Nelson Horseman , PhD
Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology
Phone 513-558-3019
Professional Summary
Major Field: Endocrinology and Molecular Biology
Responsibilities: See Sections 7, 8, 9
Research and Practice Interests
The hormonal control of breast development and breast cancer risk are poorly understood, despite decades of active research. The mammary gland is biologically unique in that mammary gland organogenesis occurs postnatally and is controlled primarily by systemic endocrine factors, making it accessible to detailed study. Clinically, breast cancers are the second leading cause of cancer deaths in women, and the rate of breast cancer occurrence has risen steadily for at least 6 decades. The main hormones that appear to determine breast development are estrogen and prolactin.
We knocked out the prolactin gene of mice and discovered that prolactin is required at a stage of development during which precursor cells for the secretory epithelium differentiate from the ducts, which is a critical determinant of breast cancer risk.
The molecular basis of prolactin action is being investigated using both whole animal and cell culture systems, and in animal and human systems. We have cloned prolactin-regulated genes, the prolactin receptor, and several prolactin-activated transcription factors. One current project is focusing on identifying novel molecular correlates of prolactin-induced mammary development.
Our current focus is on identifying genes that act during the earliest stages of mammary gland differentiation. We have used differential hybridization to gene microarrays and suppression subtractive hybridization cloning to discover gener that are specifically regulated by prolactin during mammary gland development. Our studies have identified novel pathways involving matrix protein kinases and monoamine biosythetic enzymes that mediate prolactin actions on breast development and breast physiology.
Research Support
Investigators:Laura Hernandez DOD Breast Cancer Program, Postdoctoral Fellowship Application Involvement of serotonin in breast cancer metastasis to bone. 100,000/yr, 3 years Denied Type:Fellowship
Investigators:Laurie Nommsen-Rivers, P.I; Karen A. Gregerson, co-PI; Nelson D. Horseman, co-PI CSTA T1 Translational grant Anti-depressant therapy in breastfeeding mothers. Role:Co-PI 100,000/yr, 2 yrs Type:Grant
2009 USDA Mechanisms of homeostasis in bovine lactation. 350,000, total (2 year) Active Type:Grant
Investigators:Amy Dugan, PI; Nelson D. Horseman, Co-I Shriners Hospitals for Children Anxiolytic drug effects following burn and psychogenic stress. Role:Co-I Active Type:Grant
Grant: #? Investigators:Karen Gregerson, P.I., N.D. Horseman, Co-I, A.R. Buckley, Co-I 08-2010 -2012 D.O.D CDMRP Breast Cancer Research Program Humanized models for pre-clinical studies of breast cancer. Role:Co-I $150K/annum Pending Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #1R01CA136801-01 Investigators:Nelson D. Horseman, P.I. NCI Control of Bone Metastasis Role:P.I. Denied Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #09-01-A0-S2-E2 Investigators:Horseman, Nelson 12-01-2000 -11-30-2001 Charlotte Geyer Foundation Breast Development and Cancer Role:PI $100,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #R01-DK-52134 Investigators:Horseman, Nelson 07-01-2002 -05-31-2008 National Inst of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease Genetic and Biochemical Dissection of Prolactin Actions Role:PI $2,179,257.97 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #5-R01-DK-52134-04-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Horseman, Nelson 06-01-1998 -06-30-2002 National Inst of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease Genetic and Biochemical Dissection of Prolactin Actions Role:PI $1,174,515.00 Closed Level:Federal
