Research Support
Grant: #OBR-UC MOU Investigators:Hawkins, Tracey; Nelson, Kristi Ann 08-13-2012 -06-30-2013 Department of Education Secondary Career- Technical Alignment Initiative (SCTAI). Hawkins Role:Collaborator $19,150.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #SCTAI MOU - Hawkins Investigators:Hawkins, Tracey 10-25-2013 -06-30-2014 Department of Education Secondary Career-Technical Alignment Initiative (SCTAI) MOU: OBR/ODE - Tracey Hawkins Role:PI $4,600.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #SCTAI MOU 14-15 Investigators:Hawkins, Tracey 08-01-2014 -06-30-2015 Department of Education SCTAI Role:PI $2,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal