Elizabeth B. Frierson , Ph.D., Princeton University Department of Near Eastern Studies (1996); M.A. Princeton University Department of Near Eastern Studies (1989); B.A. University of Vermont Department of Comparative Religion
Assoc Professor
Associate Professor
Professional Summary
Professor Frierson came to the study of the Middle East and North Africa after beginning to see the wide gap between reality in the Middle East and U.S. perceptions of the region in the early 1980's. She took her B.A. in Comparative Religion from the University of Vermont and her M.A. and Ph.D. in Near Eastern Studies from Princeton University. She has published several articles on late-Ottoman politics and society, co-edited with Camron Amin and Benjamin C. Fortna The Modern Middle East: A Sourcebook for History (Oxford University Press), and is finishing a manuscript entitled Patriarchal Feminism for Syracuse University Press. She has received several fellowships and awards for research, development of teaching materials, and acquisition of library materials for UC, including from Fulbright, Fulbright-Hays, and the American Research Institute in Turkey, and has been an invited speaker and workshop participant in the U.S., Turkey, Israel, and Europe, as well as a visiting fellow at Middle East Technical University (Ankara), Hacettepe University (Ankara), Cornell University, UCSB, Princeton University. Her Ph.D. students have been Carole Woodall and Lerna Ekmekcioglu of NYU, Julia Phillips Cohen of Stanford, Ufuk Adak and Ali el-Tarhuni at the University of Cincinnati, and Harry Bastermajian of the University of Chicago. She has served on fellowship committees for the American Research Institute in Turkey, the Institute of Turkish Studies, the Social Science Research Council, and the National Endowment for the Humanities, and served for two years as a mentor to the Mellon-funded Minority Access to Research Careers summer program at Princeton. She speaks frequently to community groups and the media about the history of the Middle East and North Africa, and current events. Her current research focuses on refugee management in WWI, and the changes in science, personnel, and practices of pharmacology in the 19th and early 20th centuries in Europe and the Middle East.
Ph.D.: Princeton University Department of Near Eastern Studies 1996
M.A.: Princeton University Department of Near Eastern Studies 1989
B.A.: University of Vermont Department of Comparative Religion 1981
Research and Practice Interests
Dissertation: “Unimagined Communities: State, press, and gender in the Hamidian Era”
Post-doctoral: Censorship in the late-Ottoman Empire and early Republican Turkey;
Consumption and advertising; Images of Japan in the late-Ottoman press, Policing and surveillance, gender, refugee flows
General: Islamic modernism; development of a public sphere in the late-Ottoman Empire; the role of gender in reformist and revolutionary state ideologies; policing and surveillance in Hamidian society; World War I; Near Eastern perspectives on the Far East and the West; historiography of gender and non-Western cultures; comparative and world history; pharmacology.
Trained as a political, intellectual, and women's historian, Dr. Frierson is currently carrying out research on refugee flows in Istanbul and Anatolia between 1877 and 1928, and port cities as a mode of analysis for modernization. She has opened a new research stream on changes in pharmacology in the 19th century in Europe and the Middle East. Her sources encompass print material and archival resources drawn from police records, court cases, city planning, and ministerial records of public order, refugee management, and social services.
Positions and Work Experience
2007 -2008 Outside Doctoral Committee Member for Julia Phillips Cohen, Doctoral committee for Julia Phillips Cohen (Stanford) "Fashioning Imperial Citizens: Sephardi Jews and the Ottoman State, 1856-1912” tenure-track in joint appointment in history and Jewish Studies at Vanderbilt , Stanford University,
2007 -2010 Director, Middle East Studies Certificate, University of Cincinnati Department of History,
2004 -To Present Associate Professor, Affiliated with Department of Women’s Studies, Department of Judaic Studies, Center for European Studies, International Human Rights Program, Asian Studies Program, University of Cincinnati Department of History ,
2004 -2005 Visiting Fellow, Princeton University Department of Near Eastern Studies ,
2004 -2010 Outside Doctoral Committee Member for Lerna Ekmekcioglu, Doctoral committee for Lerna Ekmekcioglu (NYU) “Improvising Turkishness: Being Armenian in Post-Ottoman Istanbul” tenure-track in History at MIT. , New York University,
2004 -2008 Outside Doctoral Committee Member for G. Carole Woodall, Doctoral committee for G. Carole Woodall (NYU) , “Sensing the City: Sound, Movement, and the Night in 1920’s Istanbul” tenure-track in History at U of Colorado/Colorado Springs , New York University,
1999 -1999 Visiting Researcher, University of California/Santa Barbara Department of History,
1997 -2004 Assistant Professor, Affiliated with Department of Women’s Studies, Department of Judaic Studies, Center for European Studies, International Human Rights Program, Asian Studies Program, University of Cincinnati Department of History,
1996 -1997 Visiting Scholar, Cornell University Department of History,
1993 -1996 Part Time Lecturer, Princeton University Department of History,
1992 -1993 Full Time Lecturer, University of New Hampshire Department of History ,
Research Support
Investigators:Elizabeth Frierson 1990 -1991 Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Research Role:Principal Investigator Completed Type:Fellowship Level:National
Grant: #F003622-NCE-2 Investigators:Frierson, Elizabeth 09-01-2000 -09-30-2003 National Endowment for the Humanities Modern Middle East Sourcebook Project Role:PI $62,615.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #EH-50402-13 Investigators:Frierson, Elizabeth 10-01-2013 -12-31-2014 National Endowment for the Humanities WWI & the Arts: Sounds, Sights, Psyches Role:PI $196,858.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Abbreviated Publications
Frierson, Elizabeth B. "Patriarchal Feminism: Gender and the Public Sphere in the Ottoman Empire." (2017 - EDP).