Investigators:Horseman, Nelson 06-20-1999 -11-05-2001 AviGenics, Incorporated Chicken FABP Promotor Role:PI $135,810.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #2007-35206-17898 Investigators:Horseman, Nelson 02-01-2007 -01-31-2009 Department of Agriculture Mechanisms of Homeostasis in Bovine Lactation Role:PI $333,204.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #W81XWH-06-1-0635 Investigators:Horseman, Nelson 07-17-2006 -08-16-2007 Department of the Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity Evolution of Serotonin Signaling in Breast Cancer Role:PI $115,125.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #Shriners 8520 Investigators:Gregerson, Karen; Horseman, Nelson; Ogle, Cora 01-08-2008 -12-31-2008 Shriners Hospitals for Children - Cincinnati Shrine Physiology 2008 Consulting Agreements Role:PI $247,589.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #235-433 Investigators:Horseman, Nelson 07-01-2007 -06-30-2012 Ohio Board of Regents Economic Growth Challenge/Innovation Incentive Program in Translational Application of UC Cardiopulmonary Research Role:PI $1,250,000.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #2009-35206-05178 Investigators:Horseman, Nelson 03-01-2009 -02-28-2011 Department of Agriculture Mechanisms of Homeostasis in Bovine Lactation Role:PI $350,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #1006754 Investigators:Babcock, George; Dugan, Amy; Horseman, Nelson 01-01-2009 -12-31-2009 Shriners Hospitals for Children - Cincinnati Shrine Physiology 2009 Consulting Agreements Role:Collaborator $175,036.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #W81XWH-10-1-0515 Investigators:Buckley, Arthur; Gregerson, Karen; Horseman, Nelson 09-01-2010 -09-30-2012 Department of the Army Human-Compatible Animal Models for Preclinical Research on Hormones in Breast Cancer Role:Collaborator $588,750.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #2001180927 Investigators:Horseman, Nelson 04-18-2011 -04-17-2012 Johns Hopkins University The Regulation of Endocrine Parathyroid Hormone-Related Peptide Role:PI $24,492.00 Closed Level:Institution of Higher Education
Peer Reviewed Publications
Horseman, Nelson D; Hernandez, Laura L (2014. ) New concepts of breast cell communication to bone.Trends in endocrinology and metabolism: TEM, , 25 (1 ) ,34-41 More Information
Horseman, Nelson D; Gregerson, Karen A (2014. ) Prolactin actions.Journal of molecular endocrinology, , 52 (1 ) ,R95-106 More Information
Christensen, Heather R; Murawsky, Michael K; Horseman, Nelson D; Willson, Tara A; Gregerson, Karen A (2013. ) Completely humanizing prolactin rescues infertility in prolactin knockout mice and leads to human prolactin expression in extrapituitary mouse tissues.Endocrinology, , 154 (12 ) ,4777-89 More Information
Marshall, Aaron M; Hernandez, Laura L; Horseman, Nelson D (2013. ) Serotonin and Serotonin Transport in the Regulation of Lactation.Journal of mammary gland biology and neoplasia, , More Information
Lemay, Danielle G; Ballard, Olivia A; Hughes, Maria A; Morrow, Ardythe L; Horseman, Nelson D; Nommsen-Rivers, Laurie A (2013. ) RNA sequencing of the human milk fat layer transcriptome reveals distinct gene expression profiles at three stages of lactation.PloS one, , 8 (7 ) ,e67531 More Information
Chen, Chien-Chung; Stairs, Douglas B; Boxer, Robert B; Belka, George K; Horseman, Nelson D; Alvarez, James V; Chodosh, Lewis A (2012. ) Autocrine prolactin induced by the Pten-Akt pathway is required for lactation initiation and provides a direct link between the Akt and Stat5 pathways.Genes & development, , 26 (19 ) ,2154-68 More Information
Collier, R J; Hernandez, L L; Horseman, N D (2012. ) Serotonin as a homeostatic regulator of lactation.Domestic animal endocrinology, , 43 (2 ) ,161-70 More Information
