Co-Facilitator Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2009 -2009
Academy of Mangement Meeting (Saroj Parasuraman Award ) Committee Member Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2008 -2008
Academy of Management (Best Paper based on a Dissertation Award, Gender and Diversity Division, Academy of Management Meeting ) Committee Chair Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2007 -2007
Academy of Management (Academy of Management Meeting and Conference Submission Reviewer ) Reviewer, Conference Paper Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2007 -2007
Academy of Management (Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division ) Executive Board Member Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2004 -2007
Academy of Management Reviewer, Conference Paper Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2006 -2006
Group and Organizational Management Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2006 -2006
SIOP Annual Conference Reviewer, Conference Paper Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2006 -2006
The International Journal of Human Resource Management Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer Type:Prof. Org. Level:Service to Professional Associations 2006 -2006
Post Graduate Training and Education
11-2010-11-2010 Participated in week-long Leadership Development Program at the Center for Creative Leadership. ,
2012-2012 Participated in four-day senior level leadership development program (Leading for Organizational Impact) at the Center for Creative Leadership ,
2012-2012 Participated in two-day certification workshop (Assessment Certification Workshop) to gain lifetime certification to administer and interpret instruments in the 360 suite of measures at the Center for Creative Leadership,
Professional Affiliation
Academy of Mgmt,
American Psychological Association, National
Greater Cincinnati Human Resources Association, Local
International Leadership Association, International
Society for Human Resource Management,
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology,
Courses Taught
LER Cap Stone
Strategic Leadership for HR
Individual Behavior in the Workplace
LER Capstone
LER Capstone
Research in Labor & Employment Relations
The Diverse Workforce
LER Capstone
Research in Labor & Employment Relations
Strategic Leadership for HR
Individual Behavior in the Workplace
LER Capstone
Research in Labor & Employment Relations
LER Cap Stone
LER Cap Stone
LER Cap Stone
Individual Behavior in the Workplace
LER Cap Stone
Faculty Development Activities
04-2010 -04-2010 Sessions on diversity, leadership, and human resources. Annual National Conference, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference Atlanta, GA Type:Conference Attendance
10-2010 -10-2010 Sessions on leadership. Annual International Conference, International Leadership Association Annual Conference Boston, MA Type:Conference Attendance
11-14-2010 -11-19-2010 Leadership Development Program Intensive leadership development program involving experiential activities, a variety of assessments including 360 feedback (from boss, direct reports, and peers), peer behavioral feedback, video-taped team interactions, and a 4 hour one-on-one meeting with an executive coach. , Center for Creative Leadership Greensboro, North Carolina Type:Other
03-2010 -08-2010 Faculty Development Council Grant Award $20,000 (see Research Support section for details), Awarded to the Center for Organizational Leadership Type:Other
2011 -2011 Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Attended conference sessions involving diversity, inclusion, leadership, and human resources during this three day conference., Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference Chicago, IL Type:Conference Attendance
2011 -2011 Randall L. Tobias Leadership Annual Conference Attended conference sessions and workshops involving leadership development theory and practice at this three day conference, Indianapolis, IN Type:Conference Attendance
2011 -2011 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management Attended both professional development workshops as well as conference sessions related to diversity, leadership, human resources, and executive coaching/development. This conference involves two full days of professional development workshops followed by three full days of regular conference sessions. Thus, the conference itself is five days in length., Academy of Management San Antonio, TX Type:Conference Attendance
2011 -2011 CETL Workshop on teaching effectiveness UC Type:Workshop
2011 -2011 Community of Practice Retreat Attended and activitely participated in a retreat designed to engage scholars and practitioners engaged in Boundary Spanning Leadership work in North America, South America, and Europe. This three day retreat involved sharing of best practices and techniques for teaching boundary spanning leadership both in a classroom and client setting, Center for Creative Leadership Greensboro, NC Type:Other
2011 -2011 Renewal and Replenishment "Renewal and Replenishment”. This two and 1/2 day retreat was a professional woman’s pre-conference to the SIOP Conference annual meeting (Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology). I co-faciltated as well as actively participated in this professional development and networking retreat as one of 12 participants. , Nags Heart Chicago, IL Type:Other
2011 -2012 Faculty Development Council Grant Award I submitted and was awarded a faculty development council grant to earn lifetime certification for use of the Center for Creative Leadership's assessment instruments. I will be participating in this two day certification workshop during Spring 2012. , Type:Other
Participated in two-day certification workshop (Assessment Certification Workshop) to gain lifetime certification to administer and interpret instruments in the 360 suite of measures at the Center for Creative Leadership,
Participated in four-day senior level leadership development program (Leading for Organizational Impact) at the Center for Creative Leadership,
Attended sessions on leadership, diversity and organizational psychology as part of the annual meeting of SIOP (the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology), April 2012,
Attended sessions and workshops on leadership as part of the annual meeting of the International Association of Leadership, October, 2012.,
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management Attended profesional development workshops, conference research and practice presentations at the annual conference, Orlando, FL Type:Conference Attendance
Academy of Management Africa Conference Non-traditional conference involving experiential journeys into South Africa to learn about culture and history. Attended sessions with business and Human Resource Professionals from South Africa to learn about their unique workplace challenges. , Johannesburg, South Africa, January 10, 2013 Type:Conference Attendance
Human Resources Leadership Summit meeting One day meeting of regional leaders in the field of Human Resources. Attended sessions on the practice of HR. , Cincinnati, June 4 Type:Seminar
University of Cincinnati’s Diversity Recruitment Training Symposium Attended professional development symposium on diversity recruitment in the workplace, University of Cincinnati Kingsgate, September 24 Type:Continuing Education Program
Participated in two week graduate leadership study abroad course in Bali Indonesia (June 19-July 3) entitled “Journey through Bali: Leadership, moral imagination, and the arts” facilitated by faculty at the University of San Diego and the Institute for Global Renewal,
Selected to participate in a 1.5 day writing workshop entitled the “Op Ed Project” at the University of Cincinnati,
Attended leadership and diversity workshops and presentations at three national/international conferences (Academy of Management, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Tobias Leadership),
Attended presentations involving Human Resource Management Topics at two Northern Kentucky SHRM meetings and the annual HR Collaborative Event. ,
Other Information
- Professional development workshop submitted and accepted for presentation at the international Academy of Management annual conference in August. Title: Leadership Development Challenges and Best Practices: A Scientist-Practitioner Forum. All faculty members of the Center were involved in the development of this workshop.