Amin, Camron, Benjamin C. Fortna, Elizabeth B. Frierson. The Modern Middle East: A Sourcebook for History. Oxford: Oxford, 2006.
Book Chapter
Frierson, Elizabeth B. "“‘Cheap and Easy’: Patriotic consumer culture in the late-Ottoman era”, " Consumption in the Ottoman Empire, , edited by Quataert, Donald, 243. New York: SUNY Press, 1999.
Frierson, Elizabeth B. "“Mirrors Out, Mirrors In: Domestication and rejection of the foreign in late-Ottoman women's magazines (1875-1908), " Women, Patronage, and Self-Representation in Islamic Societies, edited by D. Fairchild Ruggles, 177. New York: SUNY Press, 2000.
Frierson, Elizabeth B. "Patriots shop: Print culture, patriotism, and consumer values in the late-Ottoman empire", " Public Islam and the Common Good, edited by Eickelmann, Dale F. and Armando Salvatore. Leiden: Brill, 2004.
Frierson, Elizabeth B. "Women in Ottoman Intellectual History, " Late Ottoman Society: The Intellectual Heritage, edited by Ozdalga, Elisabeth. London: Routledge, 2005.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Frierson, Elizabeth B. "“Unimagined Communities: Educational reform and civic identity among late-Ottoman women”." Critical Matrix 9 (1995): 57.
Frierson, Elizabeth B. "Review of Alan Duben and Cem Behar, Istanbul Households: Marriage, family and fertility, 1880-1940 ." Turkish Studies Association Bulletin 18 (1994).
Frierson, Elizabeth B. "The debatability of Islam in late-Ottoman serials and censorship."" ISIM Newsletter 2 (1999): 23.
Invited Presentations
(04-14-2011. ) Gender in Late-Ottoman Historiography .University of Colorado/Colorado Springs. Other Institution. . Level:University
(05-20-2011. ) Cities and Chaos: Istanbul under Allied Occupation, 1918-1923 .Turkish Studies Project Conference III: The Ottoman Empire and World War I, University of Sarajevo/Bosnia-Herzegovina. Conference. . Level:International
(10-11-2010. ) Power and Influence in South-Eastern Europe: 16th-19th Century .University of Sofia/Bulgaria. Conference. . Level:International
(04-17-2011. ) Imagining Istanbul, Reconceiving Constantinople .Mediterranean Encounters in the City, University of Colorado/Boulder. Conference. .
(04-14-2009. ) Shadows of the City: Tracking and Managing Populations in Istanbul During WWI and the Occupation .Ertegün Foundation Lecture, Princeton University/Department of Near Eastern Studies.
(11-28-2008. ) Ephemera of Feminity: Women’s images in Istanbul’s fin-de-siècle illustrated serials .Conference on the Ottoman Empire and British Orientalism, Pera Museum/Istanbul. Other Institution. . Level:International
(04-27-2008. ) The Politics of Home: Istanbul/Constantinople during World War I .Conference on World War I in the Ottoman Empire, University of Richmond. Other Institution. .
(04-23-2008. ) Broken Home: Istanbul/Constantinople during World War I .The Ohio State University. Other Institution. .
(02-04-2008. ) The Politics of Home: Istanbul/Constantinople during World War I .Middle East History and Theory Workshop, University of Chicago. Workshop. .
