Ralph A Giannella , MD
Medical Sciences Building
231 Albert Sabin Way
PO Box 670595, ML 0595
Cincinnati, Ohio 670595
Phone 513-558-5244
Fax 513-558-1744
Email giannera@ucmail.uc.edu
Bachelor's Degree: Cornell University 1961
Medical Degree: The Albany Medical College 1965
Medical Internship : Boston City Hospital 1966
Assistant Resident: Boston City Hospital 1967 (Medicine )
Senior Resident: Boston VA Hospital 1968 (Medicine )
Chief Resident: The Mallory Gastrointestinal Service, Boston City Hospital 1969 (Medicine )
American Cancer Society Summer Fellowship: The Albany Medical College 1963
Teaching Fellow: Tufts University School of Medicine 1967 (Medicine )
NIH Research Fellowship: Mallory Gastrointestinal Laboratory Thorndike Memorial Laboratory, Boston City Hospital 1971 (Gastroenterology)
American Board of Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology) (Certification Date: 10-17-1972 )
American Board of Internal Medicine (Certification Date: 01-01-1971 )
Research and Practice Interests
Define the mechanisms by which bacteria infect the intestine, the biochemical mechanisms whereby the infectious organisms modify intestinal function are examined, bacterial enterotoxins, toxin structure and chemistry, the interactions of these toxins and intestinal receptors and the coupling of receptor occupancy to intestinal secretion and malfunction, purified E. coli Hea-Stable Enterotoxin (ST), demonstrate the existence of receptors on intestnal epithelial cells, shown that activation of these receptors produces Cyclic GMP, which results in intestinal secretion and diarrhea, cloning the cDNA for this receptor system (GC-C) as well as the gene, characterizing the regulation of gene expression, produced mice lacking the gene for GC-C and currently characterizing the physiological and pathophysiological consequences of the lack of this receptor system.
Positions and Work Experience
1968 -1970 Assistant in Medicine,, Harvard Medical School,, Boston, MA.
1970 -1971 Clinical Instructor in Medicine,, Harvard Medical School,, Boston, MA.
1970 -1971 Research Associate in Microbiology,, Boston Univ School of Medicine,, Bostan, MA.
1971 -1974 Assistant Clinical Professor in Medicine,, George Washington University School of Medicine,, Washington, D.C.
1974 -1975 Assistant Professor Of Medicine,, University of Kentucky, , Lexington, KY.
1975 -1979 Associate Professor of Medicine,, University of Kentucky,, Lexington, KY.
1979 -1980 Professor of Medicine,, University of Kentucky,, Lexington, KY.
1980 -To Present Mark Brown Professor of Medicine,, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,, Cincinnati, Ohio
1968 -1971 Clinical Associate,, Thorndike Memorial Laboratory, Boston City Hospital,, Boston, Mass.
1970 -1974 Assisting Physician,, Harvard Medical Unit, Boston City Hospital,, Boston, MA.
1974 -1980 Attending Physician,, Albert B. Chandler-University of Kentucky Medical Center,, Lexington, KY.
1974 -1980 Staff Physician,, VA Medical Center, Lexington, KY.
1980 -To Present Attending Physician,, University of Cincinnati Hospitals,, Cincinnati, Ohio
1980 -To Present Staff Physician, , VA Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio
1971 -1974 Chief, Department of Gastroenterology,, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research,, Washington, D.C.
1974 -1980 Chief, Gastroenterology Service,, VA Hospital, , Lexington, Kentucky
1977 -1979 Associate Chief of Staff of Research,, VA Hospital,, Lexington, Kentucky
1980 -2003 Director, Division of Digestive Diseases,, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,, Cincinnati, Ohio
1989 -1990 Associate Chairman for Research,, Department of Medicine, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,, Cincinnati, Ohio
1989 -1990 Sabbatical Leave, Center of Excellence in Molecular Biology (NHL BI), Department of Molecular Genetics, Biochemistry, and Microbiology, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. (Dr. Jerry Lingrel).,
Research Support
Investigators:Giannella, Shata 06-10-2009 -06-09-2012 Centocor Research and Development Interleukin 23-dependent Th17 cells in IBD Pathogenesis: a Potential New Marker of Disease Activity Role:PI $116,988
Grant: #5-N01-AI-45252-04-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Giannella, Ralph 08-01-1996 -07-31-2000 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases NIH Vaccine Contract Role:PI $81,593.00 Closed Level:Federal
Published Abstracts
Mann EA, Shanmukhappa K, Giannella RA, Bexerra J, Cohen MB: (2006. ) Hepatocyte proliferation after carbon tetrachloride injury is impaired in Guanylate Cyclase C (GC-C) receptor null mice. Hepatology, 44: suppl.1. ,385A
Mann EA, Giannella RA: (2002. ) Guanylyl cyclase C, the guanylin/uroguanylin receptor, is transcriptionally regulated by B-catenin/TCF. Gastroenterology, 122: ,A402-403
Cohen MB, Bean J, Giannella RA, Taylor D, Parker S, Hoeper A, Wowk S, Hawkins J, Schiff G, Killeen K: Randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial of a single dose of live oral cholera vaccine Peru-15 in preventing cholera following a challenge with Vibrio cholerae 01 El Tor Inaba approximately three months after vaccination.
Hogan DL, Crombie DL, Keely SJ, Mann EA, Sheil-Puopolo, Giannella RA, Barrett KE, JI Isenberg, VSK Pratha: (2001. ) Guanylate cyclase C (GC-C) mediates acid-stimulated duodenal mucosal bicarbonate secretion. Gastroenterology, 120: ,A527.
Steinbrecher KA, Mann EA, Giannella RA, Cohen MB: (2001. ) A hypertonic diet increases mouse guanylin and uroguanylin levels via a guanylate cyclase-C independent mechanism. Gastroenterology, 120: ,A679
Mann EA, Steinbrecher KA, Witte D, Cohen MB, Giannella, RA: (2001. ) Lack of guanylate cyclase C (GC-C0 leade to reduction of adenoma formation in murine model of intestinal cancer. Gastroenterology, 120: ,A298.
Giannella RA: (2000. ) Molecular pathogenesis of E. coli diarrhea. German Journal of Gastroenterology, 38:Suppl S3. ,p 6.
Charney AN, Egnor RW, Zaharia V, Mann EA, Giannella RA: (2000. ) Action of STa on colonic ion transport in guanylate cyclase C deficient mice. Gastroenterology, aa8: ,A288.
Zhou RH, Hogan DL, Pratha VS, Mann EA, Giannella RA, Isenberg JL. (2000. ) Guanylate cyclase C(GC-C)mediates calcium-activated duodenal mucosal bicarbonate secretion. Gastroenterology, 118: ,A35.
Mann EA, Sheil-Puopolo MP, Giannella RA: (2000. ) Guanylyl cyclase C deficient mice have more severe carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury than wild-type controls. Gastroenterology, aa8: ,A292.
Carrithers SL, Mann EA, Hill M, Johnson BR, Giannella RA, Greenberg RN: Renal effects of Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin (ST) in wildtype and guanylyl cyclase-C (GC-C) deficient mice. .[Abstract]
London RM, Mann EA, Giannella RA, Krause WJ, Forte LR: Identification of a potential kidney receptor for guanylin expressed in GC-C null mice. Submitted to FASEB.
Pitisuttithum P, Cohen MB, Phonrat B, Suthirarnsuntorn U, Budsalatid V, Phumratatanapraprin Looareesuwan S, Giannella RA, Schiff GM, Ivanoff B, Lang D: Validation of a human volunteer challenge model using frozen bacteria of the new epidemic serotype, V. cholerae 0139:comparison of the inoculum does-response between North American and Thai volunteers.
Tacket CO, Cohen MB, Wasserman SS, Losonsky G, Livio S, Kotloff K, Edelman R, Cryz SJ, Giannella RA, Schiff G, Levine MM: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of the efficacy of a single dose of live oral cholera vaccine CVD 103-hgR in preventing cholera following challenge with Vibrio cholerae 01 El Tor, Inaba. Submitted to US-Japan Cholera Conference.
Mann Ea, Albano F, Brasitus, Berni Canani R, Bisceglia M. Guarino A, Giannella RA: A novel intestinal receptor for E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin (STa): stimulation of short circuit current by a non-guanylyl cyclase mechanism. Submitted to US-Japan Cholera conference.
Mann EA, Stroup C, Giannella RA (2004. ) Lack of Guanylyl Cyclase C affects both polyp number and apoptosis in APC/min mice. Gastroenterology,
Giannella RA and Mann EA (1999. ) Consequences of ablation of the guanylate cyclase C gene. .[Abstract]FASEB J, 13: ,A725
Zhou RH, Pratha VA, Hogan DL, Steinbach JH, Mann EA, Giannella RA, Isenberg JI (1999. ) Gunaylate cyclase C (GC-C) plays a major role in duodenal mucosal bicarbonate secretion. Gastroenterology, 116: A ,890 -891
Shah RJ, Bleau B, Giannella RA: (1999. ) Usefullness of colonoscopy with ileoscopy and biopsy in the evaluation of patients with chronic diarrhea. Gastroenterology, 116: ,A930
Mann EA, Sheil MP, Keaton N, Giannella RA: (1999. ) Regulation of the guanylyl cyclase C (GC-C) gene: importance of both cdx-2, a caudal-related transcription factor, and hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 (HNF-4. Gastroenterology, 116: ,A564
Mann EA, Giannella RA: (1999. ) Intestinal heat-stable enterotoxin (ST) receptors: persistence of binding activity in the guanylyl cyclase C (GC-C) receptor knockout mouse. Gastroenterology, 116: ,A906
Cohen MB, Giannella RA, Lang D, Parker S, Brunner L, Hawkins J, Gunther C, Schiff GM: (1999. ) Development of a human volunteer challenge model for cholera using frozen bacteria of the new epidemic serotype, V. cholerae 0139. Gastroenterology, 116: ,A683
Swenson S, Mann EA, Jump ML, Giannella RA: (1998. ) Transcriptional regulation by hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 is critical for intestinal expression of guanylyl cyclase C. Gastroenterology, 114: ,G3729
McRorie J, Zorich N, Giannella R. (1998. ) Reports of abdominal cramping pain and urgency are correlated with changes in stool viscosity. Gastroenterology, 114: ,G1616
Giannella R, Zorich N, Riccardi K, Filloon T, McRorie J: (1998. ) Reports of diarrhea: when is stool water output clinically meaningful? A randomized, controlled trial of Olestra and sorbitol. Gastroenterology, 114: ,G1520
Charney AN, Egnor RW, Giannella RA: (1998. ) SCFA's prevent and reverse cGmp (ST Toxin)-induced colonic C1 secretion. Gastroenterology, 114: ,G1463
Charney AN, Giannella RA: (1997. ) SCFA's but not intracellular bicarponate inhibit cyclic GMP-mediated secretion. Gastroenterology, 112: ,353
Mann EA, Swenson ES, Jump ML, Giannella RA: (1996. ) Cloning of the mouse guanylyl cyclase C promoter and functional analysis in the CaCo-2 intestinal cell line. Gastroenterology, 110: ,345
Mann EA, Jump ML, Giannella RA: (1995. ) Cloning and transcriptional analysis of the human gene for a guanylin/STa receptor. .[Abstract]Gastroenterology , 106: ,A329
Dellon SC, Mann EA, Giannella RA: (1993. ) Thyroid hormone modulates the STa-guanylin receptor in the rat jejunum and colon. Gastroenterology, 104: ,A241
Cohen MB, Mann EA, Lau C, Henning SJ, Giannella RA: (1992. ) A gradient in expression of the E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin (STa)receptor along the villus to crypt axis in the rat intestine. Gastroenterology, 102: ,A205
Mann EA, Cohen MB, Giannella RA: (1992. ) Molecular cloning and characterization of the human enterocyte receptor for E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin and expression in CAC02 cells. Gastroenterology, 102: ,A224
Sturbaum CV, Cha JH, Boyette TR, Giannella RA, Powell DW: (1991. ) Cholera toxin and E. coli ST toxin stimulated rat colonic cyclic nucleotide pools. Gastroenterology, 100: ,A843
Giannella R, Orlowski J, Lingrel JB: (1991. ) Hormonal regulation of NA,K-ATPase gene expression in CAC02 cells. Gastroenterology, 100: ,A212
Giannella R, Orlowski J, Lingrel JB: (1991. ) NA,K-ATPase gene expression in rat and human intestine. Gastroenterology, 100: ,A212
Cohen MB, Jensen NJ, Thompson Mr, Lentze MJ, Giannella RA: (1990. ) Identification of the human intestinal receptor for E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin. Pediatr Res, 27: ,541
Mezoff AG, Giannella RA, Eade MN, Cohen MB: (1990. ) The colon plays a significant role in E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin (STa)-mediated diarrheal disease. .[Abstract]Pediatr Res, 27: ,541
Cohen MB, Conti TR, Ritter M, Thompson MR, Giannella RA: (1989. ) Intestinal defense against E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin (ST): Components of the ST inactivation process. Gastroenterology , 96: ,A92
Cohen MB, Thompson MR, Giannella RA: (1988. ) Failure of inactivation of E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin. A mechanism to prolong and increase the secretory response in the suckling rat jejunum. Gastroenterology, 94: ,A72
Weesner R, Kolinjavadi J, Giannella R, Huitger-O'Connor T, Genta R: (1987. ) Strongyloides ratti effect on small bowel function in the normal and immunosuppressed host. Gastroenterology, 92: ,1687
Giannella RA, Huott P, Dharmsathaphorn K: (1987. ) Reversal of E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin-induced secretion and guanylate cyclase activation by anti-ST monoclonal antibody. Gastroenterology , 92: ,1403
Cohen MB, Filaccio ML, Giannella RA: (1987. ) Regional differences in survival of E.coli heat-stable enterotoxin in rat intestine. Gastroenterology, 92: ,1349
Cohen MB, Guarino A, Bove K, Giannella RA: (1986. ) Development of E.coli heat-stable enterotoxin receptors in human small intestine and colon. Gastroenterology, 90: ,1375
Guarino A, Overmann G, Cohen M, Thompson M, Giannella R: (1986. ) Specific binding of and guanyl cyclase activation by E.coli heat-stable interotoxin in a human intestinal cell line. Gastroenterology, 90: ,1441
Liu W, Huott P, Giannella RA, Dharmsathaphorn K: The mechanism of action of E.coli heat-stable enterotoxin (ST) in a human colonic cell line. Gastroenterology, 90: ,1795:
Thompson MR, Giannella RA: (1985. ) Preparation by C-18 HPLC and characterization of 12 5I-4 TYR and - 19 TYR monoidinated Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin tracers. Presented at Fifth International Symposium on HPLC of Proteins, Peptides, and Polynucleotides, November 4-6.
