Michael R Gott
Professor of French & Department Head (RALL) and Professor of Film & Media Studies (SCFMS)
Professional Summary
My research involves the representation of migration, mobility, and cognitive mapping in global screen media and the ways that cultural policies and industry practices shape narratives about identity and the ways we collectively see the world. I teach classes on transnational film and screen media, global screen industries and networks, border studies, mobility studies, contemporary French and Francophone cultures (including cinema, TV, bande dessinée and literature), the cinema of Quebec, diaspora and migration, and European Studies. My latest book, Screen Borders: From Calais to cinéma-monde, was released in 2023 by Manchester University Press. I recently co-edited the collection Quebec Cinema in the 21st Century: Transcending the National, which explores the increasingly diverse scope of cinematic production in Quebec.
I am an affiliate faculty member in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and the director of programming for UC's Niehoff Center for Film & Media Studies.
PhD: University of Texas, Austin 2011 (French)
MA: University of California, Los Angeles 2006 (French and Francophone Studies)
BA: Ohio State University 2002 (International Studies and French)
Research Support
Grant: #URC Faculty Award 2014-2015 Investigators:Gott, Michael 01-23-2014 -01-22-2015 UC's University Research Council URC Faculty Award 2014-2015 Role:PI $8,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Grant: #R40761 Investigators:Gott, Michael 04-01-2021 -04-30-2022 UC's AHSS Global Cinema from Quebec: Identity, Diversity, and Representation Role:PI $10,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Peer Reviewed Publications
Gott, Michael (2022. ) “New Directions in Cinéma-monde: Orienteering through Airport Cinema” .Contemporary French Civilization, , 47 (1 ) ,
Gott, Michael (2022. ) Introduction: New directions in cinéma-monde, from Quebec to Kinshasa and the moon .Contemporary French Civilization, , 47 (1 ) ,
Gott, Michael (2021. ) “Making and Mapping European Border Series: From Bridges and Tunnels to Dark Forests,” Europe Now (4,000 words; 2021) .EuropeNow, , 43 ,
Gott, Michael (2018. ) Lost in Transit or Ready for Takeoff?: Airport Cinema and European Identity .Studies in European Cinema, , 15 (2-3 ) ,
Gott, Michael and Thibaut Schilt (2015. ) Crossing Borders and Queering Identities in French-language European Road Cinema .Studies in European Cinema (Special Issue), , 8000 words
Gott, Michael (2015. ) After the Wall: Touring the European Border Space in post-1989 French-language Cinema .Transnational Cinemas, , 6 (2 ) ,1-21
Gott, Michael (third author with Guy-Lucien S. Whembolua and Donaldson F. Conserve) (2014. ) “Racial Profiling: The Afro-French Experience," (5,000 words) .Black Diaspora Review, , 4 (2 ) ,
Gott, Michael (2013. ) Traveling Beyond the National: Mobile Citizenship, Flexible Identities, and Layered Republicanism in the French Return Road Movie .Contemporary French Civilization, , 38 (1 ) ,73-95
Gott, Michael (2013. ) Cowboys, Icebergs and "Outlaws": The Paradoxes and Possibilities of Crossing Borders in the Francophone Belgian Road Movie .Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies, , 3 (2 ) ,
Gott, Michael (2013. ) ‘Bouger pour voir les immeubles’: Jeunesse dorée (2001), L’année suivante (2006) and the Creative Mobility of Women’s Banlieue Cinema .Modern and Contemporary France, , 21 (3 ) ,
Gott, Michael (2013. ) Reframing European Diasporas in Contemporary France: ‘2nd Generation’ Subjectivity and the Road ‘Home’ in Portugal (2011) and La Commedia des ratés (2011) .European Comic Art, , 6 (2 ) ,
Gott, Michael (2012. ) Borderless possibilities, hesitant voyagers: Mapping identity in three post-1989 Czech road movies .Studies in Eastern European Cinema, , 3 (1 ) ,7-22
Other Publications
Gott, Michael (2014. ) “Dany Boon: the ‘planet’s best-known chti’?” (Encyclopedia entry, 800 words) .French Cinema in Close-up, Ed. Michael Abecassis, , Phaeton
Published Books
Gott, Michael (2023. ) Screen Borders: From Calais to cinéma-monde .Manchester , Manchester UP (Author)