- Faculty Development Council Grant awarded for $2,090 to fund a UC site visit by Dr. Wanda Hayes, Director of Learning Services at Emory University, to gain expertise and knowledge about leadership development programs in academia as well as the private and public sector.
- Co-sponsored a workshop with the Greater Cincinnati Human Resources Association and the Society for Human Resources Management as part of their HR Academy series.
- Developed interview protocol and secured IRB approval to gather qualitative data from UC’s leadership development cohort
- Director participated in week long Leadership Development Program at the Center for Creative Leadership
- Participated in the Tobias Leadership Conference and conducted benchmarking site visit at IUPUI.
- Hosted benchmarking site-visits from Dr. Chris Ernst from the Center for Creative Leadership and Dr. Sandy Wayne from the Center for Human Resource Management at the University of Illinois.
- Extended center affiliates to include faculty from the College of Arts & Sciences, Business, Nursing, Educational Leadership, and Management
- Submitted a consulting proposal to the Educational Theatre Association. The proposal involved conducting a member satisfaction survey, analyzing and interpreting the quantitative and qualitative data gathered, and facilitating organizational strategic planning based on survey results.
- Submitted a consulting proposal to the UC Health University of Cincinnati Physicians group. The proposal involved a series of three workshops designed to enhance team building and collaboration.
The following media interviews were published in 2011:
- Lang, F. (Fall, 2011). “Transforming government borders into common ground.” Book review of Boundary Spanning Leadership: Six Practices for Solving Problems, Driving Innovation, and Transforming Organizations in The Public Manager. Author Lang is the chief learning officer and director of training and knowledge management for the US Department of Commerce.
- Garau, R. (December, 2011). Interview with Donna Chrobot-Mason co-author of Boundary Spanning Leadership and Director of the Center for Organizational Leadership at the University of Cincinnati. Leading Effectively E-Newsletter published by the Center for Creative Leadership.
- Price, D. (June 22, 2011). Boundary spanning leadership. An article published in the Moscow Times Business Section.
- Tarantino, G. (May, 2011). Interview with Donna Chrobot-Mason, co-author of Boundary Spanning Leadership. Semi-annual publication of “WINSpirations”, the McGraw-Hill company Women's Initiative for Networking and Success (WINS).
- Harris, J. (May 2011). Interview with Chris Ernst and Donna Chrobot-Mason, authors of Boundary Spanning Leadership. Strategic Direction.
Goldstein, N. (June, 2012). Book review of Boundary Spanning Leadership: Six Practices for Solving Problems, Driving Innovation, and Transforming Organizations in Academy of Management Learning & Education, 312-314.
Consulting: Facilitated boundary spanning leadership workshop with approximately 80 leaders as part of annual senior executive strategic planning meeting for Briggs and Stratton (small engines manufacturer). ,
Consulting: Facilitated boundary spanning leadership workshop with approximately 120 leaders as part of senior executive strategic planning meeting for Black and Veatch ( engineering, consulting and construction company)
,Consulting: Facilitated boundary spanning leadership workshop for approximately 140 senior leaders at Forest City Enterprises, a real estate development company
,Consulting: Facilitated half-day boundary spanning leadership workshops for principals in the Dayton Public Schools District (June and December)
,Consultant for UC ProPEL – 360 assessment, strategic planning, and boundary spanning leadership development,
Consulting - Leadership succession planning project, United Dairy Farmers,
Consulting - Facilitated boundary spanning leadership workshop for senior leaders of the United Way at Deloitte University (Dallas, TX),