Kathryn J Gutzwiller
Professor - Emeritus
Professor, emerita
Blegen Library
A&S Classics Emeriti - 0226
Professional Summary
Kathryn Gutzwiller holds an M.A. in Latin from Bryn Mawr College and a Ph.D. in classics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her interests include Greek and Latin poetry, ancient gender studies, literary theory, and the interaction between text and image. She has published several books on Hellenistic poetry: Studies in the Hellenistic Epyllion (1981), Theocritus' Pastoral Analogies: The Formation of a Genre (1991), Poetic Garlands: Hellenistic Epigrams in Context (1998), and The Guide to Hellenistic Literature (2007). She edited a volume on a new collection of epigrams by Posidippus found on a papyrus, The New Posidippus: A Hellenistic Poetry Book (2005, rev. ed. 2008). She has served as a Director of the American Philological Association and as monograph editor of the APA's American Classics Series. Professor Gutzwiller has also received a number of grants, including an NEH, a Fellowship at All Souls College, Oxford, a Fellowship to the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, an ACLS Fellowship, and a Loeb Classical Foundation Grant. She was the 2001 recipient of the Charles J. Goodwin Award of Merit from the American Philological Association (that organization's highest scholarly award) for Poetic Garlands, has twice won the Gildersleeve Award for the best article in the American Journal of Philology, and received the 2002 Rieveschl Award for scholarly excellence at the University of Cincinnati.
Ph.D: Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison 1977
Research and Practice Interests
Her research has focused on the poetry of the Hellenistic period, ancient women writers, and the interaction of text and image. She is currently working on an edition and commentary for the epigrams of Meleager for Oxford University Press and an iconographical and literary study of four mosaics depicting scenes from Menender's comedy, recently discovered at ancient Antioch. Other recent publication interests include forgiveness in ancient drama, the rhetorical uses of the middle style in literature and art, the Aristotelian Peplos, Apelles and ecphrasis, Catullus and Greek epigram, and Hellenistic literary theory.
Research Support
2009 American Council of Learned Societies Type:Fellowship
2009 School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton Member
2008 -2009 Loeb Classical Library Foundation Type:Grant
2008 All Souls College, Oxford Visiting Fellow
2004 -2005 NEH Fellowship
2004 -To Present University of Cincinnati Fellow of the Graduate School
2003 University Research Council Grant
2000 University Research Council Summer Grant
1991 -2006 Semple Fund Summer Research Grant
1986 -1987 The Center for Hellenic Studies Type:Fellowship
1985 University Travel Grant
1984 University Research Council Grant
1980 -1984 Semple Fund Summer Research Grant
Grant: #FA-50138-04 Investigators:Gutzwiller, Kathryn 09-01-2004 -05-31-2005 National Endowment for the Humanities The Poetics of Anthology: An Edition and Commentary for the Epigrams of Meleager Role:PI $40,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #SRS 005623 Investigators:Gutzwiller, Kathryn 01-01-2009 -12-31-2009 American Council of Learned Societies The Poetics of Anthology: An Edition and Commentary for the Epigrams of Meleager Role:PI $60,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #SRS 005624 Investigators:Gutzwiller, Kathryn 07-01-2008 -06-30-2009 Loeb Classical Library Foundation The Poetics of Anthology: An Edition and Commentary for the Epigrams of Meleager Role:PI $30,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #SRS 006028 Investigators:Gutzwiller, Kathryn 01-05-2009 -06-30-2009 Institute for Advanced Study Edition and Commentary for the Epigrams of Meleger Role:PI $30,000.00 Closed Level:Institution of Higher Education
Abbreviated Publications
Book Chapter
(2012) “All in the Family: Forgiveness and Reconciliation in New Comedy,” in Ancient Forgiveness: Classical, Judaic, Christian, edited by Charles Griswold and David Konstan (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. 48-75.
(2010) "Images poétiques et reminiscences artistiques dans les épigrammes de Méléagre," translated from English by Évelyne Prioux, in Métamorphoses du regard ancient, edited by Évelyne Prioux and Agnès Rouveret (Paris), pp. 67-112.
(2010) “Literary Criticism,” in A Companion to Hellenistic Literature, edited by James J. Clauss and Martine Cuipers (Malden, MA, Oxford, and Chicester: Wiley-Blackwell), pp. 337-65.
(2010) "Heroic Epitaphs of the Classical Age: The Aristotelian Peplos and Beyond," in Archaic and Classical Greek Epigram, edited by Manuel Baumbach, Andrej Petrovic, and Ivana Petrovic (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. 219-49.
(2007). "Forward,” in Stratone di Sardi, Epigrammi, by Lucia Floridi (Alessandrina: Orso), pp. ix-xiv.
(2007) "The Paradox of Amatory Epigram," in Brill's Companion to Hellenistic Epigram, edited by Peter Bing and Jon Bruss (Leiden: Brill), pp. 313-32.
(2006). "The Herdsman in Greek Thought," in Brill's Companion to Greek and Latin Pastoral, edited by Marco Fantuzzi and Theodore Papanghelis (Leiden/Boston: Brill), pp. 1-23.
(2006) "Learning and Love in the Epigrams of Meleager," in Syncharmata: Studies in Honour of Jan Fredrik Kindstrand, edited by Sten Eklund. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Graeca Upsaliensia 21., (Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet), pp. 67-85.
(2005) "The Literariness of the Milan Papyrus, or ‘What Difference a Book?’," in The New Posidippus:A Hellenistic Poetry Book (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 287-319.
