Sarah Couch

Sarah Collins Couch , PHD


Health Sciences Building - Department of Rehabilitation, Exercise and Nutrition Sciences/College of Allied Health
3225 Eden Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267
Phone 513-558-7504
Fax 513-558-7500

Professional Summary

I am a professor and registered dietitian in the Department of Rehabilitation, Exercise and Nutrition Sciences at the University of Cincinnati (UC) Medical Center and have over 20 years of experience in performing observational and randomized controlled trials related to dietary approaches to manage cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors in youth.  My training has included extensive work in dietary intervention development and dietary assessment at Columbia University, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and presently at UC.  I have worked on several studies developing instruments to assess the home food environment as a potential modifiable risk factor related to childhood obesity and CVD risk. For example, I participated as co-investigator on the Neighborhood Impact on Kids study (NIH R01 ES014240) to examine the relationship between the neighborhood social and physical environment on child weight status, a major risk factor for CVD.  I also recently completed a randomized clinical trial (NIH R01 HL088567-01) to examine the effects of a dietary pattern emphasizing fruits, vegetables, low fat dairy and lean protein on reducing blood pressure in adolescents with pre-hypertension and hypertension.  The DASH-4-teens intervention that I developed for this trial was designed to be administered by telephone to adolescents, and has been successfully implemented in a clinic-based setting.  Results from this study support beneficial effects of this behavioral nutrition intervention on blood pressure and vascular function.  In additional to reseach, I teach graduate classes in macronutrient metabolism, clinical nutrition and nutrition across the lifespan.


Doctoral Degree: University of Connecticut 1996 (Nutritional Sciences)

Master's Degree: University of Connecticut 1988 (Nutritional Sciences)

Bachelor's Degree: Bowdoin College 1984 (Biology)

Research and Practice Interests

Development of dietary interventions and assessments targeting CVD risk factors in adolescents

Positions and Work Experience

08-15-2017 - Vice Chair, Department of Rehabilitation, Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

08-15-2015 - Graduate Program Director, Department of Rehabilitation, Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

08-15-2010 - Professor, Department of Rehabilitation, Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

Research Support

Grant: #61479170-118911 / 15GRNT25680030 Investigators:Couch, Sarah 07-01-2015 -06-30-2017 American Heart Association - National Chapter On Line Intervention to Lower Cardiovascular Risk in Pediatric Heart Transplants Role:PI $3,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #5-34495 / R01DK077949 Investigators:Couch, Sarah 04-15-2014 -03-31-2018 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill SEARCH Nutrition Ancilary Study 2 (SNAS2) Role:PI $49,219.00 Active Level:Institution of Higher Education

Grant: #R01 HL 088567 Investigators:Couch, Sarah; Falciglia, Graciela; Levin, Linda 12-01-2007 -01-31-2014 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Modifying Dietary Behavior in Adolescents with Elevated Blood Pressure Role:PI $1,897,525.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #414470020101-UC01 Investigators:Couch, Sarah 10-01-2006 -07-31-2010 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Environment and Child Weight, Activity and Nutrition Role:PI $34,239.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #CHMC 473-M1 R01 ES104240-02 Investigators:Couch, Sarah 09-06-2005 -07-31-2006 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Child Weight Status and Neighborhood Physical Activity and Nutrition Environment Role:PI $10,797.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #AHA OVA 0355332 B Investigators:Couch, Sarah 07-01-2003 -06-30-2006 American Heart Association - Southwest Chapter Efficacy of a Nutrition Intervention Emphasizing Fruits, Vegetables and Dairy to Lower Blood Pressure in Adolescents Role:PI $103,333.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #9960400V-02-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Couch, Sarah 07-01-1999 -06-30-2002 American Heart Association - Southwest Chapter Parental Control of Children's Diets Role:PI $58,930.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit

