Randall Cottrell

Randall R. Cottrell



Professional Summary

Professor Randall Cottrell received his doctorate in Health Education from The Pennsylvania State University in 1982. He has conducted research and published in the areas of worksite health promotion, coordinated school health, and program evaluation. He has written textbooks on stress management, weight control, foundations of the profession, and most recently research methods. In April 2004, he will begin a two-year term as President of the American Association for Health Education.

Positions and Work Experience

2006 -To Present Co-Chair, National Accreditation Task Force,

2006 -To Present National SOPHE/AAHE Merketing the Profession Task Force,

2006 -To Present Nominations Committee Chair, Association for the Advancement of Health Education,

2006 -To Present Board of Directors, Foundation for the Advancement of Health Education,

2006 -To Present Scholarship Committee, Ohio SOPHE,

2006 -To Present Membership Committee, Ohio SOPHE,

Research Support

Grant: #OSP00101 Investigators:Cottrell, Randall 06-24-1999 -06-30-2000 American Cancer Society - Ohio Chapter Hamilton County Tobacco Free Ohio Coalition Role:PI $3,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #SRS 006957 Investigators:Cottrell, Randall 07-01-2010 -06-30-2011 Pfizer, Inc. Pfizer's Medical and Academic Partnerships (MAP) Role:PI $7,500.00 Active Level:Industry


Peer Reviewed Publications

Hayden, J.; Cottrell, R.R. & Berhardt, J. (2008. ) Ascending the ladder, with Dr. Jay Bernhardt .Health Promotion Practice, , 9 (1 ) ,12-15

Rojas-Guyler, L.; Murnan, J.; & Cottrell, R.R. (2007. ) Networking for career-long success: A powerful strategy for health education professionals .Health Promotion Practice, , 8 (3 ) ,229-233

Cottrell, R.R. & Hayden, J. (2007. ) The why, when, what, where and how of graduate school .Health Promotion Practice, , 8 (1 ) ,16-21

Cottrell, R.R. (2007. ) Joy G. Cauffman and the Coalition of National Health Education Organizations: A historical overview .CAHPERD Times, , 69 (4 ) ,18-19

Atri, A.; Sharma, M. & Cottrell, R. (2006. ) Role of social support, hardiness and acculturation as predictors of mental health among international students of Asian Indian origin .International Quarterly of Community Health Education, , 27 (1 ) ,59-73

Cottrell,R.R. (2006. ) An AAHE update with presidential musings .American Journal of Health Education, , 37 ,66 -68

Rojas-Guyler,L.; Cottrell,R.R.; Wagner,D.L. (2006. ) The second national survey of U.S. internship standards in health education professional preparation: 15 years later .American Journal of Health Education, , 37 ,226 -232

Guyler,L.; Cottrell,R.R.; Wagner,D.L. (2006. ) The second national survey of U.S. internship standards in health education professional preparation: 15 years later .American Journal of Health Education, , 37 ,226 -233

Rojas-Guyler,L.; Cottrell, R.R.; Wagner,D.L. (2006. ) Skills, attitudes, and expectations of health educators about hispanic cultural competency professional development .American Journal of Health Studies, ,

Rojas-Guyler,L.; Cottrell,R. (2005. ) Senior and junior faculty perspectives on a tenure process in health promotion and education .California Journal of Health Promotion, , 3(1) ,85 -91

Cottrell,R.R.; McClamroch,L.; Bernard,A.L. (2005. ) Melanoma knowledge and sun protection attitudes and behaviors among college students by gender and skin type .American Journal of Health Education, , 36(5) ,274 -278

Airhihenbuwa,C.O.; Cottrell,R.R.; Adeyanju,M.; Auld,M.E.; Lysoby,L.; Smith,B.J. (2005. ) The national health educator competencies update project: celebrating a milestone and recommending next steps to the profession .Health Education & Behavior, , 32(6) ,722 -724

Airhihenbuwa,C.O.; Cottrell,R.R.; Adeyanju,M.; Auld,M.E.; Lysoby,L.; Smith,B.J. (2005. ) The national health educator competencies update project: celebrating a milestone and recommending next steps to the profession .American Journal of Health Education, , 36(6) ,361 -370

Cottrell,R.R.; Girvan,J.T.; McKenzie,J.F. (2005. ) Principles & foundations of health promotion and education .3rd Edition ,

