Kari K. Dunning , PT, PhD
Health Sciences Building
3225 Eden Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267
Phone 513-558-7483
Fax 513-558-7474
Email kari.dunning@uc.edu
Professional Summary
Kari Dunning, PT, PhD is Chair and Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation, Exercise and Nutrition Sciences at the University of Cincinnati College of Allied Health Sciences. She has a MS in Neuroscience, a PhD in epidemiology and has been a physical therapist for 35 years, specializing in neurological diagnoses. In addition to teaching evidence based practice, research and neurological rehabilitation, Dr. Dunning has been conducting research for over 25 years including 7 years as Director of Clinical Research at a local hospital. She has been involved in over 35 research studies funded by a variety of agencies including National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and private industry, publishing over 75 peer reviewed articles including results from a recent multi-site trial investigating electrical stimulation for gait after stroke. Dr. Dunning is the recipient of a previous four-year American Heart Association Scientist Development Award and was PI of a Majistro Family Foundation Research Grant from the Foundation for Physical Therapy.
Doctoral Degree: University of Cincinnati 2003 (Epidemiology)
Master's Degree: University of Cincinnati 1993 (Neuroscience)
Bachelor's Degree: University of Wisconsin - Madison 1987 (Physical Therapy)
Research and Practice Interests
After studying optimum therapy strategies to facilitate functional recovery and neuroplasticity for over 20 years, my recent scholarship is focused in the area of mindfulness for stroke survivors.
Positions and Work Experience
2007 -2015 Neuroscience Program Faculty, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH
2006 -2012 Director of Clinical Research, Drake Center Rehabilitation, Cincinnati OH
2004 -To Present Associate Professor, Secondary Appointment, University of Cincinnati - Department of Environmental Health, Cincinnati OH
2004 -2005 Epidemiologist, Infant Mortality Subcommittee – reviews infant deaths in Hamilton County • This committee includes 2 physicians and 2 epidemiologists. The purpose of this subcommittee is to review infant deaths (children < 1year old) in Hamilton County and the City of Cincinnati and make recommendations to the health departments and the Hamilton County Commissioner regarding decreasing infant mortality. , Hamilton County and City of Cincinnati OH,
2004 -2005 Epidemiologist, • Epidemiology consultation, data management and analysis regarding community health including: community needs assessment and engagement, overall mortality with emphasis on infant mortality. , Hamilton County General Health District, Hamilton County OH
2003 -2005 Neurlogical Curriculum Consultant and Guest Lecturer, Indiana University - Physical Therapy Program, Indianapolis IN
2003 -2013 Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati, Dept of Rehabilitation Sciences,
2002 -2002 Visiting Professor, Indiana University - Physical Therapy Program, Indianapolis IN
2002 -2003 Epidemiologist, • Coordinated physician team, managed and analyzed data for a study with the Bureau of Workers Compensation including the following areas: injury/illness and return to work; asbestos exposure and pulmonary disease., University of Cincinnati - University Environmental Health Foundation, Cincinnati OH
1995 -1995 Adjunct Instructor, • Developed and instructed Neuroanatomy class and lab (4 credits), University of Cincinnati - Physical Therapy Program, Cincinnati OH
1994 -1996 Manager, • Assisted physiatrists and advised therapists in clinical research with an emphasis on neurological outcomes • Developed outpatient orthopedic and work conditioning programs • Supervised 30 member physical therapy staff and program development • Designed and monitored budget • Developed and implemented QA/PI procedures • Evaluated and treated patients, Drake Center Rehabilitation, Cincinnati OH
1993 -2003 Project Coordinator, Doctoral Student, • Coordinated study including data collection involving phone, internet and mail questionnaires and vital statistics • Conducted data management and analysis including SAS programming • Coordinated IRB • Established and maintained collaborative relationships with local health departments and Advisory Board regarding study results, fall prevention, and press releases • Primary contact for participants during subject recruitment and data collection phases, University of Cincinnati - Dept of Environmental Health, Cincinnati OH
1993 -1994 Clinical Specialist for Neurological Research, • Performed clinical research and advised staff therapists in clinical research • Developed outpatient neurology program • 70% neurological outpatient caseload • Taught neuroanatomy and basic science applications for neurological rehabilitation to physical therapy staff , Drake Center Rehabilitation, Cincinnati OH
1991 -2001 Contract Physical Therapist, • Supplemented my graduate education in a variety of areas including rehabilitation facilities, hospitals, nursing homes, home health, outpatient orthopedics, and the school system, Cincinnati OH
1991 -1993 Neuroscience Graduate Student, • Performed neurological clinical research with the UC Department of Neurology Greater Cincinnati Stroke Team including designing research and data collection forms emphasizing functional outcomes and analyzing patient data with respect to the growth of intracerebral hemorrhage and functional outcomes. Investigators included Thomas Brott, M.D. and Joseph Broderick, M.D. • Performed neurological lab and behavioral research investigating mechanisms of spinal cord injury regeneration and methods to evaluate and increase functional recovery in animals including surgeries, functional recovery measurements and lab experiments involving bioassays, cultures, and physiological cell monitoring. Investigators included Douglas Anderson, Ph.D., University of Cincinnati - Dept of Neurology, Cincinnati OH
1989 -1992 Staff Physical Therapist, • Evaluated and treated neurological patients, Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincinnati OH
1987 -1989 Staff Physical Therapist, • Evaluated and treated a variety of patients including orthopedics, renal and pancreas transplants, bone marrow transplants, and trauma/ICU, University of Wisconsin Hospital, Madison WI
2013 -2018 Associate Professor, Tenure, University of Cincinnati College of Allied Health Sciences, Department of Rehabilitation Exercise & Nutrition Sciences,
2018 -To Present Professor, tenure, University of Cincinnati College of Allied Health Sciences, Department of Rehabilitation Exercise & Nutrition Sciences,
2019 -To Present Department Chair, University of Cincinnati College of Allied Health Sciences, Department of Rehabilitation Exercise & Nutrition Sciences,
2017 -To Present Academic Director, VA PT Neurological Residency Program, University of Cincinnati College of Allied Health Sciences, Department of Rehabilitation Exercise & Nutrition Sciences,
Research Support
05-01-2010 -12-30-2012 Bioness Functional Ambulation: Standard Treatment vs. Electrical Stimulation Therapy (FASTEST) Trial in Chronic Post-Stroke Subjects with Foot Drop. Role:Site PI and Co-coordinating PI of multisite trial Active Level:National
05-01-2010 -04-30-2012 FASTEST trial sub-study: potential for navigated TMS to predict functional ambulation recovery. Role:PI Active
04-01-2010 -04-01-2012 Nexstim Assessing functional recovery in persons with chronic stroke using navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Role:PI Active
01-01-2010 -12-31-2011 Drake Foundation Vitamin D deficiency and response to treatment among long term acute care patients. Role:Epidemiologist
04-01-2010 -12-31-2011 Nexstim Assessing functional recovery in persons with chronic stroke using navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Role:PI Active
09-01-2009 -08-30-2012 CDC (ATSDR) Morbidity and mortality in Marysville, Ohio due to Exposure to Asbestos Contamination Role:Epidemiologist Active
