Hazem M. Elzarka
Baldwin Hall
CEAS - Construction Management - 0071
Professional Summary
Dr. Hazem Elzarka is a Professor at the College of Engineering and Applied Science, and Chair of the Construction Management Program at the University of Cincinnati, USA. He also taught at the Burns School of Real Estate and Construction Management, College of Business, University of Denver. He is a registered professional engineer (PE) in the State of Ohio, a LEED Accredited Professional (LEED AP), a Certified Energy Manager (CEM), a Certified Carbon Reduction Manager (CRM), a Certified Measurement and Verification Professional (CMVP) and a certified Green Building Engineer (GBE). He has consulted for major US and international construction firms. His consulting/research work is in the areas of Green Buildings, applications of advanced computer technologies in the construction industry, and Total Quality Management. His work related to Green Buildings has focused on construction waste management, commissioning, energy conservation, and renewable energy and LEED education. Hundreds of industry professionals who have taken his LEED course have passed their LEED examinations the first time. His work related to the applications of advanced technologies in the construction industry has focused on integrated design and management systems, computer-aided design, knowledge based systems, relational databases, and object-oriented methodologies. At Stone & Webster, He contributed to the development of a state of the art integrated 3D CAD system that is used to facilitate the flow of information between design, construction, and facility operations for major industrial projects. At Fluor Daniel, he participated in the development of a client/server-based Plant Management System that simplifies day-to-day activities in maintenance, planning and scheduling, inventory control, and purchasing. His work related to Total Quality Management has focused on business process improvement. At Centex Rooney, he participated in the development of an online Standard Operating Policies Manual. The Manual describes all Policies and Procedures used by Centex.
His work has been published in refereed journals and conference proceedings sponsored by the American Society of Civil Engineers, The American Institute of Constructors, the Associated Schools of Construction, and the Construction Industry Institute.
Research Support
Grant: #ODOT Agreement 25177 Investigators:Elzarka, Hazem 08-23-2012 -12-23-2013 Department of Transportation Evaluation of Renewable Energy Alternatives for Highway Maintenance Facilities Role:PI $100,515.32 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #27144 Investigators:Buchberger, Steven; Elzarka, Hazem 07-27-2015 -01-27-2016 Ohio Department of Transportation Effective and Efficient Roadside Ditch Cleaning Using BMP?s for Erosion and Sediment Control Role:PI $70,951.97 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #ODOT 27839 sub FHWA Investigators:Buchberger, Steven; Elzarka, Hazem 09-07-2016 -03-07-2017 Federal Highway Administration Evaluation of Trench Drain and Slotted Drain Maintenance and Cleaning Role:PI $65,346.35 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #ODOT 30347 sub FHWA Investigators:Dong, Jiaxiang; Elzarka, Hazem 04-17-2017 -08-17-2018 Federal Highway Administration EVALUATION OF TRENCH DRAIN AND SLOTTED DRAIN MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING Role:PI $299,174.74 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #32390 / FHA E180657 Investigators:Buchberger, Steven; Elzarka, Hazem; Nofal, Hisham 07-25-2018 -01-25-2019 Federal Highway Administration Develop Efficiencies and Versatilities for Roadway Drainage Maintenance Role:PI $69,676.67 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #33804 / FHA E190484 Investigators:Buchberger, Steven; Elzarka, Hazem 08-05-2019 -02-05-2020 Federal Highway Administration Mitigating Storm Drainage System Impacts from Litter and Debris Role:PI $51,031.81 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #33813 / E190475 Investigators:Elzarka, Hazem; Wei, Heng; Zhou, Xuefu 08-12-2019 -06-30-2021 Federal Highway Administration Evaluate Ohio Department of Transportation?s (ODOT) Ability to Decrease Dump Truck Backing Accidents Role:Collaborator $44,241.21 Awarded Level:Federal
