Peter J Disimile
Assoc Professor
Rhodes Hall
CEAS - Aerospace Eng & Eng Mechanics - 0070
Professional Summary
ResearchGate Profile
Research Interests
- Experimental Fluid Mechanics/Heat Transfer
- Unsteady Flows
- Vorticity Dynamics
- Turbulence/Mixing
- Instrumentation Development
- Fire & Explosion Suppression related to aircraft survivability
Research and Practice Interests
Research Interests
- Experimental Fluid Mechanics/Heat Transfer
- Computational Fluid Mechanics/Heat Transfer
- Unsteady Flows
- Vorticity Dynamics
- Turbulence/Mixing
- Instrumentation Development
- Fire & Explosion Suppression related to aircraft survivability
Research Support
Grant: #ESI / N6833520C0511 Investigators:Disimile, Peter 06-01-2020 -05-31-2021 Department of the Navy Design of a Shear Stress Calibration System for Heated High Speed Compressible Flows Role:PI $72,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #STTR Ph I 1GP0259-UC1 / N00253-16-P-0259 Investigators:Disimile, Peter 09-01-2016 -07-01-2017 Department of the Navy Low-Cost Thermal Management Technology for Combat Systems Computers Role:PI $39,502.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #W911NHF-11-C-0031 Investigators:Disimile, Peter 01-01-2011 -07-30-2011 Department of the Army Automated System for Determination of JP-8 Smoke Point and Luminometer Number Role:PI $30,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #OPS04173/01 & 02 Investigators:Disimile, Peter 03-01-2004 -02-28-2008 Department of the Air Force Intergovernmental Personnel Assignment Agreement Role:PI $185,451.52 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #OBR 1999 - 9968 Investigators:Disimile, Peter 07-01-1999 -06-30-2001 Ohio Board of Regents Center for Fire and Explosion Science and Technology Role:PI $178,800.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #prepare reverse agreement / N6833522C0844 Investigators:Disimile, Peter 12-01-2021 -11-30-2025 Department of the Navy Measurements of Wall-Shear-Stress Distribution in Hypersonic Flows Phase 2 Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #prepare reverse agreement / FA864923P0429 Investigators:Disimile, Peter 06-01-2023 -08-31-2023 Air Force Research Laboratory A Digital Twin of an Integrated Directed Energy Aircraft Survivability Facility Role:PI 25000.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #pending / FA239124PB005 Investigators:Disimile, Peter 04-29-2024 -10-29-2024 Department of the Air Force Support in the Design of an Inlet Distortion Generator Role:PI 64999.00 Hold Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Disimile P.;Toy N. (06-01-2019. ) The imaging of fluid sloshing within a closed tank undergoing oscillations.Results in Engineering, , 2 , More Information
Disimile P.;Toy N. (06-01-2019. ) Video analysis of high velocity projectile entering fluid filled tank.Results in Engineering, , 2 , More Information
Gopalakrishnan R.;Disimile P. (12-01-2018. ) CFD analysis of twin turbulent impinging round jets at different impingement angles.Fluids, , 3 (4 ) , More Information
Landers B.;Disimile P.;Toy N. (12-01-2017. ) The fluid thermal field over a flat heated disk.International Journal of Heat and Technology, , 35 (4 ) ,799-805 More Information
Landers B.;Disimile P.;Snow P. (08-01-2016. ) The growth characteristics of a starting axisymmetric turbulent jet.Journal of Visualization, , 19 (3 ) ,343-350 More Information
Disimile P.;Toy N. (01-01-2015. ) Liquid spurt caused by hydrodynamic ram.International Journal of Impact Engineering, , 75 ,65-74 More Information
Czarnecki G.; Disimile P.; Yang H. (01-01-2015. ) A multiphase and multiphysics CFD technique for fuel spurt prediction with cavitation and fluid-stru .22nd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, ,
Landers B.;Disimile P. (01-01-2015. ) The growth characteristics of transient impinging axisymmetric turbulent jets.Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, , 22 (1-3 ) ,117-129 More Information