Grant: #UC Investigators:Dunning, Kari 07-01-2006 -06-30-2010 American Heart Association - National Chapter CABLE and Gait in Persons with Stroke Role:PI $259,345.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Investigators:Dunning, Kari 07-01-2004 -12-31-2006 Ohio Department of Public Safety An EMS Initiated Fall Prevention Program in Older Adults: A Randomized Control Trial Role:PI $80,000.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Investigators:Dunning, Kari 01-01-2004 -12-31-2004 Hamilton County Public Health Epidemiological Services for Environmental Health, Chronic Diseases and Occupational Health Role:PI $30,644.00 Closed Level:Local Government
Grant: #1 R01 AT004454-01A1 Investigators:Dunning, Kari; Leonard, Anthony; Page, Stephen 09-01-2009 -08-31-2014 National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Mental Practice In Chronic, Stroke-Induced Hemiparesis Role:Collaborator $1,452,827.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #SRS 007006 Investigators:Dunning, Kari 05-01-2010 -04-30-2011 Myomo, Inc. Myomo Study Role:PI $4,986.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #Clinical Trial Agreement Investigators:Dunning, Kari 07-01-2011 -12-31-2012 Bioness, Inc. NESS L300 Efficacy: A Randomized Controlled Trial Role:PI $42,246.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #Sub 60033066 Investigators:Dunning, Kari 09-01-2011 -08-31-2014 National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Mental Practice in Chronic Stroke-Induced Hemiparesis Role:PI $7,732.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #SRS 008381 Investigators:Carl, Daniel; Dunning, Kari; Gerson, Myron; Kissela, Brett 01-01-2013 -12-31-2014 Foundation for Physical Therapy High-Intensity Training In Chronic Stroke Role:PI $40,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #212-2012-M-51462 Investigators:Dunning, Kari; Lockey, James; McKay, Roy 08-06-2012 -08-05-2014 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Spectrum of Flavoring Chemical-Related Lung Disease Role:Collaborator $45,247.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #Clinical Trial Agreement 2014 - 2015 Investigators:Dunning, Kari; Kissela, Brett 01-01-2014 -06-30-2015 Nexstim, Inc. Nexstim NBT System - CHE Trial Role:PI $528,520.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #EFIT Nexstim Investigators:Boyne, Pierce; Dunning, Kari; Kissela, Brett 02-01-2017 -01-31-2018 Nexstim, Inc. Efit Trial - Nexstim NBT System Role:PI $356,523.75 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #17MCPRP33670446 Investigators:Boyne, Pierce; Dunning, Kari; Kissela, Brett 07-01-2017 -06-30-2019 American Heart Association - National Chapter Priming the Brain for Stroke Recovery: Optimizing the Neurotrophic Effects of Aerobic Exercise Role:Collaborator $76,786.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #R01HD093694 Investigators:Awosika, Oluwole; Boyne, Pierce; Carl, Daniel; Dunning, Kari; Gerson, Myron; Kissela, Brett 04-03-2018 -02-28-2023 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development High-Intensity Interval Training to Recover Walking Post-Stroke: HIT-Stroke Trial Role:Collaborator $717,717.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #1R21NR016992-01A1 Investigators:Bakas, Tamilyn; Brehm, Bonnie; Dunning, Kari; Kissela, Brett; McCarthy, Michael; Miller, Elaine; Rota, Matthew 07-20-2018 -06-30-2020 National Institute of Nursing Research Caregiver Self-Management Needs through Skill-Building Role:Collaborator $206,757.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #1R21NR016992-01A1 Investigators:Bakas, Tamilyn; Brehm, Bonnie; Dunning, Kari; Kissela, Brett; McCarthy, Michael; Miller, Elaine; Rota, Matthew 07-20-2018 -06-30-2020 National Institute of Nursing Research Caregiver Self-Management Needs through Skill-Building Role:Collaborator $455,388.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #1R21NR016992-01A1 Investigators:Bakas, Tamilyn; Brehm, Bonnie; Dunning, Kari; Kissela, Brett; McCarthy, Michael; Miller, Elaine; Rota, Matthew 07-20-2018 -06-30-2021 National Institute of Nursing Research Caregiver Self-Management Needs through Skill-Building Role:Collaborator 455388.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #R01NR020184 Investigators:Bakas, Tamilyn; Dunning, Kari; Harnett, Brett; Jones, Holly; Kreitzer, Natalie; Miller, Elaine; Rota, Matthew 04-12-2022 -01-31-2023 National Institute of Nursing Research Telehealth Assessment and Skill-Building Intervention for Stroke Caregivers (TASK III) Role:Collaborator 636524.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Dunning, Kari K; Davis, Kermit G; Cook, Chad; Kotowski, Susan E; Hamrick, Chris; Jewell, Gregory; Lockey, James (2010. ) Costs by industry and diagnosis among musculoskeletal claims in a state workers compensation system: 1999-2004.American journal of industrial medicine, , 53 (3 ) ,276-84 More Information
Brewer, J M; Davis, K G; Dunning, K K; Succop, P A (2009. ) Does ergonomic mismatch at school impact pain in school children?.Work (Reading, Mass.), , 34 (4 ) ,455-64 More Information
Dunning, K K; Davis, K G; Kotowski, S E; Elliott, T; Jewell, G; Lockey, J (2008. ) Can a transitional work grant program in a workers' compensation system reduce cost and facilitate return to work?.Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene, , 5 (9 ) ,547-55 More Information
Rohs AM, Lockey JE, Dunning KK, Shukla R, Fan H, Hilbert T, Borton E, Wiot J, Meyer C, Shipley RT, Lemasters GK, Kapil V (2008. ) Low-level fiber-induced radiographic changes caused by Libby vermiculite: a 25-year follow-up study.American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, , 177 (6 ) ,630-7 More Information
Badke MB, Sherman J; Boyne P, Page S, Dunning K (2011. ) Tongue-based biofeedback for balance in stroke: results of an 8-week pilot study.Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, , 92 (9 ) ,1364-70 More Information
Page, Stephen J; Dunning, Kari; Hermann, Valerie; Leonard, Anthony; Levine, Peter (2011. ) Longer versus shorter mental practice sessions for affected upper extremity movement after stroke: a randomized controlled trial.Clinical rehabilitation, , 25 (7 ) ,627-37 More Information
Dunning, Kari (2010. ) Translating physical therapy interventions from bench to bedside: the value of case studies and published protocols.Journal of neurologic physical therapy : JNPT, , 34 (4 ) ,214-5 More Information
Fulk GD, Ludwig M, Dunning K, Golden S, Boyne P, West T (2010. ) How much change in the stroke impact scale-16 is important to people who have experienced a stroke?.Topics in stroke rehabilitation, , 17 (6 ) ,477-83 More Information
Dunning, Kari; Lemasters, Grace; Bhattacharya, Amit (2010. ) A major public health issue: the high incidence of falls during pregnancy.Maternal and child health journal, , 14 (5 ) ,720-5 More Information
Boyne P, Dunning K, Levine P, Hill-Hermann V, Page SJ (2010. ) Orthotic functional electrical stimulation following botulinum toxin for a young adult with severe hand impairment due to childhood stroke.Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, , 26 (4 ) ,267-74 More Information
Mathew A, Gaslin T, Dunning K, Ying J (2009. ) Central catheter blood sampling: the impact of changing the needleless caps prior to collection.Journal of Infusion Nursing, , 32 (4 ) ,212-8 More Information
Page SJ, Maslyn S, Hill-Hermann V, Wu A, Dunning K, Levine PG (2009. ) Activity-based electrical stimulation training in a stroke patient with minimal movement in the paretic upper extremity.Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, , 23 (6 ) ,595-9 More Information
Dunning, Kari; Black, Kristy; Harrison, Andrea; McBride, Keith; Israel, Susan (2009. ) Neuroprosthesis peroneal functional electrical stimulation in the acute inpatient rehabilitation setting: a case series.Physical therapy, , 89 (5 ) ,499-506 More Information
