Russel Durst

Russel K Durst


Professor Emeritus

Professional Summary

RUSSEL DURST has served as President of the National Conference on Research in Language and Literacy; Chair of the National Council of Teachers of English Standing Committee on Research; and Editorial Board member for the journals COLLEGE COMPOSITION AND COMMUNICATION, LANGUAGE AND LEARNING ACROSS THE DISCIPLINES, and WRITING PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION. He is a member of the Conference on College Composition and Communication Committee on Research. He has published over 40 essays on composition in journals and collections. His books include THEY SAY/I SAY: THE MOVES THAT MATTER IN ACADEMIC WRITING (WITH READINGS), with C. Birkenstein and G. Graff (W. W. Norton & Co, 2009, Second Edition 2012, Third Edition 2015, Fourth Edition 2018); ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS RESEARCH AND TEACHING: REVISITING AND EXTENDING ARTHUR APPLEBEE’S CONTRIBUTIONS, with G. Newell and J. Marshall (Routledge 2017); YOU ARE HERE: READINGS ON HIGHER EDUCATION FOR COLLEGE WRITERS (Prentice Hall, 2003); COLLISION COURSE: CONFLICT, NEGOTIATION, AND LEARNING IN COLLEGE COMPOSITION, (NCTE, 1999); and EXPLORING TEXTS: THE ROLE OF DISCUSSION AND WRITING IN THE TEACHING AND LEARNING OF LITERATURE with G. Newell (Christopher-Gordon, 1993). He teaches courses in writing, composition pedagogy and research, and English linguistics. He directs the University of Cincinnati College of Arts and Sciences Honors Scholars Program for undergraduates.


Ph.D.: Stanford University 1985 (Literacy Studies)

M.A.: University of Pittsburgh 1980 (M.A. in Linguistics. Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language.)

B.A.: University of Pittsburgh 1977 (B.A. in History, with minors in English Literature and Linguistics)

Positions and Work Experience

2017 -2018 Curator, Lucille M. Schultz Archive of 19th Century Composition and Rhetoric Textbooks and Handbooks,

2015 -2018 Director, Honors Scholars Program, University of Cincinnati College of Arts and Sciences,

2015 -2017 Director, Bachelor’s Programs in Interdisciplinary Studies and Liberal Arts. University of Cincinnati College of Arts and Sciences.,

2007 -2012 Head, Department of English, University of Cincinnati,

2005 -2006 Director, English Composition Program, University of Cincinnati,

2000 -2018 Professor, Department of English, University of Cincinnati,

2000 -2009 Director, Summer Institute for High School English Teachers (funded by Ohio Board of Regents),

1998 -2000 Acting Head, Department of English, University of Cincinnati,

1993 -1998 Director, English Composition Program, University of Cincinnati,

1992 -1998 Associate Professor, Department of English, University of Cincinnati,

1992 -1993 Associate Director, English Composition Program, University of Cincinnati,

1987 -1992 Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Cincinnati,

1987 -1992 Director, Arts and Sciences Writing Center, University of Cincinnati,

1985 -1987 Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Hawaii,

1986 -1987 Director, Writing Workshop, University of Hawaii,

1986 -1987 Co-Director, Hawaii Writing Project,

1986 -1987 Liaison from Hawaii to the National Center for the Study of Writing,

1985 -1987 Contributing Bibliographer, Annual Annotated Bibliography of Composition and Rhetoric,

1984 -1991 Bibliographer, Research in the Teaching of English,

1984 -1985 Teaching Fellow, Department of English, Stanford University,

1983 -1984 Research Assistant, Writing and Learning in the Secondary Curriculum, NIE Research Project, Arthur Applebee and Judith Langer, Principal Investigators,

1981 -1983 Research Assistant, National Study of Writing in the Secondary School, NIE Research Project, Arthur Applebee, Principal Investigator,

1980 -1981 Instructor, Department of English, Point Park College, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,

1980 - Tutor, Writing Workshop, University of Pittsburgh,

1979 -1980 Teaching Assistant, Department of Linguistics, University of Pittsburgh,

1978 -1980 Teaching Assistant, English Language Institute, University of Pittsburgh,

1978 -1979 Instructor, Language Acquisition Institute (for uncommonly taught languages), University of Pittsburgh,

1977 -1978 Teacher and Counselor of Juvenile Offenders, State of West Virginia,

1976 - Undergraduate Teaching Fellow, Department of English, University of Pittsburgh,

Abbreviated Publications

Book Chapter

People of the Book: Composition, Judaism, and Social Conscience. In A. Greenbaum and D. Holdstein (Eds.), Judaic Perspectives in Rhetoric and Composition Studies, 2008. Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press, 45-56.

