Professional Summary
Dr. Freppon joined the University of Cincinnati in 1990. Her research interests are in teachers’ professional development and teachers’ interpretations of their professional development, and in children’s literacy interpretations in different instructional settings. Dr. Freppon has done comparative research on whole language/literature-based classrooms and skills-based classrooms. She is published in national and international journals such as Reading Research Quarterly, The Journal of Literacy Research, Language Arts, Reading and Writing Quarterly, Research in the Teaching of English, and the American Educational Research Association Journal. Currently, Dr. Freppon is working on a three-year Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking project with the International Reading Association and the Soros Open Society Institute in Uzbekistan. She is also working on a State of Ohio Project that involves Reading Specialist from all of southern Ohio, their schools, and the primary-grade teachers in these schools. She serves on review boards of 5 major journals. Dr. Freppon teaches courses in Assessment and Improvement of Literacy Problems and the co-requisite practicum courses. She has directed the Manney Literacy Center since 1992.
Research Support
Grant: #FY 06 Investigators:Freppon, Penny 07-01-2005 -06-30-2007 Ohio Department of Education Literacy Education Partnership Field Faculty Network Structure Role:PI $181,200.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #DAS-0A04004 Investigators:Freppon, Penny 12-16-2003 -06-30-2004 Ohio Department of Administrative Services Literacy Education Partnership Field Faculty Network Structure Role:PI $87,534.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OSP05121 Investigators:Freppon, Penny 07-01-2004 -06-30-2005 Ohio Department of Education Literacy Education Partnership Field Faculty Network Structure Role:PI $89,261.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OSP02133 Investigators:Freppon, Penny 07-01-2001 -06-30-2002 Ohio Department of Education Literacy Specialist Project Role:PI $79,500.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #062927-RWFC-03 Investigators:Freppon, Penny 07-01-2002 -06-30-2003 Ohio Department of Education Literacy Specialist Project Role:PI $75,000.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #062927-PL00-00/01 Investigators:Freppon, Penny 03-01-2000 -06-30-2001 Ohio Department of Education Literacy Specialist Project Role:PI $75,000.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Peer Reviewed Publications
Freppon,P.A.; Dahl,K. (1998. ) Balanced instruction: insights and considerations .Reading Research Quarterly, , 33 ,240 -251
Dahl,K.L.; Freppon,P.A. (1995. ) A comparison of inner-city children's interpretation of reading and writing instruction in the early grades in skills-based and whole language classrooms .Reading Research Quarterly, , 30 ,50 -74
Freppon,P.A.; McIntyre,E.; Dahl,K.L. (1995. ) A comparison of young children's writing products in skill-based and whole language classrooms .Reading Horizons, , 36 ,150 -165
Williams,C.L.; Freppon,P.A.; Bauer,A.; Barry,P. (1995. ) Final report of the even start family literacy program evaluation .Cincinnati Public Schools and the Urban University Grant Program, ,
V,Purcell-Gates; McIntyre,E.; Freppon,P.A. (1995. ) Learning written storybook language in school: a comparison of low ses children in skill-based and whole language classrooms .American Educational Research Journal, , 32 ,659 -685
Freppon,P.A. (1995. ) Low-income children's literacy interpretations in a skills-based and whole language classroom .Journal of Reading Behavior, , 27 ,505 -533
Book Chapter
Zins,J.E.; Travis,L.F.; Freppon,P.A. (1997 ) Emotional development and emotional literacy Linking research and educational programming to promote social and emotional learning .New York, Basic Books. National Association of School Psychologists
Zins,J.E.; Travis,L.; Freppon,P.A.; Sluyter,D. (1997 ) Emotional development and emotional literacy Programing: Applications for the prevention of interpersonal violence in schools .(pp. 257 -274).New York, Basic Books
Freppon,P.A.; Headings,L. (1996 ) Balanced instruction: teaching skills in whole language "Keeping it whole in whole language": A first-grade teacher's phonics instruction in an urban classroom .Norwood, MA, Christopher Gordon