Stephanie Michelle Hoeppner
Asst Professor - Educator (F2)
CC West Woods Acad Cntr
CC Information Technology -
Professional Summary
Stephanie Hoeppner is an Assistant Professor Educator of Information Technology at the University of Cincinnati Clermont. She has a Master's degree in Educational Technology and has taught mulitple computer science courses for over 25 years at varying levels from High School to Collegiate Level. Stephanie has also served as a computer consultant and district technology coordinator.
Bachelor of Science: Computer Science Education: Bowling Greeen State University Bowling Green, OH, 1996 (Computer Science and Mathematics)
Masters of Education: Eduational Technology: University of Missouri-Columbia Columbia, MO, 2003 (Information Science & Learning Technology)
Post Graduate Training and Education
2012-2013 Teacher Leader Certificate, University of Cincinnati, , Cincinnati, OH
05-2021-12-2021 Information Technology Graduate Certificate, University of Cincinnati, , Cincinnati, OH
08-2020-12-2021 Career Tech Adult Workforce Certificate, Bowling Greeen State University, , Bowling Green, OH