Investigators:Couch, S & Steen, D 05-2018 -12-2020 Kroger Supermarket SUPERmarket and Web-based Intervention targeting Nutrition for Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction (SuperWIN) Role:Co-PI $750,000 Active Type:Grant

Grant: #21DK125033-01A1 Investigators:Couch, SC and Mayer-Davis BE 04-01-2021 -03-31-2023 NIDDK Individualized structured eating plans to improve glycemic control in adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Role:PI $372,727 Active Type:Grant

Grant: #5120166/ R21DK125033 Investigators:Couch, Sarah 04-01-2021 -03-31-2023 National Inst of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease Individualized Structured Eating Plans to Improve Glycemic Control in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Role:PI $109,265.00 Awarded Level:Federal


Peer Reviewed Publications

Dandamundi A., Nommsen-Rivers LA, Tommie J, Couch SC (2018. ) Dietary patterns and breast cancer: A systematic review. Anticancer Research, , 38 ,3209 -3222

The, N S; King, I B; Couch, S C; Crandell, J L; Dabelea, D; Liese, A D; Mayer-Davis, E J (2017. ) Plasma trans-palmitoleic acid is associated with cardio-metabolic risk factors in youth with type 1 diabetes.Diabetes & metabolism, , More Information

Peairs, Abigail D; Shah, Amy S; Summer, Suzanne; Hess, Melody; Couch, Sarah C (2017. ) Effects of the dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH) diet on glucose variability in youth with Type 1 diabetes. Diabetes management (London, England), , 7 (5 ) ,383-391

Couch, Sarah C; Crandell, Jamie; King, Irena; Peairs, Abigail; Shah, Amy S; Dolan, Lawrence M; Tooze, Janet; Crume, Tessa; Mayer-Davis, Elizabeth (2017. ) Associations between long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and cardiovascular lipid risk factors in youth with type 1 diabetes: SEARCH Nutrition Ancillary Study.Journal of diabetes and its complications, , 31 (1 ) ,67-73 More Information

Zhong, V W; Lamichhane, A P; Crandell, J L; Couch, S C; Liese, A D; The, N S; Tzeel, B A; Dabelea, D; Lawrence, J M; Marcovina, S M; Kim, G; Mayer-Davis, E J (2016. ) Association of adherence to a Mediterranean diet with glycemic control and cardiovascular risk factors in youth with type I diabetes: the SEARCH Nutrition Ancillary Study.European journal of clinical nutrition, , 70 (7 ) ,802-7 More Information

Robson, Shannon M; Couch, Sarah C; Peugh, James L; Glanz, Karen; Zhou, Chuan; Sallis, James F; Saelens, Brian E (2016. ) Parent Diet Quality and Energy Intake Are Related to Child Diet Quality and Energy Intake.Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, , 116 (6 ) ,984-90 More Information

Nourse, Susan E; Olson, Inger; Popat, Rita A; Stauffer, Katie J; Vu, Chau N; Berry, Samuel; Kazmucha, Jeffrey; Ogareva, Olga; Couch, Sarah C; Urbina, Elaine M; Selamet Tierney, Elif Seda (2015. ) Live Video Diet and Exercise Intervention in Overweight and Obese Youth: Adherence and Cardiovascular Health.The Journal of pediatrics, , 167 (3 ) ,533-539.e1 More Information

Liese, Angela D; Crandell, Jamie L; Tooze, Janet A; Kipnis, Victor; Bell, Ronny; Couch, Sarah C; Dabelea, Dana; Crume, Tessa L; Mayer-Davis, Elizabeth J (2015. ) Sugar-sweetened beverage intake and cardiovascular risk factor profile in youth with type 1 diabetes: application of measurement error methodology in the SEARCH Nutrition Ancillary Study.The British journal of nutrition, , 1-9 More Information

