PhD: Indiana University 1970
Research Support
1987 U.S. Information Agency, Academic Linkages program 50,000 Type:Grant
1985 Tinker Foundation, InterAmerican Foundation and Resources for the Future
1975 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 85,000 Type:Grant
Abbreviated Publications
(1975). Managing Solid Wastes: Economics, Technology, Institutions. Praeger.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Hale W. Thurston1, Haynes C. Goddard, David Szlag, & Beth Lemberg (2003). Controlling Storm-Water Runoff with Tradable Allowances for Impervious Surfaces. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 403-418.
(1999). Promoting Urban Sustainability: The Case for a Tradeable Supplementary License System for Vehicle Use. Urban Studies.
(1997). Using Tradeable Permits to Achieve Sustainability in the World’s Large Cities: Policy Design Issues and Efficiency Conditions for Controlling Vehicle Emissions, Congestion and Urban Decentralization with an Application to Mexico City. Environmental and Resource Economics, 10(1).
(1997). Optimal Restrictions on Vehicle Use and Urban Sustainability for Mexico City. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 7(3).
(1991). Incentives for Solving the Scrap Tire Problem Through Existing Markets. Journal of Hazardous Materials.
(1984). An Introduction to Uncertainty Analysis in Environmental Decision Making. The Environmental Professional, 6, 172-84.
(1982). Black Unemployment and Metropolitan Decentralization: Some Recent Evidence. Growth and Change.
(1980). Societal Aspects of Technology Assessment: A Critique. Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
(1978). Non-Waste Technology: An Analysis of the Concept and its Implications. Resource Recovery and Conservation.
(1972). Environmental Policy as Economic Policy. Environmental Affairs.
(1972). Analysis of Social Production Functions: The Public Library. Public Finance Quarterly.
(1971). An Economic Analysis of Library Benefits. The Library Quarterly, 41(3).
Other Publication
(1991). Integrated Solid Waste Management: Incentives for Reduced Waste Generation, Increased Recycling and Extension of Landfill Life. Proceedings of the First U.S. Conference on Solid Waste Management. U.S. EPA.
(1978). Planning Water Supply: Cost-date Differentials and Planning Permits. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
with Robert M. Clark (1979). Pricing for Water Supply: Its Impact on Systems Management. National Environmental Research Center. Cincinnati, Ohio: U.S. EPA.
(1975). An Economic Evaluation of Technical Systems for Scrap Tire Recycling and Reuse. National Environmental Research Center. Cincinnati, Ohio: U.S. EPA.
(1979). A Fiscal Impact Analysis of Tax Exemptions in Cincinnati.City of Cincinnati.
with Robert M. Clark (1973). Relating Socio-Economic Variables to Technology for Environmental Management. News of Environmental Research in Cincinnati. U.S. EPA.
Exequiel Ezcurra, Marisa Mazari-hiriart, Irene Pisanty & Adrián Guilllermo Aguilar (2000). The Basic of Mexico: Critical Environmental Issues and Sustainability.Environmental Conservation,
David Horowitz (1969). Hemispheres North and South: Economic Disparities Among Nations.Hispanic American Historical Review,
(1979). Resource Conservation Social and Economic Dimensions of Recycling.Growth and Change,
Book Chapter
(2000). Social Costs and Sustainable Mobility - Strategies and Experiences in Europe and the United States. In Olav Hohmeyer, Richard Ottinger, Klaus Rennings, Springer Verlag (Eds.), Instruments for Attaining Urban Sustainability: The Case for Tradable Vehicle Use Permits
(1997). Recycling of Municipal Solid Waste. In Claudia Hernández and Simón González (Eds.), Recycling and Sustainability: The Role of Economics Mexico City: UNAM.
. Los Retos de la Ciudad de Mexico en el Umbral del Siglo XXI. In Carol O’Cleirican and Javier Beristain (Eds.), Sustainability and Vehicle Use in Mexico City Mexico City: ITAM.
(1996). Changing Structure of Mexico: Political, Social and Economic Aspects. In L. Randall (Eds.), Air Pollution and its Control in Mexico City M.E. Sharpe.
(1995). Resources, Conservation and Recycling. The Benefits and Costs of Alternative Solid Waste Management Policies Elsevier Science.
(1985). The U.S. and Mexico: Borderland Development and the National Economies. In Lay James Gibson and Alfonso Corona Renteria (Eds.), Evaluating the Benefits and Costs of Mexico's Border Industrialization Program Westview Press.
with Robert Clark (1974). Extraction of Minerals and Energy: Today's Dilemmas. Decentralization of Urban Economic Activity: Its Impact on Environmental Management Ann Arbor Science Publishers.
(09-1997. ) Workshop on solid waste management .U.S. Embassy, Mexico.
(09-1997. ) Workshop on environmental economics and sustainability .National University of Mexico.
Paper Presentations
(06-2001. ) Cost effective urban runoff management: efficiency conditions and market incentives .Girona, Spain.
(10-1998. ) Tradable Vehicle Use Permits: a New Policy Instrument For Managing Mobile Emissions, Congestion And Sprawl to Promote Transport Sustainability in The World’s Large Cities .Pace University Center for Environmental Legal Studies.
(10-1998. ) Policy Instruments for Incorporating Social Costs into the Transportation Sector .World Trade Center, New York.
(06-1998. ) Reducing the Environmental Impacts From The Transport Sector: a Comparison of Energy Pricing And Tradable Vehicle Use Permits .Venice, Italy.
(06-1997. ) Sustainability and the World’s Large Cities .Tilburg, the Netherlands.
(08-1996. ) Using Tradeable Permits to Achieve Sustainability in the World’s Large Cities .Boston.
(06-1998. ) Urban Sustainability and Transport .Venice, Italy.
Event Organized
URBAN 21 - the Global Conference on the Urban FutureURBAN 21 - the Global Conference on the Urban Future 07-04-2000 07-06-2000 Berlin
Benefit Cost Analysis, Environmental Economics