Research Support
Grant: #200-1Q-14W23699 Investigators:Garrett, Patrick 10-01-2003 -12-31-2003 General Electric - GE Transportation - Aircraft Division Phase V CMM Robotic Simulator Role:PI $14,200.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #R180-6059-D Investigators:Garrett, Patrick 07-30-2002 -09-30-2003 Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. Blade Optical Inspection System Error and Uncertainty Analysis Role:PI $44,660.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #TMC965835007801/CO1 Investigators:Garrett, Patrick 01-01-1999 -03-31-2000 Department of the Air Force Multiple Source Pulsed-Laser Deposition Neurocontrol Role:PI $35,147.00 Closed Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Mirau, Peter A; Serres, Jennifer L; Jacobs, David; Garrett, Patrick H; Vaia, Richard A (2008. ) Structure and dynamics of surfactant interfaces in organically modified clays.The journal of physical chemistry. B, , 112 (34 ) ,10544-51 More Information
Sarlani, Eleni; Garrett, Pauline H; Grace, Edward G; Greenspan, Joel D (2007. ) Temporal summation of pain characterizes women but not men with temporomandibular disorders. Journal of orofacial pain, , 21 (4 ) ,309-17
Jacobs, J David; Koerner, Hilmar; Heinz, Hendrik; Farmer, Barry L; Mirau, Peter; Garrett, Patrick H; Vaia, Richard A (2006. ) Dynamics of alkyl ammonium intercalants within organically modified montmorillonite: Dielectric relaxation and ionic conductivity.The journal of physical chemistry. B, , 110 (41 ) ,20143-57 More Information