Crossing Over: The Move from Education to Composition. In P. O’Neill (Ed.), Developing Writers, Researchers, and Teachers: Blurring Boundaries between Composition Studies and English Education: A Tribute to William L. Smith, 2007. Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press, 291-306.

Postsecondary Studies on Composition. In P. Smagorinsky (Ed.), Research on Composition: Multiple Perspectives on Two Decades of Change, 2006. New York: Columbia University Teachers College Press, 78-107. Reprinted in The Norton Book of Composition Studies, S. Miller (Ed.), 2009. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1655-1690.

Conflict and Collaboration in Composition Research. In P. Mortensen and G. Kirsch (Eds.), Ethics and Represention in Qualitative Studies of Literacy, 1996. R.K. Durst and S. Cook Stanforth. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English, 58-76.

Portfolio Negotiations: Acts in Speech. In L.Black, D. Daiker, G. Sommers, and G. Stygall (Eds.), New Directions in Portfolio Assessment: Reflective Practice, Critical Theory, and Large-Scale Scoring, 1994. R. K. Durst, M. Roemer, and L. M. Schultz, Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook-Heinemann, 286-302. Reprinted in Assessing Writing: A Critical Sourcebook, B. Huot and P. O’Neill (Eds.), 2009. Boston, Bedford/St. Martin’s, 218-32.

A Writer’s Community: How Teachers Form Writing Groups. In K. Dahl (Ed.), Teacher as Writer: Entering the Professional Conversation, 1992. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English, 261-71.

The Development of Analytic Writing. In A.N. Applebee, Contexts for Learning to Write: Studies of Secondary School Instruction, 1984. Norwood, MA: Ablex Press, 79-102.

The Demands of School Writing. In A.N. Applebee, Contexts for Learning to Write: Studies of Secondary School Instruction, 1984. A.N. Applebee, R.K. Durst, and G. Newell. Norwood, MA: Ablex Press, 55-78.

Coding Manual for Cohesive Chain Interaction Analysis. In A.N. Applebee, Contexts for Learning to Write: Studies of Secondary School Instruction, 1984. Norwood, MA: Ablex Press, 207-212.

Testing Writing Across the Curriculum. Report for the Educational Improvement Fund, Hawaii Department of Education, 1987, 113-125. J.D. Brown & R. K. Durst.

Practical Progressivism: W. Wilbur Hatfield, Deweyan Pedagogy, and the Future of English Teaching. In R. K. Durst, G. E. Newell, and J. D. Marshall (Eds.), English Language Arts Research and Teaching: Revisiting and Extending Arthur Applebee’s Contributions. New York: Routledge, 2017, 227-40.

Peer Reviewed Publications

Can We Be Critical of Critical Pedagogy? College Composition and Communication, 2006, 57, 3, 110-13.

Research in Writing, Postsecondary Education, 1984-2003. L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 2006, 6, 2, 53-73.

Reframing the Great Debate on First-Year Writing. College Composition and Communication. M. Roemer, L. M. Schultz, and R. K. Durst, 1999, 50, 3, 377-92.

Stories of Reading: Portfolios of Student Work. Assessing Writing. L. M. Schultz, R. K. Durst, and M. Roemer, 1997, 4, 2, 121-32.

Coming to Grips with Theory: College Students’ Use of Theoretical Explanation in Writing about History. Journal of Language and Learning Across the Disciplines, 1994, 1, 1, 72-87.

Schultz, L. M., Roemer, M., and Durst, R. K. "Stories of Reading: Inside and Outside the Texts of Portfolios." Assessing Writing (1997): 121-32.

Part-Time Faculty: An Administrator's View. White Papers: American Association of University Professors, University of Cincinnati Chapter, April 1994, 5-7. Reprinted in Pro-fessing, September 1994 and in Administrator, March 1995.

Promising Research: An Historical Analysis of Award-Winning Inquiry, 1970-1989. Research in the Teaching of English, 1992, 26, 1, 41-70.

The Promising Researchers Reflect: A Survey of the Award Winners. English Education, 1992, 24, 4, 237-49.

Marshall, J. D., and Durst, R. K. "Annotated Bibliography of Research in the Teaching of English." Research in the Teaching of English (1991): 236-53.

