Josh Gross

Josh B Gross



Rieveschl Hall


A&S Biological Sciences - 0006

Professional Summary

ECBR, SBBE, Evolution and development of vertebrates; Evolutionary genetics of natural populations; Cave biology; Genetic basis for phenotypic changes; Mexican cave tetra, Astyanax mexicanus


Ph.D.: Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2005 (Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology)

M.S. with Distinction: University of Denver Denver, Colorado, 2001 (Department of Biological Sciences)

B.A.: Miami University Oxford, Ohio, 1995 (Department of Psychology)

Research and Practice Interests

The evolution of phenotypic differences between even closely-related organisms involves a complex set of genetic changes. These changes are frequently manifested as the altered expression, or structure, of gene products. To understand the genetic changes that accompany adaptation to extreme environments, we utilize a model system called the blind Mexican cavefish (Astyanax mexicanus). This species harbors two distinct morphotypes, a blind and depigmented cave-dwelling form and a surface-dwelling form. The surface-dwelling form resembles a typical aquarium fish with normal pigmentation and well-developed eyes. In contrast, the cave-dwelling form has no eyes whatsoever and is completely devoid of pigmentation. In addition to the traits that have been lost, cave forms have evolved a significant number of constructive changes. These phenotypes, such as an expanded sense of taste and an amplified lateral line system, facilitate food-finding ability in the complete darkness of a cave. We utilize a variety of approaches including quantitative genetics, transcriptomics, activity analysis and high-resolution phenotypic studies of both cave and surface forms. Along with an extensive historical literature characterizing these remarkable animals, our integrative approaches enable us to better understand the genetic changes accompanying colonization of a novel and extreme environment.

Positions and Work Experience

01-01-2010 -10-01-2016 Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio

10-01-2016 - Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio

Research Support

Investigators:Joshua B Gross 05-2018 -07-2018 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) Guest Professor Program/Postgraduate Study Program Programo de Apoyo a los Estudios de Posgrado (PAEP) Role:PI $1,100 Active Type:Fellowship

Grant: #REU Supplement Investigators:Joshua B Gross 02-2017 -10-2018 National Science Foundation The genetic consequences of phenotypic loss: Transcriptomic and genome-wide analyses of pigmentation regression in cavefish.” Research Assistantships for High School Students (RAHSS REU Request) Role:PI $11,839.00 Active Type:Fellowship

Investigators:Joshua Gross, Ph.D. 06-2015 -06-2016 University of Cincinnati - University Research Council (URC) Interdisciplinary Fellowship Program “Assessing Artificial Selection for Hunting Ability Among Village Dogs in Lowland Nicaragua.” Co-PI: Jeremy Koster, Ph.D., Anthropology Department, UC. Role:Co-PI $25,000 Active Type:Grant

Grant: #URC Interdisciplinary awards AY2014-15 Investigators:Gross, Joshua; Koster, Jeremy 05-01-2015 -04-30-2016 UC's University Research Council Assessing Artificial Selection for Hunting Ability Among Village Dogs in Lowland Nicaragua Role:Collaborator $25,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC

Grant: #NSF DEB-1457630 Investigators:Gross, Joshua 03-15-2015 -02-28-2018 National Science Foundation The genetic consequences of phenotypic loss: Transcriptomic and genome-wide analyses of pigmentation regression in cavefish Role:PI $519,343.00 Active Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #R01DE025033 Investigators:Joshua Gross, Ph.D. 03-01-2015 -02-29-2020 National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIH) The developmental and genetic regulators of craniofacial asymmetry. Role:PI $1,924,233.00 Active Type:Grant Level:National

Investigators:Joshua Gross, Ph.D. 04-2014 -06-2014 Faculty Development Council, University of Cincinnati Improving teaching and student diversity in Biological Sciences: Teaching workshop participation at the National Academies Summer Institute Role:PI $1510.00 Completed Type:Fellowship Level:Regional

Grant: #170814 Investigators:Ernesto Maldonado, Joshua Gross, Luis Espinasa 03-17-2013 -03-21-2013 NSF/CONACyT Cavefish Evolution Development and Behavior. Astyanax International Meeting (Evolución, Desarrollo y Comportamiento de Peces de Cueva. Congreso Internacional de Astyanax) Role:Co-PI $27,000 Completed Type:Grant Level:International

Grant: #R03DE022403 Investigators:Joshua Gross, Ph.D. 04-01-2012 -03-31-2015 National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIH) Identification of genetic loci governing craniofacial abnormalities using a natural model system Role:PI $232,360.00 Active Type:Grant Level:National

Investigators:Joshua Gross, Ph.D. 07-01-2011 -09-01-2011 University of Cincinnati - University Research Council (URC) The genetic and molecular basis for for sleep disturbance in the Mexican tetra, Astyanax mexicanus. Role:PI $8,000 Completed Type:Grant Level:University

Grant: #1F32 GM081439-01 Investigators:Joshua Gross, Ph.D. 03-01-2007 -10-31-2008 National Institutes of Health Genetic analysis of morphological traits in the Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus Role:PI Completed Type:Fellowship

Grant: #T32 CA09361 Investigators:Joshua Gross, Ph.D. 10-01-2005 -02-28-2007 National Institutes of Health Cancer Genetics Post-doctoral Training Fellowship Completed Type:Fellowship

Investigators:Joshua Gross, Ph.D. 02-01-2003 Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society Completed Type:Grant

Investigators:Joshua Gross, Ph.D. 09-01-2001 -08-31-2003 National Institutes of Health Genetics and Genomics Training Grant Completed Type:Fellowship

Investigators:Joshua Gross, Ph.D. Goelet Summer Research Fellowship Proposal to study the developmental origin of the anuran skull: cell labeling studies utilizing a line of constitutive GFP-expressing transgenic Xenopus laevis. Role:PI Completed Type:Grant

Investigators:Joshua Gross, Ph.D. The William F. Milton Foundation Award - Harvard Medical School The role of the cranial neural crest in anuran skull development Completed Type:Grant

Grant: #IOS-2205928 Investigators:Gross, Joshua 07-15-2022 -06-30-2026 National Science Foundation The developmental basis for sensory-skeletal integration: The osteo-inductive role of neuromasts Role:PI 758583.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #DEB-2343857 Investigators:Gross, Josh; Tu, Maobing 08-01-2024 -07-31-2028 National Science Foundation The constructive evolution of gustation: Molecular, organismal and environmental attributes of taste tuning Role:PI 970670.00 Active Level:Federal

Abbreviated Publications

Peer Reviewed Publications

Herman A, Brandvain Y, Weagley J, Jeffery W, Bilandžija H, Borowsky R, Espinasa l, O'Quin K, Ornelas-García C, Yoshizawa M, Carlson B, Keene A, Kono T, Maldonado E, Gross JB, Rohner N, Warren W, McGaugh S (2018) "Whole genome sequencing reveals extensive gene flow between caves and surface fish of the Mexican tetra, Astyanax mexicanus" Molecular Ecology Accepted.

Carlson BM, Klingler I, Meyer B, J.B. Gross* (2018) "Genetic analysis reveals candidate genes for activity QTL in the blind Mexican tetra, Astyanax mexicanus." PeerJ 2018: e5189.

J.B. Gross* and A.K. PowersG (2018) "A natural animal model system of craniofacial anomalies: The blind Mexican cavefish" The Anatomical Record In Press.

A.K. PowersG, T. Boggs and J.B. Gross* (2018) "Canal neuromast position prefigures developmental patterning of the suborbital bone series in Astyanax cave- and surface-dwelling fish" Developmental Biology In Press.

A.K. Powers, S. Kaplan, T. Boggs and J.B. Gross (2018) Facial bone fragmentation in blind cavefish arises through two unusual ossification processes. Scientific Reports 8:7015

B.M. Carlson, J.B. Gross (2018) Characterization and comparison of activity profiles exhibited by the cave and surface morphotypes of the blind Mexican tetra, Astyanax mexicanusComparative Biochemistry and Physiology: Part C: Toxicology and Pharmacology 208:114-129

J.B. Gross, J. Weagley, B. Stahl, L. Ma, L. Espinasa, S. E. McGaugh. (2017) A local duplication of the Melanocortin receptor 1 locus in Astyanax. Genome 61:254-265.

A.K. Powers, E. Davis, S. Kaplan, and J.B. Gross (2017) Cranial asymmetry arises later in the life history of the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus. PLoS ONE 12(5): e0177419.

A. Lyon, A.K. Powers, J.B. Gross, K.E. O’Quin (2017) Three loci control scleral ossification in blind Astyanax mexicanus cavefish. PLOS One 12:e0171061.

 B.A. Stahl and J.B. Gross* (2017) A comparative transcriptomic analysis of development in two Astyanax cavefish populations. JEZ B: Molecular Development and Evolution 328:515-532.

J.B. Gross, A. Gangidine, R. E. Schafer (2016) Undergraduates learn evolution through teaching kindergartners about blind Mexican cavefish. CourseSource. 3:1-13.

J.B. Gross, A. Powers, E. Davis, S. Kaplan (2016) A pleiotropic interaction between vision loss and hypermelanism in Astyanax mexicanus cave x surface hybrids. BMC Evolutionary Biology 16:145.

J.B. Gross, A. Gangidine, A. Powers (2016) Asymmetric facial bone fragmentation mirrors asymmetric distribution of cranial neuromasts in blind Mexican cavefish. Symmetry 8:118.

J.B. Gross, B.A. Stahl, A.J. Krutzler, B.M. Carlson (2016) Natural bone fragmentation in the blind cave-dwelling fish: Candidate gene identification through integrative comparative genomics. Evolution & Development 18:7-18.

J.B. Gross, B. Meyer, M. Perkins (2015) The rise of Astyanax cavefish. Developmental Dynamics 244:1031-1038.

B.M. Carlson, S.W. Onusko, J.B. Gross (2015) A high-density linkage map for Astyanax mexicanus using genotyping-by-sequencing technology. G3: Genes | Genomes | Genetics 5: 241-251.

B. A. Stahl, J.B. Gross (2015) Alterations in Mc1r gene expression are associated with regressive pigmentation in Astyanax cavefish. Development, Genes and Evolution 6:367-375.

B. A. Stahl, J.B. Gross, D. I. Speiser, T. H. Oakley, N. H. Patel, D. B. Gould, M. E. Protas (2015) A transcriptomic analysis of cave, surface, and hybrid isopod crustaceans of the species Asellus aquaticus. PLoS One 10:e0140484

Piekarski, N., J.B. Gross*, J. Hanken (2014) Evolutionary conservation and lability of the embryonic derivation of the vertebrate skull. Nature Communications 5:5661. (*co-first author).

McGaugh, S.E., J.B. Gross, B. Aken, M. Blin, R. Borowsky, et al. (2014) The cavefish genome reveals candidate genes for eye loss. Nature Communications 5:5307. 

Epinasa, L., D. M. Centone, J. B. Gross (2014) A contemporary analysis of the presence of a loss-of-function Oca2 allele within the Micos Astyanax cave fish population. Speleobiology Notes 6:48-54.

J.B. Gross, A. J. Krutzler, B. M. Carlson (2014) Complex craniofacial changes in blind cave-dwelling fish are mediated by genetically symmetric and asymmetric loci. Genetics 196:1303-1319.

J.B. Gross & H. Wilkens (2013) Albinism in phylogenetically and geographically distinct populations of Astyanax cavefish arises through the same loss-of-function Oca2 allele. Heredity 111:122-130.

J.B. Gross, A. Furterer, B.M. Carlson, B.A. Stahl (2013) An integrated transcriptome-wide analysis of cave and surface dwelling Astyanax mexicanus. PLoS ONE 8: e55659. 

Gross J.B. (2012) Cave Evolution. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (eLS; Wiley Press). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0023628

J.B. Gross (2012) The complex origin of Astyanax cavefish. BMC Evolutionary Biology 12:105.

Gross, J.B., Kerney, R., Hanken, J., C.J. Tabin (2011) Molecular anatomy of the developing limb bud in the coquí frog, Eleutherodactylus coqui. Evolution and Development 13:415-426.

Kerney R, Gross JB, Hanken J (2010) Early cranial patterning in the direct-developing frog Eleutherodactylus coqui revealed through gene expression. Evolution & Development 12(4) 373-382.

Gross, J B, Borowsky, R, & Tabin, C J (2009). A novel role for Mc1r in the parallel evolution of depigmentation in independent populations of the cavefish Astyanax mexicanus. PLoS Genetics 5: e1000326.

Gross, J. B., & Hanken, J. (2008). Segmentation of the vertebrate skull: neural-crest derivation of adult cartilages in the clawed frog, Xenopus laevis. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 304B(2), 681-696.

Protas, M, Tabansky, I, Conrad, M, Gross, J B, Vidal, O, Tabin, C J, & Borowsky, R (2008). Multi-trait evolution in a cave fish, Astyanax mexicanus. Evolution & Development 10:196-209.

Gross, J B, Protas, M, Conrad, M, Scheid, P E, Vidal, O, Jeffery, W R, Borowsky, R, & Tabin, C J (2008). Synteny and candidate gene prediction using an anchored linkage map of Astyanax mexicanus. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 105(51), 20106-11.

Gross, J B, & Hanken, J (2008). Review of fate-mapping studies of osteogenic cranial neural crest in vertebrates. Developmental Biology, 317(2), 389-400.

Kerney, R, Gross, J B, & Hanken, J (2007). Runx2 is essential for larval hyobranchial cartilage formation in Xenopus laevis. Developmental Dynamics, 236(6), 1650-62.

Protas, M, Conrad, M, Gross, J B, Tabin, C, & Borowsky, R (2007). Regressive evolution in the Mexican cave tetra, Astyanax mexicanus. Current Biology 17(5), 452-4.

Gross, J B, Hanken, J, Oglesby, E, & Marsh-Armstrong, N (2006). Use of a ROSA26:GFP transgenic line for long-term Xenopus fate-mapping studies. Journal of Anatomy, 209(3), 401-13.

Hanken, J, & Gross, J B (2005). Evolution of cranial development and the role of neural crest: insights from amphibians. Journal of Anatomy 207: 437-46.

Gross, J B, & Hanken, J (2005). Cranial neural crest contributes to the bony skull vault in adult Xenopus laevis: insights from cell labeling studies. J Exp Zool Pt. B: Mol Dev Evol 304: 169-76.

Gross, J B, & Hanken, J (2004). Use of fluorescent dextran conjugates as a long-term marker of osteogenic neural crest in frogs. Developmental Dynamics, 230: 100-6.

Gross, J B, Gottlieb, A A, & Barlow, L A (2003). Gustatory neurons derived from epibranchial placodes are attracted to, and trophically supported by, taste bud-bearing endoderm in vitro. Developmental Biology, 264: 467-81.

Book Chapter

B.A. Stahl, C.R. Sears, L. Ma, M. Perkins, J.B. Gross (2018) “Pmela and Tyrp1b contribute to melanophore variation in Mexican cavefish.” In Evolutionary Biology. Volume 21. P. Pontarotti and M.-H. Rome, editors. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.

J.B. Gross (2016) “Convergence and parallelism in Astyanax cave-dwelling fish.” In Evolutionary Biology. Volume 19. P. Pontarotti and M.-H. Rome, editors. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.

J.B. Gross (2016) “A case for conservation of the blind Mexican cavefish: An invaluable model for evolutionary and genomic studies.” Chapter 19. In Proceedings of the First Research Network on Biology, Management and Conservation of Native Fauna in Disturbed Environments (REFAMA). A. R. Bautista and R. Pineda, editors.

J.B. Gross, M.K. Powers (2015) " The evolution of the cavefish craniofacial complex." In Biology and Evolution of the Mexican Cavefish (First Edition). A.C. Keene, M. Yoshizawa and S.E. McGaugh, editors. Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam.

Gross J.B., C.J. Tabin (2010) Evolutionary genetics of pigmentation loss in the blind Mexican cavefish. In: In search of the causes of evolution. From field observations to mechanisms. Eds: Peter R Grant and Rosemary Grant.

Published Abstract

B.M. Carlson, Gross, J.B. (2014) “Investigating the Genetic Basis of Altered Activity Profiles in a Natural Model System.” UC Graduate Poster Forum, Cincinnati, OH, February 2014

B. A. Stahl, Gross, J.B. (2014) “High-resolution genome mapping reveals the genetic basis for regressive pigmentation in cavefish.” UC Graduate Poster Forum, Cincinnati, OH, February 2014

B.M. Carlson, Gross, J.B. (2014) “Identifying Genetic Loci Mediating Alterations in Activity Patterns in Astyanax mexicanus.” Midwestern Ecology and Evolution Meeting, Dayton, OH, March 2014

B. A. Stahl, Gross, J.B. (2014) “Lost now found: Cavefish reveal the genetic basis for complex pigmentation traits.” Oral Presentation. Midwestern Ecology and Evolution Meeting, Dayton, OH, March 2014

A. Furterer, B. M. Carlson, B. A. Stahl, Gross, J.B. (2013) “An integrated transcriptome-wide analysis of cave and surface dwelling Astyanax mexicanus.” Poster presentation. AIM2013, Astyanax International Meeting, Ciudad Valles, Mexico, March 2013

A. J. Krutzler, L. E. Bruns, Gross, J.B. (2013) “Fragmentation, fusion and asymmetry in the craniofacial skeleton of Astyanax mexicanus.” Poster presentation. AIM2013, Astyanax International Meeting, Ciudad Valles, Mexico, March 2013

A. L. Stahl, B. A. Stahl, E. Buschbeck, Gross, J.B. (2013) “An evaluation of eyelessness in cave-dwelling Astyanax mexicanus using RNA-seq technology.” Poster presentation. AIM2013, Astyanax International Meeting, Ciudad Valles, Mexico, March 2013

B. A. Stahl, Gross, J.B. (2013) “Pigmentation loss in cave animals: A high­resolution study of destructive genetic mutations.” Oral presentation. AIM2013, Astyanax International Meeting, Ciudad Valles, Mexico, March 2013

Gross, J.B., A. J. Krutzler, L. Espinasa (2013) “An analysis of structural mutations in the gene Mc1r in surface and Granadas cave-dwelling Astyanax aeneus.” Poster presentation. AIM2013, Astyanax International Meeting, Ciudad Valles, Mexico, March 2013

Gross, J.B., M. Matthews (2013) “An analysis of gene expression level changes across development in surface and cave-dwelling fish.” Oral presentation. AIM2013, Astyanax International Meeting, Ciudad Valles, Mexico, March 2013

B.M. Carlson, Gross, J.B. (2013) “Assessing the Effect of Eye Regression on Light-Mediated Activity in a Model Fish Species.” American Association of Anatomists Annual Meeting at EB 2013, Boston, MA, April 2013

Gross, J.B., A. J. Krutzler, L. E. Bruns (2013) “Genetic analysis of dermal bone fragmentation in a natural model system.” American Association of Anatomists Annual Meeting at EB 2013, Boston, MA, April 2013

Gross, J.B., A. J. Krutzler, L. E. Bruns (2013) “Genetic analysis of dermal bone fragmentation in a natural model system.” American Association of Anatomists Annual Meeting at EB 2013, Boston, MA, April 2013

B.M. Carlson, Gross, J.B. (2013) “Assessing the Effect of Eye Regression on Light-Mediated Activity in a Model Fish Species.” American Association of Anatomists Annual Meeting at EB 2013, Boston, MA, April 2013

Gross, J.B., A. J. Krutzler, B. M. Carlson (2013) “Genetic changes and the evolution of phenotypic differences.” Oral Biology Centennial: UIC College of Dentistry, Chicago, IL, June 2013

A. J. Krutzler, B. M. Carlson, J.B. Gross (2013) “Complex craniofacial changes in blind cave-dwelling fish are mediated by genetically symmetric and asymmetric loci”. 36th Annual Meeting, Society of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology

B.M. Carlson, Gross, J.B. (2012) Sundials in the void: Assessing circadian rhythms in a cave-adapted species. SICB Annual Meeting 2012 Program Abstracts

Gross, J.B., H. Wilkens (2012) Evolution of albinism in a captive population of cavefish. SICB Annual Meeting 2012 Program Abstracts

Gross, J.B., A. Furterer (2012) A de novo transcriptome analysis of the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus. PAG XX Annual Meeting 2012 Program Abstracts

B.A. Stahl, Gross, J.B. (2012) “Expression analyses of Mc1r in the blind Mexican cavefish
Astyanax mexicanus.” Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference (MEEC) Abstracts.

A. Furterer, Gross, J.B. (2012) “Next-generation sequencing analyses in the blind Mexican cavefish” Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference (MEEC) Abstracts.

