Robert Franco

Robert S Franco , PhD


Vontz Center for Molecular Studies
3125 Eden Avenue, Room 1304
ML 0562
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267-0508
Phone 513-558-3241
Fax 513-558-6703

Professional Summary

Dr. Franco has published over 50 manuscripts. He is a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Society of Hematology, and the American Association of Blood Banks. He remains active on several committees at UC, including the Program Committee for the Pathobiology and Molecular Medicine Graduate Program (Responsible for all aspects of the graduate program); Department of Internal Medicine Research Committee (Oversees research initiatives, seminar series, and graduate education); College of Medicine Post-doctoral Scholars Advisory Committee (Formulates policy and organizes events related to postdoctoral education); and the Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center Research Committee (Reviews current studies and plans future research for the Sickle Cell Center.)


Bachelor's Degree: Drexel Institute of Technology 1966 (Chemistry)

Doctoral Degree: University of Cincinnati 1971 (Chemistry)

Fellowship: Drexel Insititute of Technology 1968 (Research)

Fellowship : University of Cincinnati 1970 (Teaching)

Research and Practice Interests

Cellular Pathophysiology of Sickle Cells, Hematology Oncology

Positions and Work Experience

1972 -1976 Junior Research Associate,

1976 -1978 Research Associate,

1972 -1992 Director, Diagnostic Hematology Laboratory, Hematology-Oncology Division, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH

1978 -1985 Assistant Professor of Experimental Medicine,

1985 -1991 Research Associate Professor of Medicine,

1996 -1998 Chariman, Pathobiology and Molecular Medicine Graduate Program,

1991 -2009 Research Professor of Medicine,

2009 -To Present Adjunct Research Professor of Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

Research Support

Investigators:C Joiner, RS Franco 04-01-2008 -03-31-2012 Cincinnati Basic and Translational Research Program in Scikley Cell Disease Project #4 Studies of KCL Cotransport in Sickle Cells Role:Co-I $39,972

Investigators:P Malik, RS Franco 04-01-2008 -03-31-2012 Cincinnati Basic and Translational Research Program in Sickle Cell Disease Project #5 Studies of Gene Therapy in Sickle Cells Role:Co-I $21,326

Investigators:R Cohen, RS Franco 10-01-2009 -Bad Format: 20140931 VA Merit Does Variation in Mean Red Cell Age Impact HbA1c Interpretation? Role:Co-I $40,000

Grant: #CHMC 521-A / U54 HL070871 Investigators:Franco, Robert 04-01-2006 -12-12-2007 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Clinical Project for Cincinnati Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center Role:PI $109,929.00 Closed Level:Federal

Investigators:Franco, Robert 04-01-2003 -03-31-2008 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Effect of Therapy on Sickle Cell Hydration and Survival Role:PI $1,298,825.00 Closed Level:Federal

Investigators:Franco, Robert 11-24-2000 -12-31-2002 MaxCyte, Inc. Joint Research Plan: University of Cincinnati and Synectics Technology Role:PI $112,185.00 Closed Level:Industry

Grant: #5-R01-HL-57614-04-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Franco, Robert 09-30-1996 -08-31-2001 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Inhibition of Ion Transport in Deoxygenated Sickle Cells Role:PI $169,139.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #5-R01-HL-51174-07-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Franco, Robert 01-01-1998 -11-30-2001 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Genesis of Dense Sickle Cells Role:PI $756,339.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #ENTREMED-01-02-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Franco, Robert 11-24-1997 -11-23-1999 EntreMed, Inc. Joint Research Plan: University of Cincinnati and Synectics Technology Role:PI $229,830.00 Closed Level:Industry