Neville, Margaret C; Anderson, Steven M; McManaman, James L; Badger, Thomas M; Bunik, Maya; Contractor, Nikhat; Crume, Tessa; Dabelea, Dana; Donovan, Sharon M; Forman, Nicole; Frank, Daniel N; Friedman, Jacob E; German, J Bruce; Goldman, Armond; Hadsell, Darryl; Hambidge, Michael; Hinde, Katie; Horseman, Nelson D; Hovey, Russell C; Janoff, Edward; Krebs, Nancy F; Lebrilla, Carlito B; Lemay, Danielle G; MacLean, Paul S; Meier, Paula; Morrow, Ardythe L; Neu, Josef; Nommsen-Rivers, Laurie A; Raiten, Daniel J; Rijnkels, Monique; Seewaldt, Victoria; Shur, Barry D; VanHouten, Joshua; Williamson, Peter (2012. ) Lactation and neonatal nutrition: defining and refining the critical questions.Journal of mammary gland biology and neoplasia, , 17 (2 ) ,167-88 More Information
Hernandez, Laura L; Gregerson, Karen A; Horseman, Nelson D (2012. ) Mammary gland serotonin regulates parathyroid hormone-related protein and other bone-related signals.American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism, , 302 (8 ) ,E1009-15 More Information
Hernandez, Laura L; Grayson, Bernadette E; Yadav, Ekta; Seeley, Randy J; Horseman, Nelson D (2012. ) High fat diet alters lactation outcomes: possible involvement of inflammatory and serotonergic pathways.PloS one, , 7 (3 ) ,e32598 More Information
Hernandez, L L; Collier, J L; Vomachka, A J; Collier, R J; Horseman, N D (2011. ) Suppression of lactation and acceleration of involution in the bovine mammary gland by a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.The Journal of endocrinology, , 209 (1 ) ,45-54 More Information
Pai, Vaibhav P; Horseman, Nelson D (2011. ) Multiple cellular responses to serotonin contribute to epithelial homeostasis.PloS one, , 6 (2 ) ,e17028 More Information
Marshall, Aaron M; Nommsen-Rivers, Laurie A; Hernandez, Laura L; Dewey, Kathryn G; Chantry, Caroline J; Gregerson, Karen A; Horseman, Nelson D (2010. ) Serotonin transport and metabolism in the mammary gland modulates secretory activation and involution.The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, , 95 (2 ) ,837-46 More Information
Dugan, Amy L; Gregerson, Karen A; Neely, Alice; Gardner, Jason; Noel, Greg J; Babcock, George F; Horseman, Nelson D Mice treated with a benzodiazepine had an improved survival rate following Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection.Journal of burn care & research : official publication of the American Burn Association, , 31 (1 ) ,1-12 More Information
Hernandez, Laura L; Limesand, Sean W; Collier, Jayne L; Horseman, Nelson D; Collier, Robert J (2009. ) The bovine mammary gland expresses multiple functional isoforms of serotonin receptors.The Journal of endocrinology, , 203 (1 ) ,123-31 More Information
Marshall, Aaron M; Pai, Vaibhav P; Sartor, Maureen A; Horseman, Nelson D (2009. ) In vitro multipotent differentiation and barrier function of a human mammary epithelium.Cell and tissue research, , 335 (2 ) ,383-95 More Information
Pai, Vaibhav P; Marshall, Aaron M; Hernandez, Laura L; Buckley, Arthur R; Horseman, Nelson D (2009. ) Altered serotonin physiology in human breast cancers favors paradoxical growth and cell survival.Breast cancer research : BCR, , 11 (6 ) ,R81 More Information
Pai, Vaibhav P; Horseman, Nelson D (2008. ) Biphasic regulation of mammary epithelial resistance by serotonin through activation of multiple pathways.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 283 (45 ) ,30901-10 More Information
Stull, Malinda A; Pai, Vaibhav; Vomachka, Archie J; Marshall, Aaron M; Jacob, George A; Horseman, Nelson D (2007. ) Mammary gland homeostasis employs serotonergic regulation of epithelial tight junctions.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, , 104 (42 ) ,16708-13 More Information
