Monica George

Monica George

Medical Resident/Fellow

Professional Summary

Personal Statement
While my path towards ophthalmology has been clear, my vision of the impact I would have as an ophthalmologist has evolved. Restoring sight not only improves the lives of individual patients and their families, but also has the potential to benefit entire communities. This desire for widespread change led me to pursue public health and research. My undergraduate political science studies at Vanderbilt University and subsequent Master of Public Health at Emory University equipped me with an understanding of the U.S. healthcare system and the tools to drive improvements. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to apply these skills during my experiences with the Speaker of the House in D.C. and the CDC in Atlanta. Working alongside dedicated teams, we worked towards expanding access to care through policies such as telehealth, Medicaid and Medicare coverage enhancements, and broadened provider roles to treat critical conditions. In my future ophthalmology career, I aim to become a physician that advances public health while keeping the individual patient at the center of care.
Why I Chose Cincinnati
Cincinnati’s warm and welcoming community made the program the right fit from the start. Living only an hour away during medical school, I heard glowing reviews of UC’s program from residents, staff, and patients. Cincinnati is one of the most charming cities I’ve known, and I am thrilled to now call it home!