James Deddens

James A Deddens


Professor Emeritus


Ph.D.: Indiana University 1969

MA: Indiana University 1967

BS: University of Cincinnati 1965

MBA: University of Cincinnati 1982

Positions and Work Experience

1969 -1970 Visiting Asst Prof, University of Michigan,

1970 -1977 Asst & Assoc Prof, University of Kansas,

1977 -To Present Assoc & Full Professor, University of Cincinnati,

1974 -1975 Asst Prof, SUNY at Buffalo,

1984 -1985 Visiting Assoc Prof, Biostatistics, University of North Carolina,

2003 -2004 Visiting Professor, IRAS, University of Utrecht, Holland,

1990 -1991 NRC Fellowship , NIOSH CDC, Cincinnati OH

1983 -1989 Assoc Adjunct Prof, Biostatistics University of Cincinnati,

Research Support

Grant: #SRS 006726 Investigators:Deddens, James 03-22-2010 -03-21-2012 Department of Veterans Affairs Intergovernmental Personnel Act Agreement for James Deddens Role:PI $83,197.00 Active Level:Federal

2008 Taft Travel Grant Completed

2004 Taft Research Grant Completed

2002 Taft Travel Grant Completed

1999 Taft Travel Grant Completed

1990 NRC Fellowship Completed

1984 Taft Travel Grant Completed

1977 -1979 NSF Research Grant Completed

1970 -1977 NSF Research Grant Completed

Abbreviated Publications

Peer Reviewed Publications

Hines, Cynthia J, Hopf, Nancy B N, Deddens, James A, Silva, Manori J, & Calafat, Antonia M (2011). Estimated daily intake of phthalates in occupationally exposed groups. Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology, 2(2011)133-141 

Schubauer-Berigan, Mary K, Couch, James R, Petersen, Martin R, Carreón, Tania, Jin, Yan, & Deddens, James A (2011). Cohort mortality study of workers at seven beryllium processing plants: update and associations with cumulative and maximum exposure. Occupational and environmental medicine, 68(2011)345-353

Waters, Thomas R, Lu, Ming-Lun, Piacitelli, Laurie A, Werren, Dwight, & Deddens, James A (2011). Efficacy of the revised NIOSH lifting equation to predict risk of low back pain due to manual lifting: expanded cross-sectional analysis. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine / American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 53(9), 1061-7.

Hines, Cynthia J, Deddens, James A, Coble, Joseph, Kamel, Freya, & Alavanja, Michael C R (2011). Determinants of captan air and dermal exposures among orchard pesticide applicators in the Agricultural Health Study. The Annals of occupational hygiene, 55(6), 620-33.

Hines, Cynthia J, Hopf, Nancy B, Deddens, James A, Silva, Manori J, & Calafat, Antonia M (2011). Occupational exposure to diisononyl phthalate (DiNP) in polyvinyl chloride processing operations. International archives of occupational and environmental health.

Schubauer-Berigan, Mary K, Deddens, James A, Couch, James R, & Petersen, Martin R (2011). Risk of lung cancer associated with quantitative beryllium exposure metrics within an occupational cohort. Occupational and environmental medicine, 68(5), 354-60.

Rocheleau, Carissa M, Bertke, Stephen J, Deddens, James A, Ruder, Avima M, Lawson, Christina C, Waters, Martha A, Hopf, Nancy B, Riggs, Margaret A, & Whelan, Elizabeth A (2011). Maternal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls and the secondary sex ratio: an occupational cohort study. Environmental health : a global access science source, 10, 20.

Hein, Misty J, Schubauer-Berigan, Mary K, & Deddens, James A (2011). Evaluating bias from birth-cohort effects in the age-based cox proportional hazards model. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.), 22(2), 249-56.

Jin, Yan, Hein, Misty J, Deddens, James A, & Hines, Cynthia J (2011). Analysis of lognormally distributed exposure data with repeated measures and values below the limit of detection using SAS. The Annals of occupational hygiene, 55(1), 97-112.

Bledsoe, Michael L, Pinkerton, Lynne E, Silver, Sharon, Deddens, James A, & Biagini, Raymond E (2011). Thyroxine and free thyroxine levels in workers occupationally exposed to inorganic lead. Environmental health insights, 5, 55-61.