Investigators:Elzarka, Hazem 06-03-2024 -06-02-2025 Connico Optimizing Cost Estimation Processes at Connico: Leveraging AI and ML for Enhanced Estimating Role:PI 149999.00 Hold Level:Industry
Grant: #pending Investigators:Banawi, Aziz; Elzarka, Hazem; Kunapareddi, Vineela; Li, Richard; Said, Hazem 07-01-2024 -06-30-2028 Department of Transportation Accelerating Advanced Digital Construction Management Systems Role:PI 5092990.00 Hold Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Yan H.;Gao C.;Elzarka H.;Mostafa K.;Tang W. (10-01-2019. ) Risk assessment for construction of urban rail transit projects.Safety Science, , 118 ,583-594 More Information
Chakraborty D.;Elzarka H. (03-04-2019. ) Advanced machine learning techniques for building performance simulation: a comparative analysis.Journal of Building Performance Simulation, , 12 (2 ) ,193-207 More Information
Chakraborty D.;Elzarka H. (02-15-2019. ) Early detection of faults in HVAC systems using an XGBoost model with a dynamic threshold.Energy and Buildings, , 185 ,326-344 More Information
Yan H.;Elzarka H.;Gao C.;Zhang F.;Tang W. (01-01-2019. ) Critical Success Criteria for Programs in China: Construction Companies' Perspectives.Journal of Management in Engineering, , 35 (1 ) , More Information
Chakraborty D.;Elzarka H. (07-04-2018. ) Performance testing of energy models: are we using the right statistical metrics?.Journal of Building Performance Simulation, , 11 (4 ) ,433-448 More Information
Elzarka H.;Yan H.;Chakraborty D. (11-01-2017. ) A vague set fuzzy multi-attribute group decision-making model for selecting onsite renewable energy .Sustainable Cities and Society, , 35 ,430-439 More Information
Mansuri D.;Chakraborty D.;Elzarka H.;Deshpande A.;Gronseth T. (11-01-2017. ) Building Information Modeling enabled Cascading Formwork Management Tool.Automation in Construction, , 83 ,259-272 More Information
Chakraborty D.;Elzarka H.;Bhatnagar R. (07-01-2016. ) Generation of accurate weather files using a hybrid machine learning methodology for design and anal.Sustainable Cities and Society, , 24 ,33-41 More Information
Elzarka H.M. (07-28-2009. ) Best practices for procuring commissioning services.Journal of Management in Engineering, , 25 (3 ) ,155-164 More Information
Elzarka H.;Bell L.;Floyd R. (11-01-1999. ) Automated data acquisition for bridge inspection.Journal of Bridge Engineering, , 4 (4 ) ,258-262 More Information
Tabatabai-Gargari M.;Elzarka H. (01-01-1998. ) Integrated CAD/KBS approach for automating preconstruction activities.Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, , 124 (4 ) ,257-262 More Information
Elzarka H.;Bell L. (01-01-1997. ) Development of pen-based computer field applications.Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, , 11 (2 ) ,140-143 More Information
Elzarka H.;Bell L.;Floyd R. (01-01-1997. ) Applications of pen based computing in bridge inspection .Computing in Civil Engineering (New York), , 327-334
Elzarka H.;Bell L. (12-01-1995. ) Object-oriented methodology for materials-management systems.Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, , 121 (4 ) ,438-445 More Information
Elzarka H.;Bell L. (01-01-1995. ) Object-oriented materials management systems .Computing in Civil Engineering (New York), , 1 ,688-695
Zaidi, S.T., H. Elzarka, J.M. Park, and S. Sewalk (2016. ) Energy Modeling of University buildings: A Case Study .
Energy Modeling of University buildings: A Case Study
Gao C.; Elzarka H. (01-01-2021. ) The use of decision tree based predictive models for improving the culvert inspection process.Advanced Engineering Informatics, , 47 , More Information
Chakraborty D.; Elhegazy H.; Elzarka H.; Gutierrez L. (10-01-2020. ) A novel construction cost prediction model using hybrid natural and light gradient boosting.Advanced Engineering Informatics, , 46 , More Information
Kaushik A.; Dong J.; Gao C.; Elzarka H. (06-15-2019. ) Building a robot for cleaning trench drains .ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, ,
Kaushik A.; Dong J.; Gao C.; Elzarka H. (01-01-2019. ) Development of a cleaning robot for trench drains.ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), , 2B-2019 , More Information
Kaushik A.; Dong J.; Gao C.; Elzarka H. (01-01-2019. ) Designing a robotic mechanism for cleaning trench drains.ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), , 4 , More Information