Dunning, Kari; LeMasters, Grace K (2009. ) Optimum survey methods when interviewing employed women.American journal of industrial medicine, , 52 (2 ) ,105-12 More Information
Dunning K, Levine P, Schmitt L, Israel S, Fulk G (2008. ) An ankle to computer virtual reality system for improving gait and function in a person 9 months poststroke.Topics in stroke rehabilitation, , 15 (6 ) ,602-10 More Information
Barth E, Herrman V, Levine P, Dunning K, Page, SJ (2008. ) Low-dose, EMG-triggered electrical stimulation for balance and gait in chronic stroke.Topics in stroke rehabilitation, , 15 (5 ) ,451-5 More Information
Hill-Hermann V, Strasser A, Albers B, Schofield K, Dunning K, Levine P, Page SJ (2008. ) Task-specific, patient-driven neuroprosthesis training in chronic stroke: results of a 3-week clinical study. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, , 62 (4 ) ,466-72
Dunning, Kari; Berberich, Ashley; Albers, Bethany; Mortellite, Kelly; Levine, Peter G; Hill Hermann, Valerie A; Page, Stephen J (2008. ) A four-week, task-specific neuroprosthesis program for a person with no active wrist or finger movement because of chronic stroke.Physical therapy, , 88 (3 ) ,397-405 More Information
Sirin, Hulya; Weiss, Harold B; Sauber-Schatz, Erin K; Dunning, Kari (2007. ) Seat belt use, counseling and motor-vehicle injury during pregnancy: results from a multi-state population-based survey.Maternal and child health journal, , 11 (5 ) ,505-10 More Information
Genaidy, A M; Lemasters, G K; Lockey, J; Succop, P; Deddens, J; Sobeih, T; Dunning, K (2007. ) An epidemiological appraisal instrument - a tool for evaluation of epidemiological studies.Ergonomics, , 50 (6 ) ,920-60 More Information
LeMasters, Grace K; Genaidy, Ash M; Succop, Paul; Deddens, James; Sobeih, Tarek; Barriera-Viruet, Heriberto; Dunning, Kari; Lockey, James (2006. ) Cancer risk among firefighters: a review and meta-analysis of 32 studies.Journal of occupational and environmental medicine / American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, , 48 (11 ) ,1189-202 More Information
Jorgensen, Michael; Davis, Kermit; Kotowski, Susan; Aedla, Pranathi; Dunning, Kari (2005. ) Characteristics of job rotation in the Midwest US manufacturing sector.Ergonomics, , 48 (15 ) ,1721-33 More Information
Dunning, Kari; LeMasters, Grace; Levin, Linda; Bhattacharya, Amit; Alterman, Toni; Lordo, Kathy (2003. ) Falls in workers during pregnancy: risk factors, job hazards, and high risk occupations.American journal of industrial medicine, , 44 (6 ) ,664-72 More Information
Boyne P, Israel S, Dunning K Speed-dependent body weight supported sit-to-stand training in chronic stroke: A case series .Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, ,
Fulk GD, Ludwig M, Dunning K, Golden S, Boyne P, West T Estimating Clinically Important Change in Gait Speed in People with Stroke Undergoing Out-Patient Rehabilitation .Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, ,
Hill-Hermann V, Dunn L, Dunning K, Page SJ A Pilot Study of Rhythm and Timing Training as a Supplement to Occupational Therapy in Stroke Rehabilitation .Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, ,
Israel S, Kotowski S, Talbott N, Fisher K, Dunning K The effect of peroneal nerve functional electrical stimulation (FES) on lower extremity kinematics and gait in people with stroke: a case series .Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, ,
Alenazi, Aqeel M; Alshehri, Mohammed M; Alothman, Shaima; Rucker, Jason; Dunning, Kari; D'Silva, Linda J; Kluding, Patricia M (2017. ) Functional Reach, Depression Scores, and Number of Medications Are Associated With Number of Falls in People With Chronic Stroke.PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation, , More Information
Bailes, Amy F; Caldwell, Cailee; Clay, Mike; Tremper, Melissa; Dunning, Kari; Long, Jason (2017. ) An exploratory study of gait and functional outcomes after neuroprosthesis use in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy.Disability and rehabilitation, , 39 (22 ) ,2277-2285 More Information
Bailes, Amy F; Caldwell, Cailee; Clay, Mike; Tremper, Melissa; Dunning, Kari; Long, Jason (2017. ) Participation and community-based walking activity after neuroprosthesis use in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy: A pilot study1.Journal of pediatric rehabilitation medicine, , 10 (2 ) ,71-79 More Information
Zorowitz, Richard D; Wein, Theodore H; Dunning, Kari; Deltombe, Thierry; Olver, John H; Davé, Shashank J; Dimyan, Michael A; Kelemen, John; Pagan, Fernando L; Evans, Christopher J; Gillard, Patrick J; Kissela, Brett M (2017. ) A Screening Tool to Identify Spasticity in Need of Treatment.American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation, , 96 (5 ) ,315-320 More Information
Boyne, Pierce; Billinger, Sandra; MacKay-Lyons, Marilyn; Barney, Brian; Khoury, Jane; Dunning, Kari (2017. ) Aerobic Exercise Prescription in Stroke Rehabilitation: A Web-Based Survey of US Physical Therapists.Journal of neurologic physical therapy : JNPT, , 41 (2 ) ,119-128 More Information
Carl, Daniel L; Boyne, Pierce; Rockwell, Bradley; Gerson, Myron; Khoury, Jane; Kissela, Brett; Dunning, Kari (2017. ) Preliminary safety analysis of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in persons with chronic stroke.Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism = Physiologie appliquee, nutrition et metabolisme, , 42 (3 ) ,311-318 More Information
Boyne, Pierce; Welge, Jeffrey; Kissela, Brett; Dunning, Kari (2017. ) Factors Influencing the Efficacy of Aerobic Exercise for Improving Fitness and Walking Capacity After Stroke: A Meta-Analysis With Meta-Regression.Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, , 98 (3 ) ,581-595 More Information
Cramer, Steven C; Wolf, Steven L; Adams, Harold P; Chen, Daofen; Dromerick, Alexander W; Dunning, Kari; Ellerbe, Caitlyn; Grande, Andrew; Janis, Scott; Lansberg, Maarten G; Lazar, Ronald M; Palesch, Yuko Y; Richards, Lorie; Roth, Elliot; Savitz, Sean I; Wechsler, Lawrence R; Wintermark, Max; Broderick, Joseph P (2017. ) Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Research: Issues, Opportunities, and the National Institutes of Health StrokeNet.Stroke, , 48 (3 ) ,813-819 More Information
Boyne, Pierce; Reisman, Darcy; Brian, Michael; Barney, Brian; Franke, Ava; Carl, Daniel; Khoury, Jane; Dunning, Kari (2017. ) Ventilatory threshold may be a more specific measure of aerobic capacity than peak oxygen consumption rate in persons with stroke.Topics in stroke rehabilitation, , 24 (2 ) ,149-157 More Information
Lockey, James E; Dunning, Kari; Hilbert, Timothy J; Borton, Eric; Levin, Linda; Rice, Carol H; McKay, Roy T; Shipley, Ralph; Meyer, Cristopher A; Perme, Charles; LeMasters, Grace K (2017. ) Comment on "pleural plaques and lung function in the Marysville worker cohort: a re-analysis" by Zu et al. (2016).Inhalation toxicology, , 29 (2 ) ,43-45 More Information
Fulk, George D; He, Ying; Boyne, Pierce; Dunning, Kari (2017. ) Predicting Home and Community Walking Activity Poststroke.Stroke, , 48 (2 ) ,406-411 More Information
Peters, Heather T; Dunning, Kari; Belagaje, Samir; Kissela, Brett M; Ying, Jun; Laine, Jarmo; Page, Stephen J (2017. ) Navigated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Biologically Based Assay of Lower Extremity Impairment and Gait Velocity.Neural plasticity, , 2017 ,6971206 More Information
Boyne, Pierce; Dunning, Kari; Carl, Daniel; Gerson, Myron; Khoury, Jane; Rockwell, Bradley; Keeton, Gabriela; Westover, Jennifer; Williams, Alesha; McCarthy, Michael; Kissela, Brett (2016. ) High-Intensity Interval Training and Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training in Ambulatory Chronic Stroke: Feasibility Study.Physical therapy, , 96 (10 ) ,1533-1544 More Information
Boyne, Pierce; Buhr, Sarah; Rockwell, Bradley; Khoury, Jane; Carl, Daniel; Gerson, Myron; Kissela, Brett; Dunning, Kari (2015. ) Predicting Heart Rate at the Ventilatory Threshold for Aerobic Exercise Prescription in Persons With Chronic Stroke.Journal of neurologic physical therapy : JNPT, , 39 (4 ) ,233-40 More Information