Lamichhane, Archana P; Crandell, Jamie L; Jaacks, Lindsay M; Couch, Sarah C; Lawrence, Jean M; Mayer-Davis, Elizabeth J (2015. ) Longitudinal associations of nutritional factors with glycated hemoglobin in youth with type 1 diabetes: the SEARCH Nutrition Ancillary Study.The American journal of clinical nutrition, , 101 (6 ) ,1278-85 More Information

Wang, Shanshan; Crandell, Jamie L; Couch, Sarah C; King, Irena B; Lawrence, Jean M; Dabelea, Dana; Lamichhane, Archana P; Kim, Grace; Bell, Ronny A; Zhu, Shankuan; Mayer-Davis, Elizabeth J (2015. ) Plasma nutrient biomarkers are associated with waist-to-height ratio in youth with type 1 diabetes.The Journal of nutrition, , 145 (3 ) ,579-86 More Information

Tandon, Pooja; Grow, H Mollie; Couch, Sarah; Glanz, Karen; Sallis, James F; Frank, Lawrence D; Saelens, Brian E (2014. ) Physical and social home environment in relation to children's overall and home-based physical activity and sedentary time.Preventive medicine, , 66 ,39-44 More Information

Couch, Sarah C; Glanz, Karen; Zhou, Chuan; Sallis, James F; Saelens, Brian E (2014. ) Home Food Environment in Relation to Children's Diet Quality and Weight Status.Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, , More Information

Ollberding, Nicholas J; Couch, Sarah C; Woo, Jessica G; Kalkwarf, Heidi J (2014. ) Within- and Between-Individual Variation in Nutrient Intake in Children and Adolescents.Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, , More Information

Liese, Angela D; Crandell, Jamie L; Tooze, Janet A; Fangman, Mary T; Couch, Sarah C; Merchant, Anwar T; Bell, Ronny A; Mayer-Davis, Elizabeth J (2014. ) Relative validity and reliability of an FFQ in youth with type 1 diabetes.Public health nutrition, , 1-10 More Information

The, Natalie S; Crandell, Jamie L; Thomas, Joan; Couch, Sarah C; Shah, Amy S; Maahs, David M; Dabelea, Dana; Marcovina, Santica M; D (2013. ) Correlates of medical nutrition therapy and cardiovascular outcomes in youth with type 1 diabetes.Journal of nutrition education and behavior, , 45 (6 ) ,661-8 More Information

Sahay, Rashmi D; Couch, Sarah C; Missoni, Sasa; Sujoldzi?, Anita; Novokmet, Natalija; Durakovi?, Zijad; Rao, Marepalli B; Milanovi?, Sanja Musi?; Vuleti?, Silvije; Deka, Ranjan; Rudan, Pavao (2013. ) Dietary patterns in adults from an Adriatic Island of Croatia and their associations with metabolic syndrome and its components. Collegium antropologicum, , 37 (2 ) ,335-42

Couch, Sarah C; Crandell, Jamie L; Shah, Amy S; Dolan, Lawrence M; Merchant, Anwar T; Liese, Angela D; Lawrence, Jean M; Pihoker, Catherine; Mayer-Davis, Elizabeth J (2013. ) Fructose intake and cardiovascular risk factors in youth with type 1 diabetes: SEARCH for diabetes in youth study.Diabetes research and clinical practice, , 100 (2 ) ,265-71 More Information

Saelens, Brian E; Sallis, James F; Frank, Lawrence D; Couch, Sarah C; Zhou, Chuan; Colburn, Trina; Cain, Kelli L; Chapman, James; Glanz, Karen (2012. ) Obesogenic neighborhood environments, child and parent obesity: the Neighborhood Impact on Kids study.American journal of preventive medicine, , 42 (5 ) ,e57-64 More Information

Frank, Lawrence D; Saelens, Brian E; Chapman, James; Sallis, James F; Kerr, Jacqueline; Glanz, Karen; Couch, Sarah C; Learnihan, Vincent; Zhou, Chuan; Colburn, Trina; Cain, Kelli L (2012. ) Objective assessment of obesogenic environments in youth: geographic information system methods and spatial findings from the Neighborhood Impact on Kids study.American journal of preventive medicine, , 42 (5 ) ,e47-55 More Information