Thompson MR, Giannella RA: (1985. ) Binding of monoiodinated 125I 4-TYR and 18-TYR E.coli Sta to rat enterocyte receptors and anti-STa antibodies.
Cohen MB, Luttrell M. Giannella RA: (1985. ) Increased response and sensitivity of the immature rat jejunum to E.coli heat-stable enterotoxin. Clin Res, 33: ,906
Thompson MR, Jordan RL, Luttrell M, Kaper JB, Levine MM, Giannella RA: (1985. ) A blinded, two laboratory comparative analysis of E.coli STa production using monoclonal antibody ELISA, radioimmunoassay, suckling mouse assay and gene probe analysis. .[Abstract]
Thompson MR, LaBine-Racke M, Giannella RA: (1985. ) Characterization of solubilized rat enterocyte brush border E.coli heat-stable enterotoxin (STa) receptors using a monoiodinated STa probe.
Cohen MB, Thompson MR, Overmann G, Giannella RA: (1985. ) Reversibility of binding of E.coli heat-stable enterotoxin (STa): Resolution of a controversy. Accepted for presentation at the 21st US-Japan Cholera Conference, Bethesda, Maryland, Octioer, 1985.
Giannella RA, Luttrell M, Thompson M: (1985. ) Receptor occupancy and intestinal secretion induced by E.coli heat-stable enterotoxin. Gastroenterology, 88: ,1392
Cohen MB, Moyer MS, Luttrell M, Giannella RA: (1985. ) Mechanism of increased sensitivity of the weanling rat small intestine to E.coli heat-stable toxin. Gastroenterology, 88: ,1352
Merritt Am, Burrows CF, Beckett R, Martin J, Giannella RA: (1984. ) Effect of E.coli STa on piglet jejunal myoelectrical activity. Gastroenterology, 86: ,1182
Thompson Mr, Brandwein H, Deutsch A, Luttrell M, LaBine-Racke M, Giannella RA: (1984. ) Characterization of monoclonal antibodies against E.coli heat-stable enterotoxins (ST) and their use in a simple reliable ELISA. .[Abstract]Gastroenterology, 86: ,1281
Weesner RE, Mendenhall CL, Giannella RA, Sperling MI, Maxon HR, Chen IW: (1983. ) A comparison of serum elastase I, trypsin and pancreatic isoamylase in patients with acute pancreatitis and chronic alcoholism. Dig Dis Sci, 28: ,952
Giannella RA, Thompson MR, Luttrell M, Overmann G: (1983. ) E.coli heat-stable enterotoxin: Structural determinants for ligand and receptor in the binding of ST to its enterocyte receptor. Gastroenterology, 84: ,1165
Mathias JR, Sninsky CA, Martin JL, Giannella RA: (1983. ) Effect of prostaglandin E2 on myoelectric activity in rabbit small intestine. Clin Res, 31: ,286
Giannella RA, Luttrell M: (1982. ) Binding of E.coli heat-stable enterotoxin in to small intestinal brush border receptors. Gastroenterology, 82: ,1065
Rothbaum RJ, Partin JC, McAdams AJ, Shah DB, Giannella RA: (1981. ) Enterocyte adherent E.coli 0119:B14: A novel mechanism of infant diarrhea. Gastroenterology, 80: ,1065
Giannella RA, Drake KW, Luttrell M: (1981. ) Possible role of prostaglandins in salmonella-mediated intestinal secretion. Gastroenterology, 80: ,1155
Giannella RA, Luttrell M, Drake KW: (1980. ) Binding of pure E.coli heat-stable enterotoxin to isolated rat intestinal villus cells. Clin Res, 28: ,764
Mathias J. Martin J, Carlson G, Nogueira J, Giannella R: (1980. ) Repetitive burstss of action potentials in response to E.coli heat-stable interotoxin: A defense mechanism of the bacterium? .[Abstract]Clin Res, 28: ,281
Giannella RA, Drake KW: (1980. ) Development of a sensitive radioimmunoassay for E.coli heat-stable enterotoxin. Gastroenterology, 78: ,1172
Giannella RA: (1979. ) Intestinal transport abnormalities in the experimental blind loop syndrome. Clin Res, 27: ,683
Giannella RA, Walls D: (1979. ) Abnormalities of intestinal water and glucose transport in the experimental blind loop syndrome. Gastroenterology, 76: ,1138
Giannella RA, Serumaga J: (1979. ) Alteration in intestinal water transport induced by clindamycin. Gastroenterology, 76: ,1137
Eade MN, Giannella RA: (1978. ) Effect of purified E.coli heat-stable enterotoxin on intestinal transport and possible mechanism of action. Gastroenterology, (74: ) , -1121
Giannella RA: (1978. ) Purification of the heat-stable enterotoxin on intestinal transport and possible mechanism of action. Gastroenterology, 74: ,1124
Giannella RA, Brasile L: (1977. ) A hospital foodborne outbreak of diarrhea due to Bacillus cereus. Clin Res, 25: ,618
Giannella RA: (1977. ) Specificity of the suckling mouse assay for heat-stable E.coli enterotoxin and mode of action of the toxin. Gastroenterology, 72: ,1062
Giannella RA: (1977. ) The importance of the intestinal inflammatory response in salmonella-mediated intestinal secretion. Gastroenterology, 72: ,1062
Banwell JG, Giannella RA, Benenson AS, Wilson D, Burke J: (1977. ) A study of the prevalence and incidence of enterotoxigenic E.coli diarrheal disease in several Kentucky communities. Gastroenterology, 72: ,1027
Kinsey MD, Formal SB, Dammin GJ, Giannella ra: (1976. ) The importance of oral inoculation in the pathogenesis of shigella diarrhea. Gastroenterology, 70: ,44
Giannella RA: (1976. ) The suckling mouse assay for E.coli enterotoxin. Characteristics fo the model. Gastroenterology, 70% ,112
Banwell JG, Hanke D, Lepot A, Giannella RA: (1976. ) Characteristics of polymyxin binding to brush boader membranes and its relationship to intestinal adenylate cyclase. Gastroenterology, 70: ,108
Giannella RA: (1975. ) Differences in the salmonella and cholera toxin activation of intestinal adenyl cyclase: Differential effects of indomethacin. Clin Res, 23; ,518
Charney AN, Gots RE, Formal SB, Giannella RA: (1975. ) Activation of intestinal mucosal adenylate cyclase by shigella dysenteriae 1 enterotoxin. Clin Res , 23: ,480
Charney AN, Kinsey MD, Myers L, Giannella RA, Gots RE: (1975. ) Role of Na-K-Atpase in intestinal electrolyte transport after adrenal steroids. Clin Res, 23: ,247
Kinsey MD, Formal SB, Giannella RA: (1975. ) Role of altered permeability in the pathogenesis of salmonella diarrhea. Gastroenterology, 68: ,926
Charney An, Kinsey MD, Myers L, Giannella RA, Gots RE: (1974. ) Intestinal Na+-K+-ATPase and electrolyte transport after adrenal steroids. Clin Res, 22: ,692
Giannella RA, Rout WR, Formal SB, Dammin GJ: (1974. ) The pathophysiology of Shigella diarrhea and dysentery in the Rhesus monkey. Gastroenterology, 66 ,698
Charney AN, Gots R, Giannella RA: (1974. ) Na-K-ATPase in isolated intestinal villus tip and crypt cells. Gastroenterology, 66: ,673
Gots RE, Formal SB, Giannella RA: (1974. ) Salmonella-mediated ileal secretion: stimulation of adenyl cyclase, inhibition by indomethacin and possible participation of prostaglandins. Clin Res, 22: ,358
Gots R, Formal S, Giannella R: (1973. ) Indomethacin inhibition of salmonella, shigella, and cholera toxin mediated rabbit ileal fluid secretion. Clin Res, 21: ,975
Rout R, Giannella RA, Formal S, Dammin G: (1973. ) The pathophysiology of shigella diarrhea and dysentery. Clin Res, 21: ,964
Formal SB, Gemski P, Giannella RA, Rout WR: (1973. ) Immuno Symposium: Pathophysiology and immunology of gram negative infections. Vienna, Austria 28-30 September,
Formal SB, Gemski P, Giannella RA: (1973. ) Pathogenesis of bacillary dysentery. First International Congress for Bacteriology, 1: ,156 -157
Rout R, Giannella RA, Formal S, Dammin G: (1973. ) The pathophysiology of salmonella diarrhea in Rhesus monkeys. Gastroenterology, 64: ,793
Fromm D, Giannella RA, Formal S, Quijano R, Collins C: (1973. ) Active ion transport across isolated ileum invaded by salmonella. Gastroenterology, 64: ,729
Giannella RA, Toskes P, Rout R, Jervis H, Takeuchi A: (1973. ) Jejunal brush border and intracellular injury in the blind loop syndrome:A light histochemical, and electron microscopic study. Gastroenterology, 64: ,733
Toskes P, Bensinger T, Giannella RA, Conrad M: (1973. ) Ineffective erythropoiesis with increased folate utilization secondary to iron deficiency. Clin Res, 21: ,569
Toskes P, Rout R, Giannella RA: (1973. ) Antibiotic-reversible brush border damage in the blind loop syndrome. Clin Res, 21: ,527
Toskes P, Bensinger T, Giannella RA, Conrad M: (1973. ) Folic acid abnormalities in the blind loop syndrome. Clin Res, 21: ,55
Giannella RA, Toskes P, Rout R: (1973. ) Reversible brush border injury and impaired sugar and amino acid uptake in the blind loop syndrome. Clin Res, 21: ,50
Giannella RA, Formal S, Dammin G: (1972. ) Pathogenesis of salmonella diarrhea. Clin Res, 20: ,880
Toskes P, Smith G, Giannella RA, Bensinger T, Conrad M: (1972. ) The relationship of iron deficiency to serum folate levels.. Gastroenterology, 62: ,861
Giannella RA, Formal S, Dammin G: (1972. ) Secretory, morphologic and invasive characteristics of Salmonella typhimurium infection of the rabbit ileum. Gastroenterology, 62: ,752
Giannella RA, Broitman SA, Zamcheck N: (1971. ) Salmonelloiis: Relevance of reduced gastric secretion to severity of diarrhea and effects in the small bowel. Gastroenterology, 60: ,666
Giannella RA, Broitman SA, Zamcheck N: (1971. ) Gastric acid barrier to microorganisms in the human stomach. Clin Res, 19: , -391
Giannella RA, Broitman SA, Zamcheck N: (1970. ) Cholera-like diarrhea in salmonella enteritis: Role of reduced gastric acid in pathogenesis. Clin Res., 18: ,679
Giannella RA, Broitman SA, Zamcheck N: (1970. ) Mechanism of vitamin B12 uptake by intestinal bacteria. Gastroenterology, 58: ,1042
Giannella RA, Broitman SA, Zamcheck N: (1970. ) Competition between bacteria and intrinsic factor for vitamin B12 .[Abstract]Clin Res, 18: ,380
Giannella RA, Broitman SA, Zamcheck N: (1969. ) Vitamin B12 uptake by intestinal bacteria. I. Demonstration of two stage uptake. Clin Res, 17: ,594
Giannella RA, Broitman SA, Zamcheck N: (1969. ) Bacterial impairment of vitamin B12 binding by intrinsic factor. Clin Res, 17: ,594
Peer Reviewed Publications
Giannella RA, Broitman SA, Zamcheck N: (1971. ) Vitamin B12 uptake by intestinal microorganisms: mechanism and relevance to syndromes of intestinal bacterial overgrowth. J Clin Invest, , 50 ,1100-1107
Giannella RA, Broitman SA, Zamcheck N: (1971. ) Salmonella enteritis I. Role of reduced gastric secretion in pathogenesis. Amer J Dig Dis, , 16 ,1000-1006
Giannella RA, Broitman SA, Zamcheck N: (1971. ) Salmonella enteritis II. Fulminant diarrhea and its effects on the small intestine. Amer J Dig Dis, , 16 ,1007-1013
Giannella RA, Broitman SA, Zamcheck N: (1972. ) Competition between bacteria and intrinsic factor for vitamin B12: Implications for vitamin B12 malabsorption in intestinal bacterial overgrowth. .Gastroenterology, , 62 ,255-260
Giannella RA, Broitman SA, Zamcheck N: (1972. ) Gastric acid barrier to ingested microorganisms in man: In vivo and in vitro studies .Gut, , 13 ,251-256
Formal SB, Gemski P, Giannella RA, Austin S: (1972. ) Mechanisms of Shigella pathogenesis. Amer J Clin Nutr, , 15 ,1427-1432
Giannella RA, Formal SB, Dammin GJ, Collins H: (1973. ) Pathogenesis of salmonellosis: Studies of fluid secretion, mucosal invasion, and morphologic reaction in the rabbit ileum. J Clin Invest, , 52 ,441-453