Petersen Martin R, Deddens James A (2011), Maximium Likelihood Estimation of the log-binomial model, Communications in Statistics,(39)874-883

Burt Suan, Crombie Ken, Jin Yan, Wurzelbacher Steve, Ramsey Jessica, Deddens James A (2011), Workplace and indicidual risk factors for carpel tunnel syndrome, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, (68)928-933

Render Marta, Freyberg Ron, Hasselbeck Rachael, Hofer Timothy, Sales Anne, Deddens James A (2011), Infrastructure for quality transformation: measurement and reporting in veterans adminstration intensive care units, BMJ Quality Safety, (20)498-507

Hines, Cynthia J, Hopf, Nancy B N, Deddens, James A, Silva, Manori J, & Calafat, Antonia M (2009). Estimated daily intake of phthalates in occupationally exposed groups. Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology.

Silver, Sharon R, Whelan, Elizabeth A, Deddens, James A, Steenland, N Kyle, Hopf, Nancy B, Waters, Martha A, Ruder, Avima M, Prince, Mary M, Yong, Lee C, Hein, Misty J, & Ward, Elizabeth M (2009). Occupational exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls and risk of breast cancer. Environmental health perspectives, 117(2), 276-82.

Pierik, Frank H, Deddens, James A, Burdorf, Alex, de Muinck Keizer-Schrama, Sabine M P F, Jong, Frank H de, & Weber, Rob F A (2009). The hypothalamus-pituitary-testis axis in boys during the first six months of life: a comparison of cryptorchidism and hypospadias cases with controls. International journal of andrology, 32(5), 453-61.

Petersen, M R, & Deddens, J A (2009). A revised SAS macro for maximum likelihood estimation of prevalence ratios using the COPY method. Occupational and environmental medicine, 66(9), 639.

Graff, Jeremy R, Konicek, Bruce W, Lynch, Rebecca L, Dumstorf, Chad A, Dowless, Michele S, McNulty, Ann M, Parsons, Stephen H, Brail, Leslie H, Colligan, Bruce M, Koop, Jonathan W, Hurst, Bernadette M, Deddens, James A, Neubauer, Blake L, Stancato, Louis F, Carter, Harry W, Douglass, Larry E, & Carter, Julia H (2009). eIF4E activation is commonly elevated in advanced human prostate cancers and significantly related to reduced patient survival. Cancer research, 69(9), 3866-73.

Hein, Misty J, Deddens, James A, & Schubauer-Berigan, Mary K (2009). Bias from matching on age at death or censor in nested case-control studies. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.), 20(3), 330-8.

Hines, Cynthia J, Nilsen Hopf, Nancy B, Deddens, James A, Calafat, Antonia M, Silva, Manori J, Grote, Ardith A, & Sammons, Deborah L (2009). Urinary phthalate metabolite concentrations among workers in selected industries: a pilot biomonitoring study. The Annals of occupational hygiene, 53(1), 1-17.

Deddens, J A, & Petersen, M R (2008). Approaches for estimating prevalence ratios. Occupational and environmental medicine, 65(7), 481, 501-6.

Schubauer-Berigan, M K, Deddens, J A, Steenland, K, Sanderson, W T, & Petersen, M R (2008). Adjustment for temporal confounders in a reanalysis of a case-control study of beryllium and lung cancer. Occupational and environmental medicine, 65(6), 379-83.

Hines, Cynthia J, Deddens, James A, Jaycox, Larry B, Andrews, Ronnee N, Striley, Cynthia A F, & Alavanja, Michael C R (2008). Captan exposure and evaluation of a pesticide exposure algorithm among orchard pesticide applicators in the Agricultural Health Study. The Annals of occupational hygiene, 52(3), 153-66.

Riggs, Margaret A, Rao, Carol Y, Brown, Clive M, Van Sickle, David, Cummings, Kristin J, Dunn, Kevin H, Deddens, James A, Ferdinands, Jill, Callahan, David, Moolenaar, Ronald L, & Pinkerton, Lynne E (2008). Resident cleanup activities, characteristics of flood-damaged homes and airborne microbial concentrations in New Orleans, Louisiana, October 2005. Environmental research, 106(3), 401-9.

Petersen, Martin R, & Deddens, James A (2008). A comparison of two methods for estimating prevalence ratios. BMC medical research methodology, 8, 9.

Hein, Misty J, Waters, Martha A, van Wijngaarden, Edwin, Deddens, James A, & Stewart, Patricia A (2008). Issues when modeling benzene, toluene, and xylene exposures using a literature database. Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene, 5(1), 36-47.