Couch, Sarah (2012. ) The poor quality of hospital food affects patients' recovery.Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987), , 26 (22 ) ,33 More Information

Tandon, Pooja S; Zhou, Chuan; Chan, Nadine L; Lozano, Paula; Couch, Sarah C; Glanz, Karen; Krieger, James; Saelens, Brian E (2011. ) The impact of menu labeling on fast-food purchases for children and parents.American journal of preventive medicine, , 41 (4 ) ,434-8 More Information

Martin, Lisa J; Lee, Seung-Yeon; Couch, Sarah C; Morrison, John; Woo, Jessica G (2011. ) Shared genetic contributions of fruit and vegetable consumption with BMI in families 20 y after sharing a household.The American journal of clinical nutrition, , More Information

Krikorian, Robert; Shidler, Marcelle D; Dangelo, Krista; Couch, Sarah C; Benoit, Stephen C; Clegg, Deborah J (2010. ) Dietary ketosis enhances memory in mild cognitive impairment.Neurobiology of aging, , More Information

Couch, Sarah C; Saelens, Brian E (2009. ) Factors associated with pediatric hypertension in Mexico.Journal of the American Dietetic Association, , 109 (6 ) ,992-5 More Information

Falciglia, Grace A; Horner, Stacie L; Liang, Juan; Couch, Sarah C; Levin, Linda S (2009. ) Assessing dietary variety in children: development and validation of a predictive equation.Journal of the American Dietetic Association, , 109 (4 ) ,641-7 More Information

Couch, Sarah C; Saelens, Brian E; Levin, Linda; Dart, Katie; Falciglia, Grace; Daniels, Stephen R (2008. ) The efficacy of a clinic-based behavioral nutrition intervention emphasizing a DASH-type diet for adolescents with elevated blood pressure.The Journal of pediatrics, , 152 (4 ) ,494-501 More Information

Couch, Sarah C; Falciglia, Grace A (2006. ) Improving the diets of the young: considerations for intervention design.Journal of the American Dietetic Association, , 106 (1 Suppl 1 ) ,S10-1 More Information

Couch, Sarah C; Daniels, Stephen R (2005. ) Diet and blood pressure in children. Current opinion in pediatrics, , 17 (5 ) ,642-7

Cragun, Deborah L; Couch, Sarah C; Prows, Cynthia A; Warren, Nancy S; Christianson, Carol A (2005. ) A success of a genetics educational intervention for nursing and dietetic students: A model for incorporating genetics into nursing and allied health curricula. Journal of allied health, , 34 (2 ) ,90-6

Stanton, Susan G; Ryerson, Elizabeth; Moore, Shana L; Sullivan-Mahoney, Maureen; Couch, Sarah C (2005. ) Hearing screening outcomes in infants of pregestational diabetic mothers.American journal of audiology, , 14 (1 ) ,86-93 More Information

Couch, Sarah C; Daniels, Stephen R (2004. ) Diet and blood pressure elevation in children and adolescents.Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine, , 158 (5 ) ,418-9 More Information

Falciglia, Grace A; Troyer, Ann G; Couch, Sarah C (2004. ) Dietary variety increases as a function of time and influences diet quality in children. Journal of nutrition education and behavior, , 36 (2 ) ,77-83

Gribble, Laura Siem; Falciglia, Grace; Davis, Angela M; Couch, Sarah C (2003. ) A curriculum based on social learning theory emphasizing fruit exposure and positive parent child-feeding strategies: a pilot study.Journal of the American Dietetic Association, , 103 (1 ) ,100-3 More Information