Rojas-Guyler,L.; King,K.A.; Cottrell,R.R. (2004. ) A national assessment of faculty hiring criteria and procedures in health education programs .American Journal of Health Education., , 35(5) ,272 -279

Ingledue,K.; Cottrell,R.R. (2004. ) College women's knowledge, perceptions and preventive behaviors regarding human papillomavirus infection and cervical cancer .American Journal of Health Studies, , 19(1) ,28 -34

Li,Y.; Cottrell,R.R.; Wagner,D.I.; Ban,M. (2004. ) Needs and preferences regarding sex education among chinese college students: a preliminary study .International Family Planning Perspectives, , 30(3) ,128 -133

Greenberg,J.; Cottrell,R.R.; Bernard,A. (2001. ) Baseline data on coordinated school health programs in the state of Ohio .American Journal of Health Studies, , 17(1) ,1 -6

Adams,T.; Cottrell,R.; King,K. (2001. ) Contraceptive behaviors unaffected by welfare reform: a pilot study .American Journal of Health Education, , 32(6) ,343 -346, 355

V,Ubbes; Cottrell,R.; Ausherman,J.A.; Black,J.M.; Wilson,P.; Gill,C.; Snider,J. (1999. ) Professional preparation of elementary teachers in Ohio: status of K-6 health education .Journal of School Health, , 69(1) ,17 -21

Cottrell,R.R.; V,Ubbes; Snider,J. (1997. ) The Ohio Association of University Health Educators: history & development .American Journal of Health Studies, , 13 ,200

Cottrell,R.R.; Capwell,E.; Brannan,J. (1995. ) A follow-up evaluation of non-returning teams to the Ohio Comprehensive School Health Conference .Journal of Wellness Perspectives, , 12 (1) ,1 -6

Cottrell,R.R.; Capwell,E.; Brannan,J. (1995. ) Comprehensive school health conferences: the Ohio evaluation model .Wellness Perspectives: Research, Theory & Practice, , 11 (4) ,55 -63

Gambescia, S.F.; Cottrell, R.R.; Capwell, E.; Auld, M.E.; Conley, K.M.; Lysoby, L.; Goldsmith, M.; Smith, B. (2009. ) Marketing health educators to employers: Survey findings, interpretations, and considerations for the profession.Health Promotion Practice, , 10 (4 ) ,495 -504More Information

Cottrell, R.R.; Lysoby, L.; Rasar-King, L.; Airhihenbuwa, C.; Roe, K.M.; Allegrante, J.P. (2009. ) Current developments in accreditation and certification for health promotion and health education: A perspective on systems of quality assurance in the United States.Health Education & Behavior, , 36 (3 ) ,451 -463More Information

Gambescia, S.F.; Cottrell, R.R.; Capwell, E.; Auld, M.E.; Conley, K.M.; Lysoby, L.; Goldsmith, M.; Smith, B. (2009. ) Considerations for marketing the health education specialists to employers .American Journal of Health Education, , 40 (4 ) ,231 -235

Murnan, J.; Cottrell, R.R.; Rojas-Guyler, L. (2009. ) Survey of practices in health promotion and education supervision of theses and dissertations .The Health Educator, , 41 (1 ) ,11 -18

Published Books

Cottrell, R.R.; Girvan, J.T. & McKenzie, J.F. (2009. ) Principals and Foundations of Health Promotion and Education .San Fransisco , Benjamin Cummings

Cottrell,R.R.; Girvan,J.T.; McKenzie,J.F. (2006. ) Principles and foundations of health promotion and education, 3rd ed .San Francisco , Benjamin Cummings

Cottrell,R.R.; McKenzie,J.F. (2005. ) Health promotion & education research methods: using the 5 chapter thesis/dissertation model .Boston , Jones & Bartlett

Cottrell,R.R.; Girvan,J.T.; Clark,J.K. (2001. ) Instructor's research manual and test bank for principles and foundations of health promotion and education, 2nd edition .San Francisco , Benjamin Cummings

Cottrell,R.R.; Girvan,J.T.; McKenzie,J.F. (2001. ) Principles and foundations of health promotion and education, 2nd edition .San Francisco , Benjamin Cummings

Cottrell,R.; Girvan,J.; Clark,J.K. (1999. ) Instructor's resource manual and test bank for principles and foundations of health promotion and education .Needham Heights, MA , Allyn and Bacon

Cottrell,R.; Girvan,J.; McKenzie,J. (1999. ) Principles and foundations of health promotion and education .Needham Heights, MA , Allyn and Bacon

Book Chapter

Cottrell,R. (1998 ) Great teaching ideas in health The sexual activity survey .Boston, Allyn & Bacon


Invited Presentations

Atri, A., Sharma, M., & Cottrell, R. (11-2006. ) Mental health predictors in international Asian Indian college students: Implications for health education .Society for Public Health Education, Boston, MA.

