Paul S Horn , PhD
Adjunct Professor-Affiliate
Professor Emeritus
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
3333 Burnet Ave
Cincinnati, Ohio 45229
Phone 513-636-4222
Email paul.horn@cchmc.org
Professional Summary
Ph.D. (Statistics), Princeton University, 1981. Advisor: John W. Tukey
M.A. (Statistics), Princeton University, 1979.
Sc.B. (Applied Mathematics), Brown University, 1977.
Interim Assistant Head, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Univ. of Cincinnati, Sept. 2000 – Aug. 2001.
Visiting Research Professor, Departement de Mathematiques, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland, July - September 1999.
Visiting Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, September – December 1999.
Full Professor, University of Cincinnati, 1993 - Present.
Scientist/Engineer, The Procter & Gamble Company, 1992 - 1994.
Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati, 1987 - 1993.
Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati, 1983 - 1987.
Member of Technical Staff/Ph.D., Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, New Jersey, 1982 - 1983.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Sci., University of Iowa, 1981 - 1982.
Research Assistant, Biostatistics Department, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, July - August, 1978.
Doctoral Degree: Princeton University 1981
Doctoral Degree: Princeton University Princeton, NJ, 1981 (Statistics)
Research and Practice Interests
Applied statistics and data analysis: robust methods, nonparametrics, quantile estimation, outlier resistance / detection, transformation / goodness-of-fit, regression – adaptive Least Trimmed Squares, methods for small samples. Applications to medicine, clinical chemistry, and the biological sciences
Positions and Work Experience
09-1983 -08-1987 Assistant Professor, Deptartment of Mathematical Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati
09-1987 -08-1993 Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
09-1993 -To Present Professor, Deptartment of Mathematical Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
07-2007 -06-2010 Visiting Professor, Division of Neurology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH
07-2010 -To Present Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Neurology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH
Research Support
03-01-2006 -02-29-2008 Lejeune Foundation Evaluation of Coenzyme Q10 Efficacy in Pediatric Patients With Down Syndrome Type:Grant
Grant: #2 U10 DA013732-06 09-01-2005 -08-31-2011 National Institute of Drug Abuse Clinical Trials Network, Ohio Valley Node Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #1R21 EB003938-01 07-01-2004 -06-30-2006 National Institute of Health Mycardial Gene Delivery with Novel Polymeric Agents Type:Grant
Grant: #N01-CP-01004 06-01-2004 -05-31-2005 National Cancer Institute Evolution of HIV-1 env in HIV-1 Infected Individuals with and without HCV Co-infection Type:Grant
Grant: #1 R01 OH007976-001 09-30-2003 -09-29-2005 National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health B-2 Microglobulin: Renal Biomarker of Workplace U Exposure Type:Grant
Grant: #HD39419 01-15-2002 -12-31-2005 National Institute of Health Induction of Bile Acid Synthesis in the Neonatal Liver Type:Grant
Grant: #1 U10 DA13732-01 10-01-2000 -09-30-2005 National Institute of Drug Abuse Clinical Trials Network, Ohio Valley Node Type:Grant
Grant: #Q728-040-G413-1081 10-01-2000 -12-31-2001 Adult Aids Clinical Trial Group Hepatic C Viral Kinetics in Subjects Co-infected with HIV-I and HCV-I Type:Grant
Grant: #NO1DA-9-8095 06-01-2000 -01-31-2001 National Institute of Drug Abuse Clinical Trials Operation Type:Grant
Grant: #5R01 AI49508-04 06-01-2000 -05-31-2005 National Institute of Health HCV Genomic Variability in HIV Infected Hemophiliacs Type:Grant
Grant: #IY01DA50038-00 10-01-1995 -09-30-1997 Department of Health & Human Services Inter-Agency Agreement between the National Institute of Drug Abuse and the Veteran’s Administration Type:Grant
Grant: #DMS-8706044 07-1987 -12-1989 National Science Foundation A Robust Approach to the Prediction Problem Type:Grant
1986 University of Cincinnati Summer Faculty Research Fellowship Type:Fellowship
1984 University of Cincinnati Taft Grant-in-Aid Type:Grant
Grant: #IPS#1 Investigators:Horn, Paul 09-01-2007 -08-31-2008 Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Horn-CCHMC IPS Role:PI $43,904.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #K23 DA026517 Investigators:Anthenelli, Robert; Delbello, Melissa; Heffner, Jaimee; Horn, Paul; Strakowski, Stephen; Tran, Giao 09-01-2009 -08-31-2014 National Institute on Drug Abuse Targeted Intervention for Bipolar Smokers Role:Collaborator $383,215.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #U10 DA013732 Investigators:Burlew, Ann Kathleen Hoard; Fichtenbaum, Carl; Horn, Paul; Lyons, Michael; Somoza, Eugene; Winhusen, Theresa; Wulsin, Lawson 09-15-2010 -08-31-2015 National Institute on Drug Abuse Competing Renewal of Clinical Trials Network, Ohio Valley Node Role:Collaborator $10,370,010.00 Active Level:Federal
Abbreviated Publications
Reference Intervals: A User’s Guide, with Amadeo J. Pesce (2005). AACC Press: Washington, D.C., 123 pages with CD-ROM.
Pesce, Amadeo J. (2005). Reference Intervals: A User’s Guide. Washington, D.C.: AACC Press.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Kim, Hee Kyung, Laor, Tal, Horn, Paul S, & Wong, Brenda. Quantitative assessment of the T2 relaxation time of the gluteus muscles in children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy: a comparative study before and after steroid treatment (2010). Korean journal of radiology : official journal of the Korean Radiological Society, 11(3), 304-11.
Bronson, Stefanie L, Ahlbrand, Rebecca, Horn, Paul S, Kern, Joseph R, & Richtand, Neil M (2011). Individual differences in maternal response to immune challenge predict offspring behavior: contribution of environmental factors. Behavioural brain research, 220(1), 55-64.
Supplementation of coenzyme q10 (ubiquinol-10) improves oxidative imbalance in children with trisomy 21, Miles, M.V.,Patterson, B.J., Chalfonte-Evans, M.L., Horn, P.S., Hickey, F.J., Schapiro, M.B., Steele, P.E., Tang, P.H., and Hotze S.L. Pediatric Neurology, 2007, Vol. 36, 398-403.
Pesce, Amadeo, West, Cameron, Rosenthal, Murray, West, Robert, Crews, Bridgit, Mikel, Charles, Almazan, Perla, Latyshev, Sergey, & Horn, Paul S. (2010) Marijuana correlates with use of other illicit drugs in a pain patient population. Pain physician, 13(3), 283-7.
