Timothy Steven Forest , BA, MA, PhD
Associate Professor
University of Cincinnati - Blue Ash Muntz Hall, 253FRoom
9555 Plainfield Rd.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45236
Phone 513-936-1509
Email timothy.forest@uc.edu
Professional Summary
Dr. Timothy S. Forest is currently an associate professor in Modern European History at the University of Cincinnati – Blue Ash. His research interests lie in settler colonialism, state-directed colonization, frontiers, and issues of race, gender and identity in the British and French empires in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
PhD: University of Texas - Austin Austin, TX, 2008 (Modern British Imperialism)
MA: University of Texas - Austin Austin, TX, 2002 (Modern British History)
BA: McGill University Montreal, QC, 1998 (European History and International Affairs (Combined Major))
Research and Practice Interests
My research interests lie in settler colonialism, state-directed colonization, frontiers, and issues of race, gender and identity in the British and French empires in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Positions and Work Experience
08-2017 -To Present Associate Professor of History, University of Cincinnati - Blue Ash, Cincinnati, OH
08-2011 -08-2017 Assistant Professor of History, University of Cincinnati - Blue Ash, Cincinnati, OH
08-2010 -08-2011 Visiting Assistant Professor of History, University of Cincinnati - Blue Ash, Cincinnati, OH
08-2009 -06-2010 Visiting Assistant Professor of History, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA
08-2007 -08-2009 Adjunct Professor of History, Austin Community College, Austin, TX
Research Support
Investigators:Timothy Forest 12-15-2012 -08-15-2013 U.S. Department of State Fulbright Research Award - France Role:PI $38000 Completed Type:Grant Level:International
Investigators:Timothy S. Forest 01-01-2016 -05-31-2016 Unversity of Cincinnati Pathway B - 21st Century Role:PI $25000 Planned/In Preparation Type:Fellowship Level:International
Grant: #R25072 Investigators:Forest, Timothy 04-01-2019 -03-31-2020 UC's URC Faculty Research Cost Support Awards Program Imperial Paradoxes? Martial Races, State- Directed Colonization and the (UN)making of British and French Imperialism, 1871-1900 Role:PI $7,500.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Peer Reviewed Publications
Timothy Forest (2015. ) Defenders of Empire, or Agents of Ruin? Hebridean Scots Colonies in British Columbia in the 1920s .Canadian Historical Review, , 94 (2 ) ,
Timothy Forest (2012. ) Epic Triumph, or Epic Embarassment? Commemorations of the War of 1812 Today in the Niagara Region .Ontario History, , CIV (1 ) ,78
Timothy Forest (2012. ) Highland Warriors, or Scotch Coolies? Hebridean Crofters in British Columbia, 1887-1893 .Pacific Northwest Quarterly, , 102 (2 ) ,79
Timothy Forest (2010. ) Negotiating Whiteness on the Frontiers of Empire: The Hebridean Scot and the Group Settlement Scheme in Western Australia .The Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society, , 96 (1 ) ,1
Timothy Forest (2002. ) The Battle of the Books: The Irish Border .British Association of Irish Studies Journal, , January-February ,813
Paper Presentations
Timothy S. Forest (11-2014. ) “Soldiers, Vagrants, Colonizers, Rebels and Beggars? The Rise and Fall of Highland Scots Colonies, 1884-1892” .Minneapolis, MN. Conference. Level:International
Timothy S. Forest (10-2014. ) "Homes Unfit for Heroes: The Rise and Fall of Scottish War Veteran Colonies in Alberta and British Columbia, 1921-1925" .Calgary, AB, Canada. Other Institution. Level:International
Timothy S. Forest (06-2014. ) “Agents of Empire, Agents of Ruin: Highland Scots Colonies in the Canadian West, 1884-1892” .Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK. Other Institution. Level:International
Timothy S. Forest (04-2014. ) “Une Province Perdue, or the Reichsland Elsass? The Cultural and Linguistic Struggle for Alsace, 1870-1918” .Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada. Other Institution. Level:International
Britain, Scotland, Ireland, emigration, empire settlement, bio-imperialism, whiteness, Britishness, racism, Canada, Commonwealth, self-help, nationalism, effeteness, rejuvenation, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, France, Alsace, Algeria, comparative empires
Contact Information
Academic - University of Cincinnati - Blue Ash Muntz Hall, 253FRoom
9555 Plainfield Rd.
Ohio, 45236
Phone: 513-936-1509