Gott, Michael (2016. ) French-language Road Cinema: Borders, Diasporas, Migration and ‘New Europe’ .Edinburgh University Press (Author)
(ed.) Gott, Michael and Kealhofer-Kemp, Leslie (2020. ) ReFocus: The Cinema of Rachid Bouchareb .Edinburgh , Edinburgh University Press (Co-Editor)
(ed.) Gott, Michael and Herzog, Todd (2014. ) East, West and Centre: Re-framing post-1989 European Cinema .Edinburgh , Edinburgh University Press (Co-Editor)
(ed.) Gott, Michael and Thibaut Schilt (2018. ) Cinéma-monde: Decentred Perspectives on Global Filmmaking in French .Edinburgh University Press (Co-Editor)
(ed.) Gott, Michael and Schilt, Thibaut (2013. ) Open Roads and Closed Borders: The Contemporary French-language Road Movie .Bristol, Chicago , Intellect / U. of Chicago Press (Co-Editor)
(ed) Gott, Michael and Schilt, Thibaut (2024. ) Quebec Cinema in the 21st Century: Transcending the National .Liverpool University Press (Co-Editor)
Book Chapter
Gott, Michael (2020 ) "Borders" Postcolonial Realms of Memory .Liverpool, Liverpool University Press (Author)
Gott, Michael (2020 ) "Inside Out: Invaders, Migrants, Borders, and Queering the Belgian Family" Queering the Migrant in Contemporary European Cinema. New York, Routledge (Author)
Gott, Michael (2020 ) La route de Bâton Rouge: Mapping Rachid Bouchareb’s Transnational ‘Mobile Movies’ ReFocus: The Films of Rachid Bouchareb .Edinburgh, Edinburgh UP
Gott, Michael (2018 ) “France after the Crisis: Work, Home and Flexible Solidarity in Les neiges du Kilimandjaro (2011) and Ma part du gâteau (2011)." Contemporary European Cinema: Crisis Narratives and Narratives in Crisis .New York, Routledge (Author)
Gott, Michael (2018 ) ‘Lost at Sea or Charting a New Course? Mapping the Murky Contours of Cinéma-monde in Floating Francophone Films’ Cinéma-monde .Edinburgh University Press (Author)
Gott, Michael (2015 ) “The Slow Road to Europe: the Politics and Aesthetics of Stalled Mobility in Hermakono and Morgen” (5000 words) Slow Cinema (Traditions in World Cinema) .(pp. 299 -311).Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press (Author)
Gott, Michael and Herzog, Todd (2014 ) Introduction: ‘Mapping post-1989 European Cinema’ East, West and Centre: Re-framing post-1989 European Cinema. (pp. 1-19)).Edinburgh University Press (Co-Author)
Gott, Michael (2013 ) Under Eastern Eyes: Displacement, Placelessness and the Exilic Optic in Emmanuel Finkiel's Nulle Part Terre Promise Open Roads, Closed Borders: The Contemporary French-language Road Movie .(pp. 137-154)).Bristol, Chicago, Intellect Books / University of Chicago Press (Author)
Gott, Michael (2013 ) West/East Crossings: Positive Travel in post-1989 French-language Cinema European Cinema After the Wall: Screening East-West Mobility .Lanham, Md, Scarecrow Press (Author)
Gott, Michael and Schilt, Thibaut. (2013 ) Introduction: Open Roads and Closed Borders Open Roads, Closed Borders: the Contemporary French-Language Road Movie .(pp. 3-17)).Bristol, Chicago, Intellect Books / University of Chicago Press (Co-Author)
Gott, Michael and Van Heuckelom, Kris (2018 ) Bumps on the ‘Road to Europe’: Remaking the Road Movie and Re-Mapping the Nation in post-2004 Central Europe Global Road Movies .Intellect Books (Co-Author)
Gott, Michael and Schilt, Thibaut. (2018 ) 'Introduction: The Kaleidoscope of Cinéma-monde' Cinéma-monde . (Co-Author)
Gott, Michael (2021 ) Ambivalent Mobility in ‘New Czech Cinema’ Postsocialist Mobilities .Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars Press (Author)
Additional Publications
Invited Presentations
Gott, Michael (11-10-2015. ) “The End of the Road?: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Migrant Road Cinema” .University of Leuven, Belgium. . Level:International
Gott, Michael (03-30-2015. ) “Small Nation, Big Markets: The Mobility of French-language cinema from Belgium" .University of Rhode Island,, Level:National
Gott, Michael (05-24-2013. ) "Traveling Beyond the National: Mobility and Citizenship in French-language 'Return' Films" .U. of Central Lancashire, Film and Media Research Group, Preston, UK. Level:International
Gott, Michael (04-03-2016). “Crossing 2.0: Cinéma-monde and France’s Flexible, Contested Borders,” . Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference, , Atlanta, GA.. Other Institution. Level:International
Gott, Michael (11-13-2015). “The Watery Boundaries of Europe: Intercultural Contacts and Policing Frontiers in ‘Floating’ Francophone Films,” . European Communications Research and Education Association Film Section Conference on “European Cinemas, Intercultural Meetings,” , Copenhagen, Denmark. Other Institution. Level:International
Gott, Michael (09-03-2015). “Lost at Sea or Charting a New Course? Mapping the Contours of ‘Cinéma-monde’ in Floating Francophone Films,” . 40 Years of Contemporary French Civilization. , Baltimore, MD. Other Institution. Level:International
Michael Gott (04-10-2015). “The End of the Road: Dark Routes and Urban Passageways in Recent French-language Cinema . Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures,
Michael Gott (09-20-2014). “Crisis of/in contemporary transnational French cinema: New representations of Place, Work, Struggle and Identity in Ma part du gateau (2011) and Les Neiges du Kilamandjaro(2011),” . International conference 2014: Crisis in Film and Visual Media, University of Vilnius, Lithuania.
Michael Gott (07-04-2014). Travelling beyond the frame: cinematic speed and perception in French-language comics . The Mobile Spectator: Viewing on the Move, University of Nottingham, UK. Conference. Level:International
Michael Gott (06-28-2014). Traversing Space and (Re)Mapping Identities in French-language Travel Films . Screen Studies Conference, University of Glasgow. Conference. Level:International
Michael Gott (11-01-2013). Reframing Self and Citizenship on the Road in Lionel Baier’s Comme des voleurs (à l’Est) .Foreign Language Film Conference VI: "Travel" Lousiana State University. Conference. Level:National
Michael Gott (03-28-2013). Est/Ouest: (Re)Tracing “Origins” and Identities in the European Francophone Road Movie .20th and 21st Century French and Francophone Studies Conference, Atlanta, GA. Conference. Level:International
Michael Gott (11-03-2012). Mapping the Road ‘Home’ in Cyril Pedrosa’s Graphic Novel Portugal (2011) . International French-Language Comics Conference, Miami University (Ohio) . Conference. Level:International
Michael Gott (03-29-2012). Displacement, Placelessness and the Exilic Optic in Emmanuel Finkiel’s Nulle part terre promise (Nowhere Promised Land, 2008) .20th and 21st Century French and Francophone Studies Conference, Long Beach, CA. Conference. Level:International
Michael Gott (04-11-2011). “Burning and looting?" French hip-hop and non-violent diasporic identity construction .International Society of African Philosophy and Studies Conference, Columbus, OH.
Lucian Georgescu and Michael Gott (02-21-2013. ) New Directions in Eastern European Road Movies .University of Cincinnati. UC. Level:University
Event Organized
Roundtable: "From World Literature to Cinema Without Borders: A Discussion on National Boundaries"Roundtable: "From World Literature to Cinema Without Borders: A Discussion on National Boundaries" Workshop 03-27-2014 Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures Level:International
World Cinema and Television in FrenchWorld Cinema and Television in French Conference 09-25-2016 09-27-2016 University of Cincinnati Level:International
French & Francophone Screen Studies Virtual Fall Mini-Conference: “Revolt, Rebellion, Revolution on Screen"French & Francophone Screen Studies Virtual Fall Mini-Conference: “Revolt, Rebellion, Revolution on Screen" 10-29-2021 Online
French, francophone, cinéma-monde, Film studies, road movies, bande-dessinée, Czech cinema, European film, global screen studies
Courses Taught
France Today: Mysteries and Histories of French Identity Level:Undergraduate
French and Francophone Road Movies Level:Undergraduate
Modern French Literature Level:Undergraduate
French Business on the Big Screen Level:Undergraduate
20th/21st Century French Literature: New Forms, New Language, New Engagements Level:Graduate
Intro to Global Film & Media Level:Undergraduate
Genres and Movements (Screen Studies) Level:Undergraduate
Theoretical Approaches (Screen Studies) Level:Undergraduate
Film & Media Studies Capstone
Global Screen Networks (& the Francophone World) Level:Undergraduate