Giannella RA, Broitman SA, Zamcheck N: (1973. ) The influence of gastric acidity on bacterial and parasitic enteric infections. A perspective. Annals Int Med, , 78 ,271-276
Giannella RA, Washington O, Gemski P, Formal S: (1973. ) Invasion of HeLa cells by Salmonella typhimurium: A model for the study of salmonella "invasiveness." .J Infect Dis, , 128 ,69-75
Fromm D, Giannella RA, Formal SB, Quijano R, Collins H: (1974. ) Ion transport across isolated ileal mucosa invaded by salmonella. Gastroenterology, , 66 ,215-225
Rout WR, Formal SB, Dammin GJ, Giannella RA: (1974. ) Pathophysiology of salmonella diarrhea in the Rhesus monkey: Intestinal Transport, morphological and bacteriological studies. Gastroenterology, , 67 ,59-70
Toskes PP, Smith G, Bensinger T, Giannella RA, Conrad M: (1974. ) Folic acid abnormalities in iron deficiency: Mechanism of decreased serum folate levels in rats. Amer J Clin Nutr, , 27 ,355-361
Gots RE, Formal SB, Giannella RA: (1974. ) Indomethacin inhibition of Salmonella typhimurium, Shigella flexneri, and cholera mediated rabbit ileal secretion. J Infect Dis, , 130: ,280-284
Giannella RA, Rout WR, Toskes PP: (1974. ) Jejunal brush border injury and impaired sugar and amino acid uptake in the blind loop syndromes. Gastroenterology, , 67 ,965-974
Charney AN, Gots RE, Giannella RA: (1974. ) (Na+-K+)-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase in isolated intestinal villus tip and crypt cells. Biochim Biophys Acta, , 367 ,256-270
Giannella RA: (1974. ) Acute bacterial diarrhea. J Kentucky Med Assoc, , 72 ,667-671
Rout WR, Formal SB, Giannella RA, Dammin GJ: (1975. ) Pathophysilogy of Shigella diarrhea in the Rhesus monkey: Intestinal transport, morphological and bacteriological studies. Gastroenterology, , 68 ,270-278
Toskes PP, Giannella RA, Rout WR, Jervis H, Takeuchi A: (1975. ) Small intestinal mucosal cell injury in the experimental blind loop syndrome: Light, electron microscopic, and histochemical studies. Gastroenterology, , 68 ,1193-1203
Charney AN, Kinsey MD, Giannella RA, Myers L, Gots, RE: (1975. ) Sodium-potassium-activated adenosine triphosphatase and intestinal electrolyte transport: Effect of adrenal steroids. J Clin Invest, , 56 ,653-660
Giannella RA, Gots RE, Charney AN, Greenough WB, Formal SB: (1975. ) Pathogenesis of Salmonella-mediated intestinal fluid secretion: Activation of adenylate cyclase and inhibition by indomethacin. Gastroenterology, , 69: ,1238-1245
Giannella RA: (1976. ) Management of massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding. J Kentucky Med Assoc, , 74 ,30-33
Giannella RA, Rout WR, Formal SB, Collins H: (1976. ) The role of plasma filtration in the intestinal fluid secretion mediated by infection with Salmonella typhimurium. Infect Immun, , 13: ,470-474
Charney AN, Gots RE, Formal SB, Giannella RA: (1976. ) Activation of intestinal mucosal adenylate cyclase by Shigella dysenteriae I enterotoxin. Gastroenterology, , 70 ,1085-1090
Giannella RA, Toskes PP: (1976. ) Gastrointestinal bleeding and iron absorption in the experimental blind loop syndrome. Amer J Clin Nutr, , 29 ,754-757
Giannella RA: (1976. ) The suckling mouse model for the detection of heate-stable Escherichia coli enterotoxin: Characteristics of the model. Infect Immun, , 14 ,95-99
Kinsey MD, Dammin GJ, Formal SB, Giannella RA: (1976. ) The role of altered intestinal permeability in the pathogenesis of salmonella diarrhea in the Rhesus monkey. Gastroenterology, , 71: ,429-434
Kinsey MD, Formal SB, Dammin GJ, Giannella RA: (1976. ) Fluid and electrolyte transport in Rhesus monkeys challenged intracecally with Shigella flexneri 2a. .Infect Immun, , 14: ,368-371
Giannella RA, Rout WR, Formal SB: (1977. ) Effect of indomethacin on intestinal water transport in salmonella-infected Rhesus monkeys. Infect Immun, , 17: ,136-139
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Mann EA, Swenson ES, Copeland NG, Gilbert DJ, Jenkins NA, Taguchi T, Testa JR, Giannella RA: (1996. ) Localization of the guanylyl cyclase C gene to mouse chromosome 6 and human chromosome 12p12. Genomics, , 34: (265-267 ) ,
Swenson ES, Mann EA, Jump ML, Witte DP, Giannella RA: (1996. ) The guanylin/STa receptor is expressed in crypts and apical epithelium throughout the mouse intestine. Biochem Biophys Res Comm, , 225: ,1009-1014
Mann EA, Jump ML, Wu J, Yee E, and Giannella RA: (1997. ) Mice lacking the guanylyl cyclase C receptor are resistant to STa-induced intestinal secretion. Biochem Biophys Res Comm, , 239: ,463-466
Sack DA, Tacket CO, Cohen MB, Sack RB, Losonsky GA, Shimko J, Nataro JP, Edelman R, Levine MM, Giannella RA, Schiff G, Lang D: (1998. ) Validation of a volunteer model of cholera using frozen bacteria as the challenge. Infec Immun, , 66: ,1968-1972
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Flagella M, Clarke LL, Miller ML, Erway LC, Giannella RA, Andringa A, Gawenis LR, Dramer J, Duffy JJ, Doetschman T, Lorenz JN, Yamoah EN, Cardell EL, Shull GE: (1999. ) Mice lacking the basolateral Na-K-2C1 cotransporter have impaired intestinal epithelial chloride secretion and are profundly deaf. J Biol Chem, , 274: ,26946-26955
Fischer DR, Nussbaum MS, Pritts TA, Gilinsky NH, Weesner RE, Martin SP, Giannella RA: (1999. ) Use of omeprazole in the management of giant duodenal ulcer: results of a prospective study. Surgery, , 126: ,643-649
Tacket CO, Cohen MB, Wasserman SS, Losonsky G, Livio S, Kotloff K, Edelman R, Kaper JB, Cryz SJ, Giannella RA, Schiff G, Lang DR, Levine MM: (1999. ) Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-centered trial of the efficacy of a single dose of live oral cholera vaccine CVD 103-HgR in preventing cholera following challnge with vibrio cholerae 01 E1 Tor, Inaba three months after vaccination. Infec Immun, , 67: ,6341-6345
Cohen MB, Giannella RA, Losonsky GA, Lang DR, Parker S, Hawkins JA, Gunther C, Schiff GA: (1999. ) Validation and characterization of a human volunteer challenge model for cholera using frozen bacteria of the new epidemic serotype, V. cholerae 0139. Infec Immun, , 67: ,6346-6349
Charney AN, Giannella RA, Egnor RW: (1999. ) Effect of short-chain fatty acids on cGMP-medicated colonic secretion. .Comparative Biochemistry Physiology, , 124: ,169-178
Carrithers SL, Hill MJ, Johnson BR, O'Hara SM, Jackson BA, Ott CE, Lorenz J, Mann EA, Giannella RA, Forte Lr, Greenberg RN: (1999. ) Renal effects of uroguanylin and guanylin in vivo. Braz J Med Biol Res, , 32: ,1337-1344
McRorie J, Zorich N, Riccardi K, Bishop L, Filloon T, Wason S, and Giannella RA: (2000. ) Effects of olestra and sorbitol consumption on objective measures of diarrhea: impact of stool viscosity on common gastrointestinal symptoms. Reg Toxicol Pharmacol, , 31: ,59-67
Charney AN, Egnor RW, Alexander-Chacko JT, Zaharia V, Mann EA, Giannella RA: (2001. ) Effect of E. coli heat-atable enterotoxin on colonic electrolyte transport in guanylyl cyclase-C receptor-deficient mice. Amer J Physiol , , 380: ,G216-G221
Roy N, Guruprasas MR, Kondaiah P, Mann EA, Giannella RA, Visweshariah SS: (2001. ) Protein kinase C regulates transcription of the human guanylyl cyclase C gene. Eur J Biochem, , 268: ,1-13
Shah RJ, Fenoglio-Preiser C, Bleau BL, Giannella RA: (2001. ) Usefulness of colonoscopy with biopsy in the evaluation of patients with chronic diarrhea. Amer J Gastro, , 96 ,1091-1095
Albano F, Brasitus T, Mann EA, Guarion A, Giannella RA: (2001. ) Colonocyte basolateral membranes contain E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin receptors. Biochem Biophys Res Comm., , 284: ,331-334
Steinbrecher KA, Mann EA, Giannella RA, Cohen MB (2001. ) Increases in guanylin and uroguanylin levels in a mouse model of osmotic diarrhea are guanylate cyclase C-independent. Gastroenterology, , 121: ,1191 -1202
Cohen MB, Giannella RA, Bean J, Taylor D, Parker S, Hoeper A, Wowk S, Hawkins J, Schiff G, Killeen KP: (2002. ) Randomized, controlled human challenge study of the safety, immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a single dose of Peru-15, live oral cholera vaccine. .Infec Immun, , 70: ,1965-1970
Rao SP, Sellers Z, Crombie DL, Hogan DL, Mann EA, Childs D, Keely S, Sheil-Puopolo M, Giannella RA, Barrett KE, Isenberg JI, Pratha VS: (2004. ) A role for Guanylate cyclase C (GC-C) in acid-stimulated duodenal mucosal bicarbonate secretion. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol, , 286: ,95-101
Carrithers SL, Ott CE, Hill MJ, Johnson BR, Cai W, Chang JJ, Shah RG, Sun C, Mann EA, Fonteles MC, Forte LR, Jackson BA, Giannella RA, Greenberg RN: (2004. ) Guanylin and uroguanylin induce natriuresis in mice ladcking guanylyl cyclase-C receptor. .Kidney International, , 65: ,40-53
Morelli MS, Rouster SD, Giannella RA, Sherman KE: (2004. ) Clinical application of polymerase chain reaction to diagnose Clostridium difficile in hospitalized patients with diarrhea. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, , 2: ,669-674
Mann EA, Steinbrecher KA, Stroup C, Witte DP, Cohen MB, Giannella RA: (2005. ) Lack of guanylyl cyclase C, the receptor for E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin, results in reduced polyp formation and increased apoptosis in the multiple intestinal neoplasia (Min) mouse model. Int J Cancer, , 116: ,500-505
Albano F, De Marco G, Berni Canani R, Cirillo P, Buccigrossi V, Giannella RA, Guarion A. (2005. ) Guanylin and E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin induce chloride secretion through direct interaction with the basolateral compartment of rat and human colonic cells. Ped Research , , 58 ,159-163
Sellers ZM, Mann E, Smith A, Dong KH, Giannella R, Cohen MB, Barrett KE, Dong H. (2008. ) Heat-stable enterotoxin of Escherichia coli (STa) can stimulate duodenal HCO3 secretion via a novel GC-C and CFTR-independent pathway. FASEB, , 22 ,1-11
Roberts M and Giannella RA: (2008. ) AGA PAC: an essential tool to advance Gastroenterology. Gastroenterology , , 134: ,908-912
Schiller, Lawrence R; Pardi, Darrell S; Spiller, Robin; Semrad, Carol E; Surawicz, Christina M; Giannella, Ralph A; Krejs, Guenter J; Farthing, Michael J G; Sellin, Joseph H (2014. ) Gastro 2013 APDW/WCOG Shanghai working party report: chronic diarrhea: definition, classification, diagnosis.Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology, , 29 (1 ) ,6-25 More Information
Navaneethan, Udayakumar; Giannella, Ralph A (2011. ) Infectious colitis.Current opinion in gastroenterology, , 27 (1 ) ,66-71 More Information
Navaneethan, Udayakumar; Giannella, Ralph A (2009. ) Thinking beyond the colon-small bowel involvement in clostridium difficile infection.Gut pathogens, , 1 (1 ) ,7 More Information
