Alexander Dile

Alexander Dile

Medical Resident/Fellow

Professional Summary

Personal Statement
I have found that often in medicine, the social challenges patients face can be as challenging to overcome as the medical ones. My time working in free clinics has demonstrated this, as arriving at a diagnosis, and providing a prescription does no good when the patient cannot afford it, has no transportation to pick it up, or doesn't understand my instructions. As a good listener, I find that being perceptive and empathetic to each of my patients’ obstacles, I can better understand my patients’ needs. After all, internal medicine is an art form of being knowledgeable about disease states, but also tailoring them to the needs of the patient in front of you. It’s because of these reasons that I am drawn to internal medicine.
Why I Chose Cincinnati
I chose Cincinnati because of the program’s emphasis on evidence-based resident learning and patient-centered medicine. I believe the focus on medical education and embracing a growth mindset are crucial in developing a well-rounded and trained internal medicine physician.