Pesce, Amadeo, West, Cameron, Rosenthal, Murray, Mikel, Charles, West, Robert, Crews, Bridgit, Almazan, Perla, Latyshev, Sergey, & Horn, Paul S. (2011) Illicit drug use in the pain patient population decreases with continued drug testing. Pain physician, 14(2), 189-93.
The liver plays a key role in whole body sterol accretion of the neonatal Golden Syrian hamster, L. Yao, P.S. Horn, J.E. Heubi, L. Woollett. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 2007, Vol. 1771, 550-557.
Strawn, Jeffrey R, Ekhator, Nosakhare N, Horn, Paul S, Baker, Dewleen G, & Geracioti, Thomas D (2004). Blood pressure and cerebrospinal fluid norepinephrine in combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychosomatic medicine, 66(5), 757-9.
Inability to fully suppress sterol synthesis rates with exogenous sterol in embryonic and extra-embryonic fetal tissues, L. Yao, K. Jenkins, P.S. Horn, M.H. Lichtenberg, and L.A. Woollett. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 2007, Vol. 1771, 1372-1379.
Horn, P S, Pesce, A J, & Copeland, B E (1998). A robust approach to reference interval estimation and evaluation. Clinical chemistry, 44(3), 622-31.
The SRPHK1 outcome measure for cocaine-dependence trials combines self-report, urine benzoylecgonine levels, and the concordance between the two to determine a cocaine-use status for each study day, E. Somoza, P. Somoza, D. Lewis, S.-H. Li, T. Winhusen, N. Chang, F. Vocci, P. Horn, A. Elkashef. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2008, Vol. 93, 132-140.
Horn, P S, Pesce, A J, & Copeland, B E (1999). Reference interval computation using robust vs parametric and nonparametric analyses. Clinical chemistry, 45(12), 2284-5.
Validation and application of an HPLC-EC method for analysis of coenzyme Q10 in blood platelets, M. V. Miles, P.H. Tang, L. Miles, P.E. Steele, M.J. Moye, P.S. Horn. Biomedical Chromatography, 2008; 22(12):1403-1408.
Horn, P S, Feng, L, Li, Y, & Pesce, A J (2001). Effect of outliers and nonhealthy individuals on reference interval estimation. Clinical chemistry, 47(12), 2137-45.
The association of posttraumatic stress disorder and metabolic syndrome: a study of increased health risk in veterans, P.S. Heppner, E.F. Crawford, U.A. Haji, N. Afari, R.L. Hauger, B.A. Dashevsky, P.S. Horn, S.E. Nunnink, D.G. Baker. BMC Medicine, 2009, Vol. 7. DOI: 10.1186/1741-7017/7/1.
McConihay, J A, Horn, P S, & Woollett, L A (2001). Effect of maternal hypercholesterolemia on fetal sterol metabolism in the Golden Syrian hamster. Journal of lipid research, 42(7), 1111-9.
Community Reinforcement and Family Training for Treatment Retention and HIV Behavioral Risk Reduction: A Study Protocol, G.S. Brigham, N. Slesnick, E. Somoza, P. Horn, J. Rich. The Journal of Behavior Analysis in Health, Sports, Fitness, and Medicine, 2009, Vol. 2, 91-108.
Horn, Paul S, & Pesce, Amadeo J (2002). Effect of ethnicity on reference intervals. Clinical chemistry, 48(10), 1802-4.
Homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance body mass index interactions at ages 9 to 10 years predict metabolic syndrome risk factor aggregate scores at ages 18 to 19 years: a 10-year prospective study of black and white girls, J.A. Morrison, C.J. Glueck, P.S. Horn, G.B. Schreiber, P. Wang. Metabolism Clinical and Experimental, 2009, Vol. 58, 290-295.
Sherman, Kenneth E, Rouster, Susan D, & Horn, Paul S (2002). Comparison of methodologies for quantification of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA in patients coinfected with HCV and human immunodeficiency virus. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, 35(4), 482-7.
Modeling the developmental patterns of auditory evoked magnetic fields in children, R. Kotecha, M. Pardos, Y. Wang, T. Wu, P. Horn, D. Drown, D. Rose, T. deGrauw, J. Xiang. PLoS ONE, 2009, 4(3): e4811. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0004811.
Horn, Paul S, & Pesce, Amadeo J (2003). Reference intervals: an update. Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry, 334(1-2), 5-23.
Pediatric triglycerides predict cardiovascular disease events in the fourth to fifth decade of life, J.A. Morrison, C.J. Glueck, P.S. Horn, S. Yeramaneni, P. Wang. Metabolism - Clinical and Experimental, 2009; 58(9):1277-1284.
Miles, Michael V, Horn, Paul S, Morrison, John A, Tang, Peter H, DeGrauw, Ton, & Pesce, Amadeo J (2003). Plasma coenzyme Q10 reference intervals, but not redox status, are affected by gender and race in self-reported healthy adults. Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry, 332(1-2), 123-32.
Marijuana Correlates with Use of Other Illicit Drugs in a Pain Patient Population, A. Pesce, C. West, M. Rosenthal, P. Horn, R. West, B. Crews, C. Mikel, P. Almazan, S. Latyshev, and P. S. Horn. Pain Physician, 2010, 13: 283-287.
Winhusen, Theresa M, Somoza, Eugene C, Singal, Bonita, Kim, Sunme, Horn, Paul S, & Rotrosen, John (2003). Measuring outcome in cocaine clinical trials: a comparison of sweat patches with urine toxicology and participant self-report. Addiction (Abingdon, England), 98(3), 317-24.
Keenan, Erica D, Rouster, Susan D, Shire, Norah J, Horn, Paul S, & Sherman, Kenneth E (2004). Complexity and diversity of hepatitis C virus RNA in african americans and whites: analysis of the envelope-coding domain. The Journal of infectious diseases, 190(3), 511-4.
Miles, Michael V, Morrison, John A, Horn, Paul S, Tang, Peter H, & Pesce, Amadeo J (2004). Coenzyme Q10 changes are associated with metabolic syndrome. Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry, 344(1-2), 173-9.
Zucker, Stephen D, Horn, Paul S, & Sherman, Kenneth E (2004). Serum bilirubin levels in the U.S. population: gender effect and inverse correlation with colorectal cancer. Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.), 40(4), 827-35.