Navaneethan, Udayakumar; Giannella, Ralph A (2008. ) Mechanisms of infectious diarrhea.Nature clinical practice. Gastroenterology & hepatology, , 5 (11 ) ,637-47 More Information
Roberts, Michael; Giannella, Ralph A (2008. ) AGA PAC: an essential tool to advance gastroenterology.Gastroenterology, , 134 (4 ) ,908-12 More Information
Mann, Elizabeth A; Steinbrecher, Kris A; Stroup, Carmen; Witte, David P; Cohen, Mitchell B; Giannella, Ralph A (2005. ) Lack of guanylyl cyclase C, the receptor for Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin, results in reduced polyp formation and increased apoptosis in the multiple intestinal neoplasia (Min) mouse model.International journal of cancer, , 116 (4 ) ,500-5 More Information
Albano, Fabio; de Marco, Giulio; Canani, Roberto Berni; Cirillo, Pia; Buccigrossi, Vittoria; Giannella, Ralph A; Guarino, Alfredo (2005. ) Guanylin and E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin induce chloride secretion through direct interaction with basolateral compartment of rat and human colonic cells.Pediatric research, , 58 (1 ) ,159-63 More Information
Morelli, Michael S; Rouster, Susan D; Giannella, Ralph A; Sherman, Kenneth E (2004. ) Clinical application of polymerase chain reaction to diagnose Clostridium difficile in hospitalized patients with diarrhea.Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association, , 2 (8 ) ,669-74 More Information
Rao, S P; Sellers, Z; Crombie, D L; Hogan, D L; Mann, E A; Childs, D; Keely, S; Sheil-Puopolo, M; Giannella, R A; Barrett, K E; Isenberg, J I; Pratha, V S (2004. ) A role for guanylate cyclase C in acid-stimulated duodenal mucosal bicarbonate secretion.American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology, , 286 (1 ) ,G95-G101 More Information
Carrithers, Stephen L; Ott, Cobern E; Hill, Michael J; Johnson, Brett R; Cai, Weiyan; Chang, Jason J; Shah, Rajesh G; Sun, Congmei; Mann, Elizabeth A; Fonteles, Manasses C; Forte, Leonard R; Jackson, Brian A; Giannella, Ralph A; Greenberg, Richard N (2004. ) Guanylin and uroguanylin induce natriuresis in mice lacking guanylyl cyclase-C receptor.Kidney international, , 65 (1 ) ,40-53 More Information
Giannella, Ralph A; Mann, Elizabeth A (2003. ) E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin and guanylyl cyclase C: new functions and unsuspected actions. Transactions of the American Clinical and Climatological Association, , 114 ,67-85; discussion 85
Cohen, Mitchell B; Giannella, Ralph A; Bean, Judy; Taylor, David N; Parker, Susan; Hoeper, Amy; Wowk, Stephen; Hawkins, Jennifer; Kochi, Sims K; Schiff, Gilbert; Killeen, Kevin P (2002. ) Randomized, controlled human challenge study of the safety, immunogenicity, and protective efficacy of a single dose of Peru-15, a live attenuated oral cholera vaccine.Infection and immunity, , 70 (4 ) ,1965-70 More Information
Steinbrecher, K A; Mann, E A; Giannella, R A; Cohen, M B (2001. ) Increases in guanylin and uroguanylin in a mouse model of osmotic diarrhea are guanylate cyclase C-independent.Gastroenterology, , 121 (5 ) ,1191-202 More Information
Giannella, R A (2001. ) Antibiotic-associated diarrhea and Clostridium difficile colitis: an update. Revista espanola de enfermedades digestivas : organo oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Patologia Digestiva, , 93 (8 ) ,535-43
Scheidler, M D; Giannella, R A (2001. ) Practical management of acute diarrhea.Hospital practice (1995), , 36 (7 ) ,49-56 More Information
Albano, F; Brasitus, T; Mann, E A; Guarino, A; Giannella, R A (2001. ) Colonocyte basolateral membranes contain Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin receptors.Biochemical and biophysical research communications, , 284 (2 ) ,331-4 More Information
Shah, R J; Fenoglio-Preiser, C; Bleau, B L; Giannella, R A (2001. ) Usefulness of colonoscopy with biopsy in the evaluation of patients with chronic diarrhea.The American journal of gastroenterology, , 96 (4 ) ,1091-5 More Information
Roy, N; Guruprasad, M R; Kondaiah, P; Mann, E A; Giannella, R A; Visweswariah, S S (2001. ) Protein kinase C regulates transcription of the human guanylate cyclase C gene.European journal of biochemistry, , 268 (7 ) ,2160-71 More Information
Charney, A N; Egnor, R W; Alexander-Chacko, J T; Zaharia, V; Mann, E A; Giannella, R A (2001. ) Effect of E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin on colonic transport in guanylyl cyclase C receptor-deficient mice.American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology, , 280 (2 ) ,G216-21 More Information
Cohen, M B; Giannella, R A; Losonsky, G A; Lang, D R; Parker, S; Hawkins, J A; Gunther, C; Schiff, G A (1999. ) Validation and characterization of a human volunteer challenge model for cholera by using frozen bacteria of the new Vibrio cholerae epidemic serotype, O139. Infection and immunity, , 67 (12 ) ,6346-9
Tacket, C O; Cohen, M B; Wasserman, S S; Losonsky, G; Livio, S; Kotloff, K; Edelman, R; Kaper, J B; Cryz, S J; Giannella, R A; Schiff, G; Levine, M M (1999. ) Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentered trial of the efficacy of a single dose of live oral cholera vaccine CVD 103-HgR in preventing cholera following challenge with Vibrio cholerae O1 El tor inaba three months after vaccination. Infection and immunity, , 67 (12 ) ,6341-5
Carrithers, S L; Hill, M J; Johnson, B R; O'Hara, S M; Jackson, B A; Ott, C E; Lorenz, J; Mann, E A; Giannella, R A; Forte, L R; Greenberg, R N (1999. ) Renal effects of uroguanylin and guanylin in vivo.Brazilian journal of medical and biological research = Revista brasileira de pesquisas medicas e biologicas, , 32 (11 ) ,1337-44 More Information
Giannella, R A (1999. ) Pediatric gastroenterology and the AGA.Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, , 29 (5 ) ,529-30 More Information
Charney, A N; Giannella, R A; Egnor, R W (1999. ) Effect of short-chain fatty acids on cyclic 3',5'-guanosine monophosphate-mediated colonic secretion.Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology, , 124 (2 ) ,169-78 More Information
Fischer, D R; Nussbaum, M S; Pritts, T A; Gilinsky, N H; Weesner, R E; Martin, S P; Giannella, R A (1999. ) Use of omeprazole in the management of giant duodenal ulcer: results of a prospective study. Surgery, , 126 (4 ) ,643-8; discussion 64
Flagella, M; Clarke, L L; Miller, M L; Erway, L C; Giannella, R A; Andringa, A; Gawenis, L R; Kramer, J; Duffy, J J; Doetschman, T; Lorenz, J N; Yamoah, E N; Cardell, E L; Shull, G E (1999. ) Mice lacking the basolateral Na-K-2Cl cotransporter have impaired epithelial chloride secretion and are profoundly deaf.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 274 (38 ) ,26946-55 More Information
Aranda-Michel, J; Giannella, R A (1999. ) Acute diarrhea: a practical review.The American journal of medicine, , 106 (6 ) ,670-6 More Information
Swenson, E S; Mann, E A; Jump, M L; Giannella, R A (1999. ) Hepatocyte nuclear factor-4 regulates intestinal expression of the guanylin/heat-stable toxin receptor.The American journal of physiology, , 276 (3 ) ,G728-36 More Information
Sack, D A; Tacket, C O; Cohen, M B; Sack, R B; Losonsky, G A; Shimko, J; Nataro, J P; Edelman, R; Levine, M M; Giannella, R A; Schiff, G; Lang, D (1998. ) Validation of a volunteer model of cholera with frozen bacteria as the challenge.Infection and immunity, , 66 (5 ) ,1968-72 More Information
Mann, E A; Jump, M L; Wu, J; Yee, E; Giannella, R A (1997. ) Mice lacking the guanylyl cyclase C receptor are resistant to STa-induced intestinal secretion.Biochemical and biophysical research communications, , 239 (2 ) ,463-6 More Information
Swenson, E S; Mann, E A; Jump, M L; Witte, D P; Giannella, R A (1996. ) The guanylin/STa receptor is expressed in crypts and apical epithelium throughout the mouse intestine.Biochemical and biophysical research communications, , 225 (3 ) ,1009-14 More Information
Mann, E A; Swenson, E S; Copeland, N G; Gilbert, D J; Jenkins, N A; Taguchi, T; Testa, J R; Giannella, R A (1996. ) Localization of the guanylyl cyclase C gene to mouse chromosome 6 and human chromosome 12p12.Genomics, , 34 (2 ) ,265-7 More Information
LaRusso, N F; Phillips, S F; Bloomer, J R; Boland, C R; Chang, E B; DiMagno, E P; Giannella, R A; Gores, G J; Malagelada, J R; Miller, L J; Rakela, J; Szurszewski, J H; Binder, H J; Clain, J E; LaMont, J T; Link, A M (1996. ) Passing the torch: a look back at our editorship.Gastroenterology, , 110 (5 ) ,1336-8 More Information
Giannella, R A (1995. ) Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxins, guanylins, and their receptors: what are they and what do they do? .The Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine, , 125 (2 ) ,173-81
Heck, ; Staneck, ; Cohen, ; Weckbach, ; Giannella, ; Hawkins, ; Tosiello, (1994. ) Prevention of Travelers' Diarrhea: Ciprofloxacin versus Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole in Adult Volunteers Working in Latin America and the Caribbean.Journal of travel medicine, , 1 (3 ) ,136-142 More Information
Wolf, D C; Giannella, R A (1993. ) Antibiotic therapy for bacterial enterocolitis: a comprehensive review. The American journal of gastroenterology, , 88 (10 ) ,1667-83
Giannella, R A; Orlowski, J; Jump, M L; Lingrel, J B (1993. ) Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase gene expression in rat intestine and Caco-2 cells: response to thyroid hormone.The American journal of physiology, , 265 (4 Pt 1 ) ,G775-82 More Information
Park, S I; Giannella, R A (1993. ) Approach to the adult patient with acute diarrhea. Gastroenterology clinics of North America, , 22 (3 ) ,483-97
Cohen, M B; Jensen, N J; Hawkins, J A; Mann, E A; Thompson, M R; Lentze, M J; Giannella, R A (1993. ) Receptors for Escherichia coli heat stable enterotoxin in human intestine and in a human intestinal cell line (Caco-2).Journal of cellular physiology, , 156 (1 ) ,138-44 More Information
Giannella, R A (1993. ) Enteric infections: 50 years of progress.Gastroenterology, , 104 (6 ) ,1589-94 More Information
Mann, E A; Cohen, M B; Giannella, R A (1993. ) Comparison of receptors for Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin: novel receptor present in IEC-6 cells.The American journal of physiology, , 264 (1 Pt 1 ) ,G172-8 More Information
Laney, D W; Mann, E A; Dellon, S C; Perkins, D R; Giannella, R A; Cohen, M B (1992. ) Novel sites for expression of an Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin receptor in the developing rat.The American journal of physiology, , 263 (5 Pt 1 ) ,G816-21 More Information
Cohen, M B; Mann, E A; Lau, C; Henning, S J; Giannella, R A (1992. ) A gradient in expression of the Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin receptor exists along the villus-to-crypt axis of rat small intestine.Biochemical and biophysical research communications, , 186 (1 ) ,483-90 More Information