D. Berning, Gross, J.B. (2012) “Phenotypic consequences of constant darkness on the freshwater fish, Astyanax mexicanus” University of Cincinnati Undergraduate Spring Research Conference. 

A. Furterer, Gross, J.B. (2012) “Next-generation sequencing analyses in the blind Mexican cavefish” University of Cincinnati Undergraduate Spring Research Conference.

K. B. Dougherty, A. J. Krutzler, Gross, J.B. (2012) “Eye degeneration and neuromast expansion in the cave fish, Astyanax mexicanus” University of Cincinnati Undergraduate Spring Research Conference. *Awarded “Great Research” designation by UC Chapter of Sigma Xi. 

Gross, JB, Kerney R, Hanken, J, CJ Tabin (2011) Molecular anatomy of the developing limb bud in the coquí frog, Eleutherodactylus coqui. Developmental Biology 356(1):248.

Stahl, B. & Gross, J.B. (2011). Expression analyses of Mc1r in the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus. Developmental Biology 356 (1): 253

Gross, J B, & Hanken J (2009). Embryonic derivation and segmentation of the bony skull are not conserved among vertebrates: data from amphibians [Abstract]. The FASEB Journal, 419.2.

Hanken, J., & Gross, J. (2007). Neural-crest derivation of the bony skull is not conserved among vertebrates: Data from amphibians [Abstract]. Journal of Morphology, 268(12), 1080-1081.

Gross, J B, & Hanken J (2007). Evolution of cranial development and the role of neural crest: insights from amphibians [Abstract]. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 437.

Gross, J. B., & Hanken, J. (2006). Embryonic origin of adult cranial cartilages in Xenopus: A view from the crest [Abstract]. Journal of Anatomy.

Hanken, J., & Gross, J. B. (2006). Fate maps evolve, too: Neural crest derivation of the bony skull in frogs, revealed by transgenic labeling [Abstract]. Journal of Anatomy, 207(5), 1008-1008.

Gross, J.B., N. Marsh-Armstrong & J. Hanken (2005) Use of a transgenic line of Xenopus laevis in the development of a fate map of the osteogenic cranial neural crest in amphibians. Journal of Anatomy, 206:508

Gross, J.B., R. Kerney & J. Hanken (2003) Assessing the expression of major bone extracellular matrix proteins in the anuran skull vault. Developmental Biology 2003 Annual Meeting Program & Abstracts

Gross, J.B. & J. Hanken (2003) Assessing the long-term contributions of neural crest cells to the postmetamorphic anuran skull. The Neural Crest: New Perspectives on Lineage and Morphogenesis Abstract Prospectus

Gross, J.B.& L.A. Barlow (2001) In vitro co-culture reveals two phases of target-derived neurite growth by placodally derived sensory neurons. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting Abstracts, 2001

Gross, J.B.& L.A. Barlow (2001) Placodally derived sensory neurites grow preferentially, but not exclusively, towards the oropharyngeal endoderm. Chemical Senses Annual Meeting Program & Abstracts (2001)

Gross, J.B.& L.A. Barlow (2000) Development of placodal neurons in vitro. Chemical Senses Annual Meeting Program & Abstracts (2000)

Gross, J.B.& L.A. Barlow (2000) Development of epibranchial placodes in Ambystoma mexicanum. Developmental Biology 222: 193


Invited Presentations

Joshua B. Gross (10-22-2018. ) The evolution of asymmetry in blind Mexican cavefish .Department of Biological Sciences, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. Other Institution. .

Joshua B. Gross (09-21-2018. ) The evolution of extreme cranial features in blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus .Research Network on Biology, Management and Conservation of Native Fauna in Disturbed Environments (REFAMA), Queretaro, Mexico. Conference. . Level:International

Joshua B. Gross (09-19-2017. ) The evolution and development of cranial asymmetry in the blind Mexican cavefish. El Instituto de Biología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), México City, México. Other Institution. . Level:International

Joshua B. Gross (06-28-2018. ) The evolution of "fragmented" bones in blind Mexican cavefish .European Evo Devo Conference. Selected for inclusion in the “Eco-Evo-Devo” Symposium Series, National University of Ireland (NUI), Galway, Ireland. Conference. . Level:International

Joshua B. Gross (09-26-2017. ) The developmental basis for cranial asymmetries in the blind Mexican cavefish .21st Evolutionary Biology Marseille Meeting, Marseilles, France. Conference. . Level:International

Joshua B. Gross (06-24-2017. ) A local duplication of the melanocortin receptor 1 (Mc1r) locus in Astyanax fish .Evolution, Portland, Oregon. Conference. . Level:International

Joshua B. Gross (05-20-2017. ) Implementation of active learning strategies in the classroom: A case study in Human Genetics .Third Annual Ohio Project Kaleidoscope (OH-PKAL) Meeting, University of Findlay, Findlay, Ohio. Conference. .

Joshua B. Gross (03-03-2017. ) The genetic and developmental basis for cave adaptation .Department of Natural Sciences, The College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio. Other Institution. .

Joshua B. Gross (01-10-2017. ) The gene expression consequences of repeated subterranean colonization. 8th Aquatic Models of Human Disease Conference, UAB Medical School, Birmingham, AL. Conference. .

Joshua B. Gross (10-17-2016. ) Illuminating cavefish in the dark – the transcriptomic changes associated with subterranean colonization .El Instituto de Biología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), México City, México. Conference. . Level:International

Joshua B. Gross (06-16-2016. ) Genetic analysis of craniofacial changes in blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus. 23rd International Society on Subterranean Biology Conference, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR. Level:International

Joshua B. Gross (04-27-2016. ) Bone fragmentation and sensory expansion in the context of craniofacial evolution in the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus .Fifth Annual Craniofacial and Skin Sciences Research Symposium, Cincinnati Children's Hospital and Research Center, Cincinnati, Ohio. Conference. .

Joshua B. Gross (03-18-2016. ) Blind cave-dwelling fish illuminate problems in biomedical and evolutionary biology .Sigma Xi, UC Chapter, Spring Mixer, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Joshua B. Gross (10-23-2015. ) The blind Mexican cavefish as a contemporary model for evolutionary and genomic studies: A case for conservation .Research Network on Biology, Management and Conservation of Native Fauna in Disturbed Environments (REFAMA), Queretaro, Mexico. Conference. . Level:International

Joshua B. Gross (09-15-2015. ) The gene expression consequences of repeated subterranean colonization .Evolutionary Biology Marseilles, Marseilles, France. Conference. . Level:International

Joshua B. Gross (11-05-2014. ) Emerging genomics in Astyanax mexicanus: Identifying the genetic underpinnings of cave adaptation .Ictiología Morelia. Invited symposium speaker, Morelia, Michocán, Mexico. Level:International

Joshua B. Gross (07-25-2014. ) Variation in craniofacial derivation and development: Insights from extreme model systems .Euro Evo Devo Conference. Invited symposium speaker, Vienna, Austria. Level:International

Joshua B. Gross (04-25-2014. ) The genomic basis of subterranean adaptation .CCHMC Quantitative Genomics Seminar Series. Invited seminar speaker, Cincinnati, Ohio. Level:Local

