Research and Practice Interests
Studies in Erythrocyte Membrane: 1) Studies of erythrocyte membranes during blood bank storage. The objectives are to improve the quality and to extend the useful shelf-life of RBC by elucidating what happens to their membranes during blood bank storage.The investigation deals with understanding of phosphoinositide and calmodulin metabolism in red cell membrane. 2) To study significance of red cell membrane vesiculation during blood bank storage. 3) Studies on phospholipid asymmetry during blood bank storage. Developmental research: To establish newer clinical techniques for viral screening.
Research Support
Grant: #SW-97-08-S-02-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Dumaswala, Umakant 07-01-1997 -12-31-1999 American Heart Association - Southwest Chapter Glutamine Potentiates Glutathione-Level to Prevent Oxidative Damage in Stored Erythrocytes Role:PI $59,957.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #9951502V-02-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Dumaswala, Umakant 01-01-2000 -12-31-2002 American Heart Association - Southwest Chapter Inhibition of Free Radical-Mediated Damage to Cardiomyocytes by Erythrocyte Glutathione Role:PI $70,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Biochemist,Lipid Chemistry and Metabolism,Protein Purification,Nucleic Acid Hybridization,Membranes,Membrane Structure,Regulation of Membrane Function,Aging and Necrosis,Metabolic Processes