Molly Maureen Gadd , DNP, ACNP-BC, CWOCN, RN
Instructor - Adj
Procter Hall
CON Advanced Practice Nursing - 0038
Professional Summary
Molly Gadd has been on the University of Cincinnati faculty team as an adjunct professor since 2012. She affirms the distance learning program as she acheived both her WOCN certification and her DNP through distance learning. She enjoys always learning from others during the instruction process, as well as the opportunity to help others along the way.
BSN: University of Kentucky Lexington, KY, 1988 (Nursing-RN)
DNP: University of Kentucky Lexington, KY, 2011 (Nursing-ACNP)
Positions and Work Experience
06-1988 -06-1989 RN, Orthopedic M/S, St. Luke Hospital, Fort Thomas, KY
06-1989 -12-2005 RN, Critical Care, St. Luke Hospital, Fort Thomas, KY
10-1990 -12-1993 RN, Hemodialysis, St. Luke Hospital, Fort Thomas, KY
12-2005 -03-2010 RN, CWOCN, St. Luke Hospital, Fort Thomas, KY
03-2010 -To Present RN, Clinical Coordinator, St. Luke Hospital Vascular Institute, Florence, KY
01-2012 -10-2012 RN, Clinical Coordinator/APRN, St. Elizabeth Spine Center, Florence, KY
BAD DATE -BAD DATE Adjunct Faculty College of Nursing, University of Cincinnati, Uptown Campus/Distance Learning
11-2012 -BAD DATE APRN, CWOCN, Highlandspring Transitional Care/Longterm Care, Fort Thomas, KY
Research Support
Investigators:Gadd, Molly 2011 STTI Delta Psi Chapter Award “Use of the Braden Risk Assessment Tool for Pressure Ulcers in a Community Hospital: The Role of Total Scores and Individual Subscale Scores in Triggering Preventive Interventions” Role:PI 550.00
Peer Reviewed Publications
Gadd, Molly Use of the Braden Risk Assessment Tool for Pressure Ulcers in a Community Hospital: The Role of Total Scores and Individual Subscale Scores in Triggering Preventive Interventions .Online Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing , ,
Gadd, Molly Preventing Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers: Improving Quality of Outcomes by Placing Emphasis on the Braden Subscale Scores .Online Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing, ,
Gadd, Molly M; Morris, Sarah M Use of the Braden Scale for pressure ulcer risk assessment in a community hospital setting: the role of total score and individual subscale scores in triggering preventive interventions.Journal of wound, ostomy, and continence nursing : official publication of The Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society / WOCN, , 41 (6 ) ,535-8 More Information
Gadd, Molly M Braden Scale cumulative score versus subscale scores: are we missing opportunities for pressure ulcer prevention?.Journal of wound, ostomy, and continence nursing : official publication of The Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society / WOCN, , 41 (1 ) ,86-9 More Information
Gadd, Molly M Preventing hospital-acquired pressure ulcers: improving quality of outcomes by placing emphasis on the Braden subscale scores.Journal of wound, ostomy, and continence nursing : official publication of The Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society / WOCN, , 39 (3 ) ,292-4 More Information
Poster Presentations
Gadd, Molly (06-2012. ) “Use of the Braden Risk Assessment Tool for Pressure Ulcers in a Community Hospital: The Role of Total Scores and Individual Subscale Scores in Triggering Preventive Interventions” .Presentation/Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurses Society National Convention, Charlotte, NC. .
Honors and Awards
05-2009 -05-2009 Kentucky Coalition Nurse Practitioners Scholarship
05-2009 -05-2009 Florence Nightingale Award Nominee
05-2010 -05-2010 KY Coalition of Nurse Practitioners and Nurse Midwives DNP Award
03-2010 -03-2010 AACN Student Policy Summit Washington DC University of Kentucky
03-2010 -03-2010 Sigma Theta Tau, Delta Psi Chapter Induction University of Kentucky
06-2010 -06-2010 Putnam Scholarship St. Elizabeth Hospital
09-2010 -09-2010 DNP Academic Excellence Scholarship University of Kentucky
04-2011 -04-2011 DNP Scholarship KY Organization of Nurse Leaders
04-2011 -04-2011 Sigma Theta Tau Scholarship, Delta Psi Chapter University of Kentucky
05-2011 -05-2011 Sebastian/Stanhope Award University of Kentucky
08-03-2011 -08-03-2011 First Student Nationally to bridge form BSN-DNP University of Kentucky
Professional Affiliation
Sigma Theta Tau International Member, Delta Psi Chapter
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Member
KY Coalition of Nurse Practitioners and Nurse Midwives Member
Wound, Ostomy, Continence Society Member
Greater Cincinnati Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurses GroupGreater Cincinnati Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurses Group Secretary
Kentucky Organization of Nurse Leaders Member
National Association of Professional Women Member
2008 -2011: Graduate Nursing Activities and Advisory Committee College Membership UK CON,
Contact Information
Clinical - Highlandspring Transitional Care/Longterm Care
960 Highland Ave.
Fort Thomas
Kentucky, 41075
Phone: 8595720660