Kaistha, A; Deckelbaum, R J; Starc, T J; Couch, S C (2001. ) Overrestriction of dietary fat intake before formal nutritional counseling in children with hyperlipidemia. Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine, , 155 (11 ) ,1225-30

Falciglia, G A; Couch, S C; Gribble, L S; Pabst, S M; Frank, R (2000. ) Food neophobia in childhood affects dietary variety.Journal of the American Dietetic Association, , 100 (12 ) ,1474-81 More Information

Couch, S C; Cross, A T; Kida, K; Ros, E; Plaza, I; Shea, S; Deckelbaum, R (2000. ) Rapid westernization of children's blood cholesterol in 3 countries: evidence for nutrient-gene interactions? .The American journal of clinical nutrition, , 72 (5 Suppl ) ,1266S-1274S

Couch, S C; Isasi, C R; Karmally, W; Blaner, W S; Starc, T J; Kaluski, D; Deckelbaum, R J; Ginsberg, H N; Shea, S; Berglund, L (2000. ) Predictors of postprandial triacylglycerol response in children: the Columbia University Biomarkers Study. The American journal of clinical nutrition, , 72 (5 ) ,1119-27

Isasi, C R; Shea, S; Deckelbaum, R J; Couch, S C; Starc, T J; Otvos, J D; Berglund, L (2000. ) Apolipoprotein epsilon2 allele is associated with an anti-atherogenic lipoprotein profile in children: The Columbia University BioMarkers Study. Pediatrics, , 106 (3 ) ,568-75

Kudo, Y; Falciglia, G A; Couch, S C (2000. ) Evolution of meal patterns and food choices of Japanese-American females born in the United States. European journal of clinical nutrition, , 54 (8 ) ,665-70

Wijendran, V; Bendel, R B; Couch, S C; Philipson, E H; Cheruku, S; Lammi-Keefe, C J (2000. ) Fetal erythrocyte phospholipid polyunsaturated fatty acids are altered in pregnancy complicated with gestational diabetes mellitus. Lipids, , 35 (8 ) ,927-31

Couch, S C; Schwarzman, F; Carroll, J; Koenigsberger, D; Nordli, D R; Deckelbaum, R J; DeFelice, A R (1999. ) Growth and nutritional outcomes of children treated with the ketogenic diet.Journal of the American Dietetic Association, , 99 (12 ) ,1573-5 More Information

Wijendran, V; Bendel, R B; Couch, S C; Philipson, E H; Thomsen, K; Zhang, X; Lammi-Keefe, C J (1999. ) Maternal plasma phospholipid polyunsaturated fatty acids in pregnancy with and without gestational diabetes mellitus: relations with maternal factors. The American journal of clinical nutrition, , 70 (1 ) ,53-61

Shea, S; Isasi, C R; Couch, S; Starc, T J; Tracy, R P; Deckelbaum, R; Talmud, P; Berglund, L; Humphries, S E (1999. ) Relations of plasma fibrinogen level in children to measures of obesity, the (G-455-->A) mutation in the beta-fibrinogen promoter gene, and family history of ischemic heart disease: the Columbia University BioMarkers Study. American journal of epidemiology, , 150 (7 ) ,737-46

Couch, S C; Philipson, E H; Bendel, R B; Wijendran, V; Lammi-Keefe, C J (1998. ) Maternal and cord plasma lipid and lipoprotein concentrations in women with and without gestational diabetes mellitus. Predictors of birth weight? .The Journal of reproductive medicine, , 43 (9 ) ,816-22

Couch, S C; Philipson, E H; Bendel, R B; Pujda, L M; Milvae, R A; Lammi-Keefe, C J (1998. ) Elevated lipoprotein lipids and gestational hormones in women with diet-treated gestational diabetes mellitus compared to healthy pregnant controls. Journal of diabetes and its complications, , 12 (1 ) ,1-9