Durst, R. K., and Marshall, J. D. "Annotated Bibliography of Research in the Teaching of English." Research in the Teaching of English (1991): 497-509.

The Process of Portfolio Implementation. College Composition and Communication. M. Roemer, L. M. Schultz, and R. K. Durst, 1991, 42, 4, 455-69.

Durst, R. K., and Marshall, J. D. "Annotated Bibliography of Research in the Teaching of English." Research in the Teaching of English (1990): 441-57.

Marshall, J. D., and Durst, R. K. "Annotated Bibliography of Research in the Teaching of English." Research in the Teaching of English (1990): 205-21.

The Mongoose and the Rat in Composition Research: Insights from the RTE Annotated Bibliography. College Composition and Communication, 1990, 41, 4, 393-408.

Appealing Texts: The Persuasive Writing of High School Students. Written Communication, 1990, 7, 2, 232-55. R.K. Durst, C. Laine, L.M. Schultz, & W. Vilter.

"Annotated Bibliography of Research on the Teaching of English." Research in the Teaching of English 25 (1990): 424-442.

Marshall, J. D., and Durst, R. K. "Annotated Bibliography of Research in the Teaching of English." Research in the Teaching of English (1989): 208-22.

Durst, R. K., and Marshall, J. D. "Annotated Bibliography of Research on the Teaching of English." Research in the Teaching of English 23 (1989): 424-442.

The Uses of Function: James Britton’s Category System and Research on Writing. Review of Educational Research, 1989, 59, 4, 375-94. R. K. Durst & G. Newell.

Monitoring Processes in Analytic and Summary Writing. Written Communication, 1989, 6, 3, 340-363.

"Annotated Bibliography of Research on the Teaching of English." Research in the Teaching of English 24 (1989): 424-442.

Durst, R. K., and Marshall, J. D. "Annotated Bibliography of Research in the Teaching of English." Research in the Teaching of English (1988): 434-52.

Marshall, J. D. and Durst, R. K. "Annotated Bibliography of Research on the Teaching of English." Research in the Teaching of English 22 (1988): 213-227.

Durst, R. K., and Marshall, J. D. "Annotated Bibliography of Research in the Teaching of English." Research in the Teaching of English (1987): 422-43.

Marshall, J. D., and Durst, R. K. "Annotated Bibliography of Research in the Teaching of English." Research in the Teaching of English (1987): 202-21.

Marshall, J. D., and Durst, R. K. "Annotated Bibliography of Research in the Teaching of English." Research in the Teaching of English (1986): 198-215.

Durst, R. K., and Marshall, J. D. "Annotated Bibliography of Research in the Teaching of English." Research in the Teaching of English (1986): 410-29.

Durst, R. K., and Marshall, J. D. "Annotated Bibliography of Research in the Teaching of English." Research in the Teaching of English (1985): 405-24.

Marshall, J. and Durst, R. K. "Annotated Bibliography of Research on the Teaching of English." Research in the Teaching of English 19 (1985): 183-204.

Durst, R. K., and Marshall, J. D. "Annotated Bibliography of Research in the Teaching of English." Research in the Teaching of English (1984): 417-38.

Arthur Applebee: In Memoriam. Research in the Teaching of English, 2016, 51, 2, 244-45.

British Invasion: James Britton, Composition Studies, and Anti-Disciplinarity. College Composition and Communication, 2015, 66, 3, 384-401.

The Stormy Times of James Moffett. English Education, 2015, 47, 2, 111-30.

Geneva Smitherman: Translingualist, Code-Mesher, Activist. Composition Studies, 2014, 42, 2, 56-72.

Cognitive and Linguistic Demands of Analytic Writing. Research in the Teaching of English, 1987, 23, 4, 347-376.


You Are Here: Readings on Higher Education for College Writers. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 2003.

Durst, R. K. Collision course: Conflict, Negotiation, and Learning in College Composition. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English, 1999.

Exploring Texts: The Role of Discussion and Writing in the Teaching and Learning of Literature. G. Newell and R. K. Durst (Eds.). Norwood, MA: Christopher-Gordon Publishers, 1993.

They Say/I Say: The Moves that Matter in Academic Writing (with Readings). G. Graff, C. Birkenstein, and R. K. Durst. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2009, Second Edition, 2011, Third Edition, 2015, Fourth Edition, 2018.

English Language Arts Research and Teaching: Revisiting and Extending Arthur Applebee’s Contributions. R. K. Durst, G. E. Newell, and J. D. Marshall (Eds). New York: Routledge, 2017.