Cohen, M B; Giannella, R A (1992. ) Jejunal toxin inactivation regulates susceptibility of the immature rat to STa.Gastroenterology, , 102 (6 ) ,1988-96 More Information
Mezoff, A G; Giannella, R A; Eade, M N; Cohen, M B (1992. ) Escherichia coli enterotoxin (STa) binds to receptors, stimulates guanyl cyclase, and impairs absorption in rat colon.Gastroenterology, , 102 (3 ) ,816-22 More Information
Cohen, M B; Giannella, R A (1992. ) Hemorrhagic colitis associated with Escherichia coli O157:H7. Advances in internal medicine, , 37 ,173-95
Romeo, D P; Weesner, R E; Giannella, R A (1990. ) Misdiagnosis of the Zollinger-Ellison syndrome due to hyperlipidemia.Gastroenterology, , 99 (5 ) ,1511-3 More Information
Thompson, M R; Luttrell, M; Giannella, R A (1990. ) Preparation of stable 125I cyclic GMP tyrosine methyl ester suitable for 3',5' cyclic GMP radioimmunoassay by HPLC.Journal of immunoassay, , 11 (1 ) ,97-108 More Information
Thompson, M R; Giannella, R A (1990. ) Different crosslinking agents identify distinctly different putative Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin rat intestinal cell receptor proteins.Journal of receptor research, , 10 (1-2 ) ,97-117 More Information
Cohen, M B; Thompson, M R; Giannella, R A (1989. ) Differences in jejunal and ileal response to E. coli enterotoxin: possible mechanisms.The American journal of physiology, , 257 (1 Pt 1 ) ,G118-23 More Information
Weesner, R E; Kolinjivadi, J; Giannella, R A; Huitger-O'Connor, T; Genta, R M (1988. ) Effect of Strongyloides ratti on small bowel function in normal and immunosuppressed host rats.Digestive diseases and sciences, , 33 (10 ) ,1316-21 More Information
Huott, P A; Liu, W; McRoberts, J A; Giannella, R A; Dharmsathaphorn, K (1988. ) Mechanism of action of Escherichia coli heat stable enterotoxin in a human colonic cell line.The Journal of clinical investigation, , 82 (2 ) ,514-23 More Information
Cohen, M B; Guarino, A; Shukla, R; Giannella, R A (1988. ) Age-related differences in receptors for Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin in the small and large intestine of children.Gastroenterology, , 94 (2 ) ,367-73 More Information
Guarino, A; Cohen, M B; Overmann, G; Thompson, M R; Giannella, R A (1987. ) Binding of E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin to rat intestinal brush borders and to basolateral membranes.Digestive diseases and sciences, , 32 (9 ) ,1017-26 More Information
Guarino, A; Cohen, M B; Giannella, R A (1987. ) Small and large intestinal guanylate cyclase activity in children: effect of age and stimulation by Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin.Pediatric research, , 21 (6 ) ,551-5 More Information
Petersen, J H; Weesner, R E; Giannella, R A (1987. ) Escherichia coli peritonitis after left-sided colonoscopy in a patient on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. The American journal of gastroenterology, , 82 (2 ) ,171-2
Cohen, M B; Thompson, M R; Overmann, G J; Giannella, R A (1987. ) Association and dissociation of Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin from rat brush border membrane receptors.Infection and immunity, , 55 (2 ) ,329-34 More Information
Thompson, M R; Jordan, R L; Luttrell, M A; Brandwein, H; Kaper, J B; Levine, M M; Giannella, R A (1986. ) Blinded, two-laboratory comparative analysis of Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin production by using monoclonal antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, radioimmunoassay, suckling mouse assay, and gene probes.Journal of clinical microbiology, , 24 (5 ) ,753-8 More Information
Epstein, S A; Giannella, R A; Brandwein, H J (1986. ) Activation of guanylate cyclase by E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin (STa). Modulation by NAD and pertussis toxin.FEBS letters, , 203 (1 ) ,44-8 More Information
Cohen, M B; Moyer, M S; Luttrell, M; Giannella, R A (1986. ) The immature rat small intestine exhibits an increased sensitivity and response to Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin.Pediatric research, , 20 (6 ) ,555-60 More Information
King, K; Genta, R M; Giannella, R A; Weesner, R E Congenital hepatic fibrosis and cerebral aneurysm in a 32-year-old woman.Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, , 5 (3 ) ,481-4 More Information
Giannella, R A Chronic diarrhea in travelers: diagnostic and therapeutic considerations.Reviews of infectious diseases, , 8 Suppl 2 ,S223-6 More Information
Thompson, M R; Luttrell, M; Overmann, G; Giannella, R A (1985. ) Biological and immunological characteristics of 125I-4Tyr and -18Tyr Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin species purified by high-performance liquid chromatography.Analytical biochemistry, , 148 (1 ) ,26-36 More Information
Thompson, M R; Giannella, R A (1985. ) Revised amino acid sequence for a heat-stable enterotoxin produced by an Escherichia coli strain (18D) that is pathogenic for humans.Infection and immunity, , 47 (3 ) ,834-6 More Information
Thompson, M R; Brandwein, H; LaBine-Racke, M; Giannella, R A (1984. ) Simple and reliable enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with monoclonal antibodies for detection of Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxins.Journal of clinical microbiology, , 20 (1 ) ,59-64 More Information
Giannella, R A; Thompson, M R; Brandwein, H (1984. ) Monoclonal antibodies to Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin.Lancet (London, England), , 1 (8390 ) ,1360 More Information
Giannella, R A; Luttrell, M; Thompson, M (1983. ) Binding of Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin to receptors on rat intestinal cells.The American journal of physiology, , 245 (4 ) ,G492-8 More Information
Moon, H W; Whipp, S C; Argenzio, R A; Levine, M M; Giannella, R A (1983. ) Attaching and effacing activities of rabbit and human enteropathogenic Escherichia coli in pig and rabbit intestines.Infection and immunity, , 41 (3 ) ,1340-51 More Information
Moon, H W; Baetz, A L; Giannella, R A (1983. ) Immunization of swine with heat-stable Escherichia coli enterotoxin coupled to a carrier protein does not protect suckling pigs against an Escherichia coli strain that produces heat-stable enterotoxin.Infection and immunity, , 39 (2 ) ,990-2 More Information
Giannella, R A (1983. ) Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin: biochemical and physiological effects on the intestine. Progress in food & nutrition science, , 7 (3-4 ) ,157-65
Rothbaum, R J; Giannella, R A; Partin, J C (1982. ) Diarrhea caused by adherent enteropathogenic E. coli.The Journal of pediatrics, , 101 (3 ) ,486 More Information
Mathias, J R; Nogueira, J; Martin, J L; Carlson, G M; Giannella, R A (1982. ) Escherichia coli heat-stable toxin: its effect on motility of the small intestine.The American journal of physiology, , 242 (4 ) ,G360-3 More Information
Chan, S K; Giannella, R A (1981. ) Amino acid sequence of heat-stable enterotoxin produced by Escherichia coli pathogenic for man. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 256 (15 ) ,7744-6
Giannella, R A; Drake, K W; Luttrell, M (1981. ) Development of a radioimmunoassay for Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin: comparison with the suckling mouse bioassay.Infection and immunity, , 33 (1 ) ,186-92 More Information
Rao, M C; Orellana, S A; Field, M; Robertson, D C; Giannella, R A (1981. ) Comparison of the biological actions of three purified heat-stable enterotoxins: effects on ion transport and guanylate cyclase activity in rabbit ileum in vitro.Infection and immunity, , 33 (1 ) ,165-70 More Information
Giannella, R A; Serumaga, J; Walls, D; Drake, K W (1981. ) Effect of clindamycin on intestinal water and glucose transport in the rat. Gastroenterology, , 80 (5 pt 1 ) ,907-13
Giannella, R A (1981. ) Pathogenesis of acute bacterial diarrheal disorders.Annual review of medicine, , 32 ,341-57 More Information
Staples, S J; Asher, S E; Giannella, R A (1980. ) Purification and characterization of heat-stable enterotoxin produced by a strain of E. coli pathogenic for man. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 255 (10 ) ,4716-21
Giannella, R A; Drake, K W (1979. ) Effect of purified Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin on intestinal cyclic nucleotide metabolism and fluid secretion.Infection and immunity, , 24 (1 ) ,19-23 More Information
Giannella, R A; Brasile, L (1979. ) A hospital food-borne outbreak of diarrhea caused by Bacillus cereus: clinical, epidemiologic, and microbiologic studies.The Journal of infectious diseases, , 139 (3 ) ,366-70 More Information
Giannella, R A (1979. ) Importance of the intestinal inflammatory reaction in salmonella-mediated intestinal secretion.Infection and immunity, , 23 (1 ) ,140-5 More Information
Giannella, R A; Rout, W R; Formal, S B (1977. ) Effect of indomethacin on intestinal water transport in salmonella-infected rhesus monkeys.Infection and immunity, , 17 (1 ) ,136-9 More Information
Kinsey, M D; Dammin, G J; Formal, S B; Giannella, R A (1976. ) The role of altered intestinal permeability in the pathogenesis of salmonella diarrhea in the rhesus monkey. Gastroenterology, , 71 (3 ) ,429-34
Kinsey, M D; Formal, S B; Dammin, G J; Giannella, R A (1976. ) Fluid and electrolyte transport in rhesus monkeys challenged intracecally with Shigella flexneri 2a.Infection and immunity, , 14 (2 ) ,368-71 More Information
Giannella, R A; Toskes, P P (1976. ) Gastrointestinal bleeding and iron absorption in the experimental blind loop syndrome.The American journal of clinical nutrition, , 29 (7 ) ,754-7 More Information
Giannella, R A (1976. ) Suckling mouse model for detection of heat-stable Escherichia coli enterotoxin: characteristics of the model.Infection and immunity, , 14 (1 ) ,95-9 More Information
Charney, A N; Gots, R E; Formal, S B; Giannella, R A (1976. ) Activation of intestinal mucosal adenylate cyclase by Shigella dysenteriae I enterotoxin. Gastroenterology, , 70 (6 ) ,1085-90
Giannella, R A; Rout, W R; Formal, S B; Collins, H (1976. ) Role of plasma filtration in the intestinal fluid secretion mediated by infection with Salmonella typhimurium.Infection and immunity, , 13 (2 ) ,470-4 More Information
Formal, S B; Gemski, P; Giannella, R A; Takeuchi, A (1976. ) Studies on the pathogenesis of enteric infections caused by invasive bacteria.Ciba Foundation symposium, , (42 ) ,27-43 More Information
Giannella, R A (1976. ) Management of massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding. The Journal of the Kentucky Medical Association, , 74 (1 ) ,30-3
Giannella, R A; Gots, R E; Charney, A N; Greenough, W B; Formal, S B (1975. ) Pathogenesis of Salmonella-mediated intestinal fluid secretion. Activation of adenylate cyclase and inhibition by indomethacin. Gastroenterology, , 69 (6 ) ,1238-45