Grant: #5-P60-HL-58421-06-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Franco, Robert 04-10-1998 -03-31-2004 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Cincinnati Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center Role:PI $1,105,185.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #5-P60-HL-58421-05-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Franco, Robert 04-10-1998 -03-31-2003 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Cincinnati Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center Role:PI $97,472.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #105250 / U54HL070871 Investigators:Franco, Robert 06-15-2008 -03-31-2012 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Genetic Therapy for Sickle Cell Anemia Role:PI $240,633.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #105251 / U54HL070871 Investigators:Franco, Robert 06-15-2008 -03-31-2011 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Genetic Manipulation of Red Cell Volume Regulation Role:PI $83,174.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #SRS 006815 Investigators:Franco, Robert 03-01-2010 -12-31-2013 Department of Veterans Affairs Intergovernmental Personnel Act Agreement for Robert Franco Role:PI $53,491.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #R01 CA158372 Investigators:Franco, Robert; Qi, Xiaoyang; Welge, Jeffrey 09-27-2011 -07-31-2016 National Cancer Institute Acidic Phospholipid- Selective Treatment for Neurobalstoma Role:Collaborator $970,735.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #SRS 008056 Investigators:Franco, Robert 03-01-2012 -09-30-2012 Cerus Corporation Measurement of Oxygen Affinity in Stored Red Blood Cell Units with and without Rejuvenation Role:PI $7,390.00 Active Level:Industry

Grant: #VA IPA-Franco Investigators:Franco, Robert 04-01-2014 -12-31-2014 Department of Veterans Affairs VA IPA Franco Role:PI $7,942.94 Active Level:Federal


Published Abstracts

Ramprasad Srinivasan, Danielle Coyle, Neil Batra, Victor Blanco, Wilson Tong, Mary Palascak, Robert S. Franco, Tapan Chatterjee, David Y. Hui, W. Sean Davidson, Bruce J. Aronow, Evgeny Ozhigov, David Manka, Abigail Peairs, Adnda Blomkahs, Neal L. Weintraub, and Vladimir Y. Bogdanov (2012. ) RBC- Macrophage Inflammatory Axis: Potential Role for Atherosclerosis .[Abstract]

Ramprasad Srinivasan, Danielle Coyle, Neil Batra, Victor Blanco, Wilson Tong, Mary Palascak, Robert S. Franco, Tapan Chatterjee, David Y. Hui, W. Sean Davidson, Bruce J. Aronow, Theodosia Kalfa, David Manka, Abigail Peairs, Adnda Blomkahs, Neal L. Weintraub, and Vladimir Y. Bogdanov (2012. ) Red Blood Cells as a Novel Mediator of Chronic Inflammation in Diet-Induced Obesity: Implications for Atherosclerosis .[Abstract]

Robert S. Franco, Mary B. Palascak, Peter Ciraolo, Clinton H. Joiner, and KarenAnn Kalinyak (2009. ) Cyclical Changes in Erythrocyte Characteristics during Chronic Transfusion Therapy in Pediatric Sickle Cell Patients .[Abstract]

Latorya Arnold, Mary B. Palascak, Clinton H. Joiner, and Robert S. Franco (2008. ) External PS in Sickle RBC: Relationships among Aminophospholipid Translocase (APLT), Phospholipid Scramblase (PLSCR), Cell Maturity, and Cell Density .[Abstract]

Latorya Arnold, Mary B. Palascak, Peter Ciraolo, Clinton H. Joiner, and Robert S. Franco (2007. ) Aminophospholipid Translocase Activity is Markedly Decreased in Dehydrated Sickle Red Blood Cells .[Abstract]

Latorya E. Arnold, BS, Peter Ciraolo, MS, Mary B. Palascak, BS, Clinton H. Joiner, MD, PhD, and Robert S. Franco, PhD (2006. ) The Presence Of Activated Caspase 3 In Sickle Cells .[Abstract]

Latorya Arnold, Mary B Palascak, Peter Ciraolo, Clinton H Joiner, and Robert S Franco (2006. ) Aminophospholipid Translocase Activity And Phosphatidylserine Externalization In Sickle Red Blood Cell Subpopulations .[Abstract]

Robert S. Franco, Peter Ciraolo, Mary B. Palascak, Clinton H. Joiner, Zahida Yasin, Donald L. Rucknagel (2005. ) The Survival of Sickle RBC that Lack HbF Is Shorter in Patients with a High Percentage of HbF-Containing RBC .[Abstract]

Clinton H. Joiner, R. Kirk Rettig, Mary Palascak, Amher Sheriff, Robert M. Cohen, Robert S. Franco. (2005. ) Mature Sickle and Normal Red Cells Exhibit Regulatory Volume Decrease Activated by Urea and Mediated by KCl Cotransport .[Abstract]

