William K Fant
James L. Winkler College of Pharmacy
3225 Eden Ave.
Cincinnati, Ohio Phone 513-558-3784
Email Bill.Fant@uc.edu
PharmD: University of Cincinnati; Residency Equivalent in Hospital Pharmacy Cincinnati, 1981
BS in Pharmacy: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 1977
Research and Practice Interests
Currently involved in the development and utilization of information systems that support research, teaching, and patient care activities in the health care arena. Development and assessment of distance learning technologies and courseware using multimedia and world wide web delivery systems. Pharmacy Informatics.
Positions and Work Experience
2005 -2011 Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Responsible for professional curriculum, academic affairs and distance learning programs including continuing education, certificate training and non-traditional Doctor of Pharmacy program. , University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
1999 -2005 ASSISTANT DEAN FOR CLINICAL AND EXTERNAL AFFAIRS, Responsible for (1) experiential training and clinical practice site development, (2) distance learning programs including continuing education, certificate training and non-traditional Doctor of Pharmacy program, (3) information technolgies and (4) alumni affairs. Web Master for the Cincinnati STDPTC training center. ,
1994 -1999 CHAIR, DIVISION OF PHARMACY PRACTICE, Developed and presented a budget plan for implementing the entry level PharmD Degree. Doubled existing faculty and affiliated practice sites. Developing and Distributing Multimedia and Instructional Programs Evaluating using the World Wide Web and PDA devices. Evaluating the use of Technology in support of Clinical Practice and Teaching. Responsible for Academic Programs of the College at the B.S. And PharmD Levels. Member of Health Alliance of Greater Cincinnati Pharmacy Re-Engineering Team. Research Fellow in the Center for Academic Technologies. Co-Chair, National STD/HIV Prevention Training Centers Distance Learning Committee. Lecturer in Cincinnati STD/HIV Training Center. Web Master for National STD/HIV Training Centers Home Pages. Member of Ohio Council of Colleges of Pharmacy Non-traditional Degree Development Committee., Cincinnati
1988 -To Present ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Active in infectious disease and informatics research and teaching programs at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center. Recognized nationally as an expert in the development and selection of new anti-infective agents. Responsible for a three credit hour undergraduate course "Antimicrobial Agents and Cancer Chemotherapy" and a one-hour graduate course "Clinical Data Collection and Analysis". Consultant to the Cincinnati Health Departments Sexually Transmitted Disease Training Programs sponsored by the Center for Disease Control. Responsible for developing and maintaining the College-Wide computer network. Co-Developed the Center for Academic Technologies, a multidisciplinary office designed to assist faculty in the effective use of technology in research, instruction and patient care. Designed and Installed a learning resource laboratory and a college-wide Novell network in the College of Pharmacy. Designed and Installed a Wide Area Network to support the Administrative Offices in the Medical Center. Established standards for connecting academic units to the Internet from DOS, Apple and Unix platforms. Contract from CDC to develop multimedia instructional program on Chlamydia trachomatis. Member of Task Force to develop and implement new Pharmacy Curriculum.,
1987 -1999 INTERIM COORDINATOR, MEDICAL CENTER INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, Reported to the Senior Vice President and Provost for Health Affairs. Responsible for coordinating information management/ technology development and delivery within the Medical Center Community. Provided leadership in the development of a new organizational structure within the Medical Center with responsibility for the delivery of Information Technologies. Co-chaired the University Committee charged to assist Coopers & Lybrand with an external review of University Information Technology/ Management Systems. Co-Chair of the1990 Ohio Board of Regents Capital Equipment Committee. Primary responsibility for prioritization and distribution of 4.2 million dollars in support of academic instruction. Served as an advocate for the development of new instructional technologies, including innovative library systems and wide-area networking strategies. Worked closely with the planning office on West campus and the computing center to develop a new space database for planning and funding algorithms. Designed and Installed a Wide Area Network to support the Administrative Offices in the Medical Center.,