Toskes, P P; Giannella, R A; Jervis, H R; Rout, W R; Takeuchi, A (1975. ) Small intestinal mucosal injury in the experimental blind loop syndrome. Light- and electron-microscopic and histochemical studies. Gastroenterology, , 68 (5 Pt 1 ) ,1193-203
Rout, W R; Formal, S B; Giannella, R A; Dammin, G J (1975. ) Pathophysiology of Shigella diarrhea in the rhesus monkey: intestinal transport, morphological, and bacteriological studies. Gastroenterology, , 68 (2 ) ,270-8
Giannella, R A (1974. ) Acute bacterial diarrhea. The Journal of the Kentucky Medical Association, , 72 (12 ) ,667-71
Charney, A N; Gots, R E; Giannella, R A (1974. ) Na+-K+)-stimulated adenosinetriphosphatase in isolated intestinal villus tip and crypt cells.Biochimica et biophysica acta, , 367 (3 ) ,265-70 More Information
Giannella, R A; Rout, W R; Toskes, P P (1974. ) Jejunal brush border injury and impaired sugar and amino acid uptake in the blind loop syndrome. Gastroenterology, , 67 (5 ) ,965-74
Gots, R E; Formal, S B; Giannella, R A (1974. ) Indomethacin inhibition of Salmonella typhimurium, Shigella flexneri, and cholera-mediated rabbit ileal secretion.The Journal of infectious diseases, , 130 (3 ) ,280-4 More Information
Rout, W R; Formal, S B; Dammin, G J; Giannella, R A (1974. ) Pathophysiology of Salmonella diarrhea in the Rhesus monkey: Intestinal transport, morphological and bacteriological studies. Gastroenterology, , 67 (1 ) ,59-70
Toskes, P P; Smith, G W; Bensinger, T A; Giannella, R A; Conrad, M E (1974. ) Folic acid abnormalities in iron deficiency: the mechanism of decreased serum folate levels in rats.The American journal of clinical nutrition, , 27 (4 ) ,355-61 More Information
Giannella, R A; Washington, O; Gemski, P; Formal, S B (1973. ) Invasion of HeLa cells by Salmonella typhimurium: a model for study of invasiveness of Salmonella.The Journal of infectious diseases, , 128 (1 ) ,69-75 More Information
Giannella, R A (1973. ) Cholera-like diarrhoea in salmonellosis.Lancet (London, England), , 1 (7813 ) ,1185-6 More Information
Giannella, R A; Broitman, S A; Zamcheck, N (1973. ) Gastric acidity and cholera.Annals of internal medicine, , 78 (5 ) ,780 More Information
Giannella, R A; Broitman, S A; Zamcheck, N (1973. ) Influence of gastric acidity on bacterial and parasitic enteric infections. A perspective.Annals of internal medicine, , 78 (2 ) ,271-6 More Information
Giannella, R A; Formal, S B; Dammin, G J; Collins, H (1973. ) Pathogenesis of salmonellosis. Studies of fluid secretion, mucosal invasion, and morphologic reaction in the rabbit ileum.The Journal of clinical investigation, , 52 (2 ) ,441-53 More Information
Formal, S B; Gemski, P; Giannella, R A; Austin, S (1972. ) Mechanisms of Shigella pathogenesis.The American journal of clinical nutrition, , 25 (12 ) ,1427-32 More Information
Giannella, R A; Broitman, S A; Zamcheck, N (1972. ) Gastric acid barrier to ingested microorganisms in man: studies in vivo and in vitro.Gut, , 13 (4 ) ,251-6 More Information
Giannella, R A; Broitman, S A; Zamcheck, N (1972. ) Competition between bacteria and intrinsic factor for vitamin B 12 : implications for vitamin B 12 malabsorption in intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Gastroenterology, , 62 (2 ) ,255-60
Giannella, R A; Broitman, S A; Zamcheck, N (1971. ) Salmonella enteritis. II. Fulminant diarrhea in and effects on the small intestine.The American journal of digestive diseases, , 16 (11 ) ,1007-13 More Information
Giannella, R A; Broitman, S A; Zamcheck, N (1971. ) Salmonella enteritis. I. Role of reduced gastric secretion in pathogenesis.The American journal of digestive diseases, , 16 (11 ) ,1000-6 More Information
Giannella, R A; Broitman, S A; Zamcheck, N (1971. ) Vitamin B12 uptake by intestinal microorganisms: mechanism and relevance to syndromes of intestinal bacterial overgrowth.The Journal of clinical investigation, , 50 (5 ) ,1100-7 More Information
Other Publications
Long JD, Giannella RA: (2007. ) Approach to the patient with suspected intestinal infection. .In Atlas of Gastroenterology., Blackwell Publishing.
Long JD, Giannella RA: (2008. ) Approach to the patient with suspected acute infectious diarrhea. .In Principles of Gastroenterology., 360 -372 Blackwell Publishing.
Giannella RA: (2006. ) Bacterial Enteritis and Proctocolitis and Bacterial Food Poisoning. In: Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease, 8th ed., 2333 -2391 Elsevier,
Giannella RA: (2006. ) Treatment of acute infectious diarrheas. In. Therapy of Digestive diseases, 723 -731 Elsevier
Giannella RA: (2005. ) Update on Infectious Diarrheal Disorders.Proceedings of the 12th Post-Graduate AGA/SEPD Course .In. Advances in Gastroenterology & Hepatology.,
Giannella RA: (2004. ) Doctors causing colitis: what can happen with antibiotics. In Advances in Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Proceedings of the 11th Post-Graduate AGA/SEPD Course, 45 -51
Giannella RA, Mann EA: (2003. ) E.coli heat-stable enterotoxin and guanylyl cyclase C: new functions and unsuspected actions. Trans Am Clin Climatolog Assoc.,, 114 ,67 -86
Long JD, Giannella RA: (2003. ) Diagnostic tests in gastrointestinal infections. .In Textbook of Gastroenterology. 4th edition., JB Lippincott
Giannella RA: (2002. ) Acute and traveler's diarrhea. .In Advances in Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Proceedings of the 9th AGA/SEPD Course., 43 -47
Giannella RA: (2002. ) Traveler's diarrhea .SCOPE, 1: ,11 -16
Cohen MB, Giannella RA: (2002. ) Enterotoxigenic E.coli. .Infections of the Gastrointestinal Tract. 2nd Ed., 579 -594 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Giannella RA: (2001. ) Ileal resection syndromes: a review for the gastroenterologist. Gastroenterologia Integrada, 2: ,364 -369
Giannella RA: (2001. ) Antibiotic-associated diarrhea and Clostridium difficile colitis: an update. Revista Espanola de Enfermedades Digestivas, 93: ,540 -543
Scheidler MD and Giannella RA: (2001. ) Practical management of acute diarrhea. Hospital Practice, 36 ,49 -56
Giannella RA: (2001. ) Clostridium difficile colitis: a disease which is epidemic in United States hospitals. In Advances in Gastroenterology & Hepatology, roceedings of the 8th AGA/SEPD Course., 43 -48
Giannella RA: (2000. ) Celiac disease: serologic diagnosis and its oligosymptomatic presentations. In Advances in Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Proceedings of the 8th AGA/SEPD Course., 105 -109
Giannella RA: (2000. ) E.coli Enterohemorrhagic Colitis: and update. Gastroenterology Today, 4: ,146 -148
Giannela RA: (2000. ) Enterohemorrhagic E.coli and hemorrhagic colitis: an important food-borne pathogen. Rev and Pat Digest, 22: ,58s -60s
Giannella RA: (2000. ) E. coli heat-stable enterotoxins and related intestinal peptides. Regulatory Peptide Letter, 8: ,33 -39
Giannella RA: (2000. ) Treatment of acute infectious diarrheas. In Theray of Digestive Diseases, 503 -512 W.B. Saunders
Giannella RA: (1999. ) Pediatric gastroenterology and the AGA. J. Ped Gastro Nutr, 29: ,529 -531
Giannella RA: (1999. ) Ileal disease and resection: consequences and syndromes. In Proceedings of the 6th AGA/SEPD Progress in Gastroenterology & Hepatology Course, 43 -49
Aranda-Michel J, Giannella RA: (1999. ) Physiology of the small intestine. In. Clinical Practice of Gastroenterology., 419 -427 Churchill Livingstone
Giannella RA: (1998. ) Pathogenesis and management of acute bacterial diarrhea. In. Revisiones en Gastroenterologia, 1 (5 ) ,279 -293 Aran Ediciones, SA.
Long Jd, Giannella RA: (1998. ) Food-borne diarrheal illness. In. Internal Medicine-Gastroenterology Update., 2: ,1 -12 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Healthcare.
Giannella RA: (1998. ) Infections of the intestine. In. Gastroenterology and Hepatology, The Comprehenesive Visual Reference., 7: Small Intestine ,12.1 -12.9 LR Schiller, Current Medicine
Martin S, Giannella RA: (1997. ) Infectious diseases of the Colon, .In Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 593 -609 Blackwell Science
Robinson PK, Giannella RA, Taylor M. (1997. ) Infectious Diarrheas .Gastrointestinal Emergencies, 2nd Edition ,649 -675 Williams and Wilkins
Giannella RA: (1996. ) Salmonella .Medical Microbiology, 4th Edition ,295 -302 Churchill Livingstone, Inc.
Giannella RA: (1996. ) Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli: an important new pathogen. Gastrointestinal Diseases Today, 5: ,1 -7
Wolf DC, Giannella RA: (1996. ) Invasive pathogens. Consultations in Gastroenterology,, 381 -388 WB Saunders.
Cohen MB, Giannella RA: (1995. ) Enterotoxigenic E. coli. .Infections of the Gastrointestinal Tract,, 691 -707 Raven Press.
Bleau B, Giannella RA: (1995. ) Helicobacter pylori: an update for primary care physicians. Comp Therapy, 21: ,290 -295
Consensus Conference Statement: Escherichia coli O157-H7 infections-an emerging national health crisis July 11-13, 1994 .Gastroenterology 1995, 108: ,1923 -1934
Mason RE, Giannella RA: (1994. ) Malabsorption. Conn's Current Therapy,, 450 -458 WB Saunders
Mason RE, Giannella RA: (1994. ) Acute infectious diarrhea. Mosby-Year Book Inc., 234 -241
Giannella RA, Gilinsky N: (1993. ) GI Infections for gastroenterologists. Medical Communications Resources Inc., Videotape.,
Giannella RA,: (1993. ) The Small Intestine. MKSAP-Gastroenterology/Hepatology, 74 -96
Park SI, Giannella RA: (1993. ) Approach to the adult patient with diarrhea. Gastroenterology Clinics of North America, 483 -497 WB Saunders.
Cohen MB, Mann EA, Lau C, Hawkins JA, Henning SJ, Giannella: (1993. ) Expression of the Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin receptor is paradoxically greatest in mature absorptive enterocytes. Advances in Research on Cholera and Related Diseases,
Cohen MB, Giannella RA: (1992. ) Hemorrhagic colitis associated with Escherichia coli 0157:H7. Adv. Intern Med., 37: ,173 -195
Cohen MB, Giannella RA: (1991. ) Bacterial infections of the colon: Pathophysiology, clinical features, and treatment. .In THE LARGE INTESTINE: PHYSIOLOGY, PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND DISEASES, 395 -428 Raven Press
Giannella RA: (1991. ) Salmonella .IN , In MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY, ,317 -325 Churchill Livingstone, Inc.,
Schron CM, Giannella RA: (1991. ) Bacterial enterotoxins. IN CURRENT TOPICS IN GASTROENTEROLOGY, DIARRHEAL DISEASES., 115 -138 Elsevier
Cohen MB, Filaccio M, Giannella RA: (1990. ) E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin-induced secretion: Differences between adult rat jejunum and ileum correlate with differences in metabolic fate of STa. .In ADVANCES IN RESEARCH ON CHOLERA AND RELATED DISEASES., 90 -104 KTK Scientific Publishers,
Giannella RA: (1989. ) Gastrointestinal infections. In TEXTBOOK OF INTERNAL MEDICINE., 554 -562 JB Lippincott.