Atri, A., Sharma, M., & Cottrell, R. (11-2006. ) Social support, hardiness, and acculturation: Predictors of mental health of international students of Asian Indian origin in two large Midwestern Universities .American Public Health Association, Boston, MA.

Atri, A., Sharma, M., & Cottrell, R. (04-2006. ) Predictors of mental health of international Asian Indian Students in two large Midwestern Universities .Tri-University Spring Research Conference at University of Louisville, Louisville, KY.

Rojas-Guyler, L., Cottrell, R. R., & Wagner, D. L. (04-2006. ) Internship standards in health education professional preparation .Paper presented at the American Association for Health Education, Salt Lake City, UT.

Cottrell, R. R. (09-2005. ) Developing appropriate objectives for program evaluation .National Association of Health Education Centers Annual Meeting, Houston, TX.

Cottrell, R. R. (08-2005. ) Health promotion programs that work: Essential skills for tackling "Wicked Problems" .8th Annual Force Protection Conference, Louisville, KY.

Cottrell, R. R. (08-2005. ) Key elements of the PRECEDE-PROCEDE model .8th Annual Force Protection Conference, Lousiville, KY.

Li, Y., Cottrell, R.R., Wagner, D.I., & Ban, D.I. (11-2004. ) Preliminary study of needs and preferences for sexuality education among Chinese college students .Presented at The American Public Health Association National Convention, Washington, DC.

Cottrell, R.R (10-2004. ) National AAHE: An update on programs and Initiatives .Presented at the Kentucky Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance State Convention, Covington, KY.

Cottrell, R.R. (12-2003. ) National AAHE: An update on programs and initiatives .Paper presented at the Ohio Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance State Convention, Dayton, OH.

Cottrell, R.R. (01-2001. ) College women .APHA, Atlanta, GA.

Bacchus, P., Cottrell, R.R., & King, K. A. (2006. ) A pilot study comparing Health Locus of Control and God Locus of Health Control scores between African American and European American Christians attending mainstream evangelical and nondenominational charismatic churches in Southwest Ohio .American Association for Health Education National Meeting, Baltimore MD.

Gambesca, S.; Cottrell, R.R. & Lysoby, L. (11-2007. ) Marketing health educators to employers: Survey results and message targeting .Society for Public Health Education, Alexandria, VA.

Cottrell, R.R. (11-2007. ) Pre-Conference Workshop - CDCynergy 3.0: A tool for strategically planning health communication .Society for Public Health Education, Alexandria, VA.

Cottrell, R.R. (10-2007. ) Publishing in Health Education .Ohio SOPHE's Health Educators Institute, Cambridge, OH.

Ickes, M.; & Cottrell, R.R. (04-2007. ) Health Literacy in College Students .Spring Research Conference, Louiseville, KY.

Paper Presentations

Cottrell, R.R.; Swartz, R. (11-2009. ) Publish and prevail .Philadelphia, PA.

Cottrell, R.R. (11-2009. ) Accreditation and quality assurance in Health Education: Next steps for the profession .Philadelphia, PA.

Cottrell, R.R.; Alley, K.B.; Lysoby, L.; Auld, M.E. (05-2009. ) National task force on accreditation in Health Education: Pursuing a harmonious melody .New Orleans, LA.


(Society for Public Health Education ) Board Member 2008 -2010

(Foundation for the Advancement of Health Education ) Board Member 2006 -To Present

Society for Public Health Education (Stategic Planning Committee ) Committee Member 2010

Society for Public Health Education (Leadership Development Committee ) Committee Member 2009 -2010

(National Accreditation Implementation Task Force ) Co-Chair 2006 -To Present

Health Promtion Practice (Career Development Column ) Editor of Journal 2006 -To Present

American Journal of Health Behavior Editorial Board Member 2005 -To Present

Ohio SOPHE (Scholarship Committee ) Committee Member 2006 -To Present


Health Education, Health Promotion, Program Evaluation, Research Design, Professional Preparation