1987 -1988 VICE-CHAIR, DIVISION OF CLINICAL AND HOSPITAL PHARMACY, Responsible for developing the Clinical Pharmacy components of the College of Pharmacy accreditation document. Initiated discussions to develop a Doctor of Pharmacy tracking option to replace current graduate PharmD program, and to establish post-doctoral fellowships in clinical pharmacy. Responsible for developing a recruitment strategy within the division to attract research active faculty to the Division of Clinical and Hospital Pharmacy and for establishing a clinical studies unit to evaluate Phase I and Phase II drug products. ,
1982 -1988 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF CLINICAL PHARMACY, University of Cincinnati Surgical Infectious Disease and pharmacokinetics consultant. Principle author of $135,000 Program Excellence Award, and $550,000 New Drug Evaluation Unit grant. Co-author of two Academic Challenge proposals, one of which was selected for funding by the University. Project coordinator for a $122,000 computer education grant from the NCR Corporation. Actively involved in the Doctor of Pharmacy Program and clinical research activities, including "in vitro" and human research protocols. Frequent presentations at local, state and national levels. Actively involved in evaluating methods of alternative education delivery. Established as a pilot project with Dr. Robert Cluxton, a non-traditional graduate course using videotape lectures. Member of medical center information systems strategic planning committee.,
1978 -1985 LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE PHARMACOLOGY INSTRUCTOR, D. Russell Lee Vocational School District Licensed Vocational Instructor for Pharmacology Certification. Responsible for adult evening education classes to prepare nurses for a national licensing examination.,
1977 -1982 PHARMACIST, PHARMACY SUPERVISOR, Fort Hamilton-Hughes Memorial Hospital Center. Clinical Pharmacist with supervisory responsibilities over pharmacists, technicians, and students. Assisted with the development of unit dose, intravenous additive and oncology services. Assisted with the design and installation of a Pharmacy Computer System with clinical service modules. Actively assisted with the design and implementation of a pharmacy computer system. Coordinated pharmacy purchasing and contract bidding. Developed Drug Utilization Review and Pharmacokinetic Dosing Programs. Editor of hospital pharmacy newsletter. Active member of a move planning and space management committee for a 35 million dollar expansion program. ,
1970 -1977 INTERN, PHARMACY AIDE, STOREROOM AIDE, Fort Hamilton-Hughes Memorial Hospital Center. Assisted with the management of pharmacy and central supply storerooms. Responsible for print shop and Xerox copying functions within the Hospital, as well as mail distribution within Center.,
2012 -2013 Interim Dean, Winkle College of Pharmacy, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2013 - Associate Professor Emeritus,
Research Support
Investigators:Hutton JJ, Guard JR, Fant WK et al 2003 -2008 NIH: National Library of Medicine IAIMS Implementation Grant Role:Co-Investigator 1,600,000
Grant: #NIH OD-03-007 Investigators:Martin WJ, Belskis M, Miller, M et al. 2003 -2004 NIH Human Subject Research Enhancement Program Role:Instructional Technologist and Programmer 150,000
Grant: #NIH RFA-OD-02-003 Investigators:Harrison, DC, Harpster L, Gladue B et al. 2002 -2003 NIH Human Subjects Research / IRB Infrastructure Enhancements Role:Instructional Design and Programming 150,000
Investigators:Fant WK 1995 -2006 Cincinnati Health Department - Centers for Disease Control Multimedia Instruction and Distance Learning Role:Instructional Designer and Programmer 160,000
Investigators:Fant WK, Warner VD, et al. 1987 Procter and Gamble's Investigational New Drug Evaluation Unit's Role:Investigator 550,000
Investigators:Goody C, Brueggemann R, Emerson LT, Fant WK UC Faculty Development Counsel Promoting PDA use among UC Medical Center Faculty and Students Role:Co-Investigator 15,000
Investigators:Kues J, Fant W, Emerson LA et al Ohio Board of Regents Students on the Move: Wireless Devices in the Health Professions Role:Co-Investigator 343,000
Grant: #OBR-08 BRTT-01-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Fant, William 11-01-1999 -06-30-2001 Ohio Board of Regents A Distributed Learning Model for Teaching Pharmacology Role:PI $405,792.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Published Abstracts
Kues JR, Brueggemann RF, Fant WK et al. (2003. ) Integrating mobile technology into a health professions curriculum: using flexible technology to meet expectations .[Abstract]AMIA Annu Symp Proc, 900