Robert S. Franco, Peter Ciraolo, Mary B. Palascak, and Clinton H. Joiner (2004. ) Dense Sickle Cells Contain Decreased Amounts Of The Calpain Inhibitor Calpastatin .[Abstract]

Robert S. Franco, Peter Ciraolo, Mary B. Palascak, Clinton H. Joiner, Zahia Yasin, and Donald Rucknagel (2004. ) Sickle cell patients with a high percentage of HbF-containing RBC (F cells) have a shorter survival of RBC that lack HbF .[Abstract]

Robert S. Franco, Mary Palascak, Peter Ciraolo, Annette Lavender, Clinton H. Joiner, Zahida Yasin, and Donald L. Rucknagel (2003. ) Survival of F and nonF Sickle Cells Before and After Treatment with Hydroxyurea .[Abstract]

R.S. Franco, J.D. Holtzclaw, and C.H. Joiner (2002. ) Sickle cell dehydration revisited: evidence for pathological rehydration of dense cells.

R.S. Franco, Z. Yasin, C.H. Joiner, and D.L. Rucknagel (2002. ) High sodium sickle cells from the low density fraction have very short in vivo survival .[Abstract]

Zahida Yasin, Mary B. Palascak, Peter J. Ciraolo, Clinton H. Joiner, and Donald L. Rucknagel (2002. ) Time-dependent Changes in the Percentage of Cells with Low or High Levels of External Phosphatidylserine (PS) after Reinfusion of Biotin-labeled Sickle Cells .[Abstract]

Robert S. Franco, Mary B. Palascak, Maorong Jiang, and Clinton H. Joiner (2002. ) Dense Sickle Cells Have a Wide Range of Sodium Content .[Abstract]

Latorya Arnold, Mary B. Palascak, Peter Ciraolo, Clinton H. Joiner, and Robert S. Franco External PS in Sickle RBC: Phospholipid Scramblase Is Activated In Normal And Sickle Red Blood Cells After Exposure To Phorbol Ester .[Abstract]

Peer Reviewed Publications

Franco, Robert S; Puchulu-Campanella, M Estela; Barber, Latorya A; Palascak, Mary B; Joiner, Clinton H; Low, Philip S; Cohen, Robert M (2013. ) Changes in the properties of normal human red blood cells during in vivo aging.American journal of hematology, , 88 (1 ) ,44-51 More Information

De Franceschi, Lucia; Franco, Robert S; Bertoldi, Mariarita; Brugnara, Carlo; Matté, Alessandro; Siciliano, Angela; Wieschhaus, Adam J; Chishti, Athar H; Joiner, Clinton H (2012. ) Pharmacological inhibition of calpain-1 prevents red cell dehydration and reduces Gardos channel activity in a mouse model of sickle cell disease.FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, , More Information

Mock, Donald M; Widness, John A; Strauss, Ronald G; Franco, Robert S (2012. ) Posttransfusion red blood cell (RBC) survival determined using biotin-labeled RBCs has distinct advantages over labeling with (51) Cr.Transfusion, , 52 (7 ) ,1596-8 More Information

. Godfrin, Y., Horand, F., Franco, R., Dufour, E., Kosenko, E., Bax, B.E., Banz, A., Skorokhod, O.A., Lanao, J.M., Vitvitsky, V., Sinauridze, E., Bourgeaux, V., Gunter, K.C. (2012. ) International seminar on the red blood cells as vehicles for drugs ( Conference Paper ) .Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy, , 12: ,127-133

. Paramjit K. Khera, Eric P. Smith, Shannon Haggerty, Christopher J. Lindsell, Mary B. Palascak, Shilpa Mehta, M. Colleen Rogge, Jacqueline M. Hibbert, Robert S. Franco, Robert M. Cohen (2012. ) Development and Validation of a Stable Isotope Label to Measure Red Blood Cell Lifespan in Diabetes .