Joshua B. Gross (03-28-2014. ) Genetic and transcriptomic analyses of trait evolution in the blind cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus .Iowa State University. Invited seminar speaker. , Ames, Iowa. Level:National

Joshua B. Gross (01-23-2014. ) Complex craniofacial changes in blind cave-dwelling fish are mediated by genetically symmetric and asymmetric loc .Third Annual Craniofacial Research Symposium. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Research Center, Cincinnati, Ohio. Level:Local

Joshua B. Gross (11-2013. ) A genetic basis for activity differences in response to light in the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus .Department of Physiology and Systems Biology. UC Medical School, Invited seminar speaker., Cincinnati, Ohio. Level:Local

Joshua B. Gross (06-2013. ) The genetic basis for subterranean adaptation .University of Cincinnati HCARE/Crawley “Pathways to Health” High School Outreach Program, Cincinnati, Ohio. Level:Local

Joshua B. Gross (06-2013. ) Genetic changes and the evolution of phenotypic differences .Oral Biology Centennial Conference, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL. Level:International

Joshua B. Gross (04-2013. ) Genetic and genomic analyses of cave adaptation in the blind Mexican cavefish .University of Nevada, Reno, Department of Biology Seminar Series, Reno, Nevada. Level:National

Joshua B. Gross (10-2012. ) Genetic and genomic analyses of cave adaptation using the blind Mexican cavefish .Wayne State University, Biological Sciences Seminar Series., Detroit, Michigan. Level:National

Joshua B. Gross (05-2012. ) Illuminating the dark: Genetic analyses in the blind Mexican cavefish .University of Kentucky Biology Seminar Series, Lexington, KY. Level:National

Joshua B. Gross (05-2012. ) Evolutionary genetics and genomics in the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus .Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Research Center Seminar Series, Cincinnati, Ohio. Level:National

Joshua Gross, Ph.D. (10-15-2010. ) Genetic basis for regressive evolution in the blind Mexican cavefish .Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Other Institution. . Level:National

Joshua Gross, Ph.D. (10-11-2010. ) The origin and evolution of regressive phenotypes in the blind Mexican cavefish .Cincinnati Children's Hospital, Developmental Biology Research Group, Department of Developmental Biology. Other Institution. . Level:National

Joshua Gross, Ph.D. (09-30-2010. ) Genetic basis for morphological evolution in the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus .University of Dayton, Departmental Invited Lecture Series. Other Institution. . Level:National

Joshua Gross, Ph.D. (02-23-2009. ) Genetic insights into the evolution of the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus. Queens College - CCNY.

Joshua Gross, Ph.D. (02-18-2009. ) Genetic insights into the evolution of the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus. University of Virginia.

Joshua Gross, Ph.D. (01-19-2009. ) Genetic insights into the evolution of the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus. University of Michigan.

Joshua Gross, Ph.D. (01-12-2009. ) Genetic insights into the evolution of the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus. University of Cincinnati.

Joshua Gross, Ph.D. (02-07-2007. ) Evolution of cranial development and the role of neural crest: insights from amphibians .Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Evolution and Development Graduate Seminar Guest Lecture.

Joshua Gross, Ph.D. (05-09-2005. ) Understanding the development and evolution of the osteogenic cranial neural crest in amphibians” .Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology G4 Symposium, Harvard University, May 9, 2005.

Joshua Gross, Ph.D. (11-11-2003. ) Understanding the osteogenic derivatives of the cranial neural crest in amphibians .Genetics and Genomics Fellowship Seminar, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University.

Joshua Gross, Ph.D. (11-03-2003. ) How to make a skull: osteogenic neural crest in Xenopus laevis .Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University.

Joshua Gross, Ph.D. (12-02-2002. ) Development of the taste system: How the nerves find their way .Davidson College, Department of Biology, Developmental Neuroscience Guest Lecture.

Poster Presentations

H. Luc, A. Raczka, C. Cao, M. Warden, J.B. Gross (2018. ) Utilizing in situ hybridization to shed light on the genetics of cave adaptation .2018 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. .

Sears CR, and J.B. Gross. (2018. ) Life in the dark: a transcriptomic assessment of varying photic rearing in the Mexican cavefish .Graduate Student Exposition, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. .

Nzobigeza N, Manning A, and J.B. Gross. (2018. ) Morphological asymmetry in the Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus, and its effect on swimming behavior .2018 WISE Summer Fellowship Presentation, Cincinnati, Ohio. .

Sears CR, BA Stahl, and JB Gross. (2017. ) Gene expression analysis leading to possible roles of pmela and tyrp1b in complex pigmentation development in the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus .Graduate Student Exposition, Cincinnati, Ohio. .

Sears CR, BA Stahl, and JB Gross (2017. ) Putative roles for pmela and tyrp1b in complex pigmentation development of Astyanax mexicanus .Midwest Ecology & Evolution Conference, Champaign, IL. .

Berning DJ, AK Powers, P Ornelas-Garcia, V Varghese, JB Gross (2017. ) The evolution of cranial shape change across different populations of Astyanax mexicanus cavefish .Midwest Ecology & Evolution Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio. .

Kaplan, SA, AK Powers and JB Gross (2017. ) Understanding the origin of cranial bone fragmentation: Live-fluorescent imaging across Astyanax mexicanus development .Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB), New Orleans, LA. .

Powers AK, EM Davis, SA Kaplan, and JB Gross (2017. ) Cranial asymmetry manifests later in the life history of the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus .UC Graduate Poster Expo, Cincinnati, Ohio. .

Berning, DJ, AK Powers, P Ornelas-García and JB Gross (2017. ) Three-dimensional analysis of craniofacial traits across distinct populations of cavefish using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) .Evolution, Portland, Oregon. .

Powers AK, EM Davis, SA Kaplan, and JB Gross (2017. ) Three-dimensional analysis of craniofacial traits across distinct populations of cavefish using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) .Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference (MEEC), University of Illinois, Champaign, IL. .

S. Kaplan, E. Davis, M. Powers, JB Gross (2016. ) An epistatic interaction between vision loss and hypermelanism in Astyanax mexicanus cave x surface hybrids .URSC and PRaISE Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio. .

E. Davis, JB Gross (2016. ) Exploring hidden relationships among morphological traits in blind Mexican cavefish .URSC and PRaISE Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio. .

H. Adams, JB Gross (2016. ) Tracing loss-of-function genetic mutations in surface- and cave-dwelling forms of Astyanax mexicanus .URSC and PRaISE Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio. .

S. Kaplan, E. Davis, A. Powers, J.B. Gross (2016. ) Craniofacial shape change across life history in the blind Mexican cavefish .Fifth Annual Craniofacial and Skin Sciences Research Symposium Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio. .

L. Ma, B. Stahl, H. Adams, J.B. Gross (2016. ) Molecular analysis of melanophore lineage genes in cavefish depigmentation .23rd International Conference on Subterranean Biology, Fayetteville, Arkansas. . Level:International

A. Powers, J.B. Gross* (2016. ) Genetic analysis of craniofacial changes in blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus .23rd International Conference on Subterranean Biology, Fayetteville, Arkansas. .