John, S K P; Jones, O M; Horseman, N; Thomas, P; Howell, R D; Fozard, J B J (2007. ) Inter general practice variability in use of referral guidelines for colorectal cancer.Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland, , 9 (8 ) ,731-5 More Information
Jones, O M; John, S K P; Horseman, N; Lawrance, R J; Fozard, J B J (2007. ) Low anastomotic leak rate after colorectal surgery: a single-centre study.Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland, , 9 (8 ) ,740-4 More Information
Bao, Lei; Tessier, Christian; Prigent-Tessier, Anne; Li, Feixue; Buzzio, Oscar L; Callegari, Eduardo A; Horseman, Nelson D; Gibori, Geula (2007. ) Decidual prolactin silences the expression of genes detrimental to pregnancy.Endocrinology, , 148 (5 ) ,2326-34 More Information
Jones, O M; John, S K P; Horseman, N; Lawrance, R J; Fozard, J B J (2007. ) Cause and place of death in patients dying with colorectal cancer.Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland, , 9 (3 ) ,253-7 More Information
Soares, Michael J; Alam, S M Khorshed; Duckworth, Mary Lynn; Horseman, Nelson D; Konno, Toshihiro; Linzer, Daniel I H; Maltais, Lois J; Nilsen-Hamilton, Marit; Shiota, Kunio; Smith, Jennifer R; Wallis, Michael (2007. ) A standardized nomenclature for the mouse and rat prolactin superfamilies.Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society, , 18 (3 ) ,154-6 More Information
Dugan, Amy L; Schwemberger, Sandy; Noel, Greg J; Babcock, George; Ogle, Cora K; Horseman, Nelson D (2007. ) Psychogenic stress prior to burn injury has differential effects on bone marrow and cytokine responses. Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.), , 232 (2 ) ,253-61
Dugan, Amy L; Schwemberger, Sandy; Noel, Greg J; Babcock, George F; Ogle, Cora K; Buckley, Donna J; Horseman, Nelson D; Gregerson, Karen A (2007. ) Stress and prolactin effects on bone marrow myeloid cells, serum chemokine and serum glucocorticoid levels in mice.Neuroimmunomodulation, , 14 (6 ) ,287-96 More Information
LaPensee, Christopher R; Horseman, Nelson D; Tso, Patrick; Brandebourg, Terry D; Hugo, Eric R; Ben-Jonathan, Nira (2006. ) The prolactin-deficient mouse has an unaltered metabolic phenotype.Endocrinology, , 147 (10 ) ,4638-45 More Information
Obál, Ferenc; Garcia-Garcia, Fabio; Kacsóh, Balint; Taishi, Ping; Bohnet, Stewart; Horseman, Nelson D; Krueger, James M (2005. ) Rapid eye movement sleep is reduced in prolactin-deficient mice.The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, , 25 (44 ) ,10282-9 More Information
Dugan, A L; Malarkey, W B; Schwemberger, S; Jauch, E C; Ogle, C K; Horseman, N D Serum levels of prolactin, growth hormone, and cortisol in burn patients: correlations with severity of burn, serum cytokine levels, and fatality. The Journal of burn care & rehabilitation, , 25 (3 ) ,306-13
Bailey, Jason P; Nieport, Kathryn M; Herbst, Matthew P; Srivastava, Sunil; Serra, Rosa A; Horseman, Nelson D (2004. ) Prolactin and transforming growth factor-beta signaling exert opposing effects on mammary gland morphogenesis, involution, and the Akt-forkhead pathway.Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.), , 18 (5 ) ,1171-84 More Information
Matsuda, Manabu; Imaoka, Tatsuhiko; Vomachka, Archie J; Gudelsky, Gary A; Hou, Zhaoyuan; Mistry, Meenakshi; Bailey, Jason P; Nieport, Kathryn M; Walther, Diego J; Bader, Michael; Horseman, Nelson D (2004. ) Serotonin regulates mammary gland development via an autocrine-paracrine loop. Developmental cell, , 6 (2 ) ,193-203
Dugan, Amy L; Schwemberger, Sandy; Babcock, George F; Buckley, Donna; Buckley, Arthur R; Ogle, Cora K; Horseman, Nelson D (2004. ) Effects of prolactin level on burn-induced aberrations in myelopoiesis.Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 21 (2 ) ,151-9 More Information