Srinivasan, R; Ozhegov, E; van den Berg, Y W; Aronow, B J; Franco, R S; Palascak, M B; Fallon, J T; Ruf, W; Versteeg, H H; Bogdanov, V Y (2011. ) Splice variants of tissue factor promote monocyte-endothelial interactions by triggering the expression of cell adhesion molecules via integrin-mediated signaling.Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH, , 9 (10 ) ,2087-96 More Information

Pan, Dao; Kalfa, Theodosia A; Wang, Daren; Risinger, Mary; Crable, Scott; Ottlinger, Anna; Chandra, Sharat; Mount, David B; Hübner, Christian A; Franco, Robert S; Joiner, Clinton H (2011. ) K-Cl cotransporter gene expression during human and murine erythroid differentiation.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 286 (35 ) ,30492-503 More Information

Ferreira, Manoel Luiz; Matusin, Daniel Patterson; Machado, Christiano Bittencourt; Silva, Paulo César; Mello, Natalia Bernades; Amaral, Alessandra Cintra; Franco, Renata Schueler; Pereira, Wagner Coelho de Albuquerque; Schanaider, Alberto (2010. ) Characterization of pseudarthrosis with ultrasound backscattered signals in rats. Acta cirúrgica brasileira / Sociedade Brasileira para Desenvolvimento Pesquisa em Cirurgia, , 25 (1 ) ,13-7

Ferreira, Manoel Luiz; Silva, Paulo Cesar; Pereira, Lara de Paula Miranda; Franco, Renata Schueler; Mello, Natalia Bernades; Amaral, Alessandra Cintra; Schanaider, Alberto (2009. ) [Experimental model in rats for the development of pseudoarthrosis]. Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões, , 36 (6 ) ,514-8

Barber, Latorya A; Palascak, Mary B; Joiner, Clinton H; Franco, Robert S (2009. ) Aminophospholipid translocase and phospholipid scramblase activities in sickle erythrocyte subpopulations.British journal of haematology, , 146 (4 ) ,447-55 More Information

Franco, Robert S (2009. ) The measurement and importance of red cell survival.American journal of hematology, , 84 (2 ) ,109-14 More Information

Ajay Perumbeti, Tomoyasu Higashimoto, Fabrizia Urbinati, Robert Franco, Herbert Meiselman, David Witte, and Punam Malik (2009. ) . Genetic Correction of Sickle Cell Anemia with a Gamma-Globin Expressing Lentivirus Vector and Critical Determinants for Successful Correction .Blood, , 114: ,1174-1185

Cohen, Robert M; Franco, Robert S; Khera, Paramjit K; Smith, Eric P; Lindsell, Christopher J; Ciraolo, Peter J; Palascak, Mary B; Joiner, Clinton H (2008. ) Red cell life span heterogeneity in hematologically normal people is sufficient to alter HbA1c.Blood, , 112 (10 ) ,4284-91 More Information

Khera, Paramjit K; Joiner, Clinton H; Carruthers, Anthony; Lindsell, Christopher J; Smith, Eric P; Franco, Robert S; Holmes, Yancey R; Cohen, Robert M (2008. ) Evidence for interindividual heterogeneity in the glucose gradient across the human red blood cell membrane and its relationship to hemoglobin glycation.Diabetes, , 57 (9 ) ,2445-52 More Information

Cohen, Robert M; Joiner, Clinton H; Franco, Robert S (2008. ) Discordant HbA1c results: the hoofbeats increase.The Journal of pediatrics, , 153 (1 ) ,7-9 More Information

Lindsell, Christopher J; Franco, Robert S; Smith, Eric P; Joiner, Clinton H; Cohen, Robert M (2008. ) A method for the continuous calculation of the age of labeled red blood cells.American journal of hematology, , 83 (6 ) ,454-7 More Information

Chu, Haiyan; Breite, Andrew; Ciraolo, Peter; Franco, Robert S; Low, Philip S (2008. ) Characterization of the deoxyhemoglobin binding site on human erythrocyte band 3: implications for O2 regulation of erythrocyte properties.Blood, , 111 (2 ) ,932-8 More Information

Roszell, Nancy J; Danton, Mary Jo; Jiang, Maorong; Witte, David; Daugherty, Cynthia; Grimes, Timothy; Girdler, Benjamin; Anderson, Kathleen P; Franco, Robert S; Degen, Jay L; Joiner, Clinton H (2007. ) Fibrinogen deficiency, but not plasminogen deficiency, increases mortality synergistically in combination with sickle hemoglobin SAD in transgenic mice.American journal of hematology, , 82 (12 ) ,1044-8 More Information