B. Carlson, J.B. Gross* (2016. ) The unusual suspects: Genetic analysis reveals candidate genes potentially underlying altered activity profiles in the blind Mexican tetra, Astyanax mexicanus .23rd International Conference on Subterranean Biology, Fayetteville, Arkansas. .

J.B. Gross*, Shane A. Kaplan, Amanda K. Powers (2016. ) Ectopic ossification centers underlie facial bone “fragmentation” in blind Mexican cavefish .Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology, Boston, MA. .

Amanda K. Powers, Erin M. Davis, Shane A. Kaplan, J. B. Gross (2016. ) Craniofacial shape change across life history in the blind Mexican cavefish .Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology, Boston, MA. .

I. Klingler, B.M. Carlson, Gross, J.B. (2015. ) QTL analysis of complex activity phenotypes in Astyanax mexicanus .University of Cincinnati Undergraduate Spring Research Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio. .

B. Meyer, B.M. Carlson, Gross, J.B. (2015. ) Discovery of candidate genes underlying altered activity profiles in Astyanax mexicanus .University of Cincinnati Undergraduate Spring Research Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio. .

A. K. Powers, E. Davis, S. Kaplan, Gross, J.B. (2015. ) A morphometric analysis of symmetry across life history in blind cavefish .4th Annual Craniofacial Research Symposium, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio. .

B. A. Stahl, Gross, J.B. (2015. ) Developmental gene expression consequences of subterranean colonization .Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE),, Vienna, Austria. .

A.J. Krutzler, B.M. Carlson, B.A. Stahl, T.S. Slater, Gross, J.B. (2014. ) Genetic and transcriptomic analyses reveal two candidate genes associated with dermal bone fragmentation in a natural model system .UC Graduate Poster Forum, Cincinnati, Ohio. .

B.M. Carlson, Gross, J.B. (2014. ) Investigating the Genetic Basis of Altered Activity Profiles in a Natural Model System .UC Graduate Poster Forum, Cincinnati, Ohio. .

B. A. Stahl, Gross, J.B. (2014. ) High-resolution genome mapping reveals the genetic basis for regressive pigmentation in cavefish .UC Graduate Poster Forum, Cincinnati, Ohio. .

B.M. Carlson, Gross, J.B. (2014. ) Identifying Genetic Loci Mediating Alterations in Activity Patterns in Astyanax mexicanus .Midwestern Ecology and Evolution Meeting, Dayton, Ohio. .

A. Furterer, B. M. Carlson, B. A. Stahl, Gross, J.B. (2013. ) An integrated transcriptome-wide analysis of cave and surface dwelling Astyanax mexicanus .AIM2013, Astyanax International Meeting, Ciudad Valles, Mexico. . UC. . Level:International

A. J. Krutzler, L. E. Bruns, Gross, J.B. (2013. ) Fragmentation, fusion and asymmetry in the craniofacial skeleton of Astyanax mexicanus. AIM2013, Astyanax International Meeting, Ciudad Valles, Mexico. . Level:International

A. L. Stahl, B. A. Stahl, E. Buschbeck, Gross, J.B. (2013. ) An evaluation of eyelessness in cave-dwelling Astyanax mexicanus using RNA-seq technology .AIM2013, Astyanax International Meeting, Ciudad Valles, Mexico. . Level:International

Gross, J.B., A. J. Krutzler, L. Espinasa (2013. ) An analysis of structural mutations in the gene Mc1r in surface and Granadas cave-dwelling Astyanax aeneus .AIM2013, Astyanax International Meeting, Ciudad Valles, Mexico. . Level:International

Gross, J.B., A. J. Krutzler, L. E. Bruns (2013. ) Genetic analysis of dermal bone fragmentation in a natural model system .American Association of Anatomists Annual Meeting at EB 2013, Boston, MA. .

B.M. Carlson, Gross, J.B. (2013. ) Assessing the Effect of Eye Regression on Light-Mediated Activity in a Model Fish Species .American Association of Anatomists Annual Meeting at EB 2013, Boston, MA. .

Gross, J.B., A. J. Krutzler, B. M. Carlson (2013. ) Complex craniofacial changes in blind cave-dwelling fish are mediated by genetically symmetric and asymmetric loci .36th Annual Meeting, Society of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology, Boston, MA. .

Brian Carlson and Joshua Gross (01-2012. ) Sundials in the void: Assessing the fate and function of circadian rhythms in the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Charleston, . . Conference. . Level:International

Gross, J.B., H. Wilkens (2012. ) Evolution of albinism in a captive population of cavefish .SICB Annual Meeting 2012,

Gross, J.B., A. Furterer (2012. ) A de novo transcriptome analysis of the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus .PAG XX Annual Meeting 2012 ,

B.M. Carlson, Gross, J.B. (2012. ) Assessing circadian rhythms in a cave-adapted species .Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference (MEEC),

B.A. Stahl, Gross, J.B. (2012. ) Expression analyses of Mc1r in the blind Mexican cavefish Astyanax mexicanus. Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference (MEEC) ,

A. Furterer, Gross, J.B. (2012. ) Next-generation sequencing analyses in the blind Mexican cavefish .Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference (MEEC) ,

D. Berning, Gross, J.B. (2012. ) Phenotypic consequences of constant darkness on the freshwater fish, Astyanax mexicanus .University of Cincinnati Undergraduate Spring Research Conference,

A. Furterer, Gross, J.B. (2012. ) Next-generation sequencing analyses in the blind Mexican cavefish .University of Cincinnati Undergraduate Spring Research Conference,

K. B. Dougherty, A. J. Krutzler, Gross, J.B. (2012. ) Eye degeneration and neuromast expansion in the cave fish, Astyanax mexicanus .University of Cincinnati Undergraduate Spring Research Conference. *Awarded “Great Research” designation by UC Chapter of Sigma Xi. ,

Joshua B Gross (07-2011. ) Molecular anatomy of the developing limb bud in the coquí frog, Eleutherodactylus coqui. .Society for Developmental Biology, Chicago, IL. . Conference. . Level:National

Bethany Stahl and Joshua Gross (07-2011. ) Expression analyses of Mc1r in the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus. Society for Developmental Biology, Chicago, IL. . Conference. . Level:National

Gross, J.B., N. Marsh-Armstrong & J. Hanken (2005. ) Use of a transgenic line of Xenopus laevis in the development of a fate map of the osteogenic cranial neural crest in amphibians. .Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland Annual Meeting, Oxford, England. . Level:International

Joshua Gross, Ph.D. (2005. ) Towards a fate map of the osteogenic cranial neural crest in Xenopus laevis .Experimental Biology and XXXV International Congress of Physiological Science, San Diego, CA. . Level:International

Joshua Gross, Ph.D. (2004. ) Neural crest derivation of the osteocranium in recent anurans .International Society of Vertebrate Morphologists 7th International Congress. , Boca Raton, FL. . Level:International