Review of The Conquering Heroes, by Peter Gent. In Aethlon: Journal of Sport Literature, 1994, 12, 1, 167-168.

Review of Methods and Methodology in Composition Research, by Gesa Kirsch & Patricia Sullivan (Eds.). In College Composition and Communication, 1993, 44, 2, 260-262.

Review of Writing in Real Time: Modeling Production Processes, by Ann Matsuhashi (Ed.). In College Composition and Communication, 1988, 39, 2, 247-249.

Review of Research on Written Composition, by George Hillocks. In National Writing Project Quarterly, 1987, 8, 3, 23-25.

Review of Beyond Outcomes: Assessment and Instruction in a University Writing Program, by Richard Haswell, (Ed.). In Writing Program Administration, 2007, 30, 3, 137-142.


Invited Presentations

(2011. ) Straying from the Path: Composition and Other Jewish Dilemmas .Conference on College Composition and Communication, Atlanta, GA.

(2010. ) Making Comp Respectable in English Departments: The Early Development of Composition Studies as an Academic Field .Conference on College Composition and Communication, Louisville, KY. Level:National

(2008. ) Edward Corbett and the Revival of Rhetoric .Conference on College Composition and Communication, New Orleans, LA. Level:National

(2007. ) Relationships between Research and Practice in Secondary School Reading and Writing .National Council of Teachers of English, New York, NY.

(2007. ) James Moffett and the Politics of High School English in the 1970’s: Lessons for the Present Day .College English Association of Ohio Conference, Cincinnati, OH.

(2006. ) The Development of Writing Development .National Council of Teachers of English, Nashville, TN.

(2006. ) One Pedagogy’s Nasty Fate and the Implications .Conference on College Composition and Communication, Chicago, IL.

(2005. ) James Moffett and the Conservative Backlash in Literacy Education in the 1970’s .International Reading Association, San Antonio, TX.

(2005. ) ’I Just Want My Students to Love Literature’: Working with High School English Teachers on the Teaching of Writing .Conference on College Composition and Communication, San Francisco, CA.

(2004. ) First among Equals: Essayist Literacy and College Composition in the Age of Internet .National Council of Teachers of English, Indianapolis, IN.

(2004. ) Postsecondary Research on Writing, 1984-2003: A Review .National Council of Teachers of English, Indianapolis, IN.

(2003. ) A Dream Transformed: Nudging Pragmatists toward a More Reflective View .Conference on College Composition and Communication, New York, NY.

(2002. ) Reflecting on Collision Courses: Student Desires, Faculty Desires .Conference on College Composition and Communication, Chicago, IL.

(2001. ) Working with the Instrumentalism of Struggling Readers and Writers .Conference on College Composition and Communication, Denver, CO.

(1999. ) African-American Students in College Composition: Social, Linguistic, and Pedagogical Perspectives .Midwinter Conference of the National Council of Teachers of English, Assembly for Research, Chicago, IL.

(1998. ) Rethinking Curriculum: Reflective Instrumentalism in the Teaching of Composition .Conference on College Composition and Communication, Chicago, IL.

(1997. ) African-American Students and College Composition .Convention of the National Council of Teachers of English, Detroit, MI.

(1997. ) The Stormy Times of James Moffett .Conference on College Composition and Communication, Phoenix, AZ.

(1996. ) British Invasion: James Britton and Disciplinary Development in Composition .Thomas A. Watson Conference in Rhetoric and Composition, Louisville, KY.

(1995. ) In Defense of the First-Year Writing Course .Conference on College Composition and Communication, Washington, D.C..

(1994. ) Dissing Freshman English: At What Risk? .Conference on College Composition and Communication, Nashville, TN.

(1993. ) Academic Writing: Ground Rules, Cultural Influences, and Developmental Patterns .National Council of Teachers of English, Pittsburgh, PA.

(1992. ) Portfolio Negotiations: Finding Ways to Talk about Grades .Miami Conference on New Directions in Portfolio Assessment, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.

(1992. ) What Happens When You Get to the Sentence Level? An Analysis of Writing Center Tutorials .Conference on College Composition and Communication, Cincinnati, OH.

(1992. ) Writing about Theory in the History Class .American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.

(1991. ) Coming to Grips with Theory: How Students Incorporate Theoretical Explanation into Their Academic Writing .National Council of Teachers of English, Seattle, WA.

(1991. ) The Context of Portfolio Implementation: Teachers in Transition .Conference on College Composition and Communication, Boston, MA.