Srivastava, Sunil; Matsuda, Manabu; Hou, Zhaoyuan; Bailey, Jason P; Kitazawa, Riko; Herbst, Matthew P; Horseman, Nelson D (2003. ) Receptor activator of NF-kappaB ligand induction via Jak2 and Stat5a in mammary epithelial cells.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 278 (46 ) ,46171-8 More Information
Dorshkind, Kenneth; Welniak, Lisbeth; Gault, Ruth A; Hixon, Julie; Montecino-Rodriguez, Encarnacion; Horseman, Nelson D; Gertner, Joseph M; Murphy, William J (2003. ) Effects of housing on the thymic deficiency in dwarf mice and its reversal by growth hormone administration. Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.), , 109 (2 ) ,197-202
Hou, Zhaoyuan; Srivastava, Sunil; Mistry, Meenakshi J; Herbst, Matthew P; Bailey, Jason P; Horseman, Nelson D (2003. ) Two tandemly linked interferon-gamma-activated sequence elements in the promoter of glycosylation-dependent cell adhesion molecule 1 gene synergistically respond to prolactin in mouse mammary epithelial cells.Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.), , 17 (10 ) ,1910-20 More Information
Tessier, Christian; Prigent-Tessier, Anne; Bao, Lei; Telleria, Carlos M; Ferguson-Gottschall, Susan; Gibori, Gil B; Gu, Yan; Bowen-Shauver, Jennifer M; Horseman, Nelson D; Gibori, Geula (2003. ) Decidual activin: its role in the apoptotic process and its regulation by prolactin.Biology of reproduction, , 68 (5 ) ,1687-94 More Information
Krishnan, Nithya; Thellin, Olivier; Buckley, Donna J; Horseman, Nelson D; Buckley, Arthur R (2003. ) Prolactin suppresses glucocorticoid-induced thymocyte apoptosis in vivo.Endocrinology, , 144 (5 ) ,2102-10 More Information
Naylor, Mathew J; Lockefeer, Jason A; Horseman, Nelson D; Ormandy, Christopher J Prolactin regulates mammary epithelial cell proliferation via autocrine/paracrine mechanism.Endocrine, , 20 (1-2 ) ,111-4 More Information
Matsuda, Manabu; Lockefeer, Jason A; Horseman, Nelson D Aldolase C/zebrin gene regulation by prolactin during pregnancy and lactation.Endocrine, , 20 (1-2 ) ,91-100 More Information
Ormandy, Christopher J; Naylor, Matthew; Harris, Jessica; Robertson, Fiona; Horseman, Nelson D; Lindeman, Geoffrey J; Visvader, Jane; Kelly, Paul A (2003. ) Investigation of the transcriptional changes underlying functional defects in the mammary glands of prolactin receptor knockout mice. Recent progress in hormone research, , 58 ,297-323
Cruz-Soto, Martha E; Scheiber, Michael D; Gregerson, Karen A; Boivin, Gregory P; Horseman, Nelson D (2002. ) Pituitary tumorigenesis in prolactin gene-disrupted mice.Endocrinology, , 143 (11 ) ,4429-36 More Information
Dugan, Amy L; Thellin, Olivier; Buckley, Donna J; Buckley, Arthur R; Ogle, Cora K; Horseman, Nelson D (2002. ) Effects of prolactin deficiency on myelopoiesis and splenic T lymphocyte proliferation in thermally injured mice.Endocrinology, , 143 (10 ) ,4147-51 More Information
Imaoka, Tatsuhiko; Horseman, Nelson D; Lockefeer, Jason A; Mori, Takao; Matsuda, Manabu (2002. ) Cortactin-binding protein 90 (CBP90) expression in the mouse mammary glands during prolactin-induced lobuloalveolar development. Zoological science, , 19 (4 ) ,443-8
Horseman, Nelson D (2002. ) Prolactin receptor diversity in humans: novel isoforms suggest general principles. Trends in endocrinology and metabolism: TEM, , 13 (2 ) ,47-8
Thellin, O; Noel, G; Khurana, S; Ogle, C K; Horseman, N D (2001. ) Stress hormone secretion and gut signal transducer (STAT) proteins after burn injury in rats. Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 16 (5 ) ,393-7
Dorshkind, K; Horseman, N D (2001. ) Anterior pituitary hormones, stress, and immune system homeostasis.BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology, , 23 (3 ) ,288-94 More Information