Cohen MB, Thompson MR, Overmann G, Giannella RA: (1988. ) Reversibility of binding of E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin: Resolution of a controversy. In ADVANCES IN RESEARCH ON CHOLERA AND RELATED DISEASES., 5 ,265 -273
Giannella RA: (1988. ) Recent advances on pathophysiological interactions of bacterial pathogens with the intestinal mucosa. PROSP IN PEDIATRIA, 71: ,205 -210
Cohen MB, Giannella RA: (1988. ) Bacterial diarrheal disease: Host and bacterial factors involved in intestinal infection. Viewpoints on Digestive Diseases., 19: ,1 -4
Thompson MR and Giannella RA: (1986. ) Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin (STa). In METHODS OF ENZYMATIC ANALYSIS, II ,63 -74 Verlag Chemie,
Bongiovanni GL and Giannella RA: (1986. ) Acute infectious diarrhea. In CURRENT THERAPY IN GASTROENTEROLOGY AND LIVER DISEASE., 2nd Edition, ,253 -257 BC Decker,
Thompson MR, Giannella RA, Deutsch A, Brandwein H: (1986. ) Monoclonal antibodies directed against E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin (STa). In ADVANCES IN RESEARCH ON CHOLERA AND RELATED DISEASES., 121 -125
Giannella RA, Walls D, Eade MN: (1986. ) Effect of pure E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin on small and large intestinal water and glucose absorption, mucosal histology, and intestinal permeability. In ADVANCES IN RESEARCH ON CHOLERA AND RELATED DISEASES., 327 -332
Giannella RA: (1985. ) Salmonella. In MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY, 2nd Edition, 452 -458 Wesley Publishing Company
Giannella RA, Thompson MR, Brandwein H: (1984. ) Monoclonal antibodies to E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin. Lancet, 1: ,1360
Giannella RA: (1984. ) Obserbations on infantile diarrhea caused by enteropathogenic E. coli. In ATTACHMENT OF ORGANISMS TO THE GUT MUCOSA., Vol I. ,57 -60
Rothbaum RJ, McAdams AJ, Giannella RA, Shah DB, Smith P, Partin JC: (1983. ) Histologic and bacteriologic findings in infants with enteropathogenic E. coli infection. In ADVANCES IN RESEARCH ON CHOLERA AND RELATED DISEASES., 159 -167
Giannella RA, Luttrell M: (1983. ) Characteristics of the binding of pure human E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin to rat intestine. In ADVANCES IN RESEARCH ON CHOLERA AND RELATED DISEASES., 259 -268
Giannella RA: (1983. ) Mechanisms of bacterial infection of the colon. In GASTROENTEROLOGY, NEW TRENDS IN THE PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND TREATMENT OF THE LARGE BOWEL., 139 -151 Elsevier
Rothbaum RJ, Giannella RA, Partin JC: (1982. ) Diarrhea caused by adherent enteropathogenic E. coli. J Pediatrics, 101: ,486
Giannella RA: (1982. ) Salmonella. In MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY., 315 -320 Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
Giannella RA, Drake KW: (1981. ) Radioimmunoassay for E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin. PROC 16th JOINT US-JAPAN CHOLERA CONFERENCE,, 114 -119
Giannella RA: (1981. ) Pathogenesis of acute bacterial diarrheal disorders. Ann Rev Med, 32: ,341 -357
Staples SJ, Giannella RA: (1980. ) Production and purification of E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin. PROC. 15th JOINT US-JAPAN CHOLERA CONFERENCE,, 127 -141
Giannella RA: (1978. ) Acute viral and bacterial dysenteries. In CURRENT THERAPY, 401 -403 WB Sanders
Giannella RA: (1977. ) Pathogenesis of salmonella and shigella diarrhea. In ETIOLOGY, PATHOPHYSIOLOGY, AND TREATMENT OF ACUTE GASTROENTERITIS. , 174 -188
Formal SB, Gemski P, Giannella RA, Takeuchi A: (1976. ) Studies on the pathogenesis of enteric infections caused by invasive bacteria. In ACUTE DIARRHEA IN CHILDHOOD., 27 -43
Giannella RA: (1975. ) Pathogenesis of salmonella enteritis and diarrhea. In MICROBIOLOGY 1975., 170 -173
Formal SB, Gemski P, Giannella RA, Rout WR: (1975. ) Studies on shigellosis and salmonella gastroenteritis. In GRAM NEGATIVE BACTERIAL INFECTIONS., 16 -23
Giannella RA: (1973. ) Cholera-like diarrhea in salmonellosis. Lancet, I: ,1185 -1186
Giannella RA, Broitman Sa, Zamcheck N: (1973. ) Gastric acidity and cholera. Ann Intern Med, 78: ,780
Broitman SA, Giannella RA: (1971. ) Gut microbial ecology and its relationship to gastrointestinal disease. .In ABSORPTION PHENOMENA, TOPICS IN MEDICAL CHEMISTRY., 4 ,264 -321 John Wiley * Sons Inc.,
Published Books
(1993. ) Acute Infectious Diarrhea. Gastroenterology Clinics of North America .Philadelphia , WB Saunders (Editor)
M.M. Wolfe, S. Cohen, GL Davis, RA Giannella, SB Hanauer, W. Silen, and PP Toskes, eds. (2000. ) Therapy of Digestive Diseases .Philadelphia , W. B. Saunders
MM Wolfe, GL Davis, FA Farraye, RA Giannella, JR Malagelada, N. Steer eds. (2006. ) Therapy of Digestive Diseases 2nd ed. London , Elsevier
Invited Presentations
(06-1984. ) Visiting Professor .Case-Western University School of Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio.
(08-1984. ) Visiting Professor .Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC.
(01-1985. ) Visiting Professor .Wright State University College of Medicine, Dayton, OH.
(12-1985. ) Visiting Professor .Downstate Medical Center/Brooklyn VA Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY.
(04-1986. ) Visiting Professor .University of Kentucky College of Medicine, Lexington, KY.
(08-1986. ) Visiting Professor .Cook County Hospital, Chicago, Illinois.
(09-1986. ) Visiting Professor .University of Kansas School of Medicine, Kansas City, KS.
(03-1987. ) Visiting Professor .University of Chicago School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois.
(03-1987. ) Visiting Professor .SUNY-Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse, NY.
(04-1987. ) Visiting Professor .Brown University-Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI.
(09-1987. ) Visiting Professor .University of Texas at Houston, Houston, Texas.
(03-1988. ) Visiting Professor .The Albany Medical College, Albany, NY.
(11-1988. ) Visiting Professor .University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD.
(01-1989. ) Visiting Professor .Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI.
(04-1989. ) Visiting Professor .Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO.
(02-1990. ) Visiting Professor .Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, VA.
(11-1990. ) Visiting Professor .University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
(02-1991. ) Visiting Professor .University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
(04-1991. ) Visiting Professor .University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA.
(06-1991. ) Visiting Professor .Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA.
(10-1991. ) Visiting Professor .Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN.
(05-1992. ) Hugh R. Butt Visiting Professor .Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.
(02-1993. ) Visiting Professor .University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, CO.
(06-1993. ) Visiting Professor .Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN.
(11-1993. ) Visiting Professor .Marshall University School of Medicine, Huntington, WV.
(12-1993. ) Visiting Professor .University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
(03-1994. ) Visiting Professor .University of Alabama School of Medicine, Birmingham, AL.
(05-1994. ) Visiting Professor .University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, FL.
(09-1994. ) Visiting Professor .University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA.
(12-1994. ) Visiting Professor .Yale University, New Haven, CT.
(12-1994. ) Visiting Professor .Duke University, Durham, NC.
(01-1995. ) Visiting Professor .Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA.
(03-1995. ) Visiting Professor .University of South Florida, Tampa, FL.
(07-1995. ) Visiting Professor .Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.
(08-1995. ) Visiting Professor .University of Alabama/Montgomery, Montgomery, AL.
(01-1996. ) Visiting Professor .Loyola University, Chicago, IL.
(02-1996. ) Visiting Professor .Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.
(03-1996. ) Visiting Professor .Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI.
(04-1996. ) AGA/ASGE Visiting Professor .Gastroenterology Fellows Conference, Couer d'Alene, Idaho.
(09-1996. ) Visiting Professor .Brooke Army Medical Center, San Antonio, TX.
(11-1997. ) Visiting Professor .Duke University, Durham, NC.
(12-1997. ) Visiting Professor .Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA.
(02-1998. ) Visiting Professor .Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA.
(03-1998. ) Visiting Professor .Medical College of Wisconsin, Wilwaukee, WS.
(04-1998. ) Visiting Professor .University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA.
(05-1998. ) Visiting Professor .University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL.
(04-1999. ) Visiting Professor .Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio.
(06-1999. ) Visiting Professor .University of Virginia College of Medicine, Charlottesville, VA.
(02-2000. ) Visiting Professor .University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD.
(10-2000. ) Visiting Professor .University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX.
(11-2000. ) AOA Visiting Professor .The Albany Medical College, Albany, NY.
(02-2001. ) Mendell Visiting Professor .The Graduate Hospital, Philadelphia, PA.
(03-2001. ) Visiting Professor .Beaumont Hospital Royal Oak, Royal Oak, MI.
(06-2001. ) Visiting Professor .University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.
(09-2001. ) Visiting Professor .University of Tennessee, Memphis, TN.
(11-2001. ) Visiting Professor .Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, Chicago, IL.
(10-2002. ) Visiting Professor .University of Rochester, Rochester, NY.
(12-2002. ) Visiting Professor .Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN.
(03-2003. ) Visiting Professor .Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC.
(10-2003. ) Visiting Professor .Georgetown University, Washington, DC.
(10-2004. ) Visiting Professor .Brown University, Providence, RI.
(01-2005. ) Visiting Professor .Yale University, New Haven, CT.
(10-2005. ) Visiting Professor .Duke University, Durham, NC.
(12-13-2005. ) Visiting Professor .University Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, New Jersey.
(10-1980. ) Development of a Sensitive Radioimmunoassay for E. coli Heat-Stable Enterotoxin .Gifu, Japan. Conference. Level:International
(10-1981. ) Role of Adhesive E. coli in Human Diarrheal Disease .Reston, VA.
(04-21-1982. ) Update on Bacterial Toxins and Diarrhea .Philadelphia, PA.
(05-15-1982. ) Interaction of the Intestine with Its Environment .Chicago, IL.
(05-27-1982. ) Adherence Mechanisms of Classical Enteropathogenic E. coli .Mexico City, Mexico.
(06-16-1982. ) Problems Following Ileal Disease .Hamilton, OH.
(08-18-1982. ) E. coli Heat-Stable Enterotoxin: Biochemical and Physiological Effects on the Intestine .Boston, MA.
(10-15-1982. ) Clinical Aspects of Peptic Ulcer Disease .Portsmouth, OH.
(04-08-1983. ) Mechanisms of Infection of the Colon .Bologna, Italy.
(02-20-1984. ) Mechanisms of Bacterial Diarrhea .Tarpon Springs, FL.
(01-29-1985. ) Work-up and Treatment of Protracted Diarrhea in the Traveler .Bethesda, MD.
(08-16-1985. ) Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diarrheal Diseases .Cincinnati, Ohio.
(11-13-1985. ) Bacterial Diarrheal Disorders .Cleveland, OH.
(05-18-1986. ) Molecular Mechanisms of Bacteria-Enterocyte Interactions .San Francisco.
(05-21-1986. ) Enterotoxins and Intestinal Infections .San Francisco, CA.
(09-18-1986. ) Practical Approach to the Patient with Diarrhea .Kansas City, Kansas.
(03-20-1987. ) Update on Infectious Diarrheal Disorders .New York, NY.
(05-11-1987. ) Infectious Diarrheal Disorders .
(09-28-1987. ) Role of Hypochlorhydria in Systemic Infections .Bethesda, MD.
(04-1988. ) GI Roundtable .Lexington, KY.
(05-1988. ) Diagnosis and Treatment of Pseudomembranous Colitis .Hilton Head, SC.
(05-1988. ) Infectious Diarrheal Disorders .New Orleans, LA.
(06-1988. ) Intestinal Flora in Childhood: Pathophysiological Interactions with the Intestinal Mucosa .Naples, Italy.
(02-17-1989. ) Antibiotic-Associated Colitis and Diarrhea .Dayton, Ohio.
(04-1989. ) Organizer and Moderator .Griffen Gate Hotel, Lexington, KY.
(05-06-1989. ) Modern Therapy of Gallstones .Cincinnati, Ohio.
(05-13-1989. ) Cellular Mechanisms of Toxin-Mediated Diarrheas .Washington, DC.
(12-05-1990. ) Bacterial and Protozoan Infections of the Intestine .Aberdeen, MD.
(01-23-1991. ) Bacterial and Protozoan Infections of the Intestine .Northport VA Medical Center, Northport, NY.
(06-22-1991. ) Incidence and Epidemiology .Cincinnati, Ohio.
(10-30-1991. ) a) Approach to the patient with diarrhea/malabsorption; b) GI Cancer screening .Dayton, Ohio.
(03-27-1992. ) State of the Art Lecture, Bacterial Toxins and Diarrhea .San Diego, CA.
(05-12-1992. ) "E. coli Heat-Stable Enterotoxins and ST Receptors" .San Francisco, CA.
"Infections of the intestine." .San Francisco, CA.
(05-17-1993. ) "Infectious Diarrheal Disorders" .Boston, MA.
(09-11-1993. ) "Advice to the Traveler from the Gastroenterologist" .Chicago, IL.
(10-10-1993. ) 1.Small intestinal digestion and absorption, 2.Pathophysiology of diarrhea. 3. Bacterial overgrowth syndromes 4. Short Bowel Syndrome .Washington, DC.
(11-04-1993. ) "E. coli heat-stable enterotoxins and their receptors: what are they and what are they doing?" .Chicago, IL.
(06-09-1994. ) "Bacterial enterotoxins: an overview" .Isola de Rizzuto, Italy.