Miles, Michael V, Horn, Paul S, Tang, Peter H, Morrison, John A, Miles, Lili, DeGrauw, Ton, & Pesce, Amadeo J (2004). Age-related changes in plasma coenzyme Q10 concentrations and redox state in apparently healthy children and adults. Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry, 347(1-2), 139-44.
Miles, Lili, Miles, Michael V, Tang, Peter H, Horn, Paul S, Quinlan, John G, Wong, Brenda, Wenisch, Alexandra, & Bove, Kevin E (2005). Ubiquinol: a potential biomarker for tissue energy requirements and oxidative stress. Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry, 360(1-2), 87-96.
Baker, Dewleen G, Ekhator, Nosa N, Kasckow, John W, Dashevsky, Boris, Horn, Paul S, Bednarik, Ludmila, & Geracioti, Thomas D (2005). Higher levels of basal serial CSF cortisol in combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. The American journal of psychiatry, 162(5), 992-4.
Miles, Lili, Miles, Michael V, Tang, Peter H, Horn, Paul S, Wong, Brenda L, DeGrauw, Ton J, Morehart, Paula J, & Bove, Kevin E (2005). Muscle coenzyme Q: a potential test for mitochondrial activity and redox status. Pediatric neurology, 32(5), 318-24.
Sherman, Kenneth E, Shire, Norah J, Rouster, Susan D, Peters, Marion G, James Koziel, Margaret, Chung, Raymond T, & Horn, Paul S (2005). Viral kinetics in hepatitis C or hepatitis C/human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients. Gastroenterology, 128(2), 313-27.
Shire, Norah J, Horn, Paul S, Rouster, Susan D, Stanford, Sandra, Eyster, M Elaine, & Sherman, Kenneth E (2006). HCV kinetics, quasispecies, and clearance in treated HCV-infected and HCV/HIV-1-coinfected patients with hemophilia. Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.), 44(5), 1146-57.
Miles, Michael V, Patterson, Bonnie J, Schapiro, Mark B, Hickey, Francis J, Chalfonte-Evans, Melinda, Horn, Paul S, & Hotze, Stephanie L (2006). Coenzyme Q10 absorption and tolerance in children with Down syndrome: a dose-ranging trial. Pediatric neurology, 35(1), 30-7.
Geracioti, Thomas D, Carpenter, Linda L, Owens, Michael J, Baker, Dewleen G, Ekhator, Nosakhare N, Horn, Paul S, Strawn, Jeffrey R, Sanacora, Gerard, Kinkead, Becky, Price, Lawrence H, & Nemeroff, Charles B (2006). Elevated cerebrospinal fluid substance p concentrations in posttraumatic stress disorder and major depression. The American journal of psychiatry, 163(4), 637-43.
Miles, Michael V, Patterson, Bonnie J, Chalfonte-Evans, Melinda L, Horn, Paul S, Hickey, Francis J, Schapiro, Mark B, Steele, Paul E, Tang, Peter H, & Hotze, Stephanie L (2007). Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinol-10) supplementation improves oxidative imbalance in children with trisomy 21. Pediatric neurology, 37(6), 398-403.
Yao, Lihang, Jenkins, Katie, Horn, Paul S, Lichtenberg, M Hayden, & Woollett, Laura A (2007). Inability to fully suppress sterol synthesis rates with exogenous sterol in embryonic and extraembyronic fetal tissues. Biochimica et biophysica acta, 1771(11), 1372-9.
Yao, Lihang, Horn, Paul S, Heubi, James E, & Woollett, Laura A (2007). The liver plays a key role in whole body sterol accretion of the neonatal Golden Syrian hamster. Biochimica et biophysica acta, 1771(4), 550-7.
Miles, Michael V, Tang, Peter H, Miles, Lili, Steele, Paul E, Moye, Mark J, & Horn, Paul S (2008). Validation and application of an HPLC-EC method for analysis of coenzyme Q10 in blood platelets. Biomedical chromatography : BMC, 22(12), 1403-8.
Morrison, John A, Glueck, Charles J, Horn, Paul S, Schreiber, George B, & Wang, Ping (2008). Pre-teen insulin resistance predicts weight gain, impaired fasting glucose, and type 2 diabetes at age 18-19 y: a 10-y prospective study of black and white girls. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 88(3), 778-88.
(1981). Heteroscedasticity of Residuals: A Non-Parametric Alternative to the Goldfeld-Quandt Peak Test. Communications in Statistics, A10(8), 795-808.
Geracioti, Thomas D, Baker, Dewleen G, Kasckow, John W, Strawn, Jeffrey R, Jeffrey Mulchahey, J, Dashevsky, Boris A, Horn, Paul S, & Ekhator, Nosakhare N (2008). Effects of trauma-related audiovisual stimulation on cerebrospinal fluid norepinephrine and corticotropin-releasing hormone concentrations in post-traumatic stress disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 33(4), 416-24.
(1982). The Finite Distribution of t-Statistics Based on Two Symmetric Order Statistics as a Sum of Orthant Probabilities. Biometrika, 69, 681-682.
Miles, Michael V, Miles, Lili, Tang, Peter H, Horn, Paul S, Steele, Paul E, DeGrauw, Antonius J, Wong, Brenda L, & Bove, Kevin E (2008). Systematic evaluation of muscle coenzyme Q10 content in children with mitochondrial respiratory chain enzyme deficiencies. Mitochondrion, 8(2), 170-80.
Sah, Renu, Ekhator, Nosakhare N, Strawn, Jeffrey R, Sallee, Floyd R, Baker, Dewleen G, Horn, Paul S, & Geracioti, Thomas D (2009). Low cerebrospinal fluid neuropeptide Y concentrations in posttraumatic stress disorder. Biological psychiatry, 66(7), 705-7.
(1983). A Measure for Peakedness. The American Statistician, 37(1), 55-56.
Morrison, John A, Glueck, Charles J, Horn, Paul S, Yeramaneni, Samrat, & Wang, Ping (2009). Pediatric triglycerides predict cardiovascular disease events in the fourth to fifth decade of life. Metabolism: clinical and experimental, 58(9), 1277-84.
(1983). Some Easy "t"-Statistics. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 78, 930-936.
Burke, Katie T, Horn, Paul S, Tso, Patrick, Heubi, James E, & Woollett, Laura A (2009). Hepatic bile acid metabolism in the neonatal hamster: expansion of the bile acid pool parallels increased Cyp7a1 expression levels. American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology, 297(1), G144-51.
with Hogg, R.V., & Lenth, R.V. (1983). On Adaptive Estimation. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 9, 333-343.
