Karen  Haring

Karen A. Haring

Associate Professor - Field Service

Associate Professor, Field Service

Teachers College


CECH Middle Childhood Education - 0002

Professional Summary

Karen Haring taught middle school math, social studies and language arts for 7 years. Her research interests include equity and inclusion in middle grades education, Universal Design for learning, and teacher preparation. Currently, she coordinates and supervises field experience for teacher candidates in  the Middle Childhood Education programs, and teaches several undergraduate and graduate courses.


B.B.A.: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, (Accounting)

MA: College of Mount St. Joseph Cincinnati OH, 2000 (Elementary Education)

Principal Licensure : University of Cincinnati Ohio, 2015 (Educational Leadership)

Positions and Work Experience

08-2008 -To Present Field Service Associate Professor, Responsible for coordinating all field placements for the Middle Childhood, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH

08-2001 -06-2008 Teacher, Classroom teacher of grades 7-8. Taught various subject areas, including language arts, math, social studies, and art. , St. Jude School, Cincinnati OH

Research Support

Grant: #OIP Agreement Investigators:Breiner, Jonathan; Fowler, Thaddeus; Haring, Karen; Harkness, Marshella; Kemphaus, Ralph; Maynard, Kathie; Meyer, Helen 04-05-2010 -06-30-2015 Ohio Board of Regents Ohio Innovation Partnership Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program Role:Collaborator $2,056,250.00 Active Level:State of Ohio


Invited Presentations

Stephen Kroeger, Mary Brydon-Miller, Chester Laine, Karen Troup, Karen Haring, Holly Johnson (04-15-2009. ) Stone Soup: Using Action Research to Create Opportunities for Program Integration in Teacher Education .American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA. Conference. . Level:National

Honors and Awards

Golden Apple Award 2011-2012


American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (Teaching Performance Assessment ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 06-30-2009 -09-30-2012

Post Graduate Training and Education

08-1997-05-2000 M.A., Elementary Education, College of Mount St. Joseph, , Cincinnati OH

08-2007-08-2008 Graduate coursework in special education, Xavier University, , Cincinnati OH

2012-2014 Educational Leadership, principal licensure , University of Cincinnati, , Ohio

Professional Affiliation

Member Kappa Delta Pi,

Member Pi Lambda Theta,

Member CEC (Council for Exceptional Children),

Member NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) ,

Member- AMLE

Courses Taught

18-MDL-201 INTRO FIELD EXP Level:Undergraduate

18-MDL-201 INTRO FIELD EXP Level:Undergraduate