Peer Reviewed Publications
Vanderbush RE, Anderson HG, Fant WK, Fujisaki BS, Malone PM, Price PL, Pruchnicki MC, Sterling TL, Weatherman KD, Williams KG (2007. ) Implementing Pharmacy Informatics in College Curricula: The AACP Technology in Pharmacy Education and Learning Special Interest Group .American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, , 71 (6 ) ,
Guard JR, Brueggemann RF, Fant WK et al. (2004. ) Integrated advanced information management systems: a twenty-year history at the University of Cincinnati. .J Med Libr Assoc, , 92(2) (April ) ,171-8
Fant WK. (1993. ) Lead Article - Novel Monoclonal Antiendotoxin Antibody Therapy: Efficacy at any Price? .PharmacoEconomics , , 3(6) (Jun ) ,437-445
Rosenbalm CL, Fant WK, Miyagawa CI and Armistead JA. (1991. ) Inability to Justify a Part-Time Clinical Pharmacist in a Community Hospital Intensive-Care Unit .Am J Hosp Pharm , , 48(10) (Oct ) ,2154-7
Kopcha RG, Fant WK, and Warden GD. (1991. ) Increased Dosing Requirements for Amikacin in Burned Children .J Antimicrob Chemother , , 28 (Nov ) ,747-5
Cotto MA, Lutomski DM, Palascak JE, Fant WK and LaFrance RJ. (1990. ) Fat Emulsion Effects on Prothrombin Time in Warfarin Anticoagulated Patients: An "in vitro" study .J. Paren Enter Nutrition , , 14(2) (Mar-Apr ) ,201-3
Fant WK. (1990. ) Selecting patients for monoclonal antibody therapy .Am J Hosp Pharm, , 47(11 Suppl 3) (Nov ) ,S16-19
Katona BG, Siegel EG, Roberts JR, Fant WK and Hassen M. (1989. ) The Effect of Superactive Charcoal and Magnesium Citrate Solution on Blood Ethanol Concentrations and Area under the Curve in Humans .J Toxicol Clin Toxicol , , 27(1-2) ,129 -37
Marx MA, Fant WK. (1988. ) Cefuroxime axetil. .Drug Intell Clin Pharm, , 22(9) (Sep ) ,651-8
Fant WK. (1986. ) Controversies in antimicrobial therapy: pitfalls in monitoring aminoglycoside therapy .Am J Hosp Pharm, , 43(3) (Mar ) ,641-6
Warner A, Hassan FM, Fant WK. (1986. ) Drug Abuse Testing: Pharmacokinetic and Technical Aspects .Am Assoc Clin Chem , , 8 (6 ) ,1
Hurford BS and Fant WK. (1986. ) Needs Analysis of a Pharmacokinetic Dosing Service .Pfipharmics Management Newsletter, , 4 (1 ) ,12
Oszko MA and Fant WK. (1985. ) Cost-Effectiveness Analysis as a Tool to Compare Two Methods of Preparing and Administering Intravenous Heparin Solutions .Hospital Pharmacy, , 20(8) (Aug ) ,576-81
Solomkin JS, Fant WK, Rivera J, et. al. (1985. ) Randomized trial of imipenem/cilastatin versus gentamicin and clindamycin in mixed flora infections .American Journal of Medicine, , 78(6A) (Jun ) ,85-91
Siegel EG, Bonfiglio JF, Ritschel WA, Fant W. (1985. ) Investigation of clonidine and lofexidine for the treatment of barbiturate withdrawal in mice .Vet Hum Toxicol, , 27(6) (Dec ) ,503-505
Fant WK, Ritschel WA, et. al. (1984. ) Prediction of Steady State Nortriptyline Plasma Levels by the Repeated One-Point Method .Clinical Pharmacokinetics, , 9(5) (Sep-Oct ) ,450-6
Roberts S, Hunter,R, Myre S, Fant, WK, Coats, E. (1984. ) Computer-Assisted Instruction in Pharmacy .American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, , 48 ,76
Fant WK. (1984. ) Development, Effectiveness of Cephalosporins .Urology Times, , April ,234
Vanderbush, Ross E; Anderson, H Glenn; Fant, William K; Fujisaki, Brad S; Malone, Patrick M; Price, Paul L; Pruchnicki, Maria C; Sterling, Teresa L; Weatherman, Kara D; Williams, Karl G (2007. ) Implementing pharmacy informatics in college curricula: the AACP Technology in Pharmacy Education and Learning Special Interest Group. American journal of pharmaceutical education, , 71 (6 ) ,117
Guard, J Roger; Brueggemann, Ralph F; Fant, William K; Hutton, John J; Kues, John R; Marine, Stephen A; Rouan, Gregory W; Schick, Leslie C (2004. ) Integrated advanced information management systems: a twenty-year history at the University of Cincinnati. Journal of the Medical Library Association : JMLA, , 92 (2 ) ,171-8
Kues, John R; Brueggemann, Ralph; Fant, William K; Guard, J Roger; Mincarelli, Delores A (2003. ) Integrating mobile technology into a health professions curriculum: using flexible technology to meet expectations. AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings / AMIA Symposium. AMIA Symposium, , 900
Fant, W K (1993. ) Novel monoclonal antiendotoxin antibody therapy: efficacy at any price? .PharmacoEconomics, , 3 (6 ) ,437-45
Kopcha, R G; Fant, W K; Warden, G D (1991. ) Increased dosing requirements for amikacin in burned children. The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, , 28 (5 ) ,747-52
Rosenbaum, C L; Fant, W K; Miyagawa, C I; Armitstead, J A (1991. ) Inability to justify a part-time clinical pharmacist in a community hospital intensive-care unit. American journal of hospital pharmacy, , 48 (10 ) ,2154-7