Morrison, John A, Glueck, Charles J, Horn, Paul S, Schreiber, George B, & Wang, Ping (2009). Homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance*body mass index interactions at ages 9 to 10 years predict metabolic syndrome risk factor aggregate score at ages 18 to 19 years: a 10-year prospective study of black and white girls. Metabolism: clinical and experimental, 58(3), 290-5.
(1985). Back-to-Back Mixtures of Discrete Distributions. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 11, 267-276.
Heppner, Pia S, Crawford, Eric F, Haji, Uzair A, Afari, Niloofar, Hauger, Richard L, Dashevsky, Boris A, Horn, Paul S, Nunnink, Sarah E, & Baker, Dewleen G (2009). The association of posttraumatic stress disorder and metabolic syndrome: a study of increased health risk in veterans. BMC medicine, 7, 1.
(1985). On Borrowing Spread from Auxiliary Samples in the One-Sample Problem. Communications in Statistics, A14(12), 3107-3124.
Biro, Frank M, Huang, Bin, Morrison, John A, Horn, Paul S, & Daniels, Steven R (2010). Body mass index and waist-to-height changes during teen years in girls are influenced by childhood body mass index. The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 46(3), 245-50.
Standridge, Shannon M, Holland, Katherine D, & Horn, Paul S (2010). Cardiac arrhythmias and ictal events within an epilepsy monitoring unit. Pediatric neurology, 42(3), 201-5.
Morrison, John A, Glueck, Charles J, Horn, Paul S, & Wang, Ping (2010). Childhood predictors of adult type 2 diabetes at 9- and 26-year follow-ups. Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine, 164(1), 53-60.
Gilstein, C.Z. (1986). Centralized Inventory When Demand is Uncertain. Proceedings of the Business and Economics Statistics Section of the American Statistical Association 299-303.
McGuire, Jennifer, Herman, James P, Horn, Paul S, Sallee, Floyd R, & Sah, Renu (2010). Enhanced fear recall and emotional arousal in rats recovering from chronic variable stress. Physiology & behavior.
with Schlipf, J.S. (1986). On Generating Subsets of Order Statistics with Applications to Trimmed Means and Means of Trimmings. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 24, 83-97.
Strawn, Jeffrey R, Pyne-Geithman, Gail J, Ekhator, Nosakhare N, Horn, Paul S, Uhde, Thomas W, Shutter, Lori A, Baker, Dewleen G, & Geracioti, Thomas D (2010). Low cerebrospinal fluid and plasma orexin-A (hypocretin-1) concentrations in combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 35(7), 1001-7.
with Schlipf, J.S. (1986). Who's Being Swindled?: A Case for Enlightened Naivete. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 26, 21-36.
Kim, Hee Kyung, Laor, Tal, Horn, Paul S, Racadio, Judy M, Wong, Brenda, & Dardzinski, Bernard J (2010). T2 mapping in Duchenne muscular dystrophy: distribution of disease activity and correlation with clinical assessments. Radiology, 255(3), 899-908.
(1988). Some Results on Pooling. Statistics, 19, 9-14.
(1988). A Biweight Prediction Interval for Random Samples. Journal of the American StatisticalAssociation, 83, 249-256.
with Britton, P.W., & Lewis, D.F. (1988). On the Prediction of a Single Future Observation from a Possibly Noisy Sample. The Statistician, 37, 165-172.
(1988). On the Stochastic Ordering of Absolute Univariate Gaussian Random Variables. Annals of Statistics, 16, 1327-1329.
(1989). On the Prediction of a Future M-Estimator. Communications in Statistics-Simulation, 18, 1155-1167.
(1990). Robust Quantile Estimators for Skewed Populations. Biometrika, 77, 631-636.
(1992). Quasi-Nonparametric Tolerance Regions Based on the Bootstrap. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 21(12), 3351-3367.
Fisher, A. (1994). Robust Prediction Intervals in a Regression Setting. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 17, 129-140.
with Popenoe, D., Morriss III, S., & Norwood, K. (1994). Determination of Alkyl Sulfites and Alkyl Ethoxysulfates in Waste Water Treatment Plant Influents and Effluents and in River Water Using Liquid Chromatography/Ion-Spray Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, 66(10), 1620-1629.
Kafadar, K. (1996). An R2 for Robust Regression. The 1995 Proceedings of the Section on Quality and Productivity of the American Statistical Association 10-13.
with Pesce, A.J., & Copeland, B. (1998). A Robust Approach to Reference Interval Estimation and Evaluation. Clinical Chemistry, 44(3), 622-631.
with Pesce, A. J., & Copeland, B. (1999). Reference Interval Estimation Using Robust vs. Parametric and Nonparametric Analyses. Clinical Chemistry, 45(12), 2284-2285.
with Lee, K.H., & Wolfe, D.A. (1999). A Rank-Based Contingency Table Approach to Testing for Equality of Treatment-Effect Patterns for Several Groups. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 11, 287-305.
with McConihay, J.A., & Woollett, L.A. (2001). The Effect of Maternal Hypercholesterolemia on Fetal Sterol Metabolism in the Golden Syrian Hamster. Journal of Lipid Research, 42, 1111-1119.
with Feng, L., Li, Y.M., & Pesce, A.J. (2001). The Effect of Outliers and Non-healthy Individuals on Reference Interval Determination. Clinical Chemistry, 47, 2137-2145.
with Sherman, K.E., & Rouster, S.D. (2002). Comparison of Quantitative HCV RNA Methodologies in Patients Coinfected with Hepatitus C Virus and Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 35, 482-487.
with Miles, M.V., Tang, P.H., Miles, L., Steele, P., Bean, J., & DeGrauw, T. (2002). Single Dose Comparison of the Bioequivalence and Tolerability of Three Coenzyme Q10 Formulations in Healthy Adults. Nutrition Research, 22, 919-929.
with Pesce, A. J. (2002). Effect of Ethnicity of Reference Intervals. Clinical Chemistry, 48, 1802-1804.
with Winhusen, T.M., Somoza, E.G., Singal, B., Kim, K., & Rotrosen, J. (2003). Measuring Outcome in Cocaine Clinical Trials: A Comparison Of Sweat Patches with Urine Toxicology and Participant Self-Report. Addiction, 98, 317-324.
with Degrauw, T., Miles, M.V., Morrison, J., Pesce, A.J., & Tang, P.H. (2003). Coenzyme Q10 Reference Intervals, but not Redox Status, are Affected by Gender and Race in Self-reported Healthy Adults. Clinica Chimica Acta, 332, 123-132.