Hou, Z; Bailey, J P; Vomachka, A J; Matsuda, M; Lockefeer, J A; Horseman, N D (2000. ) Glycosylation-dependent cell adhesion molecule 1 (GlyCAM 1) is induced by prolactin and suppressed by progesterone in mammary epithelium.Endocrinology, , 141 (11 ) ,4278-83 More Information
Ogle, C K; Kong, F; Guo, X; Wells, D A; Aosasa, S; Noel, G; Horseman, N (2000. ) The effect of burn injury on suppressors of cytokine signalling. Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 14 (3 ) ,392-8; discussion 39
Foster, M P; Jensen, E R; Montecino-Rodriguez, E; Leathers, H; Horseman, N; Dorshkind, K (2000. ) Humoral and cell-mediated immunity in mice with genetic deficiencies of prolactin, growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor-I, and thyroid hormone.Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.), , 96 (2 ) ,140-9 More Information
Phelps, C J; Horseman, N D (2000. ) Prolactin gene disruption does not compromise differentiation of tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neurons.Neuroendocrinology, , 72 (1 ) ,2-10 More Information
Dorshkind, K; Horseman, N D (2000. ) The roles of prolactin, growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor-I, and thyroid hormones in lymphocyte development and function: insights from genetic models of hormone and hormone receptor deficiency.Endocrine reviews, , 21 (3 ) ,292-312 More Information
Pratt, S L; Ogle, C K; Mao, J X; Zhao, W; Lovell, G; Horseman, N D (2000. ) Interleukin-6 signal transduction in human intestinal epithelial cells. Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 13 (6 ) ,435-40
Vomachka, A J; Pratt, S L; Lockefeer, J A; Horseman, N D (2000. ) Prolactin gene-disruption arrests mammary gland development and retards T-antigen-induced tumor growth.Oncogene, , 19 (8 ) ,1077-84 More Information
Horseman, N D (1999. ) Citation for the 1999 Gerald D. Aurbach Lecture Award of the Endocrine Society to Dr. James E. Darnell. Endocrine reviews, , 20 (4 ) ,591-2
Gao, J; Horseman, N D (1999. ) Prolactin-independent modulation of the beta-casein response element by Erk2 MAP kinase. Cellular signalling, , 11 (3 ) ,205-10
Horseman, N D (1999. ) Prolactin and mammary gland development. Journal of mammary gland biology and neoplasia, , 4 (1 ) ,79-88
Steger, R W; Chandrashekar, V; Zhao, W; Bartke, A; Horseman, N D (1998. ) Neuroendocrine and reproductive functions in male mice with targeted disruption of the prolactin gene.Endocrinology, , 139 (9 ) ,3691-5 More Information
Pratt, S L; Horseman, N D (1998. ) Identification of two Y-box binding proteins that interact with the promoters of columbid annexin I genes. Gene, , 214 (1-2 ) ,147-56
Horseman, N D; Zhao, W; Montecino-Rodriguez, E; Tanaka, M; Nakashima, K; Engle, S J; Smith, F; Markoff, E; Dorshkind, K (1997. ) Defective mammopoiesis, but normal hematopoiesis, in mice with a targeted disruption of the prolactin gene.The EMBO journal, , 16 (23 ) ,6926-35 More Information
Schuler, L A; Nagel, R J; Gao, J; Horseman, N D; Kessler, M A (1997. ) Prolactin receptor heterogeneity in bovine fetal and maternal tissues.Endocrinology, , 138 (8 ) ,3187-94 More Information
Horseman, N D; Engle, S J; Ralescu, A The logic of signaling from the cell surface to the nucleus. Trends in endocrinology and metabolism: TEM, , 8 (4 ) ,123-9
Gao, J; Hughes, J P; Auperin, B; Buteau, H; Edery, M; Zhuang, H; Wojchowski, D M; Horseman, N D (1996. ) Interactions among Janus kinases and the prolactin (PRL) receptor in the regulation of a PRL response element.Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.), , 10 (7 ) ,847-56 More Information
Gunteski-Hamblin, A M; Song, G; Walsh, R A; Frenzke, M; Boivin, G P; Dorn, G W; Kaetzel, M A; Horseman, N D; Dedman, J R (1996. ) Annexin VI overexpression targeted to heart alters cardiomyocyte function in transgenic mice. The American journal of physiology, , 270 (3 Pt 2 ) ,H1091-100