Vogel, S; Contois, J H; Couch, S C; Lammi-Keefe, C J (1996. ) A rapid method for separation of plasma low and high density lipoproteins for tocopherol and carotenoid analyses. Lipids, , 31 (4 ) ,421-6

Jensen, R G; Lammi-Keefe, C J; Ferris, A M; Jackson, M B; Couch, S C; Capacchione, C M; Ahn, H S; Murtaugh, M (1995. ) Human milk total lipid and cholesterol are dependent on interval of sampling during 24 hours. Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, , 20 (1 ) ,91-4

Jackson, M B; Lammi-Keefe, C J; Jensen, R G; Couch, S C; Ferris, A M (1994. ) Total lipid and fatty acid composition of milk from women with and without insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The American journal of clinical nutrition, , 60 (3 ) ,353-61

Stallings, V A; Cortner, J A; Shannon, B M; Greene, G W; Collins, S E; Berman, M K; Wellock, A T (1993. ) Preliminary report of a home-based education program for dietary treatment of hypercholesterolemia in children. American journal of health promotion : AJHP, , 8 (2 ) ,106-8

Collins, S E; Jackson, M B; Lammi-Keefe, C J; Jensen, R G (1989. ) The simultaneous separation and quantitation of human milk lipids. Lipids, , 24 (8 ) ,746-9

Tooze, Janet A; The, Natalie S; Crandell, Jamie L; Couch, Sarah C; Mayer-Davis, Elizabeth J; Koebnick, Corinna; Liese, Angela D (2020. ) An Approach for Examining the Impact of Food Group-Based Sources of Nutrients on Outcomes with Application to PUFAs and LDL in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes.Nutrients, , 12 (4 ) , More Information

Chen, Angela C; Ramirez, Faustine D; Rosenthal, David N; Couch, Sarah C; Berry, Samuel; Stauffer, Katie J; Brabender, Jerrid; McDonald, Nancy; Lee, Donna; Barkoff, Lynsey; Nourse, Susan E; Kazmucha, Jeffrey; Wang, C Jason; Olson, Inger; Selamet Tierney, Elif Seda (2020. ) Healthy Hearts via Live Videoconferencing: An Exercise and Diet Intervention in Pediatric Heart Transplant Recipients.Journal of the American Heart Association, , 9 (3 ) ,e013816 More Information

The, Natalie S; Couch, Sarah C; Urbina, Elaine M; Crandell, Jamie L; Liese, Angela D; Dabelea, Dana; Kim, Grace J; Tooze, Janet A; Lawrence, Jean M; Mayer-Davis, Elizabeth J (2019. ) Body Mass Index Z-Score Modifies the Association between Added Sugar Intake and Arterial Stiffness in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes: The Search Nutrition Ancillary Study.Nutrients, , 11 (8 ) , More Information

Chen, Angela C; Rosenthal, David N; Couch, Sarah C; Berry, Samuel; Stauffer, Katie J; Brabender, Jerrid; McDonald, Nancy; Lee, Donna; Barkoff, Lynsey; Nourse, Susan E; Kazmucha, Jeffrey; Wang, C Jason; Olson, Inger; Selamet Tierney, Elif Seda (2019. ) Healthy hearts in pediatric heart transplant patients with an exercise and diet intervention via live video conferencing-Design and rationale.Pediatric transplantation, , 23 (1 ) ,e13316 More Information

Summer, Suzanne S; Couch, Sarah C; Shah, Amy S; McNeill, Meghan P; Peairs, Abigail D (2019. ) Evaluating a dietary pattern in adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus: The dash-d approach. Diabetes management (London, England), , 9 (1 ) ,28-38

Kahkoska, Anna R; Shay, Christina M; Couch, Sarah C; Crandell, Jamie; Dabelea, Dana; Gourgari, Evgenia; Lawrence, Jean M; Liese, Angela D; Pihoker, Catherine; Reboussin, Beth A; The, Natalie; Mayer-Davis, Elizabeth J (2018. ) Sociodemographic associations of longitudinal adiposity in youth with type 1 diabetes.Pediatric diabetes, , 19 (8 ) ,1429-1440 More Information