Dunning, Kari; O'Dell, Michael W; Kluding, Patricia; McBride, Keith (2015. ) Peroneal Stimulation for Foot Drop After Stroke: A Systematic Review.American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation, , 94 (8 ) ,649-64 More Information
Lockey, James E; Dunning, Kari; Hilbert, Timothy J; Borton, Eric; Levin, Linda; Rice, Carol H; McKay, Roy T; Shipley, Ralph; Meyer, Cristopher A; Perme, Charles; LeMasters, Grace K (2015. ) Response to Comment on "HRCT/CT and Associated Spirometric Effects of Low Libby Amphibole Asbestos Exposure" by Lockey et al (2015).Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, , 57 (7 ) ,e80-2 More Information
Boyne, Pierce; Dunning, Kari; Carl, Daniel; Gerson, Myron; Khoury, Jane; Kissela, Brett (2015. ) Within-session responses to high-intensity interval training in chronic stroke.Medicine and science in sports and exercise, , 47 (3 ) ,476-84 More Information
Billinger, Sandra A; Boyne, Pierce; Coughenour, Eileen; Dunning, Kari; Mattlage, Anna (2015. ) Does aerobic exercise and the FITT principle fit into stroke recovery?.Current neurology and neuroscience reports, , 15 (2 ) ,519 More Information
Lockey, James E; Dunning, Kari; Hilbert, Timothy J; Borton, Eric; Levin, Linda; Rice, Carol H; McKay, Roy T; Shipley, Ralph; Meyer, Cristopher A; Perme, Charles; LeMasters, Grace K (2015. ) HRCT/CT and associated spirometric effects of low Libby amphibole asbestos exposure.Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, , 57 (1 ) ,6-13 More Information
Davis, K; Dunning, K; Jewell, G; Lockey, J (2014. ) Cost and disability trends of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in Ohio.Occupational medicine (Oxford, England), , 64 (8 ) ,608-15 More Information
O'Dell, Michael W; Dunning, Kari; Kluding, Patricia; Wu, Samuel S; Feld, Jody; Ginosian, Jivan; McBride, Keith (2014. ) Response and prediction of improvement in gait speed from functional electrical stimulation in persons with poststroke drop foot.PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation, , 6 (7 ) ,587-601; quiz 601 More Information
Dunning, Kylie R; Anastasi, Marie R; Zhang, Voueleng J; Russell, Darryl L; Robker, Rebecca L (2014. ) Regulation of fatty acid oxidation in mouse cumulus-oocyte complexes during maturation and modulation by PPAR agonists.PloS one, , 9 (2 ) ,e87327 More Information
Belagaje, S R; Lindsell, C; Moomaw, C J; Alwell, K; Flaherty, M L; Woo, D; Dunning, K; Khatri, P; Adeoye, O; Kleindorfer, D; Broderick, J; Kissela, B (2014. ) The adverse effect of spasticity on 3-month poststroke outcome using a population-based model.Stroke research and treatment, , 2014 ,696089 More Information
Hilbert, Timothy J; Franzblau, Alfred; Dunning, Kari K; Borton, Eric K; Rohs, Amy M; Lockey, James E (2013. ) Asbestos-related radiographic findings among household contacts of workers exposed to Libby vermiculite: impact of workers' personal hygiene practices.Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, , 55 (11 ) ,1300-4 More Information
Boyne, Pierce; Dunning, Kari; Carl, Daniel; Gerson, Myron; Khoury, Jane; Kissela, Brett High-intensity interval training in stroke rehabilitation.Topics in stroke rehabilitation, , 20 (4 ) ,317-30 More Information
Kluding, Patricia M; Dunning, Kari; O'Dell, Michael W; Wu, Samuel S; Ginosian, Jivan; Feld, Jody; McBride, Keith (2013. ) Foot drop stimulation versus ankle foot orthosis after stroke: 30-week outcomes.Stroke, , 44 (6 ) ,1660-9 More Information
Dunning, Kari K; Adjei, Stephen; Levin, Linda; Rohs, Amy M; Hilbert, Tim; Borton, Eric; Kapil, Vikas; Rice, Carol; Lemasters, Grace K; Lockey, James E (2012. ) Mesothelioma associated with commercial use of vermiculite containing Libby amphibole.Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, , 54 (11 ) ,1359-63 More Information
Borton, Eric K; Lemasters, Grace K; Hilbert, Timothy J; Lockey, James E; Dunning, Kari K; Rice, Carol H (2012. ) Exposure estimates for workers in a facility expanding Libby vermiculite: updated values and comparison with original 1980 values.Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, , 54 (11 ) ,1350-8 More Information
Long, Mary Arnold; Reed, Lu Ann; Dunning, Kari; Ying, Jun Incontinence-associated dermatitis in a long-term acute care facility.Journal of wound, ostomy, and continence nursing : official publication of The Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society, , 39 (3 ) ,318-27 More Information
Page, Stephen J; Levin, Linda; Hermann, Valerie; Dunning, Kari; Levine, Peter (2012. ) Longer versus shorter daily durations of electrical stimulation during task-specific practice in moderately impaired stroke.Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, , 93 (2 ) ,200-6 More Information
Boyne, Pierce; Israel, Susan; Dunning, Kari (2011. ) Speed-dependent body weight supported sit-to-stand training in chronic stroke: a case series.Journal of neurologic physical therapy : JNPT, , 35 (4 ) ,178-84 More Information
Israel, Susan; Kotowski, Susan; Talbott, Nancy; Fisher, Keri; Dunning, Kari The therapeutic effect of outpatient use of a peroneal nerve functional electrical stimulation neuroprosthesis in people with stroke: a case series.Topics in stroke rehabilitation, , 18 (6 ) ,738-45 More Information
Hill, Valerie; Dunn, Leah; Dunning, Kari; Page, Stephen J A pilot study of rhythm and timing training as a supplement to occupational therapy in stroke rehabilitation.Topics in stroke rehabilitation, , 18 (6 ) ,728-37 More Information
Fulk, George D; Ludwig, Miriam; Dunning, Kari; Golden, Sue; Boyne, Pierce; West, Trent (2011. ) Estimating clinically important change in gait speed in people with stroke undergoing outpatient rehabilitation.Journal of neurologic physical therapy : JNPT, , 35 (2 ) ,82-9 More Information
Dunning K.;Hermann V.;Levine P. (08-01-2008. ) Author response.Physical Therapy, , 88 (8 ) ,970-972 More Information
Dunning K.;Black K.;Harrison A.;McBride K.;Israel S. (05-01-2009. ) Neuroprosthesis peroneal functional electrical stimulation in the acute inpatient rehabilitation set.Physical Therapy, , 89 (5 ) ,499-506 More Information
Long M.;Reed L.;Dunning K.;Ying J. (09-01-2012. ) Erratum: Incontin ence-associated dermatitis in a long-term acute care facility (Journal of Wound, O.Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing, , 39 (5 ) ,469 More Information
Dunning K.;O'Dell M.;Kluding P.;Samuel S.;Feld J.;Ginosian J.;McBride K. (01-01-2012. ) The functional ambulation: Standard treatment versus electrical stimulation therapy (FASTEST) trial .Open Access Journal of Clinical Trials, , 5 (1 ) ,39-49 More Information
Dunning K. (09-01-2013. ) Reviews of neurorehabilitation textbooks.Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, , 37 (3 ) ,140-141 More Information
Billinger S.;Boyne P.;Coughenour E.;Dunning K.;Mattlage A. (01-01-2014. ) Does Aerobic Exercise and the FITT Principle Fit into Stroke Recovery?.Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports, , 15 (2 ) ,1-8 More Information
Belagaje S.;Lindsell C.;Moomaw C.;Alwell K.;Flaherty M.;Woo D.;Dunning K.;Khatri P.;Adeoye O.;Kleindorfer D.;Broderick J.;Kissela B. (01-01-2014. ) The Adverse Effect of Spasticity on 3-Month Poststroke Outcome Using a Population-Based Model.Stroke Research and Treatment, , 2014 , More Information
Dunning K Risk factors associated with falls during pregnancy. Doctoral dissertation, Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics of the Department of Environmental Health of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine., ,
Bailes A.;Caldwell C.;Clay M.;Tremper M.;Dunning K.;Long J. (10-23-2017. ) An exploratory study of gait and functional outcomes after neuroprosthesis use in children with hemi.Disability and Rehabilitation, , 39 (22 ) ,2277-2285 More Information
Harvey RL, Edwards D, Dunning K, Fregni F, Stein J, Laine J, Rogers L, Fox F, Sanchez AD, Bockbrader M, Goldstein LB, Francisco GE A Randomized Sham-Controlled Trial of Navigated rTMS for Motor Recovery in Stroke: The NICHE Trial. Stroke (In Press) .