Gross, J.B. & J. Hanken (2003. ) Assessing the long-term contributions of neural crest cells to the postmetamorphic anuran skull. .The Neural Crest: New Perspectives on Lineage and Morphogenesis, Mt. Hood, OR. . Level:International

Gross, J.B. & J. Hanken (2003. ) Assessing the expression of major bone extracellular matrix proteins in the anuran skull vault. .Society for Developmental Biology Annual Meeting, Madison, WI. . Level:International

Gross, J.B. & L.A. Barlow (2001. ) Placodally derived sensory neurites grow preferentially, but not exclusively, towards the oropharyngeal endoderm. .AChems Annual Meeting, Sarasota, FL. . Level:International

Gross, J.B. & L.A. Barlow (2000. ) Development of placodal neurons in vitro. Chemical Senses Annual Meeting Program & Abstracts , Level:National

Gross, J.B. & L.A. Barlow (2000. ) Development of epibranchial placodes in Ambystoma mexicanum .Society for Developmental Biology Annual Meeting, Boulder, CO. . Level:National

Joshua Gross, Ph.D. (2000. ) In vitro analysis of placodal fiber growth in relation to target tissue .Sigma Xi Annual Regional Meeting, University of Denver, Denver, Colorado. . Level:Regional

Joshua Gross, Ph.D. (2000. ) Quantitative analysis of placodal fiber growth .RMRNG Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado. . Level:Regional


M. Powers, S. Kaplan, T. Boggs, J.B. Gross. (2018. ) Two unusual ossification mechanisms explain cranial bone fragmentation in cavefish .

Sears CR, J.B. Gross (2018. ) The RNA architecture of life in the dark: A transcriptomic assessment of varying photic conditions in the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus .

Sears CR, and J.B. Gross (2018. ) Illuminating the effect of varying photic condition on the blind Mexican cavefish: a transcriptomic assessment .Louisville, KY.

J.B. Gross (2018. ) The genetic lesions associated with regression: A genome-wide search for destructive mutations in the cavefish genome. San Francisco, CA. Conference.

Ornelas-Garcia, CP, AK Powers, DJ Berning, R Rodiles, M Barluenga, and JB Gross (2017. ) Transcriptome analysis and 3D geometric morphometric characterization of lacustrine species pairs in Astyanax genus .2017.

Powers AK, EM Davis, SA Kaplan, and JB Gross (2017. ) The evolution of cranial asymmetry across the life history of the blind Mexican cavefish .Queretaro, Mexico.

Powers AK, EM Davis, SA, Kaplan, TE Boggs and JB Gross (2017. ) The evolution of craniofacial changes in the blind Mexican cavefish .Portland, Oregon.

Powers AK, SA Kaplan, TE Boggs, and JB Gross (2017. ) Unusual ossification processes mediate the development of the cavefish skull .Minneapolis, MN.

Amanda K. Powers, JB Gross (2017. ) The developmental basis of cranial bone fragmentation in blind Mexican cavefish .

A. K. Powers, J.Y.T. Sung, J.B. Gross* (2015. ) A potential relationship between constructive trait evolution and aberrant cranial phenotypes in Astyanax cavefish .Queretaro, Mexico.

B. A. Stahl, Gross, J.B. (2014. ) Lost now found: Cavefish reveal the genetic basis for complex pigmentation traits .Dayton, Ohio.

Joshua B. Gross (06-2013. ) The genetic basis for subterranean adaptation .Cincinnati, Ohio. UC. Level:Local

Joshua B. Gross (03-2013. ) An analysis of gene expression level changes across development in surface and cave-dwelling fish. Ciudad Valles, Mexico. Conference. Level:International

B. A. Stahl, Gross, J.B. (2013. ) Pigmentation loss in cave animals: A high­resolution study of destructive genetic mutations .Ciudad Valles, Mexico.

Gross, J.B., M. Matthews (2013. ) An analysis of gene expression level changes across development in surface and cave-dwelling fish .Ciudad Valles, Mexico.

Gross, J.B., A. J. Krutzler, B. M. Carlson (2013. ) Genetic changes and the evolution of phenotypic differences .Chicago, IL.

Joshua B Gross and Allison Furterer (01-16-2012. ) A de novo transcriptome analysis of the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus. San Diego, CA. Conference. Level:National

Joshua B Gross and Horst Wilkens (01-06-2012. ) Evolution of albinism in a captive population of cavefish .Charleston, SC. Conference. Level:International

Joshua B Gross (03-15-2011. ) Towards an understanding of pigmentation reduction in cave forms of Astyanax mexicanus. Cuidad Valles, Mexico. Conference. Level:International

Joshua Gross, Ph.D. (04-26-2008. ) Coding mutations in the gene Mc1r and the evolution of reduced pigmentation in the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus .Woods Hole, MA. Conference. Level:Regional

Joshua Gross, Ph.D. (05-31-2007. ) Evolution of pigment reduction in Mexican cavefish . Salve Regina College, Newport, RI. Workshop. Level:Department

Joshua Gross, Ph.D. (01-07-2006. ) Embryonic origin of adult cranial cartilages in Xenopus: A view from the crest .Orlando, FL. Conference. Level:International

Joshua Gross, Ph.D. (04-23-2004. ) Neural crest derivation of the anuran skull vault .Woods Hole, MA. Conference.

“First Day of Class in the Sciences” .

“Tips for new science teachers” .

“Tips for new science teachers” .

“What is a species?” .

“Adopting active learning techniques for ‘Human Genetics’" .

Event Organized

Co-Organizer, 2014 Bio-Blitz

Co-Organizer, 2014 Bio-Blitz Symposium 10-03-2014 University of Cincinnati Level:University

Co-organizer (Lead Scientific Organizer), 2013 Astyanax International Meeting

Co-organizer (Lead Scientific Organizer), 2013 Astyanax International Meeting Conference 03-17-2013 03-21-2013 Ciudad Valles, Mexico Level:International

Division of Vertebrate Morphology Symposium at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting

Division of Vertebrate Morphology Symposium at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting Conference 01-06-2012 Charleston, SC Level:International

Honors and Awards

09-21-2018 Invited Keynote Speaker “Aquatic Sciences” Division. Research Network on Biology, Management and Conservation of Native Fauna in Disturbed Environments (REFAMA), Queretaro, Mexico.

09-01-2018 -09-01-2019 Transdisciplinary Research Fellow University of Cincinnati, Office of the Vice President of Research

01-2018 Nominated, 2018 Dean's Award for Innovative Instruction University of Cincinnati

09-17-2017 -09-22-2017 Invited Visiting Scholar, Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

03-2016 Young Investigator Winner 2016 Sigma Xi, University of Cincinnati Chapter. March 17, 2016

03-2016 Honorable Mention, Excellence in Doctoral Mentoring Award University of Cincinnati, Graduate School

01-2016 Nominated, East Campus Research Week “Rising Star” University of Cincinnati Department of Biological Sciences, January 2016.