Joiner, Clinton H; Rettig, R Kirk; Jiang, Maorong; Risinger, Mary; Franco, Robert S (2007. ) Urea stimulation of KCl cotransport induces abnormal volume reduction in sickle reticulocytes.Blood, , 109 (4 ) ,1728-35 More Information

Franco, Robert S; Yasin, Zahida; Palascak, Mary B; Ciraolo, Peter; Joiner, Clinton H; Rucknagel, Donald L (2006. ) The effect of fetal hemoglobin on the survival characteristics of sickle cells.Blood, , 108 (3 ) ,1073-6 More Information

Novo, E; Marra, F; Zamara, E; Valfrè di Bonzo, L; Monitillo, L; Cannito, S; Petrai, I; Mazzocca, A; Bonacchi, A; De Franco, R S M; Colombatto, S; Autelli, R; Pinzani, M; Parola, M (2006. ) Overexpression of Bcl-2 by activated human hepatic stellate cells: resistance to apoptosis as a mechanism of progressive hepatic fibrogenesis in humans.Gut, , 55 (8 ) ,1174-82 More Information

Joiner, Clinton H; Rettig, R Kirk; Jiang, Maorong; Franco, Robert S (2004. ) KCl cotransport mediates abnormal sulfhydryl-dependent volume regulation in sickle reticulocytes.Blood, , 104 (9 ) ,2954-60 More Information

Cohen, Robert M; Franco, Robert S; Joiner, Clinton H (2004. ) Is poor glycemic control associated with reduced red blood cell lifespan? .Diabetes care, , 27 (4 ) ,1013-4

Yasin, Zahida; Witting, Scott; Palascak, Mary B; Joiner, Clinton H; Rucknagel, Donald L; Franco, Robert S (2003. ) Phosphatidylserine externalization in sickle red blood cells: associations with cell age, density, and hemoglobin F.Blood, , 102 (1 ) ,365-70 More Information

Holtzclaw, J David; Jiang, Maorong; Yasin, Zahida; Joiner, Clinton H; Franco, Robert S (2002. ) Rehydration of high-density sickle erythrocytes in vitro.Blood, , 100 (8 ) ,3017-25 More Information

Joiner, C H; Jiang, M; Claussen, W J; Roszell, N J; Yasin, Z; Franco, R S (2001. ) Dipyridamole inhibits sickling-induced cation fluxes in sickle red blood cells. Blood, , 97 (12 ) ,3976-83

Franco, R S; Yasin, Z; Lohmann, J M; Palascak, M B; Nemeth, T A; Weiner, M; Joiner, C H; Rucknagel, D L (2000. ) The survival characteristics of dense sickle cells. Blood, , 96 (10 ) ,3610-7

McGoron, A J; Joiner, C H; Palascak, M B; Claussen, W J; Franco, R S (2000. ) Dehydration of mature and immature sickle red blood cells during fast oxygenation/deoxygenation cycles: role of KCl cotransport and extracellular calcium. Blood, , 95 (6 ) ,2164-8

Li, J; Franco, R S; Wang, Y; Pan, H Q; Eaton, D; Cheng, T; Kaushansky, K; Dai, W (1998. ) Megakaryocytic differentiation of HIMeg-1 cells induced by interferon gamma and tumour necrosis factor alpha but not by thrombopoietin.Cytokine, , 10 (11 ) ,880-9 More Information

Franco, R S; Lohmann, J; Silberstein, E B; Mayfield-Pratt, G; Palascak, M; Nemeth, T A; Joiner, C H; Weiner, M; Rucknagel, D L (1998. ) Time-dependent changes in the density and hemoglobin F content of biotin-labeled sickle cells.The Journal of clinical investigation, , 101 (12 ) ,2730-40 More Information

Joiner, C H; Jiang, M; Fathallah, H; Giraud, F; Franco, R S (1998. ) Deoxygenation of sickle red blood cells stimulates KCl cotransport without affecting Na+/H+ exchange. The American journal of physiology, , 274 (6 Pt 1 ) ,C1466-75