Alenazi A.;Alshehri M.;Alothman S.;Rucker J.;Dunning K.;D'Silva L.;Kluding P. (08-01-2018. ) Functional Reach, Depression Scores, and Number of Medications Are Associated With Number of Falls i.PM and R, , 10 (8 ) ,806-816 More Information
Alenazi AM, Alshehri MM, Alothman S, Rucker J, Dunning K, D'Silva L, Kluding PM (2017. ) Functional Reach, Depression Scores, and Number of Medications Are Associated With Number of Falls in People With Chronic Stroke. PM R. More Information
Cramer S, Wolf S, Adams H, Chen D, Dromerick A, Dunning K, Ellerbe C, Grande A, Janis L, Lansberg M, Lazar R, Palesch Y, Richards L, Roth E, Savitz S, Wechsler L, Wintermark M, Broderick J. (2017. ) Stroke Recovery & Rehabilitation Research: Issues, Opportunities, and the NIH StrokeNet Stroke. More Information
Bailes AF, Caldwell C, Clay M, Tremper M, Dunning K, Long J. (2017. ) Participation and community-based walking activity after neuroprosthesis use in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy: A pilot study. J Pediatr Rehabil Med.
Peters HT, Dunning K, Belagaje S, Kissela BM, Ying J, Laine J, Page SJ. (2017. ) Navigated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Biologically Based Assay of Lower Extremity Impairment and Gait Velocity. Neural Plast .
Carl D, Boyne P, Rockwell B, Gerson M, Khoury J, Kissela B, Dunning K (2017. ) Preliminary safety analysis of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) in persons with chronic stroke. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism.
Fulk GD, He Y, Boyne P, Dunning K. (2017. ) Predicting Home and Community Walking Activity Post Stroke. Stroke.
Boyne P, Billinger S, MacKay-Lyons M, Barney B, Khoury J, Dunning K. (2017. ) Aerobic Exercise Prescription in Stroke Rehabilitation: A Web-Based Survey of United States Physical Therapists. J Neurol Phys Ther .
Bailes AF, Caldwell C, Clay M, Tremper M, Dunning K, Long J (2017. ) An exploratory study of gait and functional outcomes after neuroprosthesis use in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Disabil Rehabil.
Boyne P, Dunning K, Welge J, Kissela B. (2016. ) Factors Influencing the Efficacy of Aerobic Exercise for Improving Fitness and Walking Capacity After Stroke: A Meta-Analysis with Meta-Regression. Arch Phys Med Rehab. More Information
Boyne P, Dunning K, Carl D, Gerson M, Khoury J, Rockwell B, Keeton G, Westover J, Williams A, McCarthy M, Kissela B. (2016. ) High-Intensity Interval Training and Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training in Ambulatory Chronic Stroke: Feasibility Study. Phys Ther. More Information
Boyne P, Reisman D, Brian M, Barney B, Franke A, Carl D, Khoury J, Dunning K. (2016. ) Ventilatory threshold may be a more specific measure of aerobic capacity than peak oxygen consumption rate in persons with stroke. Top Stroke Rehabil.
Zorowitz R, Wein T, Dunning K, Deltombe T, Olver J, Davé S, Dimyan M, Kelemen J, Pagan F, Evans C, Gillard P, Kissela B. (2016. ) A Screening Tool to Identify Spasticity in Need of Treatment. Am J Phys Med Rehabil.
Dunning K, O’Dell M. (2015. ) Functional Electrical Stimulation to Enhance Gait Post Stroke. Curr Phys Med Rehabil Report .
Dunning K, O’Dell M, Kluding P, McBride K. (2015. ) Peroneal Stimulation for Foot Drop After Stroke: A Systematic Review. Am J Phys Med Rehabil.
Boyne P, Buhr S, Rockwell B, Khoury J, Carl D, Gerson M, Kissela B, Dunning K. (2015. ) Predicting Heart Rate at the Ventilatory Threshold for Aerobic Exercise Prescription in Chronic Stroke. J Neurol Phys Ther .
Billinger SA, Boyne P, Coughenour E, Dunning K, Mattlage A. (2015. ) Does Aerobic Exercise and the FITT Principle Fit into Stroke Recovery? Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. More Information
Lockey J, Dunning K, Hilbert TJ, Borton E, Levin L, Rice C, McKay R, Shipley R, Meyer C, Perme C, LeMasters G. (2015. ) HRCT/CT and Associated Spirometric Effects of Low Libby Amphibole Asbestos Exposure. J Occup Environ Med .
Davis K, Dunning K, Jewell G, Lockey J. (2014. ) Cost and disability trends of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in Ohio. Occup Med (Lond).
Boyne P, Dunning K, Carl D, Gerson M, Khoury J, Kissela B. (2014. ) Within-Session Responses to High-Intensity Interval Training in Chronic Stroke. Med Sci Sports Exerc .
Belagaje SR, Lindsell C, Moomaw CJ, Alwell K, Flaherty ML, Woo D, Dunning K, Khatri P, Adeoye O, Kleindorfer D, Broderick J, Kissela B. (2014. ) The adverse effect of spasticity on 3-month poststroke outcome using a population-based model. Stroke Res Treat. More Information
O’Dell M, Dunning K, Kluding P, Wu S, Feld J, Ginosian J, McBride K. (2014. ) Response and Prediction of Improvement in Gait Speed from Functional Electrical Stimulation in Post-Stroke Drop Foot. Phys Med Rehabil. More Information
Hilbert TJ, Franzblau A, Dunning K, Borton EK, Rohs AM, Lockey JE. (2013. ) Asbestos-Related Radiographic Findings Among Household Contacts of Workers Exposed to Libby Vermiculite: Impact of Workers' Personal Hygiene Practices. Occup Environ Med.
Boyne P, Dunning K, Carl D, Gerson M, Khoury J, Kissela B (2013. ) High intensity interval training in stroke. Topics Stroke Rehabil .
Kluding P, Dunning K, O’Dell M, Wu S, Ginosian J, Feld J, McBride K. (2013. ) Foot drop stimulation vs ankle foot orthosis following stroke: 30 week outcomes.