(1990. ) The History of Research on Writing .National Council of Teachers of English, Atlanta, GA.

(1989. ) The Functions of Writing: What We Have Learned .American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.

(1988. ) Writing Analytically about Theory .National Council of Teachers of English, St. Louis, MO.

(1987. ) Why Analytic Thinking May Not Always Lead to Analytic Writing .National Council of Teachers of English, Los Angeles, CA.

(1987. ) But Do They Learn Anything? The Writing Center and Growth in Student Writing .Conference on College Composition and Communication, Atlanta, GA.

(1986. ) Writing on Writing: Trends in the Theory and Practice of Teaching Composition through Literature and Literature through Composition .Hawaii Council of Teachers of English, Honolulu, HI.

(1986. ) Writing and Learning in Social Studies .International Reading Association, Philadelphia, PA.

(1985. ) The Analytic Writing Processes of Secondary Students .American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.

(1985. ) Analytic Writing: Cognitive and Linguistic Dimensions .Conference on College Composition and Communication, Minneapolis, MN.

(1984. ) Contrasting Secondary Students’ Approaches to Analytic and Narrative Writing Tasks .National Council of Teachers of English, Detroit, MI.

(1982. ) The Demands of School Writing Activities .American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.

(2012. ) Respondent: "The Age if Memoir" Panel presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, St. Louis, 2012.

(2013. ) Chair: “Conceptions of Literacy: How Students and Faculty Define Reading and Writing.” Panel presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Las Vegas, 2013. Conference. .

(2015. ) “W. Wilbur Hatfield and the Formation of CCCC.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Tampa, 2015. Conference. .

(2016. ) Respondent: “Time to Take Stock: What We Can (and Can’t) Learn from Current CHAT Methodology in Writing Studies Research.” Panel presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Houston, 2016. Conference. .

(2016. ) “Creating an Academic Field with a Political Agenda: Janet Emig and Composition Studies.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Houston, 2016. Conference. .

(2017. ) “Richard Ohmann as Editor.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Portland, 2017. Conference. .

(2018. ) “Testimony of the Tongue: Correctness, Composing the Self, and Class Position in 19th Century Composition Handbooks.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Kansas City, 2018. Conference. .

Paper Presentations

White Papers: American Association of University Professors (04-05-1997. ) Part-Time Faculty: An Administrator's View .Cincinnati, OH. Conference. Level:Local

Honors and Awards

2006 -2007 Taft Center Research Fellowship for a year of research and writing

2003 William T. Boyce Teaching Award, Department of English

1992 -1995 Chair, NCTE Promising Researcher Award Committee

1987 Winner of NCTE Promising Researcher Award

1977 B.A. summa cum laude with departmental honors in History

1976 Chancellor’s Undergraduate Teaching Fellowship


Composition and Rhetoric

Professional Affiliation

2017 -2019: Fellow of the Graduate School, University of Cincinnati

2002 -2014: Editorial Board Member for WPA: Journal of the Council of Writing Program Administrators

2004 -2005: President of the National Conference on Research in Language and Literacy

1998 -2019: Fellow of the National Conference on Research in Language and Literacy

1997 -2002: Editorial Board Member for the journal Language and Learning across the Disciplines

1995 -1998: Chair of the Standing Committee on Research, National Council of Teachers of English

1995 -1998: Member, Board of Directors, NCTE

1993 -1998: Editorial Board Member for the journal College Composition and Communication

1981 -1982: Stanford University Fellow

1980: Marshall of Commencement Exercises, as the top Master's student in College of Arts & Sciences

1977: Phi Beta Kappa

Courses Taught

Developmental English 100

English Composition Sequence 101-102-103, 1001-2089

Honors Composition Sequence

Advanced First-Year Composition 1012

Intermediate Composition, English 200

Advanced Composition, English 489, 4089

Introduction to the Study of Language, English 340

Modern English Grammar, English 346, 3046

Literature of the Old Testament 376-377-378

Research and Bibliography, English 702

Teaching College Writing, English 730, 7030

Practicum for New Teaching Assistants, English 731-2

Topics in Composition, English 738, 7038

History of Composition, English 7040

Research on Composition, English 830

Writing for Publication about Composition, English 835

Introduction to Peer Tutoring, English 4035

Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone Seminar, INTR 5001

Other Information

Conference Presentations

“Testimony of the Tongue: Correctness, Composing the Self, and Class Position in 19th Century Composition Handbooks.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Kansas City, 2018.

“Richard Ohmann as Editor.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Portland, 2017.