Eyster, M.E., Sherman, K.E., & Shire, N.J. (2004). Viral Kinetic Modeling in HCV Monoinfected and HCV/HIV Coinfected Hemophiliacs Treated with Pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin. 11TH Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. San Francisco, CA.
with Miles, M., Morrison, J., Tang, P., & Pesce, A.J. (2004). Coenzyme Q10 Changes Are Associated With Metabolic Syndrome. Clinica Chimica Acta, 344, 173-179.
with Wolfe, D.A. (2004). A Rank-Based Goodness-of-Fit Approach to Testing for Non-Additivity in the Two-Way Layout with No Replications. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 46, 357-376.
with Keenan, E.D., Rouster, S.D., Shire, N.J., & Sherman, K.E. (2004). Complexity and Diversity of Hepatitus C Virus RNA in African Americans and Whites: Analysis of the Envelope-Coding Domain. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 190, 511-514.
with Miles, M.V., Tang, P.H., Morrison, J.A., Miles, L., DeGrauw, T., & Pesce, A.J. (2004). Age-related Changes in Plasma Coenzyme Q10 Concentrations and Redox State in Apparently Healthy Children and Adults. Clinica Chimica Acta, 347, 139-144.
with Strawn, J.R., Ekhator, N.N., Baker, D.G., & Geracioti, T.D. (2004). Blood Pressure and Cerebrospinal Fluid Norepinephrine in Combat-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Psychosomatic Medicine, 66, 758-760.
with Zucker, S.D., & Sherman, K.E. (2004). Serum Bilirubin Levels in the U.S. Population: An Analysis of the NHANES III Survey. Hepatology, 40, 827-835.
with Sherman, K.E., Shire, N.J., Rouster, S.D., Peters, M.G., Koziel, M.J., & Chung, R.T. (2005). Viral Kinetic in Hepatitis C or Hepatitis C/Humin Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Patients. Gastroenterology, 128, 313-327.
with Miles, L., Miles, M.V., Tang, P.H., Wong, B., DeGrauw, T., Morehart, P.J., & Bovea, K.E. (2005). Muscle Coenzyme Q: A Potential Test for Mitochondrial Activity and Redox Status. Pediatric Neurology, 32, 318-324.
with Baker, D.G., Ekhator, N.N., Kasckow, J.W., Dashevsky, B., Bednarik, L., & Geracioti, T.D. (2005). Higher Levels of Basal Serial CSF Cortisol in Combat Veterans With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. The American. Journal of Psychiatry, 162, 992-994.
with Miles, L., Miles, M.V., Tang, P.H., Quinlan, J.G., Wong, B., Wenisch, A., & Bovea, K.E. (2005). Ubiquinol: A Potential Biomarker for Tissue Energy Requirements and Oxidative Stress. Clinica Chimica Acta, 360, 87-96.
Eyster, M.E., Sherman, K.E., & Shire, N.J. (2005). Viral Kinetic Parameters and Treatment Response in HIV/HCV Coinfected vs. HCV Infected Hemophiliacs. 12TH Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. Boston, MA.
with Geracioti, T., Carpenter, L., Owens, M., Ekhator, N., Sanacora, G., Kinkea, B., Price, L., & Nemeroff, C. (2006). Elevated Cerebrospinal Fluid Substance P Concentrations in Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Major Depression. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 163, 1-7.
Miles, M.V., Patterson, B.J., Schapiro, M.B., Hickey, F.J., Chalfonte-Evans, M., Horn, P.S., & Hotze, S. (2006). Coenzyme Q10 absorption and tolerance in children with Down syndrome: a dose-ranging trial. Pediatric Neurology, 35, 30-37.
Mazzella, F.M., Smith, D.S., Horn, P.S., Cotelingam, J.D., Rector, J.T., Shrit, M.A., Pesce, A.J., & Schumacher, H.R. (2006). Prognostic Significance of Pronormoblasts in Eryhtocyte Predominant Myelodysplastic Patients. The American Journal of Hematology, 81, 484-491.
Shire, N.J., Horn, P.S., Rouster, S.D., Dericks, S., Eyster, M.E., & Sherman, K.E. (2006). HCV Kinetics, Quasispecies, and Clearance in Treated HCV-Infected and HCV/HIV-1-Coinfected Hemophiliacs. Hepatology, 44, 1146 – 1157.
Winhusen, T., Somoza, E., Singal, B.M., Harrer, J., Apparaju, S., Mezinskis, J., Desai, P., Elkashef, A., Chiang, C.N., & Horn, P. (2006). Methylphenidate and Cocaine: A Placebo-Controlled Drug Interaction Study. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 85, 29-38.
Neuromagnetic evidence of impaired cortical auditory processing in pediatric intractable epilepsy. M Korostenskajaa, M Pardosa, H Fujiwaraa, TM Kujalac, P Horn, D Rose, A Byars, D Browne, JH Seo, Y Wang, J Vannest, J Xiang, T DeGrauw, R Näätänenb, and KH Lee. Epilespy Research 2010; 92(1): 63-73.
Reference intervals: A novel approach to detect drug abuse in a pain patient population. A Pesce, C West, R West, B Crews, C Mikel, P Almazan, M Rosenthal, and PS Horn. Journal of Opioid Management, 2010; 6(5): 341-350.
Paradoxically high adiponectin and the healthy obese phenotype in obese black and white 16-year-old girls. JA Morrison, CJ Glueck, S Daniels, P Wang P, PS Horn, and D Stroop. Translational research : the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine 2010;156(5): 302-308.
High sensitivity C reactive protein: associatoins with cardiovascular risk factors and tracking in female adolescents and young adults. J Morrrison, C Glueck, S Daniels, P Wang, D Stroop, and P Horn. ISRN Pediatrics 2011; Article ID 707206, 9 pages.
Multimodality imaging in the surgical treatment of children with non-lesional epilepsy. JH Seo, K Holland, D Rose, L Rozhkov, H Fujiwara, A Byars, T Arthur, T DeGrauw, JL Leach, MJ Gelfand, L Miles, FT Mangano, P Horn, and KH Lee. Neurology, 2011; 76(1): 41-48.
Impaired auditory information processing during acute migraine: a magnetoencephalography study. M Korostenskaja, M Pardos, T Kujala, DF Rose, D Brown, P Horn, Y Wang, H Fujiwara, J Xiang, MA Kabbouche, SW Powers, and AD Hershey. International Journal of Neurosciences, 2011; 121(7): 355-365.