(12-08-2006. ) ’Is there any future for us in trying to be ladylike?: Terms of transgression in Hamidian Istanbul .Women and Islamic Law Seminar , University of Pennsylvania . Other Institution. .
(04-07-2006. ) Women in the Arts and Writing: Negotiating the Ottoman Public Sphere in the 9th and early 20th Centuries .Bogazici University/Istanbul. Other Institution. . Level:International
(01-26-2005. ) Buy-Local Campaigns in Late-Ottoman Newspapers and Magazines .Turkish Studies Symposium, University of Illinois. Other Institution. .
(01-26-2005. ) Media and Society in the Late-Ottoman Empire and Early-Republican Turkey .Turkish Studies Symposium, University of Illinois. Other Institution. .
(05-05-2005. ) Negotiating the Nation: Images, Literacy, and Consumption Politics in the Hamidian Era .Seminar on Ottoman and Turkish Studies, Columbia University . Other Institution. .
(05-10-2005. ) Women and War in the Ottoman Empire .Princeton University/Department of Near Eastern Studies . Other Institution. . Level:Department
(04-13-2002. ) Vazife ve mes’uliyet: duties and responsibilities in Istanbul’s public sphere (1876-1909) .Conference on Religion and Society in the Late Ottoman Empire, cosponsored by the UCLA Center for Modern and Contemporary Studies, Von Grunebaum Center for Near Eastern Studies, Department of History, Division of Social Sciences, Center for the Study of Religion, University of California - Los Angeles. Conference. . Level:University
(03-22-2001. ) Women and Intellectual Life in the Hamidian Era (1876-1909) .Conference on the Ottoman Intellectual Heritage, Istanbul, Swedish Research Institute in Turkey. Conference. . Level:International
(11-15-1999. ) Duties and responsibilities: Creating modern Ottoman patriots in the Hamidian era (1876-1909) .University of California at Santa Barbara Center for Islamic and Near Eastern Studies. Other Institution. . Level:Department
(04-25-1998. ) The press and reform in the education of children in the late-Ottoman Empire .Princeton University Conference on Gender and the Practice of Law in the Ottoman Empire, Princeton University. Conference. . Level:University
(01-13-1997. ) The fictions of Hamidian censorship, 1876-1908 .Ben Gurion University/Israel. Other Institution. . Level:International
(01-16-1997. ) The fictions of Hamidian censorship, 1876-1908 .Tel Aviv University/Israel. Other Institution. . Level:International
(10-12-1996. ) Cheap and Easy: The creation of consumer culture in late-Ottoman Istanbul .Seventh Biennial Conference on the Ottoman Empire and the World-Economy, SUNY/Binghamton. Conference. . Level:University
(04-21-1994. ) Mirrors Out, Mirrors In: Images of East and West in Middle Eastern magazines during the early twentieth century”, South WestAsian/North African Studies Program .SUNY/Binghamton/South West Asian/North African Studies Program. Other Institution. . Level:Department
Elizabeth B. Frierson (05-24-2012. ) The Role of Media in the Arab Spring .The Freedom Center, Cincinnati, Ohio. Other Institution. . Level:Local
Elizabeth B. Frierson (05-30-2012. ) Israel and the Arab Spring .American Jewish Committee annual dinner, Losantiville, Ohio. Other Institution. . Level:Local
(02-01-1999. ) Islamic law and the position of women in Afghanistan .University of Cincinnati/Center for Women’s Studies. UC. Level:Department
Paper Presentations
(12-04-2011. ) Drugs, home remedies, and the new apothecary: late-Ottoman practices of (self-)medication” in panel “Hiding in Plain Sight: Secrecy, Drugs, Crime, and Punishment in the Late-Ottoman Era .Washington, DC/Marriott Wardman Park Hotel . Professional Meeting. Level:Prof. Org.
(06-15-2008. ) ’Why should we give our money to those old crones?’: Women and Interethnic Tensions in the Late Ottoman Era .Conference. Level:Prof. Org.
(03-01-2008. ) The Politics of Home: Istanbul/Constantinople during the Second Constitutional Period .CIMERA/Geneva. Workshop. Level:International
(01-06-2008. ) Archives and Architecture of Empire: New Directions in Ottoman Historiography” in panel “New Directions in Middle Eastern Historiography” .Professional Meeting. Level:Prof. Org.
(04-22-1995. ) Ottoman Imperial Motherhood and Feminist Despotism: The construction of subjecthood and domesticity under Sultan Abdülhamid II, 1876-1909 .Conference.