Pyles J.;Disimile P. (12-01-2011. ) Thermal model for ballistic impact flashes.Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, , More Information
Disimile P.;Davis J.;Toy N. (02-01-2011. ) Mitigation of shock waves within a liquid filled tank.International Journal of Impact Engineering, , 38 (2-3 ) ,61-72 More Information
Disimile P.;Toy N.;Swanson L. (12-01-2009. ) A large-scale shadowgraph technique applied to hydrodynamic ram.Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, , 16 (4 ) ,303-332 More Information
Disimile P.;Swanson L.;Toy N. (06-01-2009. ) The hydrodynamic ram pressure generated by spherical projectiles.International Journal of Impact Engineering, , 36 (6 ) ,821-829 More Information
Davis J.;Toy N.;Disimile P. (06-01-2009. ) Flowfield downstream of circular cylinders immersed within thick boundary layers.AIAA Journal, , 47 (6 ) ,1461-1469 More Information
Disimile P.J.;Pyles J.M.;Toy N. (03-01-2009. ) Hydraulic jump formation in water sloshing within an oscillating tank.Journal of Aircraft, , 46 (2 ) ,549-556 More Information
Davis J.M.;Disimile P.J. (05-05-2008. ) Effect of engine nacelle clutter density on downstream water spray distributions .Atomization and Sprays, , 18 (6 ) ,553-569
Disimile P.;Toy N. (03-01-2008. ) Examining the potential fire risk from a short duration pyrotechnic event.Fire Technology, , 44 (1 ) ,77-96 More Information
Kemp J.;Disimile P.;O'Connell P.;Pyles J.;Toy N. (12-24-2007. ) Unique facility for testing solid propellant gas generators as a halon replacement .Collection of Technical Papers - 7th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, , 2 ,1617-1631
Disimile P.;Davis J.;Pyles J. (12-01-2007. ) Qualitative assessment of a transient spray caused by a hydrodynamic ram event.Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, , 14 (3 ) ,287-303 More Information
Disimile P.;Pyles J.;Toy N. (12-01-2007. ) Dynamic hydraulic jumps in oscillating containers.WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, , 56 ,281-290 More Information
Kemp J.S.;Disimile P.J.;O'Connell P.;Pyles J.M.;Toy N. (12-01-2007. ) Unique facility for testing solid propellant gas generators as a Halon replacement .Collection of Technical Papers - 7th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, , 1 ,
Caspers M.S.;MaPle R.C.;Disimile P.J. (11-07-2007. ) CFD investigation of flow past idealized engine nacelle clutter .Collection of Technical Papers - 18th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, , 1 ,48-60
Disimile P.J.;Toy N.;Davis J.M. (11-05-2007. ) The effect of turbulent length scales on flow driven diffusion flames .Collection of Technical Papers - U.S. Air Force T and E Days, 2007(Test and Evaluation, , 208-218
Disimile P.;Toy N. (01-01-2007. ) Convective flow field above a heated circular plate.Journal of Heat Transfer, , 129 (8 ) ,935 More Information
Weisenbach M.;Lindell D.;McNab K.E.;Disimile P. (12-01-2006. ) A review of the fiscal year 2003-2005 joint aircraft survivability programs .Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, , 9 ,6331-6339
Davis J.M.;Disimile P.J. (12-01-2006. ) The effect of measurement volume size on PDA measurements of monodisperse glass spheres .Collection of Technical Papers - 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, , 18 ,13635-13647
Disimile P.J.;Toy N.;Bai X. (12-19-2005. ) Experimental investigation of hot surface ignition for transportation survivability .Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, , 10 ,6510-6519
Disimile P.J.;Toy N. (12-19-2005. ) Experimental simulation of fuel pool ignition by incendiary flash .Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, , 10 ,6501-6509
Davis J.M.;Disimile P.J. (12-01-2005. ) Optical configuration selection effects on Phase Doppler Anemometer measurements of glass microspher .43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit - Meeting Papers, , 11309-11319
Disimile P.;Tucker J.;Croswell B.;Davis J. (02-01-2005. ) The transport of water sprays past generic clutter elements found within engine nacelles.Fire Safety Journal, , 40 (1 ) ,65-78 More Information
