Jerry H Glenn


Emeritus Faculty

Professional Summary

Glenn has authored Paul Celan (1973), Paul Celan: Eine Bibliographie (1989), Paul Celan: Die Zweite Bibliographie (with Jeffrey D. Todd, a recent Cincinnati Ph.D.), and co-edited, along with two University of Cincinnati graduate students, Alfred Gong, Early Poems: A Selection from the years 1941-45 (1987). He has written about German literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, including authors such as Hebbel, Hofmannsthal, Ausländer, Bobrowski, Fried, and Hochuth. His primary interests are the modern lyric, exile and holocaust literature, and literary translation. He has translated, among other works, On the Wrong Track and International Zone by Milo Dor, and Too-Late, Too-Early: Selected Poems, by Alfred Gong (all in collaboration with Jennifer Kelley-Thierman). He is on the executive committee of the Society for German-American Studies.


PhD: University of Texas BAD DATE