Render M, Deddens JA, et al (2008) The VA ICU risk adjustment model: validation, updating, recalibration, Ri, Critical Care Medicine 36,1031-1042

Barr, Dana B, Hines, Cynthia J, Olsson, Anders O, Deddens, James A, Bravo, Roberto, Striley, Cynthia A F, Norrgran, Jessica, & Needham, Larry L (2007). Identification of human urinary metabolites of acetochlor in exposed herbicide applicators by high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology, 17(6), 559-66.

Schubauer-Berigan, Mary K, Deddens, James A, & Petersen, Martin R (2007). Re: exposure to beryllium and occurrence of lung cancer: a reexamination of findings from a nested case-control study. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine / American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 49(7), 708-9; author reply.

Petersen, Martin R, & Deddens, James A (2007). "Parameter estimation and goodness-of-fit in log binomial regression." Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift, 49(2), 328-9; author reply.

Hines, C J, Deddens, J A, Coble, J, & Alavanja, M C R (2007). Fungicide application practices and personal protective equipment use among orchard farmers in the agricultural health study. Journal of agricultural safety and health, 13(2), 205-23.

Pronk, A, Yu, F, Vlaanderen, J, Tielemans, E, Preller, L, Bobeldijk, I, Deddens, J A, Latza, U, Baur, X, & Heederik, D (2006). Dermal, inhalation, and internal exposure to 1, 6-HDI and its oligomers in car body repair shop workers and industrial spray painters. Occupational and environmental medicine, 63(9), 624-31.

Petersen, Martin R, & Deddens, James A (2006). Re: "Easy SAS calculations for risk or prevalence ratios and differences." American journal of epidemiology, 163(12), 1158-9; author reply.

Hines, Cynthia J, Deddens, James A, Lu, Chensheng, Fenske, Richard, & Striley, Cynthia A F (2006). Mixed-effect models for evaluating multiple measures of atrazine exposure among custom applicators. Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene, 3(5), 274-83.

Chen, Taiping, Jackson, Chad R, Link, Andrew, Markey, Michael P, Colligan, Bruce M, Douglass, Larry E, Pemberton, Jackson O, Deddens, James A, Graff, Jeremy R, & Carter, Julia H (2006). Int7G24A variant of transforming growth factor-beta receptor type I is associated with invasive breast cancer. Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, 12(2), 392-7.

Render M, Kim H, Deddens JA, Sivaganesan S  (2005),Variation in outcomes in Veterans Affairs intensive care units with a computerized severity measure, Critical Care Medicine, 33,930-939

Taylor, Lauralynn, Jones, Robert L, Ashley, Kevin, Deddens, James A, & Kwan, Lorna (2004). Comparison of capillary earlobe and venous blood monitoring for occupational lead surveillance. The Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine, 143(4), 217-24.

Taylor, Lauralynn, Ashley, Kevin, Jones, Robert L, & Deddens, James A (2004). Field evaluation of a portable blood lead analyzer in workers living at a high altitude: a follow-up investigation. American journal of industrial medicine, 46(6), 656-62.

Pierik, Frank H, Burdorf, Alex, Deddens, James A, Juttmann, Rikard E, & Weber, Rob F A (2004). Maternal and paternal risk factors for cryptorchidism and hypospadias: a case-control study in newborn boys. Environmental health perspectives, 112(15), 1570-6.

Huang, Kui, Whelan, Elizabeth A, Ruder, Avima M, Ward, Elizabeth M, Deddens, James A, Davis-King, Karen E, Carreón, Tania, Waters, Martha A, Butler, Mary Ann, Calvert, Geoffrey M, Schulte, Paul A, Zivkovich, Zachary, Heineman, Ellen F, Mandel, Jack S, Morton, Roscoe F, Reding, Douglas J, & Rosenman, Kenneth D (2004). Reproductive factors and risk of glioma in women. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology, 13(10), 1583-8.

Lawson, Christina C, Schnorr, Teresa M, Whelan, Elizabeth A, Deddens, James A, Dankovic, David A, Piacitelli, Laurie A, Sweeney, Marie H, & Connally, L Barbara (2004). Paternal occupational exposure to 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin and birth outcomes of offspring: birth weight, preterm delivery, and birth defects. Environmental health perspectives, 112(14), 1403-8.

