Janice Dyehouse

Janice M Dyehouse , PhD


Adjunct Professor

Procter Hall


CON College of Nursing - 0038


BSN: Mt St Joseph Cincinnati, OH, 1960 (Nursing)

MSN: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 1972 (Psychiatric Nursing with Teaching minor)

PhD: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 1989 (Sociology: Ma: Social Psychology, Mi: Medical Sociology)

Research and Practice Interests

Research interest include: substance use, abuse, misuse, brief intervention, binge drinking and the College popualtion, alcohol education for Colleg population. Abstract for current funded study, funded by NIAAA: This study is designed to determine if Brief Intervention strategies Brief Counseling and Simple Advice are effective in preventing futureinjuries in adults who have experienced alcohol-related, non-traffic, unintentional injuries. Three subpopulations of unintentional injuryinclude; burn victims; victims of drownings and falls; and pedestrians. The hypotheses are: 1 During the 12 months following hospitalization foran alcohol-related unintentional injury, across all three injurysubsamples, there will be a significantly greater decrease in alcoholconsumption in the Brief Counseling Group as compared to the SimpleAdvice Group and a significantly greater decrease in alcohol consumptionin the Simple Advice Group as compared to the Control Group. 2 Comparingthe incidence of all alcohol-related injuries between the 12 monthspreceding the focal injury and the 12 months following the injury, acrossall three injury subsamples, there will be a significantly greaterdecrease in the injuries in the Brief Counseling Group as compared to theSimple Advice Group and a significantly greater decrease in injuries inthe Simple Advice Group as compared to the Control Group. Trauma servicesfrom two 2 regional Level I Trauma Centers will enroll a total of 350subjects, with the expectation that 225 subjects will be retained acrossthe 12 months of the research. Subjects 18 years and older who haveexperienced an alcohol-related non-traffic unintentional injurysufficient to require hospitalization will be entered. Severity of injurywill be assessed using the Trauma Score, the Injury Severity Score, anda Burn Severity Score. Baseline blood alcohol levels and serum GTT willbe obtained on all subjects upon admission to the Emergency Department. After random assignment to groups, all subject will be interviewed andwill receive the appropriate intervention. Four weeks post discharge, experimental subjects will again experience the appropriate interventionin a face-to-face session. At 3, 6, and 12 months post discharge subjectswill be contracted by phone and interviewed regarding health, drinkingpatterns, and injury events. A second GTT will be obtained at 12 monthson all subjects, as will driving records and reports of hospitalreadmissions for new traumatic injuries. A two-between, one withinAnalysis of Variance will be conducted to test both hypotheses. Type ofinjury and type of treatment will be the between group factors and timesince injury will be the repeated measures factor.

Positions and Work Experience

01-1980 -To Present Program Consultant Group Facilitator, Strengthening Families After Divorce, Cincinnati, OH

12-1985 -1993 Consultant, Eating Disorders Recovery Center, Cincinnati, OH

Research Support

Grant: #1 D09 HP00338-03-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Dyehouse, Janice 07-01-2002 -06-30-2006 Health Resources and Services Administration Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Program Role:PI $589,068.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #5-R01-AA-10355-05-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Dyehouse, Janice 01-01-1995 -12-31-2000 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Brief Strategies: Alcohol Related Non-Traffic Injury Role:PI $1,051,299.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #HFGC-12-01-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Dyehouse, Janice 11-09-1998 -04-30-2000 Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati Reducing High-Risk Drinking on College Campus Role:PI $21,535.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit


Invited Presentations

Sommers, MS & Dyehouse, JM (06-13-2000. ) Brief Intervention Following Alcohol-Related Injury .Hearing for Model Law: Alcohol Related Injury, National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Orlando, FL.

Sommers, MS; Dyehouse, JM; Howe, SR; Weeks, A &Russell, A (05-25-2000. ) Using Brief Intervention Following Alcohol-Related Motor Vehicle Crashes to Reduce Drinking and Further Injury .15th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Safety, Stockholm, Sweden.

Sommers, MS; Dyehouse, JM; Howe, SR; Weeks, A & Bobst, E (04-02-2000. ) Drinking Drivers: A Single Risk or a Pattern of Risky Behaviors .Midwest Nursing Research Society, Dearborn, MI.

Dyehouse, JM & Sommers, MS (04-02-2000. ) Motivating Change to Low-Risk Drinking Following Alcohol-Related Injury .Midwest Nursing Research Society, Dearborn, MI.

Manharth, M; Sommers, MS; Dyehouse, JM; & Howe, S (04-02-2000. ) Role of Traffic Citations Following Alcohol-Related Injury: A Health Policy Issue .Midwest Nursing Research Society, Dearborn, MI.

Sommers, MS; Dyehouse, JM; Howe, SR; & Manharth, M (05-25-2000. ) Drinking Drivers: A Cluster of Risk-Taking Behaviors .15th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Safety, Stockholm, Sweden.

Dyehouse, JM; Sommers, MS & Howe, SR (05-26-2000. ) Drinking Drivers Under the Influence: Attribution of Injury to Alcohol Involvement .15th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Safety, Stockholm, Sweden.


Burn,Injury,Trauma,Accident,Interview,Blood Test,Adolescence,Adult Human,Human Subject,Accidental Fall,Statistics Biometry,Analytical Chemistry,Hospital Utilization,Alcoholism Alcohol Abuse,Longitudinal Human Study,Alcohol Influenced Driving,Alcoholic Beverage Consumption,Alcoholism Alcohol Abuse Education,Alcoholism Alcohol Abuse Prevention,Protein Glutamine Gamma Glutamyltransferase

Contact Information

250 Procter Hall
Phone: 513-558-5269