Disimile P.;Toy N. (01-01-2005. ) Fuel pool ignition caused by a pyrotechnic device .WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, , 82 ,471-481
Disimile P.;Pyles J.;Toy N. (01-01-2005. ) Measurement of oxygen concentration using laser diode spectroscopy .WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, , 82 ,483-493
Disimile P.;Toy N. (12-01-2004. ) Acoustical properties of a long rectangular cavity of constant cross-section immersed in a thick bou.International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, , 46 (12 ) ,1827-1844 More Information
Davis J.;Disimile P. (07-01-2004. ) The effect of lens/aperture selection on phase Doppler anemometer measurements .AIAA Paper, , 5884-5905
Disimile P.;Toy N. (12-01-2003. ) The acoustics associated with a long rectangular cavity of constant cross-section immersed in a thic .Advances in Fluid Mechanics, , 36 ,385-394
DesJardin P.E.;Presser C.;Disimile P.J.;Tucker J.R. (12-01-2003. ) A phenomenological droplet impact model for Lagrangian spray transport .41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, ,
Disimile P.;Toy N. (01-01-2003. ) The acoustics associated with a long rectangular cavity of constant cross-section immersed in a thic .WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, , 71 ,385-394
Black A.;Suo-Anttila J.;Disimile P.;Tucker J. (12-01-2002. ) Numerical predictions and experimental results of air flow in a smooth quarter-scale nacelle .40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, ,
Czech M.;Disimile P.;Savory E.;Toy N. (12-01-2000. ) Aerodynamic phenomena associated with yawed rectangular cavities .18th Applied Aerodynamics Conference, ,
Toy N.;Savory E.;Disimile P.J. (12-01-2000. ) Liquid crystal visualization of the vortex flow field within a yawed rectangular cavity at Mach 2 .Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, , 7 (3 ) ,269-279
Disimile P.;Toy N.;Savory E. (01-01-2000. ) Effect of planform aspect ratio on flow oscillations in rectangular cavities.Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, , 122 (1 ) ,32-38 More Information
Disimile P.J.;Toy N.;Savory E. (07-01-1998. ) Pressure oscillations in a subsonic cavity at yaw .AIAA Journal, , 36 (7 ) ,1141-1148
Disimile P.;Fox C.;Lee C. (01-01-1998. ) An experimental investigation of the airflow characteristics of laser drilled holes.Journal of Laser Applications, , 10 (2 ) ,78-84 More Information
Disimile P.J.;Orkwis P.D. (01-01-1998. ) Sound-pressure-level variations in a supersonic rectangular cavity at yaw.Journal of Propulsion and Power, , 14 (3 ) ,392-398 More Information
Aydore S.;Disimile P.J. (01-01-1997. ) Natural coherent structure dynamics in near field of fully turbulent axisymmetric jet.AIAA Journal, , 35 (7 ) ,1171-1178 More Information
Lan J.;Disimile P.;Weisman J. (01-01-1997. ) Two phase flow patterns and boiling heat transfer in tubes containing helical wire inserts. Part I -.Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, , 4 (4 ) ,269-281 More Information
Lan J.;Disimile P.;Weisman J. (01-01-1997. ) Two phase flow patterns and boiling heat transfer in tubes containing helical wire inserts: Part II .Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, , 4 (4 ) ,283-296 More Information
Disimile P.J.;Orkwis P.D. (01-01-1997. ) Effect of yaw on pressure oscillation frequency within Rectangular cavity at mach 2.AIAA Journal, , 35 (7 ) ,1233-1235 More Information
Tarn C.;Orkwis P.;Disimile P. (01-01-1997. ) Variations in flow field physics caused by algebraic turbulence model modifications for a supersonic .35th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, ,
Tam C.J.;Orkwis P.D.;Disimile P.J. (03-01-1996. ) Comparison of Baldwin-Lomax turbulence models for two-dimensional open cavity computations .AIAA Journal, , 34 (3 ) ,629-631
Weisman J.;Lan J.;Disimile P. (01-01-1996. ) The effect of fluid properties on two-phase (vapor-liquid) flow patterns in the presence of helical .International Journal of Multiphase Flow, , 22 (3 ) ,613-619 More Information