Carter, Julia H, Douglass, Larry E, Deddens, James A, Colligan, Bruce M, Bhatt, Tejal R, Pemberton, Jackson O, Konicek, Susan, Hom, Joanne, Marshall, Mark, & Graff, Jeremy R (2004). Pak-1 expression increases with progression of colorectal carcinomas to metastasis. Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, 10(10), 3448-56.

Deddens, James A, & Petersen, Martin R (2004). Re: "Estimating the relative risk in cohort studies and clinical trials of common outcomes." American journal of epidemiology, 159(2), 213-4; author reply.

Steenland, Kyle, & Deddens, James A (2004). A practical guide to dose-response analyses and risk assessment in occupational epidemiology. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.), 15(1), 63-70.

Hines, Cynthia J, Deddens, James A, Striley, Cynthia A F, Biagini, Raymond E, Shoemaker, Dale A, Brown, Kenneth K, Mackenzie, Barbara A, & Hull, R Delon (2003). Biological monitoring for selected herbicide biomarkers in the urine of exposed custom applicators: application of mixed-effect models. The Annals of occupational hygiene, 47(6), 503-17.

MacDonald, Leslie A, Deddens, James A, Grajewski, Barbara A, Whelan, Elizabeth A, & Hurrell, Joseph J (2003). Job stress among female flight attendants. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine / American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 45(7), 703-14.

Carter, Julia H, Carter, Harry W, Deddens, James A, Hurst, Bernadette M, George, Michael H, & DeAngelo, Anthony B (2003). A 2-year dose-response study of lesion sequences during hepatocellular carcinogenesis in the male B6C3F(1) mouse given the drinking water chemical dichloroacetic acid. Environmental health perspectives, 111(1), 53-64.

Steenland K, Deddens JA, (2003) Dioxin: exposure-response analyses and risk assessment, Industrial Health, 41,175-180

Mendell, Mark J, Fisk, William J, Petersen, Marty R, Hines, Cynthia J, Dong, Maxia, Faulkner, David, Deddens, James A, Ruder, Avima M, Sullivan, Douglas, & Boeniger, Mark F (2002). Indoor particles and symptoms among office workers: results from a double-blind cross-over study. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.), 13(3), 296-304.

Taylor, L, Jones, R L, Kwan, L, Deddens, J A, Ashley, K, & Sanderson, W T (2001). Evaluation of a portable blood lead analyzer with occupationally exposed populations. American journal of industrial medicine, 40(4), 354-62.

Graff, J R, Deddens, J A, Konicek, B W, Colligan, B M, Hurst, B M, Carter, H W, & Carter, J H (2001). Integrin-linked kinase expression increases with prostate tumor grade. Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, 7(7), 1987-91.

Graff, J R, Konicek, B W, Deddens, J A, Chedid, M, Hurst, B M, Colligan, B, Neubauer, B L, Carter, H W, & Carter, J H (2001). Expression of group IIa secretory phospholipase A2 increases with prostate tumor grade. Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, 7(12), 3857-61.

Schnorr, T M, Lawson, C C, Whelan, E A, Dankovic, D A, Deddens, J A, Piacitelli, L A, Reefhuis, J, Sweeney, M H, Connally, L B, & Fingerhut, M A (2001). Spontaneous abortion, sex ratio, and paternal occupational exposure to 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. Environmental health perspectives, 109(11), 1127-32.

Ward, E, Boffetta, P, Andersen, A, Colin, D, Comba, P, Deddens, J A, De Santis, M, Engholm, G, Hagmar, L, Langard, S, Lundberg, I, McElvenny, D, Pirastu, R, Sali, D, & Simonato, L (2001). Update of the follow-up of mortality and cancer incidence among European workers employed in the vinyl chloride industry. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.), 12(6), 710-8.

Hines, C J, & Deddens, J A (2001). Determinants of chlorpyrifos exposures and urinary 3, 5, 6-trichloro-2-pyridinol levels among termiticide applicators. The Annals of occupational hygiene, 45(4), 309-21.

Hines, C J, Deddens, J A, Tucker, S P, & Hornung, R W (2001). Distributions and determinants of pre-emergent herbicide exposures among custom applicators. The Annals of occupational hygiene, 45(3), 227-39.

Ward, E M, Schulte, P, Grajewski, B, Andersen, A, Patterson, D G, Turner, W, Jellum, E, Deddens, J A, Friedland, J, Roeleveld, N, Waters, M, Butler, M A, DiPietro, E, & Needham, L L (2000). Serum organochlorine levels and breast cancer: a nested case-control study of Norwegian women. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology, 9(12), 1357-67.

