Roger Cornwall , MD
Professor of Clinical-Affiliate
Medical Sciences Building
COM Orthopaedic Surgery - 0212
Professional Summary
MD, Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Clinical Director, Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery, CCHMC
Surgical Director, Epidemolysis Bullosa Center
Medical Degree: Columbia University New York, NY, 1997 (Medicine)
Residency: Mount Sinai Hospital New York, NY, 2002 (Orthopaedic Surgery)
Fellowship: Harvard University, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Massachusetts General, Children's Hospital Boston Boston, MA, 2003 (Upper Extremity Surgery)
Fellowship: Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Philadelphia, PA, 2004 (Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery)
Visiting Fellowship: Goore Schuur Hospital and Red Cross Children's Hospital Cape Town, South Africa, 2004
Peer Reviewed Publications
Fader, Lauren M; Laor, Tal; Eismann, Emily A; Cornwall, Roger; Little, Kevin J (2016. ) Eccentric Capitellar Ossification Limits the Utility of the Radiocapitellar Line in Young Children.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 36 (2 ) ,161-6 More Information
Eismann, Emily A; Laor, Tal; Cornwall, Roger (2016. ) Three-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Glenohumeral Dysplasia in Neonatal Brachial Plexus Palsy.The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, , 98 (2 ) ,142-51 More Information
Little, Kevin J; Cornwall, Roger (2016. ) Congenital Anomalies of the Hand-Principles of Management.The Orthopedic clinics of North America, , 47 (1 ) ,153-68 More Information
Nikolaou, Sia; Hu, Liangjun; Cornwall, Roger (2015. ) Afferent Innervation, Muscle Spindles, and Contractures Following Neonatal Brachial Plexus Injury in a Mouse Model.The Journal of hand surgery, , 40 (10 ) ,2007-16 More Information
Cheng, Wei; Cornwall, Roger; Crouch, Dustin L; Li, Zhongyu; Saul, Katherine R (2015. ) Contributions of muscle imbalance and impaired growth to postural and osseous shoulder deformity following brachial plexus birth palsy: a computational simulation analysis.The Journal of hand surgery, , 40 (6 ) ,1170-6 More Information
Eismann, Emily A; Little, Kevin J; Laor, Tal; Cornwall, Roger (2015. ) Glenohumeral abduction contracture in children with unresolved neonatal brachial plexus palsy.The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, , 97 (2 ) ,112-8 More Information
Cornwall, Roger (2014. ) In reply.The Journal of hand surgery, , 39 (11 ) ,2346 More Information
Fader, Lauren M; Laor, Tal; Eismann, Emily A; Cornwall, Roger; Little, Kevin J (2014. ) MR imaging of capitellar ossification: a study in children of different ages.Pediatric radiology, , 44 (8 ) ,963-70 More Information
Parikh, Shital N; d'Heurle, Albert; Eismann, Emily A; Cornwall, Roger The value of interpretation of intraoperative fluoroscopy by radiologists during pediatric fracture treatment.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 34 (3 ) ,359-61 More Information
Eismann, Emily A; Bauer, Andrea; Kozin, Scott H; Louden, Emily; Cornwall, Roger (2014. ) The relationship between medical malpractice litigation and parent reports of patient function following neonatal brachial plexus palsy.The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, , 96 (5 ) ,373-9 More Information
Matzon, Jonas L; Cornwall, Roger (2014. ) A stepwise algorithm for surgical treatment of type II displaced pediatric phalangeal neck fractures.The Journal of hand surgery, , 39 (3 ) ,467-73 More Information
Nikolaou, Sia; Liangjun, Hu; Tuttle, Lori J; Weekley, Holly; Christopher, Wylie; Lieber, Richard L; Cornwall, Roger (2014. ) Contribution of denervated muscle to contractures after neonatal brachial plexus injury: not just muscle fibrosis.Muscle & nerve, , 49 (3 ) ,398-404 More Information
Eismann, Emily A; Lucky, Anne W; Cornwall, Roger Hand function and quality of life in children with epidermolysis bullosa.Pediatric dermatology, , 31 (2 ) ,176-82 More Information
Little, Kevin J; Zlotolow, Dan A; Soldado, Francisco; Cornwall, Roger; Kozin, Scott H (2014. ) Early functional recovery of elbow flexion and supination following median and/or ulnar nerve fascicle transfer in upper neonatal brachial plexus palsy.The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, , 96 (3 ) ,215-21 More Information
Cornwall, Roger (2013. ) The controversy continues: commentary on an article by Ryan M. Zimmerman, MD, et al.: "Surgical management of pediatric radial neck fractures".The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, , 95 (20 ) ,e157 More Information