Tam C.;Orkwis P.;Disimile P. (01-01-1996. ) Algebraic turbulence model simulations of supersonic open-cavity flow physics.AIAA Journal, , 34 (11 ) ,2255-2260 More Information
Disimile P.; Orkwis P.; Tam C. (01-01-1996. ) Supersonic open cavity flow physics ascertained from algebraic turbulence model simulations .34th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, ,
Disimile P.;Toy N.;Savory E. (12-01-1995. ) Assessment of shear stress sensitive liquid crystals for high-speed aerodynamics .American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FED, , 224 ,163-168
Disimile P.;Toy N.;Savory E. (12-01-1995. ) Evaluation of shear sensitive liquid crystals at Mach 3 .ICIASF Record, International Congress on Instrumentation in Aerospace Simulation Facilities, ,
Orkwis P.;Tam C.;Disimile P. (01-01-1995. ) Observations on using experimental data as boundary conditions for computations.AIAA Journal, , 33 (1 ) ,176-178 More Information
Aydore S.;Disimile P.J. (01-01-1995. ) New method for eduction of natural coherent structures.AIAA Journal, , 33 (8 ) ,1529-1531 More Information
Disimile P.;Toy N. (01-01-1995. ) Determination of starting shock velocity in supersonic wind tunnel.AIAA Journal, , 33 (10 ) ,1981-1983 More Information
Bahr G.;Disimile P. (01-01-1995. ) Space vehicle propulsion systems: Environmental hazards of low earth orbit-lunar domain.Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, , 32 (6 ) ,1001-1005 More Information
Disimile P.;Savory E.;Toy N. (01-01-1995. ) Mixing characteristics of twin impinging circular jets.Journal of Propulsion and Power, , 11 (6 ) ,1118-1124 More Information
Tarn C.;Orkwis P.;Disimile P. (01-01-1995. ) A comparison of several standard turbulence models for 2-D open cavity flow field computations .33rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, ,
Disimile P. (01-01-1994. ) Effect of impinging jet excitation on curved surface heat transfer.Journal of Propulsion and Power, , 10 (2 ) ,293-294 More Information
Weisman J.;Lan J.;Disimile P. (01-01-1994. ) Two-phase (air-water) flow patterns and pressure drop in the presence of helical wire ribs.International Journal of Multiphase Flow, , 20 (5 ) ,885-899 More Information
Savory E.;Toy N.;Disimile P.;Dimicco R. (05-01-1993. ) The drag of three-dimensional rectangular cavities.Applied Scientific Research, , 50 (3-4 ) ,325-346 More Information
Disimile P.;Scaggs N. (01-01-1992. ) Turbulent boundary-layer characteristics over a flat-plate/wedge configuration at Mach 6.AIAA Journal, , 30 (1 ) ,270-272 More Information
DiMicco R.;Disimile P. (12-01-1991. ) A new look at surface flow visualization to provide insight into complex fluid dynamic behavior .ICIASF Record, International Congress on Instrumentation in Aerospace Simulation Facilities, , 43-48
Disimile P.J.;Fox C.F.;Toy N. (01-01-1991. ) Optical leak detection of oxygen using IR laser diodes .Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, , 1492 ,64-75
Shoe B.;Disimile P.J.;Savory E.;Toy N.;Tahouri B. (01-01-1991. ) Image analysis of two impinging jets using laser induced fluorescence and smoke flow visualization .Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, , 1521 ,34-45
Disimile P.;Shoe B.;Toy N. (01-01-1991. ) Health monitoring of rocket engines using image processing .Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, , 1483 ,39-48
Disimile P.;Scaggs N. (01-01-1991. ) Wedge-induced turbulent boundary-layer separation on a roughened surface at mach 6.0.Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, , 28 (6 ) ,636-645 More Information
Disimile P.J.;Scaggs N.E. (01-01-1991. ) Mach 6 turbulent boundary layer characteristics on smooth and rough surfaces .AIAA 22nd Fluid Dynamics, Plasma Dynamics and Lasers Conference, 1991, ,
Toy N.;Savory E.;Disimile P. (01-01-1991. ) Determination of surface temperature and surface shear stress using liquid crystals .
Aydore S.;Disimile P.J.;Tsuei Y.G.;Behbahani A.I. (01-01-1991. ) Flow characteristics in the nearfield of an impinging jet issuing from a long circular pipe .