Horseman, N D (1995. ) Prolactin, proliferation, and protooncogenes.Endocrinology, , 136 (12 ) ,5249-51 More Information
Lai, C F; Ripperger, J; Morella, K K; Wang, Y; Gearing, D P; Horseman, N D; Campos, S P; Fey, G H; Baumann, H (1995. ) STAT3 and STAT5B are targets of two different signal pathways activated by hematopoietin receptors and control transcription via separate cytokine response elements. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 270 (40 ) ,23254-7
Horseman, N D; Buntin, J D (1995. ) Regulation of pigeon cropmilk secretion and parental behaviors by prolactin.Annual review of nutrition, , 15 ,213-38 More Information
Horseman, N D; Yu-Lee, L Y (1994. ) Transcriptional regulation by the helix bundle peptide hormones: growth hormone, prolactin, and hematopoietic cytokines.Endocrine reviews, , 15 (5 ) ,627-49 More Information
Horseman, N D (1994. ) Famine to feast--growth hormone and prolactin signal transducers.Endocrinology, , 135 (4 ) ,1289-91 More Information
Kaetzel, M A; Pula, G; Campos, B; Uhrin, P; Horseman, N; Dedman, J R (1994. ) Annexin VI isoforms are differentially expressed in mammalian tissues. Biochimica et biophysica acta, , 1223 (3 ) ,368-74
Chen, X; Horseman, N D (1994. ) Cloning, expression, and mutational analysis of the pigeon prolactin receptor.Endocrinology, , 135 (1 ) ,269-76 More Information
Gao, Y; Horseman, N D (1994. ) Structural and functional divergences of the columbid annexin I-encoding cp37 and cp35 genes. Gene, , 143 (2 ) ,179-86
Sidis, Y; Horseman, N D (1994. ) Prolactin induces rapid p95/p70 tyrosine phosphorylation, and protein binding to GAS-like sites in the anx Icp35 and c-fos genes.Endocrinology, , 134 (4 ) ,1979-85 More Information
Sidis, Y; Horseman, N D (1993. ) The hinge region of chicken annexin I contains no site for tyrosine phosphorylation. FEBS letters, , 329 (3 ) ,296-300
Uhrin, P; Horseman, N D (1993. ) Regulation of the annexin Icp35 gene in transfected mammary gland cell lines. Biochemistry and molecular biology international, , 30 (2 ) ,305-10
Haigler, H T; Mangili, J A; Gao, Y; Jones, J; Horseman, N D (1992. ) Identification and characterization of columbid annexin Icp37. Insights into the evolution of annexin I phosphorylation sites. The Journal of biological chemistry, , 267 (27 ) ,19123-9
Horseman, N D; Chen, X; Liu, L; Poyet, P; Hitti, Y (1992. ) Cell and species distribution of prolactin-inducible annexin I mRNA. General and comparative endocrinology, , 85 (3 ) ,405-14
Xu, Y H; Horseman, N D (1992. ) Nuclear proteins and prolactin-induced annexin Icp35 gene transcription.Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.), , 6 (3 ) ,375-83 More Information
Hitti, Y S; Horseman, N D (1991. ) Structure of the gene encoding columbid annexin Icp35. Gene, , 103 (2 ) ,185-92
Horseman, N D (1990. ) Hormonal regulation of an avian annexin I gene. Biochemical Society transactions, , 18 (6 ) ,1113-5
Young, K H; Buhi, W C; Horseman, N; Davis, J; Kraeling, R; Linzer, D; Bazer, F W (1990. ) Biological activities of glycosylated and nonglycosylated porcine prolactin. Molecular and cellular endocrinology, , 71 (2 ) ,155-62
Horseman, N D (1989. ) A prolactin-inducible gene product which is a member of the calpactin/lipocortin family.Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.), , 3 (5 ) ,773-9 More Information
Horseman, N D; Hankovich, S (1989. ) A chamber and method which simplify fixing ultrathin sequencing gels. BioTechniques, , 7 (4 ) ,340, 342, 344
Pauly, J R; Horseman, N D (1988. ) Autoradiographic localization of alpha-bungarotoxin binding sites in the suprachiasmatic region of rat brain. Brain research, , 452 (1-2 ) ,105-12
Pauly, J R; Horseman, N D (1988. ) Perturbations of locomotor activity rhythms following suprachiasmatic bungarotoxin infusion. Physiology & behavior, , 43 (6 ) ,859-65