Eismann, Emily A; Little, Kevin J; Kunkel, Samuel T; Cornwall, Roger (2013. ) Clinical research fails to support more aggressive management of pediatric upper extremity fractures.The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, , 95 (15 ) ,1345-50 More Information
Reading, Brenton D; Laor, Tal; Salisbury, Shelia R; Lippert, William C; Cornwall, Roger (2012. ) Quantification of humeral head deformity following neonatal brachial plexus palsy.The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, , 94 (18 ) ,e136(1-8) More Information
Weekley, Holly; Nikolaou, Sia; Hu, Liangjun; Eismann, Emily; Wylie, Christopher; Cornwall, Roger (2012. ) The effects of denervation, reinnervation, and muscle imbalance on functional muscle length and elbow flexion contracture following neonatal brachial plexus injury.Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, , 30 (8 ) ,1335-42 More Information
Cornwall, Roger (2012. ) Pediatric finger fractures: which ones turn ugly?.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 32 Suppl 1 ,S25-31 More Information
Lippert, William C; Mehlman, Charles T; Cornwall, Roger; Foad, Mohab B; Laor, Tal; Anton, Christopher G; Welge, Jeffrey A (2012. ) The intrarater and interrater reliability of glenoid version and glenohumeral subluxation measurements in neonatal brachial plexus palsy.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 32 (4 ) ,378-84 More Information
Frawley, Kieran J; Anton, Christopher G; Zbojniewicz, Andrew M; Cornwall, Roger (2011. ) CT evaluation of extensor tendon entrapment as a complication of a distal radial fracture in a child.Pediatric radiology, , 41 (11 ) ,1472-5 More Information
Kunkel, Samuel; Eismann, Emily; Cornwall, Roger Utility of the pediatric outcomes data collection instrument for assessing acute hand and wrist injuries in children.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 31 (7 ) ,767-72 More Information
Kunkel, Samuel; Cornwall, Roger; Little, Kevin; Jain, Viral; Mehlman, Charles; Tamai, Junichi (2011. ) Limitations of the radiocapitellar line for assessment of pediatric elbow radiographs.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , 31 (6 ) ,628-32 More Information
Nikolaou, Sia; Peterson, Elizabeth; Kim, Annie; Wylie, Christopher; Cornwall, Roger (2011. ) Impaired growth of denervated muscle contributes to contracture formation following neonatal brachial plexus injury.The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, , 93 (5 ) ,461-70 More Information
Cornwall, Roger; Ricchetti, Eric T (2006. ) Pediatric phalanx fractures: unique challenges and pitfalls.Clinical orthopaedics and related research, , 445 ,146-56 More Information
Cornwall, Roger (2006. ) Finger metacarpal fractures and dislocations in children.Hand clinics, , 22 (1 ) ,1-10 More Information
Cornwall, Roger; Gilbert, Marvin S; Koval, Kenneth J; Strauss, Elton; Siu, Albert L (2004. ) Functional outcomes and mortality vary among different types of hip fractures: a function of patient characteristics. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, , (425 ) ,64-71
Cornwall, Roger; Waters, Peter M (2004. ) Remodeling of phalangeal neck fracture malunions in children: case report.The Journal of hand surgery, , 29 (3 ) ,458-61 More Information
Cornwall, Roger; Hausman, Michael R Implanted neuroprostheses for restoration of hand function in tetraplegic patients. The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, , 12 (2 ) ,72-9
Cornwall, Roger; Koris, Mark J; Jupiter, Jesse B (2004. ) Wrist joint ganglion presenting as a painless mass in the palm: report of 2 cases.The Journal of hand surgery, , 29 (2 ) ,289-92 More Information
Eisler, Jesse; Cornwall, Roger; Strauss, Elton; Koval, Kenneth; Siu, Albert; Gilbert, Marvin (2003. ) Outcomes of elderly patients with nondisplaced femoral neck fractures. 2002. Journal of orthopaedic trauma, , 17 (8 Suppl ) ,S31-7
Cornwall, Roger; Yang, Edward C (2002. ) Upper extremity deep venous thrombosis following antegrade femoral nailing: case report and venographic study of operative positioning. Orthopedics, , 25 (12 ) ,1395-7
Miller, Suzanne L; Hazrati, Yassamin; Cornwall, Roger; Hayes, Patrick; Gothelf, Todd; Gladstone, James L; Flatow, Evan L (2002. ) Failed surgical management of partial thickness rotator cuff tears. Orthopedics, , 25 (11 ) ,1255-7
Capozzi, James D; Rhodes, Rosamond; Cornwall, Roger (2002. ) Bedside rationing. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, , 84-A (7 ) ,1279-81
Eisler, Jesse; Cornwall, Roger; Strauss, Elton; Koval, Kenneth; Siu, Albert; Gilbert, Marvin (2002. ) Outcomes of elderly patients with nondisplaced femoral neck fractures. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, , (399 ) ,52-8