(2005) "Introduction," in The New Posidippus: A Hellenistic Poetry Book (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 1-16.
Peer Reviewed Publications
(2011) "Apelles and the Painting of Language," Revue de Philologie 83 (2009, published 2011) 39-63.
(2010) “The Demon Mosquito,” ZPE 174: 133-38.
(2006). "The Bucolic Problem," Classical Philology 101: 380-404.
(2004) "Seeing Thought: Timomachus’ Medea and Ecphrastic Epigram," American Journal of Philology 125: 339-86.
(2004) "Gender and Inscribed Epigram: Herennia Procula and the Thespian Eros," Transactions of the American Philological Association 134: 383-418.
(2003). "Visual Aesthetics in Meleager and Cavafy." Classical and Modern Literature 32: 67-87.
(2003). "Nikonoe’s Rainbow (Posidippus 6 Austin-Bastianini)," Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 145: 44-46.
(2002-2003) "Meleager as Erotic Dolphin: A Reading of AP 12.52," Hermathena 173-74: 91-105.
(2005) The New Posidippus: A Hellenistic Poetry Book, edited by K. Gutzwiller. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
(2008) Revised paperback edition.
(1981) Studies in the Hellenistic Epyllion, in Beiträge zur klassischen Philologie, Heft 114. Meisenheim am Glan.
(2007). A Guide to Hellenistic Literature. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
(1998). Poetic Garlands: Hellenistic Epigrams in Context. Berkeley: University of California Press.
(1991). Theocritus’ Pastoral Analogies: The Formation of a Genre. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
Invited Presentations
(10-19-2007. ) Writing Greek Commentaries Workshop, University of Minneapolis.
(06-14-2007. ) Library Fund conference on “Library, Responsibility, and Forgiveness, San Francisco.
(04-16-2004. ) Scholars and Poets: One Hundred Year of Scholarship on Hellenistic Poetry .Classical , St. Louis.
(02-25-2008. ) Poetic and Artistic Imagery in the Epigrams of Meleager .Ohio State University.
(11-16-2007. ) Seeing Love: Eros in Hellenistic Art and Epigram .University of Southern California.
(03-01-2007. ) The Theory and Practice of Hellenistic Poetry .Emory University.
(09-16-2006. ) Hellenistic Poetry and Aesthetic Theory .University of Michigan.
(07-11-2006. ) Posidippus and Hellenistic Epigram Books .Ludwig Maximilians Universität, Munich.
(02-25-2006. ) The Paradox of Amatory Epigram: Origins and Development .University of Edinburgh.
(02-25-2006. ) The Paradox of Amatory Epigram: Origins and Development .University of Edinburgh.
(07-25-2005. ) Hellenistic Literary Theory and Hellenistic Poetry .Cambridge.
(07-08-2005. ) The New Posidippus Papyrus .Cincinnati.
(04-08-2005. ) Heroic Epitaphs of the Classical Age: The Aristotelian Peplos and Beyond .University of Giessen.
(12-22-2004. ) Meleager as Learned Poet and Psychologist of Love .University of Nijmegen, Netherlands.
(12-14-2004. ) A New Epigram Papyrus and the Origins of Poetry Books .Paris.
(12-10-2004. ) Visions érotiques dans les épigrammes de Méléagre .Paris.
(12-02-2004. ) The Herdsman form Homer to Theocritus: Pastoral and Before .Paris.
(05-14-2004. ) Seeing Thought: Epigrams on Timomachus’ Medea .University of Leeds.
(03-29-2004. ) Implications of Bucolic .University of California at Berkeley.
(10-15-2003. ) Meleager as poeta doctus .University of Cincinnati.
(03-26-2003. ) Posidippus on Statuary .University of Wisconsin, Madison.
(05-22-2008. ) Apelles and the Painting of Language .Rethymnon, Crete. Other Institution.
(08-21-2008. ) Meleager at the Intersection of Worlds .Waterloo, Ontario. Other Institution. Level:International
(10-15-2008. ) Ethnicity and Genre in Meleager .Cambridge, UK. Other Institution. Level:International
(02-06-2009. ) Ethnicity and Genre in Meleager .Bryn Mawr College. Other Institution. Level:National
(02-19-2009. ) Apelles and the Painting of Language .Columbia University. Other Institution. Level:National
(03-13-2009. ) Meleager and Roman Satire .CUNY. Other Institution. Level:National
(05-08-2009. ) Callimachus’ Hecale as a mega poiema .Center for Hellenic Studies, Washington DC. Other Institution. Level:International
(07-03-2009. ) Callimachus’ Hecale as a mega poiema .Zurich. Conference. Level:International
(03-20-2010. ) Contests of Style and Uses of the Middle in Canon Making .Paris. Conference. Level:International
(01-05-2011. ) “New Menander Mosaics and Papyri” .San Francisco. Professional Meeting. Level:National
(03-14-2011. ) Recovering the Comic Poet Menander: The Intersection of Papyri and Mosaics .DePauw University. Other Institution. Level:Honorary
(03-15-2011. ) Seeing Love: Eros in Hellenistic Art and Epigram .DePauw University. Other Institution. Level:Honorary
(07-03-2011. ) Anacreon, Hellenistic Epigram, and the Anacreontic Poet .Zurich. Conference. Level:International
Greek literature, Latin literature, women writers in antiquity, ancient literary criticism