Dunning K, O'Dell M, Kluding P, Wu SS, Feld J, Ginosian J, McBride K. (2013. ) The Functional Ambulation: Standard Treatment vs. Electrical Stimulation Therapy (FASTEST) Trial for Stroke: Study Design and Protocol. Open Access Journal of Clinical Trials .
Long MA, Reed LA, Dunning K, Ying J. (2012. ) Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis in a Long-term Acute Care Facility. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs .
Dunning K, Adjei S, Levin L, Rohs A, Hilbert T, Borton E, Kapil V, Rice C, Lemasters GK, Lockey JL (2012. ) Mesothelioma associated with commercial use of vermiculite containing Libby amphibole. J Occup Environ Med .
Hill V, Dunn L, Dunning K, Page SJ (2011. ) A pilot study of rhythm and timing training as a supplement to occupational therapy in stroke rehabilitation. Top Stroke Rehabil .
Borton E, LeMasters GK, Hilbert TJ, Lockey JL, Dunning K, Rice CH. (2012. ) Exposure estimates for workers in a facility expanding Libby vermiculite: Updated values and comparison to original 1980 values. J Occup Environ Med .
Boyne P, Israel S, Dunning K. (2011. ) Speed-dependent body weight supported sit-to-stand training in chronic stroke: a case series. J Neurol Phys Ther .
Israel S, Kotowski S, Talbott N, Fisher K, Dunning K. (2011. ) The therapeutic effect of outpatient use of a peroneal nerve functional electrical stimulation neuroprosthesis in people with stroke: a case series. Top Stroke Rehabil .
Fulk GD, Ludwig M, Dunning K, Golden S, Boyne P, West T. (2011. ) Estimating Clinically Important Change in Gait Speed in People with Stroke Undergoing Out-Patient Rehabilitation. J Neurol Phys Ther .
Badke MB, Sherman J, Boyne P, Page S, Dunning K. (2011. ) Tongue-Based Biofeedback for Balance in Stroke: Results of an 8-week Pilot Study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil .
Page SJ, Dunning K, Hermann V, Leonard A, Levine P (2011. ) Longer versus shorter mental practice sessions for affected upper extremity movement after stroke: a randomized controlled trial. Clin Rehabil .
Fulk G, Ludwig M, Dunning K, Golden S, Boyne P, West T. (2010. ) How Much Change in the Stroke Impact Scale 16 is Important to People Who Have Experienced a Stroke? Topics in Stroke Rehabil .
Dunning K. (2010. ) Translating physical therapy interventions from bench to bedside: the value of case studies and published protocols. J Neurol Phys Ther .
Boyne P, Dunning K, Levine P, Hill Hermann V, Page S. (2010. ) Orthotic functional electrical stimulation following botulinum toxin for a young adult with severe hand impairment due to childhood stroke. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice .
Dunning K, Davis KG, Cook C, Kotowski SE, Hamrick C, Jewell G, Lockey J. (2010. ) Costs by industry and diagnosis among musculoskeletal claims in a state workers compensation system: .
Dunning K, Lemasters G, Bhattacharya A. (2010. ) A Major Public Health Issue: The High Incidence of Falls During Pregnancy. Matern Child Health J .
Brewer JM, Davis KG, Dunning K, Succop PA. (2009. ) Does ergonomic mismatch at school impact pain in school children? Work .
Mathew A, Gaslin T, Dunning K, Ying J. (2009. ) Central Line Blood Sampling: The Impact of Changing the Needleless Caps Prior to Collection. J Infusion Nursing .
Page SJ, Maslyn S, Hermann V, Wu A, Dunning K, Levine P. (2009. ) Activity Based, Electrical Stimulation Training in a Stroke Patient with Minimal Movement in the Paretic Upper Extremity. Neurorehabil Neural Rep .
Dunning K, Black K, Harrison A, McBride K, Israel S (2009. ) Neuroprosthesis peroneal functional electrical stimulation in the acute inpatient rehabilitation setting: a case series. Phys Ther .
Dunning K, Levine P, Schmitt L, Israel S Fulk G. (2008. ) An Ankle to Computer Virtual Reality System for Improving Gait and Function in a Person 9 Months Poststroke. Top Stroke Rehabil .
Dunning K, LeMasters G. (2008. ) Optimum survey methods when interviewing employed women. Am J Ind Med .
Barth E, Herrman V, Levine P, Dunning K, Page SJ (2008. ) Low-Dose, EMG-Triggered Electrical Stimulation for Balance and Gait in Chronic Stroke. Top Stroke Rehabil .
Dunning K, Davis KG, Kotowski SE, Elliott T, Jewell G, Lockey J. (2008. ) Can a transitional work grant program in a workers compensation system reduce cost and facilitate return to work? J Occup Environ Hyg .
Hill-Herman V, Strasser A, Albers B, Schofield K, Dunning K, Levine P, Page SJ. (2008. ) Task Specific, Patient-Driven Neuroprosthesis Training in Chronic Stroke: Results of a Three-Week, Clinical Study. Am J Occup Ther .
Dunning K, Strasser A, Albers B, Schofield K, Levine P, Hill Herrmann V, Page S. (2008. ) A Four-Week, Task-Specific Neuroprosthesis Program for a Person with minimal Active Wrist or Finger Movement due to Chronic Stroke. Phys Ther .
Rohs A, Lockey J, Dunning K, Shukla R, Fan H, Hilbert T, Borton E, Wiot J, Meyer C, Shipley R, LeMasters G, Kapil V (2008. ) Low level fiber induced radiographic changes caused by Libby Vermiculite: A 25 year follow-up study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med .
Sirin H, Weiss HB, Sauber E, Dunning K. (2007. ) Seat belt use, counseling and motor-vehicle injury during pregnancy: Results from a multi-state population-based survey. Matern Child Hlth J .
. Genaidy AM, Lemasters GK, Lockey J, Succop P, Deddens J, Sobeih T, Dunning K. (2007. ) An epidemiological appraisal instrument - a tool for evaluation of epidemiological studies. Ergonomics .
Lockey JE, Dunning K, Freeman A, Jewell G, Shukla R, Shipley RT, Meyer CA, Luo J. (2007. ) Comparison of Chest Radiograph B-Readings for Pulmonary Asbestosis in the Worker Compensation Setting. J Workers Comp .
LeMasters G, Genaidy AM, Succop P, Deddens J, Sobeih T, Barriera-Viruet H, Dunning K, Lockey J. (2006. ) Cancer Risk Among Firefighters: A Review and Meta-analysis of 32 Studies. JOEM .
Jewell G, Dunning K, Lockey J. (2006. ) Alleged B. anthracis Exposure Claims in a Workers' Compensation Setting. Public Health Reports .
Jorgensen MJ, Davis KG, Kotowski S, Aedla P, Dunning K. (2005. ) Characteristics of Job Rotation in the Midwest U.S. Manufacturing Sector. Ergonomics .
Lockey A, Dunning K, Jewell G, Shipley R, Meyer C, Lockey J. (2005. ) A cost analysis of high resolution CT scanning in the management of asbestosis claims. J Workers Comp .
Jewell G, Dunning K. (2005. ) Employing older workers and controlling workers’ compensation costs. J Workers Comp .
Dunning K, LeMasters G, Levin L, Bhattacharya A, Alterman T, Lordo K. (2002. ) Falls in workers during pregnancy: risk factors, job hazards, and high risk occupations. Am J Ind Med .
Dunning K. Risk factors associated with falls during pregnancy. Doctoral dissertation, Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics of the Department of Environmental Health of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.