Elizabeth B. Frierson (05-18-2012. ) Homefront Formation during World War I: Gender, Cities, and Chaos .Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Conference. Level:International
Honors and Awards
2011 Charles P. Taft Memorial Foundation Grant to fund the Great Lakes Ottoman Workshop Charles P. Taft Memorial Foundation Grant to fund the Great Lakes Ottoman Workshop Charles P. Taft Memorial Foundation Status:Recipient Type:Grant
2010 University of Cincinnati Faculty Development Funds Fellowship Type:Fellowship
2008 University Research Council Summer Research Fellowship Type:Fellowship
2008 Charles P. Taft Memorial Foundation Grant for Conference Travel Type:Grant
2004 -2008 Undergraduate Teaching Recognition (Commencement awards)
2007 -2008 Convener, Taft Research Seminar on Popular Cultures in the Middle East: Interdisciplinary Studies
2007 -2010 Turner Scholars (minority undergraduate) Mentor Recognition Type:Recognition
2007 Charles P. Taft Memorial Foundation Grant for Conference Travel Type:Grant
2006 Charles P. Taft Memorial Foundation Grant for Conference Travel Type:Grant
2005 Charles P. Taft Memorial Foundation Grant for Conference Travel Type:Grant
2004 -2005 Visiting Fellow, Princeton University Department of Near Eastern Studies Type:Fellowship
2002 Charles P. Taft Memorial Foundation Grant for Conference Travel Type:Grant
2001 -2002 Funded Participant and Workshop Leader Funded participant and workshop leader, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Seminar on “Public Spheres and Muslim Identities”
2000 -2003 National Endowment for the Humanities Grant for National Education Projects National Endowment for the Humanities Grant for National Education Projects (with Camron Amin of University of Michigan/Dearborn and Benjamin Fortna, University of London School of Oriental and African Studies) Type:Grant
2000 Charles P. Taft Memorial Foundation Grant for Summer Research Type:Grant
2000 Charles P. Taft Memorial Foundation Grant for Conference Travel Type:Grant
1999 Charles P. Taft Memorial Foundation Grant for Conference Travel Type:Grant
1998 Institute of Turkish Studies Grant for Development of Traditional and Electronic Teaching Resources on Turkey and the Ottoman Empire Institute of Turkish Studies Grant for Development of Traditional and Electronic Teaching Resources on Turkey and the Ottoman Empire. Type:Grant
1998 Institute of Turkish Studies Grant for Acquisition of Library Materials Type:Grant
1998 Charles P. Taft Memorial Foundation Grants for Research and Travel Type:Grant
1995 -1997 Ömer Lütfi Barkan Prize for the best article in the field of Ottoman and Turkish studies (Turkish Studies Association) Type:Recognition
1993 -1994 Institute of Turkish Studies Dissertation Writing Fellowship Type:Fellowship
1990 -1991 Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Research Fellowship Type:Fellowship
1989 -1990 Fulbright-IIE Dissertation Research Fellowship (declined) Type:Fellowship
1987 ARIT Fellow, Bosphorus University Turkish Language Program Type:Fellowship
1986 FLAS Fellow, Middlebury College Arabic Language Program
1985 Program Fellow, Yarmouk University Arabic Language Program Type:Fellowship
1981 Graduating Senior Award, UVM Department of Comparative Religion Type:Recognition
UC Muslim Students Association Discussant Type:Service to Student Groups Level:University 10-11-2001 -10-11-2001
UC Political Science/International Relations Discussant Type:Service to Student Groups Level:University 10-18-2001 -10-18-2001
Cincinnati Youth Anti-War League Discussant Type:Community Service Level:Local 10-24-2001 -10-24-2001
Summit Country Day Sr. High School Students and Faculty Discussant Type:Other Educational Service Level:Local 10-25-2001 -10-25-2001
UC Depts of Classics and History Discussant Type:University/College Service Level:College 10-25-2001 -10-25-2001
Lakota East High School Social Studies Faculty and A.P. Students in History Discussant Type:Other Educational Service Level:Local 10-26-2001 -10-26-2001
Mt. Auburn Presbyterian Church Adult Forum Discussant Type:Community Service Level:Local 10-21-2001 -10-28-2001
Freedom Center Type:Community Service Level:Local
Amnesty International Type:Community Service Level:International
American Jewish Committee Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National
Temple Beth Adam Type:Community Service Level:Local
Islamic Center of Cincinnati Type:Community Service Level:Local