Saelens, Brian E; Glanz, Karen; Frank, Lawrence D; Couch, Sarah C; Zhou, Chuan; Colburn, Trina; Sallis, James F (2018. ) Two-Year Changes in Child Weight Status, Diet, and Activity by Neighborhood Nutrition and Physical Activity Environment.Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.), , 26 (8 ) ,1338-1346 More Information

Rule, David W; Kelchner, Lisa; Mulkern, Ashley; Couch, Sarah; Silbert, Noah; Welden, Kathy (2020. ) Implementation Strategies for the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI), Part I: Quantitative Analysis of IDDSI Performance Among Varied Participants.American journal of speech-language pathology, , 1-15 More Information

Dandamudi, Akhila; Tommie, Jessie; Nommsen-Rivers, Laurie; Couch, Sarah (2018. ) Dietary Patterns and Breast Cancer Risk: A Systematic Review.Anticancer research, , 38 (6 ) ,3209-3222 More Information

Summer S., Peairs AD, Shah AS, Hess M, Couch SC (2019. ) Dietary changes in response to a DASH diet for diabetes management .Diabetes Management, , 9 (1 ) ,28 -38

Couch, Sarah C; Saelens, Brian E; Khoury, Philip R; Dart, Katherine B; Hinn, Kelli; Mitsnefes, Mark M; Daniels, Stephen R; Urbina, Elaine M (2021. ) Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Dietary Intervention Improves Blood Pressure and Vascular Health in Youth With Elevated Blood Pressure.Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979), , 77 (1 ) ,241-251 More Information

Robson, Shannon M; Vadiveloo, Maya; Green, Sarah; Couch, Sarah C; Sallis, James F; Glanz, Karen; Saelens, Brian E (2020. ) Examining the consumer restaurant environment and dietary intake in children.Preventive medicine reports, , 20 ,101274 More Information

Liese, Angela D; Couch, Sarah C; The, Natalie S; Crandell, Jamie L; Lawrence, Jean M; Crume, Tessa L; Mayer-Davis, Elizabeth J; Zhong, Victor W; Urbina, Elaine M (2020. ) Association between diet quality indices and arterial stiffness in youth with type 1 diabetes: SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Nutrition Ancillary Study.Journal of diabetes and its complications, , 34 (12 ) ,107709 More Information

Strong, Heather; Harry, Onengiya; Westcott, Emilie; Kidwell, Katherine M; Couch, Sarah C; Peairs, Abigail; Britto, Maria T; Crosby, Lori E (2020. ) Weight status and health behaviors of adolescents and young adults with sickle cell disease: The emerging risk for obesity.Pediatric hematology and oncology, , 1-7 More Information

Ortega, Adrian; Bejarano, Carolina M; Cushing, Christopher C; Staggs, Vincent S; Papa, Amy E; Steel, Chelsea; Shook, Robin P; Sullivan, Debra K; Couch, Sarah C; Conway, Terry L; Saelens, Brian E; Glanz, Karen; Frank, Lawrence D; Cain, Kelli L; Kerr, Jacqueline; Schipperijn, Jasper; Sallis, James F; Carlson, Jordan A (2020. ) Differences in adolescent activity and dietary behaviors across home, school, and other locations warrant location-specific intervention approaches.The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity, , 17 (1 ) ,123 More Information

Szovati, Stephanie; Morrison, Caroline F; Couch, Sarah C (2023. ) Nutritional Status of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients and Post-transplant Outcomes.Nutrition and cancer, , 75 (4 ) ,1200-1210 More Information

