James Hawkins
Assoc Professor - Educator
Assistant Professor-Educator And Coordinator
Behavior Analysis
Teachers College
CECH Human Services - 0068
Professional Summary
James A. Hawkins, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the Graduate Certificate in Behavior Analysis and the M.Ed. in Foundations in Behavior Analysis Distance Learning Programs. Prior to coming to UC, he worked as a school psychologist in public school settings for ten years. In this role, he worked to develop and implement behavioral interventions to support the needs of students, including those with disabilities. Dr. Hawkins earned his Ph.D. in School Psychology from the University of Tennessee in 2004. He has conducted and published research evaluating the effectiveness of various individual and classwide academic and behavioral interventions. Dr. Hawkins also worked at the University of Tennessee in the Office of Disability Services and for 21st Century Program at the University of Michigan.