Sanderson, W T, Steenland, K, & Deddens, J A (2000). Historical respirable quartz exposures of industrial sand workers: 1946-1996. American journal of industrial medicine, 38(4), 389-98.

Steenland, K, Deddens, J A, & Zhao, S (2000). Biases in estimating the effect of cumulative exposure in log-linear models when estimated exposure levels are assigned. Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 26(1), 37-43.

Petersen M, Deddens JA, (2000), Effects of omitting a covariate in Poisson regression, Canadian Journal of Statistics, 28,439-440

Carter, Deddens, Richmond, Whiteley, Pullman, Colligan, & Carter, (1999). 30 galactose oxidase-Schiff's reagent reactivity and expression of immunohistochemically detected p53 are correlated during human colorectal carcinogenesis. The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society, 47(12), 1649B-1649.

Roscoe, R J, Gittleman, J L, Deddens, J A, Petersen, M R, & Halperin, W E (1999). Blood lead levels among children of lead-exposed workers: A meta-analysis. American journal of industrial medicine, 36(4), 475-81.

Dick, R B, Pinkerton, L E, Krieg, E F, Biagini, R E, Deddens, J A, Brightwell, W S, Grubb, P L, Taylor, B T, & Russo, J M (1999). Evaluation of postural stability in workers exposed to lead at a secondary lead smelter. Neurotoxicology, 20(4), 595-607.

Mendell, M J, Fisk, W J, Dong, M X, Petersen, M, Hines, C J, Faulkner, D, Deddens, J A, Ruder, A M, Sullivan, D, & Boeniger, M F (1999). Enhanced particle filtration in a non-problem office environment: preliminary results from a double-blind crossover intervention study. American journal of industrial medicine, Suppl 1, 55-7.

Morley, J C, Clark, C S, Deddens, J A, Ashley, K, & Roda, S (1999). Evaluation of a portable X-ray fluorescence instrument for the determination of lead in workplace air samples. Applied occupational and environmental hygiene, 14(5), 306-16.

Pinkerton, L E, Biagini, R E, Ward, E M, Hull, R D, Deddens, J A, Boeniger, M F, Schnorr, T M, MacKenzie, B A, & Luster, M I (1998). Immunologic findings among lead-exposed workers. American journal of industrial medicine, 33(4), 400-8.

Hornung, R W, Deddens, J A, & Roscoe, R J (1998). Modifiers of lung cancer risk in uranium miners from the Colorado Plateau. Health physics, 74(1), 12-21.

Steenland K, Deddens JA, Stayner L, (1998), Diesel exhaust and lung cancer in the trucking industry: exposure rsponse analysis and risk assessment, American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 34,220-228

Skov T, Deddens JA, Petersen M, Endahl L (1998), Prevalence proportion ratios: Estimation and hypothesis teasting, International Journal of Epidemiology 27,91-95

Render M, Thomas, Deddens JA, et al (1998), Decreased mortality among patients in a closed intensive care unit setting, Journal of General Internal Medicine, 34,438-444

Carter, J H, Deddens, J A, Pullman, J L, Colligan, B M, Whiteley, L O, & Carter, H W (1997). Validation of the galactose oxidase-Schiff's reagent sequence for early detection and prognosis in human colorectal adenocarcinoma. Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, 3(9), 1479-89.

Steenland, K, & Deddens, J A (1997). Increased precision using countermatching in nested case-control studies. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.), 8(3), 238-42.

Steenland, K, & Deddens, J A (1997). Effect of travel and rest on performance of professional basketball players. Sleep, 20(5), 366-9.

Mendell, M J, Fisk, W J, Deddens, J A, Seavey, W G, Smith, A H, Smith, D F, Hodgson, A T, Daisey, J M, & Goldman, L R (1996). Elevated symptom prevalence associated with ventilation type in office buildings. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.), 7(6), 583-9.

Barr, L L, McCullough, P J, Ball, W S, Krasner, B H, Garra, B S, & Deddens, J A. (1996), Quantitative sonographic feature analysis of clinical infant hypoxia: a pilot study. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology, 17(6), 1025-31.

Roscoe, R J, Deddens, J A, Salvan, A, & Schnorr, T M (1995). Mortality among Navajo uranium miners. American journal of public health, 85(4), 535-40.