“Creating an Academic Field with a Political Agenda: Janet Emig and Composition Studies.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Houston, 2016.

Respondent: “Time to Take Stock: What We Can (and Can’t) Learn from Current CHAT Methodology in Writing Studies Research.” Panel presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Houston, 2016.

“W. Wilbur Hatfield and the Formation of CCCC.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication,
Tampa, 2015.

Chair: “Conceptions of Literacy: How Students and Faculty Define Reading and Writing.” Panel presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Las Vegas, 2013.

Respondent: “The Age of Memoir.” Panel presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, St. Louis, 2012.

“Straying from the Path: Composition and Other Jewish Dilemmas.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Atlanta, 2011.

“Making Comp Respectable in English Departments: The Early Development of Composition Studies as an Academic Field.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Louisville, 2010.

“Edward Corbett and the Revival of Rhetoric.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, New Orleans, 2008.

“Relationships between Research and Practice in Secondary School Reading and Writing.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English, New York, 2007.

“James Moffett and the Politics of High School English in the 1970’s: Lessons for the Present Day.” Keynote Address at the College English Association of Ohio Conference, Cincinnati, 2007.,

“The Development of Writing Development.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English, Nashville, 2006.

“One Pedagogy’s Nasty Fate and the Implications.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Chicago, 2006.

“James Moffett and the Conservative Backlash in Literacy Education in the 1970’s.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the International Reading Association, San Antonio, 2005.

“’I Just Want My Students to Love Literature’: Working with High School English Teachers on the Teaching of Writing.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, San Francisco, 2005.

“First among Equals: Essayist Literacy and College Composition in the Age of Internet.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English, Indianapolis, 2004.

“Postsecondary Research on Writing, 1984-2003: A Review.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English, Indianapolis, 2004.

“A Dream Transformed: Nudging Pragmatists toward a More Reflective View.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, New York, 2003.

“Reflecting on Collision Courses: Student Desires, Faculty Desires.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Chicago, 2002.

“Working with the Instrumentalism of Struggling Readers and Writers.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Denver, 2001. R.K. Durst and A. Walker.

“African-American Students in College Composition: Social, Linguistic, and Pedagogical Perspectives.” Paper presented at the Midwinter Conference of the National Council of Teachers of English Assembly for Research, Chicago, 1999.

“Rethinking Curriculum: Reflective Instrumentalism in the Teaching of Composition.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Chicago, 1998.

“African-American Students and College Composition.” Paper presented at the annual Convention of the National Council of Teachers of English, Detroit, 1997. R. K. Durst and A. Walker.,

“The Stormy Times of James Moffett.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Phoenix, 1997.

“British Invasion: James Britton and Disciplinary Development in Composition.” Paper presented at the Thomas A. Watson Conference in Rhetoric and Composition, Louisville, 1996.

“In Defense of the First-Year Writing Course.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Washington, D.C., 1995.

“Dissing Freshman English: At What Risk?” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Nashville, 1994.

“Academic Writing: Ground Rules, Cultural Influences, and Developmental Patterns.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English, Pittsburgh, 1993.

“Portfolio Negotiations: Finding Ways to Talk about Grades.” Paper presented at the Miami Conference on New Directions in Portfolio Assessment, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 1992.

“What Happens When You Get to the Sentence Level? An Analysis of Writing Center Tutorials.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Cincinnati, 1992.

“Writing about Theory in the History Class.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, 1992.

“Coming to Grips with Theory: How Students Incorporate Theoretical Explanation into Their Academic Writing.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English, Seattle, 1991.

“The Context of Portfolio Implementation: Teachers in Transition.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Boston, 1991.

“The History of Research on Writing.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English, Atlanta, 1990.

“The Functions of Writing: What We Have Learned.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, 1989. Russel K. Durst & George Newell.

“Writing Analytically about Theory.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English, St. Louis, 1988.,

“Why Analytic Thinking May Not Always Lead to Analytic Writing.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English, Los Angeles, 1987.

“But Do They Learn Anything? The Writing Center and Growth in Student Writing.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Atlanta, 1987.

“Writing on Writing: Trends in the Theory and Practice of Teaching Composition through Literature and Literature through Composition.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Hawaii Council of Teachers of English, Honolulu, 1986.

“Writing and Learning in Social Studies.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the International Reading Association, Philadelphia, 1986.

“The Analytic Writing Processes of Secondary Students.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, 1985.

“Analytic Writing: Cognitive and Linguistic Dimensions.” Paper presented at the annual Conference on College Composition and Communication, Minneapolis, 1985.