Effects of risperidone and paliperidone pretreatment on locomotor response following prenatal immune activation. NM Richtand, R Ahlbrand, P Horn, K Stanford, SL Bronson, and RK McNamara. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2011; 45: 1194-1201
Neuromagnetic measures of word processing in bilinguals and monolinguals. Y Wang, J Xiang, J Vannest, T Holroyd, D Narmoneva, P Horn, Y Liu, D Rose, T deGrauw, S Holland. Clinical Neurophysiology 2011; 122(9):1706-1717.
Acquired coenzyme Q10 deficiency in children with recurrent food intolerance and allergies. MV Miles, PE Putnam, L Miles, PH Tang, AJ DeGrauw, BL Wong, PS Horn, HL Foote, and ME Rothenberg. Mitochondrian 2011; 11(1): 127-135.
Scalp EEG does not predict hemispherectomy outcome. HM Greiner, YD Park, PS Horn, K Holland, AW Byars, FT Mangano, JR Smith, MR Lee, and KH Lee. Seizure – European Journal of Epilepsy, 2011; 20(10): 758-763.
Percent body fat and chronic disease risk factors in U.S. children and youth. S Going, T Lohman, E Cussler, D Williams, JA Morrison, and PS Horn. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2011; 41(4): S77-S86.
Enzyme inducing antiepileptic drugs are associated with mitochondrial proliferation and increased cytochrome c oxidase activity in muscle of children with epilepsy. MV Miles, L Miles, PS Horn, and T deGrauw. Epilepsy Research 2012; 98: 76-87.
Importance of skeletal muscle light microscopical mitochondrial subsarcolemmal aggregates in respiratory chain deficiency: a quantitative approach. L Miles, MV Miles, PS Horn, AT Degrauw, BL Wong, KE Bove. Human Pathology 2012; 43: 1249-1257.
A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, crossover, add-on study of CoEnzyme Q10 in the prevention of pediatric and adolescent migraine. SK Slater, TD Nelson, MA Kabbouche, SL LeCates, P Horn, A Sagers, P Manning, SW Powers, and AD Hershey. Cephalagia, 2011; 31(8): 897-905.
Illicit drug use in the pain patient population decreases with continued drug testing. A Pesce, C West, M Rosenthal, C Mikel, R West, B Crews, P Almazan, S Latyshev, and PS Horn. Pain Physician, 2011; 14(2): 189-193.
Individual differences in maternal response to immune challenge predict offspring behavior. SL Bronson, R Ahlbrand, PS Horn, JR Kern, and NM Richtand. Behavioral Brain Research, 2011; 220(1): 55-64.
Early clinical indicators of developmental outcome in abusive head trauma. MV Greiner, AP Lawrence, P Horn, AJ Newmeyer, and KL Makoroff. Child’s Nervous System, 2012; 28(6): 889-896
Genomic expression patterns in menstrually-related migraine in adolescents. AD Hershey, PS Horn, MA Kabbouche, HL O’Brien, and SW Powers. Headache:The Journal of Head and Face Pain, 2012; 52(1): 68-79.
Determinants of ApoB, ApoA1, and the ApoB/ApoA1 ratio in healthy schoolgirls, prospectively studied from mean ages 10 to 19 years: The Cincinnati National Growth and Health Study. JA Morrison, CJ Glueck, S Daniels, PS Horn, P Wang. Metabolism 2012; 61(10): 1377-1387.
Fluoxetine and aripiprazole treatment following prenatal immune activation exert longstanding effects on rat locomotor response. NM Richtand, R Ahlbrand, P Horn, R Tambyraja, MM Grainger, SL Bronson, RK McNamara. Physiology & Behavior 2012; 106(2): 171-177
Variations in Hospitalization Outcomes in Children Admitted With Seizures Between 2003 and 2006. SM Standridge and PS Horn. Journal of Child Neurology 2012; 27(7): 898-906.
Effects of prenatal immune activation and peri-adolescent stress on amphetamine-induced conditioned place preference in the rat. NM Richtand, R Ahlbrand, PS Horn, B Chambers, J Davis, S Benoit. Psychopharmacology 2012; 222(2): 313-324.
Nonconvulsive status epilepticus: the encephalopathic pediatric patient. HM Greiner, K Holland, JL Leach, PS Horn, AD Hershey, and DF Rose. Pediatrics, 2012; 129(3): e748-e755.
Obstructive sleep apnea and primary snoring in children with epilepsy. S Jain, PS Horn, N Simakajornboon, and T Glauser. Journal of Child Neurology 2013; 28(1), 77-82.
Evidence for involvement of nitric oxide and GABAB receptors in MK-801-stimulated release of glutamate in rat prefrontal cortex. NL Roenker, GA Gudelsky, R Ahlbrand, PS Horn, and NM Richtand. Neuropharmacology 2012; 63: 575-581.
mRNA blood expression patterns in new onset idiopathic pediatric epilepsy. H Greiner, PS Horn, K Holland, J Collins, AD Hershey, and TA Glauser. Epilepsia 2013; 54(2): 272-279.
Cigarette smokers have reduced risk for post-dural puncture headache. HS Dodge, NN Ekhator, L Jefferson-Wilson, M Fischer, I Jansen, PS Horn, WE Hurford, TD Geracioti. Pain Phyician 2013; 16: E25-E30.
Aberrant neuromagnetic activation in motor cortex in children with acute migraine: a magnetoencephalography study. X Guo, J Xiang, Y Wang, H O’Brien, M Kabbouche, P Horn, SW Powers, AD Hershey. PLoS ONE 2012; 7(11): e50095, 1-8.
Invited Publication
Defining, Establishing, and Verifying Reference Intervals in the Clinical Laboratory; Approved Guideline—Third Edition, Horowitz, GL, Altaie, S, Boyd, JC, Ceriotti, F, Garg, U, Horn, P, Pesce, A, Sine, HE, and Zackowski, J. CLSI document C28-A3. Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; 2008.
with Pesce, A.J. (2003). Reference Intervals: An Update. Clinica Chimica Acta, 334, 5-23.
with Wolfe, D.A. (2004). Extending Comtet's Decomposability of Integer Permutations. Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 20(1), 25-29.
Published Abstract
Bioequivalence of Three Coenzyme Q10 Formulations in Healthy Adults, with M. Miles, P. Tang, L. Miles, P Steele, J. Bean, and T. DeGrauw. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2001, Vol. 41, 1024.
Reference intervals for coenzyme Q10 in self-reported healthy adults, with T. Degrauw, M.V. Miles, J. Morrison, A.J. Pesce, and P.H. Tang. Clinical Chemistry, 2003;49(Suppl):A141-A142.