Campus events on the Arab Spring, Afghanistan and Iraq wars, just-war theory in the Muslim world, Arab-Israeli conflicts, urban history and World War I, 9/11, Iran 1500-1900, Women in Iran, Women in Afghanistan, globalization and the Middle East, military detainees in Iraq (a representative selection) Type:University/College Service Level:Local
Volunteer- Recording for the Blind Type:Community Service Level:Local 1994
Mellon-MARC Program for Minority Access to Research Careers Mentor Type:Community Service Level:Local 1989
Volunteer, Habitat for Humanity/Las Calabasas, Nicaragua Type:Community Service Level:Local 1987
American Jewish Committee Other Type:Community Service Level:Local 05-24-2012 -05-24-2012
American Jewish Committee Type:Community Service Level:Local 05-30-2012
(Search Committee Islamic World ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 08-2012 -12-2012
end of empire and rise of nation-state; censorship; gender; peace studies; fields of interest within history -- political, intellectual, social, urban, gender, military
Professional Affiliation
Member, American Historical Association
Member, Middle East Studies Association
Member, Turkish Studies Association
2011: Fellowships Committee for Africa and Middle East (film), National Endowment for the Humanities
2010 -2011: Screener, SSRC International Dissertation Research Fellowship
2011: Tenure Reviewer Clemson University,
2010: Tenure Reviewer University of Ottawa,
2010: Speaker, UC Taft Research Center Grantwriting Workshop University of Cincinnati,
2009: Fellowships Committee for Africa and Middle East, National Endowment for the Humanities
2009: Panelist, UC/NEH Grant Writing Workshop
2009: Fellowships Committee The American Research Institute in Turkey,
2009: Tenure Reviewer University of Central Florida,
2008: Facilitator, SSRC/IDRF Fellows workshop
2006 -2009: Member of the Board, The Turkish Studies Association
2006 -2009: Editor, The Turkish Studies Association Journal
2004 -2006: Evaluator, SSRC International Dissertation Research Fellowship
2006 -2007: Organizer, Ertegün Open Seminar Series Princeton University Department of Near Eastern Studies,
2000 -2001: Chair, nominating committee of the Turkish Studies Association
1998 -1999: Chair, Biennial Ömer Lütfi Barkan Article Prize Committee of the Turkish Studies Association
1998 -2000: Nominating committee of the Turkish Studies Association
1998: Co-organizer, Conference on Gender and the Practice of Law in the Ottoman Empire (April) Princeton University,
1998: Panel organizer, American Historical Association panel comparing Russian, Japanese, and Ottoman policing and surveillance
1996: Panel Organizer, Berkshires Conference on the History of Women, panel title: “Family Reform in Republican Shanghai and late-Ottoman Istanbul: East Asian and Near Eastern modernities and civic identities”
Courses Taught
War and Peace in the Modern Middle East
Identity Formation in the Modern Middle East
15-HIST-170 MID EAST 660-1258 Level:Undergraduate
15-HIST-171 MID EAST 1258-1850 Level:Undergraduate
15-HIST-172 MID EAST 1850-PRES Level:Undergraduate
15-HIST-571 MEDIA & MIDDLE EAST Level:Graduate
Film and Middle East History Level:Graduate
Cities from Ancient to Modern Times: Anatolia
15-HIST-667 CITIES MODERN WORLD Level:Graduate
Atrocities and Memory in the Middle East World War I Level:Graduate
Law and Reform in Islamic Societies
Other Information
Modern Turkish, Ottoman Turkish (fluency); Modern Standard Arabic, French, German (research competence); Modern Hebrew, Persian, Classical and Koiné Greek, Italian (studied, basic competence) ,
Media Appearances and Interviews
The Armenian Genocide, Two Cats TV, PBS premiere 24 April 2006
Cincinnati ABC, CBS and Fox affiliates, live and taped interviews on the Arab Spring (2011), Iraq and Afghanistan wars (2003-present), 9/11, crises in the Persian Gulf (1997), bombing of the USS Cole (2000), bombings of World Trade Center and Pentagon (2001-2002), Afghanistan War (2001-02), Iraq War (2003-04) O
’Reilly Factor, 2003
Interviewed for “No Gender Gap: Women Young and Old Join in Uprising”, Andrew Chang, ABCNEWS.com (October 2000)
Interviewed for Cincinnati City Beat, (20 September 2001)
Interviewed for Cincinnati Enquirer and Post articles on 9/11, Bin-Laden, women in Afghanistan, Iraq and Afghanistan Wars 2003-present, op-eds on the Arab Spring ,
Technological skills
Electronic classroom demonstrator at University of Cincinnati; Powerpoint (advanced); Captivate; Prezi; Animoto; screencasting, video and sound capture and editing ,