“Contrasting Secondary Students’ Approaches to Analytic and Narrative Writing Tasks.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English, Detroit, 1984.

“The Demands of School Writing Activities.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Educational Research Association, New York, 1982. A.N. Applebee, R. K. Durst, & G. Newell.

In addition to these presentations, I have given lectures and workshops at Earlham College, the University of Arizona, the University of Maryland Baltimore County, the University of Notre Dame, Carnegie-Mellon University, the University of Toledo, the University of Kentucky, Miami University, Temple University, Xavier University, and the California Writing Project Annual Directors Meeting.,

Research and Instructional Grants

Ohio Board of Regents grants totaling $300,000 to coordinate OHIOWINS Summer

Institute on Writing Instruction for Ohio high school teachers, 2000-2009. (P. Luther, R. Durst, and M. Miner).

Future Faculty Scholars Grant for $4500 to develop a mentoring program for English Department doctoral students, 1999-2000.

University of Cincinnati Faculty Development Grant for $46,000 to strengthen composition instruction in the University, 1997-1998. (M. Miner, Principal Investigator)

Taft Foundation Summer Research Grant for $4800 to study resistance and development in first year college writing, 1996.

Taft Foundation Summer Research Grant for $4000 to study how college students learn the ground rules underlying academic writing, 1994.

Taft Foundation Summer Research Grant for $4000 to study secondary students’ writing and learning about literature, 1992.

Taft Foundation Summer Research Grant for $3500 to study how college students incorporate theoretical perspectives into their analytic writing, 1990.

National Council of Teachers of English Research Foundation Grant for $4600 to study analytic writing instruction in college composition courses, 1988-1989.

University of Cincinnati Research Council Award for $1750 to study college students’ analytic writing, 1988-1989.

Ohio Academic Challenge Research Grant for $80,000 to study literacy development in low-SES elementary students, 1988-1989. (K. Borman, Principal Investigator).

University of Cincinnati Research Council Award for $4500 to study growth in high school students’ writing, 1989 (with L. Schultz, C. Laine, and W. Vilter).

University of Cincinnati Educational Council Grant for $4400 to study writing across the curriculum at the college level, 1989.

Taft Foundation Summer Research Grant for $2500 to study metacognitive monitoring in high school writers, 1988.,

Service work and other professional activity

Member, Conference on College Composition and Communication Committee on Research, 2018-

Chair, James Berlin Outstanding Dissertation Award, Conference on College Composition and Communication, 2007-2008.

Member, College Section Nominating Committee, National Council of Teachers of English, 2004-2005.

Chair, Alan C. Purves Award Committee recognizing the best article in Research in the Teaching of English, Volume 33, 1999.

W. W. Norton & Company, 2002-Present, Manuscript Reviewer.

College Composition and Communication, 1990-Present, Manuscript Reviewer.

Written Communication, 1989-Present, Manuscript Reviewer.

Reader, 2002-Present, Manuscript Reviewer.

Research in the Teaching of English, 1986-Present, Manuscript Reviewer.

National Council of Teachers of English, 1989-Present, Manuscript Reviewer.

Heinemann-Boynton/Cook, 1988-Present, Manuscript Reviewer.

St. Martin’s Press, 1988-Present, Manuscript Reviewer.

Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1988-Present, Manuscript Reviewer.

Houghton-Mifflin Publishing Company, 1987-Present, Manuscript Reviewer.

Macmillan Publishing Company, 1987-Present, Manuscript Reviewer.

American Educational Research Association, 1986-1995, Proposal Reviewer.

Chair, Standing Committee on Research, National Council of Teachers of English, 1995-98 (one of seven NCTE Standing Committees).?,

Chair, College of Arts and Sciences Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion Committee, University of Cincinnati, 2017-

Member, Nationally Competitive Awards Committee, University of Cincinnati, 2017-

Member, College of Arts and Sciences Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion Committee, University of Cincinnati, 2016-

Member, Search Committee for Professional Writing, Department of English, University of Cincinnati, 2016-17.

Chair, Headship Search Committee, Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati, 2014-15.

Outside Reviewer, Doctoral Program in Literacy and Second Language Learning, University of Cincinnati, 2011.

Chair, Headship Search Committee, Department of Mathematics, University of Cincinnati, 2009-10.

Member, Department Heads Budget and Planning Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Cincinnati, 2009-12.

Member, University Committee on Tutoring and Academic Services, University of Cincinnati, 2009-10.