HCV RNA Quasispecies Evolution Associated with End Stage Liver Disease in a Longitudinal Cohort of HCV and HCV/HIV Infected Hemophilics, with E.Eyster, J. Goedert, E.D. Keenan, M. Koziel,H. Qin, S.D. Rouster SD, and K.E. Sherman. Gastroenterlolgy, 2003; 124(4): 251.
Modeling HCV Viral Kinetic Response to PEG-IFN/Ribavirin in HCV/HIV Coinfected Patients, with R.T. Chung, B. Israel, M.J. Koziel, M.G. Peters, S.D. Rouster, and K.E. Sherman. Hepatology, 2003; 38(4):315
Coenzyme Q10 Associations With Metabolic Syndrome, with M. Miles, J. Morrison, P. Tang, and A.J. Pesce. Clinical Chemistry, 2004;50(Suppl):A60. Distinguished Abstract Award given by the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry.
Language impairment is associated with decreased plasma coenzyme Q10 levels in children with Down syndrome, Patterson BJ, Chalfonte-Evans M, Miles MV, Hickey F, Schapiro M, Horn P, Hotze S. Down Syndrome Quarterly, 2006; 8(1):105.
Muscle Coenzyme Q10 Predicts Abnormal Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Enzyme Activity in Children, Miles L, Tang PH, Bove KE, Horn PS, Morehart P, Wong B, deGrauw T, Miles MV. Laboratory Investigation 2007; 87(Suppl 1):313A.
Factors associated with decreased muscle coenzyme Q10 in adults with and without previous statin treatment and myopathy, Reynolds JP, Miles L, Kendler A, Tang PH, Horn PS, Miles MV. Modern Pathology 2008;21(Suppl 1): 322A-323A.
Systematic evaluation of muscle coenzyme Q10 content in children with mitochondrial respiratory chain deficiencies, Miles MV, Miles L, Tang PH, Horn PS, Steele PE, DeGrauw AJ, Wong BL, Bove KE. Mitochondrion 2009;9:61-62.
Quantitation of large subsarcolemmal mitochondrial aggregates improves specificity for diagnosis of mitochondriopathy in children, Miles L, Bove KE, Horn PH, Miles MV. Laboratory Investigation 2009;89 (Suppl 1):333A.
Developmental Exposure to Stress and Amphetamine Following Prenatal Immune Activation, Richtand NM, Ahlbrand R, Horn PS, Kern JR, and Bronson, SL. Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology 48: (2009).
Stress following prenatal immune activation alters behavioral response to amphetamine, Bronson SL, Ahlbrand R, Horn PS, Kern J, and Richtand, NM. Society for Neuroscience, 2009.
Pharmacological intervention on a moving target: animal models with developmental relevance to schizophrenia, Richtand NM, Ahlbrand R, Horn PS, Stanford K, Tambyraja R, McNamara RK, and Gudelsky, GA. International Congress On Schizophrenia Research 2009; Schizophrenia Research.
M. Miles, P. Tang, L. Miles, P Steele, J. Bean, & T. DeGrauw (2001). Bioequivalence of Three Coenzyme Q10 Formulations in Healthy Adults [Abstract]. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 41, 1024.
T. Degrauw, M.V. Miles, J. Morrison, A.J. Pesce, & P.H. Tang (2003). Reference intervals for coenzyme Q10 in self-reported healthy adults [Abstract]. Clinical Chemistry, 49, A141-A142.
E.Eyster, J. Goedert, E.D. Keenan, M. Koziel, H. Qin, S.D. Rouster SD, & K.E. Sherman (2003). HCV RNA Quasispecies Evolution Associated with End Stage Liver Disease in a Longitudinal Cohort of HCV and HCV/HIV Infected Hemophilics [Abstract]. Gastroenterlolgy, 124(4), 251.
R.T. Chung, B. Israel, M.J. Koziel, M.G. Peters, S.D. Rouster, & K.E. Sherman (2003). Modeling HCV Viral Kinetic Response to PEG-IFN/Ribavirin in HCV/HIV Coinfected Patients [Abstract]. Hepatology, 38(4), 315.
M. Miles, J. Morrison, P. Tang, & A.J. Pesce (2004). Coenzyme Q10 Associations With Metabolic Syndrome [Abstract]. Clinical Chemistry, 50, A60.
Patterson BJ, Chalfonte-Evans M, Miles MV, Hickey F, Schapiro M, Horn P, Hotze S. (2006). Language impairment is associated with decreased plasma coenzyme Q10 levels in children with Down syndrome [Abstract]. Down Syndrome Quarterly, 8(1), 105.
Miles L, Tang PH, Bove KE, Horn PS, Morehart P, Wong B, deGrauw T, Miles MV (2007). Muscle Coenzyme Q10 Predicts Abnormal Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Enzyme Activity in Children [Abstract]. Laboratory Investigation, 87, 313A.
Technical Report
The Problem of Simulating Random Configurations Governed by the Gibbs' Ensemble, Reports in Pattern Analysis, Number 49, Brown University, February, 1977.
On Schemes for Borrowing Denominators, Technical Report, Series 2, No. 229, Department of Statistics, Princeton University, June, 1982.
A Rank-Based Interaction-Adjusted Goodness-of-Fit Approach to Testing for Main Effects in a Two-Way Layout, with D.A. Wolfe, Technical Report No. 485, Department of Statistics, The Ohio State University, July, 1992.
Encyclopedia Article
Norman L. Johnson & Samuel Kotz (1985). Pivot and Bi-pivot t-Statistics. In Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences Volume 6, (pp. 750-751). New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Norman L. Johnson & Samuel Kotz (1985). Pivot Depth. In Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences Volume 6, (pp. 751). New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Abdel H. El-Shaarawi & Walter W. Piegorsch (2002). Smoothing. In Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, Vol. 4, (pp. 2014-2020). Chichester: John Wiley and Sons.
Abdel H. El-Shaarawi & Walter W. Piegorsch (2002). Trimming and Winsorizing. In Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, Vol 4., (pp. 2264-2267). Chichester: John Wiley and Sons.
B.C. Arnold, N. Balakrishnan & H.I. Nagaraja (1993). A First Course in Order Statistics. SIAM Review, 525.
R.R. Wilcox (1998). Introduction to Robust Estimation and Hypothesis Testing. Technometrics, 77-78.
Book Chapter
Pesce, A.J. (2005). Statistics in the Pharmaceutical Industry, 3rd Edition. In C.R. Buncher and J.-Y. Tsay (Eds.), Chapter 24:Reference Intervals (Ranges): Distribution-Free Methods vs. Normal Theory Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Receptor binding targets for antipsychotic efficacy, MM Grainger, R Ahlbrand, PS Horn, and NM Richtand (2012). Polypharmacy in Clinical Practice, edited by MS Ritsner. Springer: New York. In Press.