Steenland K, Deddens JA, Salvan A, Stayner L, (1995), Healthy worker effect and cumulative exposure, Epidemiliogy, 6,535-540

Padilla, B, Pollak, V E, Pesce, A, Kant, K S, Gilinsky, N H, & Deddens, J A (1994). Pancreatitis in patients with end-stage renal disease. Medicine, 73(1), 8-20.

Pollak, V E, Thornley-Brown, D, Kant, K S, Pesce, A, & Deddens, J A (1993). A case study of a recent decline in the dialysis fatality rate. Contributions to nephrology, 102, 59-72.

Song R, Deddens JA (1993), A note on moments of variables summing to normal order statistics, Statistics and Probability Letters, 17,337-341

Xue D, Deddens JA, (1992), Overdispersion for negative binomial regression, Communications in Statistics, 21,2215-2226

Song R, Buchberger S, Deddens JA, (1992), Moments of variables summing to normal order statistics, Statistics and Probability Letters, 15,203-208 

Gillig, P M, Hillard, J R, Deddens, J A, Bell, J, & Combs, H E (1990). Clinicians' self-reported reactions to psychiatric emergency patients: effect on treatment decisions. The Psychiatric quarterly, 61(2), 155-62.

Gillig, P M, Hillard, J R, Bell, J, Combs, H E, Martin, C, & Deddens, J A (1989). The psychiatric emergency service holding area: effect on utilization of inpatient resources. The American journal of psychiatry, 146(3), 369-72.

Garcia-Garcia, G, Deddens, J A, D'Achiardi-Rey, R, First, M R, Samuels, S J, Kant, S, & Pollak, V E (1985). Results of treatment in patients with end-stage renal disease: a multivariate analysis of risk factors and survival in 341 successive patients. American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation, 5(1), 10-8.


Invited Presentations

James Deddens (2009. ) Bayesian solution fior repeated measures with values below the LOD .X2009, Harvard, Boston Mass. Level:International

James Deddens (2008. ) Using NLMIXED for reapeated measures with values below the LOD .EPICOH, Banff Canada. Level:International

James A Deddens (2006. ) Analysis of longitudinal carpal tunnel data .PREMUS, Zurich Switzerland. Level:International

James Deddens (2002. ) Counter-matching in case occupational cohort studies .EPICOH, Barcelona, Spain. Level:International

James Deddens (2003. ) Estimating prevalence ratios using PROC GENMOD .SAS International Users Group, Seattle Washington. Level:International

James Deddens (2005. ) Modeling pesticide exposures .X2005, Utrecht, Netherlans. Level:International

James Deddens (1998. ) Statistics and the Law .Cincinnati Employment Lawyers Association, Cincinnati. Level:Local

James Deddens (1998. ) Statistics and the Law .Banbury Conference for federal Judges, Woods Hole New York.

James Deddens (1992. ) Measurement Error in Cox Regression .EPICOH, Cincinnati. Level:International

James Deddens (1999. ) Counter-matching in Nested Case Control Studies .SER, Toronto. Level:International

James Deddens (1986. ) Transfer Functions in Time Series .SAS Users group Internationsl, Reno. Level:International

James Deddens (1992) EPICOH, Cincinnati OH, Level:International

James Deddens (1973. ) International Mathematics Meeting, Krakow Poland.

James Deddens (1970) International Math Meeting, Bloomington, Ind.


James Deddens (2004). University of Utrecht, Free University of Amsterdam, Erasmus University in Rotterdam, Nijmegen .

James DeddensUniversities of Oklahoma, New Hampshire, Virginia, North Carolina,Wright State, Wayne State,Cleveland State, Kentucky, Miami, Kansas, Georgia, SUNY at Buffalo.


James Deddens (2004. ) Week long course on Statistics in Epidemiology .Netherlands.

James Deddens (2004. ) Week long course in Applied Statistics .Netherlands.

James Deddens, Kyle Steenland (1995. ) Week long course on Times Series in Occupational Health .Spain.

James Deddens (1987. ) Two week course in Linear Models and Time Series .Beijing, China.

James Deddens (1990) 10 week course at GE Aircraft Engine, Cincinnati .


Applied statistics, survival analysis, biostatistics, quantatitive epidemiology

Courses Taught

Linear Models I,II,III, Survival Analysis, SAS Programming, Time Series, Math Stat I,II,III, Applied Regression, Analysis of Variance, Prob & Stat I,II,III, Elem Prob & Stat I,II,III, Engineering Statistics, Statistical Consulting, Practicum I Applied Stat