Pukac, L A; Horseman, N D (1987. ) Regulation of cloned prolactin-inducible genes in pigeon crop.Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.), , 1 (2 ) ,188-94 More Information
Pauly, J R; Horseman, N D (1985. ) Anticholinergic agents do not block light-induced circadian phase shifts. Brain research, , 348 (1 ) ,163-7
Horseman, N D; Nollin, L J (1985. ) The mitogenic, but not differentiative, response of crop tissue to prolactin is circadian phase dependent.Endocrinology, , 116 (5 ) ,2085-9 More Information
Pukac, L A; Horseman, N D (1984. ) Regulation of pigeon crop gene expression by prolactin.Endocrinology, , 114 (5 ) ,1718-24 More Information
Horseman, N D; Ehret, C F (1982. ) Glucocorticosteroid injection is a circadian zeitgeber in the laboratory rat. The American journal of physiology, , 243 (3 ) ,R373-8
Horseman, N D; Meier, A H (1979. ) Circadian phase-dependent prolactin mechanisms in hepatic lipogenesis of a teleost. The Journal of endocrinology, , 82 (3 ) ,367-72
Horseman, N D; Meier, A H (1979. ) Circadian-dependent prolactin effects: hepatic RNA metabolism and prostaglandin mediation. General and comparative endocrinology, , 38 (3 ) ,269-74
Ottenweller, J E; Meier, A H; Ferrell, B R; Horseman, N D; Proctor, A (1978. ) Extrapituitary regulation of the circadian rhythm of plasma corticosteroid concentration in rats.Endocrinology, , 103 (5 ) ,1875-9 More Information
Horseman, N D; Meier, A H (1978. ) Prostaglandin the osmoregulatory role of prolactin in a teleost. Life sciences, , 22 (17 ) ,1485-90
Horseman, N D; Meier, A H; Culley, D D (1976. ) Daily variations in the effects of disturbance on growth, fattening, and metamorphosis in the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) tadpole.The Journal of experimental zoology, , 198 (3 ) ,353-8 More Information
Honors and Awards
Hall of Distinguished Alumni Award Highest award of the EKU International Alumni Association. This award is presented to an EKU graduate who has served others, achieved professional prominence, and made significant contributions to society. EKU International Alumni Association Status:Recipient Type:Recognition
Student Advising
Sam Kunkle (Master ) Student Thesis Preceptor
Aaron Marshall (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed
Vaibhav Pai (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed
Laura Hernandez (Postdoctoral ) Supervisor
Vaibhav P. (Postdoctoral ) Supervisor Status:Completed
Lauren Haar (Doctoral ) Lab Rotation Preceptor
Archie Vomachka, Ph.D. (Other ) Status:Completed
(ARPT committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
(SBP Retreat Planning Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
(Search Committee ) Co-Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
(Life Sciences Review Advisory Committee ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:University
(Searle Scholars Review Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College
Prolactin,Transfection,Reporter Gene,Genetic Mapping,Protein Sequence,Western Blotting,Genetic Regulation,DNA Binding Protein,Tissue Cell Culture,Transcription Factor,Genetic Transcription,In Situ Hybridization,Nucleic Acid Sequence,Gel Mobility Shift Assay,Genetic Promoter Element,Polymerase Chain Reaction,Site Directed Mutagenesis,Genetic Regulatory Element,Hormone Regulation Control Mechanism,Breast Cancer,Lactation,Apoptosis,Serotonin,TGF-beta
Professional Affiliation
Invited speaker, Gordon Conference on Mammary Gland Biology
Courses Taught
26-MCP-842 MED PHYSIOLOGY II Endocrinology Block Level:Graduate
Patents and Inventions
12/721,296 Control of Milk Production and Mammary Involution NDH, Robert Collier, Aaron Marshall, Laura Hernandez, Filed Co-Inventor
Contact Information
Academic - Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology
Phone: 513-558-3019