S. Elisabeth (Beth) Faller , EdD
Dir Academic
Director, Center for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning (CET&L) & Adjunct Instructor
Langsam Library
Acad Aff CET&L - 0631
EdD: Harvard Graduate School of Education Cambridge, MA, 2014 (Human Development and Education)
EdM: Harvard Graduate School of Education Cambridge, MA, 2007 (Language and Literacy)
Research and Practice Interests
Beth’s research and teaching interests include equitable teaching practices, creating classroom community in face-to-face and online courses, teaching students how to learn, active learning techniques, and promoting wellness for students and instructors.
Beth’s scholarly work has appeared in peer reviewed journals such as College Teaching, The Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, Reading Research Quarterly, The Reading Teacher, Science Scope, and Preventing School Failure. She has also presented at professional conferences including the annual meetings of the American Educational Research Association and Council for Exceptional Children, the Lilly Conferences on College and University Teaching and Learning and the International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning. Additionally, she has written teaching cases for the Public Education Leadership Project, a joint initiative of the Harvard Graduate School of Education and Harvard Business School. Visit her Scholar@UC site to explore a selection of her scholarly works.