Cornwall R.;Radomisli T.;Rodríguez-Merchán E.;Goddard N. (08-22-2000. ) Nerve injury in traumatic dislocation of the hip .Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, , (377 ) ,84-91
Yang E.;Cornwall R.;Rodríguez-Merchán E.;Goddard N. (08-22-2000. ) Initial treatment of traumatic hip dislocations in the adult .Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, , (377 ) ,24-31
Gilbert M.;Cornwall R. (09-15-2001. ) The history of synoviorthesis in haemophilia .Haemophilia, , 7 (SUPPL. 2 ) ,3-5
Cornwall R. (04-24-2001. ) Teaching professionalism in orthopaedic residency .Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - Series A, , 83 (4 ) ,626-628
Cornwall R. (12-05-2001. ) How well do you know the back of your hand? Toward evidence-based knowledge.Journal of Hand Surgery, , 26 (6 ) ,1003-1008 More Information
Miller S.;Hazrati Y.;Cornwall R.;Hayes P.;Gothelf T.;Gladstone J.;Flatow E. (11-01-2002. ) Failed surgical management of partial thickness rotator cuff tears .Orthopedics, , 25 (11 ) ,1255-1258
Cornwall R. (03-01-2010. ) The painful wrist in the pediatric athlete.Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, , 30 (SUPPL. 2 ) ,S13-S16 More Information
Kunkel S.;Eismann E.;Cornwall R. (10-01-2011. ) Utility of the pediatric outcomes data collection instrument for assessing acute hand and wrist inju.Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, , 31 (7 ) ,767-772 More Information
Cornwall R. (12-01-2011. ) Pediatric hand injuries.Fundamentals of Pediatric Surgery, , 161-167 More Information
Cornwall R. (10-16-2013. ) The controversy continues: Commentary on an article by Ryan M. Zimmerman, MD, et al.: "surgical mana.Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - Series A, , 95 (20 ) ,e1571-e1572 More Information
Cheng W.;Cornwall R.;Crouch D.;Li Z.;Saul K. (01-01-2015. ) Contributions of muscle imbalance and impaired growth to postural and osseous shoulder deformity fol.Journal of Hand Surgery, , 40 (6 ) ,1170-1176 More Information
Nikolaou S.;Hu L.;Cornwall R. (01-01-2015. ) Afferent innervation, muscle spindles, and contractures following neonatal brachial plexus injury in.Journal of Hand Surgery, , 40 (10 ) ,2007-2016 More Information
Cornwall R. (01-01-2015. ) Glenohumeral joint secondary procedures for obstetrical brachial plexus birth palsy.The Pediatric Upper Extremity, , 633-651 More Information
Bjorklund, Kim; Eismann, Emily A; Cornwall, Roger (2016. ) Medical Trainee Continuity of Care Following Emergency Department Consultations in a Pediatric Hospital.Journal of graduate medical education, , 8 (1 ) ,33-8 More Information
Murphy, Hamadi A; Jain, Viral V; Parikh, Shital N; Wall, Eric J; Cornwall, Roger; Mehlman, Charles T (2016. ) Extensor Tendon Injury Associated With Dorsal Entry Flexible Nailing of Radial Shaft Fractures in Children: A Report of 5 New Cases and Review of the Literature.Journal of pediatric orthopedics, , More Information
Abzug, Joshua M; Dua, Karan; Bauer, Andrea Sesko; Cornwall, Roger; Wyrick, Theresa O (2016. ) Pediatric Phalanx Fractures.The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, , 24 (11 ) ,e174-e183 More Information
Cornwall, R D; Dolan, W M (1975. ) Radicular back pain following lumbar epidural blood patch. Anesthesiology, , 43 (6 ) ,692-3
Murphy H.A.;Jain V.V.;Parikh S.N.;Wall E.J.;Cornwall R.;Mehlman C.T. (11-07-2016. ) Extensor Tendon Injury Associated With Dorsal Entry Flexible Nailing of Radial Shaft Fractures in Ch.Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, , More Information
Abzug J.;Dua K.;Bauer A.;Cornwall R.;Wyrick T. (11-01-2016. ) Pediatric Phalanx Fractures.Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, , 24 (11 ) , More Information
Fader L.;Laor T.;Eismann E.;Cornwall R.;Little K. (01-01-2016. ) Eccentric capitellar ossification limits the utility of the radiocapitellar line in young children.Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, , 36 (2 ) ,161-166 More Information
Cornwall R. (02-13-2012. ) Release of the A1 pulley to correct congenital trigger thumb .Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Pediatric Surgery, , 341-345
Cornwall R. (02-13-2012. ) Release of the A1 pulley to correct congenital trigger thumb .Operative Techniques in Hand, Wrist, and Forearm Surgery, , 960-964
Frances J.M.;Cornwall R. (02-13-2012. ) Closed, percutaneous, and open reduction of radial head and neck fractures .Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Pediatric Surgery, , 33-40
Contact Information
Phone: 513-636-4785
Fax: 513-636-3928