Edwards, Dylan J; Liu, Charles Y; Dunning, Kari; Fregni, Felipe; Laine, Jarmo; Leiby, Benjamin E; Rogers, Lynn M; Harvey, Richard L (2023. ) Electric Field Navigated 1-Hz rTMS for Poststroke Motor Recovery: The E-FIT Randomized Controlled Trial.Stroke, , 54 (9 ) ,2254-2264 More Information
Boyne, Pierce; Billinger, Sandra A; Reisman, Darcy S; Awosika, Oluwole O; Buckley, Sofia; Burson, Jamiah; Carl, Daniel; DeLange, Matthew; Doren, Sarah; Earnest, Melinda; Gerson, Myron; Henry, Madison; Horning, Alli; Khoury, Jane C; Kissela, Brett M; Laughlin, Abigail; McCartney, Kiersten; McQuaid, Thomas; Miller, Allison; Moores, Alexandra; Palmer, Jacqueline A; Sucharew, Heidi; Thompson, Elizabeth D; Wagner, Erin; Ward, Jaimie; Wasik, Emily Patton; Whitaker, Alicen A; Wright, Henry; Dunning, Kari (2023. ) Optimal Intensity and Duration of Walking Rehabilitation in Patients With Chronic Stroke: A Randomized Clinical Trial.JAMA neurology, , 80 (4 ) ,342-351 More Information
Carl, Daniel L; Whitesel, Dustyn; Meyrose, Colleen; Westover, Jennifer; Khoury, Jane; Gerson, Myron; Kissela, Brett; Dunning, Kari; Boyne, Pierce (2022. ) A 3-minute recumbent stepper test in chronic stroke.PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation, , More Information
Awosika, Oluwole O; Chan, Dorothy; Rizik, Bridget A; Sucharew, Heidi J; Boyne, Pierce; Bhattacharya, Amit; Dunning, Kari; Kissela, Brett M (2022. ) Serial Backward Locomotor Treadmill Training Improves Bidirectional Walking Performance in Chronic Stroke.Frontiers in neurology, , 13 ,800757 More Information
Boyne, Pierce; Doren, Sarah; Scholl, Victoria; Staggs, Emily; Whitesel, Dustyn; Carl, Daniel; Shatz, Rhonna; Sawyer, Russell; Awosika, Oluwole O; Reisman, Darcy S; Billinger, Sandra A; Kissela, Brett; Vannest, Jennifer; Dunning, Kari (2022. ) Preliminary Outcomes of Combined Treadmill and Overground High-Intensity Interval Training in Ambulatory Chronic Stroke.Frontiers in neurology, , 13 ,812875 More Information
Awosika, Oluwole O; Chan, Dorothy; Sucharew, Heidi J; Boyne, Pierce; Bhattacharya, Amit; Dunning, Kari; Kissela, Brett M (2022. ) Backward Locomotor Treadmill Training Differentially Improves Walking Performance across Stroke Walking Impairment Levels.Brain sciences, , 12 (2 ) , More Information
Miller, Allison; Reisman, Darcy S; Billinger, Sandra A; Dunning, Kari; Doren, Sarah; Ward, Jaimie; Wright, Henry; Wagner, Erin; Carl, Daniel; Gerson, Myron; Awosika, Oluwole; Khoury, Jane; Kissela, Brett; Boyne, Pierce (2021. ) Moderate-intensity exercise versus high-intensity interval training to recover walking post-stroke: protocol for a randomized controlled trial.Trials, , 22 (1 ) ,457 More Information
Bakas, Tamilyn; McCarthy, Michael J; Israel, Jahmeel; Brehm, Bonnie J; Dunning, Kari; Rota, Matthew; Turner, Mickenna; Miller, Elaine L (2021. ) Adapting the telephone assessment and skill-building kit to the telehealth technology preferences of stroke family caregivers.Research in nursing & health, , 44 (1 ) ,81-91 More Information
Boyne, Pierce; Doren, Sarah; Scholl, Victoria; Staggs, Emily; Whitesel, Dustyn; Maloney, Thomas; Awosika, Oluwole; Kissela, Brett; Dunning, Kari; Vannest, Jennifer (2021. ) Functional magnetic resonance brain imaging of imagined walking to study locomotor function after stroke.Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, , 132 (1 ) ,167-177 More Information
Boyne, Pierce; Scholl, Victoria; Doren, Sarah; Carl, Daniel; Billinger, Sandra A; Reisman, Darcy S; Gerson, Myron; Kissela, Brett; Vannest, Jennifer; Dunning, Kari (2020. ) Locomotor training intensity after stroke: Effects of interval type and mode.Topics in stroke rehabilitation, , 27 (7 ) ,483-493 More Information
Awosika, Oluwole O; Matthews, Saira; Staggs, Emily J; Boyne, Pierce; Song, Xiao; Rizik, Bridget A; Sucharew, Heidi J; Zhang, Christina; Mungcal, Gabrielle; Moudgal, Rohitha; Bhattacharya, Amit; Dunning, Kari; Woo, Daniel; Kissela, Brett M (2020. ) Backward locomotor treadmill training combined with transcutaneous spinal direct current stimulation in stroke: a randomized pilot feasibility and safety study.Brain communications, , 2 (1 ) ,fcaa045 More Information
Boyne, Pierce; Meyrose, Colleen; Westover, Jennifer; Whitesel, Dustyn; Hatter, Kristal; Reisman, Darcy S; Carl, Daniel; Khoury, Jane C; Gerson, Myron; Kissela, Brett; Dunning, Kari (2020. ) Effects of Exercise Intensity on Acute Circulating Molecular Responses Poststroke.Neurorehabilitation and neural repair, , 34 (3 ) ,222-234 More Information
Wickstrom, Richard J; Wang, Ying-Chih; Wickstrom, Nell E; Smith, Rose L; Dunning, Kari K (2019. ) A new two square agility test for workplace health-reliability, validity and minimal detectable change.Journal of physical therapy science, , 31 (10 ) ,823-830 More Information
Lockey, James E; Hilbert, Timothy J; LeMasters, Grace; Dunning, Kari K; McKay, Roy T; Levin, Linda S; Rice, Carol H (2019. ) Respiratory follow-up pre- and post-engineering controls or cessation of added diacetyl at four microwave popcorn facilities.ERJ open research, , 5 (3 ) , More Information
Boyne, Pierce; Meyrose, Colleen; Westover, Jennifer; Whitesel, Dustyn; Hatter, Kristal; Reisman, Darcy S; Cunningham, David; Carl, Daniel; Jansen, Connor; Khoury, Jane C; Gerson, Myron; Kissela, Brett; Dunning, Kari (2019. ) Exercise intensity affects acute neurotrophic and neurophysiological responses poststroke.Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), , 126 (2 ) ,431-443 More Information
Harvey, Richard L; Edwards, Dylan; Dunning, Kari; Fregni, Felipe; Stein, Joel; Laine, Jarmo; Rogers, Lynn M; Vox, Ford; Durand-Sanchez, Ana; Bockbrader, Marcia; Goldstein, Larry B; Francisco, Gerard E; Kinney, Carolyn L; Liu, Charles Y (2018. ) Randomized Sham-Controlled Trial of Navigated Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Motor Recovery in Stroke.Stroke, , 49 (9 ) ,2138-2146 More Information
Jewell, Gregory; Dunning, Kari; Lockey, James E (2006. ) Alleged B. anthracis exposure claims in a workers' compensation setting.Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974), , 121 (3 ) ,255-61 More Information
Awosika, Oluwole O; Garver, Amanda; Drury, Colin; Sucharew, Heidi J; Boyne, Pierce; Schwab, Sarah M; Wasik, Emily; Earnest, Melinda; Dunning, Kari; Bhattacharya, Amit; Khatri, Pooja; Kissela, Brett M (2023. ) Insufficiencies in sensory systems reweighting is associated with walking impairment severity in chronic stroke: an observational cohort study.Frontiers in neurology, , 14 ,1244657 More Information
Invited Presentations
(12-2010. ) Electrical stimulation for the neurologic patient: an evidence based workshop to improve functional outcomes .Virginia.
