Arpan Guha
Asst Professor
Assistant Professor
Rhodes Hall
CEAS - Civil Eng - 0071
Professional Summary
I am fascinated by how light, which we often take for granted, affects our psychophysiology. My research interests lie in the areas of:
- Light and Human Health, Wellness, Cognition, Performance, and Perception.
- High Dynamic Range Imaging and Lighting Metrology
- Alternative Low-resolution Occupancy Sensing approaches
- 'Occupant-first' design techniques
Ph.D.: University of Nebraska - Lincoln Omaha, 2020 (Architectural Engineering)
Research and Practice Interests
My research interests lie in the areas of:
- Light and Human Health, Wellness, Cognition, Performance, and Perception.
- High Dynamic Range Imaging and Lighting Metrology
- Alternative Low-resolution Occupancy Sensing approaches
- 'Occupant-first' design techniques
- Wells-to-Wheels Emission Modeling
Research Support
Grant: #EP Fellowship Grant-Internship Investigators:Guha, Arpan 02-07-2022 -08-31-2023 The Nuckolls Fund for Lighting Education, Inc. Human Factors in Lighting Knowledge and Growth through Mentorship and Hands-on Experience at Mt. Sinai Light and Health Research Center Role:PI 13000.00 Awarded Level:Non Profit
Peer Reviewed Publications
Arpan Guha, Alayne Nyboer, Dale Tiller (2022. ) A Review of Illuminance Mapping Practices from HDR Images and Suggestions for Exterior Measurements .LEUKOS, , 1
Paper Presentations
Arpan Guha, Subhaditya Shom, Ala'a Rayyan, Mahmoud Alahmad (2018. ) Indices to Determine the Environmental and Economic Impact of Using an Electric Vehicle over Gasoline or Hybrid Vehicles on a Regional Basis .Conference. Level:International
Arpan Guha (04-2022. ) A Novel Universal Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based Occupant Comfort Control Framework Utilizing IR array Sensors and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to Predict Occupancy and Occupant Thermal and Visual Comfort Levels. Orlando, FL. Conference. Level:National
Arpan Guha, Clarence Waters (04-2016. ) Quantifying View: A Way Forward to Statistically Analyzing the Effect of View on Human Performance .Gaithersburg. Other Institution. Level:National
Honors and Awards
08-2022 -08-2023 Edison-Price Fellow Nuckoll's Fund for Lighting Education Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Fellowship
2018 Robert J. Besal Fund for Lighting Education Scholarship Robert J. Besal Fund for Lighting Education Scholarship Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Monetary
Professional Affiliation
10-2022: Educator, IALD International Association of Lighting Designers,
Courses Taught
AE Level:Undergraduate
AE Level:Undergraduate
AE 6020 Level:Graduate