In Press
Magnetoencephalography reveals altered auditory information processing in youth with obsessive compulsive disorder. E Harris, M Korostenskaja, CA Giovanetti, P Horn, Y Wang, D Rose, H Fujiwara, and J Xiang. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 2012.
Effect of traumatic imagery on cerebrospinal fluid dopamine and serotonin metabolites in posttraumatic stress disorder. JR Strawn, L Jefferson-Wilson, NN Ekhator, PS Horn, B Dashevsky, DG Baker, and TD Geracioti. Journal of Psychiatric Research 2013. In Press.
Comparison of the immunogenicity of intramuscular vs. subcutaneous administration of trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in individuals with neuromusculardiseases. M Golekoh, S Hu, A Norman, P Horn, R Brady, B Wong. Journal of Child Neurology 2013.
Invited Presentations
(07-2009. ) Computing Reference Intervals: It’s Easier than You Think .American Association of Clinical Chemistry Annual Meeting, Chicago. Level:Prof. Org.
(07-2004. ) How to Determine Reference Intervals .American Association of Clinical Chemistry Annual Meeting, Los Angeles. Level:Prof. Org.
(09-2007. ) Robust Approaches to Reference Interval Determination .Vanderbilt University, Nashville. Level:University
(02-2007. ) A Robust Approach to Reference Interval Determination .University of Colorado - Denver, Denver. Level:University
(02-2007. ) A Robust Approach to Reference Interval Determination .Medical College of Georgia, Augusta. Level:University
(05-2006. ) Determination of Reference Intervals in Practice .Ohio River Valley Conference (AACC), Indianapolis. Level:Prof. Org.
(04-2006. ) Robust Approaches to Reference Interval Determination .Cleveland Clinic - Department of Quantitative Health Sciences, Cleveland. Level:Department
(10-2005. ) Robust Approaches to Reference Interval Determination .University of Louisville, Louisville. Level:University
Paul S. Horn (09-17-2010. ) Reference Interval Computation under Less than Ideal Conditions .University of Massachusetts - Medical School. Other Institution. . Level:University
(02-2007. ) A Robust Approach to Reference Interval Determination .Medical College of Georgia.
(02-2007. ) A Robust Approach to Reference Interval Determination .University of Colorado, Denver, CO.
(11-2006. ) Generating Subsets of Order Statistics .The Ohio State University.
(05-2006. ) Determination of Reference Intervals in Practice .
(04-2006. ) Robust Approaches to Reference Interval Determination .The Cleveland Clinic Foundation.
(10-2005. ) Robust Approaches to Reference Interval Determination .University of Louisville.
(10-2004. ) Panel Discussion on Undergraduate Education in Statistics .Northern Kentucky University.
(06-29-2004. ) Some Thoughts on Reference Intervals .The Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.
(04-2001. ) Testing for Non-Additivity in the Two-Way Layout with One Observation per Cell: A Rank-Based Approach .Iowa City, IA.
(02-2000. ) Robust Reference Intervals .Cincinnati, Ohio.
(12-1999. ) A Rank-Based Goodness-of-Fit Approach to Testing for Non-Additivity in the Two-Way Layout with One Observation per Cell .University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado.
(08-1999. ) A Rank-Based Goodness-of-Fit Approach to Testing for Non-Additivity in the Two-Way Layout with One Observation per Cell .Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland.
(07-1997. ) Reference Interval Analysis Using: Parametric, Nonparametric, and Robust Approaches .Newport, RI.
(11-1996. ) A Rank-Based Goodness-of-Fit Approach to Testing for Non-Additivity in the Two-Way Layout with no Replications .Cincinnati, OH.
(09-1996. ) Essential Skills, Courses, and Experiences for the Statistician on the Job Market .Oxford, Ohio.
(08-1996. ) Reference Interval Analysis Using: Parametric, Nonparametric, and Robust Approaches .Halifax, Nova Scotia.
(11-1995. ) Reference Intervals in Medicine: Parametric, Nonparametric, and Robust Methods .Battelle Auditorium, Columbus, OH.
(08-1995. ) An R2 for Robust Regression .Orlando, FL.
(06-1992. ) A Rank-Based Goodness-of-Fit Approach to Testing for Non-Additivity in the Two-Way Layout with no Replications .Cincinnati, OH.
(10-1991. ) Quasi-Nonparametric Tolerance Intervals Based on the Bootstrap .Columbus, OH.
(06-1991. ) A Semi-Nonparametric Tolerance Region Based on the Bootstrap .New York City.
(05-1990. ) Robust Prediction for Skewed Distributions .Columbus, OH.
(01-1990. ) Estimating Quantiles Robustly .Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.
(08-1989. ) Robust Quantile Estimators for Skewed Populations .Washington, D.C..
(08-1988. ) On the Prediction of a Future M-Estimator .New Orleans, LA.
(10-1987. ) Robust Prediction Intervals .University of Iowa.
(07-1987. ) On the Prediction of a Single Future Observation from a Possibly Noisy Sample .King's College, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England.
(06-1987. ) Collection and Analysis of Data for Decision Making .Alumni Center, University of Cincinnati.
(08-1986. ) Centralized Inventory When Demand is Uncertain .Chicago, IL.
(08-1985. ) Variance Reduction in Light of CPU Time: Who’s Being Swindled? .Las Vegas, NV.
(08-1984. ) On Borrowing Spread from Auxiliary Samples .Philadelphia, PA.
(01-1984. ) Pooling Denominators .Merrill Dow Pharmaceuticals.
(08-1983. ) Some Easy t-Statistics .Toronto, Canada.
(06-1983. ) On the Error Distribution of Special Services Forecasts .Philadelphia, PA.
(03-1983. ) Modeling Demand for Special Services .University of Iowa.
(01-1983. ) Robust t-Statistics .University of Maryland.
(Statistics Graduate Student Advising ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 01-2011 -12-2011
(Statistics Graduate Student Advising ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 01-2011 -12-2011
(Statistics Graduate Student Advising ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 01-2011 -12-2011
(Statistics Graduate Student Advising ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 01-2011 -12-2011
(Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 01-2011 -12-2011
(Hiring ) Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 01-2011 -03-2011
Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 01-2011 -12-2011
Applied Statistics and Data Analysis
Courses Taught
Contact Information
Academic - Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Ohio, 45229
Phone: 513-636-4222