Fant, W K (1990. ) Selecting patients for monoclonal antibody therapy. American journal of hospital pharmacy, , 47 (11 Suppl 3 ) ,S16-9
Cotto, M A; Lutomski, D M; Palascak, J E; Fant, W K; LaFrance, R J Fat emulsion effects on prothrombin time in warfarin anticoagulated patients: an in vitro study. JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition, , 14 (2 ) ,201-3
Katona, B G; Siegel, E G; Roberts, J R; Fant, W K; Hassen, M (1989. ) The effect of "superactive" charcoal and magnesium citrate solution on blood ethanol concentrations and area under the curve in humans. Journal of toxicology. Clinical toxicology, , 27 (1-2 ) ,129-37
Marx, M A; Fant, W K (1988. ) Cefuroxime axetil. Drug intelligence & clinical pharmacy, , 22 (9 ) ,651-8
Fant, W K (1986. ) Controversies in antimicrobial therapy: pitfalls in monitoring aminoglycoside therapy. American journal of hospital pharmacy, , 43 (3 ) ,641-6
Oszko, M A; Fant, W K (1985. ) Cost-effectiveness analysis as a tool to compare two methods of preparing and administering intravenous heparin solutions. Hospital pharmacy, , 20 (8 ) ,576-8, 581-2
Solomkin, J S; Fant, W K; Rivera, J O; Alexander, J W (1985. ) Randomized trial of imipenem/cilastatin versus gentamicin and clindamycin in mixed flora infections. The American journal of medicine, , 78 (6A ) ,85-91
Fant, W K; Ritschel, W A; Alwis, S K; Roe, S; Ehret, J Prediction of steady-state nortriptyline plasma levels by the repeated one-point method. Clinical pharmacokinetics, , 9 (5 ) ,450-6
Invited Presentations
Fant WK, Guo GE (2002. ) Comparison of Existing Commercial Pharmacy Database Systems in the U.S. National Childrens Study Group, Baltimore, MD.
Fant WK (2003. ) Blackboard as a Delivery Tool for Non-Traditional PharmD Courses .University of Cincinnati Distance Learning Workshop, Cincinnati, OH.
Fant WK (2000. ) Pain Management: On-Line Resources .Ohio Pharmacists Association Midyear Meeting, Columbus, OH.
Fant WK (2003. ) How to use Technology in Pharmacy Education .American College of Clinical Pharmacy Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Holstrom L, Kowell ST, Cullen, FT, Fant WK, Emerson L (2003. ) Distance Learning Programs at UC .UC Board of Directors, Cincinnati, OH.
Fant WK (2004. ) Mobile Computing: Managing the Transition from the Desktop to Portable Devices .National Network of Libraries of Medicine: Greater Midwest Region, Springfield, IL.
Heaton C and Fant WK (2003. ) Why is Neiserria gonorrhoeae still a problem? .National Satellite Broadcast for CDC, Cincinnati, OH.
Fant WK (1998. ) The use of PDAs and Technology in Pharmacy and Medicine. Tech Prep and the Health Alliance, Cincinnati, OH.
Fant WK (1998. ) Educational Opportunities on the Internet .American College of Clinical Pharmacy, Cincinnati, OH.
Poster Presentations
Fant WK, Kues J, Brueggemann R, et al (2005. ) eCourses: Delivering On-Line Compliance Training to Learners at a Distance .IAIMS Consortium National Meeting, Boston, MA. .
Fant WK, Brueggemann R, Rouan G, Mincarelli D, Gordon W (2005. ) UC IAIMS Portfolio Development Project: A Descriptive Report .IAIMS Consortium National Meeting, Boston, MA. .
Jutton JJ, Guard R, Fant WK, Kues J (2003. ) Integrating Research, Education and Administrative Systems: IAIMS at the University of Cincinnati .IAIMS Consortium National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. .
Fant WK (2003. ) Developing and Delivering On-Line Compliance Training .American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Minneapolis, MN. .
Fant WK, Wall A, Brown, BT, Kessinger C (2001. ) Professional and General Abilities Assessment in a Pharmacy Practice Skills Laboratory Sequence .American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Toronto, Canada. .
Wall A, Harmon B, Fant WK, Martin JE (2001. ) Longitudinal Patient Evaluation: Applying Basic and Administrative Science to Practice .American Association of College of Pharmacy, Toronto, Canada. .
Honors and Awards
1977 Rexall Outstanding Pharmacy Student Achievement Award
2004 UC Faculty Member of the Year Awarded by the University of Cincinnati Alumni Association for outstanding contributions to the University
Pharmacist,Practitioner, Quality Assurance, Clinical Researcher, Computer, Computer-aided Clinical Decision Making, Computer-assisted Instruction, Infectious Diseases, Therapeutic Evaluation of Drugs, Clinical Pharmacy, Hospital Pharmacy, Antimicrobials, Informatics , Information Science(MeSH L), Education(MeSH I02)
Professional Affiliation
07-01-2011 -06-30-2013: Institutional Research and Assessment Committee AACP,
Contact Information
Academic - James L. Winkler College of Pharmacy
3225 Eden Ave.
Phone: 513-558-3784