(09-21-1994. ) "From Hamburgers to hemolysis: a smoldering crisis." .San Diego, CA.
(10-05-1994. ) "Diarrheal disease" .Los Angeles, CA.
(11-02-1994. ) "E. coli O157:H7 infections: an emerging national health crisis." .Chicago, IL.
(11-30-1994. ) "Update on infectious diarrheal diseases." .New Haven, CT.
(05-01-1995. ) "Infections of the GI Tract-An Update." .Rootstown, OH.
(05-15-1995. ) "Infections of the GI Tract." .San Diego, CA.
(05-15-1995. ) "E. coli O157:H7: where's the beef? .San Diego, CA.
(06-11-1995. ) "Peptic Ulcer 1995. pH or HP?" .Columbus, OH.
(06-13-1995. ) "Update on research on E. coli O157:H7 .Bethesda, MD.
(09-10-1995. ) a) Metabolic consequences of ileal disease b) Update on Infectious diarrheas. Naples, FL.
(09-15-1995. ) "Receptor-guanylyl cyclasses and intestinal secretion." .Berlin, Germany.
(10-07-1995. ) 1) Digestion and absorption 2)Pathophysiology of diarrhea 3)Bacterial overgrowth syndromes 4) Short bowel syndrome .Washington, D.C..
(10-14-1995. ) 1. Enteric infections 2. More enteric infections. New York, NY.
(05-19-1996. ) "Diarrhea in the immunosuppressed host." and "Approach to the patient with diarrheal disease." .San Francisco, CA.
(06-09-1996. ) "Management of infections of the intestine." .Seville, Spain.
(07-13-1996. ) "Point-Counterpoint 1996, Issues and answers." .Cincinnati, Ohio.
(09-20-1996. ) "Gastroenterology for Primary Care Physicians" .Cincinnati, OH.
(04-12-1997. ) "Conventional treatment of inflammatory bowel disease-ASA, Steroids, and ISA's.CME Course: Inflammatory Bowel Disease-a Multidisciplinary Course` .Cincinnati, OH.
(05-31-1997. ) Lecture. The Department of Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Teaching Practice Plan .Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.
(10-05-1997. ) 1. Digestion and absorption 2. Pathophysiology of diarrheal disorders. 3. Bacterial overgrowth sysndromes 4. Short bowel syndrome, 5. Mucosal disease of the small bowel. Washington, D.C..
(11-15-1997. ) Practical Review of GI and Liver Disease for the Primary Care Physician. Cincinnati, Ohio.
(12-10-1997. ) The Charles Brown Memorial Lecture .Philadelphia, PA.
(02-20-1998. ) Philip Kramer, M.D. Memorial Lecture .Boston, MA.
(03-07-1998. ) "Management of infections of the intestine." .Seville, Spain.
(06-1998. ) Postgraduate Course of Gastroenterology and Hepatology .Oviedo, Spain.
(09-19-1998. ) "Controversies in Esophageal and Inflammatory bowel disease. Cincinnati, Ohio.
(10-23-1998. ) "Clinical Issues and Challenges in Gastroenterology and Hepatology." Topic: C. difficile colitis and hospital-acquired diarrhea. Bethesda, MD.
(05-01-1999. ) "Ileal resection: consequences and syndromes." .Cincinnati, Ohio.
(06-14-1999. ) The 1999 James Respess Distinguished Professor Lecture. Charlottesville, VA.
(06-20-1999. ) Madrid, Spain.
(09-21-1999. ) Washington, DC.
(10-28-1999. ) Marbella, Spain.
(12-14-1999. ) Chiang, Mai, Thailand.
(02-13-2000. ) Jullius Friedenwald Lecture .Baltimore, MD.
(03-11-2000. ) State of the Art Lecturer .Milwaukee, WI.
(05-22-2000. ) Presidential Address .San Diego, CA.
(06-15-2000. ) State of the Art Lecturer .C.H. Torrecardenas, Almeria, Spain.
(06-18-2000. ) La Coruna, Spain.
(09-09-2000. ) "Molecular basis and clinical manifestations of disturbances in intestinal transpost and barrier function." .University of Tuebingenm, Tuebingen, Germany.
(09-24-2000. ) Washington, DC.
(11-20-2000. ) New Delhi, India.
(12-01-2000. ) the Albany Medical College, Albany, NY.
(02-07-2001. ) The Graduate Hospital, Philadelphia, PA.
(03-27-2000. ) "Challenges to Gastroenterology" .Detroit, MI.
(04-01-2001. ) "Symposium on guanylin peptides and cyclic GMP signaling." .Orlando, FL.
(04-18-2001. ) Mendoza, Argentina.
(05-19-2001. ) "Acute and traveler's diarrhea." .Atlanta, GA.
(06-17-2001. ) Madrid, Spain.
(06-19-2001. ) Madrid, Spain.
(09-30-2001. ) Washington, DC.
(06-09-2002. ) San Sebastian, Spain.
(09-29-2002. ) Washington DC.
(10-25-2002. ) Williamsburg, VA.
(12-05-2002. ) Nashville, Tennessee.
(02-12-2003. ) Louisville, KY.
(03-22-2003. ) "Current Medical and surgical issues in Gastrointestinal Motility disorders." .Cincinnati, OH.
(09-23-2003. ) Washington, DC.
(10-02-2003. ) "New Insights into Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology and Cancer: A Symposium in Honor of Thomas Hendrix .Washington, DC.
(11-06-2003. ) Madrid, Spain.
(06-06-2004. ) Valencia, Spain.
(06-08-2004. ) Valencia, Spain.
(09-29-2004. ) Baltimore, MD.
(06-11-2005. ) Badajoz, Spain.
(06-12-2005. ) Madris, Spain.
(09-24-2005. ) Crystal City, VA.
(11-05-2005. ) Orlando, FL.
(11-11-2005. ) Columbus, OH.
(12-09-2005. ) Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
(02-11-2006. ) Cincinnati, OH.
(03-30-2006. ) Milwaukee, WI.
(02-23-2006. ) Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
(04-05-2006. ) Denver, CO.
(04-20-2006. ) Rochester, NY.
(05-22-2006. ) "Traveler's Diarrhea." .Los Angeles, CA.
(09-17-2006. ) Baltimore, MD.
(09-06-2007. ) Crystal City, VA.
(12-03-2007. ) Cincinnati, OH.
(04-12-2008. ) Miami, FL.
Honors and Awards
1964 Alpha Omega Alpha
1965 F. Oakley Vander Pool Award-The Albany Medical College
1974 Army Commendation Medal
1974 Meritorious Service Medal, US Army
1975 Central Society for Clinical Research
1981 American Society for Clinical Investigation
1994 Association of American Physicians
1995 Faculty Achievement Award, University of Cincinnati
2001 American Clinical and Climatological Association
2005 Friedenwald Medal, American Gastroenterological Association
2006 Fellow, The American Gastroenterological Association
Physician,Microbiologist,Gasteroenterologist,Internist,Bacterial Ecology,Receptor,Cell Surface Receptors,Digestive System,Digestive Physiology,Digestive Absorption,Digestive Malabsorption,Gastrointestinal Tract,Intestine,Infectious Diseases,Internal Medicine,Medical Microbiology,Electrolytes Metabolism,Gastrointestinal Pharmaceuticals,Parasitology,Tropical Disease,Diarrhea,Intestinal Infection
Professional Affiliation
1999 -2000: President American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1998 -1999: President-elect American Gastroenterological Association (AgA),
1997 -1998: Vice President American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1988 -1991: Governing Board, member American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1997 -2004: Governing Board, member American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1997 -2002: Executive Committee American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1997 -2000: Finance & Operation Committee, Member American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
2001 -2004: Finance & Operation Committee, Member American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1997 -1998: Strategic Planning Committee American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
2000 -2001: Strategic Planning Committee American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1998 -1999: Strategic Planning Committee, Chairman American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1998 -1999: Task Force on Research, Chairman American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1988 -1991: Councilor American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
2000 -2004: Councilor American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1983 -1984: Member, Nominating Committee, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1990 -1991: Member, Nominating Committee, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1984 -1985: Chairman, AGA/GRG Committee on Structure of Digestive Diseases Week American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1977: Member, Immunology-Microbiology Abstract Selection Committee, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1978: Member, Immunology-Microbiology Abstract Selection Committee, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1997: Member, Immunology-Microbiology Abstract Selection Committee, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1978: Chairman, Immunology-Microbiology Abstract Selection Committee, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1988: Member, GI Bleeding Abstract Selection Committee, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1989: Member, GI Bleeding Abstract Selection Committee, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1981: Lecturer, Meet the Professor Sessions, Digestive Diseases, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1983: Lecturer, Meet the Professor Sessions, Digestive Diseases, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1985 -1988: Lecturer, Meet the Professor Sessions, Digestive Diseases, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1991 -1997: Lecturer, Meet the Professor Sessions, Digestive Diseases, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1984 -1988: Research Committee, Member, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1986 -1988: Research Committee, Chairman, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1986 -1988: Program Committee, member, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1986 -1988: Committee on Public Policy and Governmental Relations, member American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1996 -2001: Committee on Public Policy and Governmental Relations, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
2000 -2004: Committee on Informatics and Publications, member American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
2000 -2004: Trainee & Young GI committee,, member 2001-2004, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1986 -1988: Industry/AGA Research Scholar Award and Selection Committee, member, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1991 -1996: Associate Editor, GASTROENTEROLOGY, Official Publication of the American Gastroenterological Association American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1992: Distinguished Achiebement Award Selection Committee, member American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1993: Distinguished Achievement Award Selection Committee, member, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1995: Distinguished Achievement Award Selection Committee, member, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1998: Distinguished Achievement Award Selection Committee, member, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1992: AGA/GRG Young Physician Scientist Award Selection Committee Member, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1993: AGA/GRG Young Physician Scientist Award Selection Committee Member, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1994: AGA/GRG Young Physician Scientist Award Selection Committee Member, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1995: AGA/GRG Young Physician Scientist Award Selection Committee Member, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1996: AGA/GRG Young Physician Scientist Award Selection Committee Member, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1994: Chairman American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
1996: Chairman American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
2006 -2009: AGAPAC Chair, Board of Advisors, American Gastroenterological Association (AGA),
07-2002 -06-2004: Councilor Association of Subspecialty Professors (ASP),
1993 -2001: Board of Directors Foundation for Digestive Health and Nutrition (FDHN) (formerly the American Digestive Health Foundation),
1993 -1996: Task Force of Industry Relations, Foundation for Digestive Health and Nutrition (FDHN) (formerly the American Digestive Health Foundation) ,
1993 -1996: Annual Fund Steering Committee, Foundation for Digestive Health and Nutrition (FDHN) (formerly the American Digestive Health Foundation) ,
1994: Chairman, Organizing Committee, Consensus Conference on E. coli 0157:H7: An Emerging National Health Crisis, Foundation for Digestive Health and Nutrition (FDHN) (formerly the American Digestive Health Foundation) ,
2001 -2004: Member, Corporate Gifts Committee, Foundation for Digestive Health and Nutrition (FDHN) (formerly the American Digestive Health Foundation) ,
1994 -1997: Research Training Awards Committee, Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America,
1998 -2000: Council Digestive Disease Week,
1977 -1985: Editorial Board Digestive Diseases and Sciences,
1978 -1980: Editorial Board Gastroenterology Selected Summaries Staff,
1988 -1991: Editorial Board Gastroenterology,
1997 -2000: Editorial Board American Journal of Phusiology - Gastrointestinal & Liver Physiology,
2000 -To Present: Editorial Board Edizione Minerva Medica (Italy),
2000 -2007: Editorial Board GastroHep.com (UK),
2001 -To Present: Editorial Board Revista Espanola Enfermedades Digestivas (Spain),
2008 -To Present: Editorial Board Gut Pathogens,
1986 -1988: Member, Steering Committee, Gastroenterology Research Group (GRC),
1994 -1995: President-Elect Gastroenterology Research Group (GRC),
1995 -1997: President Gastroenterology Research Group (GRC),
02-27-1985 -03-01-1985: Ad hoc Reviewer - General Medicine Study Section A-2, NIH, Bethesda, MD National Institutes of Health,
06-19-1985 -06-21-1985: Ad hoc Reviewer - General Medicine Study Section A-2, NIH, Bethesda, MD National Institutes of Health,
1985 -1989: Member, General Medicine A Study Section, (Gastroenterology and Clinical Nutrition), NIH, Bethesda, MD National Institutes of Health,
Contact Information
Academic - Medical Sciences Building
231 Albert Sabin Way
Ohio, 670595
Phone: 513-558-5244
Fax: 513-558-1744