Franco, R S; Thompson, H; Palascak, M; Joiner, C H (1997. ) The formation of transferrin receptor-positive sickle reticulocytes with intermediate density is not determined by fetal hemoglobin content. Blood, , 90 (8 ) ,3195-203

Franco, R S; Palascak, M; Thompson, H; Rucknagel, D L; Joiner, C H (1996. ) Dehydration of transferrin receptor-positive sickle reticulocytes during continuous or cyclic deoxygenation: role of KCl cotransport and extracellular calcium. Blood, , 88 (11 ) ,4359-65

Joiner, C H; Franco, R S; Jiang, M; Franco, M S; Barker, J E; Lux, S E (1995. ) Increased cation permeability in mutant mouse red blood cells with defective membrane skeletons. Blood, , 86 (11 ) ,4307-14

Joiner, C H; Jiang, M; Franco, R S (1995. ) Deoxygenation-induced cation fluxes in sickle cells. IV. Modulation by external calcium. The American journal of physiology, , 269 (2 Pt 1 ) ,C403-9

Franco, R S; Palascak, M; Thompson, H; Joiner, C H (1995. ) KCl cotransport activity in light versus dense transferrin receptor-positive sickle reticulocytes.The Journal of clinical investigation, , 95 (6 ) ,2573-80 More Information

Franco, R S; Barker-Gear, R; Miller, M A; Williams, S M; Joiner, C H; Rucknagel, D L (1994. ) Fetal hemoglobin and potassium in isolated transferrin receptor-positive dense sickle reticulocytes. Blood, , 84 (6 ) ,2013-20

Franco, R S; Lee, K N; Barker-Gear, R; Gates, R; Menitove, J E (1994. ) Use of bi-level biotinylation for concurrent measurement of in vivo recovery and survival in two rabbit platelet populations. Transfusion, , 34 (9 ) ,784-9

Franco, R S; Barker-Gear, R; Green, R (1993. ) Inhibition of sickling after reduction of intracellular hemoglobin concentration with an osmotic pulse: characterization of the density and hemoglobin concentration distributions. Blood cells, , 19 (2 ) ,475-88; discussion 4

Lower, E E; Franco, R S; Miller, M A; Martelo, O J (1993. ) Enzymatic and immunohistochemical evaluation of tyrosine phosphorylation in breast cancer specimens. Breast cancer research and treatment, , 26 (3 ) ,217-24

Lower, E E; Franco, R S; Martelo, O J (1992. ) Increased tyrosine protein kinase activity in hairy cell and monocytic leukemias. The American journal of the medical sciences, , 303 (6 ) ,387-91

Crick, J C; Conners, J J; Franco, R S (1990. ) Irreducible palmar dislocation of the proximal interphalangeal joint with bilateral avulsion fractures. The Journal of hand surgery, , 15 (3 ) ,460-3

Wyse, J W; Franco, R S; Barker, R; Yacko, M A; Butterfield, D A (1990. ) Membrane processes associated with the osmotic-pulse incorporation of inositol hexaphosphate. Biochimica et biophysica acta, , 1022 (1 ) ,87-92

Franco, R S; Barker, R L (1989. ) Modification of the oxygen affinity and intracellular hemoglobin concentration of normal and sickle cells by means of an osmotic pulse. The Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine, , 113 (1 ) ,58-66

Wyse, J W; Franco, R S; Barker, R; Butterfield, D A (1989. ) Erythrocyte membrane skeletal protein alterations induced by polyanions: implications to the osmotic-pulse incorporation of inositol hexaphosphate. Progress in clinical and biological research, , 292 ,65-75

Franco, R S; Stowers, S F; McCue, F C (1988. ) Anterior cruciate ligament tears: assessment, treatment. Virginia medical, , 115 (7 ) ,342-4

Franco, R S; Weiner, M; Wagner, K; Martelo, O J; Ragno, G; Pivacek, L E; Valeri, C R (1988. ) The 24-hour posttransfusion survival and lifespan of autologous baboon red cells treated with inositol hexaphosphate-polyethylene glycol or inositol hexaphosphate-adenosine triphosphate-polyethylene glycol to decrease oxygen affinity. Vox sanguinis, , 55 (2 ) ,90-6