09-2015 Invited Keynote Speaker, Research Network on Biology, Management and Conservation of Native Fauna in Disturbed Environments (REFAMA) Queretaro, Mexico

09-2015 Distinguished Guest Professor Invited Workshop Leader and Guest Visitor; Funded by the Mexican Academy of Sciences (AMC) and the Mexico-US Foundation for Science (FUMEC); Autonomous University of Queretaro, College of Natural Sciences, Queretaro, Mexico.

03-2015 Nominated for the Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society’s First-Year Advocate Award

03-2015 Nominated for the Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society’s First-Year Advocate Award University of Cincinnati

12-2014 Invited College of Arts and Science of Arts and Sciences Faculty Marshal Graduation, University of Cincinnati, December 13, 2014.

10-2014 Nominated for the George Barbour Award for Good Faculty-Student Relations

08-2014 -08-2015 National Academies Education Fellow in the Life Sciences

04-2012 Invited Keynote Speaker, Hudson Valley Undergraduate Research Symposium

08-2011 Pew Scholars Nominee, University of Cincinnati Type:Fellowship

08-2011 Alfred P. Sloan Foundations Research Fellowship Nominee, University of Cincinnati

08-2010 Pew Scholars Nominee, University of Cincinnati

Sigma Xi, Full Member, University of Cincinnati Chapter University of Cincinnati, September 2010

2004 Young Anatomist’s Publication Award American Association of Anatomists

Excellence in Undergraduate Education Award (3) Derek Bok Teaching Center, Harvard University May 2003, June 2004, May 2005


(Panelist, National Institute of Health (NIGMS) Genetic Variation and Evolution (GVE) Study Section; Bethesda, MD. ) 06-20-2018 -06-22-2018

(Member, Research Advisory Board RPT Working Group Committee ) Committee Member Level:University 2016 -To Present

(Undergraduate Affairs Committee (GAC), Department of Biological Sciences ) 2015 -To Present

(Selection Committee, Goldwater Fellowship Competition ) 2015

Participant, Dater Montessori Elementary Outreach Activity Type:Other Educational Service Level:Local 11-20-2014

Graduate Affairs Committee Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:University 08-2014

Biology Graduate Student Association (Faculty Liason ) Type:University/College Service Level:Department 08-2014

Hughes High School Outreach Program Type:Community Service Level:University 04-2014

Invited Ad Hoc Grant Reviewer (Ministry of Science, Education and Sports - Republic of Croatia ) Reviewer Type:Other Level:International 04-2014

Mariemont Champions Preschool Program Outreach Type:Community Service Level:Regional 03-2014

National Science Foundation (2014 Graduate Research Fellowship Program ) Review Board/Panel Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 01-2014

Biology Graduate Student Association (BGSA) Faculty Sponsor Type:Service to Student Groups Level:University 2014 -To Present

(Graduate Affairs Committee (GAC), Department of Biological Sciences ) Type:Departmental Service 2014 -2015

(UC Sensory Biology REU Selection Committee ) 2014 -2015

(Panelist, National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) - Genetics & Evolutionary Biology Panelist; Washington D.C. ) 2011 -2016

Committee Chair

Post Graduate Training and Education

2005-2007 NIH/NRSA Cancer Genetics Training Fellow, Harvard Medical School , , Boston, MA

2007-2008 NIH/NRSA Independent Fellow, Harvard Medical School , , Boston, MA

2005-2010 Research Fellow in Genetics, Harvard Medical School , , Boston, MA

Professional Affiliation

Sociedad Ictiologica Mexicana, A. C. (SIMAC)

American Association of Anatomists, AAA

Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, FASEB

International Society of Vertebrate Morphologists, ICVM

Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society

The American Association for the Advancement of Science, AAAS

The Society for Developmental Biology, SDB

The Association for Chemoreception Sciences, AChemS

The Rocky Mountain Taste and Smell Center (RMTSC), University of Colorado Health Sciences Center

Rocky Mountain Regional Neuroscience Group, RMRNG

2015: Society of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology

Courses Taught

-BIOL-3030 HUMAN GENETICS Level:Undergraduate

-BIOL-3030 HUMAN GENETICS Level:Undergraduate

-BIOL-3030 HUMAN GENETICS Level:Undergraduate

-BIOL-3030 HUMAN GENETICS Level:Undergraduate

-BIOL-3030 HUMAN GENETICS Level:Undergraduate

Introduction to Contemporary Genomic Analysis Level:Graduate

-BIOL-9004 RES PROG BIOL Level:Graduate

15-BIOL-902 SEM INTEGRATVE BIO Level:Graduate

15-BIOL-903 SEM INTEGRATVE BIO Level:Graduate

15-BIOL-800 GRAD TOPICS BIOLOGY Genes & Adaptation Level:Graduate

15-BIOL-902 SEM INTEGRATVE BIO Level:Graduate

15-BIOL-903 SEM INTEGRATVE BIO Level:Graduate

15-BIOL-901 SEM INTEGRATVE BIO Level:Graduate

15-BIOL-302 GENETICS Level:Undergraduate

15-BIOL-955 RESEARCH PROG BIOL Level:Graduate

15-BIOL-901 SEM INTEGRATVE BIO Level:Graduate

-BIOL-2081C GENETICS AND CELL Level:Undergraduate

Faculty Development Activities

02-08-2010 Write Winning Grants Workshop Grant Writers’ Seminars and Workshops University of Cincinnati Type:Workshop

06-01-2010 Intensive Grant Writing Workshop Grant Writers’ Seminars and Workshops University of Cincinnati

12-2012 Ready, Set, Go: Personnel/Conflict Management University of Cincinnati CETL Type:Workshop

04-2013 Ready, Set, Go: Mentoring/Career Guidance University of Cincinnati CETL Type:Workshop

01-2011 “RefWorks: A Citation & Reference Management Service”. University of Cincinnati Library Workshops Series.

06-2013 “Navigating the eRPT System”. University of Cincinnati

08-2013 August Instructional Technology Institute. University of Cincinnati

06-2014 National Academies Summer Institute on Undergraduate Science Education. University of Minnesota

08-2014 Consultant and Participating Faculty Member, UC CET&L “Great Gateways” Teaching Initiative

09-16-2016 Models of Teaching Excellence (MOTE). UC Academy of Fellows for Teaching & Learning.

10-10-2016 Inclusive Excellence Workshop: Emotional Intelligence. Office of Equity and Inclusion.

11-08-2016 “Assessing Genomes, Assemblies and Annotation Products” NCBI Training Workshop Series, Harrison Health Sciences Library, UC Medical School

11-09-2016 “Accessing NCBI Human Variation and Medical Genetics Resources” NCBI Training Workshop Series, Harrison Health Sciences Library, UC Medical School

11-09-2016 “Exploring Gene Expression Information at the NCBI” NCBI Training Workshop Series, Harrison Health Sciences Library, UC Medical School.

11-28-2016 “Maximizing Your Research Impact Factor” HSL Training Courses, 850D Baldwin Hall.

08-31-2017 "Simple Strategies for Making Your Classroom More Inclusive and Equitable" Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning.

08-06-2018 “eAccessibility: An Introduction” Accessibility Network of the University of Cincinnati.