Disimile P.;DiMicco R.;Toy N.;Savory E. (12-01-1990. ) Development of twin-jets issuing into a crossflow .Preprints for the Symposium on Turbulence, ,
DiMicco R.;Disimile P. (12-01-1990. ) Steady flow in a three-dimensional rectangular cavity yawed from the freestream turbulent boundary l .American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FED, , 94 ,169-174
Disimile P.;DiMicco R.;Lueders K.;Savory E.;Toy N. (12-01-1990. ) Unsteady flow in a three-dimensional rectangular cavity immersed in a subsonic crossflow .American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FED, , 102 ,45-48
Aydore S.;Disimile P.J.;Tsuei Y.G. (12-01-1990. ) Flow characteristics in the nearfield of an impinging jet issuing from a long circular pipe .American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FED, , 94 ,67-72
DiMicco R.;Disimile P.;Lueders K.;Toy N.;Savory E. (12-01-1990. ) Three dimensional flow in a rectangular cavity .Preprints for the Symposium on Turbulence, ,
DiMicco R.;Fabris D.;Disimile P. (01-01-1990. ) The effect of constructive and destructive interference on the downstream development of twin jets i .AIAA 21st Fluid Dynamics, Plasma Dynamics and Lasers Conference, 1990, ,
Aydore S.;Disimile P.J.;Tsuei y. G.;Behbahani A.I. (01-01-1990. ) Flow characteristics in the nearfield of an impinging jet issuing from a long circular pipe .
Bahr G.;Disimile P. (01-01-1990. ) Electric space vehicle propulsion systems: Environmental space hazard .AlAA/DGLR/JSASS 21st International Electric Propulsion Conference, 1990, ,
Bahr G.K.;Disimile P.J. (01-01-1990. ) A high severity space hazard: Orbital debris .AIAA Space Programs and Technologies Conference, 1990, ,
Disimile P.J.;Scaggs N.E. (01-01-1990. ) The effect of separation on turbulent boundary layer characteristics over a smooth surface at mach 6 .Flight Simulation Technologies Conference and Exhibit, 1990, , 273-283
Behbahani A.I.;Disimile P.J.;Aydore S. (12-01-1989. ) Flow visualization in an impinging circular air jet .American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD, , 112 ,143-148
Disimile P.;Scaggs N. (01-01-1989. ) High Reynolds number wedge-induced separation lengths at Mach 6.AIAA Journal, , 27 (12 ) ,1827-1828 More Information
Disimile P.J.;Scaggs N.E. (01-01-1989. ) An investigation into wedge-induced turbulent boundary layer separation on a uniformly roughened sur .7th Applied Aerodynamics Conference, 1989, ,
Disimile P.;Paule D. (01-01-1988. ) The effects of an excited impinging jet on the local heat transfer coefficient of aircraft turbine b.Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, , 4 , More Information
Disimile P. (01-01-1988. ) The distribution of vorticity in a large vortical motion.
Disimile P.;Paule D. (01-01-1988. ) EFFECTS OF AN EXCITED IMPINGING JET ON THE LOCAL HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT OF AIRCRAFT TURBINE BLADE .American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper), ,
Disimile P. (01-01-1986. ) Phase averaged transverse vorticity measurements in an excited, two-dimensional mixing layer.AIAA Journal, , 24 (10 ) ,1621-1627 More Information
Disimile P.J. (01-01-1986. ) The effect of ensemble averaging on transverse vorticity measurements in forced shear flows. PHYS. FLUIDS, , 29 (9 , Sep. 1986, p.3088-3090. ) ,
Ali S.;Klewicki C.;Disimile P.;Lawson I.;Foss J. (12-01-1985. ) ENTRAINMENT REGION PHENOMENA FOR A LARGE PLANE SHEAR LAYER.
Ali S.;Lawson I.;Foss J.;Klewicki C.;Disimile P. (01-01-1985. ) Entrainment region phenomena for a large plane shear layer. ((Ithaca, U.S.A.,: Aug. 7-9, 1985) ) ,
Disimile P.; Wang C. (01-01-1983. ) The forces due to the relative motion of two corrugated plates.Physics of Fluids, , 26 (3 ) ,611-613 More Information