Wyse, J W; Barker, R; Franco, R S; Martelo, O; Butterfield, D A (1987. ) Electron spin resonance (ESR) studies of skeletal protein interactions in human erythrocyte membranes exposed to polyanions and in membranes prepared from inositol hexaphosphate (IHP)-incorporated low-affinity erythrocytes. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, , 144 (2 ) ,779-86

Crick, J C; Franco, R S; Conners, J J (1987. ) Fractures about the interphalangeal joints in children. Journal of orthopaedic trauma, , 1 (4 ) ,318-25

Franco, R S; Barker, R; Novick, S; Weiner, M; Martelo, O J (1986. ) Effect of inositol hexaphosphate on the transient behavior of red cells following a DMSO-induced osmotic pulse.Journal of cellular physiology, , 129 (2 ) ,221-9 More Information

Franco, R S; Wagner, K; Weiner, M; Martelo, O J (1984. ) Preparation of low-affinity red cells with dimethylsulfoxide-mediated inositol hexaphosphate incorporation: hemoglobin and ATP recovery using a continuous-flow method. American journal of hematology, , 17 (4 ) ,393-400

Spadaro, J; Hashimoto, L M; Franco, R S; Bregagnollo, E A; Tucci, P J (1984. ) [Effect of previous administration of amiodarone on the early incidence of ventricular fibrillation during experimental myocardial ischemia]. Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia, , 42 (1 ) ,25-9

Franco, R S; Weiner, M; Wagner, K; Martelo, O J (1983. ) Incorporation of inositol hexaphosphate into red blood cells mediated by dimethyl sulfoxide. Life sciences, , 32 (24 ) ,2763-8

Franco, R S; Roberts, K; Martelo, O J (1982. ) Lack of inhibition of protein synthesis by double-stranded RNA in a cell-free system prepared from human reticulocytes. Archives of biochemistry and biophysics, , 214 (1 ) ,186-91

Kumpati, J; Franco, R S; Weiner, M; Martelo, O J (1982. ) Sickling as a function of oxygen delivery: effect of simulated transfusions of stored, fresh and inositol-hexaphosphate-loaded (low affinity) red cells. Blood cells, , 8 (2 ) ,263-72

Franco, R S; Hogg, J W; Martelo, O J (1981. ) Activation and partial characterization of a human reticulocyte heme-dependent eIF-Z alpha kinase. American journal of hematology, , 11 (1 ) ,9-18

Franco, R S; Hogg, J W; Martelo, O J (1979. ) The effect of INH-inhibited heme synthesis on globin synthesis. The Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine, , 93 (4 ) ,679-86

Franco, R S; Hogg, J W; Martelo, O J (1978. ) Asynchronous globin chain synthesis in rabbit reticulocyte lystates induced by hemin-controlled repressor. Blood, , 51 (4 ) ,653-8

Wright, R C; Franco, R S; Denton, D; Blaney, D J (1976. ) Scleromyxedema. Archives of dermatology, , 112 (1 ) ,63-6

Joiner, C H; Franco, R S The activation of KCL cotransport by deoxygenation and its role in sickle cell dehydration.Blood cells, molecules & diseases, , 27 (1 ) ,158-64 More Information

Miller, T J; Franco, R S; Chance, W T; Martelo, O J; Popp, M B Amino acid requirements of a rat sarcoma as determined by a stem cell assay. JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition, , 11 (3 ) ,223-8

Park, Juyoung; Franco, Robert S; Augsburger, James J; Banerjee, Rupak K Comparison of 2-methoxyestradiol and methotrexate effects on non-Hodgkin's B-cell lymphoma.Current eye research, , 32 (7-8 ) ,659-67 More Information

Honors and Awards

Tau Beta Pi Honorary Engineering Society

Phi Lambda Epsilon Honorary Chemistry Society


Chemical Engineer,Laboratory Hematologist,Membrane Structure,Membrane Transport,Transfusions and Transfusion Problems,Hemodynamics and Vasomotor Control,Sickle Cell Disease

Contact Information

Academic - Vontz Center for Molecular Studies
3125 Eden Avenue, Room 1304
Cincinnati  Ohio, 45267-0508
Phone: 513-558-3241
Fax: 513-558-6703