Steen, Dylan L; Helsley, Robert N; Bhatt, Deepak L; King, Eileen C; Summer, Suzanne S; Fenchel, Matthew; Saelens, Brian E; Eckman, Mark H; Couch, Sarah C (2022. ) Efficacy of supermarket and web-based interventions for improving dietary quality: a randomized, controlled trial.Nature medicine, , 28 (12 ) ,2530-2536 More Information

Conrey, Shannon C; Burrell, Allison R; Brokamp, Cole; Burke, Rachel M; Couch, Sarah C; Niu, Liang; Mattison, Claire P; Piasecki, Alexandra; Payne, Daniel C; Staat, Mary A; Morrow, Ardythe L (2022. ) Neighbourhood socio-economic environment predicts adiposity and obesity risk in children under two.Pediatric obesity, , 17 (12 ) ,e12964 More Information

Couch, Sarah C; Helsley, Robert N; Siegel, Francesca U; Saelens, Brian E; Magazine, Michael; Eckman, Mark H; Summer, Suzanne; Fenchel, Matthew; King, Eileen C; Bhatt, Deepak L; Steen, Dylan L (2022. ) Design and rationale for the supermarket and web-based intervention targeting nutrition (SuperWIN) for cardiovascular risk reduction trial.American heart journal, , 248 ,21-34 More Information

Bejarano, Carolina M; Carlson, Jordan A; Conway, Terry L; Saelens, Brian E; Glanz, Karen; Couch, Sarah C; Cain, Kelli L; Sallis, James F (2021. ) Physical Activity, Sedentary Time, and Diet as Mediators of the Association Between TV Time and BMI in Youth.American journal of health promotion : AJHP, , 35 (5 ) ,613-623 More Information

Published Books

Lammi-Keefe, CJ., Couch, SC., Philipson, EH (2008. ) Handbook of Nutrition and Pregnancy .Towata, NJ , Humana Press

Lammi-Keefe, CJ., Couch, SC., Philipson, EH (2018. ) Handbook of Nutrition and Pregnancy, Second Edition .Towata, NJ , Humana Press

Book Chapter

Hildebrandt J, Couch SC (2019 ) Dietary interventions to lower cardiovascular risk in children Nutrition in Lifestyle Medicine .New York, Springer Publishers

Raymond J. and Couch S.C. (2019 ) Medical Nutrition Therapy in Cardiovascular Disease Krause’s Food and the Nutrition Care Process, 15th ed .St. Louis, MO, Saunders

Couch, S.C., Daniels, S.R. (2020 ) Lipid Disorders in Children and Adolescents Pediatric Endocrinology, 5th ed .St. Louis, MO, Saunders

Honors and Awards

1995 Lloyd D. Matterson Outstanding Scholar Award University of Connecticut

2001 Faculty Excellence in Research UC College of Allied Health Sciences

2003 Research Dietitian of the Year Ohio Dietetic Association

2005 Faculty Excellence in Service Award UC College of Allied Health Sciences

2005 Outstanding Faculty Service Award, nomination University of Cincinnati

2006 Honorary Membership Awardee Golden Keys International Honor Society

2010 Outstanding Dietetics Award for Excellence in Teaching Ohio Dietetic Association

2010 Award for Excellence in Teaching Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

2011 Outstanding Service Award Center for Clinical and Translational Science, Community Partner Council

2013 Faculty Champion Award Darwin Turner Scholar’s Program

2013 Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award UC College of Allied Health Sciences

2014 PRIZE Program Mentor of the Year Award University of Cincinnati

2017 Faculty Excellence Award UC Office of the Provost

2018 20 for 20 Honoree for Faculty Career Excellence UC College of Allied Health Sciences

2019 Outstanding Dietetic Educator of the Year US North Central Region

2019 Outstanding Dietetic Educator of the Year Ohio

Contact Information

Academic - Health Sciences Building - Department of Rehabilitation, Exercise and Nutrition Sciences/College of Allied Health
3225 Eden Avenue
Cincinnati  Ohio, 45267
Phone: 513-558-7504
Fax: 513-558-7500