T. David Evans


Professor Emeritus

Professional Summary

I am a member of the faculty in the Department of Sociology, University of Cincinnati where I teach introduction to sociology, deviance and social control, criminology, and sociology of law classes.  My previous teaching areas include introduction to criminal justice; white collar and corporate crime; media and crime: and criminal courts.  Research areas include white collar crime, socilogy of law, and criminological theory


Ph.D. : University of CIncinnati Cincinnati Ohio, 1982 (Sociology with Criminology concentration)

M.A.: Bowling Green State University Bowling Green Ohio, 1971 (Sociology)

B.A.: Bowling Green State University Bowling Green Ohio, 1968 (English)

Research and Practice Interests

In my present position as associate professor, educator, my primary responsibilites are teaching and, to a lesser extent, service to the department and college.  I am also currently working with a colleague, Steve Carlton-Ford, on comparative research concerning militarization, public corruption, and human development.

Over the years, I have done research in criminal justice, criminology, and sociology and have published peer-reviewed work in many journals.

Positions and Work Experience

08-01-1992 -07-31-2009 Professor, Taught a wide range of courses in sociology and criminal justice Peer reviewed publications in a wide range of sociology, criminology, and criminal justice journals Performed the normal amount of service, Unversity of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington North Carolina

09-01-2005 -08-01-2006 Social Sciences Resarcher 3, Evaluation and policy research and reports, Ohio Department of Education, Columbus Ohio

09-01-2006 -To Present Associate Professor - Field Service (now known as Educator), Teach a variety of courses, but primarily introduction to sociology, criminology, deviance, elite deviance, and sociology of law, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Ohio

Abbreviated Publications

Book Chapter

Evans, T. David. 2004. "Famous American Crimes and Trials v. 5." in The Wreck of the Exxon Valdez: Oil and Water Don’t Mix, edited by Frankie Y. Bailey and Steven Chermak. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Peer Reviewed Publications

Evans, T. D. and Mike Adams. 2003. "Religion and Punitive Correctional Attitudes." Journal of Crime and Justice 28(1).

Price, Jammie, T. David Evans, and Rebecca Bates. 2003. "Victimization and Fear of Crime in a Southern Public University." The Journal of Applied Sociology 30(1).

Lynch, David and T. D. Evans. 2002. "Personality Attributes: Negotiation Styles of Highly Effective Criminal Defense Negotiators." Journal of Criminal Justice 30(5).

Burton, Jr., R., Evans, T. David, Francis T. Cullen, Velmer S.Gregory Dunaway, and Michael Benson. 1997. "The Social Consequences of Self-Control: Testing the General Theory of Crime." Criminology(35): 475-504.

Evans, T. David, Randy L. LaGrange, and Cecil L. Willis. 1996. "Theoretical Development of Comparative Criminology: Rekindling an Interest." International Journal of Comoarative and Aoolied Criminal Justice(20): 15-29.

Cancio, Silvia A., T. David Evans, and David J. Maume, Jr. 1996. "The Declining Significance of Race Reconsidered: Race Differences in Early-Career Wages." American Sociological Review(61): 541-556.

Evans, T. David, Francis T. Cullen, Velmer S. Burton, Jr., R. Gregory Dunaway, Gary L. Payne, and Sesha R. Kethinini. 1996. "Religion, Social Bonds, and Delinquency." Deviant Behavior(17): 43-70.

Adams, Mike S. and T. David Evans. 1996. "Teacher Disapproval, Delinquent Peers, and Self-Reported Delinquency: A Longitudinal Test of Labeling Theory." Urban Review(28): 199-211.

Honors and Awards

09-01-2010 -08-31-2011 Darwin T. Turner Scholarship Program - Mentor Award Honored at "Breakfast of Champions Program" by U.C.'s Office of Ethnic Programs & Services" for mentoring Mika Kousha This scholarship program is designed to promote "academic excellence, foster diversity and provide leadership opportunities to incoming students" Further, "the program’s goal is to enrich the educational environment for undergraduate students by supporting the recruitment and retention of underrepresented groups with high potential for academic success at the University of Cincinnati." Office of Ethnic Programs and Services, University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition

Professional Affiliation

09-01-2010 -08-31-2011: American Sociological Association

Courses Taught

15-SOC-141 INTRO TO SOCIOLOGY Level:Undergraduate

15-SOC-325 DEVIANCE Level:Undergraduate

15-SOC-450 CRIMINOLOGY Level:Undergraduate

15-SOC-141 INTRO TO SOCIOLOGY Level:Undergraduate

15-SOC-141 INTRO TO SOCIOLOGY Level:Undergraduate

15-SOC-420 SOCIOLOGY OF LAW Level:Undergraduate

15-SOC-450 CRIMINOLOGY Level:Undergraduate

15-SOC-141 INTRO TO SOCIOLOGY Level:Undergraduate

15-SOC-325 DEVIANCE Level:Undergraduate


Faculty Development Activities

12-10-2010 -12-10-2010 Online and Blended Education: Balancing Enrollment Opportunities, Scalability & Academic Excellence Session I (9:00 am to 10:30 am): Shifting Enrollment Landscape: Examining Trends, Opportunities & Brand in Online and Blended Education; Session II (10:45 am to 12: 15 pm): Realities of Retention: Student Success Model, Student Engagement, High Impact Practices & Bringing the Classroom and Campus to Students; Session III (1:30 pm to 3:30 pm): Building Sustainable Programs: Federal Regulations, Developing Faculty Guidelines, Committing to Quality & Best Practices; Session IV (3:45 pm to 4:30 pm): Open Forum Discussion, U.C. CETL RWC - SAHB 100 Type:Other

04-21-2011 -04-21-2011 The PrAISE Approach: an alternative to lecturing students to death an alternative to lecturing students to death, U.C.- CETL TUC Great Hall Type:Workshop