Member, Department Heads Governance Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Cincinnati, 2007-2009.

Member, Search Committee to hire Field Service Assistant Professor of African-American Studies and English, University of Cincinnati, 2007-2008.

Chair, Search Committee to hire Assistant Professor of English Composition, University of Cincinnati, 2003-2004.

Chair, Taft Student Awards Committee, University of Cincinnati, 2001-2004. Responsible for awarding over $400,000 in academic support funds annually to undergraduate and graduate students.

Chair, Search Committee to hire Hunt Professor of Bible as Literature, Department of English, University of Cincinnati, 2001-2002.

Member, Academic Master Plan Committee on Research and Scholarship, 2004.

Member, University of Cincinnati Committee on Part-time Faculty, 2002-03.

Member, Taft Endowment Faculty Executive Board, University of Cincinnati, 2000-2004.

Elected Member, Search Committee to hire Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, University of Cincinnati, 2000-2001.

Member, College of Arts and Sciences Alumni Achievement Award Committee, University of Cincinnati, 2001-2.

Member, Strategic Enrollment Management Academic Issues Working Group. Studying course requirement and program coordination and articulation concerns at UC, 1997-99.

Chair, English Composition Committee, Department of English, University of Cincinnati, 1992-1998. Reviewing and revising the content of our composition program. Member of Committee from 1987 to 1992 and from 2014-16.

Chair, Taft Graduate Fellowship Committee, University of Cincinnati, 1994-1995. Responsible for awarding $350,000 in academic support funds to top graduate students. Member of Committee since 1992.

Member, Steering Committee, Department of English, University of Cincinnati, 1989-1990, 1993-1998, 2001-2003, 2014-2016. Helping to conduct the organizational affairs of the Department.,

Member, Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee, University of Cincinnati, 1990-1992.

Member, Writing across the Curriculum Committee, University of Cincinnati, 1988-1994. Organizing and leading workshops and developing university-wide programs and policies on using writing as a means of learning.

Chair, Search Committee to hire Director of Writing across the Curriculum Program at University of Cincinnati, 1990-1.

Chair, Search Committee to hire Associate Director of Freshman English, Department of English, University of Cincinnati, 1993-4.

Member, Headship Search Committee, Department of English, University of Cincinnati, 1989-1990. Coordinating the search for a new department head.

Member, English Bibliographer Search Committee, University of Cincinnati Libraries, 1988-1989. Finding a librarian to supervise English Department collection.

Member, Dean’s Committee on Writing, School of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature, University of Hawaii, 1986-1987. Examined uses of writing across subject areas, and investigated the effectiveness of writing programs in English and ESL.

Member, Computer-Assisted-Instruction Committee, Department of English, University of Hawaii, 1985-1987. Helped set up a computerized writing lab in the Department.

Hawaii Writing Project, 1985-1986. Gave workshops on helping students move from summary to analytic writing.

Educational Testing Service, 1984-1985. Assessment of essays.

Stanford Teacher Education Program, 1984. Workshops on the use of writing activities in the social studies curriculum.

Established and organized the Stanford Forum on Writing, Reading, and Language, a speaker series which brought to campus scholars such as James Britton, Robert de Beaugrande, and others, 1982-1984.

Established and organized the Stanford Spring Forum for Research on Language Issues, a conference highlighting the language-related research of doctoral students and faculty, 1984.,

Research Support
1988 -1989 National Council of Teachers of English Research Foundation Grant $4600 Type: Grant
1988 -1989 University of Cincinnati Research Council Award $1750 Type: Grant
1988 -1989 Ohio Academic Challenge Research Grant $80,000
1988 Taft Foundation Summer Research Grant $2500 Type: Grant
1989 University of Cincinnati Research Council Award $4500 Type: Grant
1989 University of Cincinnati Educational Council Grant $4400 Type: Grant
1990 Taft Foundation Summer Research Grant $3500 Type: Grant
1992 Taft Foundation Summer Research Grant $4000 Type: Grant
1994 Taft Foundation Summer Research Grant $4000 Type: Grant
1996 Taft Foundation Summer Research Grant $4800 Type: Grant
1997 -1998 University of Cincinnati Faculty Development Grant $46,000 Type: Grant
1999 -2000 Future Faculty Scholars Grant $4500 Type: Grant
2000 -2009 Ohio Board of Regents OHIOWINS Summer Institute on Writing Instruction for Ohio high school teachers $300,000 Type: Grant,

Contact Information

Phone: 513-556-9911