(08-2010. ) Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and stroke recovery .Greater Cincinnati and Northern KY Stroke Team,
(08-2010. ) Stroke Recovery .UC Department of Neurology Grand Rounds,
(02-2010. ) Functional electrical stimulation for persons with neurologic gait dysfunction: theories to practice .APTA Combined Sections Meeting, San Diego, CA.
(11-2009. ) Electrical Stimulation for the Neurologic Patient: An Evidence Based Workshop to Improve Functional Outcomes .Framingham, MA.
(10-2009. ) Evidence Based Practice for Rehabilitation Professionals .Fairfax, VA.
(08-2009. ) Electrical Stimulation fo rthe Neurologic Patient: An Evidence Based Workshop to Improve Functional Outcomes .Drake Center, Cincinnati, OH.
(05-2009. ) Fall prevention after stroke. Life After Stroke. Drake Center, Cincinnati, OH.
(04-2009. ) Electrical Stimulation for the Neurologic Patient: An Evidence Based Workshop to Improve Functional Outcomes .Fairfax, VA.
(03-2009. ) Electrical Stimulation for the Neurologic Patient: An Evidence Based Workshop to Improve Functional Outcomes .Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincinnati, OH.
(02-2009. ) Neuroplasticity and late recovery after stroke: what do we know? .International Stroke Conference - Nursing Symposium, San Diego, CA.
(01-2009. ) Electrical Stimulation for the Neurologic Patient: An Evidence Based Workshop to Improve Functional Outcomes .John Heinz Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, PA.
(01-2009. ) Functional Electrical Stimulation for Gait during Acute-Stroke Recovery: The Inpatient Rehab Setting .Grand Rounds for UC Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
Kari Dunning (2008). Lower extremity rehabilitation after stroke: new technologies . Northern KY Stroke Support Group,
Kari Dunning (2007). Exercising Your Independence... Preventing Falls . TriHealth Senior Link,
Kari Dunning (2007). Walking After Stroke . Health Alliance Stroke Support Group,
Kari Dunning (2007). Stroke Rehabilitation Research .Christ Hospital Therapy Dept.
Kari Dunning (2007). Stroke Rehabilitation Research .St. Elizabeth Therapy Department.
Kari Dunning (2007). Stroke Rehabilitation Research .UC Hospital Therapy Department.
Kari Dunning (2007). Stroke Rehabilitation Research .Gateway (KY) Rehabilitation.
Honors and Awards
2008 Grant Writers Workshop Award University of Cincinnati
2008 ERRIS Grant Writing Workshop Scholarship NIH (NCMR) Funded Training Program
2007 ERRIS NIH Grant Writing Workshop Awardee NIH
2006 New Scientist Development Award American Heart Association
2005 Excellence in Research Award UC College of Allied Health Sciences
2004 Forty Under 40 to Watch Recognition College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati
2003 Faculty Development Award Grant Writers Workshop University of Cincinnati
1997 -2007 Board Certified Neurological Clinical Specialist (NCS)
2010 Distinguished Physical Therapy Researcher College of Mount St Joseph
2011 Health Care Hero Cincinnati Business Courier Status:Nomination
2011 Outstanding abstract and presentation award for North America and Caribbean region Dunning K, Israel S, Levine P, Laine J, Karhu J, Fulk G, Page S, Kisslea B. Can corticospinal tract integrity be determined by lower extremity Fugl Meyer score: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study. 16th International World Physical Therapy Congress
2011 Excellence in Research UC College of Allied Health Sciences
Brain Injury Review Board/Panel Type:Editorial Service 2008 -To Present
Hamilton County Falls Task Force President-Elect Type:Community Service 2008 -To Present
American Congress Rehabilitation Medicine / American Society Neuro-Rehabilitation Conference Review Board/Panel Type:Service to Professional Associations 2008
American Heart Association Grant Review Board/Panel Type:Service to Professional Associations 2008
Journal of Neurological Physical Therapy Review Board/Panel Type:Editorial Service 2007 -To Present
Medical IRB Member Type:University/College Service 2007 -To Present
American Heart Association Grant Review Board/Panel Type:Service to Professional Associations 2007
National Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research Grant Review Board/Panel Type:Service to Professional Associations 2007
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Review Board/Panel Type:Editorial Service 2006 -To Present
CAHS (Associate Dean of Research Search Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service 2006 -To Present
Hamilton County Falls Task Force (Research Subcommittee ) Committee Chair Type:Community Service 2006 -To Present
NIOSH Training Grant, Department of Environment Health Review Board/Panel Type:University/College Service 2006 -To Present
University Research Council Grants Review Board/Panel Type:University/College Service 2006 -To Present
American Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference (Neuromuscular Subcommittee ) Review Board/Panel Type:Service to Professional Associations 2005
American Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference Review Board/Panel Type:Service to Professional Associations 2005 -2008
Journal of Physical Therapy Review Board/Panel Type:Editorial Service 2005 -To Present
CAHS (Interdisciplinary Research Committee ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service 2004 -2005
Hamilton County Infant Mortality Community Collaboration Group Type:Community Service 2004 -2005
Public Health Reports Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service 2003 -To Present
CAHS (Interdisciplinary Research Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service 2003 -To Present
CAHS (Curriculum Approval Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service 2003 -2004
Hamilton County Falls Task Force Member Type:Community Service 2002 -To Present
Habitat for Humanity Member Type:Community Service 1994 -1996
Big Brother/Big Sister Goodwill of Cincinnati Type:Community Service 1989 -1998
Professional Affiliation
2008 -To Present: Member, Neurology Section, Combined Sections Conference Planning Committee American Physical Therapy Association,
2007 -To Present: • Early career planning committee • Annual Conference planning committee American Congress Rehabilitation Medicine,
2006 -To Present: Member, Epidemiology & Education Committee American Heart Association / American Stroke Association,
2005 -To Present: Member, Stroke Council American Heart Association / American Stroke Association,
2005 -2008: Member, Annual Conference Program Committee American Physical Therapy Association,
2005 -2007: Therapist Northstar Cortical Stimulation Study,
2004 -2007: Member Workers' Compensation Research Group,
2004 -To Present: Member, Membership Committee, Ohio Chapter American Physical Therapy Association,
2004 -To Present: Member, Research Committee, Ohio Chapter American Physical Therapy Association,
2004 -2005: Member, Neuromuscular Subcommittee, ACPC American Physical Therapy Association,
1998 -1998: Member, Reimbursement Task Force American Physical Therapy Association,
1996 -1998: Chair, Southwest District, Ohio Chapter American Physical Therapy Association,
1996 -1998: National House Delegate American Physical Therapy Association,
1995 -1999: Ohio Chapter Delegate American Physical Therapy Association,
Member, Neurology, Geriatric and Research Sections American Physical Therapy Association,
Courses Taught
35-HLSC-520 SENIOR PROJECT I Level:Undergraduate
35-HLSC-521 SENIOR PROJECT II Level:Undergraduate
35-HLSC-522 SENIOR PROJECT III Level:Undergraduate
35-PT-910 RESEARCH I Level:Graduate
35-PT-911 CLIN RESEARCH I Level:Graduate
35-PT-912 CLIN RESEARCH II Level:Graduate
35-PT-876 EVID BASED PT I Level:Graduate
35-PT-877 EVID BASED PT II Level:Graduate
35-HLSC-510 RESEARCH METHODS Level:Undergraduate
35-PT-878 EVID BASED PT III Level:Graduate
Contact Information
Academic - Health Sciences Building
3225 Eden Avenue
Ohio, 45267
Phone: 513-558-7483
Fax: 513-558-7474